: w "w .1 H. C. MALOXKV DAV 1C. MAlOXKr Kdllor mi1 I'hIi. tivwn KillUtr a V i i n in I TOAST AND TEA : SCHOOLS ELIMINATED, JfinUsrod nt tlie postomcc at Marsh- fold, Oregon, for trtuiBiulHslon through the malla as uocoud clustf rrn' mii'tiT Uodluatod to the ttervlce cl the people, that no Rood cause shall lack c champion, uud that evil shall cot thrive unopposed. i New York Teachers Uroe For Light For Children. r.aro AddreHB nil communications to COOS II A V 1MIIA' TIMES. MnrNhlU'ld :: :: :: tt Oitboh OI'I'ICIAJj I'AI'EK OK THE CITV OK MAHKIIKIKM). i HUUSCitllTION KATES. DAILY. One year G.OO Per month CO WEEKL1. One year ji.bO When paid strictly In advance the ' subscription price of the Coos Bay TlnieB Is D. 00 pir year or J2.G0 for lx mouths. THOUGHT8 ON LIFE. The went nud crownltu: of all cood. Life's flunl ntnr. Is brotherhood. Edwin MarUhaui. What conscience dictates to be done Or warns me not te do TIiIm, teach tue more than hell to Khun; That, more than benven pur sue. Pope. A philosopher Is a fool who torments himself during life to be ppoken of when dead. D'Aleinbert Glory, ambition, nrinle. fleets, throne, crowns pluythlnss of Krowu children. Victor Iiugo. It hits taken New York's hoard of education uut four yern to filmmlon dnrk rooms In the lornl nrliool Ini.ld lues or to Improve the llclitlna there In In Noveniber. 11)07. the rit.x mpur lutendent reported Home 115 mnui as "dtirk." Since thnt time some h.ne i been closed and others lighted by elec- IS A GERM SPREADER. Ollk'lul I'tijter of Coos County Au Independent Itepuhlkan news paper published every evening except Bunday, and Weekly by Tlio Coos Iluy Times I'ublifchhiK Co. SINCERITY. Sincerity Is the heart's proof of the p'liuluetiens of what the Up profess. It Is the stamp or purity which the conscience puts upon the products of the will. Every man who Is wise wishes others to believe thnt he Is sin cere, for no one wishes others to think he In u hypocrite. Uut sin cerity is not a clouk that can be usftitned for selfish purposes. It must be uu itbldlug and real ltiallly In the Interior man. ex tending Its Influence through ev erything he does, One who Is sincere always wishes the ap pearance to accord with the fact within, the deed to at the word, the habit to equul the luteutlou: he shuns nil deceit nud duplicity, lie Is unwilling to give rise to any misunderstanding or to mis represent anything. lie love to be frank and open In his state ments, to say Just what he menus and to put things clearly. He dislikes to conceal anything, to keep secrets from others sim ply because Ihey ore secrets. Whatever ho knows that Is use ful he wlsbes others to know, nnd whatever he has that Is pood ho desires others to enjoy with him. Her. Paul Sperry. EASY WHErY0U KNOW. SINCE Chrlstophrr Columbus Ilus gone and shown us how This country to discover. Who couldn't do It now? Who couldn't eturt from Europe And v tiit ward utrer ills barlt And simply keep on salllne Until he lilt the murk? Since Morse has tamed the Hchtnlnr And set for It a tusk To carry any kecret As lar a one may ask. Who couldn't take a wire And string It In the air And send on In a hurry A mestiuKu anywhere? When what's his name first printed Hy tyjH'ii a little book The world knew how to do It The duy It had u look, And when they hitched an engine Ilcfote a railway train That seemed to be the caper For any normal bruin. Tho one who follows after JIas such an easy snap He cntinot irlvn full pmcllt To him who made the map. The wonders of Invention Kccrn like un urchin's play When they are