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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1912)
:l oil "v. M I I l 6 ILL Oivroii Supreme Court Decide AutnM Him In Local Munition. II. A. Graham, builder of the local ro Iwny, hiib lost nn otlior of the e eral buIU Hint he and I. J. AUuot In , stltutcd nBulnst tho Southern I'nelllc , nnd Us olllcinla to recover money that ho clu'lned wns due him for his Intel cut In tho Coos Hoy, Kosoburj! ' and Eastern Hnllrond. 1 he lnnt o.i lias Just been decided by the Orogon Supremo Court nnd waB one thnt he and Mr. Mlnot hml Instituted by At-1 umoy General Crawford on a tech nicality. It wns brought In tho name of T. II. Sheridan, one of thot d cctors, ct al lis relators. The su-, pome court held that such nn notion . ho Id have ben begun by the dis trict attorney Instund of bj tho nt- tomey general, thereby sustnln'iiK tho decision against Graham In tho j lower com ts. Justus Snlln will have a henring beforo Justice Sinister January 1C, on tho chnrgo of dischnrglng flrcnrms after Biinsot. Ho was arrested last Saturday evonlng by Deputy Gnmo Warden SI Noah. Word hns been receive dhero of the dentil of Heinle Welck, tho four-teon-ycnr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Potor Welck at their now homo at Spokane. Appendicitis was tho cause. Tho family formerly lived here. Olaf Olscon and J. S. Taylor nro building two residences on Union nvenuo In Porter. J. A. Taylor arrived here from Spokano this wcok to look after pro perty Interests on tho Hay. It has bcon 21 years since ho visited here before. Word has been received hero of Bend of tho mnrrlngo of It. D. Mil ler, who wns one of tho owners of tho Mlllcr-Clenver nuslness collogo hero, and Miss Corn Loulso Eddy at Eugoiio Inst Christmas. B. A. Drown of Lnnslng, Mich., hns been employed for tho Seventh grndo In tho North Hend schools to fill n vnenncy caimcd by tho resigna tion of Miss Hood. Mrs. Edith Mc Lood of Grants Pass, a sister of Mrs. Woodbury has accepted tho position ns tencher in tho primary depart ment, Mrs. Clinptnnn having resign ed . Jjutjif HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. Th English Method of Dealing Out Supplies by the Week. In tho mntter of smnll savings nnd wntchfulnem of expenditure tho Eng lish housewife is abend. For example, tho English housekeeper drills out to tier servant the week'H allowance of sugar, rice, flour, coffee and all other household provisions thnt nro kept in quantity, and requires an account of It all to bo rendered, tho thing having been brought to so Quo n point thnt bo knows tho exnet amount of ench article requisite for her family, allow ing so much to ench Indlvldunl nnd that quantity being sulllclent, as sho knows by experience, two ounces of tea, for instance, being" rcgnrded ns n week's supply for each single Individ ual, oue-hnlf pound of sugar, three and ono-hnlf pounds of ment for n woman and flvo nnd one-fourth for a man facts which the housekeeper probably learned from her mother before her knowing, moreover, tho grenter vuri cty of tho simpler kinds required. All of these More shu sets down In her housekeeping book nn sho gives them out, and she doe not fall on the next dispensing day to consult her dates and if anything be left over In the cook's humU not uei minted for to subtract that from the amount to be newly Issued. And In Kuglnml Mrv nnta expect this. So far from being Indignant with it they would feel ns If there weru no guiding hand behind them if left undone nnd they given their head In an overtlowlng More room, uh servants are with us. In fact, there Is no wiving which tho housewife across the water considers too small to practice or us beneath her dlgulty. Exchange. Sir John Rose at Great Length. An accomplished English barrister was Sir John Knrslnke. n height he wns six feet four Inches. A provincial newxpnper In reporting n case In which he was engaged on clr cult laconically described tho opening for the eomplalunut ns follows: "Sir John Knrxlakc. ns nooii ns tho defendant's ciim was concluded, roso at great length to reply " Very Slmplo. "I've been working two or three evenings making an umbrella stand," snys tho man who has tnkeii up arts and crafts endeavor. Two or three evenings;" exclaims tho otlior man. "Why waste ull that tluio? Why don't you lean It in a cor ner or BtieU it in tho grouud '"-Judge. Tho Trouble. "What's tho trouble?" tuqutred the Judge. "Tula lady lawyer wants to niako n ' motion," explnlued the clerk, "but her gown la too tight," Washington Iler aid. A Lesion For George. Betty George Intends to havo his own way In everything when wo nro married. Grace Why nre you going to marry him, then? Ketty-Just to relieve his mind of a falso impresslou. If you bavo anything to sell, trade, rent, or want help, try a want ad. The Times' Want Ada bring rosults Gil LOSS THE COOS BAY Woman'sWorld Mil Scott Mnket Daring Flight In Her Airship. Photo by American Tress Association. U1SS 1ILANCHK HT0A11T BCOTT. Miss IJlnncho Stuart Scott, tho young woman who recently has ac quired such distinction ns a dating and intrepid uviator, la tho same young woman who nearly two years ago drovo her nutomobllo from New York city to 8nn Krnnclsco. Miss Scott's companion on this wild and dangerous ndventuro wns Miss Ger trude Phillips. Their arrival In tho Golden Gnte city allvo nnd unhurt 1b n lino tribute to American woman hood. Miss Scott tiles ono of Baldwin's red devil mctnl blplnncs. This aeroplane, on account of Its speed nnd diminu tive slzo, Is considered much more per ilous to opcrnto tlmn any other. Its driver must bo gifted, with unusual nlmblencss of mind nnd body. Miss Scott chnfeu very much under tho fly ing restraints plnccd upon her on nc count of her sex, but sho succeeded in showing her ability to fly as high as her men competitors in a recent air contest. There is serious talk of orgnntzlng a woman's nero club hero in Amorlcn, tho Idea being recently hatched by Ilnron von Dewltz, nnd tho women in terested in aviation nro enthusiastic about the movement. It Is proposed to model tho club after tho Aorlnl League of Grcnt lirltnlu or the Stella, of France. An Elaborate Coat. Tho long coat of tho season hns mnny uses and mllndy's wnrdrobe, If sho is ut all smart, must contain n number of long wraps for different oc casions. The coat pictured In nu nlry atmlr for evening, carried out iu a OP OTOLAMAN Oil A PIS AND BATIN. eyelnmnn colored figured crepe fabric A deep band of satin In this new shade of cerlso trims the bottom oi tho coat, and tho shawl collar Is ol luce and satin combined. Worth Knowing. When you drop accidentally some o tho yolk in tho white or eggs in sep arating same tho yolk can easily be re- i imiim ny luucuuig me uits or yellow with a dry cloth, to which they wil readily adhere. M F w M w mi I m 4 tat. iiH!iSsrfc jpuHL v J TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JVIflady's JVTirrov Hot Water as a Tonic. Drinking n cup of hot water Is a more elllenclous treatment for many Ills than some persons realize There are physicians who prescribe It for In active livers, a glassful to be taken ns soon as one wakes In the morning. The I warmth ns well ns the liquid nre bene flclal, for It Is n well known fnct thnt few persons drink ns much water through the day us they should. Thnt the dose affects the complexion favorably there Is no doubt 'Some per sons add the Juice of hnlf a emon to the water. There Is no doubt thnt for certain systems this Is benellclnl, but It Is n matter that n physician should decide In Indlvldunl Instances. Many a case of simple Indigestion time he cured br drinking n cup of hot water, the dose to be taken ns soon ns there Is any sense of dlscom fun. Adeline n half teaspootiful of bi carbonate of soda Is recommended by some physicians whore there is pro uounced acidity of the stomnch, the soda acting ns a neutrnllzer, while the warm liquid carries the matter rrora the stomach. Persons who are dieting for reduc tion dud hot water more thirst quencn lug thnu cold, nnd they therefore enn get nlong comfortnbly with a smnllcr quantity. Thnt water taken with roou Is fattening there Is no doubt Hot water Is an excellent substitute for tea for persons made nervous by the beverage nnd on certnln occnslons mny be used ns n food substitute. If for any reason there Is a desire to get nlong with the least qunntlty of food nnd the stomnch becomes empty, hot water Is Boothlng nnd fills the void, so that for a time a feeling of faint ncss is obvlnted. It is In no wnv a food, however, and should uot be regarded as such. Changing the Hair Line. So much hns been snld of tho folly of changing the coiffure to suit ench pnsslng style that the other side Is apt to be overlooked. Hair can bo worn too continuously in one stylo, nnd if a womnn Is not enreful she may find herself without tiny Imlr on tho top of her bend In the place where the hair ought to grow. The girl who thinks she looks pic turesque with parted Imlr should oo cnslonally talce weeks off for a pompa dour