I ' w in. points for Mothers Nervoui Young Qirlt. Ono is rather shocked In tliN day of Athletics nnd fresh ulr to know How prcvnlcut neurasthenia I n lining youim girls. Ono Is constantly hearing of nervous breakdowns while girls arc still too young to know the meaning of nerves. This condition hns been laid at the door of the school llfo by eminent nuthotilles. It seems that the practically contin uous lime tahlo of the school life of tho present day Is responsible for the development of nerves. Girls over trained In nthletlcH and In tho clnss room develop u restless Incapacity to Interest nnd occupy themselves sntls luctorlly when they return to their homes. To this grinding nnd pushing Is also fluo the fact that valuable knowledge of character Is so 111 assimilated Hint It falls to make life a comprehensible and Interesting whole. Tho failure Is n serious defect In nny system of edu cation. It Is equally injurious, on tho other hand, to fill n girl's llfo with such n continuous round of gnmes nnd les sons that the knowlcdgo absorbed from both has no tlmo to be digested. Tho modern girl undoubtedly needs more leisure. Tho nrt of assimilation Is whnt will mnko n girl Into the competent, self reliant woman who will bo nblo to en Joy applying what she has learned to any circumstance sho may find herself In. ono who will be nblo to regard nil j forms of athletics In their proper pro portion nnd not become morbid If she Jj withdrawn from their Influence. Ono cannot qunrrel wlfh games as n deans of exercise If they nrp not car ried to tho extreme, but that seems to a great oxtcnt to bo Just tho tendency of tho schoolgirl's training. Consequently eduenfors are begin ning to see tho advantage of giving girls proper cxerclso by means of prac tical work. Thero la n satisfaction In It that cannot find n counterpart In fffimcs. Tho Hay Pillow. "I wish mothers would, first of nil, throw away those feather pillows and wool mattresses which their children lecp on nnd substitute bolsters nnd beds of hay. It would cost only nbout 10 cents, and think of tho wonderful relief," remarked n well known physi cian. "The profuso perspiration of n child nt night would bo done nwny with. Children should not be roasted night nftor night ns they are The hay is cool and sweet smelling, and the child couldn't do anything but Icep comfortnbly. 'Tho mothers could get long tufting seedles nnd tuft the hay so It wouldn't form In mounds or slice to one end completely. It would be a good thing It grownups nlso tried It. Once tinv lng experimented with It they never would pass through nnothcr hot wnvo without It- It is hygenlc, cooling, aro matic. It Is an easy matter tocHtnbllsb bay beds and pillows In the homo. "On hot nights n child Rhould bo wrapped In n wet sheet, with cold com presses on his head. It would save film great discomfort" NAPOLGOhTSJAILOR. Ono Mn Who Dared to Dliobey HU Imperial Mauler. The diary of Potiuile du la Sllmutle (born 17M). died In ISitti. recently translated Into English, has something about Napoleon, that remarkable mnn who continues to bo the most Interest ing figure In European history Here Is one nbout Napoleon's nirelessncss In dress and what came of It: In 1SI0. when Napoleon went to Complegno to receive Marie Louise, his sister, tho Princess llorgheso said to him: "Your clothes are badly cut nnd do not fit you. You are so obstinate about not wearing braces your trousers nl ways look ns If they were falling off" "Well," answered the emperor, "what do you advise me to do about It? Can you recommend another tailor?" "Have a talk with Constant." Conntnnt, the emperor's valet, was sent for nnd named ono Legcr, who was tailor to Murat, Prince Kugene. Joseph nnd Jerome Honnparto. A mes senger was sent to summon him, and he nrrlved nt Complegno the next day. From that moment he made every thing Napoleon wore. Ho consistently Ignored his Imperial patron's sugges tions concerning his clothes. I-'or In stance tho emperor wished tho skirts or his tunics to be turned back, like thoso vt Frederick the Ureal. "1 should not think of allowing such n thing, sire! You would look absurd, and my