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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1912)
WE KEEP THE PROMISES WE MAKE TO OURSELVES, NOBODY ELSE IS DISSATISFIED (Ham Exmt& WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Kwp the Income from Your l'uiiilvlud llooiim from I-ipNliiHt YOU cnn ronlly holp tho family tovuuucn by renting n fow furnished rooms mid, If you know how nnd whou to use tho clnsslflcd columns, you may keep Hint llttlo extra Incomo nB "steady nB n clock." ' ADVERTISING l Tl TIMES fill Tut Your Itonl KhIiiIq "In . m,i. til" Kf f o c t I v e I y 1 T..111 i. ni ilm fncts nliuut your rty beforo tlio eyes of nil 'pos I i r." in town. And It I's ono of tliotu who ought to It, you'll acll HI MEMBER OF ASHOllAlED I'RKHH Established lu 1878 an The Coast Mall XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Conxl Mull nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. No. 149 mm WORK STDS ON SUMNER RAILWAY PROJECTS TO CULS BAY iecr Sumner Says South- Pacific Has Bought or Blocked it. NOT EXPECT IT WILL BE RESUMED Railroad Situation Takes expected Turn Today I Few Details Known ho OctopuB hna got tho beat of ad whethor thoy have bought ioldlnga or Jimt blocked our knles, I don't know, but l to ' tlmt ovory man hub uoun mm L.1nll..Uftlv." I Is was a Bttttotnont this nftcr-1 Sby L. A. Suinnor, cuioi cngiu-, E J. n,.ut llnllwnv rillll- tlio l'ncmu vjui -- .!. ammmr lllll). following tllO imccnient by him thut nil opor- L i.-.i llunmitllllieil on tho for projects, Includlngtho Pncl-' ircat WCBlorn num uuhv." " .,,. nml tho Pacific ConHt Lino Ei.i..., in nniin Ilnv. Uo snld Iho know very Httlo about tho fcceted developments, worn u Iist boon rccolvcd from Portland (g off all tho oporntlons. Ho that ho hnd pniu on n iu wu ho guessed thnt no wouiu nuvo bk for another Job. I i .ni.i ti.nt im iilil not know for thut tho culling oft of oporn- wns nnnl for nil tlmo but thnt : !, i it wns. Prom what ho "I'"-" ". ""."" ... ..!.! n. )oen nolo to icnrn, nu Hum ,nrn Pnclflc WOH tOO big II lrOl- in for them to buck. nnnouncenient by Mr. sumnur .. rii. Onlv this morn- I no . oi..'..- --- . u lii North Bond inddltlonnl olllclnlH of tho Sum- llncs hnd Just arrived on nu Somo of tliom, according 10 mu t Bond report, enmo lit Inst or curly this morning nnd loft ho BrouKwntor tor ruiu . t-nmnlllPlt Oil tllO liny. Idcrnblo of tho luggngo that nr ,.,i.i. tim nnrtv nreHumnbly bo- ng to tho 8umnor HnoB wnH tid ed to 13. C. Catty. .tr. win hero Bometlmo ago ub a map fni T. A. fliimnar. . Sumner enmo down todny from i- iir. oni.i Mint 1h hnd bro- ..,.".. nff nvnrv num and ......,., ,......-.. --. id every bill and ho mr u It wns "all off." FAST WORK ON RIGHT OF WAY Southern Pacific Plans to Let Contract For Another Sec tion of Line to Coos Bay EUGENE, Ore., Jan. C .1. L. lluell, rlght-of-wny agent of tho Southern Pacific compnny's Eugeno Coos Day lino, who wns so success ful In securing tho rlght-of-wny from Eugciio westwnrd to the tunnel Bite, a dlstnnco of 23 miles, has recently received orders to begin work west of tho tunnel and he nnd IiIh nssls taut. Mr. Walker, who recently ar rived In Eugene, will stnrt work In a very fow days. Tho company Ib noxious to get mnttcrs In shnpo for the. lotting of further contrnctp. Mr. lluell mndo a record In secur ing tho rlght-of-wny on tho first stretch nnd whllo tho work west of tho tunnol will bo moro dllllcult bc cuuso tho Pnclflc Great Western com pnny's Hiirvoy conlllcts In n number of places with thnt of tho Southern l'aclllc compnny's, ho nntlclputcs no grent dllllculty In dealing with tho owners of property nlong tho route Mrs. Iluoll will spend tho winter hero with her husbuud, nnd one (laughter Ib now attending tho Uni versity, whllo nnother will entor tho school at tho beginning of next Homester. LEAVE T 0 Off mr".B"r ONBRE W R SUMNER LINK IlUMOK. ct lniMirtunt nniioiinccmeni If Kfkllll. o Kugono Guard says: "R. B. , chlof onglnoor of tho Puclllc . ... . - ......... I n tiln t wostorn runway, i uu mi .... iti... t r. lm l.nnlf lltpiUlUIl, UjqiruilHB "' " t Suturdny. Tho company mny I . t ..n..ta n .VIVA HOinu 1IIIIUI Ullll. imno o..- n a fow days." MUST filVK NOTICE. ie.s DeciriiiK ' Dellvend Must Notify I'ostiuuster Curtis. fto fo owing soii-oxpmnuiui btln has been lssuod by Post- lor Curtis of Mnrshflold: brlor sorvlco for tho dollvory oi will ho estnbllBhed Fobrunry i. traons desiring to hnvo mull dol td must nrovldo somo kind of B)tnclo or box In which tho enr- mnv nlnco tlio mall. arsons Hvlnc In tho city limits off tho routo of cnrrlor or wlth Bldewnlks mny plnco a box at tho ofat point on enniors routo with o and Iioubo number thoreon and mail will bo delivered to tlini K'ory house and box must bo Ibored or mall will not bo dollv- crsons desiring tho abovo sorvlco nlpasn lonvn thnlr nddresses at lofllro lmfnr Ti'oliriinrv 1. chillK Ibor of house, nnd street, with lo on ns to North. EnBt, South or It. NEW PLAN III, DEVELOP ALASKA Senator La Follette Wants Government Commission to Assume Charge of Situation There. (By Assoclntcd Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) DANVILLE, 111., .Inn. C. -r- A solution of tho problem of conscrvn tlnn of natural resources In Alaska wns suggesed today by La Kollctto In nn nddress hero. "The sensible nnd prnctlcnl thing to do," ho snld, "Is to crentc n Bonrd of Public Works for AlnBkn similar to tho Isthmian Canal Commission. This Board of Public Works should undertake not merely to build a railroad from Con troller Bny to the conl fields, but It should ncuulre nil tho railroads In Alaska and settle at onco n policy of government ownership. It should similarly provide for tho develop ment of other public utilities, such ns telegrnph nnd telephone. It should operate nnd develop wharves, docks nnd steamship lines, If ncces Bary, to deliver tho producta of Alas ka to the Pnclflc const." OTHER LABOR LEADERSilNVOLVED Sensational Evidence Secured In Indianapolis Probe of Dy namiting Conspiracy To day. By Assoclntcd Press to tho Cuos Bay Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jnn. G. Spurgeon P. Meadows, a prominent Inbor lender nnd business" ngcntfor tho district council of tho Interna tional Brotherhood of Cnrponters nnd .Joiners, enmo forwnrd todny with tho declnrntlon thut out-of-town men caused tho tour dynamite explosions lu this city nt midnight October 24, ID 00. This followed tho stntomont of Chnrles A. Bookwnlter, former mayor, thnt tho locul luhor lenders wero Informed by him two yenra ngo ns to who hnd directed tho explo sions on tho property of Albert Von Spreckelson. the "oij". j'l'"- TQI. TOSPLANK ROADII 0L0 1T0N0RTHEBEND tlllLl) TOUCHES TONfSUE TO A FltOSTV IKON AND IS BLEEDING TO DEATH NOItTH YAKIMA, Wash., an. C, Louis Cagnor, nged 4 ears, Is bleeding to denth In St. .uzaueth'B hosnltar from tear - ng his tongue loose from n lece of railroad Iron, to which o touched It nearly a week go Ho was living on a rnnch n tho Columbia river nnd tho round In his toncuo wa3 not onsidered Berlous for n tlmo lintll his mother foumi It lmnos- Iblo to stop tho bleeding. Ho is Drought to North Yakima. Steamer Sails This Morning For Portland With Many Passengers Tho Breakwntor snlled this morn ing for Portland with a largo pna songor list and a fair enrgo of freight Among thoso snlllng on her wero tho following: Dorothy Davis, Muudo Bowron, A. B. Clayton. Mrs. Clayton, E. W. Smith, John Noblo, Mnry Jameson, W. II. Cameron, Mrs. Camoron, D. C. McKay, J. II. Hnrt, T. It. Heed, MrH. Geo. V. Hoynolds, O. Sanborn. W. C. Brown, Mrs. W. C. Brown, Allco Brown, Chns. Brown, Mrs. Chns. Brown, Mnudo Brown, C. J. W. Jnines, C. M. Eborhnrdt, II. P. Mnr tlu, P. L. Smith, a. D. Holdlmnn, Chin Hnng. Chin Lung. Edith Smith, Marie Wnlter, V. M. Clymor, Mrs. Clymor. Mrs. Clnrko, Mnstor Clnrko, E. M. Eddy, Chas. J. Andreson, Mrs. Andorson. Hodlng Andorson, Victor Rnndler, Elvira Erlzeon, A. M. Pron tlss, Robt. Plummer, Jnck Plummor, Win. Montgomery, II. C. Gibson, Miss Alico Cox, Grnnt Buuch, Jumes Van, Mrs. Van, Mrs. Ollbort, J. D. Goss, H. C. Van Alsteln, A. J. Mendol, II. S. Beck, Arthur Baker, C. A. Jnmc son, Mrs. C. A. Jnmoson and Gladys Jameson. STATISTICS ON UNITED STATES NEWSPAPERS WASHINGTON. D. C. Jnn. C. According to n bullotln of tho Census Bureau. Issued today, tho total num ber of newspaper and periodical pub iiontimia iii tim United States wns 21,143 In 1000 nnd 21,848 In 1004, nn Increnso of 1 por cent. Tho growth of tho printing nnd publish ing business Is Indlcuted by nn in crenso of estnbllshmonts from 27,- 703 In ioih to di.tiu m ""'i "J tho uso of mnterlulB valued nt $201. 775,000 In 1000 ns compared with $142,514,000 In 1004, by turning out products reported as worth 1737, 876,000 In 1000 ns ngnlnst $552, 473,000 In 1004. nnd by tho employ ment In tho business of 358,042 per sons In 1000 whoro 287.G70 wero omployed In 1004 Tho snlarles nnd wnges amounted to $208,080,000 In 1000 nnd $104, 044,000 In 1004, an Increnso qf $73, 142,000, or 38 per cent, PRIZE RIDDLE TODAY. . ...... If Idahoso wero mnuo oi ; w sey, Connecticut from plnln Mohair and Marylands her Now uruv whnt. will Dolnwnre. tractor. MeudowB' assertion wns mndo In connection with tho report thnt tho federal authorities nro Investigating ovory possible connection of othor unions besides tho Iron workcrB with tho Von Sprcckolsen explosion. Conferences of men alleged to have accomplished the explosions wero held In n hotel owned by John Half man, who snld todny that ho hnd tes tified beforo tho county grand Jury Inst year thnt Meadows attended somo of theso conferences. This Meadows denied, hut ho admitted to meeting nt llalfman's plnco wnlk lug delegates for unions -that wero endeavoring to persuade non-union men to quit work on Von Spreckul beu'B contracts nearby. .Mrs. Alta Hawkins, keeper of n boarding house reported to Hookwaltcr when ho mndo tho luvcstlgntlon that a fow hours beforo tho explosions, u local labor lendor ndvlscd her to "keep your eyes open ns you nro about to hear ono of tho dnmncst noises you evnr heard." OFFICERSI ARE REELECTED Annual Montinn nf Mnrchfinlrl County Commissioners Order nt t . . . . Chamber of Commerce Held Improvement of Ferndale Highway from Marshfield , " J At tho nnnunl meeting of tho Jutlgo John F. Hnll returned to- Muruhflold Chamber of Commorco, u day from Coqulllo whoro ho hnB beon liandBomo compllmout was paid tho nttondlng tho nnnunl sosston of tho fold olllclnla of tho orgnnlzntlon by Coob eountv commlsslonors Tho "nanlmouBly ro-olectlng thorn for tho Coos county commissioners. ino en8Ung yenr. An oxccutlvo conimlt- scsslon will contlnuo next week. teo of twonty-ono wns nlso elected. Ho announced thnt tho commls- Tho officers chosen for tho onaulng aloners In compllnnco with tho petl- yenr nro: Hon of North Bend nnd Mnrahllold President Dr. J. T. McCormnc. uuu ui " Tr . Secrotnry Miss Vlolot Hondorson. peoplo presented by I-. L. Hnguo nnd vice-president C. F. McKnlght. others, hnd Instructed Road Super- Tron8ror J. II. Flanagan, visor Norton to go ahead and plank Executlvo commltteo A. H. Pow- tho Forndalo road between ho two orB( M Ct Horton IIonry sengstne- towna. Threo-Inch plank, nlnp feet w g ChnnUlor Wnip GrhnC8 wide, nro to bo laid on two BtrlngoiB T T Donnott Jn8 H riunagnn, so thnt tho tops of the i plank will bo Arthur McKcown Dr. C. W. Towor. fliiBh with tho dirt. Tho work will Alvft Dolli Dr K MlnBU8( ,,,, Mc. bo started nt once. Ln,n A w Myor8, A, j, Mendel, Judgo Hall stated that If tho neo- Geo Rotnorj D c Greon0i Arno Mo. plo had not been bo niixlous to hao rcon c n peck( A Tf IIaln0B w K tho rond Improved this winter, tho Miller and I. S. Smith, commissioners planned to put In n , pror tQ tho olcctlon of omc0rs. Dr. rock road between tho two clt es. tho McCormnc gnvo a short talk In which work to start early next spring. ,,0 rqvlowcd tho year-B work nm! 1 lines Olllchil 1 uMr. touched on what was llkoly to bo Tho county commissioners also do. tjo nc , worU of tho flU'u Ho signaled tho Coos Bay Times and to Ba appreciated tho honor uoquuio ooimiioi i..u .y "-"" that had been conferred upon him by county papers for tho ensuing cai. ,)0ing olected flvo times nnd whllo ho in pwu .uu u llke(, tno work ,l0 ti,0UBi,t that n Intlon Insldo tho count. Tho Tlnics yoin nn(, more ncl,vo nmn 8nollld huTlns n much larger circulation bo en 0 ,,0 8nla Umt than any other paper In Cooa count. numbop ,(l(l ,)00n urgng thnt h(J i' i ,,K-rVi .,.',',.,i,i tnko tho plnco again and ho stated Tho commlsslonors have VoMeA M ,,0 nad COI1Bonte(1 t0 (lo 80 wItu all tho road supervisors .for the . enBU- understanding that Just as soon lug year except In three- districts 'nfj ,, pub,clty manager an Most of tho supervisors around Coos , boosting-should bo aecur- JrVS, L GZt : to direct tho work. 4:""u". " " - "n" " ' i" 7, ; At a meeting of tho executlvo com- among thoso named again. Tho fol lowing aro tho auporvlaors bo far aa named: F. P. Norton, Mnrshfleld; J. W. Grout. North Bend; C. E. Hanson. Nortll iniet; v. r. iiowrou. i RI1BirPifnii ,. tho number bn In- Mllo: A. F. Johnson, Lakesiue; jonn .."., . i i, jjinn II. Olson. Kentuck; A. P; Crocker. f c p McGoorge.a nani0 but this Wlllnnch; H. Stull. Coos Rlvor; Jas. done without ample no- 1. during Commorco i; wnver ien, ouuih - .,, .,,, , . ,,. nf nronnfB qnlllo; E. E. Week y. Bridge; Jonn publicity work Fabrey. Catching Creek; J. D. Clin- n ,m(l Be, cansI(,QrahIo monoy ton. .WW..; i J uuuw mu. . .- fjJr U0m AmmR theg0 e emmor. Voaknm, Conledo; 7,. T. Slglln. Isth mus; A. J. Counts. Bandon; Tom Do-j veroux, near ureeK; u. r. iihhii Four Mllo; E. W. Fahy, Bullarda; S. B. Cutllp, Danlols Creok. M W E CONFESSION IN MURDER CASE G0L01CAUSES F 00 Zero Weather Causes Intense Suffering In Illinois Metro polis. ' (By Associated Press to tho Coos Huj Times.) CHICAGO, HI., Jnn. C Zero weather todny produced Intense suf fering. Four deatliB wero attribut ed directly to tno wcutner. It Is estimated thero aro JC0.000 unem ployed men In this city. Eight hun dred spent Inst night In tho munici pal lodging hoiiso whllo ninny hun dreds wero cured for nt tho police stations. Cambridge Preacher Today Admits Killing Avis Linnell, Former Sweetheart POISONED GIRL TO WED WEALTHY MAIDEN ' WHITE HOUSE LOOKS GOOD TO DEMOCRAT (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. C. Norman E. Mack, chnlrmnn of tho Domocrntlc Nntlonnl Committee, paid his respects to President Tnft todny. Mnck snld tho Whlto Houso looked ut trnctlvo enough to bo occupied liv a ilnmocrnt. Brief Statement Confessing Crime is Given out by Coun sel of Accused ' (By Assoclntcd Press to Cooa Bay; , Times.) BOSTON, Mnss., Jnn. C. Rov. C. V. T. Rlchcson, former pnBtor of tho Immnnuol Baptist Church of Cam bridge, todny mndo wrltton confes sion to effect that ho poisoned his formor Bweothcnrt, Avis Llnuoll. Tho statement wns given Into tho hands of his counsel who mndo It public. I Tho confession bearing Rlchcson's algnnturo ronda, "I heroby confess thnt I am guilty of tho offonso of i which I stand Indicted." No details nro given. Rev. Rlchcson's motivo In murdor Ing Miss Linnell Is presumed to hnvo been to clear his way to marry an other wealthy young woman. MIbs Ltnnoll watt In a dollcnto condition nt tho tlmo of her death. Stories to tho effect that Rlcho son's mind had given away, aro unfounded. SOW 1 IWRECK E One Killed and Thirteen Injured as Result of Blizzard Blind ing Locomotive Engineer By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times.) WRIGHT. Kan., Jan. C Unnblo CHINA REBELS ARE OPTIMISTIC Claim Rank and File of Peoplo Are With Them Also Imperial Army. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay; TlmoB.) SHANGHAI, China, Jnn. C Tho 'to seo tho stntlon lights In tho blind-!ropub,cnn KOVornmont Is assuming ing Biiow-Biuriii wiiivii nwuin .-.-orn Kansas, Inst night, Englnoor C. C. Doming, of tho Santn Fo pnsson gor, ran past tho station, and his train wns struck by another train. Domlnd wns fntally scnlded, Engi neer J. W. Chnlfnnt of tho othor trnln was killed, and twelve possongors hurt. SPECIAL road; LEVIES FOUGHT , .. . " .. 1...1., i ll iiicuuhk ill ihu fsaiium turn done such oxcollont work uolng mUte0 Ra contrlbutorB t0 tho publl city fund yesterday nftornoon, tho names of tho twonty-ono mombors for tho executlvo commltteo woro agreed upon. This selection was unani mously ratified last ovonlng. It was COOS COUNT V TAX ASSOCIATION BEGINS ACTION TO PREVENT COLLECTION OF SPECIAL TAX FOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS n vory strong position nnd now con aldors thnt tho futuro of China Is entirely lu Its hands. Lendors uo llovo tho country is almost unuul mously In favor of tho republican movement nnd tho regulnr trnlnod nrmy will como to tholr aldo almost to a man. Tho Cabinet formed under Sun Fat Son announced todny tho forms It will offer to tho Manchus on tholr Hiibmlsslon. Theso nro moro gener ous than wns nt first bollovcd to bo tho ense. Thoy Include a froo grant to tho "Forhlddon City" nnd tho Rummer llnlnco In Pokln, which nro worth hundreds of millions of dol lars. In addition thoy will bo ac corded life pensions and othor con cessions together with equality In citizenship and In tho holding of of fices under tho stato, President Sun Ynt Sen says hlfl main desire now Is for pcaco and prompt recognition of tho Chinese republic by tho foreign powora. "LITTLE LUNCH" KOIt fiOO COSTS MINER 915,000 iho Coos County Tax Association through Its secretary, W. J. Conrnl. county commlsslonors nt Coqulllo U AN FIlANCISC0( Cnl., Jan. yesterday against all special road dls-' T N McAu,ey minnK trlct levies. The protests nro filed J J;"7;.' chlcS nnd Salt na a basis of legal action to have tho mnn 'rZ a llttlo lunoh" to levies declared null nnd void. Irre- lr': ,Bnv.0 M""n,"cl, , gulnrltles In the elections nnd pro-, 0 fr ends nt ho Pa l ucol .otol. ceedlngB wero given na reasons fori " c08t81h,1m,,,l,BJ ,f1BA,00f?'llflA knocklne them" out and It was nlao thousand plates nt tho Tnft dln- clalmcd that In most of tho Instance ner cost ?20,000, tho lovles woro grcnter thnn nro Just lfted, Tho districts nnd levies which waro protested woro: District No. C, six mills; Dist. No. 12, ten mills; DIat. No. 18, eight mills; Dlst. No. 2G, live mid one-half mills; Dist. No 30, eight mills. Upwnrds of $25,000 in tnxos lb involved. A clonn TOOTH never DECAYS. Get your TOOTH BRUSHES and Tooth POWDERS or pastes at RED CROSS Drug Store. ated tho securing of freo mall deliv ery sorvlco for Mnrshflold; ml. l ..... nln .t !. TCs....!!. nf TI.. .it ' HI" IHallKiirW'iB u " i-uiiiiii w. Illllll, T ... .... ,.,i,ii, i eon r.n uiii luiuumuuu iui .viiii;ii -,u-.w was raised nnd expended; Tho Improving of the old Coos Bav wagon road towards which $598.50 wns raised; The sending of Hugh McLaln as r (Continued on page 4.) Have your calling cards printed at The Times' ofllce. BA1TIST PULPIT. ) I The Communion sorvlco with hand of fellowship extended to tho now members, will bo hold In tho morning. Tho pastor's tbomo in tho evening will bo, "Taking Stock." A Now Year's address for nil. LESS GUN-PLAY H Y CITY POLICE URGED SALEM, Ore., Jan. C That no pollco ofllror or Sheriff In thla atato bus a right to flro upon any prlsonor who has beon convlctod of a mlsdomea- nor only, oven though no othor means will sufllco to provont his escape was hold by Judgo Porcy R. Kelly, of tho Marion County Circuit Court whon ho Instructed tho Jury In tho caso of Frank Howard against E. Irwin. Tho plnintlff brought nn nctlon for damages In tho Bum of $1,10 Ongnlnst the do- fondnnt, who la n pollco ofllcor 4 of Salem. 4 m in x ft' '4