unless sho wants a broad path across her cranium. This holds good of the angles ut which the long hair is arranged, nnd thcro should be fre quent chnnges, if only In tho privacy of the boudoir. The benefit of these chnnges Is real ized when ono tliids thnt da mini IT nc cumulates under tho thickest part of tho Imlr. nnd If It Is too long in ono spot thcro Is danger of tho troublo be coming chronic. Mothers have much to bo responsible for by not regarding hair strain for their daughters. No girl who wenrs her hair in one way from the time she Is six or eight until she puis on long froekH can hope to have n good bead of hair. It is bound to be worn In places. Cosmetics as Character Guilder. Cosmetics ns an aid In character building are advocated by many doc tors who have an extensive practice iiiuong society women One of those physicians Kays women who havo tiuy little defect that can be hidden by powder or paint should never hesltnte to employ the artlllelal method. "Ap pearances." he explains, "mean much to a woman mentally nnd socially A girl who lias some slight personal de feet, such as a sear, a poor complexion or bloodless lips, is enormously handl capped The knowledge of her defect mid tho thought others may observe It make her shy and lacking In self con tldenee. She shuns society and be comes morbid nnd miserable. 1 know of one ense where a girl's life was ruined because of complexion troubles. So long as a woman's makeup Is not so obvious ns to be objectionable her means to an end are Justifiable. She does no one any harm and sho does herself a great deal of good. The knowledge that her particular defect is no longer vlslblo to nil beholders gives her a contented mind, mid that has Its Inevitable result upon her char acter nnd outlook on life." Grace Without f'ettlcoats. "Are yon a pettlumtless woman? And If you have discarded your underskirts have you learned to go without them gracefully?" wild the beauty lecturer to her audience. "The advice I would give to the unpettlcoated. to the worn nn who wears n skirt su snug and clinging that hhe must adopt some other style of underwear than tho old time petticoats, Is this; "Look ut your shoes Your skirt may not be cut on nt your hoot tops but It is certain that they will show "Have your ankles trim. Wear but toned boots and set the buttons over until they nbsolutely pinch your ankles "Don't wear shabby shoes. Your feet (.imply must look nice. "Wear thin stockings, the gauzler tho better; under them wear flesh col sred silk hoso. "If you go without petticoats your feet will show all the time, because your skirt slinks In. So learn to toe out Don't be plgeontoed." FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 When you nee J n I.lnSmrnt, me a good one. To Insuro beneficial results, Bt Ballard's Snow Liniment It Is a Pain Rotlof and Hsaling Rem edy That Answers Every Requirement. t. i. r ..Tontlonnl nowcr In rhoumntle dlsenacn: rollavcs tho n "-r Joints relaxes Uo drawn muscles, restores the strength. he d remedy for man or beast. Try It for cuts, burns, bruises, old sores, lamo back, rhoumatlsm, l.euralBla, sciatica, frost bites, chlllblalns. contracted muoclos, stiff neck. It stops pain and heals quickly. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAKKS F. BALLAoO PROPRIETOR ST. LOUIS, MO. To cure SmsrUuc ErefiilU. KtcuUeno ISouoAnp RrooMMitNmpBvl iti:i citoss Home Permanency vs. Home Monotony TIiIh Is n vital question for proBont dny lioniobulIdorB whether to have n house which In appearance must always remain tho stuno or n I101180 that will permit of n llltlo refreshing occasionally. Neighborhoods change ns do Individual tastes a framo house enn enBlly bo mndo to hnrmonlzo with Us surroundings n fresh cont of paint often will innko it ns good nn your neighbor's now hotiso tho samo ns a now salt makes you feel llko n now man. At nny rnto a frame house Is siucoptlblo to most any chnngo you might dcslro mid while It is permanent It docs not necessarily need becomo nn cyesoro or a monotony. Thoro nro lots of things we've observed about houses and lumbar thnt you should know bofofo building conic In nnd wo'U glvo you our vlows. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIL DKl'AKTMHNT SOUTH IIUOADWAY, MAIt-SIU'IKM). "THE FIUENI) S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPEI) WITH WIUISLUSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY, t JANUARY 7. CONNECTING WITH THE NOKTII HANK KOAI) AT l'OUTLANU NOHTH 1'aJH'IO aTEAMSKIl' COMPANY. PHONE 44 c. F. McflEOItGE, Agent FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIKKLESG SAILS FltOM SAN FHANCISG0,-F1UDAY, JANUARY 5, AT 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Pnono 44 0. F. McOEORQE, Agent. Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, Saturday, Jan. 6th F. S. Dew, Agent EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. OX JANUARY 0, Id, S3, 30 SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX JAN UARY tl, 13, 20, ii7. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONE MAIN U5-L FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages lenve Marshflold for Rosoburg at C o'clock every UVaiS.anFar?6d00.1,Ckt,St COnnect,0s th SoutberT SZ COOS HAY ROSKHURG STAGE LINE T P IfSKTSJ' ABt,", " lAnK " V?M.l,nrW. U. 1 . HARNARD, Agent, ROSEHURG, Ore. I MD.Mi Now Is the Time TO HAVE THAT RESIDENCE WIRKD FOR LIGHTS. ESTIMATES GIVEN Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J " SSWiWp,,,,.-i - I - HHWHSMMMSMMMHHBMM The Times Does - EVENING EDITION Soro Errs or Weak SIsM, no Dyo Halve. nuun htohic OK COOS UAY" COMMODIOUS WITH WIRELESS n CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-filass nHioio vn can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PIIOXE 200J . Job Printing Prof. A. Richards TEAt'MEIt OK PIANO. And volco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants cnll nt Studio, Songs tneken Uldg.. tiltl llrotulnny. Unique Pantatorium DYKING, CLEANING, PHKS.HINO AND HEPAIHING A Mi KINDS 01' HAT WOltK. ItOSS .M PINKGOK. 2fin Central nvonun Phono 2R0X BlancharcTs Livery Wo hnvo secured tho livery bus. loss of L. II. Holsnor nnd nro pro pared to rotidor oxceilent sorvlco t tho people of Cot" Day. Cirofi,lt dt Ivors, boon rlss nud everything;' lint will mean bntlufnctory sorvlco to tho public. Phon us for n driving horse, n rig or an thing needed Irv tho livery lino. Wo nlBO do truck g business of nil kinds. itliANCHAKI) lUtOTHKKS Phono 138-J Livery, Fcctl and Hales Service. HI Klrst nnd Aldor Streots A. Modern Iirlck Hulldlnrc. Elce.trlo Lights, Steam Ileal. Elegantly Furnished Itooinc with Hot and Cold Wntor. HOT 15 Ti .C O OS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: GO cents a Dny nnd Upwnrda. Cor. Droadwny nnd Market Marshflold. Oregon. MAItSHKIEM) CYCTjKUY (Formerly Henry's Gun Shop) Agency for DAYTON IMOYOrjlCS PKICE FltOM 9Un.()l) DP WITH FIVE YEAHS GUARANTEE. Solnr Gas Lamps $3.00 with Im pounds of carbide this wcok. Full lino Htcyclo Supplies. Guns nnd Hlcyclos Itopnlrci by Competent Mcchnnlc E. HANDEL, PHOP. No. I07 No. Front St. Phono 180-K. PRESSIOpjAL pjRECTORY rH. E. F. WINKLEH, " Naturopath and Chiropractor. All chronic diseases troatod. Consul tation froo. Office hours: 0 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. m. Naturopath iustltuto Room No. 1. No. 13C Hrondway, Marshflold, Oro. rvR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduato of tho Amorhan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Offleo in Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4: Phono 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Oregon. J W. BENNHTT, Lawyer. )fflso ovor Flanagan & Bonnott Dank larBhllold Orogon TTR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshflold, Orogon. Jfflco: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposite Post Onus, Phono 10C-J r R. A. J. HENDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro cquippod to do high class work on short notlco ut tho vory, lowosi prices. Examination froo. Lady nttondant, Coko building, oppo slto Chnndler hotel, phono 112-J. $ T. J. SCAIFE A. II. IIOD0IN& Marshfield Paint (Bb Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, FurnlBhod Phono 140L Oregon We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils. Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIOXE MAIN 57-J ' Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 FOR First Class Real Estate Samo very good bargnlns, RENTALS and INSURANCE you should cnll on AUG. FRIZEEN, S Central Avo.. Mnrslifleld. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash these garmentB cleaner nnd batter than tho work can be dono elsewhere, and they are not worn so much. We do not shrink them, even woolen garments are returned th snmo size as when sent us. We Iron tho garments nicely, mako ordlnnry repairs freo of charge nnd you havo fresh clean, oweet under- wear ready for each week's change. Dundle yours up with next week'9 laundry bundle. MarshfieldiHand & Steam Laundry I rJUONL 220-J y . - s Ji,i.,.H ! I. , . timX-zm 'VIJk &&i ,j