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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION ADVKilTIMNCa IH A BCIK.NCK. During Uio pnnt half century tho ilii'olB of progress hnvo turned so jwlflly Hint former thr-orlon rpRurd- lug tin' proper conduct of IiiihIiiosb UP UbROIOlP. V modest limn of tho old school may linvo IiIiimIipiI If ho snw his nnino In print. Tiln tho rhcekfl of tho business ninn tnko on n rrliiiRon lino If IiIr competitor's trndo ninrk gotB too Brent n hondway In tho nntlou'B klully press. Advertising, n com no. science, In i noccsHlty. Competition In bo koon tuiwtulnyn Hint tho producer who gets In print flrRt In tho papers: who stni-R tlioro with coimlHtont, ntton- tlnn-eoiupolllng ndvortlslng, Ib the reaper of n golden lmrvoHt. Chorion Durham, I.nvlngton, III., lins succeeded In flntlliiK n positive ruro for hod wetting. "My llttlo hoy I wot tho bed ovory iiIrIiI clonr thro' jti tho lloor. I tried Bovornl kinds of kidney nioillclnu and I wna In tho unlg Hioro iuokiiik nil ituiuuiuiug """ forent to help him when I heard of Kotoy Kidney Pills. After ho lincl tnken thum two dnys wo could boo n ehnngo nnd whon ho lintl tnkon two thlrdfl of n hottlo ho wna cutud. That In nhoitt hIx weeks ngo and ho Iiiih not wet In bed bIiicc." Itlll) CROSS IJItlTO COMPANY. t 1.TIA1MKI MCl'IICIIH MHT. I List of unrlnlmod loiter reninln lug In tho Mnrnhriold poHtolllre, Jnn tinry 1, 1012, PorsoiiH calling for nnnio will please nay ndvprtlso nnd pny one rent for en oh letlur en I led for: IrR. rrnnk Allien, Mrs. .1. II. Al Ipii, Hen Althor. Mm. X. .1. Marlon. 0. C. Bridges. IlPiiry Hut lor. P. W. Cnnininck, Hon. CIiiib. I. CiiHpy, Rev. Chniupney, Mr. Pnullnp Cooper, Mrs. .1. K. CoiikIi, Clarence CuiinliiKhnm, 0. Dnvls, .loo Dee, llermnn Rlelrpl. Mrs. AniPlIn Dodge. .1 n k. II. Doiinolly, C. A. KrtRton, Robert Evens, Mrs. A. V. OntoH, Mr. nnd Mik. OIIoh Roy.. Mrn. .IprhIc KiutRor, W. 11. Helms, .1. K. Hope, MIrb Mnry Hopp, Unlpli ttuiihtit, (leo. Jacobs, C. .T. Johnson, A. Kruckow, Otto Kninpfor, .!. C. Knlslond, C. V. KiiIrIiI, Knuil Knud boii, P. .1. Mcdeo, .Iuiiiph McOrnw, Ir vIiib A. McDonnld, Itohort Mnrten, C. W. Miller, Mrs. Mnry Nlmrocks, Alice A. Pent, Mrs. A. Hose, C. A. Holund, 0. K. SnnilhorR, Mrs. K. W. Schecrfclc, Pnt Smith, Annlo Stilll vnn, .Tnines George Tnylor, Kills Mn hor Tnnher, Hob WnttB, Al. Wnr wlck. W. B. CUHTIS. P.M. T1I1C C1IKT OP BMSKP. IS 'Tho Gift of Sloop," by llolton Hnll, Ir n. thoiiRhtful, srlr-iitlric work on tho Btibjoct of Bleep. Tho Btylo Ir Interesting nnd tho lnngunKo plnln. I A work devoted to n (IIbcuhhIoii of phyRlenl needB, nnd f until Ioiih of tli'i ' lnminn body Ib hnrdlv n plnce where one would nxpect to find n reference to economic prlnclplofl. TIiIh , ORKGO.VS however, becnURe too few wrltorn on , hupIi BiihJectB renllxo the effect of on-1 JiiHt Hoclnl conditions on tho ability i of humnn hptiiRH to do JurI nn nature requires them to do If they would re tnlu henlth nnd BorciiRth. Mr. Hull Is not ono or thoRo shortRlRhled bcIoii tlRtB. Ho plainly boob tho vital lin nortnnco of economic Justlro In en- nblliiR men nnd women to live In tho Cllf 58 S OLD HKXATOR CICI.K- URATES HIS IllltTllllAV WITH THK COMING OI-' Till? NEW VEAH. City Auto Service flood Cnrs, Cnrcrul Drivers nnd rensonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt nny time." Stands Blanco Hotol nnd Blanco Cigar Store Dny Phoned 78 and 40, NlRht Phono 4G. HAHKKR & OOODATiR. Proprietors. WANTED ! ! ! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO GLEAN, by tho Pneuma tic denning Company. Ordors for work takon at GOING & HAltVKY PHONE inn MEN of Mm i, who hftvoMmia Invontlvo nWIIty rito iii(i;i;i.KV a Mc-imiki' nlfUMi wr I l'tifn( St tt'. UFftKlntffnt. II. 'I HAVE YOU READ IT? Tho Adlor-1-ka book tolling how you enn EASILY Riinrd nRnlnst np pondlcltls, and got Inntnnt rcllof from stomach nnd bowel trouble, Is being rend with much Interest by Mnrsh rield people. It Ib given nwny frco by Lockhart &. Parsons Drug Co. THE ELITE IIAIIIDHKSSIXG nnd MKAUTY PAHIiOH Facial nnd scalp mnssago nnd Bhumpoolng, scIcntlQcally given. Lndlcs nnd gentleman's manicuring. All kinds of hair, ornnmontnl, nnd fllioll (goods, hair tonic and cosmotlcs, com bings mndo to ordor In nuy Btylo, all work guaranteed. HourH from 8: .'JO A. M. to 7:!H) P. r. Saturday 0:00 P. M. Phono U70-X 170 South llroathvny. li'j..Ko huiio Ch.unborlnln, Demo . at, United StnteB Sanntor from iliriimi, , .s loin on a plantation .'! !. itctiei.. MihH.. Jnnunrv 1. lS.'il. mnnner Hint Iiiwb or henltli ronin: 1( , ,. t,oro,or. rS otirs old. now He nlso renllzes how old fnllnclru lUt onrV u,cntIOl, Vwib obtained .n which long nRO havo been or should lViUu ;,.lj ator In tho public hcIiooIb hnvo boon exploded nro Btlll potent r 4iacn0iC which ho attended till, rnctors In InduclnR people to cling to i.sTO. T'len lie began work as n harmful habits. Ho offors tho fl- cleric n a general merchandlBo Bto.e lowing forclblo Illustration: ' In N.ilche luildlng that position to. "When tho crnb outgrowB IiIh bIipII iwo yo.irs ., 1870 ho grnduntod It Blouglis off nnd bo far nn wo know,' fium tlio .tnadpnilc nnd low depart he orTers no objection, but takes tho uivntv of iiBiilngton und Leo UiUvo, 'now shell which answers his needB city Hu leturued homo, remnlneJ bettor. But we, who consider our- thoro for u short time, lenvlng there boIvcs Infinitely Biiperlor to tho crnb, to tnko up his realdonco In Oregon, try to compel ourselves to keep with- S'nco Hint tlmo ho hnu mndo Oregon In tho bounds of old thoughts, lnzy his homo. First ho taught In a habltB and outgrown ciiBtoniB after country bcIiooI, then ho was uppolnt wo nro unfortunnto enough to sue- I'd deputy clerk In Linn County. Ho cood, wo rojolco nt our crnmped ' licld tljnt position until 1879, ro bouIs, as tho ChlncBO woman prides signing to practice law at Albany. imrnlf i.non hnr crannied. mis-Shan-1 Tho Biuno year ho married Mlsa Sallle ... ... . . . .. ..n1n1 X,.l.n -ML.rt 1 II have bIx children. In 1880, Mr. Chnmbolnln wns elec ted to the Legislature mid In 18S-1 district attorney for tho third Judi cial dlsrlct. lie served two years nnd then wns appointed attorney gen oral for tho state of Oregon. His orni expired In 1SSJ2, when ho wns ,,,, ..... .., .,, n, i,i - iiuniiiiuiuii lur iiiiuruuy kuiiltiii ur Bcnlp nro glazed over, wo do not bo- f Governor In 1002. served four llovo that nnythlng enn restore Imlr jyonr8 nntl wnB ,c.0iect0(i to tho same growtli. pobltlon In 190G. In 1908 ho was Hut. whon the. hair roots rotnln no,nimtod Jn tll0 primaries for Unl nny llfo, we bellovo tlioro Ib nothing tcd statc gonntor on tll0 Domocrntic that will bo Biiroly promoto ha r j tlck(lt nnd tC.Clcd over his opponent, growth ns will Uoxnll "Oa" Hair , n. M. Cnko, tho Itcpubllcun candldnto Tonic. To provo that statomont, wo i nil(l olected by the LeglBlnturo of cd foot." Tho Times' Want AdB bring results ' FOR YOUR HAIR Here Are ' FnrtH We Want You Prove ut Our ltlsk. t. BuylYour Meats at tho UNION 1M& AT: MARKET 'Phone 58 And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. promlso to promptly return nil tho monoy you pny us for Hoxnll "9.1" Hnlr Tonic, Bhould It not plenso you. Hoxnll "OH" Hnlr Tonic destroyB tho gorniB which nro usunlly roBpon Blblo for bnldncss. It ponotrntcs to tho roots of tho hnlr, stimulating nnd, by promoting circulation, nou rishing thorn. Hoxnll "93" Hnlr Tonic holps to rollovc Benin Irritation, to romovo dandruff, nnd to provent tho hnlr KOLHY'S HOXKY AND TAH COM from railing out, and to promoto an POUND IncrciiBcd growtli of hnlr. It comes Ib a rollnblo family medicine. Give In two sizes, prices CO centH nnd $1. It to your children, nnd tnko It your-. Hemember, you can obtnln It only self if whon you feel n cold coming nt our Btoro Tho Hoxnll Storo. on. It chocks nnd curon coughs nnd Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Company, colds nnd croup nnd provonts bron "Tho HiiBy Comor." chltls nnd pneumonia. tho state, January 19, 1909, to the united Stated Sonnto o succeed Hon. C. W. Fulton. v Havo your calling cards printed at Tho Tim os offlco. Hnvo your Job printing dono nt Tho Times' ofTlco. Every Day Is a Special Sale Day At the Big Store wm Our prices are always as low as is consistent with high-grade, reliable merchandise. Before you buy we invite you to call, make an inspection and then use your own judgement. SEE OUR LINE OF Ladies Men's and Children's Shoes Dress Goods, Men's Clothing and Furnishings In fact everything that men and women wear may be found at this store at R5WWflli!IL1 s 'JMlllllHrSE95i,'4L U& Money-Saving Prices rierchant & Son The Big: Store For the Children Boy Scouts Enjoying a Molon Feail In Camp. wxBM303z'ilw( PROMPTING AN AUDIENCE. i 0 19U, by American Pren Aatoclntlon. itcportn to national lieiuhiuarierR show that tliuuRuiuN of tlio lluy ScuiitH of America now are In eauip In vurl ous purtM or tbe country. The en cnnipniontH vary from u troop of twen ty-four to a tboussitid boyu. The loud era of the Hoy Scouts of America ap preciate the dimmer of Inrgp enennip' mcntH und for that renson announced Home uiontlm no that they would have' no national cm-miipnipnt. They pointed out that It In much wiser for the tmyn to pet their tlrxt experience in cnnipltiK In' small groups. They ulso have sent out liullctliiH to the Mcout mnHleiH of tho extromo neces sity of usliis nil Riinltary precautions In cnnipltiK and warning tho scout mnsters not tlioroiiKhly versed In methods of linvliiK enmps sanitary against tuition tbe boys Into cauipH of more than two or three dnys. The Illustration hIiowb a couple of Now York boy scouts enjoying a feast of watermelon liesldo their tent. Mngnotlo Currents. Procure a gold rlnjr. tho moro mns nlvo tho better, and attach It to a slttr thrend about a do.en Inches long. Fasten the other end of tho thread nround the nail Joint of the rorollnRer of the right hand. Host your elbow on tho table to steady your hand ana liold (he thread in such a position ns to allow the ring to hung about halt un Inch nliovo the surface or tho ta ble. Uold your linger out Btrnlgbt and throw back your thumb an far uh pos sible. So long ns there Is nothing on tho tnblo tho ring will rcmnln station ary. Plnco some stiver coin Immediately below It, whon tho ring will begin to osclllnto buck nnd forth, to nnd from yoa. If you bring your thumb In con tnct with your forellngor tho oscilla tions will become truusverao to their formor owing. This mnx also bo ef fected by allowing some one to tnko hold of your disengaged band. Thuso effects are produced by tbo nnlmnl mngnotlc currents given forttt by tbo linnda of the uxperlmonters. Troo Puzzlot. Tho treo used tn kissing Tulip. Tho level treo? Piano. Tbo tree used in n bottlo? Cork. Tho flshormon'B treo? Unsswood. Tho tree that oolongs to tho ea? Dny. An Immortal troo? Arbor Vltno. A treo worn In oriental countries Sandal. A tree used In battle Dayonot. A treo used In drawing an accurato lino Plum, A troo used to descrtbo pretty glrla? Peach, An omblom of grlof Weeping Wil low. A porsonnl pronoun treo Vow. Tbo sweetest treo Maple. . Old Proverbs. It Ih difficult to tamo tho proud. Tbo end of a feast Is hotter than the beginning of a quarrel. A cat may look at a king. Without trensuro. without friend Wlno Is sweet, to pny for It Is bitter. Chnrnctor Is bettor than wealth. No man Is wlso at all times. Not every flatterer Is a friend. Sleep Is tho Imago of death. Enough Is a feast. Nursery Rhymes. "Three mind MIco" Is In a muHlt book of 1(100. and must hnvo been fa miliar to the early Cngllsh settlers of our country 'Old Mother Hubbard" nnd "Goosey, Ooosey, Gander," dnto back to tho six teenth century. Health AlphaboL A Is for Adenoids, which no child should own. n for rleht tlreathlnsr to Rive tho lune toru C la for Cough, which wo should not noKlect. O for the Dentist, who Undo tooth defect. E Is for Cvils of foul air and dirt. F Is for Frenh air-too much cannot hurt. 0 la for Qanlens. whero boys and Klrls play H la for Hardiness trained tn that way. 1 la Infection from foul drlnklnK cups. J U for Joy In the bubbHng taps. K Is for Knowledgo of rules of good heal li. I, la for Lungs, whose soundness Is wenlth. 11 Is for Milk: It must be qulto pure. N U for Nurses, your health to Insura. o la for Oxygen, not found In a crowd. P Is for Pencils In mouths pot allowed. Q Is for Quiet, which nick peuplu need. II Is for nest, ns part of our creed. S Is for Sunshlno to drive germs away. T Is for Toothbrush, used three tlniea a day, U Is for Useful health rules In tho school. V Is the Value of learning theso rules. W Is Worry, which always does harm. X la for 'Xcess Indulgo tn no form. V la for Youth, the time to grow strong. Z la for Zest Help the good work along. Chtcajo Tuberculosis Nurse In Survey, English Actors Give a Signal Whin It' Time to Laugh. "Nothing llliifttrntc tho difference between Ungllsh nnd American wit more, probably, than tho manner la which playwrights wrllo their lines," said Itupert Hughes. "There nro few peoplo who realize tho Intricacy of tho sclenco of writing n 'Inugh' thnt Is, a line cnpable of producing a laugh from nn audience. "A man may write one of tho fun niest lines over given to tho American stngo nnd flee It Ignored by nn audi ciico because of some act on the pnrt of the producing company or one mem ber of that pompnny I havo seen tho wittiest remarks wasted because of tho move of a hand or of the head of the comedian or nctor who enunciated It Then, agnln, the laugh In tnken out of a lino by the moving of somo per son In tho stngo setting or by the nior Ing of some pnrt of tho ntngo sot ting Itself, it Is funny how the slight est move on the part of nn nctor. after reciting certnln lines, absolutely elim inates tho wit from what ho has Jtut Bpohen. so far ns tho audlcnco Is con cerned. "This li so of American nudloncci, but not so of the English theater go ing public. They will not laugh unless tho witticism Is finished by a nod of tbo bend or n certain movement of tbo body. "It Is on this account that certain comedies, great successes In this coun try, nro absoluto failures lu Great Britain," ho