all completed And working every duy. &OMK men ure so uiny ir.vlng to keep from overlooking nnv lift Him they entirely overlook their legitimate duties. i , ' K t . t ' - - . s New Jersey Legislature and Chlnano City Council Have Outlawed It. Hewnre of the common drlnklne cup or glnis, the one lined promlsciuujxly lu public places or lu shop r offlri"- wuere many persons are viuin,vu This Is the ndvlce of physlclnus all over the country. The common drink ing cup Is a germ spreader, the doc tors Rny, nud many diseases ure trans mitted through its use. For n ulcke.i nuvbody can buy atlass tumbler or a 1 i up for h.s own private ue. to be fcfpt at ch"k or work bench uuil used during working hours luvtond of the tojsol from which scores drluk water. Ilecen'lj the state legislature of New Tupanr tm tintisKil 11 IllW lliolllllll llll! the pliiclng of drinking cups for gen eral use in murium stations, suirct, workshops, factories, olllce buildings, -. A penalty of Si!." for violation of the statute Is provided. The city council of Chicago also lint taken slmllnr nctlou by passing uu or dlniince outlawing this germ dls trUmter. All cups nnd glasses for pro miscuous drinking uxe found lu the Chicago schools, department stores, of fice bulldlugs, factories nud other pluces which many persons frequent are to be seized. OTHER POINTS! ARE REffi (Continued from pago j iuki:i: im.i .xiiroosToxsnu MIT LIST OV IXKilHMN lX)lt UUP VICAIt IMtl.KH JlltLS lcloBnte to Wn.hliiRtoii to J I un uppiupriiiuuu lur unruur ltt OIUKCT TO I'KIXTIXtJ NAMES And still they come! (IB lUr WHICH I..HH) W.I r.i AHststlng In bringing In n,nl III I 'llllfl IIII ' The list of eligible bachelors for. nr. M.-connue also m.1,1, .... Loop U-ar prices Is mnicIi !iiB propor- t d boOBl, " tlons thnt few dreamed of. .." '"' Yesterday IJunker Hill eu.eed the ' "'l. ," , ,B '" JK" spirit of the time and S. c. Shlrre.l., ' " , v lBil(1( Z""4 v Iihs. uowry Hiiu iiurrj l.usnway ;., , ., , ........ v . i.. "fl we-e enumerated among the best of ' lt ,l w"8 ' nB h endlly ,J possibilities there. , ,u,.y a,u. now "' ucki-u abol . itm v.omtiii fii iiri 1111 i 111 ir ti... I V"V vanaai, " v,,","r1 Lilt I . ... flfll Vl,ll-Ml 111 flMHIl Illlll- fl... Tlien came cooston witu n greater i """ , r, , ,', ,n . . olTerlng. Here Is the list sent from ' I'MulutIon of AIurHhneld U Cooston: John Maufolk. Dick Nubh. slated that whllont Liigtne, b, Victor Llndstrom. Curl Johnson. 1" tribute pnld to the adver V ank Steinberg and Harry I'rewltt. I this section had done lu the Some udditlonal liHines of Mnrsh- Manager lToeninn of tlio r. til...... 1. ,...!., .I,.-.. I,.... I'llllMl'IIV DCIIMll IIKMII vnn ni I "I'firtta 'JSe IlEAUINO IIOOM I'KOTlDEti WITH OOOl) L10UT1NO BTSTItU, Courtcfy American City, New Torlc trlclty or by enlarging windows, but In morn thnn lmlf tlu rntifllilrma r. main uuchnnged. The women principals, having ascer tained these facts, are now urging the board of educntlon committees to see that the other dark rooms are eliminat ed. The mutter Is now under consideration. Good resolutions are all rlgln. bin many of tln?m nave extremely wimk constitutions. It Isn't easy to work, but lu the Inng run It Is hurder nut to. You can't bide yourself frmu mis fortune, so you might its wli com, out Into the open and gain wluil strength combut can give. A SUMMER QUESTION. ni i'M Open I .'ETTIX(; AND (JIVIXU. CHAUNCKV DHI'JSW. who Is re uowed for his aphrolBtlc Hay ings, onco remurkod thut the hnpplest man ho knew wus a ped dler uud u Methodist exhorter. "The amount or pleusure