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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 4 I 1 m ft I A !k i t .. COOS BAY TIMES M. V. MALONHV Editor Pub DAN K. MALOXEY Nous Editor Entered (it tlio postomce At Marsii old, Oregon, fur transmission through tho tnnlls ns socond clasH tnntl matter. Dedicated to tho sorvlco ?f tho Deoplo, that no good caitBo shall lack champion, and ttrat ovl) shall not thrlvo unuppo8cd. Address all communications to COOS RAY DAILY times. ftfnnhilcld :: :: :: :: Oregon for one enr eqiiln-a over 2,000 nc- n lifetime of seventj yenrs n woman ! r timber. tio 7,300.000 cats thirty oxen, one hundred cows, cubic feet of cedar per je for load two hundred steers, fifty pigs, thirty pruells. Our con unptlun nf timber thousand oyBters, twenty-four thoti- 4 InrrenBlnx much more rapidly than snnd eggs and four and n hnlf tons our Increase In pepu ailon. When 0f bread. Hut why didn't she finish he Panama Canal s completed more t)1c tnBtx mid llnd out how many tons linn $10 per thousand feot can be t f chocolnte cronnis she gets away cavi'd m freight intes from the Pans .with? i L P lie Const to tho Atlnntlc cities. There Is no great staplo ns Indlspensnhlu to civilization ns timber, the con sumption of which is rapidly Increas ing, while the supply Is rapidly diminishing. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSHITKL1). SUHHCRIPTION RATK8. DAILY. Ono year J6.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono yonr Jl.bO Whon pnld strictly In advanco tho (inscription price of tho Coos Day Times Ib JG.00 iwr year or ?2.G0 for lx months. Odlclftl Paper of Coos County I WITH THE t Z TOAST AND TEA t (JOOl) EVENING. VISIT HERE ! (JltOWTII OF Rt'RAL DISTRICTS .nop iv class with cities Tho tomato can but will It? The rat In the trap Is worth two In yj jj, blender Of Eastern Oregon and Mrs. H. H. Blake Meet After 42 Years. the hair. At any rate' the clam knows how to shut up. DY THE NORTH SEA. Her check win wet with North sea spray. We walked where tldo and shingle meet. Tho lone waves rolled from far away To purr In ripples at our feot, And as wo walked It seemed to mo That thrco old friends had met that day; Tho old, old sky, tho old, old sea. And lovo, which Is as old as they. Conan Doylo. H. H. Dlnko nml family on Coos 1 River met with n great surprise this II. Alender from Eastern Oregon arrived at their .. . .... . 1..1 i.. home. Mrs. Dlnko Is n hnlf sister not to "go1 Tin the al? for that h to Mr. A ondor and they have not 1.1. i.i..inn. I seen orcli other for forty-two yenrs. 3. D. Cnthcart Is a cousin to Mr. Alender also, but they have not met as yet, ns Mr. Cnthcart went to Co qulllo this morning. Mr. Alender has spoilt all this ....t n a . onnrnllv time In Enstern Oregon, principally the best. Especially Is this true of In the mining district around linker the home-made man. , City. He realizes now that he Is , "getting up In years," tuul desires to AV EDITOR'S HEAVEN. iiopi:: f nn Una lw'.ltl ntt 'AiflntOl. "ilono's n clicat," let mo bo cheated, nr.urnouu, whon Win. his business. The man with his all Invested In mining stocks Is seldom In n position to rest on his ore. , Alt Indopendont Republican nows popor publlohod every ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, and Wcokly by Tho Coos JIny Times Publishing Co. TO HELP THE HOME IN SPITE of much sentiment and ''T.'ulatlon In ravor of tho cultiva tion of homes, the distribution mid euro of Inthcrless children has often Lien m direct opposition to tho cul "IviUloit of n homo spirit or tho homo uitiiujjuiuro which every child needs law which Is Interesting In this inspect was put In operation In Chl cngo recently. It h n petition net w. oh given to widowed mothers who irti Ui need from $(i to $10 a month f "" act chhd which sho has to sup jur This furnishes some iiBslst i ii" c .niieh needed In many caios whi'ie mothers nre striving to keep Iu')i children together. It Was found that It cost tho stnto ton dollars a month to farm tho chll l.cti out, ami this of course Is often rr.'iii unsatisfactory to tho bodt Intor ost or the child. Tho normal and lut jioHalhlo omlroninont In under (lu nro of n inothe. when sho Is s.init and capablo and dovotod to tho Lit lostH of her children. It Is rendliy seen how many heart aches mny be avoided by this meas ure as well as tho Indiscriminate lie ding of children In orphan nsy Iuiiib jvheii thoro Is n possibility of avoiding it by keeping tho children ai iiomo. VXHELI'ISII LOVE. WHERE will you Hud absolutely disinterested affection? With out being cynical or seeking Boiir satlbfactlon. ono may well think with n sinllo of amusomont upon tho tlncturo of self-interest thnt stains nlmost overy act of courtesy or kind ness; ono meets. Tho grocer Is ge nial, ruliH his hands and million: you know why. All who fool that grati tude which Is "n lively souse of fa vors yet to como" aro professionally pleasant: tho Janitor and tho laud lord, the schoolteacher and tho poli tician, tho minister and tho under Jnkor. Not thnt It Isn't a good thing to bo Pleiismit. whntovor the reason may bo, hut there's usually a roubon. How ninny wives and husbands ex- iiuui nun wnnt noining in return? Ami, for thnt matter, how much roll glon would there bo, wore thero no reward In heaven?" When the young mini takes time to be pleasant to nn eldorly woman. Cootho'H rhy mo comes to mind: "Dor Mutter Bcluuik' Ich, Dlo Tocliter donk' Ich." T make glftr. to the ."Mother, Dut think of the Daughter. Indeed If you are going to cut all tho Holllshiieus out of any deed, any biiiIIo, nny Mutinous, any man or wo man, our surgical skill niiiBt bo Krent ami your hand steady or you will cut into llfo Itself. There Is Jimt ono utterly puro white love, one unmixed dovotlon, ono unalloyed Joy In your prosoncoj ono act that stands alone In this fal len and suspicions world as pure uivo unu worship; and that Is the wagging of your dog's tall when you put your hand on his head. If you could feel toward Uod as your dog feels toward you. you might claim roal religion. Dr. Prank Crane. RUSH HOMK, DKAR FATHER Father, dear father, rush homo with mo now, Your checkbook you'd better bring too No mntter how mnssivo your bank ac count Is 'Twill vanish boforo you nre thru. Tho dtcssmakcr's bill is enormous, I know, And the milliner's bill's Just as big. Dear father, If anything happened to you, 'Twould mighty soon wind up our Jig. a pnymont Is duo on our automobile, And the mnn won't ronow the old note; And tho mortgngo that's on our stenm launch Is so large Wo can't keep tho old crnft afloat. O father, dear lathe.', we all lovo you AO, We've said Itngaln and again. Our ' links ajo nil packed and we're ready to start lor tho tuashoro the very next trail,. Oh, what would "homo be without fnthei, I pray? It's uo hnndy to hnvo him around, I'ur If our llnnnclal supplies wero cut off, Tho old ark would booh go ng.ound Hero's hoping you liv'o for 300 yenrs, And all your Investments pan out, For no mattor how great your pro llts may be, We'll see that It goos up the spout. From the Grand Rapids, Minn., Herald tho following Is clipped pre suming thnt tho narratlvo Is true: With nu editor, nged nnd gray, Who told mo of a drentn ho had, While snoozing in his olllco, I think "twns Christmas tiny. Tho vision enmo to view, For ho saw an nngol enter, Dressed In gnrments white nnd new, Said the nngol, I'm from heaven, Tho Lord Just sent mo down To bring you up to glory And put on your golden crown. You've been a friend to overy one, . And work hnrd night nnd day, You havo cducntcd thousands; And fr,om fow received your pay, , So wo want you up in glory, For you havo labored hard, And tho good Lord is propnrlng Your eternal. Just reward." Then tho nngol and the editor Stnrted up townrds glory's gnto, Dut when passing cloao to hndes, The angel murmured "wait! I havo u place to show you It's tho hottest place In hell become located near some of his rel ations, mid has come to Coos Day with this Intention. NORTH HEND NEWS. Mrs. Airred Matson of Mnrsniioui was a North Demi visitor yesterdny. WASHINGTON, 1). C, .Ian. Ii. -- The average number of persons to tho snunre mile In Oregon was 7 In 1010, according to n report of the eusus ltureuu on Oregon population In detail. In 1000 the llgure wns l.;l nnd In IS 00 It wns 11. 11. Tho av erage number of persons per squnro mllo for the United Stntes was 30.0 lit 101 0. Multnomah county, with -to I sqtiure miles of urea, has the highest density of population, 501.7 persons per iiinre mile, while Har ney, Lake and Malheur counties have an average of less than one person per square mllo. The population of Oregon since the first settlement Is shown to be: 1850, 13.20-1: 1800, 52.4(15: 1870, II0.023; 1880, 17-1,708: 18110. 317,70-1; 1000, 113,530; 1010. 072,705. Tho popu lation of Portland Is given us 30.8 per cent of the population of the state In 1010. Nearly one-half of the Increnso In population of tho Htnte dining tho last decade Is credi ted to Portland. In tho totals for tho counties of LIST OF NORTH BENDBACHELOR Leap Year Is Arousing Mu Interest There Wants Ui of Bachelor Maids. PROPOSAL. Tho violet loveH a aiiimy bank, The cowslip Iovoh tho lea, The scarlet creeper loves the ola;l nut. i uivo uu-o. The riiiihIiIiio klHHi'H mount ami u Tlio stiirs, tney Kiss the sea, Tho west wIuilH kiss the clo-l bloom, Dut I kiss thco. Tho orlolo wetM his mottled matcJ The lily's brldo o' tho bee: 9 Oregon mime Interesting comparisons Uunvon'H murrlngo' ring Js round J onl-th Shnll 1 wed theo7 -Dnynrd Taylor Mrs. W. Kardell and children of South Marsh fleltl. visited friends hero yesterdny. Mrs. .Tustescn has moved from old North Dend to tho Parker home on Mend avenue. Mrs. J. W. Imniel nnd Miss Des sle Inimcl of Sherman nvenuo visit ed In Mnrshlleld yesterday. A.vnlunhlo