continues. "Something must bo dono when a 'laugh line' Is spoken on the English stngo to give tho nudlcnco an Inkling that tbo witti cism bus been completed. Then yoa get your laugh. "Not bo. on tho contrary, with Amer icans. I remember of bearing of nn inrldcnt Involving ono of Olga Nctb crsole's Urst nppenrnnccs In this coun try. Several times during the pcrform nnco the celebrated actress walked to the ftldei and exclaimed to the stage mnnngcr: 'What's the mutter Arc they going to hiss mo off Why. thoy npplnud beforo they henr tho end of tho lines.' In each instnnco sho was told that the nudlenco wna quicker thnn the audiences to which sho had been accustomed to playing. Sho was told tbo Americans grasped tho mean ing nnd tho wit of her lines when sbo had spoken only half of them. The actress, although sho received all kinds of applnuso during tho performance seemed dlshenrtoned." Washington Post. A Wig and a Tragedy. It is Just nn well that our enthusiasm for oriental curiosities should bo tem pered by discretion. Eastern nntlqul ties may bo picturesque and with all tho charm of mystery, but nt tbo samo tlmo they may have a history that, If known, would consign them to the stovo without benefit of clergy, nere is n story bearing upon tbo point and with its obvious moral. A young and extremely pretty girl went to n fancy dress bnll In Cblncso costume The triumph of her makeup was n real oriental wig, nnd sho woro It proudly. Somo tlmo nftcr a ntrange murk ap peared on her forehead, and this wns treated as a trifling nkln nffoctlon. But It refused to disappear; In fact. It grew larger, nnd then the specialist wa consulted. It wah leprosy. Argonaut. Color of Lightning. Tho color of lightning Ib almost' en tirely duo to tbo nature of tbo flub Btnnco in its track that is mado in candescent. Tho bluo, red. purplo or sliver tints, which nro ordinarily much moro brilliantly marked in tropical countries than tboy over aro in this latitude, aro duo to tho somo clrcum- stanco as that which produces the color designedly communicated to tbe light of dlfforont kinds of fireworks. Each different foreign ingredient that floats in tho air bas Its own proper huo, which It can cnmmunlcnto to the lightning. Tho vnpor of Iron has one kind of shlno und tbo vapor of sulphur another. Harper's Weekly. 8tolen Eloquence. "It Is better to bo silent." said a prominent clergyman, "than to bo elo quent by unfair means. "Thoro was onco a dlvlno whose good wifo said to him: " 'James, dear, tho Rov. Dr. Tonthly bns mndo over $200 by tbo publication of n volume of sermons. You preach much better than Or. Tonthly, dear. Why not print a few of your sermons Y "My love,' tho man whispered hoarsely, 'thoy woro all printed long ago.' " A National Mistake. "I wonder why tbe English pooplo havo taken tbo roso as their national flower "Why not?" "Judging by tbo way their peerage hunt American fortunes, I should think a moro approprlato tloral emblem would bo marygold." Baltlmoro Amer ican. Dad Waa Horsey, "Pa. what did Herodotus do?" "Ob, I think he won a purso that was offered for three-year-olds once. Say, can't you quit bothering mo when I'm trying to rend what Is going on in tho world?" Chicago Record-Herald. Too Great a Sacrifice. Sho (weary of waltlngi If you sell t' dog, John, wo could get mnrrled. He An' wouldn't 01 look silly to sell a dog llko that to be married! London Opinion. "It is not work that kills men It Is worry. Tbo revolution Is not what do stroys machinery, but tho friction." j i 1 , v wT.'-p-n ' . - Af"