that thero is lu this world from making other peo ple happy can never be measured." he declared. "The lurger tho Held which money or talent enables u innu to cover, the greater the Joy. The philosophy of life U reciprocity, iuid u man getu what he gives." Thnt this philosophy Is true, most people will admit, yet It Is the ex ception to find one currying tho Iden Into practice. And It Is orten the AluinioNt lire which reveals the truth most clearly. Money uud talent ure no apt to make u mun Bcir-ccutorod. Tho very procotw of developing wealth or genius (inula to turn the attention lu upon tho Individual uud his needs Instead of out upon the world ami the iHMwtbllltlot of help ing other. J'erhtnw It Is only w kind of Iml anct between the rich Hud tho dis tinguished. Th iuhn who la HMr imy learn the plnaure or alisrlnu. Hiid the one who la iuiout iiwn hU own liapplucss may iuIm this Jov. The latter jiays lor his weUh by h liwrdene,! nature, u spirit lean rtwiH)n elve to the eompuulouablp uf thoae ulwut hlni. At any late. It U a con Holatlou for muny that the Joys or kIvIuk are not limited to thoko uf wealth and station. (lotting and giving tho beat thlnua of lir lu n plowaure thut uiay be universally appreciated. You ueed to keep your eyes unless you want uu expert lu them for you. T It Is wise to cultlvute a taste for Ilk Ing what you huve. Ideas, like poets, are born, not made. Where Can People of Small Communi ties Recreate In Hot Weather? The Btimmer season, with Its long days of almost unbearable bent. Is here, nnd the desire of those who are coojwd up within the four walls In of fice and store work to get out tu the open nt least one day In the week Is intense. In the big cities parks, where all manner of amusement is planned to entertain people and take away the worries of the preceding six days, ore plenty. The result Is a mnn goes back to his work Monday morning feeling grcntly refreshed and benefited from his Sunday outing. Of course the rich can leave their business In tho hnmls of subordinates nnd go to the resort ror tue heated term. Hut the problem remains yet to be solved of affording this needed recrea- ...,,,. t. . ,.. , " r iup inwpie woo wore in wore " - y "". "-' , nnu omces in tho smaller towns. They iu t in It with persistence. j cannot nII K0 t0 tue ar)rer p,ocw ffJ . . . . , I this recreation. Few. if nny. can af- Arrogance Is powerful, but It Wis , ford to go to the mountains for eveu a no help when It U down. j few doy8. recrea,i0n and rest Then ... i . , - ' wUat cnn ue doDe to provide this oue A lar needs to be a person of great day outing in the week for the people tncutul resources. . , ,a tll0 Bmaer plaCM? piume , , , T . . ,l wn" that a small park might be Every husband flutters bis wife by prov,ded on tue omklln of 70Wn romplme.iilng her on her ability to TulnU wna, n W.iW"t VoulVi S ira,u "im' a little city. Why not organlxe n imrk .... . .. ,. I ""soclatlou nud sell shares. ue the uniii.ni nminir, mnnpr in taia l,,t .i., . JUNIOR CIVIC LEAGUE. Good Work Done by Organizing Chil dren In Snohomish, Wash. About n year ago Mrs. N. S Mc Cready, president of the Cosmopolitan clnl of Snohomish, Wusk., appointed Mrs. L. D. Stokes superintendent to or gnn!ze tlie Juulor Civic lengue In the Emerson school. The pupils in the four rooms lu thut building did some very efficient work In destroying noxious wcciIr. Knch mm flic rntiiiillxn thistle. Mrs. It. A. Smull. prluclpnl of the Central school, was made superintend ent of the league in her building. Talks were made to the pupils on