The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 06, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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    r BpHHBMB
r 1
(Contlnticd from Pago 3.)
Al. Parsons, W. 1 Miller, M. C. Mo
loney, P. M. Wilbur, Eugene Crosth-
wait. Dorsoy Krietzor. A. T. Haines,
Herbert Coleman. C. Q. Van Duyn,
A L. ilousoworth, I A. Tledgonr
and A. L. Marker, Mrs. Efflo Porrin
ger, Messrs. F.Grannls.AnsgarLnger-fltr.-ni,
Arthur Peck, Cornell Lnget
kIioui, lhnor Oilmes, Dan Maloney,
Miivo UulBt, Hoy Bleecker, George
1h i.ijioon, Joo Williams, Will Hutch-tco-,
."ord Pulnter, Preston Jones,
John Ferguson, Wesley Seaman, and
Wil' llortun, Mr. und Mrs. K. F. Jlor
rlsoy 0
Tho Baptist Young People's Society
gave a delightful New Year's party at
the home of Mrs. E. E. Kelly, Friday
evonlng, Jan. G. Games and music
furnished tho evening's entertain
ment, and a violin and piano uuei
v'cti llBun and Dorothy KIbblor,
ud Messrs. Fred Krusc, (lien Grout,
itniii-rt .Mcil.niichton. Joe Wlnsor,
tiuorgc Dowey, Clnrenco Kibbler, Ly-
coos hay nuiiKOATK to wash-
After hearing a detailed report of
Sixth Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
tan a:SSmUurS HaX l. trip to Washington In behalf of
Fred Itcynolil"!: Wm. Davis, Charles fan appropriation for harbor Improve-
nients on Coos Day, tno .Mursnnciu
Paction and Prof. Ilonska.
Ml" Marian and Woslcy Seaman
ciuiv talaed a lew friends Informally
I i evening.
Chamber of Commerce last evening
adopted a resolution expressing Its
appreciation mid Indorsing all tho
steps Mr. McLaln had taken. Tho In
.itrunmniit wnH niiniinllllcil nnd be-
by Charles und Clara ituhilold was vm ;iIm decided Inst evening that
greatly enjoyed by all. Among lr. the future, the voting oi proxies
thoso present were MIsbos Clara Hen 'bjiild bo prohibited.
field, Uma Marsh, IsIb Marsh, Frances
Fransc, Alpha Mauzey, Helen .Mc
Laughlin, Florence Kolillcld, Slgua
Stenson nnd Delvn Flanngnn, Mr. and
Mrs. Claudo Stutsman, Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Doll, Hov. and Mrs. 0. Leltoy
thtTW'uU'Knl this, motions were adopted that
"piii'."" at The city hall last oven-'tho Chamber of Commerce should
liL. .1 0. Doano wns elected special I "follow up" the lead Inaugurated by
ul'ilii wnttii to (111 the vienncy caus
ed by tlio resignation of Special Of
liLtr Utittr. who resigned following tho
action of tho city council in revoking
.ii.. appointment as special olllusr.
V niter Ulchardson, II. Lecoeu and
Atihur Demurest woro among the
allies considered for tho place. it
In Full Blast
See Friday's Times for
Prices and Descriptions.
First IChoice Is Best.
Saturday evening, at S:30 at Ap
artment 3 In tho Williams building
Mii Coi.v Ilowron, daughter of Mr.
unil M.b. I' riink Howrou was married
Zi'.T V. ' , .', V. i ;n . Y u.v "' iVUV' ''llicr .Mllliro in .iiiiiiim
Hall, Mr. and MrB. E L. Ko ly, Mrs. U)ftnn Jr ono of tho we nown
. " ...",',, iiV ',"""""" nml t pillar young mon or siarsmioia.
Chns. Itohflold, Hay Olllvant, S. C. TJu mror wn decorated In grccn
finlrrol, Dr. Leslie, Geo. Doll, nnd Lu- an( 0i,ry8untilonimB, nd tho cerd
gono and Howard Kelly. ( mU)J. WIlo ,)0rfor,nuj ,m(i,or a white
0 b!i tiint tiling from nn arch of llot,-
MrB. Herbert Colcninn entertained ir. A wedding supper was serve!
at nn Informal sewing party Friday lr the uniltis room which was adorn
afternoon. Her guests wero Misses cd with holiday blossoms.
Nora Towor,, Florence Aiken, Until Th.i ikkiu woro a gown of wlil'.a
Allen, Frnncca WIIIIiuiib, Hiuel, Pow- mensiillne trimmed In sllvor, and car
ers, Umn Marsh, IsIr Mnrsh, May ml 11 0' '.tjuet of whlto carnntlons and
PrcuBB.and Grace Kruso and Mrs. iifpar tji.a fern. She wah attcmled
Earl Savnge, by her h.sto. , Miss Maudo Uowron,
. n uuoc gown was blue messallne
u L diapod with tinted blue iniuiiuluetto
Mrs. A. T. Haines was hoBtess at nn, y, tiliiii.ilugK. iris Klrod was
A luncheon Friday afternoon which gr ir'imn. Jinny beatlful presonts
was particularly delightful becuuso woro given young Jlr. nnd Mrs. Cow
of Its keynoto of pleasant Informal- nn, among thoni Humorous pieces of
Ity. Two tabli'H of brldgo woro form- cut glass anil silver. The young con
ed and n charming afternoon was p0 ro at homo to their friends In
pent. MrH. J. T. JlcCormac, Jlrs. tho Williams building.
W. C. Uradloy, Mrs. C. K. Porry, T.ato present at tho ceromony
MrB. W. 8. Nicholson, .Mrs. E. Jllu- tCrr Jlr and Jlrs. Frank Ilowron.
gun, Mrs. J. 8. Coko and Jlrs. O'Con- .Mr. ! MrH. J. E. Cowan, Mr. nn 1
noil woro tho KJestB. IJIib. II. C. Noble, Mr. and Jlrs. Hoy
n lliaiimrd, Hov. Father Jliinro. John
v I ,. ,.,.. r .....1 .... -..- . ... .
i 'iiu, iii-u. oiMig, iriH iviron, Min
Jlr. Jtcl.nln at Washington In this
matter nnd urge the congressmen
from Oregon and other oHlcials to do
everything In their power to faclll
nto It. A resolution of appreciation
to Seiintors Bourne, Chamberlain, J. '
N. Teal and others for tho courtesies
extended Jlr. JtcLalu on his trip woro (
also nilciiitcil. ,, , t ,0 , linving n report before
Jr. JleLaln's report of his trip was Uuj ncxt C0IBr08Bf
as follows: , 0 Doccmbor 8, I had n henrlng
I beg leave V.BlraVnl!?.i1?iin?n5 f" IUvcr8 nml I1,irbor8 Com
report of my tr 1p Was nRton n )f t,Jo w8 boforo thnt
a delegate to tho It vers Lb committee for 0.10 nnd n half hours,
Conisress. 1 left JlnrsUIlold on Jion- . . .,., ..,., i. ,Un
7 . I 01 ...l. .!. I.i U... HUB IIUVUI lll'U Ultlj iuuiivoj "J mJ
day, Novemhor 27. nrrlv Iiik li 01 1- b of th COIIllnUtC0t was per-
nnd on November 29, I li. cdla tol ,0 fl mn)j0 ft mnttor of
had an ''f ''f1'"1 record, all of tho data In my posses-
mils, In tho Army hnglnecrs Ofllco . lll,p,Illll tn Cnoa nv tiroliet
Hub!lClothinfifl & Shoe
, jm
linv tirolcct with him, and was fur
nlslicd by him with nil the data I
needed In relation to tho Jetty pro
ject for Coos liny. I left Portland,
November 30, accompanied by J. N.
Teal of Portlaud and Colonel JIundy
of Vancouver, Wash. Tho next morn
ing wo nrrlvcd In Spoknno nnd woro
money that wo wanted to start tho
repair of tho Jetty, and tho mnttor
being loft untlroly in my minds at
that tlmo nnd knowing, if I asked
for too largo nn amount It would
probnbly bo Imposslblo to get It, I
Htnted to tho committee tiint yivi,-
no aim muiu ...... i.i i. ,,mln( ,,f tlilu mw.
Joined by two delegates from Lowls- ''"" ..,"".' ,, ,, ,
ton, Jdnho, ox-United
Henry Hcldfeldt nnd
who nccompantcd us to
1 nrrlvcd In Washington on Decern
her C, nnd Immediately got busy on
Coos Hay project; had an Interview
with Genornl Hlxby nnd went -,ovor
tho condition of tho Jetty nt tho pre
sent tlmo nml told him thnt no re
rmiiiii in imifi inn nim l liiii i imiiiii
ii p S' of 01lr iu' yton. Tho commltteo
11. j, 1JLI.I.II, . ,,1, ,,r.,ut..,l In lllir
Washington. -"". '-' "" " , , ;; ,:; -; "
IIIUJI'UI IIJ 1.1IU tlll..l..ui wi .fj. ...w...
nuestloiiB asked mo about the depth
of water and results obtained from
tho Jetty system In tho pnst ; condi
tion of tho Jetty at this time, amount
of commerce nt tho presont tlmo,
seiu imo nn i .... u ... ...- Uvo commerco for tho future,
,,.,.,l1V!n! nn.i 1 hn tmi tho etc. I feel thnt I hnd a most satis
slnco 190S, and Hlnco that time tno ,, ,i miuln nnvurul
storms of tho ocem. hnd beaten . It '. ""L '" " Zin'
Ml. I l 111 .I f ..
.nn iiitriiiii uiiiuii n ..uiiKiiu Jic.'.ilo Cowun, Miss Jlyrtlo Cowan,
will hold n busings mooting Tno. Ml!)K Rulh Cownn. Jllss Until Hot-
oai dlKit nt the Womons Exchange r, , MbH Maudo Ilowron, Miss Hnzyl
In North fiend. Jlrs. E. Jl. Alex- lw..i. ami .inrif itfwrni.
nnil.ii' will li in rlinrL-n
0 0
M . and Mrs. Jack Nowlln entar- lhnMl" ."i1,0 ""l""0" otl ,0,,n' on
talneJ nt Now Year's dinner Mr. and tho "reakwater for Portland whoro
Mrs Henri Krr tnd children. Por- 10 will resumo her course nt St.
ry ar.d lucllo, and MIbb Huzel Potor- Mnr" s Academy,
TUB world Is better nowaday!
Than nrty years oko.
I know, and there are many waya
That give me cauie to know.
Aye. though you pick a score of flaws,
Blnco twoncore years nnd ton
I say 'tis better now becuuse
You were not In It then.
At tliulr homo, prettily decorated In
a colui oliemu of lavondor nnd grec,
Mr aid Jlrs. F. C. Illrch lust night
(intortnlned at n turowoll party u
Imuo.- of Miss Mary Jamison, who left
toiltiy on tho Urenkwator, and a wel-j
coiuo pnity for Jlrs. I.eyland und Jlrs.
tNO me a song of sprint;,
ur joys Hint tho spring things bring,
For my heart Is aweary
Of these sad, dreary
And worn old winter days.
Craiu, daughters of Jlr. and .Mrs. O.
S TrrMv, who tno visiting with their
parents. 'Delicious refreshments of
ft Ult salud, Inviiuder plno-applu sher
bet, nnd enko wero served. Among
trioao cfcont wero Jlr. and Jlrj.
Joohuck, Jlr. and Jlrs. A. J. Drews,
Ml. and Jlrs. F. h, Sumner, Jlr. nnd
Mis. M. 1). Sumner, Jllss Elllo Church, Blntr me a eoim of spring)
MUb Mary JtimUon, .Mrs. T. J. Ley- Tell mo of biids on winu,
land. Jlrs. Psycho Crnlir. Jlrs. O. S. i" nC8. '" n noi ow,
Torrey, Jilbs Hazel Jlordmnii, ClieS'
tui W'.'colt, E. W. Campbell.
n Blnir me a song of sprlnn;
,. .. ....... . Remind ma that each brown thine
Harry Conro, Herbert .Morton nnd will illnu on the soft nlr
Win. Wood wore hosts nt n delight- A thousand of flowers fnlr,
ftll ilmice nt tho Motor lloat Club While-fern fronds their brown curls raise.
