THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912; EVENING EDITION tlways TEe Busy Corner" "THE REXALL-STORE" texall Chilblain Remedy fehilblain .Remedy, a certain relict! for thin painful Sfiliciion Unit gives immediate and permanent H s I'n cli nil. This is lull. nun. ol flic fjinmuK IKexall llcinortics" of which there are MO one or eaeh ailment. Obtainable only at this" The IE X ALL Store" Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co., The Busy Corner." NOTICE TO BIDDERS. jLockhari-Parsons Drug Co. I0NE MAIN 298 US Notice la hereby given Hint sealed bids will bo received by the Com mon Council of the City of Mnrsh- Held, Coos County, OroBon, until halt past seven o'clock, Monday, the 15th day of .January, 1012, for the pub Mention of the legnl notlccH of the City or Marshflold during the year 10 12. Such notices to be printed lit a nowspapor of general circulation published In said city, aids tiro to bo nt the rate pur lino and such bids to bo accompanied by n sworn state ment of tho present paid circulation of the paper making the same, .10 UN V. DUTLHR, Rocordor. PERSONAL NOTES C F. McKNIGHT went to Coqulllo o.i a business visit todny. ARE OX VACATION. I U 11 .ramona raver Smoked Salmon 25 CENTS PER POUND SMOKED HALIBUT FANCY 25c PElt LB. BONELESS HEliltrNG flOc PElt LB. FA T NORWAY BLOA TERS 5e E AC If ockfaart's Grocery fO PRIVATE PHONES -d: ANi) 05 The Eugene Ouard says: ."Uon RliiKhnm, who In- been .lth the I'. O. V. survojlng crew In tho oast mountains since the latter part of August, Is In tho city, having como out with the other members of th crow, who nre on a vncotlon." J. 1). (10SS wns doing business Coiiullle during tho day. in 'TiPCMT $mt$ rests on nn artistic foundation of pressed sto;ic. K. PECK was attainting 'to bus lueiis at tho county ront today. T. H. OUKlilN returned- on this morning's train to Myrtle Point. MATT MATTSON of Catching Inlet .ib lit MurahllWd todny on business. JOHN VAN BURGER of Ten MIta ! In Mnrshllo.d on business today. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our itnges loavo Marshflold for Rosoburc at C o'clock ovory roiling and nfford qulckost connections with Southorn Pnclllo tiiwny. Fare 10.00. COOS DAY HOSERUHG STAGE TilNRi OTTO SOHETTKU, Agent, io MARKET AV., Miirshfleld. C. 1. BARNARD, Agent, HOSERUHG, Ore. PHONE 11 Arrived Oil Breakwater 1IU1! Model Dayton Special Bicycle Xo expense lias been spared in building this wheel $ We also curry Dayton Roadster $:t(i.oo CASCADE BICYCLES orkgonia bicycles $:j7..-o .H'VENILE WHEELS JjdM.OO All bicycles eiulpK'd to suit Indivi dual IiiMo nnd gunritutccd for live years. Till .January 1(1, Five Per Cent Oft marked prices. Marshfield Cyclery IMIOXK 1HOK Cor. Front mid Alder Streets EMMCTT PII3KCB of Allegany mndo n business trip to North Uend yesterday. COOS HAY TIDES. .Inutility, JtllU. Ucl w Is given tho time and liiMK.-th of IiIkIi and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In the ordor of occurrence, with their times on tho flrst lino and heights on tho bcc ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indlcnte whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 3-1 minutes. Dato 11 O. V. SHELLY returned overland from a business trip to Sail Francisco. A. II. GAFFNEY of North Uend was n huslucBS'visltor In Mnrshllcld today. 13 14 1.22 l.'o" 2.13 1.8 3.15 2.7 4.17 3.1 8.0G CO 8.50 CO 0.54 CO 10.51 CO 2.10 1.5 3.31 1.1 3.30 1.1 5.41 0.2 8.44 4.1 10.03 3.7 11.24 3.G CIIA8. ROBERTS of Myrtle Point left for his homo city on this morning's train. AUT. BLANCHARD and his brother, Leslie Blnuchnrd, went to Coqull lo on business today. D. HARPER and wlfo returned last ovenlng from a fow weeks' stay In San Francisco, coming up via Bnndon. DU. ItOY 1II3NDRY, who recently went to Portland to celebrate his wedding, roturncd today with his wife on the Bronkwntor. Condensed Statement, of tho condition of ; Tie First National Bank OF COOS MAY at tho Closo of Duslness, Dec. 5, 1011. Resources. ins and Discounts ,; 1220.329.87 ids, Wnrrnnts and Securities 73.101.50 i S. Donds to socuro circulation . 