Now Year's express incknge In the form of nn .olght- pound daughter, was received by 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roynolds of tho Porter Hotel In North Dend. So father, kind fnther, witn mo now, rush home For 1 love you almost to distrac tion Dut If you don't hnnd out tho cash that I wnnt, Loo will sutfor an awful contraption. Tho best of us enn Invont sonio pretty hot stuff on an enemy. Doctors say that tho (orror of their lives Is the Imltntlon Invalid. Among other lies Is that one to the effect that tho truth doesn't hurt. How often you hear tho expres sion: "Ho luun't a sincere bono !u his body." Evory other duy, now, nnother grent mnn people novor heard of, nimilKH up, Tho North Dend High School bas ket ball team plans to lcavo tomor row for Myrtle Point to piny tho Where tho ones who nover pnld you us School team there. It hns not In torments nlwnys dwell," been decided whether tho North And, behold, tho editor snw thero Dend High School girls' team will Old subBcrlbers by tho score, , niako tho trip or not. And grabbing up n chair nnd fan, He wished for nothing more; Tho North Dend Commercial club Dut was hound to sit nnd watch thorn nt Its niinunl meeting Holected the .b they'd singe ami niirn, following olllcors for tho ensuing And his eyes would rest on debtors, Whichever way they'd turn. . Said tho nngol, "C'omo on, editor, There's tho pearly gates to boo," Dut the editor only murmured, "This Is heaven enough for mo." Tho Bclf-mndo man Is novor finish ed until some woman gets busy and, polishes off tho rough edges. year: President Ira D. Dnrtlo. Vlco-presldent A. O. Rnnb. Socrotary .1. G. Mullen. Treasurer E. F. Russell. flKT YOL'R P.artOS TUNKIM Intei-cstlng News to Music Lovers. Evert Numnnovor, who worked for . , . """ , . ,, tho Haines' Music Store when hero , Footprints on tho sands of time B,x ycnrB nROi ,8 horu nro alright, but bo careful not to fro VmtinnAt 8 n rCB!tIout tuner make them on mother's cloan kitchen for Cooa Uay T,,,8 0Swrt tllor liUUI .nml Inatimninnt nannUnH ina iwm tint iiioti ii lit win, t uittu ut nun iiv u six yenrs ngo, and had one of tho una any people don't know about them sonio """' """ .",'" v- u"8 in" '" ,1"" tilliOU t-uuiiiij. .ui. ts) uiuiiutur hub oiiilu , his visit lioro been ovor tho earth, Somo Coos Dny women go so much Vinlng pianos for Mmo. Melbn In on nppoaranco thnt thoy prefor to 'V rnim. lor i ntio rowsi y, ror aprp aro mnde. In 1010 Raker county had 18,070 people; In 1800 hut (1,701. Denton county Is given 10,003, iim ngninst S.050 In 180 0, and only 0,700 in 11.00. uncKnniiiB pcoiiu Lon Vonr oHlbllltloB nnd pJ no n.rnlt.u 111 R T. VI l.i 10 0 0 HlntuM!! ' . .. UI .., . rn . . ! .,,. """""' ab lltles nro cntiHing qiillo an nwij with 10.100 gained 5 Si.0 In 10 years onn , NorU, 0IVU 'nni, nlmon:i unu uoniiiiuin, wiiu lu.o.iu iiu-iuiiHuii ,,. i, ,., i,u illw1, rn0,, ..I .. ii.... i p. on-? I.. in ...v.-iv .... .... ...u.iDvu iur lw umi iiriiiu ii .mi ,-. ... ' nB Marshllold. In fact, It Is i juuii.. .n. u.iim,. ,,,... i,.o ...un. , , U t t, n,ull)or of 0. q 871 Vin , 7 nr.n bachelors Is greater timn In Man 8,871 In issio to 17.J0J. flo)(, , ,,ro,ortan to tho number uvor in uoiiiriu uregon 1110 hkiiius bncholor miifils. snow tuuoreni coniiiuous. union iin..a r,, n i..n.. v,,n,. .in .1. J .90:, '" , ,?... 