!?1,;.0,Va U"lJJ'r.,l0ni1 ""nli' yT BlnBmen.oBof.prlnB:
lug Nearly llfty guestH lllled the iienwi n.-i ti. imr.. nh .v.n i...n
Jiretlll) decornteil rooms, umong them From dead leaf drifts hldlnu
down until only n very smull portion " . . 0l
or the ontlro Jetty wns exposed in
low water; pointed out to him tho
fuct thnt there was no barrier to pre
vent tho wushlng of Immense qunn
titles or wind to shoal up over our
bar, and also told him that In order
to get tho best results from tho ny
our project
among tho members of tho commlt
teo from other states.
December 9, I took up tho matter
of bridging tho bay with Senator
Chamberlain who assured me, that up !
to thnt tlmo there wns no bill before
Congress asking for this project, and
ioropttf nave tnndo for certain business
fur their now cross stnto lino will nit
li't' rfero with trnlllc In nnd out of
Portland, ns this city will nlwnys rj
main th natural shipping point for
thn Bfiln, fruit, lumbor nnd other
prcdi'Cib of tho territory cast and
iio.'HiAUfet of tho city.
With tho completion of tho 2 con
tracts thnt from Valo to Dog Jloun
tain and to Crescent, tho Hnrrlmnn
system will hnvj the shortest lino bo
twicn Chicago nml tho Pacific coast
with Floniiico ns tho Western tortuo
us. HowovOr, the dlstuuco to Port
land virtually would bo tho same ovir
tii'i now ctosH stnto lino as that to
Floiencu on account of tho superior
ndvnulngcH for distributing, storing
and handling trnlllc from this point
It Is believed that tho ndvantago of a,
day that will be saved by going from
the canal to Coos Hay or to Florcnco
Instead of to Portland will not divert
the regular tralllu away from this
t.Oi t. Although It is believed that
the tlirougli-cnst-boiind business whl
be routed out of Portland over tho
Southern Pacific tu Eugcno and
thence- over tho now rnll routo thru
Central Oregon to destination.
Of robin and swallow
And tho oriole's yellow blaze.
ah. an my heart's btillnu
After winter the summer days.
-Elizabeth West Parker.
Mr. uud .Mrs. O'Jlnra, JIIbhcs
LMhcr liuliorr, Naomi Smith, Voitn
Mt'Jdhough, Frances tioldeii. Alice
W.ihorb. Elizabeth Hoelllug, Ilessio
Itniael, Amy Heynolds. .Mildred Itood, Savo monoy by patronizing Tho
Norma Chase. Jlnrjorlo Swearlnger. Tlnnm ndvortlsors.
Do you seo prices anywhere like those No
$20.00 at $12.85
$2500 at, $1475
$25 to $35 at $17.50
20 Per Cent Discount,
on All Other Merchandise
Everything guaranteed to be finest quality that can be
purchased No shady or shop worn merchandise,
1 The Toggery
Across from
First Nat. llan
V .1.... t. l.t !.... ...1 ..f
draullc sea-KohiK dredgo thnt wns to "ll "'' "Vfi' . V" . "" V.,."'Y".. ".
bo built for the Coos Hay bar. that u ' si mis o ,, si, uesuou ....
It would bo necessary to repnlr and u mo boforo Congress.
!" """ ' " " - &?5$XKi.'?rJ&;
Wlillo recolvlne no eticournconiont ',ort to Iortlatiil; was nssured by
from Cenern. I & dTo our fonntor Chamberlain that It would
Jetty, yet ho assured mo that nil tnk, Congressional net on to do this,
hnsio possible wns being miido with ", ho won d tnko plcnsuro In do-
the dredgo project. fontlB ""' b111 brouht "' for tlllH
Tho noxt tiny, Decombor fi, tho Purpose
Itlvon nnd Harbors Congress con- , Aftor leaving Senator Chamber-
voned. I had the honor of being '',' ' " ovo,r t0, tl10, n80. ,"'
.i .. .1... n.niiinn nnmmh. had my llrst lutorvlow lii Wnshlng-
tee. nnd In thnt capacity was enabled ton with Congressman lawloy. won
to meet a number of mon of promt- r K""'1 ' . !n'' covore,,
nenco In tho nation, some who were whllo In Washington wit h Congross
mombors of the Itlvors and llnrbors ninn Ilawley, Informed him of tho
Commltteo or tho House, boforo hearings I had before tho .various
n-linm I l.n,l tn nntinnr lnlr In roln- eommlttees, told llllll tho nillOUIlt of
tlon to our bar project. I"0' r ! tho Itlvors and
Deeembor 7, I had a ineotlng with "nrhors Commltteo for tho ropnlrlng
tho Paclilc coast ropresontntlves In of our Jetty system, told Congrossmnn
Congress, nt thnt meeting wero tho Hnwley thnt the 'Question or SoUIiib
two senators from Washington, two tht amount of $200,000 In tho Hlv
soiintors from Idaho, two sonutors era nnd Harbors bill at this session In
from Oregon, also nil of tho con- Congress devolved entirely and nbso
gressnieu from Washington, Idaho lutoly on him. I told tho congressmen
and Oregon, with tho exception or ll,l,t tho ov.ont thnt ho couUl ()t
Congressnian Ilawley, who did not ot n fnvornblo roport from tho
nrrlvo In Washington until late unil of Army hnglneors Tor this
Saturday ovenlng. December 9. project, it would bo necossary lor
I took up tho matter or tho Im- 'lll to offer a resolution in Congross
provoment or tho Coos Hay project, appropriating this amount of monoy
tho repair or our Jetty system, tho r tho Coos Hay project and ho
amount or monoy that tho board or W01lltl linvo tho light or his lHo to
Army Engineers reconinionded for u 1t'P '; ' tho appropriation of u
total completion of the same, tho "III for rivers nnd harbors, but In tho
amount of money that should bo np- ovet Unt ho got this amount In tho
nronrlnteil this gnsslnn nf c.nnemt,. Hlvers nnd Hnrbora' bill In tho
nml In fact got nn excellent henrlng House, I wns porsonnlly assured by
lieroro that delegation of sonators our nenators rrom Oregon thnt they
and congressmen. , would never allow tho Horn to ho
Immediately alter tho adjournment taken off in tho Sonato or in confo
on that occasion was taken by Son-iro"c0',
mora Hotimo nnd Chnmborlaln to a ' In tho matter oi making this port
luncheon nt tho Continental hotol In n subsidiary port to Portland, Con
M'nshlngton; this luncheon was Krcssmnn Hnwley nssured mo thnt In
given compllmentiiry solely to tho tho House ho would tnko all neces
Oregon delegation; viz: J. N. Teali8ar' 8ti18 to sare-gunrd tho port or
or Portland. Hugh JlcUIn or Marsh- Coos Day, and see that It remained
lilil. nnvKi'iim- Wont nml Win. linn. Intact.
ley. where I had occasion to Impress
tho Importance of our Jotty project
upon our two senators and received
from tnein tho promise of hearty sup-
"'t In any measuro affecting Coos
After tho luncheon Senator Ilourne
nnd myself wnlkcd up to the Capitol
and again 1 went over the Coos nay
project with him, asking him to nd
vise mo ns to the best method of
procedure while In Washington, to
get results; ho nssured me that while
both senators wore ntoro than will
ing to help the Coos Hay project, yet
all appropriations for money origin
ated In tho llouso, nnd It would he
necosbary for me to Initlato tho pro
ceeding for the npproprlatlou of
money through our tenlor congress
nian. W. C. Hnwley. but he would
do this for the Coos Hay project at
this session of Congress; ho would
Introduce n bill cnlllng for the re
survey by tho government engineers
of the Coos nay Jotty and thereby. In
the event that Congressnian Hnwley
got no appropriation of money tor the
Jetty system, It would be advanced
at least ouo year by tho action ho
Southern Pacific to Open Port
at Florence or Cres
cent. The Portland Oregonluu says:
"Slnco contracts have been award
ed for the construction or a po.tlon
or tho Oregon Eastorn Kallroad
westward from Dog .Mountain, tho
western terminus of tho line nov
under construction out of Vale, the
H.irriinan Interests, It Is understood,
w:il itioh this project through to
CiObUin, where It will connect with
th Southern Pacillc'b Natron-Kluin-ui')
'-m Immediately. Kllpatrlj.c
l)rot!iors or lien trice, .t't.t who wo.--:.wiir.l-il
the ei'Mrnct, it Is reported,
will s"irt tu '.o k west or Hog Jloun-
turn mvly in the spring.
