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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Here's a special sale that's good for both of us VfOU get a good profit whenever you buy anything in this store; that's our intention at least Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are always a good investment for the wearer, as well as tot us; we both make something out of each' sale More than ever now; clearing prices on all lines of wool goods: Men's $35 Suits, now $25.85 Men's $30 Suits and Overcoats, now $21.85 Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats ,. .$.18.85 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Men's $35 Suits and Overcoats $11.85 Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $5.35 ,Bo3rs' $6.50 Suits and Overcoats $4.85 Boys' $5.00 Suits and Overcoats ...'... .$3.85 Boys' $4.00 Suits jind Overcoats. . .t $3.00 Boys' Straight Pant, Suits. . . HALF PRIQE 'training clans of tlio Christian church will meet heron f tor on Thurs tiny night Instond of on Tuesdny as It hnH been -doing. . liOM-s Flngvr. Wesley Noah lintl the tip of his Imlox linger cut oft by getting It caught In tho machinery of the Allco 11 on which ho Is om liloyed. II I Ml I Itopu.r Street. TLa hard surfneo paving on Fourth street which had to ho torn up to repnlr a sower n few months ngo Is being rcpnlrod by Con- , tractor Morrlssey. ! (a'el.s lloiticMicad. Geo. Robinson ! of Tomplcton, appeared beforo Unit ed States Land Commissioner A. K. 1'cck today and mndo flnnl proof on i his Ten Mile homcBtcnd. Machinery Hero. Tho. machinery for tho Ilradley Candy company ar ! rived on tho Drealtwater today. It I will bo installed lmmcdlntaly nnd It 1b expected to liuvo tho factory In operation soon. Arrange. Rout. Louis Presslor announces that ho haB arranged for a twenty-round ko uotwooii Jess Day ' and Jack Duurto, a boxer from Oak land, Oil., to bo pulled off hero Fob ruary 13. They will fight at 1GG pounds. . Ilim Prize Feline. Tho Portland Orcgonlan Inst Sunday printed n pic ture of cinders," a hnndsomo cnt owned by Mm. Norla Jensen, which Is to bo exhibited in tho Oregon Fo lino Show in Portlnnd. have petitioned for tho Improve mont. C1IAS. J. ANDERSON nnd family of Lnkoport are spending a fow doy In Mnr8h!lcld. Mil. LEE KAY has como from Nor way, Oro., to visit njlntlves and friends for a fow dnys. MRS. CLARA NOAH from Myrtlo Point stopped over In tho city on hor way to Suninor todny. P. M. HALL-LEWIS left this morn ing to look after fruit Inspection matters In tho Coqulllo Valley. MRS. H. D. FULTON haB roturnod from Norwny, nftor visiting her Bister, Mrs. Cnl. Ray, for n week. Dutchess Guaranteed Trousers 25 Per Cent Discount Blankets, "Wool Sox, Sweater Coats, Underwear and all other lines of "Wool goods at CLEARANCE SALE PJtTCES WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Outfitters Always- "TiTe Busy Corner 99 "THE REXALL STORE" For That Sore Throatr Nothing gives the relief that you get from Nyal's Soro Throat Remedy, Pleasant to use, 25c the bottle, Obtainable here only, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE MAIN 298 US First Class Auto k Service Cars leavo Front of Lloyd hotel to meet nil trains. Faro 26c. Spoclal cnlls nnywhoro nt nil lionrs. REST CARS. Rest drivors. Phono GG-J un til 11 p. in., nftor 11 p. in. phono D-.T. Rcsldenco phono 2S-J; nftor 12 phono 181R. D.L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Shirley 1'roinotcri. Friends horo litivo Just been advised that Earl P. Shlrloy, formerly mnngor of tho United Wireless Stntlon In Marsh Hold, has heon advanced to n position ns manngor of tho Fcdornl Wlrolcsa Station nt MedjorjLr--WnntH Damages II. Drlnkloy of Bunker Hill has begun suit against Chns. Donnlson of tho emtio placo for $527 damages for porsonnt Injuries that ho nllcgcd ho sustained In a fight. Ho had Donnlson nrrcsted twlco In JtiBtlco Pcnnock's court for assnult, tho first lino not bolng suf ficient to suit him. In his suit for dnmngCB, Drlnklcy asks for $20 for bolng unablo to work llvo days, $7 for medicine nnd doctor's bill, $250 dniunges for humiliation nnd $250 for gonornl damages. Tho troublo started over roninrks Hint Donnlson claimed Drlnkloy mndo about friends of his. Tho enso Is schodulcd for trial nt tho April term of circuit court. Not Enough Dirt. City Engineer Gldloy, City Attornoy Gobs nnd ; Street Commissioner Lnwhorno nro perturbed ovor tho propoBod Rnll- ' road Addition fill. It now looks ns I though thoro will not bo sufllclont drcdglngs to fill all of tho area and besides this, tho Oregon hns only sufllclout plpo lino to pump about n quarter or a mllo, not far onough to All BOino of tho nrcn that It was do sired In includo. As n result of tho reduction of tho area, tho cost will probably bo Increased. It may bo thnt tho city will hnvo to turn the project ovor to tho Port Commission to handle. II. F. DOWNER enmo In on tho nronkwntcr from Condon, Oregon, to mnlco his homo hero with his family. A. S. HAMMOND Is horo from Co qulllo mnklng final nrrangomonts for opening his branch abstract olll co In Mnrshflold. CHAS. MAIIAFFEY, secrotary of tho local lodgo of tho Grange, wns at tending to business In Mnrshflold during tho dny. TOM THORSON nnd family ot Isth mus Inlet expect to leavo soon for Prlncvillo. Thoy will locnto on a ranch near Prlnovlllo. C. F. McKNIGHT, C. I. Rolgnrd and J. D. Gobs woro among tho attor neys leaving this morning to at tend court In Coqulllo. GEO. DAINES, who wns called to San Francisco by tho Illness of his sIb tcr Is oxpoctcd homo in a day or two, coming via tho FIflold to Dan don. MRS. A. D. BOONE has roturnod to hor homo nt Sumner nftor n short visit at tho homo of hor dnughtor, Mrs. Win. Knrdoll, In South Mnrshflold. MRS. CARL SMEDDERG nnd son, John, of Catching Inlet nro visit ing nt tho homo ot hor pnrontB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hanry Dlnck, In South Mnrshflold. FOR HALE A fow wettings of full blooded white Poklu duck eggs, weighing from S to 12 lbs. ench. G. W. Stownrt, North Ilond. Phono G21. WANTED -You to know tlmt you enn got full Information of tho coming Umpqua City Roedsport Flrat nnd original ground floor prices nt Stutsman & Co.s ofllco, 130 Brondwny, Mnrshflold, Oregon. COOS I1AV TIDES January, 11)12. nolow Is given tho tlmo nnd hnlghth of high nnd low water nt Mnrshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho sec ond lino of each dny; n comparison of consccuttvo heights will lndlcnto whothor It Is high or low wntor. For high wntor on bar, subtract 2 Lours 34 minutes. Date 6 3.30 5.4 4.24 C.5 5.08 5.7 8.31 3.1 9.20 2.8 10.21 2.5 2.63 7.5 3.03 7.3 4.35 G.8 EHMANN'S RIPE OLIVES The Best The Most Uniform The Meatiest These olives are unquestionably the finest on the market, They are prepared with extreme care" Ehmann's having had over TWENTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE In this line, They are uniformly ripe, giving the olives a better flavor and a richer color, They are cured in such a way as to make the olives just firm enough to retain that rich-appetizing-meaty flavor, MEDIUM SIZE BULK Pints I-20C EXTRA SIZE BULK Pints 25c GLASS JARS Pints X X 30c GLASS JARS Quarts X X 60c GLASS JARS Quarts XXX 75c Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES 85 AND 305 WANTKD To rent, dairy ranch by oxporlonced man, Address, Dox I 807, Mnrshflold, Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE I hnvo somo Portlnnd Incomo proporty to ox- chnngo for ncrengo closo In to ( Mnrshflold; nlso somo lota nnd . ncrengo that I would consldor In exchange. I). R. Leo, Chandler ! Hotel. WANTKD HouseUeeiHT, oxiktIoiic ed, mlddlo-nged womnn. Phono I 225-J. FOR RENT Rooms furnished or unfurnished by dny, week or month. 237 N. nroadway. FOR RKNT 10-room Iiouso in South Mnrshflold. Phono 119-L. 9.27 1.7 10.12 1.4 10.54 0.8 LOCAIi TEMPERATURE UK- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. in., Jan. 4, by Donja- mln Ostllud, special govornmont meteorological observer: Maximum '. 