'I"'1, 9.:lt ? !V?n n hnvo nil tho bnclirij IlllUi. Ulllllllll illl.l u,uuu ... ni, 3,201 lii 1000 nml 3,701 In 1010. Grant hud 5,0-18 In 1000 and shows nu actual decrease to 5,007 In 1010. Morrow was glvon -1,205 In 1800, 4,151 In 1000 nml 1,357 In 1010. Wheeler uintlo an Increase of II In ten years, from 2,-113 to 2,481. Curry county gained but COO peo plo In tho period from 1880 to 1000. . when tho population wns l.SGS. Ton years later It had grown to 20-l-t. Douglas, with 10,07 I, had 11.801 In 1800. Harney, with 2,559, remained statlonnry from 1800 to 1000, nctu ally losing one person; In 1910 tho figures wore 1,059. Hood Itlvur, n now county, Is given 7,810, Jackson bad 13.008 in 1P00 and 25,750 In 1010. Josephine had 1.878 persons In 1800 nnd 9.507 In 1010. Klamath grew from 3.070 In 1900 to 8.551. For 20 years Lake county remained statlonnry nt 2,801, while In 1010 tho llguro Is -1,058. From 0,128 In 1870, Lnno county jumped to 33,780 In 1010, while Linn gained from 10,205 In 1890 to 22,002 In 1010. Lincoln hns 5,587 In 1900. Malheur hud -1,203 In 1900 and 8,001 In 1910. Steady growth Is shown In Marlon, tho figures be ing 39,780 111 1910 nnd 27,713, nnd maids as well as the eligible baci- Iors present. loony, 1110 loiiowing 11st ot t glblo bachelors In North Dend J given to tho Leap oar Editor: W. A. Davenport. Nell Hanks. Prof. Honska. Walter MacLeod. Win. Wood. Horhert Morton. Grado Summorlln. John Olscti. W. H0I117.0. Win. Emery. Percy Prntt. Philip Emory. John Anderson. Robt. Ranks. J. (1. Mullen. Denny Hull. Ira E. Wheolor. Edgar Simpson. Geo. Sheridan. .Carl Aiinndsoii and E. S. Hondr sou tire also two other woll-knoil Marshllold bachelors whoso unit J hnvo not boon lueliidod in tho roll. I cllglbles heretofore printed. Plan For Dance. Tho plans for tho Loan Yoar d! 22.93-1 for tho preceding ten year " MnrolifJcM nro progressing rap'j POIiOdB. . .,u Linnmuivvn llll.u ui'L'll ri The growth of Miiltnoniali In ro markablo. Tho census of 1870 rhows pointed and It is planned to ItcJ about 300 or -100 Invitations. It hi nlso been decided to mnke It a lel Coos Day men often have a pretty Sn'Sd M phenomJinl nuis good leputatlon on JiiBt whnt other H,1'1" "', L.TV , m, i . I J people don't know about tliein-soino ,UI, n'r ' ml '" tl,ls W" of 11.510; of 1880, 25.203; of 1890, "'"" ,,c ,";c,"7, , . . ...Il..."e 71.88 1: of 1900. 103,107; tho Inst t for tho MnrHlinohl IM1WI0 Llbw figures bolng 220,201. Polk county itlw,V ,l0 I,,J,,U "l tho haKlt,s ,b grew from 9.923 to 13,109 ngninst "'""" . "") - 3.177 ten yenrs provlous. Tillamook , ) "mro nniiies wero turned IncronH...! from 4.171 In l!.5Rrt In " t "O 'Ctl 10 tile roll (l M tiiin . glblo bachelors In Marshflold. Tb.l Umntllln Is given 20,309 people ,,ro MI1C8 "wnrti mm win. hiwj dangling n ,J20 purso containing 15 cents to cnrrylng n 50-cont pocket book well tilled with bank notes. THE TURN OF THE TIDE Slack water mid n night boreft stars; A bitter wind blows In from the dark, of I 1 out I tJIM J- -..... ckles, the multimillionaire. While . TIZ i, l.. 1i.k I..... l.i. In A lnnl.n I.. I U III, HID l,l, IIU (IIIO (JU'UII 1.1 viuni.ii, 111 Honolulu, lii New Zealand, tho FIJI Islands and all over tho United