sanitation and neatness, nnd they were urged to begin the good work lu their own homes. The pupils were required to give written reports of the work done. Out of n number of fiOO children In tho building 315 reported work done. This woru oppeaieu to me cny council, auu Mnyor Wood set aside one week In April as cleanup week. The children from both buildings were of much help during this week. Ilubblsh was put in convenient shape to bo carted away ut the city's expense. To Judge from the largo number of barrels, boxes and heaps of useless stuff In sight the first day of the haul ing away, Snohomish was much in need of this cleanup. No work was attempted during the Bummer when Bchool was not in ses sion, but on the onenlni; of school Mrs. McCreudy came in person and talked to all the children, and urged them to continue the good work. She gn ve each pupil a card on which this pledge was printed: JUNIOR CIVIC LEAGUE PLEDGE. I will try my vary btit to keep this pledge. I will not Injur any tree, ehrub or lawn. I promise not to spit upon the floor in a street car, schoolhous or other publlo building nor upon the sidewalk. I pledge myself not to de face any fence or public building. Never will I scatter paper or throw rubbish In publlo places. I will not use profane language at any time. I will always protect birds. I will protect the property of others the same way that I would my own. I will promise to bo a true, loyal citizen. 1j1.I .1 Hiwiu ill IU U11U V IH'B lUH'l IMIlill'lUir Utlti; " " ---,- - .. Mfc yr m . . h III.. Iilip 11111,1 Hllfttll 111,.... . 1 been turned m to the ueap lenr j;ui- "" "'k "" u meio anji tor but owing to n few having been ' special addresses boosting tbl "slipped in" thnt were not strictly liunette Vulley and EugentJ J-Ilftlflt, Uil'Stf lll IIU V IU l'T III'IU awn.ava vi; av--. t.s.w estiu tlCJ"! back until tliey can be clivrlsed up. 1 of either but one day he hainvJ Kmnlre nlso nut forth her claim ' mention the fuet that mil roil ,...!.... r..u f .... ..n.. 1.......U.. 1-1... l..l... It. .11, fr.i.n 1. ......... ... . iuuuj nil 1jUU) lvur iiuuurs. im' uuuik uuih iiuiu iiuhviii; i V(Kl namoB of Andrew Wlckman. Ceo. WIN nnd he said that he was uliiiosti son. H. G. Ingorsoll and Geo. Jack- founded to see that nearly ever son were submitted ub the eligible j hud heard of Coos JJny. Dr. bachelors there. nine said thnt Eugene wnn n rMi. ... t?i... , .t.,... ei'i niifi i,.M ....,. r... .. While the Coos liny girls are enter- work, 11,000 for each 1.000 jn nig into tue Bpirit or i.enp leur ror tiun, estimated, nnu lie though: ,.11 I Im ....mI1. .1..... n.. .. 1ll.. !.. t Hu.1.t..l.t ..Iw.i.l.f .1.. .... ,. till .1 in t.uitil. till.-.. UIU 11 lllilU Bll.l ! .1IUIH1U1UJU BI1UUIU uu tin w ejj, l when It comes to being advertised ua dally ub the time was most t 1..1. .. m.. .1... ....HI.......I1 . . V-.. I.f ...u -l..f 1. ' unus vu un- iiitiii uuuuiui iiiuii, .mi- noun ior uoiuk u. tire was served to the Leap ear Ed ltot by some of them that If any one anrea to puuiisn tneir names "na wanting n man," the Lenit Year Ed-lto'- would be n Dead Editor. So there you are. The Lenp Year Ed itor might be induced to usslst n checking up on n list of eligible maidens or loan the "Illuu Hook" but when It comes to publishing a list of them, nny, nay. -.11 Sf.MNEIt WANTS CJIItLS. Leap Year Editor: I notice the claims of many Coob liny bachelors as Leap Yeur prizes being net forth In The Times and I think thnt Sumner has Jut as de serving a lot of young men as nny other part of Coob county but we haven't very muny bachelors. Among tem may be enumerated the fnltnu-. ing: J. D. Dyer. Mike Boone. George Catching. Fred Stock. ' A. F.x Masters. Otis Burford. Omnr Durford. A. E. Nelson. L. F. Price. George Selander. Emll Mattson. Theo. Fawcett. Mr. Craig. Joseph Stnmbuck. Gilbert Steckel. Mike Doone. SUMNERITE I'liiiiiuliil Stnfeinent. The following Btntemeut of til colpts and dlBburseiueutR for fJ her of Commerce work was reij evening: CiihIi on hand, September tit 1 i' I v I ueceipts: Itecelved from BtibBcrlberB, Sept. 23. 1910 to Dec. 31, mil f2.49-J.13 Rent received from Port Com mission 75 00 llnlntice received from dredce collection . . . 11 on iM I rrd .'.M ' Disbursement. Advertising J79C.14 Postage 102.3G Supplies 52.95 Rent 580.00 iSnlnry, secretary.. 993. 2C Janitor 117.95 I Drnynge 1 7.25 Telegraph 21.24 I Telephone 11.15 (Printing 133.40 Repairs to typewriter I mnchlnc 1-0.00 Lights 15.45 Furnishings 75.20 , rostofflce box rent 3.00 12,! uaianco on band 1 Total J2,J( Olllce furniture, fixtures, "My Utile grls are so bright but , , l ' a"e n U(M1 oT timbered GeorL Is stuoid." ,aU(1 ns D(ar 8 'w,slb,p to ,ow ""1 S?ihr tUn U 'D, a Pr,"-Mn" (Okla.) 7 i Stato Journal. "Ywi he Is Just like his father." I ' "IndeiHl?" "Yes. It is too bad, but I suppose that I couldn't expect all my chlldreu to tako ufter me." Sacrificing. "She has such a good husband." "Hut Nhe takes lu washing to sup- IMrt him." "1 know she does, hut still he h good to her. I have known that mau to miss u hall game Just to carry water for bur." Farmors increase their crops by planting tested seeds. Mer- chants Increase business by Bell- log quality merchandise and ud- vertlslug. Have your culllnic carda printed at The Times' olllce One Benefit. "Why are you chewing so long on that pencil V" "1 am wriliug a patent medicine tes tlmoulul." "Of what woie you cured?" "Of the desire to buy patent inedl-clues." Home Treatment, lie was a, famous fwattrul. II Joyed In wr and strife. II ouiiht to litvt Lewi satlstled; Ho had It nith Ills wife. Their Finish. The ngures show how cltle now, Uut really that don't mutur. W hen tilers can the country spun. Why, t)in in, thty will scauvri V'7"' tf M5Siiiiili5 lrVifi r l'AUmM w w .4?yr mmm s xm FiOUR I Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality WHERE GERMANY BEATS US. Citizens Protest, and Offensive Bill boards Are Removed. Tho fight on ugly nud offensive bill boards la not unsuccessful in this coun try, lu spite of technicalities and mis applied or too strictly construed legal limitations. Rut one's mouth waters while reading of the remarkable prog ress of the same cause lu Germany. Decrees have gone forth ordering the removal or destruction of advertising Blgtis along the railway rights of way ns well as on walls nnd roofs of houses. The umculty of the landscape is to bo conserved or restored, and commerce Is to acknowledge the rights of the higher unture. Curiously enough, the general order ugalnst unsightly nnd ugly forms of street nnd Held advertising Is due chlelly to a movement among business men nnd ordinary citizens. Crowded meetings of protest had been held uud resolutions ngalnst the billboard abuse bad been adopted in many places. Water Meters Sav Money. A record In water meter tnstniininn has been made at Spokane. Wash. A Icport from tho construction depart ment shows that 030 meters were In stalled voluutarily by property owners At their own expenso between Jan. 1 and Juno 1. This Is an average of 110 a month, breaking all records. The rush for water meters is caused by the