25,000.00 ai Kstnto, l'urnuuro ana Fixtures 81,472.94 ah and Sight Exchango 141,131.98 Total $.130,000.20 Liabilities. jltal stock paid In J100.000.00 rplus and undivided profits 10.797.39 rculatlon, outstanding 25.000.0o posits 414,298.90 Total $550,000.20 INTEREST PAID OX TIME AXI) SAVINGS DEPOSITS. IRSHFIELD OREGON We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for andJDelivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J .MRS. HERBERT II. ROGNRS of Coos Itlver, roturncd today from Sun Francisco where she has spent several months nt tho home of her dnughtcr, Mrs. Molchor Nelson. VM. GRIMES Is reported qulto 111 of la grippe. IIo wont to Coqulllo yesterday to resume Jury sorvlco and suffered tho attack while thcro and wns compelled to return last night. . . THE WEATHER. RE- (Hy Associated Press.) OREGON, .Ian. 11. Rain west and fair east tonight. Friday rain In west and snow In enst. Southwesterly winds, increasing along the const. Xsiiii Smith In. Tho Nanu Smith arrived In this morning from Day Print. Tho Encoro Balled yesterday with n cargo of lumber from North Uend. dipt. Simpson III. Cnpt. A M. Simpson, head of tho Simpson Lum ber company, Is qulto ill at his homo In San Francisco, L. J. Simpson of North Uend, his son, yostordny re ceived n telegram apprising hlni of his fnthor's Illness. Unless his con dition becomes moro critical, Mr. Simpson will not go to San Frnil-Isco. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. m., by IlonJ. Ostllnd, special government ntotcorolo glcal obsorvor: Maximum 57 Minimum . . . .' 38 At 4:00 p. m 40 Precipitation 01 . Wind. Southwest; cloudy. Denies Charges. G. W. Thornclt, who has been keeping tho child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Lady denies tho charges mndo by Lady that tho child was In nny manner mistreated. The child Is three years old. Tho trou hlo grow out of Lady's attempting to take tho child without paying tho board bill. Thornoll says tho child's mother left tho hospital n wcok ago laBt Sunday. Vi.iv Mini Hero. W. C. RelchorS nnd A. II. Fletcher of tho Marshall WoIIb Hnrdwaro company, nrrlvod hero today rrom Portland, Mr. Reich ers doming to take tho place of A. J. Ness who has retired to ongago In nrlvntn lniHlnnss. Roth are bncholors and although Mr. Flotchor will re main hero n short time, J. r. unrri cmn nnii nthors nro Imdstlnir that he bo placed in tho list of ollglblo bachelors. Postpone Meeting. The meeting of the O. A. C. Club, which wns to have been held at tho Ekblad storo this evening, hns been ludoflnltoly postponed. Cnpt. Olson Hack. Cnpt. B. W. Olson roturncd todny on tho Break water from Astoria whoro ho ac companied tho M. S. Dollar. Tho trip wns mndo In lino slutpo. Ho In tended to pilot her outside tho bar hero and return hut Capt. Bondor gnrd of tho tug Columhln, failed to cross out and bring him bnclc. It was very smooth when tho M. S. Dollar crossed out from Coos Bay, tho Bchoonor Echo Hnlllng In over tho bar soon after tho M. S. Dollar got out. MRS. E. ANDERSON nnd two chil dren of Borkoley, Cut,, who hnvo beon visiting nt tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ogron, will leave for their homo Saturday on tho Btcamor Redomlo. MATT ANDERSON from Bunker Hill arrived In tho city yesterday, and Is looking aftor the work of raising the hiilhUngs on his prop erty on South Broadway In nntl clpntlou of tho 1111 thoro. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business, December 6, 1011. Resources. ins and Discounts $422, 312. G8 aklng House 50,000.00 Bh und Exchanges 184,480.42 Total $050,700.10 Liabilities. iltal Stock paid In ' I 50,000.00 rplus and Undivided Fronts 58,531.57 ;)0slt3 . . , , 548,207.53 Total $050,700.10 Splendid iuilding Lot feet on corner In West Bhlleld High level ground good buy $2,000.00 Kaufman & Co. 177 Front St. f. A. Richards TEACnER OF TIANO. voice culture. Appointment I to 2 o'ploolr. jjllcanta call at Studio, Sengs- BIdg,, 130 Broadway. Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDEXCF. WIRED FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 337-J Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL JCINDS OF HAT WORK. ROSS & PINEGOR, 256 Central avenue Phone 250X BlancharcTs Livery Wo havo tecurou ciio Ilvory bust iebs of L. II. llolsuei nnd aro pm purcd to render excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Cot Bay. Cnruful dt Ivors, gooa rlss Jd everything hat will moan bntlufactory sorvlco to tho public. Phone us for n driving horso, a rig or anything needod in tbo livery lino. Wo also do tru,ck g buslnoss of ll kinds. iSLANCHAHD BROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Snles Service. 141 First nd Alder Streots WANT ADS. WANTED A wnltivhH. Atldrohs P.O. Box 792. FOR RENT Sixteen room house cIobo In. Modern conveniences. Rensonnhlo rent. Seo Ivy Condron. FOR SALE White Family Rotary sowing mnchlno. Prnctlcnlly now. Address "Z," caro Times' offlco. F. M. FR1EDBERG nnd wifo, who have been spending sovornl months in California, returned on the Ro il otulo todny. Mr. Frledborg's berg's health is much Improved, greatly to tho grntlllcntlou of his frlonds here. LeuvcN lliisplinl. Alex McKay, who nttomptcd to commit suicide Sundny by slashing his throat, has recovered sulllclcutly to leave tho hospital nnd will return to Mnrshllcld this afternoon. Mret at Plat It. Tho Indies or St. Mary's Altar aulld of North Bond will meet Saturday afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. L. D. Klnnoy In Pint B. All mcmbcrH nnd persons Inter ested nre Invited to attend. In Initiated. Dan Kontlng was ini tiated by tho Marshflold Lodgo of Elks last ovonlng, tho nntlors being fitted In royal stylo under the spo clal direction of Geo. Rotnor and other friends. Following tho Initia tion, n llttlo social session was on Joycd. A foaturo of this was a six round bout botweon "Kid" Stafford nnd "Hustler" Johnson, J. W. Hll denbrund being Stafford's second nnd 13. H. Fish nctlng for Mr. Johnson. H. J. McDInrmld of Bnndon was ro-forco. New Citizens. Emit Gldmnrk, Abel Eugstrom and Emit Eugstrom wont to Coqulllo today to obtain their first citizen pnpors. Thoy nro threo popular young Swedish boys residing on Bunker Hill. M. W. MAHONEY of Toppcnlsh. Wash., arrived hero today to visit his sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, and Miss Mnmlo Mnhoney. It has been seventeen yonrs since ho nnd Mrs. Adams met nnd the reu nion wns n most joyous one. Ho has boon In Curry county buying timber. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For tho balanco of tho winter, thoro will bo n boat at tho O'Kclly lauding that can bo chartered day or night. J. A. O'KELLY. Prop. City Auto Service Good Cnrs, Careful Drivers and rensonnhlo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phono 40. BARKERS GOODALE. Proprietors. WANTED A waiter. Address P. O. Box 702. FOR SALE Remington typewriter. Inqulro at Tho Toggery. FOR SALE Empty potato hacks. H. W. Painter. FOR SALE Pure JcYsey milk. Phono 10SXT FOR SALE A new wagon for single horso. Will sell for $35. Enquiro Helsnor'a Barn. FOR SALE Thoroughbred black Minorca and mottled Ancona cockerels. 523 So Broadway. WANTED Chocolate dipper. Steady work. Bradloy Candy Company. FOR SALE HO-ncro much ou Wil lnnch Inlet, 2V6 miles from land ing, 7 acres bottom land, fine bench land slopes to the south. New house nnd other Improvements. A bargain. For particulars Inqulro of owner Ben Tyrer, Cooston, Ore. FOR RENT 10-room house In South Mnrshfleld. Phone 119-L. Have your Job printing done at Tho Times' offlco. FOR SALE Prnctlcnlly now parlor organ In good condition. B. R. Mynatt, Phono 311, North Bend. Don't forget tho Turkish Batia PHONE 214-J. We Are Still Selling The Best $8.50 Suit On Earth Still better ones up to $25, but there's always a dollar in value in every dollar added to the price FIXUP WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR NORTH BEND STORE. t Voters Register. Mnny voters nro now registering for tho spring elec tions. Justlro Pcunock roglstorod eighteen today. Every voter who participates in tho prlmnry next spring or in tho fall election must roglster again. Gow Why's Visitor. Yong Huang, a cousin of Gow Why, arrived hero today with his wlfo from Wntson vlllo, Cal., whoro thoy have boon lo cated. Thoy expect to make tholr homo here nnd ho will engage In bus lnoss with Gow. Why who expects to visit his old homo In China In tho near future . X'ew Cottnge Mrs. J. .1. Kondlq is having n lino six-room modorn cot tage built on one of tho prominent corners of Bunker Hill. Tho car penters nro Just complotlng tho fin ishing of tho pretty building, which Is hold In pleasing light colors and I Wan Snow Round. Mrs. Ed. Busby, who has boon visiting rela tives at Mobcow and Lowlston, Ida., for tho Inst threo weoks. returned todny on tho Breakwater. Coming by wny of Spoknno in returning here, sho Journoycd to Portlnnd over tho North Bank road, tho trnln on which sho wns travollng bolng snow-bound forty-olght hours nt a placo bo tweon PnBco and Portlnnd. Tho pnssongcrs experienced consldorablo Inconvonlqnco nnd discomfort, ns thoro was no dining enr on tho trnln nnd prnctlcnlly no food. This delay, however, Interrupted hor Journey bo that Bho nrrlvod In Portland too Into to go with tho Alliance ns Intended. Aftor hor visit In tho country of snow nnd cold, Mrs. Busby is rathor glud to roturn to Coos Bay. The Battle. A powerful sconlc tnlo of the Civil Wnr, will bo ropont od at tho Orphoum tomorrow, Fri day. This will bo tho Inst tlmo this picture Is shown In the city. Gono Gnutler nnd 8ldnoy Olcott will also appear -at this tlmo In an Irish pro duction, photogrnphod in Ireland, which has beautiful scenory Tor a background very slmltnr to that of "Tho Colloon Bawn," but tho story U not nonrly so complicated. EMPTY potato SACKS for snlo II. W. Painter. First Class Auto Service Cnrs lenvo Front of Lloyd hotol to - meet nil trains. Faro 25c. Special , calls anywhoro at nil hours. BEST After tn0 Bhow try a Turkish Bath CARS. Bost drivers. Phono GC-J un- pi,ono 214-J. til 11 p. m after 11 p. in. phono J .. 5-J. Resldonco phono 2S-J; aftor 12 phono 181R. 1 A lMMMriCII I) A'IMI .1.111 D.L. FOOT E, Proprietor, good, phono 214-j. do you Keep Your Skins Healthy B & S Sweet Lavender Cream TUg ideal cream for nmssago nnd all toilet purposes. Does not clog up the pores but keeps tliein perfectly cleau and in a healthy condition. Sweet Lavender Cream contains no grease of any kind. J t is dainty and delicately perfumed, besides having many medicinal effects that are beneficial to the skin. A thoroughly reliable antiseptic cream in the use of which you will find delight. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS THE BEST That Wheat and Science Can Produce Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour