HE REXALL LINE MEDIES twJlr 11 AYE AlililYEl) ASD AVE SOW HEADY FOU YQlr AT "THE BUSY CORNER" THE REXALL STORE km to ho found in the the KIDXALL line. JTho RISXALL Remedies represent (he aeme of excellence in the remedial agencies of the world. They are the highest standard of inguinal preparati iited Stales. All that science and skill can accomplish in compounding family Remedies for the Relief and cure of simple ailments are to be found in THE REXALL STORE Represents the Highest Standard of Excellence in Modern Pharmacies in every city where one is appointed. Before a drug store is selected as the R J3 Xi 'OH 13 a representative of the United Drug Company personally visits the city and makes a careful investigation and the leading pharmacv is chosen. Reliability, rity and progressiveness are some of the qualifications required of a R EX ALL STOR 13. The REXALL representative found that the LOClvlIA RT-P ARSONS b ). 'TlLIii 13UbY OOK.NMfc" filled these requirements and it was designated as the Marshheld depot ior the distribution of these famous preparations. Plie 1?13XALL RI3M13DII3S are the strongest line of guaranteed preparations ever offered the people of Coos County. Every article sold is warranted to afford cure or to he the highest grade and if you are not satisfied your money is refunded. This strong guarantee is backed both by the manufacturers and bv the L y?T-PARSONS DRUG COMPANY. ALL pop- DRUCl relief OCK- l11 these remedies and preparations are sold at popular prices ranirinir from 10 cents to $2.00. "TI1I3 BUSY CORNER" handles them exclusively in Marshfield and they cannot he obtained in any other istore at any price. fPhe Grand Opening of the REXALL line today marks another epoch in the forward march of the " BUSY CORNER" at the head of the procession on Coos Bav. File lollowing list will give the people of tins cityvsonie idea oi the variety and extent ot the KEXALL Remedies and Preparations. tXAMj lynKMwln TiiWHh CXAIili llriitlnrho TnblolH IXAIili Liver mid Kidney Ten 3XAI.li Cnlhiiitlr IMIls IXAI.l. fiiistrlc Tnbli'iH IXAIili Wood TalilclH iVAI.Ii Xorvn Tuhh'tN 3XAI.I. Tontlinohi' Stopixr iXAI.Ii Carbolic Snlvo iXAI.I. Aromatic Cantor Oil CXAI.Ij Clillliliiln Remedy EXAI.I. Compound l.leorjco Powder EXAI.I. ICinulMoii of Petroleum EXAI.I. Kii-mhjiio SXAI.I. ICnruche Remedy EXAI.I. (Irlppe PIIIh CXAT.I. Willow Charcoal TuIiletH EXAI.I. Hremii Ointment EXAM Sih-cIii1 Oliittiiciit CA.AI.Ij l.i'NiM'rliin ImONO'S INN SPICKS: Illurk IN'PIkt WllltO IVIHT ('renin of Tnrtiil EXAI.I. OlieNlty Treatment EXAI.I. Foot Powder 3XAI.I. Utile Liver P.IIh SXAI.I. Tlcklw Stopper Thront Itemeilv -yo-inol AntlHeptli: Solution 3XAI.I. IlronrlilnlN SXAI.I. AmerltwiltN Pills SXAI.I. Worm Candy 3XAI.I. Heef Wine and Iron iXAI.I. Kye Wash I3XAI.I. Neiinilnln Tablets ItlCXALL Throat (Snrgle HICXAI.I. Kclter ItlCXALL t'litnrrli Tablets v ItlCXAM, ratarrh Jelly N Itl3XAI.I. White lilnlnient ItlCXALL Pih! Treatment ItlCXALL Jaiunlca (linger KlkayK ('oiiiM)iiii(l Syrup of Wlilto Pine and Tar ItlCXALL IHiiekberry Cordial ItlCXALL Cholera Remedy ItlCXALL ConiMtund Cherry Hark Coneji Syrup ItlCXAMi Huhhlnj; Oil ItlCXAM, Phistlkluo HKXAIil. Heart Cnnilolds ItlCXALL SiiKar of Milk HICXAM, Pile Remedy ICIIuiys Ijie and Silk Clemmer HICXAMj Pacllic and' alterative ItlCXALL Vrgetnhlo Coiiikiiiik1 ItlCXALL Orderlies ItlCXALL Sodium Phosphate ItlCXAI.I. Kirervt'xcliiK KIsHlngen ltlCXAI,L (iianular Vichy ItlCXAMi Clt rated Miigneshi. ICIkuys Cleaning Fluid ItlCXALL Hlieuiuiitlc Tablets READ THIS LIST: ItlCXALL AmlriKiMl Witch Hazel Violet Dulee Sacliet Powder ItKXAI.I. Violet Dulce Complexion Powder Harmony Complexion Liquid Violet Dnlre Tolk-t. Soap ItKXAI.I. Tooth Powder ItlCXALL ":t" Shampoo Pnsto ItlCXALL "1)3" llalr Tonic ItlCXALL Tooth Wash ItllXAI.I. Toilet