THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSrJFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION E3K3 Many Take Advantage of the First Day's Sa At The Toggery . v. W A A. I "! . Y Y Ia TbAv HAT.m..1. II Bargains in Jtvery ueparimem; 01 iiean, vp-iu-iuic merunanqi tiF , ma m " V V A I Fine Haberdashery, Clothing, Hats, 5hos, JLtc. vlZL (70 AT A SACItlFICE-THE STOltE WILL BE CLEANED VltOM TOP TO BOTTOM, AS WE ANTICIPATE MANY CHANGES FOR THE FUTUIiE. NO RES EH 7 A TIONS MA BE. 4 - TAKKAD.VANTAOK Yours anxious to please, The Toggery RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM FIRST NATIONAL HANK COOS BAY TIMES LESSON OK THE THAOEDV. "TP HE startling nntl snddenlng trn- M. C. MALONEV Editor mid Pub. gedy cnucted nt Coqullle the DAN K. MALONEY News Editor other day nnd the equally (shocking s story of the prevalence of Immoral Entered at tho postomco at Marsh-' lty In that usually peaceful commie old, Oregon, for transmission n,t' fo" II sorl!9 saddening through tho malls as second class Xl, J' r'"!S. '?f. " ........ "i ....-...... w...i. ; married man was guilty or tho hein ous crime that preclpltnted his uii-l timely dentil and other married men are responsible for ruining tho lives or several oung girls in their teens. idi.II matter. Tin: coyuii'i'E tiuoedv. w. ou.vitti JtMMIh fell IO III IHITII ll'UIlB THE TIMES Is n believer In law Uehlnd every one of these wrecks nnd order. It Is a defender of stands some man as tho moving i1iwiiniV- 'Din nrnlKrtlfin nf Mm ClltlBe. Homo is a rtiniiameuiui law or so ciety Tho terrible tragedy enacted In Cnqulllo this week battered down The hOClnl OVll Wilt linvnr III. mnr.ll. If at all, lessened so long as society uueiaios a double Htnndard of puri ty. A man may start a girl or wo tho bulwark of law but tho motlvo " the roud to ruin and yet vim ono that miixt II ml Jimtlllrntlon. H,lll"l ""condemned In his own eyes palliation and extenuation In the ""' K" 8Ct fle f condemnation licnrt of every man who loves IiIh rroin society. Hut the victim of a homo and family. A dishonor Hint ""l'a wickedness and her own Is worse than death awakens tho weakness Is Judged unmercifully chord of jilty In nny breast except imi1 tnr,18t w'- Even when re that of a degenerate. pentant, even when wishing to return A father, with n heart torn with J". y0?a ?Y'?n .?$ ,rov,"K nngulHl, over the wicked wrong do,,.. , f0. J "Si.vTfvo is .r,arorar,u5K s f S, wisi??S? isr.,? .jsjk? .saw: saEaira ,KT F Int.. his own hands and wreaked a j"J' '!d ,""' 'Uip T "'" L 'T just and deserved vengeance. Man I h, t o? their own I ovs" Is too upuiiliriil n word to be iweil , "",", ' , ', Ll, ,,,, , . "? for tho creature who ro.ui.iltte.l this ,f)"Kl J( . 't11ta"1 'f, u ,U "8 8 erlmo upon a young woman who was "' ,"", .Z, tnKUtm t0 nn Inmate of his own homo, a crea- J.". " ' ,'tr '", t,,'or8 rol,on t,.m i.. .i.. n. i i i........ "Ii'lllty for virtue Is tho samo as a dominated and deadened his TZUTmSS. STdoS Therwns'l 'a "."l Jo ' i VdS'vTnv r 0 rC.Penin'.lt extenuating rlrcu.nstanro surround- "m, ' v'" '""", ifJ e8. he Inir It A mnn who should bnvo Iip-'1"1 "fo of bIiu To roIllJr help and conio tlio'protecor' of young' Vo - SJjffl0"!!. t,Lr!nn,!n" TX "'V Hood, became a destroyer. Even '' ' U th ' fl tho, lcll' ' death cannot ntrniP- for the evil . , ,"' ' ' ' ork, of x ', w '. B,': that men do lives ,.ri,.r them." ,, I nf ,rn,,,Uo" mjB tllnt Tho Tin.os im. no desire t conn-1 ''' ',,,B l OI ",mu " "l8 Bvo' tonanre or condone tho Individual i " '?r J, , fe,on co-I,linrt, ' usurpation of law but If over man V f" '' "' .llT1,,,,n" mlncil was justified In his act that man Is "" " l u Klr who w?ul,,1 ,,av? W. H. l'oote. who to.lay oocuplos a , B ' ? ,1,""0,nm,1 wonmnliooil. but felon's cell. It must be a comfort ' ''1, ' "" . ., ' ,nilrt, BOC,ol; " 1"'(,so"t to him to know, as It Is a credit to,,,ouWo B"uulnnl of morality. dip nouor nun maunood or tue em 7.0UR of Coqullle and Coon county, that their swupiithy goes out to him In life's most hying ordeal. Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing By A. r, .IACKSOX OF mil'KMAV .V- rt.AV tilnnn lininn Portland, who will bo In this city for a I fow days. AH work guaranteed. Those wishing work done, drop a ' card to A. E. Jackson, Mnrshlleld. ' Oregon. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry' PHONG MAIN 57-J A Tl'KKISII HTI will do you TIIV POITI.AU HM'EXT IIAXC'E OOI. Phono "H-l ' Siiiiiuliiv nk'ht I O O. V Hall Llbby C'OAIi. Tho kind VOU have UAVAYS I'SEI). PHONG 72 Pacific Llvory & Trnusfor Co. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo aecurod tue livery bust- lot.fl nf T. IT. TfnlRtinr nnil nrn run.. w. . ... ..W..V. H..M M.W t...,- pnred to render oxccilont sorvlco to tho noonlo of Cot- Uav. Cnrufi.l di Ivors, gooa rlss njd ovory thing nat will mean batufactory sorvlce to, tho public. Plion us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In too livery lino. Wo nlso do truck- g uusiness or ail Kinus. iliaNCHARI) HHOTHEHS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service 141 First and Aldor Streots Special Sale Window Draperie This sale includes all one and two pairs lots of lace and Swiss curtiiim All short lengths of drapery from 2 to 8 yards to the piece. All Couch Covers and Portieres are included. Just Exactly One-Fourth Off Cut Price on Rugs Wo have some excellent styles in Scotch KuBs large and small sizes. Some inn- u-iu-ia, uuiy uru.vlMH JV.MlllUSierS. 1 oil call IHIVO Slllllll PHI'S OP lllM mine? ni1 nut oniM " I 'iivo 4iiivi van nau" One-Fourth Off on Each Rug PERRY NICHOLSON Successors to Perry & Montgomery. in A. II. H0D0INS ' T. J. SCAIEE S2 Marshfield Paint ufi Decorating Co. I?Htlmnton r a i;Gii i.tpt n Estimates Furnished MAUSHKIELD. Phono 140L OreKon WANTED ! ! ! PROFESSIONAL OIRECTOKy" T U. E. I: WINKLKIl, Nntiirojiath nnd Chlroiiriictor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Olllco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and C to 8 n. m Naturopath Instltuto Iloom No. 1 No. 130 Drondway, MarsUflold, Ore MHPETS UPHOLSTKIUNO AND HU' G w I'ESME, PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pueumn-1 Ostcojintlilc Pliyslclan tic Cleaning Company. work taken at GOIXa & HAHVGY phong inn Orders foi i Oraduato of tho Amorhan school ol Osteopathy at KIrksville, Mo. Offlce In Eldorado Illk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4' Phono 101-J; Marahtlold; Oregon. t S""t' HD52g r.:nci5K 4w" ' I Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality A. Moaorn Hrlck UulIdlnK, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Eurnlshed RooniL with Hot and Cold Wntor. 11 O T E h .C O OS I C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day nnd Upwards Cor. nroadwny and Market ; Marshflold. Oregon. Ij. V. HENNWTT, LaVor. I )meo over Flanagan & Dennett Dank lurshflold Oregon NOTICE TO llll)l)i:itS. STTES1EXT OK CONDITION Flanagan (b Bennett Bank of MAltSHKIKM), OltECON At tlio close of liuslness, December 5, 1011. UcMuirces. Loans and Discounts .too ro Hanking House !!.'!!".'! 5000000 Cash and Etchangos .!!!!!..!!.!.! 1SL4SM2 Totnl 030,700.10 Llnliilitios. Capital Stock paid In j ro nnn no Surplus and Undivided Profits J1!!'! Do"o8,ts :..::::::::::::: sf6)il T0U1 $050,700.10 IHds to build n 'llnnk rniul wnv between Mnishfleld and Noith Demi wanted. Prlcos per thousand on 100,000 feet, more or lobs, of rough, common morchnntnblo Or lumber freo from lot. throe Inches thick, C, S, 10 or 12 Inches wide and ten feet long and also 2.0 stringers, 10 foot long, del ivered at Poiter Mill, Marshuold Lumber ard or Marshllold Hallroad uepoi. bame to be delivered within thirty days. Albo bids for delivering lumber from nny of points specified nbovo to points on road whero needed. Also bids for laying lumbor In roadway, ton-foot plank being laid on two stringers diagonally to make nlno-foot loadwny, surfaco to bo love with top of ground. Dlds must bo submitted to under signed by 0 o'clock Monday evening. January ia. i'U2. at Norton & Han son s store. Hlsht to reject nny or all bids Is reserved. Reasonablo bonds for porfo-mnnco of latAir eon tracts will bo required. F. P. NORTON. Road Supervisor TMt. J. T. McCORMAO, PhyBlclnn and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. 3fflco: Lockhart Duildlng, opposite Post Offlto Phone 105-J J-H. A. .1. HENDRY'S LJ Modem Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high clnse work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination freo. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phono 112-J. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wnsh tbeso garments cleaner and better than tho work can bo done elsowhoro, and they nro not worn so much. We do not shrink thorn, oven woolen garments are returned the same slzo ns when sent us. We iron tho garments nlmlv. nmv. ordinary repairs freo of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under. wear ready for each week's chantra Dundle yours up with next week'i laundry bundle. MarshfieldHand & Steam Laundrv PHON 220-J ' Why Do We Push Vacuum Cleaners When They Consume So Little Electriciti The modern, dust less, or derly method of cleaning usually demands no more electric current than is required to keep two in candescent lamps burning the same period of time. This fact may surprise those not familiar with the subject. As the cleaning is quickly done, the consumption of electric current is bound to be slight. Why, under these circum stances should our com pany urge people to use electric vacuum cleaners as a means of having sani tary, dustless homes? The answer lies in knowledge that the en electricity has just lies The vacuum cleaner only one of the early ile elonments which are i ing to make electricity ij disncn.mihln I'm dmuestl use (lay as well as niglitj It is nart of our busk to tell people about Jij and prohtable ways utilize electricity. Every vacuum clea& helps us sell a liltle m electricity, but best or i it doinniisti'iifps what1 really useful and mfM a bin fin' i) i i7iii'ii7j; IS II -.w . ,,,i7 III I , ,. 11,. .- the household. That's part of the Story. Our New Business De partment will tell you tho rest. Telephone 178 OREGON POWER CO. Have your Job printing dono Tha Times' offlce. at If you have auythlng to sell, W1 rent, or want help, try a wont - mBmM