spreading conviction among the con sumers that buying water that way Is the most economical way. Too Much Left to Chance. The treatment of streets, sidewalks and roads Is an Important Item. In this tbere U too much left to chance. A WELCOME SURPRISE. Children of South Brooklyn, N. Y., Given a Playground. The children of thut part of South Brooklyn which adjoins the water front hud a surprise iu store for them with the eudiug of tho school term. To their delight they found that some one had solved the problem for them where to spend their vacation bv oneu. Ing a new playground, and many a weary mother sighs contentedly ns from the windows of her home she oborves the little ones ut merry' pluy under the watchful eyes of trained klndergartners safe from trucks uud Biitomoblies and- removed from the sordid Influences of the street. The uew plnygrouud Is part solid soil and Mudded with the various im plements that convince the child of the tenements that life is worth Uv Ing. There are swlugs and "borj.'s" nnd little chairs and till the other things that go with playground work. Two teachers furnished by the Parks nnd Playgrounds association guard the tots from harm and by easy stages teach them what Is good and health- iui in piay and what may harm their little bodies. The playground is equipped with two sets of swings, two sets of see saws, two slides, n diamond, n basket ball court nnd other helps to pluyful days. Playgrounds. Our God from heaven. I think, emllesdown n children's play spots In a town On playeroundj where child's rlshts of joy. Due all. are elven each clrl and boy. A Chrlst-llke thought It Is to give A nlavlnir tilaea tn Uta,.. ..v. h... In little alleys, noisy streets, Where summer sun so fiercely beats; Where noise of flchtlng and of sin Are all around, nlihm,. ,-i.v.i. And they give joyous hearts and faces. And little lives turn to the sun. r,t"'JUn,n.eVCT0,w " they"ve begun. m e ask thee. Father, oa our knees. -Beulah N. J. WooUtoa. goooooooooooobbbbbbbbooo f:Trade Methods Sher man Anti- Trust Law Will Not Stand For oooooooooooooooooooooooc u By Attorney General W1CKERSHAM TZK nlono does not c stituto monopoly. attainment of n do; nnnt position in nt: npss acquired as tlio result II O X K S T EXTEREJU: and normal methods of b: ness development U not a lation of the law. BUT UNFAIR METHODS! TRADE, BY DESTROYING A1 UA11,C, ... EXCLUDING COMPETITORS! :;;;" ':"CORPORATE stock holdings or by means i wuTBU." EN ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL COMPETITOR vv u BWOB " : ONTROL 0F COMMERCE AMONG THE STATES! w .- " WUNTH,ES N ANY PARTICULAR LINE OF INDll :"' ' .UHED OR THREATENED, EXPOSE THOSE WHO A m .S '"8UCH EFF0RTS T0 E PENALTIES PRB8CRII " " . onl-n ANTI-TRUST LAW, BECAUSE THEY ARE (I 3 c MONOPOLIZING OR ATTEMPTING TO MONOPOLIZE SU It is also now settled that no form nf ,.-t :.: -- v.". jutlllU U11U1UUIIU11 5or or consolidation; no species of transfer of tltl wi.i., hr :onvoyanco or mortence. and no 1 nf :. ' .i. .i... i original contract, conspiracy or combination can BAR a federal co: " equity from terminating nn TTVT a wvttt nrcmn a t-vtt .ompelling tho disintegration of n MOXOPOLISTIO COMBD' --i.ji.. .ssHHIIIW 3 ' BssHHHK .asasassllllllHs, .sasaasasslllllliaS asasslllBassllllH lasasaBssssllllllV sasasasslkasaW sassllslllllllllKW VsHassllllBssk vOttVvsasP 3 tfHaBHa?satry laCWsslllllllBj'sa. J 3 ATCEsssaBBak fVr 3 ;.uh , KisBW-C',; 3 H' B W g Photo by American Press Association. O 30000000000000000000000QOOOO Times Want Ads Bring Resul x s t.,,,,,,,,,, -- 1; Ji3iV,.UL. .-