Value One of tho grentcst wonlR In tlio English Inngunge. Vnluo Is something wo nil seek, thu goal of a universal desire. All stores nmy promise, yet nil do not fulfill, (living vnluo, Greater Value Is specialty nt our store. It linn boon Instrumental In building tho largest retail grocery business on Coos Hny. We Invite You To teat our values. Olvo us tho opportunity now. Tlion Judgo if our bid for pntronngo Is not founded on right. Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES -85 AND 305 Always a Sale At Our Store "We still continue to give you belle met ch'Midise for less money al FIXUP Murslifiekl, Oregon. Now Isjthc Time to Consider Buying PETALUMA INCUBATORS model o:i joi egg capacity price MODEL 1)2 '178 EGG CAPACITY' PRICE $10.00 MODEL 01 232 EGG CAPACITY IMUCU 0.00 MODEL 0012(1 EGG CAPACITY' PRICE $22.00 MODEL 80 Oil EGG CAPACITY PRICK Ijl 12.50 You can got them now In Marshflold at tho Standard Hnrd waro dopot of Agents for Indian & Harley Davidson Motorcycles r If You Want to Please Your Wife Sccuro a flro lusurnnco Policy on your homo nud furnlturo. Tlion sho will quit worrying about whnt you and sho would do If n flro should liappou. Our policies aro as good as gold. Thoy aro In tho best compa nies and aro correctly written. I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front St. "A Millionaire Tramp" Will Do Presentod at The Masonic Thursday January 11 One Night Only Strong company and excellent show Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. Seats on snlo at "Busy Corner" After the show try a Turkish Bath Phono 214-J. If you have anythlne to sell, trado. rent, or want help, try a want ad. j MAHSHFIELD CY'CLERY (Formerly Beary'B Gun Shop) Agoncy for DAYTON HIOY'CLES PRICE FROM $23.00 UP WITH FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE. Solar Gas Lamps 3.00 with 2 pounds of carbldo this wcok. Full lino nicyclo Supplies. Guns and Bicycles Repaired by Compotont Mechanic E. HANDEL, PROP. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R. People Take Notice,! Wo have all lengths of stovq wood for snlo, prices ranging from ?1.50 per tlor up. Wo enn furnish nny length you wish. L H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. icrm Bern lews Will Morgan, who hns been at tending school at Philomath, return ed last week to his homo at Daniel's Creok. Earnest Smith of Hclllughnm Hny, Wash., hns been visiting for a week with his pnrentM, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smith or Marshflold. .1. F. Arnold and wife of Porter are rejoicing over the birth of a daugh ter, the little Miss coming as a Now Year's gift January 1. Mason and Guy Cutllp. who have been In Eugene for the past throe I montliH, returned this week to their homo at Daniel's Creek. 'tJ Marshfield Cyclery SAYS Advertising Pays Ladies' Wo nre showing Dayton Bicycles Men's Boy's As designed for this cllmntc with steel rims nud steel mudguards, and Built lo Fit You Frnmo 20, 22 or 2 1' Inch. Hruke your choice. Handle "bars your choice. Tires M. & W. or G. & J. Single Tube Tires, $3 loss, your choice of prices from $25 to $12.50. Till January 1C, llvo per cent oft marked prices. MAHSHFIELD CY'CLERY PHONi: J80K Cor. Front Ai Alder COOS HAY TID1CS. January, 1012. Below Is given tho time and helgiitli of high mitl low water at Mnrshdeld. tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on I tho 11 rat lino nud heights on tho sec ond line of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours .11 minutes. Date 0 4.21 9.20 5.5 2.S 7 5.08 10.21 5.7 2.5 LOCAL TEMPERATURE 1 C IC- POUT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 p. in., Jan. 5, by I). T. Ostllnd, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 51 Minimum .31 At 1:43 p. in 45 Preclpltntlou 35 Wind, Northwest; cloudy. Personal Notes JOHN SC11ETTER Mile today. Is in from Ten MRS, L. A. STECKEL of