x ( THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6,1912 EVENING EDITION. f You Really Want Private Water ind Want a Dependable, Constant and Satisfactory Supply- you should investigate the merits of electri oally driven pumps. These are now made in small sizes suitable for household use, and on small farms, etc. The power is always ready; thev supply of water does not fail. Where other forms of power balk, cause delays and break down, the Electric Motor works smoothly, continuously and efficiently also, economically, Ask our New Business Department to give you accurate and up-to-date . information about Electric Pumping. Telephone 178, Oregon Power Co. RESOLVED That the following arc selected from the best and most complete list of gilt-edged realty investments to be found on Coos 13ay 8 lots on 4th, North of El rod, each, .... $1,000.00 70 x 300 in West Marshficld, 2,000.00 HO feet on, .Broadway, solid ground- 3,500.00 2 lots on Second street, near Golden .... 2,000.00 OO'i't. in heart of business section 8,500.00 Bay Park Lots $10.00 down and $5.00 a month The above aro to bo had, of course, only from I.S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan 5& Bennett Bank of MAR8IIFIEL1), OREGON At tlio close of business, December 5, 1011. v Resources. Loans and Discounts ...t .' $422,312. C8 Danklng llouso 60,000.00 Cash und Exchanges 184,486.42 Total , 9080,700.10 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $ CO.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits D8.G31.GT Deposits C48.267.53 Total $030,700.10' Condensed Statement, of tho condition of The First National Bank OP COOS DAY at tho Closo of Duslnoss, Dec. 5, 1911. Resources. Loans and Discounts $229,329.87 Bonds, Warrants and Securities 73,161.50 U. S. Donds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Roal Estate, Furnlturo and Fkturcs 81,472.94 Cash and Sight Exchange .....; 141,131.98 Total ' $830,000.20 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In '$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits.. 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.0u Doposlts .... 414,298.90 Total v $330,000.20 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. ALUtSHFIELD OREGON Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offlje Phono 191 Marsbfleld Offlco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gensral Agents Pumping "EASTSIDE" (Ministers nntl otliiMB nto toquest ed to hand the Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. M Christian Sclenco hall, 327 Third street, North. Scrvico Suudny nt 11 a. m. Subject, "God." Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday R p. m. A METHODIST EPISCOPAL M H Rov. If. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. M Sunday school at 10 A. M. Morning service nt 11 A. M. Ep worth Lcnguo nt 6:30. Evening servlco at 7-30. Prayer meeting on lhuw'uy eve ning at 7:30. Strangers welcome , MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. A. R. Munro. High mass and benediction nt 10 o'clock. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIBTS Seventh Day Advontlst services Btatkdp Ohio, city .ikTiilmhi, ., Utah Cof.NTV. I Kriink J. I'liviiuy iniikcu.intli Hint tie I" milor imrtiicr of Hit' linn of 1'. J. Clii'iu1)' it Co. OoIiik liiitni h In tln City ofTolnlo, Cmiiity mill HIiiU'iifiTcnlil, iiml Hint mill linn will ny tlir mm ol .Nl; lICNIiltlll) IHH.I.AKS fori-iuli mul t'wry I'UM'iit ;! tnrrli that uiniiiit lo enrol I" tlio uo ut llnll'h Cntnrrh curt'. I'KANK J. CHUNKY. Huorn In lirfiirc mu mul miIiciIIm'iI In my priuiK'v, thin mil tiny u( Ih'i-i'iiiWr, A. I). Inw. NoTAIIY l'1'lll.lt llull'iiCntitirli Ctiroln InVrii Intcrimlly. mid iii'Im illnrtly on tin- Mnoil mul tiiiunuMirfiuv of the )Mi'm. Huml fur tvntliiionliilK free. STADDEN All Muds of photograph work, bromide enlarging anil kodak lliilshlng. You Will Find Solid, comfort and satisfaction In OUR FURNITURE mado by tho host manufactur ers It combines eleganco dura bility and comfort. Our goods bolng substantially mado will retain tholr fine olegant finish and last a llfetlmo and always proro a sourco of satisfaction. Anothor Important fact Is that our prices are no higher than for poorer quality and trashy goods. Let us flguro with you whan you want anything from a kitchen chair to a coraploto outfit C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furnlturo Storo on Coos liny Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do well to call at the Pacific Monumental Viorxs, south 3roadway and make selection from the large stock now ou band. Mr. Wilson has In his employ the only practical marble and gra nite cutter In Coos county. And nono but tho best work Is turned aro conducted every Saturday at tholr now church ns follows: Sabbath school nt 10 n, in. preach Ing MLrvIco 10:45 a. in. You are cordially Invited to attend. " " ' NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. 