Soap ItlCXALL IIU'IiiIhIi Soup ItlCXAI.I. Shaving Iillon ItlCXALL Theatrical Cold Crciim ItllXAI.I. Disappearing Skin Cream ItlCXALL Cold Cream ItlCXAI.I. Violet Talcum Powder ItlCXAI.I. Violet Dulce. Vanishing Cream ItlCXAI.I. Perfumes Harmony Chimes Intense Crab Apple Intense I.llac Intense White Homi Intent' Treilo Intense Violet Violet Dulce Toilet Water ItlCXAI.I. Florida "Water ItlCXAI.I. Wine of Cod I.lver Extract ItlCXAI.I. Seldlltz Powders ItlCXAI.I. Corn Solvent ItlCXAI.I. Tooth Paste ItlCXAI.I. Skin Fix ItlCXAI.I. Cream of Almonds ItlCXAI.I. Toilet Cream ItlCXAI.I. Wood Violet ItlCXAI.I. Hose Minis ItlCXAI.I. Soda Mint and Pepsin ItlCXAI.I. New ICngland I.ily of the Valley ItlCXAI.I. New ICiiglaud Trailing Ar. hiitus ItlCXAI.I. ICiiiiiInIoii Symond'N Inn ColTeo ItlCXAI.I. Mucutoiio ItlCXAI.I. ICllxIr Amcrlcwiltls ItlCXAI.I. llambou Ilriur lllood Itullder ItlCXAI.I. lted Wetting Itemedy ItlCXAI.I. Pepsin Rum ItlCXAI.I. lied Cedar Flakes ItlCXAI.I. Cod I.lver Oil ICinulrdoii ItlCXAI.I. Hindoo Knso ItlCXAI.I. Kidney P.lis ItlCXAI.I. I.lver HaltN Remember the Guarantee "The United Drug Company and TII1C HICXAI.T. STOItIC selling this preparation guarantee It to give wdlsfactlon; If It docs not, go back to tlio store where you bought It mill get your money. It belongs to you and we want you to have It." ItlCXAI.I. Sarsaparlllu Tonic ICIkay's Hal mid .MotiM Poison ItlCXAI.I. AbsorlMMit Cotton Fenway Horehotiud Drops I.lgget.s' Honbons I.lgget's Clucolate.s I'Vuway's HonhoiiH FVnwny's Cliocolates ICIkay's Live Stock Itomedles FOH DORS Canine Iantlvo DlsteiuK'r Itemedy ICye Wash Flea IK'stroyer , Alnnge tuition Worm Medicine i FOR HOItSICS AND CATTI.IC Colic Itemedy Rail Itemedy Sprain Liniment, Wlrocut Worm Powder ItlCXAI.I. Pepsin Rum ItlCXAI.I. Itellecto Furniture Polish HICX.VI.I. Itellecto Mcnthnlluo Hnlui ItlCXAI.I. Itellecto Irfirkspur Lotion ItlCXAI.I. Diarrhoea Compound Mof.!ier Kroh's Croup Itemedy ."Mother Kroh's Teething Syrup Mother Kroh's Soothing Syrup Mother Kroh's Iaxntlve Syrup Mother Kroh's Diarrhoea Itemedy Mother Kroh's Haby Cough Syrup Mother KroYs Colic Itemedy Mother Kroh's ICsscneo of Catnip Mother Kroh's Neutralizing CordVtt The Busy Corner" Kenicmbcr these preparations can be obtained at no other store in Marshfield and arc sold exclusively by the Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TEi Busy Corner" agS$!2BBa!B&st ei f fBijTVWl 'l ixwiinxrsj (Continued from pago 2.) Surer; IC. Downing, secretary; Ledwnrd. J. T. McCormnc, W. Dye, A. M. Prentiss, J. M. Upton, kir McKcown, Win. Lawlor nml ! lannfian. Tlio Womon'a Aux- Is tlio missionary organization iB women In tho Protcstnnt Ku- pai cliurcli In the united Sutton lly ovory ICplscopal church liaB Its orancn, and nil work togothor auxiliary to tho General Hoard llBBlontl In New York City, which uaut no wonion at work along dus lines in 35 missionary juris- Ions. tio next meeting will bo held at liomo of Mm. GcorRO Murch tho Tuesday in Fobrurary. Irs. Wm, Grlmos was hbatoss at a pnlng Iliidgo luncheon Thursdny. Iio Chandlor. Tho decorations of holly and red carnntlons and dividual tables woro von nrotty tholr tiny red-shaded caudlo by placo-curd and ono largo candlo do contor of each. Tho ilrst was won by MrB. J. T. McCor- tho consolation by Mrs. J. S. The guests of Mrs. Grimes Mesdnmes B. Crosthwalt. A. T. s, I. S. Kaufman. Rfllo Fnrrlne- IV. P. MIUoi, W. 13. Warwick, C. un uuyu,.j. T. HarrlKan. F. G. Ion. J. T. McCormac, J. S. Coko, " norion, H. Sengstacken. G. A. ott, R. K. nooth. W. T. Mor- M. E. P. Morrlssov. P. A. Snn.1- I, G. P. Murch. V. A. Tnvn. A. Ilouseworth, Dorsey Krletzor. P. pottlns, C. P. McKnlght, and F. fuiuru. 