It I" etild On) tho Hnrrlmnn Intel-
(ii iiropjcc to mnko Coos Hay u
ihipliln,; point lor the distribution
nt freight, following tho completion
of tlie i'anaina canal. This accounts
.t r tr.e haste to have the new lino
ifuly im iiho within tho next two
years, or as soon as tho canal Is com-lu-ted.
The plan Is to scud freight,
oilglnatlug on tho Atlantic Senboiird
through tho canal to Coos Hay uud,
tlitncti distribute It to its various
I'l.rts of distribution In tho west and
no. th west. It Is believed that the
entire country west of the Ilocky
mountains can bo served in tills mnu
uci. To glvu vessels cargo for Iho
return tilp to tho east, lumbor will
be loaded. It Is bolloved that a cor
tuin tiuantlty of rail shipments also
can bo hauled rrom that port. Al
though Coos Hay at present lacks
bullkiont depth to permit tho on
ti.inco or tho class or vcsaols thnt will
ply through tho canal, It Is bolloved
that tho Improvements now content-
.Med noro will mnko their accom
modatlou possible
The port of Floronco nt tho mouth
i fie Sluslaw Illvor, also has beon
r.'.'-tJv d ns tho basis of operations
'Oi t' " new Harrlmnn rond, nnd it is
lellived thnt this will rccolvo consld
ei;ul. ii. Florcnco will bo ono of tho
in tu pal points on tho lino between
Etigcr-o mid Jlarshflold. Work now
is ijW iinilor way on n Jetty and with
inr other Improvements planned, it
fi li'Ji.liOd out thut this nlaco could lm
miHi-i mi nuvnningoous orminnl. Savo money by patronizing The
Wntover plans tho Hnrrlmnn In- rimes ndvertlsors.
T KNOW not wlmt It Is, but when I pn
x Bomo runnuiR tilt of wnter by thn wa,
A river lirlmmlnir silver In tho grass
And rlpplod by u tnilllni; alder spray,
TTOLD In my heart 1 cannot from a err,.
- It Ih so Joyful at tho merry slKhtj
So sraclous Is tho wntr runnlnK by,
So full tho slmplo trriiss Is of dcllRht
A ND If by chance a redwing, pasttnt
xx nonr,
Should llsht besldt mn In tho nlder trot.
And tr above tho ripple I should hear
Tho lusty conversation of tho beo
T THINK that I should lift my voice and'
x slnK.
I know that I should laugh and look
around, Aa If to catch the meadows nnswerlnr.
As If expecting whispers from th
Philip II. Bavaie,
Can You Oeat It7
"I'm afraid. Tom. dear, you will f)nd
mo a mine of faults. He Darling. It
shall be tKo sweetest labor of my life
to correct theni, Rho (daring up)-In-deed,
you shnn'tl-Hoston Transcript.
PenPVornnce Is. more prevailing
than 'lolonre. and ronny things which
cannot bo orcrconie when tbey nro
together yield themselves op yrhta
taken littlo by little.
Try The Times' Want Ada.
Tho Timos' ofllco.
The reuooii why neither the
enactment of legislation nor its
enforcement lias been successful
In exterminating tlio so called
trusts or even to affect wages Is
because us nn effective Industrial
agency to wield tho energies of
inankiud the corporate form, be
yond uny other form, Is tho
most effective yet discovered.
The mlstnke Is In the point of
view. Approximately one-third
of the wealth of tho country Is
In corporate form. It Is tho
wealth of tho people. One way
to view this domain, ono that
has achieved some popularity.
U thnt It Is the enemy's country
and should bo destroyed. Tho
other-nnd. us I maintain, tho
Just nnd reasonable way Is to
view It as u rich Held, a new
Held that should bo opened to
overy citizen Judge Grosscup.
A Girl's Crown
Of prldo Is n hnndsomo enga
gement ring. How sho fondles
it, turning It this way and that
to catch Its varying beauties.
How proudly sho shows It to
her girl frlonds. If thero Is n
girl you wnnt to mnko happy,
make hor tho happiest girl In
town by choosing tho ongago
'mont ring hero.
- Big Stock of
Rings, Watches, Brooch Pins
and Back Combs
Silverware and Hand
Painted China
Fine Watch Repairing. AH Work Guaranteed
Red Cross Jewelry Department
Mt 'X$'S3sssW
HI J'Hll
i mWttlXA
- ,irv'm ffi"