Stntes, tuning. Now Is n good chance to hnvo tho piano tuned mid right up-to-dnto; In fnct overhauled nnd mndo now again. Evert Nymnnover enmo In on tho Drenkwnter laBt Thursday morning. nd I go seaward with the tuning1 uuc. RRIEI'S OF RANDON A man g -oivs a mustncho Just to bo contrary, nnd thou cuts It off for the same reason. We would rather bo as deaf as a post than hear all somo Cooa Day people claim to hoar. Politicians havo always hcon try ing to rob tho rich, hut so fnr they havo not succeeded In doing It. THE TIMIIKR CUT WRITER In .Moody's Magazine states tliat last ear ovor 5B, 000,000.000 feut nf lunilioi- u-w.. em in 1110 rnited States. More than I jo.uuu iit-roH or tiinuor nro cut In the United State every working day. At the present rate of consumption tho desirable accessible Umbo- of the country will be exhausted In between Jll II II I 1 -t : l 1 llll 11 "l'i ntatl. .. . I b .... nkelieriiVaTrh, 3.V ZZ ' ? V nr Cooley Is '"'" "r'i".-'i mm tno staionient that in I have novor boon robbed by sure enough thieves, but I hnvo been rob bed ninny times by sohomos. The boro who has tnsi r.i.n,i from n Journey Is n little moro por- n miii p-.u Biuorprising tluin the oth er varieties. When 011 speak of your frlonds you are probably too enthusiastic Ami, of cmrso, you tihuso your ene mloa moie than you desoivo; every body does that. ' Are you preparing for your rolny da ? Ilemeniber. a time Is coining when vom- relatives will nsk In a tir ed, disgusted way: "Why doQ3 he limiK on go long?" 'm iFLOUn Snow Drift Flou Highest Quality r Tho yollow lights that blink across News of Cltv-by-the-en ns Toltl by .ii ..ism, j ,,, n(.,.onj,.,. Tho fragrance of milt marsh, the In-, ' R. E. Dedllllon loft on tho Flflold cssant whisper r. n business trip to California, ur wn-es upon tho rockB those whero ho will buy up a quantity of in 1 V'"88... ? Vcc" 'W00' fr t"a Dnndon Woolen Mills, 1110 u or 111. blood, bono of my bono mid attend to other buslnoss affairs. I,IU ul- 1 The Woolon Mills will havo tho blg- ti... ,in 1 . 1 . .. . oat ycar of business in 1912 In tho Il"j don I ,. I fntei; that hnvo flllod history of tho plant. mi,. iJUL."'1"; ... 1 T1, ow l,owo' ,,f0 t f" tho uie wa 1 tniid know across tho (T. r. l.tfo Saving station nrrlved 011 fiirn .m1N.Jl.. . . . ,no nnndon this morning nnd phe Is ."c-e win 11 mid one by ono bo certainly a beauty. Sho Is 3G feet W11.1 . l.!.,,.i,.'!J.'l-i... long, has n 40 horse power onglno ... 1 l iii uuin inoivinii- nnd Is calculated to rldo most any ' 1 kind of n sen. N"u 'aid,, new 1, enn. v. v ..." ..PlJJ"". ,,,',,.0 .rm VW .... , ,. MV jIlirl m!rlK l;n niuouiiieii 10 u;j,- lim iii.w.'r n.V.,', .i. , , , , ' 0000 feet or nn nvorngo of over Mil mw'r pa.n the old familiar 5.000.000 feet nor month. This i The 1 , MI..IV- . r.i n. 1 . .. tho "'BKest hhlnment of nnv sln-,'I VlintllBhiR ' "0St "IW" ymr '" th0 ,,l8tory of t,lls I'"" nnd t. u-n. ..,V,T ,. ., , ,., bIiowb tho constmit Increnso of tho .',., furrowct r;cos with business In this section. Day nfr - cay balls vanish Into all- I.VMHEHMAN 1C1LLS SKI.F. Olvo ' Ami we who linger wonder and nro ,v,or Mt-Alplno of Dululli r.mU Life u it I In Portland. PORTLAND. Ore.. .Inn. 5. . im- .11111 In i'ii. ulii'it the call, InslBtont, cn,,B0 thought ho had been de- T , cw , frauded In n deal Involving sovornl .JiT.