Hastsldo Is reported quite III. 3.03 10.12 7.3 1.4 4.35 10.54 C.8 O.S GEO. WILSON of Umpire Marshdeld on business. Is In W. F. HOWItON of Ten Mile Is a Marshflold buslnoKH visitor. JAS. MERCHANT returned to his Heaver 1 1111 ranch this morning. ANDREW MATTSON of Catching Inlet is In Marshflold on business. JOHN LENEVE of Coqulllo was In Murshllolil on business yesterdny. MISS IN HZ 111 at her JOHNSON home. Is reported G. 15. UOYERSMITH of Tho Hub, returned today from a business trip to Portland. IIOUN. ARNOLD Monday, January 1, to Mr. nud Mrs. J. F. Arnold nt their homo In North Bond, nn eight pound daughter. CUHUY To .Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Curry nt their homo on Elrod nvo nuo, Friday, January 5, an eight and ono-hnlf pound son. Mother and child aro doing nicely. FOIt SALE 80-ncro ranch on Wll lnnch Inlot, 2Vi miles from land ing, 7 acres bottom laud, flno bonch land slopes to tho south. Now hoiiBo and other improvements. A bargain. For particulars lnqulro of owner Ben Tyrer, Cooston.'Oro. GILBERTSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. N. Gllbcrt8on at their homo In South Marshflold, an eight and one-qunrter pound son. Mother nnd child are doing nicely and tho father, who Is connected with tho Ekblnd & Sou Hardware Co., Is ovon prouder than was V. N. Ek blad over tho arrival of his flrst son a few weeks ngo. Will Move How A. S. Hammond Is arranging to inovo his family hero from Coqulllo. He will personally take charge of the abstract and law olllcc which his firm will operate horo in conjunction with tho business at Coqulllo. REV. FATHER MUNHO Is again able to bo around after a week's Illness. J. H. DA VI US of Coos Hlvor was a business visitor In Marshflold today. T. SIGLIN of IsthuiUB Inlot was at tending to business In tho city today. J. C. SAVAGE of tho Coqulllo Senti nel Is n Mnrsndeld business visitor. ANSON ROGERS, Jr., from Coos Illvor, was n Marshflold visitor today. CHARLES J. BKUSHKE Is visiting Coqulllo Valloy points on business today. W. S. CHANDLER and wlfo expect to leave on tho next Iledondo for San Francisco. PRESTON JONES returned today from Coqulllo where ho hns been spending a fow days. I GAMES PLAYED MAHSHFIELD TEAM DEFEATS NOItTII BEND WESLEVANTEAM 2.1 to 2!J MYRTLE POINT 1)1 FEATS NOItTII RENB HIGH 21 1 0 0. Before a small audience nt North Bend Inst evening, tho Marshdeld High School Basket Ball team de feated tho North Bond, Suiulny School team by n scoro of 25 to 23. The game was hard contest ed, tho Wesleyan team rallying In tho second hnlf. At tho conclusion of tho nlloted time, tho scoro was a tlo but during the additional play, tho Marshflold boys scored. The next regular game tho Marsh flold team will piny will bo with Co qulllo nt Coqulllo Friday oveulng, The llno-up was: Marshdeld Pos iBancson It F Pitman Bylorly Urn n in g C. Clnrko Stutsman Summary Field bnBkotB for MarshflelcV, Grannls 3, Bylerly 2, Isancson 1, Pit man 1, Clnrko l; for North Bond, Thomas 3, Kibbler 3, Marston 2, T. Hago 1, Davis 1. Fouls For Marshdold, Grannls, 8. Fur North Bend, Marston, Kibbler and Thomas one each. Marshflold was awarded ono point as ponnlty. Olllcials Barker roforeo; Grubbs and Dludlnger, timekeepers. North Bond Beaten Tho Myrtle Point High School boys tenm defeated tho North Bend High school boys team nt Myrtlo Point last night by a score of 24 to 0. The North Bond girls tenm won from the Myrtlo Point girls team by a scoro of 14 to C. L F C It 0 L G North Bond Kibbler Thomas Marston Hago Davis FOIt HUNT FumiHiicd rooms for light housokooping. Odh Houtn Elovonth St FOUND Knight Templar wntcli chnrm. Owner can hnvo samo by Identifying' property and paying for this ad. J. C. Doano. 