11,0V. A. G. L1ND, Pastor. Hesld"iiee 171 Elrod Ave. Morning service 10: IS In Mnrah lleld. Evening service- 7:150 in North Mend. Suiulnv Bcliool Each Sunday nt 10 A. M. Ladies' field. Aid Thursday In .Marsh- 1'IIE LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. 3rd and Commercial Avo. Rot. D. F. Bengtson, pastor. 294 Highland Avenue Phono 94-R Suudny School at 9:45. Snrvlrn nt 11:00. The deacons will meet nt 2 :,0 0 , o'clock at tlio cnurcn. 4 4 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, Rcsldenco G92 Sixth street Phones: Rcsldonco 256. Study, 289-L. Sunday. 10 A. M. Sundny School. Claudo Stutsman, superintendent. Prcnchlng services nt 11:30. 3 P. M. Doys and girls mooting Mrs. G. L. Hall In chnrgo. Young Peoplo's mooting nt 0:30. Communion servlco in tho morn ing. NORTH REND PRESRYTERIAN Rov. McLEOD, Pastor. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Send For This Seed Annual-Free LTOritmla ut tdtnl lot pui5tr and Ernnlntlioa. No freed ire packed r ui uateM ihtM t wo quilititi iho W iUvrliiiliaridnJ. Out lull r quipped Uboittoiy under tho diirclion el a adcaba tod ipit trd IrArr rrmovM oil tuna wof k. When buyioj LiUi'l itedt.you buy lamutd aop. Send loi caulo. Tho Chu. H. UDy Co., Seolilo Hello! Hello! Ilousowlvcs of Marshflold ubo Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not keop It cnll up PHONE 73-J. Freo dollvory 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also STERILIZED CREAM & MILK ICE, I1UTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE YOU CANNOT STOP THE COOK From tasting tho cako baked with HAINES' Hour. It Is so much bottor thun ordinary cako that If you don't wntch her sho'll ent tho wholo enko. If you havon't tried HAINES' Hour yot you don't kliow what porfect brend, biscuits, rAko and pastry aro. Tho best homo nnd professional link ers In town ubo it. Why don't you? A. T. Haines Phono 100 J Waterfront, Mfld. FOR THE ALL YEAR FEAST You naturally want tho best meats or poultry you can obtain. You'll bo doing Just right to lusiiro that re sult by ordorlug them from this mar ket whoro quality Is always tho high est and prices tho lowest posslblo. Start tho Now Year right by n trial ordor horo. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets ' NORTH REND MARSHFIELD 'II 1 H CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular services pjufy Lord's day, Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday ovonlng eneh week 8 o'clock. EPISCOPAL Einnuuitiel Cliurcli 4 Rev. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. 8 A. M. Holy Communion (2nd nnd llh Sundays). 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. 1 1 A. M. Morning Borvlco nnd sermon. 7:30 P. M. Evening service and sermon. Servlco at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Emplro, every Friday evening mid In St. Mary's Church, North Hond, every Sundny afternoon nt 3:30. NORTH REND CATHOLIC CHURCIL Rov. Fnthor Sprlngor, Rector. Services nt 8 nnd 10 o'clock Sun dny morning, Rov. Fnthor Springer celebrant. MARSHFIELD lltESRYTKRIAN CHURCH ' J. T. M. Knox, pastor. Morning scrvico at 11: A. M. Evening servlco at 7:30 P. M. Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. All cordially Invited to nttond. 44444) NORTH HEND METHODIST CHURCH. Tho sorvlccs Sundny will bo as fol lows: Sundny school, 10 A. M. Preaching sorvlccs, 11 A. M. Junior Lcnguo, 3:30 P. M. Evening sorvlco at 7:30 P. M. UNITED RRETIIREN CHURCH OF NORTH REND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Pronchlng sorvlco nt 11 A. M. and 8 o'clock. ECCENTRIC WAGNER. A Gllmpts of the Famous Compotar In Ono of Hit Moods. nichnrd Wagner, the composer, need ed n good deal of managing, and Frau Coslmn was always tactful, according to Judith Gnutier's "Wagner nt Home." When the author hesitated boforo accepting Wugner's Invitation to un excursion she snyH Frnu Coilmn made signs to her iinu. coining nearer said in ii low voice: "Do not refuse, he would bo nngry. And let him man n KO it nil; let him take the lend. If you do not wish to grieve him." Later on she gives nnotlicr curious scene: "Behind the house, in that court which formed a part of tho garden, nnd from which the carriage drive started, there wns n high swing, which tho children wee nllowed to use very carefully, and with which the older people sometimes amused themselves. Ono day Mme. Coslmn was sitting on tho narrow board. Wagner offered to start tho swing nnd glvo her n good flight through the nlr. All wont well for n time. but. Illtlo by little, the motion became more rnpld: higher and still higher went tho swing. In vain Mino, Coslmn begged for mercy. Cur ried nwuy by n kind of frenzy, the mastor paid no attention nnd tho Inci dent began to hnvo a terrifying effect "Coslmn grew white; her hold re laxed, and she was nbout to fall 'Do you not pee that fiho Is fainting?' 1 cried, it-rowing myself toward Wg tier. He grew pale In his turn, nnd the danger wuh quickly uverted. Hut. as the poor woman continued to be dizzy nnd trembling, the master con eluded It would be wlso to crento n diversion. He ran rapidly toward tho house, and by the nld of the shutters. t!.o moldings nnd protections of the stones, he climbed nimbly up the side nnd. reaching tho balcony of tho floor above, leaped over It 'no had obtained tho desired effect, but In replacing ono evil by nnother. Trembllug with nnxioty, Coslmn turn ed to me, saying under her breath: 'Above all things, do not notlco him; do not look surprised, or you can never tell where ho will end. " Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pocltlc Livery & Transfer Co. iTtfffTtSffl WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tlo Cleaning Company. Orders foi work taken at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 CTLLINGH OF COQUILLE Coos County Sent Noun as Told by The Sentinel. Coqullle Tribe No. 10, I. O. R. M., has elected tho following oincers: Prophet N. Osinundson. Sachem II. L. Cooper. Senior Sagamore J. S. Ilnrton. Junior Sagamore J. G. Nosier. Chief of Records A. P. Miller. Keeper of Wampum Win. Oddy. Tho mnrrlago of John Anson and Miss O. A. Kolley was solemnized New Ycnr's night nt tho homo of her fnthor, Rov. Evnn It. Evans, irnstor of tho Methodist Episcopal church, olhclating. Married At tho homo of tho bri de's father, Mr. J. C. Wilson, In this city, Dec. 31, 1911, Mr. Arthur Peart nnd Miss Lilllo Wilson, Judgo E. G. D. Holden olllclntlng. At tho Joint installation meeting of tho Coqulllo Grand Army Post No, 27 nnd tho Women's Rollof Corps, hold in tho W. O. W. hall January 2, tho following omcoro wore Install ed by Comrado Walter Slnclnlr: Grand Army Post No. 27: D. F. Hill P. Com. E. W. Farrls S. V. Com. Frank Burgess J. V. Com. Wm. Hull Chaplain. J. Quick Adjutant. , D. P. Strang Q. M. John C. Noel O. of D. W. II. Lytton O. of O. W. A. Custer Surgoon. Woman's Rollof Corps:" Laura C. Brandon Pros. 3arah Wlckham S. V. Mnrgarot Hudson J. V. Martha Custer Chaplain. ' Eva M. Barrow Trcas. Mary Gngo Sec. Viola Strang Con. Roxlo Ilnskln A. Con. Justine Farrls Guard. " Ida Lovono A. G. Viola Strang Press C. Carrie Rutlodgo Pr. Ins. Annlo Ho wo C. B. Annlo Morrison C. II. 2 Mnttlo McGullln C. II. 3 Maud Vnrnoy C. B. 4. .?- -? Gems In Verse &- ti TEARS. Tlicrtn bo throo hundred" different nnys nnd mora or epcaklnc. but of wocplne only ono, And tlmt ono way tho wide world o'er und o'er Is known by all, thouuh It Is tauglit by nono. No man Is master of this ancient tore And no man pupil. Kvcry simpleton Can ucep as well as ovcry aage. Tho man Doos It no hotter than tho Infant can. Tho first thing all men learn Is how to speak, Yot understand they not each other's speech, Dut tears aro neither Latin nor yet Oreek N Nor proso nor verse. Tho lumruago that they teach Is universal. Cleopatra's cheek They decked with ponrli no richer than from each f)f earth's Innumerable mourners fall Unstudlod, yet correctly classical. Tears aro tho oldest and tho commonest Of nil thlnes upon earth, and yet how now Tho talo eneh time told by theml How unblessed Worollfo's hard way without their heav enly dew I Joy borrows thorn from Grief, Faith trem bles levt Bho loso them, even IIopo herself smile through The rainbow thsy make round her as they fall, And Death, that cannot weep, sets weep Ing all. Owen Meredith. BLIND BROTHER. )UTSIDE tho Kate you beg of men '' Tho coin they slve to oui Outside the uato I ask In vain, Yet a beggar too. -OHIIOLD, your eyes are wide nnd blind; - .My oyeB lire quick to sco. Illlnd brother. If they saw my heart What would they ulvo to met "OUND brother, It Is dark without; -L No stunt burn In the sky. And now 1 hear the cloalnw doors And now the night birds cry. "OLIND brother, will the hours bo lona -l- That you und 1 must wultT Oh. tlo they know I beg for lovo Outside tho city's eatoT Jeanette Marks In Success. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If 7u nuffrr from blmllne, Itchlnc, blind or Irutru(!init I'llrn, rud lue jour atldreM, ml I will tell you liuw la cure jourwlf iC home by the new aUortluii treatment! irnl will ilM end Homo of tuU home trratmrnt frre for trial. Willi reference fruiu jour own locality If requeitod, Immediate re lief ami x-rmanrnt cure nunil. Krml no money, but tell other of tlila offer. Write tulay to Mm. M. Suuimen, Unx 1', Notra Dame, Ind. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and rensonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Stands Blanco Ilotol and Blanco Clgnr Store. Day Phones 78 and 40. Night Phono 40. BARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors. KJI P U of bleat, who have tome Inventive ability M rll pleaxo vriUi HUKKI.HV A Mcl.NTIIIK, SB0S1 I'Hirnl llt Wu.Klnuli.n. II. 1 Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. u IfMMlilleld, Ore. PROVE 80JWT A Moll Orders Solicited. ' V J'