reputation would be lost. Tho eyes of tho whole world nre upon your majesty, nnd If you were seen wear ing such n uniform as you propose it would bo a disadvantage to you, and I should have to bear the blame. I would not make you such a tuulc If you offered mo tho whole of your empire." IT DEPENDS. WIirjN'nil you co n man with trace Of thoURlit or Miilnosi on his rtusli up nnd tnko his arm tilth knack And slop him fondly on tan back. And If he's vnd nnd frlcndlcai, too, llo'll kIvo till upon hand lo you, Hut If the gentleman you caught Was Just absorbed In deepest thought And trying hard to twist his brain That coino iucccs he mlsht attain And you, then., nil his thoueht undo He'll slip his foldftl hand to you. John U Hobble. How to Stencil Rag Rugs. Ilnvo you thought that rag rugs can bo made Ihlngs of beauty by stenciling them? Taki a nig woven nil over of while rags, for Instance: stenciled In some conventional designs In a queer blue or green, it becomes n fit cover ing for your bedroom Hour, n really charming and tmlquo bit of furnish lng, Another pretty variety Is the rag rug made of all sorts of bright colors, Moven without respect lo design nnd then finished with n stencil border of some solid Imrmonlr.lng color. Colors should be bought In the raw tint nnd then diluted to the shade de sired with white lead or common whlto paint. The Inner Is better, ns the lin seed oil In it sets the color and makes the rug washable Had to De Cautious. When you feci dull, out of sorts, discouraged, .t .in!r nn,i nvrrvtlilnir aeoms to bo KOlnif wrong, you can blamo It on your liver. It la torpid. You need HERBINE A Medicine of .Power in All Liver Disorders. When tho liver is torpid, It throws impurities into tho system, which hamper overy organ In tho body. Tho result la that func tional processes nro not properly carried on. Impurities get Into tho blood, tho stomach Is bilious, tho kldnoya weak nnd tho towels Irregular generally constipated. Hcrblno clears out al thoso Impurities, opens up tho obstructed channels, strengthens tho torpid liver, cleanses Iho blood, purifies and regulates tho levels. After tho aystcm has been thus ovorhauled, thcro Is an In.modlato improvement. Appetlto roturns, digestion is good, tho rMrlts rise, tho mind clears of gloomy forebodings and ovorythlng looks brlflht ind cheerful, which means, aound, healthy conditions, every whet o In tho body. Price 50c per Bottle. JAHEJ F. WMQ pnOPrHCTOB ST. UWH, MO. To cure Smarting Errhntln, Sorr r.rrn or Weak Slct. nio Stephens Ure Salve, , ISolqAno RkcommckidedBvI red cross imua store "I wonder why he never nets nat ural." "Perhnps he would be urrcsted if he did." AH Children's Eyes A TURKISH 11AT1I will do you a00I). Phono 214-J. Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. should bo examined before sending them to school. A child's eyes nro aeliunto things. Hcnco it is only by tho rarest skill, are children eyes fitted with glasses, which nro in nccordnnco with their requirements. Years of cxperlonco onnblcs mo to guarnntco satisfaction In such cases. We Do Our Own 'Grinding Offlco over Norton & Hanson's Store. I J. HAYES, Optometrist Optometrist. Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony This Is n vital question for present tiny homebullders whether to have n house, which in appcarnnco must nlwnys remain tho snmo or n house thnt will permit of n llttlo refreshing occnBlonnlly. Neighborhoods clmngo ns do Individual tastes n frntno hoimo can easily bo mndo to hnrmonlzo with its surroundings a fresh coat of paint often will mnko it nB good ns your nolghbor'B now house the sumo ns a now suit makes you feel llko n now man. At nny rnto a frnme houso is suscoptlblo to most nny chnngo you might dcslro nnd while it 1b pormanont it docs not neccBsnrily need become nn eyesore or n monotony. Thero nro lots of tilings we've observed nbout houses nnd lumber thnt you should know before building como in nnd wo'll glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. retail department south hroarway, marsiifield. fjKJSwTjpJJwgKl jCscSssrs- Cr. of the Baby's Feet. Too much cam cannot bo given the baby's feet. The