-ini. u. . heart nor Joy nor grief, thousand dollars. Poter McAlplno. u-n iieon-edscd as a sword that Wd 52. and prominent In lumber eliears awnv nifnina ii..i...i. a.i.. . . ...... Tho treasure of the dear remember- eolf in tho bniomo t 'of hi. UoZ" 0 u,r , 5S5 Droadway. Ills body, still warm, n.u rlnthnilo ,m of 1 , , 'x,as fo"n,, by n,a '"shtor. who was 1 "i niHM ' -nriU 011 sleeping nt tho time her fnther Jump S.imuN f, uin ho iim-no.. . .. J"1 f"-0'" Wock In tho baepmont nfter a el or chains ' 8tra,l,,n' ,, ,in,l,tlo'l "Hout his neck and Speuk o, mo oXEK. setting . the IZ' l'' "eCk W"8 ami I .u ' it (Mbvor with ii, ,.,., ...""",',,,, wy nio lioro with - -.... ..v tiviv, ngninst 18,409 In 1900, whllo Union lucrcnsed but 121, reaching In 1910. Wnllawn grow from 5,538 to 8,304 In 1910. Wasco coun ty was divided during tho ton year porlod, yet tho population In 1910 wns 1G.33G ngninst 13,199 for tho ontlro territory In 1900. Washington grow from 14,407 In 1900 to 21.522 In 1910, nnd Yamhill figures for 1900 woro 13,420; for 1910, 18,285. WANTS LIST OF GIRLS. Lonn Year Editor: Since you hnvo scon (It to pulilbl to tho world our names ns possltJ prizcH for Loup Yenr maidens, would bo only fnlr for you to publfc n list or roll of the bncholor maU on Coos Dny. Somo of iib mhj say "yes" too quick If wo do know of nil posslblo opportunity Kindly publish In Snturdny's Tic A DACHELOR. OH, YOU M'Cl'TCHKONt AVIII Meet Tonight. Tho Mnr-' chnnts Pntrpl will meet tonight at , tho Marshflold city council chamber' liiBtend or nt tho Clinmbor of Com morce rooms, tho chnnge bolng no- uon) Year Editor: cossitnteii by tlio mooting of tho 1 wnnt to protest ngninst yon Cl nmtior of Commorco occupying omission of tho nnmo of 0110 of t& those quarters. Important buslnoss boat known young bachelors I'l Is to como up. Mnrshflold from tho list of Lonp Ye Ellgthlcs. Ho Is Gcprgo McCutcheotl Too often tho profits of farming Ho Is 11 good dnucor, n good musical nro less m eviuonco than the prophets ami a good vocnllst and nn nil nroun. of fnrnilng; moro's tho pity! Somo one hns discovered thnt man Is .Ike a keroseno lamp, smokes, Is nn especially bright, gots turned down and ofton goes out at night. good follow who would mnko tlxl prlzo "cntch" of tho sonnon. ONE OF THEM. If you hnvo anything to sell, trada-l rout, or wnnt holp. try a want ad ae'To t'.e unknown sllont IIM.I'IU .-' .1 - ai. 1 with morning l'g..f b The secret, droamlng fairyland of I'JU'.h! Charies W. Kennedy Try The Times' Want Ads. his widow and two daughtors from vn-ir, ',"",IU"- " tnvosted J3.500 In a .vo.u.5. timber claim here, and later found inni ino tine was not eloar. Ho wor ried over tho donl. nnd Wednesday consulted an attorney, planning to bring suit against his allecod lo. frnuders. McAlplno drew $70 from the bnnk. closing his account. This wns nil tho money he had, and it was found In his pocket. LOOK! Do you see prices anywhere like these No SUITS $20.00 at $12.85 $2500 at $14.75 $25 to $35 at $ 1 ?.50 20 Per Cent, Discount on AH Other Merchandise AND nSntf ?t,a,'f " t0 5 finest quality that can be pui chased No shady or shop worn merchandise, CENTRAL AND RROADWAY The Toggery Across from First Nat. lhu A j i 'j " p.j 5?5 Sgl"