0 pie North Bond nHdcro ninh win Int'! talned next Wednesday even- a Lliu nnmn nr at nn.l rHn rv , . "- V4 .141. ill.U .111D. x. Clennle. I)1C' ' N' Wt club raot Thursday l t "r l ixra' una8. Kaiser in rll Lend. A vorv nlpnRnnt nflpr- I as spent In spite of the fact tllO attniwlnnon ...... .....ll Tt 111 ---ni.u )Ta DI1IUII. lUlili I a! i1"8, Lenn. Mrs. ynughn "--Biiuui uttlo Now Year's dl i- nor party wbb given last Mondny ov uilni; ht tl.o homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Geo P. .urch in West MnrshMoId. UerlJes ihu lnembors of thu family. C' vn . LaRorstrom, Ausgar Lager siiiini. liiiLd OniBt nnd Mr. Isaaction weio picsonl. Ono of tho fentures of tho dinner was tlio serving of ufiim. Rwoiiikh ilullcaclcB that had Livu f ' nt Mr. IsuncHon from Stock holm, tho real "KnacKobroti" aim tho punch that la served with It. 0 and Mrs. Mnthor were guests of tho oinii rjn linulnoRH wag transacted. the meeting being devoted wholly to pVi our?. The club win meet Tiiiirs day. Jan. 11, with Mrs. M. C. Mnlon oy. O A I Din mnntlne of tlio Ladles' Art Club Frldny election of oillccrs f iim tii-naiii vnnr wns neni null inu J fallowing onlcors woro chosen: Mrs. B. U. McArtliur, presmeiu; airs. j. vt. Kinney, vice-president; Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd, secretary; Mrs. Wm Ho afclund, treasuror. Tho noxt meet ing will bo ut tho homo of Mrs. Dlatt In South Mntshtleld Friday, January 12. O Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Gettlns kept open houbo Now Year's day, marking tho beginning of a pretty custom which has gono unobserved on Coos Bay for many years. In tho cotirao of tho afternoon many New Year's calls wero made by the friends of tho host and hostess. 0 Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Peck woro host .,.i hnutnua nt mi nvonlnir of Bridcd Mill. IWM4VW ..V w -- " Tuesday at whfch prizes woro won by Mrs. House worm ana hit. uuuuuiui. Among thoso present wero Judgo nnd Mrs. J. S. Coko, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ilouseworth, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Dr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Ilorsfnll, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Horton, Mr. anJ Mrs. J. Albert Matson, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clinndler, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knufmnn, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crosthwalt. - O Tim MinnlnWla Club met Thursday at the homo of Mrs. Dresser and spent n vory plcnsant afternoon In making for club ubo badges of roso-colorcd satin ribbon in the slinpo of roses and buds. At this meeting no business was attempted oxcopt tho election of olllcors. Mrs. 12, 12. Kelly wns chos en president, Mrs. D. A. Jones secre tary and trcasuroi. The club is plan ning to glvo n Valentine Piirty Poo, 14 for tlio members and their hus bands. Last year tne annual enter talniiiont took the form of a Washing ton b Birthday party and wns u very enjoyable event. Tho club will bo entertnlned Jan, 18 by Mrs. Prlco at her homo on Central iivonuo. O Miss Elvira Prlzeon entertained number of tho girls of tho younger sot nt hor homo Friday nt an informal sowing party. Among those Invited woro Misses May Myron, May l'rouss, Norn Towor, Ilazol Powers, Grace Kruse, Prances Williams, and Iluth Alton. .Miss Frlzoon loft today for Portland. 0 A birthday party will bo hold this evening nt tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Downer In honor of tho birth day of tholr daughtor, Miss Myrtlo Downer. Among thoso invited nre Mr. and Mrs. E. A. May, Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Matson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagnor, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawhorno, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hopson, Mr. and Mrs. George Coloman, Mr. nml Mrs. Earl Goar, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrcde, Mi. nnd Mrs. H, Bishop, Vina Clarke, Clarke, Edna Mcintosh, Gertrude Mlltor, Annlo Wheolor, Grnco Jonson, Edna Ray, Harriet Wheeler, Minn Clarko, Lilly Thorwald, Lucy Thor wald, Ida Downer, Loo Ray, Ronald McGeorgo, Guy Torroy, Russ Nns burg, Karl Cllnkeuboard, John Mot ley, Carl Larson, Prunk Howe, Lostor Baling, Fay Matson, Wes Noah, Char llo Knox and Maurice Ray. O Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Parsons woro host and hostess at an Informal Now Year's Evo dinner nnd "vntcn" party to which woro Invited Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Crosthwalt, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Morrlssey, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Q. Van Duyn. Tne North Bend W. C. T. U. met Tuesday afternoon at tlio home of Mrs. josophlne Jones, on Union Aven ue, 'nd carried out tho following pro g. am Suo, "I Need Thee Evory Hour," Mrs. Albert IHsey; Scripture Reading Mrs. Geo. Hazrfr; Invocation Mrs. E. Woodhull; loading Mrs. Robt. McCantr poem rMrs. Hisoy; reading Mrs. Woodhull. Dr. Clnrko gave n very Interesting talk on tho plnclng ot tempernnco literature in tho bcliools. Dr. Clnrko has boon for niuny jenra n workor In tho W. C. T. U. nnd will bo a valuable holpor hero. A short tlmo wao given to tho prnctlco of Parllmentary drill. Thoro wero fvolvo members preBont. Mrs. Ritchie whb lender and Mrs. Hisoy critic. Tho closing prayor was giv en by Mrs. McCnun. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Merchant woro host and hostess to a nuinbor of guests who watched tho "old year out and the now year In" Sundny evening nnd nttended tho special services at tho Emmnnuol Episcopal church. govern tho affair entirely, tho Invita tions being extended to tho Indies who will select nnd bring their pnrt i tiers, ougngo dunces and cxerclso to i their pleasure tholr Lnp Year pre rogatives. Tho proceeds of tho af fall will go nB a benefit to tho Mnrsh flold Public Library. Tho commit tees in charge af tho ball are: i Invitations and program Mrs. P. E. Haguo, Mrs. J. W. Dcnnott, Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. R. K. Booih, Mrs. Eugeuo Crosthwalt, Mrs. John S. Coke, Mrs. W. S. Turpen, Mrs. Eliza beth Lnwlor and Mrs. Elllo Fnrrlnger. Refreshments Mrs. Dorsoy Krlet zor nnd Mrs. A. L. Housoworth. Music Mrs. Wm. Ilorsfnll, Jr.. Mrs. W. T- Merchant antMIIss Agnes Hutchison. Miss Belva Plnnagan will return Monday to Isthmus Inlet, thoro to re sumo her teaching. O Miss Marjorlo Cowan 1b planning, to lenvo near tho mlddlo of Fobrunry for Eugeno to resumo her course at Oregon University. 0- ' Tho MarBhiloId High School fqur year Alumni entertnlned tho Senior Class and the Hlirh School Faculty Monday evening nt tho homo of Miss' Mnry Hansen. Nearly ovoryono wib1 nble to be presonl and n jolly even. inr una annnt rTlman nntnrt n Innrl I wero Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Tlodgon, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Barker, Miss Silver man, Miss Carpontor, Mr. Grannls, Miss Norn Tower, MIbs May Prouss, Miss Mnry Prico, Chauncey Clarke, Milton Carlson, Ernest Ilnnrrlngton, and Bartlett Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dodgo will en tertain the Cordiality Club noxt Thursday evening. 0 H. W. Painter and wife returned this week from a six weeks' visit at their old homo In Oklahoma. O Tho New Year's Ball given Inst Monday evening In Loggle's hall by the U. M. O. club of North Bond proved to bo ono of tho moat dollgli'.. fill of the several dancing parties on the Bay during the holiday season. About twenty-flvo couples wero pres ent. Light refreshments wero ser ved. The dato of tho club's noxt dance will bo annuonced later. O The Leap Year ball to bo given by the ladies of Maishflold at tho Eagles hall next Saturday evening, Jnnuary IS, promises to be one of the largest nnd most enjoyable functions of tho season. Tho Invitations are now be ing issued. Leap Year rules will Mrs. T. S. Mlnot and Miss Mary Haguo who have been spending u fow weeks nt tho homes of their sister, Mrs. Eugeno O'Connell, nnd brother, P. E. Haguo will leave on tho next Kedondo for San Francisco. Tho ladles of St. Monlcn's Catholic church wero entertained last Wednoii dny nftornoon at the homo of Mrs. C. W. Montgomery in West Mnrshflold. Tho afternoon waa dovoted to needlo work nnd nn informal discussion of tho proposed fnlr. No doflnlto plans have been mndo for It yet. Tho noxt mooting will bo hold Wednes day afternoon at tho homo of Mm. A. il. Powers. 0 Miss Chnrlotto Murch will sorvo as teacher In tho Second Grade of tho Central school building noxt week, teninotarlly filling tho vacancy causo-J ly tlio eslgtiiition ot Mrs. Andrews. O Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort Kittson of Easuldo gave n family rounton dln nei Now Year's day, ontortalnlng Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cavanaugu, El ,w Clare, Hubert nnd Miss Edith CBvanniiBli. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes Ca- THE ELITE HAIItimiCSSING nnd BEAUTY PARLOR Facial and scalp roassago and shampooing, scientifically glvon, Ladles and gentleman's manicuring. All kinds of hair, ornamental, and shell goods, hair tonic and cosmotlcs, com bings mado to .order in any stylo, all work guaranteed. Hours from 8:30 A. M. to 7:30 I M. Suturday 0:00 P, M. Phono 270-X 170 South Broadway. tnnuiiKh, Horinnn nnd Mlsa Ethel Ca vuuuiigli, Mtb. A. Cnvnnnugh, and Mih. It. L. Cavannugh, and children, MIk Muilel nnd Robert. 0 E. S. Bnrgelt nnd wlfo woro host ami hostess nt un Informal "watch party" nt tholr homo In South MaraU ileld New Ycur's ove. 0 Mrs. to. E. Kelly entertained sever al of her friends Tuesday nt a- "noon day luncheon" nnd sowing party, .moiiu thorn woro Mrs. Mnry Mc knight, Mrs. F. A. llnzard, MrB. Carl A. rvortson, Mib. Chns. McKnlght, and MVs Blanche Feidtno. 0 Mr nnu Mrs. Robort McCann en-tiM-tii'iifd nt dinner Now Year's day nt tholr homo In North Bond. Their gneits v.ero Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hnzor, Keo.gc Roynolds of Clackamas, Oro, Ml? Hcyuolds, Bernard Ilazor nud Mit Llillan McCann. 0 A Ni-w Yoiir's dinner party was given .lciiduy Uy Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Worrell nt tholr homo li North Bond, nt width wero proient Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Pnhy, Robt. and Hazel Paliy, Mr. and Mis. Robt. W. Simpson, and Harold LslmpBon. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrand onlortnlned nt n "watch" pirty, Sunday night, Now Yonr's Eve. Among tholr guests woro Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dodgo, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brad fleld, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Klnnoy, Mrs. Pluclla Turner and Geo. Dlndlngor. 0 AIIS8 Helen Bradley fontortnlned Wednesdny ovenlng nt nn informal "middy-blouso" party, at which tho chlof diversions woro dancing nnd cards. Among her guests want Misses Grace KniBo, Prances NvilJ InniB, Florence- Aiken, Ruth Alton, Norn Towor, Charlotto Murch, Mario Malonoy, Genovlovo SonkBtuckon, Ag nts Carpontor, Esther Sllvorman, Agnes Hutchison, Evelyn Andorson, Edna Stanley, Hazel Powers, May I roiiBB, Ruth Morton, Mario Seaninn, M.mlo Mahonoy, nnd Ella Felter, Messrs, and Mesdames W. C. Brad (Contlnuod on page 8.) Authentic nd nluLI inforoutioo about biMdmt, tutcluof, Ituiiir, leecung and liouilng poultry l. conuinw in Uia uiefl edition of Lilly Poultry book jud printed. Scad (or copy, lit. imuiu. ri. LMlf l.,settla m iiTnffTmwrrgwfflwuniriWiTTr m mil v n i- I r'i .