iu in.iit m i w - - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1912-EVENING EDITION Mammoth Clearance of Fall and Winter Merchandij Monday Starts the Second Week of Oui anuary nee 2 fcMBWMMMtMIWWWWMMWWWMWWUllWtWWMWWBBl . 'J " Cleara Sale V.' ttU Tn ss f.l " A .. "i in re &2&J I H 1M3IISONAL notices of visitors In tlio city, or of Coos Uny peoplo sr'jo visit In othur cltlcfy together with. r3tlcs of social n fin Irs, are gladly rccoi'cl In tho social de partment. Tolcphono 133. No tices of club mealing will bo pub lished nnd secretaries nro kindly requested to furnish same. THE SHIP OF DREAMS. IN tho Hltvor trail there's it unit tonight, Anil u )il) (itnmln In from tliu far Bra lino A iliapo Hint never Is seen by day. In mint cinlirouilcil nnd vtllctl In uprny, HenrliiK no ftoro of mart or mine. Out of tlio haven of lie.irt'n ikalro Many u year's she overdue; Drenmn forcottrn nnd visions old, Tearnlnss bnrtered uwny for gold Thcso aro tlia wares sho brines to you. Spoil of the Innds of Ioiik ago. Trunsuro of years when tho heart was young. Tenrit sho brlnxeth and childish woe, Wistful Inrmlim and kiss of snow. Tho liOMi untold and tho sour uniting. You novcr shnll hear her nnchor chains Nor over tho sound of her Happing sail, Tet oyes that nro weary nnd old nnd dim llnvo seen he,r far on tho ocean rim, Hulling across the silver trail, Churlcs W. Kennedy In Alnalco's. SINCE tho first untrauru of Cupid Into tlio garden of ICdon the lit tlo lovu god has been cnlli'd upon for tho reason of his existence, writes Sophie Loeb. And verily, for his ex istence thorn Is n rousoii the very biggest renson In all tho world. I'or ovon though Adam nct'opted the npplo and Kve's love, taking tho cash mid letting the credit go to Kvo for breaking up l-Mcn, the creatures that iiooiild the imrlli seok tint love- sod, world without end. ' Thus, whllo pools havo sung of Its Joys nnd sorrows and wnra havo been vnged In tlefunso of love, It still rules tho ttnlvcrso. For a human Is a hu man for a' that nnd a' that nnd a' that. iu nges hnvo chronicled many flnflnlf Inlm. t limirfnu tilul nfitw.litulmtti of love. Hut through Its manlfosta-J ,,;,-v 'rtU;' w,t.h 'llH, w- ? N,ch,; t oiih. wn move nnd II vu and have " " "" ilu "r uiu tiny win mir l.i.lnir wllli'.nlllf. u-i,.lli,.r ... , P " HlO AniirlCllll Illdlllll. --... ....... ..-..,, J. ....,..,. v , ,,, I... I ... nunivna win ill: finoioit;ii 113 aid moved a bamnut and (irogruni .01.MV.1ig tue insialiatio.i ceremonies. i tliu luminal, .1. lorn Hall pres,d I j. tonstiiiaster and there were re volt. b; .Mrs. I Inula AlcCormnc. .i.v I.. .i. Noble, Mrs. I). I,. Hood, md F. C. Alien. The special music lie the occasion was In charge of .M.b E. (1. Flanagan and .Mrs. .1. T. Hall. Mrs. Ella Hood ns- isted by Mrs. Annie Holland, Mrs. Alieo oiieddou and .Mrs. .Mary Mc- Kaiglu acting as the installing olll cers Installed the following: lt.s.1 Ol 'of of Honor Jennie Has ni'tsstu. t'ti!ef of Honor Nnncy. Noble. Jidy 01 no,' J.eila Lawhonio. Cii't ol Ceroinoniys Hnnnah l.:iiti. It- ortlei I-nnnle Hazard. t MitiKitr I). I.. Hood. Tip.tsurcr Dora Cnthcart. I'dioi Gracu Nagle. i,i-tua usher Martha Flanagan. I.i or Watch 3arah Wilson. Oiitsld.' Watch Hattie McCor- III.1C. 0 The I'rldo of Oregon Camp No. 277i, Itoynl Neighbors of America, met 'i'ucsdn night to hold their nu ll. ail h atuii'tloa of olllcers. During the exercises tno following newly-el-"CKil olllrors wire Installed: Uiticie ,M. .M. LaChnppoIle. Ice-Orne'o Melilna Foster. ''..'uiccloi (lertrude Smith. He'jortlei Helen H. Downs. .Mi- li.il Corn 12. Holt. Inner Siutlnel Gertrude Scnlfo. Oner Sentinel Anna Lund. Maiuyorh Huby McOeorge, tillcn l Kei'v. I'hys'tlnn Dr. A. L. Hoiiseworth. Th. Now Year's Party given at tho Mlllitoma Club rooms last Saturday ovciiiiK was ouo of thu most enjoy ublc ( vr f,iveu by tho club which Is Justly famed for Its hospitality. DaiiLlng ai.d cards wero tho dlier nom of the evening and a lino orches '.m 'iddcd much to tho pleasure of tho ,; 'l" c. Decoiations woie of greens i ml merit uu lings. 0 The Progress club will meol Mon CONTitlUL'TlONS concerning bocIuI happenings, intended for liubilcatlon In tlio society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than t o'clock p. m., Friday ot each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases where events occur later than tho ttmo mentioned.) lint it In so many words or not. Mother lovo him bueu thu shining ntur In tho llrinnment of every day activity. Thu hardened business man ' ntnps hlu figuring at the advent of lovo. I I.lttln men hnvo become big men I through their Inspirations of It. Tho I pen or llfo Is regulated by Its unfall Ing undercurrent. " tin meet n porsou nnd nro Itistlnc r.td several in-nibviH In presenting her progrnm and c.ii.1, .1. ember has been requested u. bring w ih hor to thu meeting snuiH ndut'i reliu whoso history sho wi:: aivo iall call. 0 Mr and Mrs. John Nagle entertain el n large number or frlouds nt din ner. Moi.iM), Now Ycnr's day. Tho inuiso was orilllautly decorated with tlvc!y drawn townrd 1:1m or repelled. ' 8t'',"li81 n -uIoroil electric lights and You learn to lovo lilm or you nroil,1l1" ""V.c's' . .T1'oso. Invited wero Indlfforent to him. '"" """ "l,'d- A ' rkor, Mrs. Tled- ii ih an iiiiieriiauru that comes un heralded a part of us. Hut no ono gen, i.Iihh Sllvuimun, Miss Carpenter, Alii-d Kurd.ie, Miss Palmer, Mlbs tfoMcrs, Miba Strlffler, Mrs. Haldwln, enn gainsay that tho beautiful nplrlt i 'VnriTiw ,,' m " "",awu' )f It Is far-roachlng, almost InlliiHo1' "'"I . . " n'B"'.' ' "". In Ha relations with everyday hu-1 J 8 j?Z'in lr n t S' juans. And tho creeds ot lovo aro Zu. AoT . itiMrl "" iuiii Ulli, t- ir.lt It, It Is something llko this I bollovo that lovo Is tho leavon of llfo. It raises tho hope of tho human nnd softens tho strain of struggle. Tho wolf may como, but lovo muf fles Its howl. Tho llriuamont may lie dark with clouds of despair yet lovo looks ut It through tlio largo Ioiih and finds tho silver lining. Time nnd tide hnvo come and gone, but they hnvo loft lovo high nnd dry on tho shores of olernlty. Yes, even though the Angel of Death outer, lovo closes tho eyelids and tho soul whispers, "TIs well!" And thus lovo Is the loaf of llfo and each of us needs n Hiiro, And what Is lovo? t'l,..l, I...... ...it...... .1... t. ..., .. .!. , ui'ii mi I'llU'U nit! lllivill III III!) i Miss Lury Morton left last Satur day by way of D.-aln for Seattle, i-'hore sho will resunio her course n. tho University ot Washington. A number of young peoplo of Coos lla who havo been spending their t.'hrlbtmns vacations at tho homos of Molt parents loft last week on the Hickvntor for their respective" col li go towns. Among them were Gor don Hasmuhseu, George Mureli and nuiiu uruit, who stopped over n day in Uo In Portland before returning Co.vnllL. II. Uussoll, who has mvn visiting nix brother Tims. Huh veil at Hoaier HIU also loft on the Mint Frlda. Walter Aspluud and pauper It transforms It into the pal-! . ", m. ""'?"'. two other Oregoa nro of the poor. .mruiuturnl students are planning to slay in MarshiKdd until .iiouiluy win they will lehool. Mimiay or leave for I.ovo regulates the pendulum of time and puis wrinkles In the shade. I.ovo Is the soothing zephyr In tlio HoelhliiK router of strife. Love Is tho ono unfailing traveler that roaches tho road of reform. Lovo Is on the right end of tho horseshoe nnd draws tho magnetism of Joy. Lovo makes tho nrms of llttlo ehll rtron stretch out to you. Lovo Is tho only lubricant Hint makes tho inarrlngo whools go with out srreeehlng. Lovo extended at tho right time ih.i.s in tear. January 1L' to return to llerUelev, Lovo Is the stniljiht rond to hnp-, where she I .u.cuduiK the rniversitv pltiow ami there nro no trnnsfors Is- of California. ' Huod from tho main line. I ' I ..i.n I.. ,1... ....I.. I .I...I ,... . ..! "II .", m iiiu 11111,1 no uiiu nas no duplicate. Lovo is n habit. Get It! TV SMimh of IJotlinnv unit Vil. ncHdaj. Jan. 3. at the homo of Mrs. I, ''" "f speeches nnd music will bj U. S. Downing. The attendaiiue whb. folluwed by dniulnt ami . . ".-. , . . , . I tV.ul k. A . MIm Nolllo Tower hrt Friday on Mm iVimkwrter for Seaitle afltv spending tho Xmas holidays at th hoiiio of ln.r iiarunis. Dr. ami m ,. O. W. Tower. Mlhs lles!e Coke arrived on tho Kttdoiidn Th.irsday to sihmuI Hn f... niuliidcr of her CbrUtiuus and New i.ir s vacation with her parents in Mnrshflold. niie will leave about The Loyai OuKr of Moose Ik plan ning tu make Its annual Installation of olllcers at tlio Odd Fellow's hnl next Tuesday evening tho occasion ot ii viijuj-iiuio social -. mills, Miss Dora Gubser, was ring c- mi. After the cei oniony, a wed ding ifurper was served nt tho home .if .in. mid Mrs. Stein to the relatives it-i 'rlends of the bride and groom. .Mr nnd Mrs. Jennings left New Y- M'b dny on thu Hedoudo tor San Fiiti'Meco from whicn pinco tney will proceed to Newberg whoro they will visit the parents of tho bride, Mr. and .Mrs. Htitchlus. 0 Tho Exchange conducted by tho Aiuei inn Women's League of North .'.'end, opened Thursday, January A, wu!i n bitlo of art and needlework dc slfc.io led nitlclco of varlotfs branches cf cookery. Tho Kxchntigo will con 'inuu open for several weeks. O Tho Hrldgc Club will bo entertain ed next Wednesday by Mrs. 13. G. Flanagan ut her homo. Tho meot l.it, planned for this week nt tlio homo ol M.s. Win. Horsfull, Jr., was post poniu owing to the deaths of rula tivct of Mrs. Horsfull. Mi 6. J. T. McCormnc. Mrs. Howry Suiigstucken, uiidMlssesGunevIovunud Doris Sengrtnckeu nro planning to leave In about two weeks for u pleas uio tup to Nuw Orleans and various MiirlnMii and eastern cities. 0 Mrs. F. A. Tledgen nnd Mrs. A. L. llnrkor worn hostesses Thursdny nt an iiiiormal sewing party to which the teachers of tho two schools wero In vited. Hufroshnionts woro served nnd the afternoon was pleasantly spent In embroidering. Those pres ent woro .Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Hood, Mrs. Pennock, Miss SUvo-Miuni, Mlsa Strlffler, MIsu Hnldwln, Miss Chap man, mid Miss Summers, 0 Mrs. W. T. Merchnnt entertained Tuesday nt n very pleasant afternoon of sowing In honor or Mrs. T. S. Mln ot nnd MIbb Mary Hague. Hor guests wore Mrs. J. H. Flnnngan, Mrs. E G. Flnnngan, Mrs. F. E. Hag ue, Mrs T. S. Mlnot, Miss .Mary Hog no, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. Ward M. Hlako, Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, .Mrs. J. s. uoico, .Mrs. u. it. Peck, Mrs. J. Al bert Matsoii. Mrs. Eugone O'Connoll, Mrs. W. S. Chundlo", .Mrs. J. W. Den nett. Mrs. W. S. Turpen, .Mrs. F. K. Loefe, Mrs. Wm. Morsfnll, Jr.. MrB. G. W. Knufnian, Mrs. Henry Songs tiicken. Mrs. L. J. Simpson nnd Mrs. C. M. Ilyler. 0 Miss Vlolot Johnson of North Bond eiitortalued u number of friends nt hor homo Now Year's day. Tho af ternoon was spent very pleasantly, musical selections being given by Miss Vnn .lie mid Miss Johnson, while vo cal selections weio rendored by Mr. Pedorson. A delicious lunchoon wns sorved. Among those present were Mrs. Nygron. Mr. Carlson, Mrs. Sum oron, Miss E. Johnson, Mr. C. Lt n, Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. A. Johnson Mr vjunsi reaerson, .miss Ethel Nygen. .Miss Eva Van JCIIe, Mr. Johnson a id .Miss Ethol Van Zlle. 0 Tho members of Emmanuel Hraneli of tho Womon's Auxiliary of the Ep iscopal church we o the guests on Tuesday afternoon of Hev. nnd Mrs Hobt. E. Drowning nt tho Hectory! I hose present were Mesdnmes J " (Continued on Pago 3.) Isrge u.ul a tfixid nmnv business Items woio trnnsr..'te,l. It Is plunnitd to hold a "cookod food" sale Saturday .laniii -. la -n xrlilch iimnv kludx ntul varieties ol pr imred viands will bo rilspn.id of. Tho plaee of hold'ng the sale will lie announced later. The clut. nl meet ue.t with Mm. C. IC. lVr.y, Jan. 10. frosluuents. -n- . ,hi ?'tt,r,,flel11 Mr Departmrtit will hold Iu annual bunn.net r.r the meinbeis and their wive or swoot hoarts at the Odd Fellow's hall. F -ruaiy 22. Ty inarrlHKo or Miss lone Hutch Ins of .Newberg. Oregon, to F. s. Jen- Mgs ut North liond. took place In the latter city Sunday evening. Dec ciu'iar 31. Tho eoreniony was ner .ornu'i, by tho Hev. Albert lllsev be for l!, enure congrogntlon of th? i'h - ohiiiuh. A niece of M-.s TO: the tali: is too long to tell hero of tho big opportunities to buy nt a, biff saving hero nnd now. So wo nsk you Just to como nnd exnmlno our CANDIES If you nro n stick ler for quality ours cannot fall to satisfy. it ,0al economy Is your watchword wo can surely suit you la tUat direction too X HIS sale offers you exceptional buying advantages, A general and an effective clearance is now being made of all merchandise on hand. Thrifty buyers are alert to take advantage of this unusual opportunity, Store open tonight untill 9:30. Doors open daily 8 A. M, Prices That Make Buying Imperative on All tti r 9 n . r nr ! i n . w omen s ana misses v me I auorea ouits One lot of 37 Women's and Misses' wool serge Tailored Suits in f m Navy, Koyal,vBrown, Tan, Wine, Grey, and Mixed Builings. Sizes jlL MS M to -12. Kegnlar prices $J0 to $15. To clear at once, suit T " One lot of 18 Women's Tailored Suits of wool serge, cheviots, J"Q rvp and suitings. Colors, mixed novelties, and plain black, brown, grey andNkX UK navy. Sizes 16 to 12 niuH! to 50. Were 15 to $22.50. To close, suit. One lot of 2.') Women's fine all wool, strictly hand-tailored suits, ft m r Colors, mixed grey and brown and plain navy and b'ack serges k lL MS and cheviots and corduroy velvet. Sizes 1(1 to -l-l. Values to $35.00 4 ') Clearance Sale Prices on Our Entire Stock Of Women's Fine Tailored Winter Coats -.$7.45 One lot of Women's and Misses' plain tailored and fine novelty coats, bizes 1.5 to -la. Colors, mixed novelty greys, biowns, tans, etc., and plum navy and black. Were $12.50 to $1;.00. Now , S"V lIfY1ltl . . . une iol oi ladies' plain rauored and novelty coats in serges, broad- (t( fkt cloths, Polo cloths, tweeds, and cheviots. Colors black, navv, tan, etc. U Ml Sizes 15 to -M. Regular prices to $20.00. To close out at once, each JU One lot of Women's tine tailored coats of broadcloth, serge and velvet. Colors black and navy. Excellent late winter styles. Sizes 1() to 44. Were $22.50 to $25.00. Clearance sale price, each only. . . $1 2.95 ChiltTsRubberized Tan Raincoats One lot of 24 Tan Rubberized Raincoats for girls and boys, ages (5 to 14. These coats are absolutely waterproof. Come in good lengths, and sold regularly at $.3.00. Wo offer 24 of these coats for our Clearance Sale ( Q each ) I ."J A Great General Clearance Sale of All Children's New Winter Coats One lot of children's coats, sizes G to 12 years. Pretty novelty materials, ttcgulrr prices were &4 AP $2.75 to $5.00. To close out at once, only. ... $ I ." J One lot of children's coats. Sizes 8 to 12 in pretty nov elty and plain materials. Regular prices & Q r were up to $8.00. Clearance sale price vPC.OJ One lot of 14 children's and Misses' novelty coats. Also a few plain tailored styles. Sizes 8 to .15. & A fr Were $9 to $12. Clearance sale price, only. . $4." J One Jot Misses' and Ladles' Wool Dresses. New St tries. Sizes 13 to 40. Values to $1(5.50. Eaeh $4.95. ' Wwfwk Deep Price-Cutting Now Made on AHWomen's New Shirt-Waists One lot of pretty white lingerie waists with high and Dutch necks, short and long sleeves, side frill effects. AO Values $1.50 to $2.C0 JJoC Women's fine tailored w a i s t s, with Dutch and high laundered collars, fine -1 risli linen. Regular $2.50 fr At to $3.00. Clearance price. . . .$ I A3 One lot of taffeta and Japanese silk, Mohair lustre, mmsveiling, silk and mercerized cotton waists. Val & A r ncs to $3.50. To clear, now. .$ 1 .0 J Tailored Dress Skirts Reduced! Taffeta Silk and Cotton Petticoats 1 One lot of wool dress skirts, princi-j pally in Misses' and little w o m e n's sizes. Were $P.00 to $4.00. (fl CK Clearance sale price vPC.O J One lot of fine wool dross skirts in plain black panania, navy, brown, wine and Krc.v scrgo ijH.ou to $7.50, now $3.75 One lot of fino Silk Taffeta Petticoats. Green, navy, brown, grev and black. Were $0.50 and $7.50. To & A At elcar, only . . . . , $4.4 J Rubberized Raincoats, $2.45 To close out tho lenmlnliis Btoek of thoso tun ruliuorlzocl I.mlli'8' inliiconts, wo will prlco thoin nt this cxcoodliiBly low flBiiro for this sale. Most ovory slzo Is still here. An unusual IG.fiO rnlncont. Q? A f? now . ip&.iO Clearance Sale on Ribb ons Taffeta nnd Satin all Bilk lib lions, white, ereain, pink, roso, resedn, Kolley Rreon, linby bluo, navy lavondor, brown and black. Widths Nos. 10 to 40. HoKulnr prices l.'c to 20c. Clear- 6 niii'o prlco OC Widths CO to 150. Regular prices 25e to I0e. On sale, e Children's Cotton Underwear Ono lot of children's cotton ribbed llooco lined underwear. Vests nnd pnnts, sizes 22 to 30. Color, dnrk cream. Regular prices aro up to 10c. Wo offer n quantity at tho sin- '! glo prlco, garmont....Jv TWO STDHES. JjH 1 L M.ncot I.odgo No. 5, n(tioo nr U I A Honor, bold It, nununl liiBtallatou of B I WL i'lllceis at tho Odd follows Hull Inst k. H -....,... . miiiiiiihi l nil Ui OliIU'o COllKrOKnt Oil of Mi. MP L I'jJ SiUbUbe.ldiiii.mboniWoropoMntli:..h Ittohiuoh. AnCofMliij TWO STDHES. on The Best Exclusive Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear Store in Southern Oregl New York Office 7 J f" y m 41 Mercer Street V 1 V M 1 i Coos Bu"din& 1 T i-IV MARSHFIELD WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WEAR HI"