1 Give Dance. Tho Socialist party will glvo a social and dunco In tho Finnish hall this evening. A short program of music, song and speeches will precodo a baskot social, and tho evening will closo with dancing. Ho- iruniiiuuiuB win uo serveu. A. M. PRENTISS loft on tho Break water this morning for a short business visit to Portland. WM. MYDEN'S llttlo dnughtor, who hns boon qulto 111 nt their homo on South Brondwny, Is reported Improving, E. F. TRILBY of Kontuck Inlot wns a Marshflold visitor today. Mo Is still on crutches ns a result of n recent accident. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Alllnnco, according to reports rocolvcd todny by 'Agent McGoorgo, will reach horo Into this afternoon nnd will probably Ball (tomorrow for Euroka. t ' V Tho Rodondo Is schodulcd to sail from Snn Frnnclsco noxt Tuesday for Coos Bay. Sho has boon on dry dbek. FOR , HALK At reasonable .nrlce piano In first-class condition: enn bo Boon nt, 894 Twelfth street south, or address P. O. Box GGG Marshflold. FOR SALE A few settings of full blooded white Poklu duck oggs. ducks weighing from 8 to 12 lbs, each. G. W. Stowart, North Bond. Phono G21. WANTED Y'ou to know tlmt you can got full information of tho coming Umpqua City Reedsport First and original ground floor prices nt Stutsman & Co.,'s ofll'co, ,130 Broadway, Marehflold, Orogon. WANTED IIoiiM'keeiHT, experienc ed, mlddlo-agcd woman. Phono 225-J. Return Guns. Tho Coos Bny Div isions of tho Orogon Naval Militia to day returned most of tholr old guns to Portland nnd will got now stylo weapons In plnco of thorn. Fifteen of tho guns bo nt horo cannot bo lo catod and Llout. Straw is making a stronuous effort to got traco of them. Brings Primmer Shorlff Gngo ro turuod via Oardiuer today. Ho had with him M. L. Sill, who was arrested In Portland whoro ho wns tending bar In a saloon, for n statutory offondo, tho complnlntant bolng a Curry county girl. Sill wns formerly In Grants Pnss and spout part of tho Buinmor In Curry county. Sheriff Gngo brought him down ns a courtesy to tho Curry county olllcors. FOR KENT Room.., furnished or umurnisnod by uny, wcok or month. 237 N. Broadway. FOR RENT 10-room house In South Marshflold. Phono 119-L. Don't forget PHONE 21 1-J. tho Turkish Bnths Have your Job Tho Times' ofllco. printing dono at FOR SALE Practically now parlor organ In good condition. B. R. Mynntt. Phono 311. North Bond. PROGRAM The Royal Theater Voted Members. Tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco last ovonlng tJoptcd n resolution providing that all ministers and nowsnanermon o.i tho Bay should bo accorded all rights of mombora of thnt organization without being roqulrod to pay tho customary dues. Tho action was taken on Hugh McLnln's motion, it being explained that tho mlnlstois nnd nowspapormon did freo and vol untary sorvlco moro than sulllclont to offsot tho current dues. MILO PIERSON catno In from Ton Mllo today on buslnoss. Ho says tho Southern Pnclflc survoyorsaro Bttll busy In thnt section. TOM LAWHORNB, who hns been suffering from a sovoro nttnek of la grlppo, Is reported Improving although ho Is still confined to his homo. JOHN McCULLOCH has rotumed to hla homo In Sonttlo, Washington, nftor spending tho holidays with his mothor and othor relatives In North Bondr hRNEST SMITH who has been visit ing nt tho homo of his pnronts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Smith, left to day on tho Brcnkwntor for Dolling ham, Wash,, to rcaunio his position with n Inrge lumbor company. Tho Nnnn Smith sailed today for Bay Point with n cargo of lumber from tho Smith mill. Thq M. F. Dollar, It is qxpocted, will comploto hor cargo bo that she can sail from hero Monday. Roports from tho Capo Arago lighthouse this nttornoon Indicated thnt it was growing vory rough out nldo. A numbor of vossols wor sighted off tho bar, ono of thorn be ing tho Alllnnco. It was npparontly doubtful whether sho would bo able to cross 'in tonight. Tho JANUARY' 0, 1012 "MUTT AND JEFF" inimitable comics. Don't miss thorn tonight. "BY REGISTERED MAIL" A dandy Imp Film. "CAUGHT IN HIS OWN NET" A Great Northern Film of class. JANUARY 7, 1012 "'TWEEN TWO LOVES" Do not fall to seo this feature fllm. "THE LAND THIEVES" An Amorlcnn fllm that Is vory good. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Fop tho balancn nf tho winter. thoro will be a boat at the O'Kclly landing that can bo chartered dm or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop. First Class Auto Service Cars leavo Front of Lloyd hotoj to meet all trnlns. Fnro 25c. Special calls anywhoro at all hours. BEST CARS. Best drivers. Phono GG-J un til 11 p. m., after 11 p. in. phono 6-J. Resldonco phono 28-J; aftor 12 phono 181R. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Hunter Shot. Harry Swarthout, who travels for tho Union Oil Supply company In this section wns slightly Injured whllo hunting nt Ten Mllo today. Ho nnd John Horron wore In ono boat and .Mr. Seluoodor and Bobblo Wilson wore In another. Wil son got n llttlo excited and fired threo shots out of tho lond. strlklnir Swarthout In tho faco. Tho distance wns so great that thoy merely peno- irnieu mo skiu. swarthout is a brothor of Goldlo Bostscott who Is under arrest horo for tho murdor of Chas. Murray. ED McKEOWN, foreman of tho Smith-Powers Logging Camp on South Inlot nnd Howard Evnns loft todny on tho Nairn Smith for Snn ' Frnnclsco where thoy will apond a couple of weeks. Mr. McKoown hns proporty thoro and nt Rich mond, Calif,, which ho wishes to look after. During his nbsonco, Claro Swayno will bo In charge of tho South Inlot camp. LOGGER IN TROUBLE. Case DrojK'd. C. R. Pock todny received word thnt John M. Genrln, attorney for tho plaintiff In tho enso of Halo vs. tho Port of Coos Bay commission, which was recently do clded In tho fedornl court at Portland In favor of tho defendants, had filed notlco that It would not bo appoaled. In notifying Mr. Peck, Mr. Genrln writes, "This closes tho Incident and you may proceed to organize your port nnd do things," a sentiment which Is moro thnn nppreclated by tho people of Coos Bay. MARRIAGE LICENSES. County Clork Watson continued tho work of assisting Cupid this week by Issuing maniago llconsos to tho following prospective brides nnd grooms: J. 13. Cownn and Cora L. Bowron. Solomon S. Jennings and Iono M. Hutcutns. Arthur Peart and Lllllo Wilson. John L. Anson and Orra Amy Kol loy. Vanco W. Clymer and Myrtle Wolfo. Coqulllo Sentlnol. Bort Johnson, n logger omployed nt Camp 2 on tho bay sldo, was ar rested Wodnosday on n stntutory chnrgo nnd brought to this city by Doputy Shorlff Kolloy. Tho prime for which Johnson was nrrested Is alleged to hnvo been committed upon tho porson of n young mnrrled wo man whoso husband also works at tho camp. It is alleged thnt Johnson wns Just recovering from a dobauch of sovoral days duration nnd that ho wns not working for this ronson. Ho Is said to have beon lonflng mound tho enmp Monday and It wns on tho nftornoon of that day that tho crlmo Is alleged io havo been committed. Ills preliminary hearing Is sot for Saturday morning boforo Justice E. G. D. Holdon. Coqulllo Sentlnol. Ladles' Conts nud Ladles' Suits at MRS. ELROD'S. Groat reduction of prices on nil tho flno lino of win tor goods. ONLY' A FEW DAY'S. DO YOU TAKE COLD? If sit, you had better get ac quainted with II. & S. Cold nud Rheumatism Capsules. They not only euro n cold or Grlpi', hut do It quickly. Re huRh show niter tho flrst dose because Instead of compress ing our drugs into hard tab lets thnt sometimes u)ia an hour to two to dissolve hi tho Atomuch, vo put tho inedicluo in solunble capsules so that it takes t'lfpct Immediately on entering tho stomach. Try n hov they do tho work "quicker than you can say Jack Robinson." 23c AND 00c Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists J THE BEST That Wheat and Science Can Produce Sperry's Best, Drifted Snow Flour