little child's foot Is naturally pretty, but It Is so soft and pliant that It In easily molded, and nn ill fitting, badly made shoe will only too quickly deform It nnd twist It out of shape. Tho shoes, regardless of whether they nre buttoned or laced, must not bo too tightly fastened or tho circulation of tho blood will bu Imped ed. It Is n good plan In summer to al low the baby to go barefoot as much of tho tlmo ns possible about tho home. This allows tho foot to grow naturally. Children's Names. Somo pareuts seem unnblo to resist tho temptation to mnko a Joko with tho Christian unmes of their children. A certain reglstor testllles to the ex istence of n Mineral Waters, a Frosty Winter nnd an Alfred Pays Weeks. Thero is something to lu said In favor of naming children in the order of their arrival Primus, Hccundus, etc. but It Is unfortunate for u well kuown Canadian named Cumber that It sihould have fallen to his lot to bo Qulntus, for his name Is always ap pearing In tho papers as Q. Cumber, A' , mu i imi y ' '! r Kl vM'il ""VW y 1 1 hi anwvamsrmcmjrrMm m, ThAA . k . M No More Cold Hands Perfection THE FRIEND OK COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY, u JANUARY 7. lH.ilfrNM'l CONNECTING WITH THE NOKTH HANK HOAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 p. V. McGEOIlGK. Agent HMOOTII ENOUGH TO HKATE ON Aro tho linen Iiohoiiih of tho shlrti thnt leavo our Laundry. A rich whlto gloss jiIbo churnctcrlzes them anil gives Ilium n snowy nnd perfect ap pearance. It 1h tho nmo wny with collnrn, cuffs, nnd other garments. Wo turn them out in first-class condition nnd dollvor orders promptly when promised, charging only reaBonahio prices. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN BV-3 Prof. A. Richards. TEACHER OK PIANO. And volco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants cnll nt Studio, Songs, tncken .Uldg., 1H0 Hromhvny. " Unique Pantatorium DYKING, CLEANING, PHE8SIN0 AND HEPAIIUNG ALL KINDS OP HAT WOKK. ItOSS & PINEGOH. 2nd Central nvonun Phono 2G0X Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured the livery b'lsl lobs of L. II. Ilolsnor nnd nro pin. pnrcd to render excellent uorvlco to tho pcoplo of Coc-' Day. Cirufid dt Ivors, goon rigs ad everything lint will mehn bntlafnctory sorvlcs to tho public. Phone us for n driving horBo, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do truck g business of oil kinds. ilLANCHAKD HHOTHEIIS Phono 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Hales Service. 141 First and Alder Strents A Modern Drlck Building, Eloctrle Lights, Stcnm Ileal. Elognntly Furnished' Roomc with Hot and Cold Wator. HOT E L .CO OS 0. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: GO ccnta n Day nnd Upwards. Cor. nroadwny nnd Market Mnrehfleld. Orogon. Cnoouraglno Mi Appstlts. "When I have nny dltltculty In get ting my boy of three nnd a half years to eat his food at the table we start a llttlo game." said a clever mother re cently. "Wo nnme each blto for n member of the family or for a llttlo playmato or somo place he hns been, nnd It Is surprising what uu amount he will eat and enjoy." Nursory Suggestion. For children's rooms and night nurs eries pale pink and white U a delight ful combination, and while striving to ftnve everything ns dainty iih possible oue must nvold uuueocsxury ilutllness, remembering that all draperies, etc., will be puylug frequent visits to the luuudry 8uggastlon to Mothers. If your child's pormanont teeth come through Irregularly and overlapping they should be straightened. It Is bet ter to remove a tooth If overcrowdtd. iu tub) coudltlou produces decay. A woman often does not notice what a cold day it is so long as she is bustling around the house. But when she sits down to her sewing and mending, sue soon teels chilly. It is then she needs a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. Its quick, glowing heat warms up a room in next to no time. That u the beauty of a Pctfcction Smokeless Oil Heater, It it always ready for use j you can carry it wherever you please; and you light it only when you want it. The Perfection Oil Hester ! imokeleti nd odotleu patented sutomttic FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY TUESDAY, JAN. 9, 1912. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEOUQB, Agent. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY giririrwDfuLi-"" Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tatlon froo. OlTlco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and C to 8 p. m. Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No. 130 Drondway, Marshflold, Oro. derice tniure that. It i nickel tnmnunns. Dt.Wri rwryvrKcr. I at wnla for ilncmitiv orcoUr lo r aancy c4 It ii reliable, tafe and economical burnt run knur. AH .... filling. Handiome. too drurai finiihed cither in blue enamel or nlain ,il .U in ....... "" Standard Oil Company Uncorporated) SMSMroF5i 'xwmmmmimi Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, Saturday, Jan. 6th F. S. Dow, Agent PR. C. W. LESLIE, Ontconntlilc Phyalclan Oradunto of tho Amorbnn school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlco in Eldorado Dlk. Houra 10 to 12; 1 to 4' Phono 101-J; Maruhllold; Orogon. J W. HENNHTT, Lwjer. )ffleo ovor Flanagan & Donnott Dank larahflold Orogoa COOS BAY. MVtim. . j ''' i-vtt vnoo xr YfJJt,J SAF ANP P W 4? rival, zt. 1 1- " k . xav vwS (presented NT BY -i-l'l I 'l I I I IT or mc dai nrjTi va-tv DAM KC.QLI r SYNDICATE. DEALERS J& AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION DAW FARI1 FWIT. tllMML, mmn lakds. avt 0rsanizjn6 or mmvmi. COMPANIES A ffPZClALTY 'so The past has proten that Investments In small acre tracts near growing cities aro the meit profitable. The C. B. R. 8. has such to offer. Chas. J. riruBchke. Marahfleld, Oro, A Great Big Loaf of our bread Is nono too largo for even a small family. It is so light, so good to tho tasto that een "poor bread enters" becomo big ones nftor tasting our bread. Try n loaf today and you'll order another for tomor row and overy day. Evor tasted our cako? Then you hnvo beon missing n treat Indeed, EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS PROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON JANUARY 0, 10, 23, 30 SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OP THE TIDE ON JAN UARY 0, 13, 20, 27. y L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN W-L DR. J. T. McCORMAO, TUltraljiInn . . .1 0. .. Marshflold, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockbart Dulldlng, opposite Post Offlco, Phono 105-J r It. A. J. HENDRY'S lmJ Modern Dcntnl Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high clasa work on short notlco nt tho Tory lowest prices. Examination froo. Lady nttondnnt, Cbko building, oppo slto Chnndlor hotel, phono 112-J. T. J. SCAIPE HODGINSJ FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stages leavo Marshfleld for Rosoburg at C o'clock every evening nnd afford quickest connections with Southern Paclflo Railway, Faro $0.00. COOS RAY ROSEIIirna STAGE line. S 8 JUST' AsenU ,2 MA"" AV., MHnhnold. C. P. HARNARD, Agent, ROSERURO, Oro. PHONE 11 Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRED POR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class artmlo. Ymi can all afford to eat fish at our prices, i ry them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 200J S - Marshfleld Paint, i Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Orogon Have That Roof Fixed! NOW "See CORTHELL Phone 8181 FOR First ClnssJJenl Estato 'Snmo very good bargains, RENTALS nnd INSURANCE you Bhould call on AUG. FRIZBEN, AS Central Avo.. Marshflold. . i " Coos Bay Bakery i The Times Does Job Printing The pluco for good goodies. - vpr M, A I lit! II j Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso garments cleanor and bittor than tho work can bo dono elsewhere, nnd thoy aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink thorn, oven woolen garments aro returned tho samo size as when sent us. Wo Iron the garments nicely, mako ordinary repairs freo of charce and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours un with next weok' laundry bundle. MarshfieldiHand & Steam Laundry ruo.xM 220-J i.,;H-,si jSf W"lT..)ifMWuyj I JLtriZJi, .amnt-awcicajTjjpLjcgj., , as-W- a(-ia5SAcj-