38 Minimum 20 4 At 4:43 p. m 37 Precipitation 04 Wind, Southwot:j rainy. Meet Tliui-hdny. Tho tencliors Personal Notes Don't forgot PHONK 211-J. tho Turkish Hatha Have your Job The Times' ofllco. printing done at Bargains in Apples We have a limited supply of Boxed Apples Which we will be able to sell Ithan apples can be bought un- savo money by patronizing The,tj another crop comes on the Timoa advertisers. mx They are mostly (Baldwins and are four and n i t i k v i five-tier, Look at these prices People lake N0tlC,! land phone us your order: Wo have all lengths of stovo wood! 25 BOXES AT $1.00 PER BOX for sale, prices ranging from ?1.5025 BOXES AT $1.25 PER BOX' per tier up. Wo can furnish any longth you wish. FOR SALE Practically now parlor Mynatt, phono 311. North iiend! while they last at lower prices S. D. CATHCART went to Coqulllo todny on business. JA8 STACK of Sumner Is a Marah Ilold business visitor todny. LOUIS STONI3 of Cntchlng Inlot Is looking nftor bmdness horo todny. MRS. ENOCH HOLLAND of Llbby Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. DAVID LILJROTH of Iloavor Hilt Is In Marshflold today on business. MR8. TOM NICHOLS wont to Co qulllo today to spond a day or so. MAYOR C. K. JORDAN of Enstsldo was a visitor In tho city today. RORERT O. ROOKE of Coos Rlvor was In tho city on business todny. MRS. DAN MATTSON of Catching Inlet Is n Mnrshflold shoppor to dny. EDGAR McDANIEL of North Rond Is n Mnrshflold buslncbs visitor to day. MISS ESTHER MUNSON of Ton Mllo Is n Mnrshflold shoppor to dny. - W. J. CONRAD loft this morning for Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point on business. I'lf'TOU STAIIF nnd his dnughtor, MI h loiot Slauff, of Cooston, rnnn' to Mnrshflold loday by prlv lt.' Lent tj tit urn! to business mnt- tOi'H E. L. ROniNSON Is at Suninor mak ing n survoy of tho uppor section of Catching Inlot for tho Port Commission which plans to lm provo It. JOHN E. HOLMRERG of Donvor, Colo., nrrlvcd horo on tho Nann Smith today to visit n couplo of wookB with his sons, Luwronco and Enoch Holmhorg. J. R. SNEDDON. Jns. Wilson, Tom Wilson nnd Will Sneddon wont to Coqulllo yestordny as wltnossoB In n cuso Involving an account ngalnst Boino Rlverton minors. J. O. STEMMLER nnd brldo pnssod through horo yesterday on routo to their homo nt Myrtle Point nftor a honoymoon trip to Portland and othor northern points. C. R. FLANAGAN una roturnod from n business trip to Coqulllo. Tho rnlny wonthor haB mndo It Impos sible for him to finish his stroot grading contracts thoro. II. J. KERN of North Rend passed through horo today on routo to Co qulllo on business. DERT CLAYTON has returned to hla homo in Mnrshflold having resigned as foreman of tho Smith-Powers camp on South Coos Rvor nnd P. McDieo has uucceodod him, ERIC DOLT, who Is attending Wll Iamotto University, hns roturnod to Salem after spondlng tho Christmas holidays with friends nnd relatives at Corvallls, FRANK ROWRON, who has boon laid up horo with n broken log for sovornl weeks, hns rocovorod auf flclently to return to his Ton Mllo ranch, Mrs. Dowron accompanying lit m. ALEX CARLSON of. North Lnko, Ton Mllo, 1b n Mnrshflold business vis itor today. DONALD M. CHARLETON went to Coqulllo to nttond to business mnttors today. C. W. SANFORD of Hnynes' Inlot Is looking nftor business In Marsh flold today, F. E. HAGUE and P. A. Snndborg wont to Coqutllo this morning to npponr beforo tho Coos county commissioners regarding the planking of tho Ferndnlo road bo tweon North Rond and Mnrshflold. A largo numbor of proporty ownors MRS. MERTIB MAXON of North Rond will leavo on tho 13th on tho nrenkwator for an extondod visit with her pooplo In Michigan, Mrs. Mnxon oxpects to roturn to Calif ornia early In tho fall. C. A. SMITH and Arno Moroon who hnvo been spondlng tho Christmas holidays with their families in California nrrlved horo on tho Nnnn Smith today. Thoy wilt bo horo for somo tlmo on business re lating to tho mill and also to tho Terminal railway. II. W. PAINTER and wlfo, returned via Myrtlo Point from an extend ed visit at California and Okla homa points. Mr. Painter Bays that two or throe successive crop failures havo domornllzod business In many parts of Okhthoma. They had n very pleasant trip. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO. NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE L. H. HEISNER Phono No. 120-J or 49-L. TiTe Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. THE- BEST ,That Wheat and Science Can Produce Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour I