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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1912)
,rT X H ' AttVKUTIHIXf In Tint TIMHH (Ham QfttttPfil WANT ARVKRTISINH In Tlio TIMES Will Keep the Income frtim Vour Furnished ItooniH from Lapsing! YOU en n rcnlly holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooniH anil, If you know how nud when to use tho classified columns, you mny keep thnt llttla extra Income ns "steady ns n clock." III Put Vim r Itoiit Knfiifn "In lioMiukct" Effectively I F n-lll nut Mm fur In nlimit vmir crty before tho eyes of nil 'pos- buyers in uiwiii Aim u L'b ono of tlionl who ought to fit, you'll Bull lit MEMBER OK ASSOUhi 1 KD PRESS IS PERFECTLY POSSIBLE TO BE POSITIVE WITHOUT MAKING A NOISE OVER IT law . XXXV Established In J878 iui Tim Coiut Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. EBON EXPRESS IN R ROBBED N ill " BOLD BITS A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mnll iiihI Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 148 Istered Pouches Opened Looted While Train Is tunning In California. CLERKS BOUND AND GAGGED IN CAR In Robbers Discharge and 3GIVC Mail at Stations Escape at Redding. to Coos Bay . l A tl.. Associated i-ri-HH TlmoB.) 3DDINO, Cnl.. Jim. G Tho Ore- Express train on tho Soutliern 1c wiih robbed of all Its cnBtcm itcred ui.ill by two uumnHltcd I early today. Three mall elorkB w w w w w w w- www -( LAFOLLETE ON ER 1 0 LOCAL PEOPLE IN DIVORCE COURT ROOSEVELT REFOSES 10 TALK Wisconsin Senator Scores Po licy Pursued by Government In Recent Years. (Dy A88ocIatod Press to Coos Day Times.) DLOOMINGTON, III., Jan. 5. Sountor LnFollotto In nn mllrenn bound mill guggod by tho rob-'hero discussed the public domain, do- wno cnicrcu mo man car ; daring tho disposition of our mineral the tialn was speeding be- resources, ospoclnlly and until rcqent Itcd Bluff nnd Redding. The lv our forests. forniH n shnninfnl .th dropped off the train when nlinntnr in tiu. Mmnrv ,.r nnti,,., Hcd Into Heddlng nt CMO thlsJt Is n nmttor of notorletv. .llsirrn- 3 Miff. rnf nl nntnvlntv Mint Mm ritMfin I mm llOll tho trail! Stopped llOrO, til wnrn,!,,,! l Mm limf fnw In llts threw opon the doors or. ench oxdmngo, within the limits of their ji mo uur ..mi wuiKuu in in op- Brants, lands of little value or no val ) directions. Oeorgo Wcstlako, ,,. f innqi i.r,.u,.n u,.ni,,.r vi., till dork throw a mnll Snclt Into fnr tlmlinr Inmlu f i.nm-mnnu v.liw. Inr anil was surprised that thoro it i,n8 i,ctm 10usllu within tho last Ki ono iu receive u. A moment tnw vonra In mil Hirtmi.1i min.n ho henrd a feeble cry and dis-, in,.iuimi, iiim., ui, ,.,.,.,- fed tho plight of tho clerks. ' ,.,, Letters of Mrs. Yates of Fish-i AUh0l,Bh !t ls not ionmtoiy known, tmn tn Tnm Nirnk nf Mnrch !l '8 I"'0'"11"0! Hnt tho letters were riii ii IVIC,0IS 0I IViarSIl- Intcrcciilcd nt the Mnrshllcld end of IIUIU IIIUUIIUCCU US CVaenCCi1110 ",ll-' ntos also clinrged that hv I A Yntne Airs, Yates had iniulo ttlps to various UJ " la nlnros wltli Mr. N'IpiiIh. i Tho case Is of Interest ns nnothor suit that Is presumed to bo closely linked with It, Is now pending. It Is nn action by Tom Nlcols for a div orce from his wlfo on the grounds of cruel nnd Inhuman treatment, Jea losy, etc. This case hns.not beon henrd but today nn ullldiuit nud coun ter allldnvlt relative to nlintony or suit money was Hied, Indicating that Mrs. Nlcols will light the ense hard. k'ii on tho floor woro the wrap- of hundreds of registered mnll higes. isvery sack of registered gcs.' Tho speaker snld that had the po licy of leasing, abandoned completely by the government In 1815, been cou- hnd been cut opon. Search for j tinned, nnd nppllcd to our caul. robbers was commenced liniuo- liy. good description of tho robbers obtained nnd tho oniclals think soon will bo captured. lur mall sacks had been oxchnng- lllcd Dlufr nnd ono of tho clerks Ibout to lonvo tho car to wait train thnt was following, to two lmiulltB bounded Into car and closed tho doors. it's Up?" oxclnlmcd Charles ono of tho clerks. Is n hold up," coolly respond- I of tho men drawing u rovol- d covering the Ktnrtlcd trio. and Robort nnd Wnrnor and Fns8lBtant8 woro bound by tho bandit with cords from the pouches. All woro gnggod with Ikorchlefs nnd thrown lint on backs. Tho robbers then pro- oil lolsurcly to loot tho mnll At Cottonwood, sovontcon north of lied llluff. tho trnln lied nnd tho bandits, without sing tho suspicion of tho station It nctcd as clerks In oxchnnglng snail. Anderson, flvo miles farthor on. inllar exchange was rondo with iroiiBing suspicion. Iron and oil nnd coppor lands, tho revenue from thnt soutce would prob ably hnvo been almost sttlllclent to defray the expenses of the national government. IS IMPROVING NOW. HAD NARROW ESCAPE. VJ V (rs. LIIJeqiiNt ami Tliompsoii Al most Drowned lit roqiillle. ABsocintcd I'ross to Coos Ilni Tlmos.) WILMS, Oro.. Jon. S Ilonutv Net Attorney Lillcnvlst enmn I meeting denth while huntlnc on poqulllo rlvor Wcdnosdny. It np- uint .Mr. I.lljonvlst nnd u mini td Thompson worn hunting, when engine of tho cnsollno Inuneh Ih they occupied refused to work. 310 to control tho Inunrh It snnn ed Into swift wntor nnd capsized. men woro thrown Into tho wntor hnndlcnnned bv henw wenrlmr rcl, mot consldernblo dllllculty In mug snoro. in fact, both mon d ovldonco of n thrilling oxner- ami woro snvod only through uuuuy ns swimmers. 1m Toilette Iterovem Hiilllclently to Fill ICiigageiiientH. (liy AaaociHtnd 1'ilds to Coos Da) Times.) SPRINOFIKLD, III., Jnn. C. When LnKolletto arrived hero, ho was considerably Improved and it was announced ho would bo iiblo to till all engugomenta. iA roi,iddi: is iu. Nearly Worn Out ly Haul Cainpagii- lug III ICllNt. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Tlmoi., DECATUR, III., Jnn. 5. Ln Toi lette Is on tho vorgo of n physical collnpso In couscquonco of his hard campaigning ln Mlcjilgan nnd Illi nois and nn attack of ptomnino poi soning n fow nights ngo. Trnvolllng acroHH Illinois today, lio was kept in bed during Intervals botweon sta tions and was so exhausted by Ills lengthy speech nt Hloomington thnt ho was unable to address an nudleuco hero. (Spoclnl to Tho Times.) COQIMLUO, Oro., Jan. G. J. A. Yates, a well-known Klshtrap ranch er, was last night grunted a dlvoreo ftom Klorn Mny Yates by Judgo Coko In t' o circuit court. The case wont by default. . It was expected thnt the enso would be contested nud boiho saln clotts testimony wns expected. Yntes chnrged Ills wlfo with tiuchnstlty and lufldollty, naming Tom Nlcols of Marshileld as co-respondent. Love letters from Mrs. Yntes to Mr. Nlcols wero filed as exhibits In thn enso. LOT TRIBUTE TO Government Officials Unite "In Honoring Dead Admiral In Washington. Dy Associated Press to tho Cons Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. C. President Tnft, mombers of tho cab inet, Admiral Dowcy nnd practically overy naval ofllccr on duty In Wash ington and, many prominent olllclnls attended tho funeral of Kcnr Admi ral K. D. Evans today. Tho obse quies were marked with full mili tary honors. An unusual tribute was paid to tho memory of Admiral Evans by Em peror William of Germany. As n spo clnl roprcsontnttvo of the Emperor, Commander Hotzmnnn, tho Gorman naval nttacho, nttonded tho ftinornl and plnced a wrenth on tho bier of tho admiral who had been Intimately known by tho ompcror. Ollvo King of Ilnndon was granted a divorce from Scott King on tho grounds of desertion. REBELS MARCH PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS TODAY EXPECT VOTE ON ROOSEVELT ON PEKIN NOW JAS. COWAN IS W JIM) .lOriil CAltOI.IXA FJItE HOLD SEATTLE FIKMS rlewilo (irocei'H niiminxl Willi Violating; !,. Vooli Act Associated Press to Coos Bay RATTLE. Wnsh.. Jnn. R no.n. pits woro sworn out todny by Un- owicB uistrlct Attornoy chnrg- threo llirEO Whnlesnln d-pimapv b In Senttlo, Fischer Drothers, iiBiioimer Ilrothors und compnny, nchwnbncher rtrns.. wiMi vinint. tho national puro food nnd drug y Blllnplnc fnUnlv lnlinllo.l niwl lturnted flavoring oxtrncts nnd i l0 A,nEKn ' tho spring of l Tho suits wero begun by dlr- on of tho Secrotnry of Agrculturo !r n tnoroiiL'ii invnoiUnfinn .,.., lysis by tho bureau of chorals- Pi!r?,,l.,,,UVATR FOKTUXK TO NioTKCT DEPOSITORS (Dy Assnplniarl Tl.n ALDIOV. Mlnli ln r' r, l' O'Donough, president of 'o Albion Dnnk, states thnt his ortune will en tn ii , lnnnhli.u vu ii'Tuu w" suffered through ,0 bank fnlluro m r nn, "'1 'lis son woro arrestod , i ' y nr,er confessing to lllBappronrlnHnn. 1or. nnn . ho bank's fi...,iQ ."" lllock in Wliolevilo Distilct of Colulil- bin Wiped Out. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Dny Times) CM; 'JMDIA, S C, Jnn. Ti Eire lp. (I nt nn tilth e block In the o District of Columbln todny Tn ' U In Kxcess of ja2fi,000. Ih"' Mro fcl-uted In tho repair depart ment of ti'o Glbbs Machinery com-limy MYRTLE F'QINT MEN SELECTEO Gov. West Appoints Strong Port Commission For New District There. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Jnn. 5 Word hn8 been received hero from Snlom thnt Gov. West has nppolnted tho following ns the first members of tho Myrtle Point port commission: G. M. Geurhnrt of Gravel Ford. P. L. Phclan, C. E. H tiling, Dr. M. O. Stenunlor and Thos. 43. Gueiin of Myrtle Point. Tho new commissioners nro lend ing citizens of this section nnd It is doubtful if n stronger body could hnvo possibly been secured, Their selection Is meeting with much fnvor ablo comment hero today. Owing to their appointments not having beon mndo in time to per mit thorn to levy n tax for this year, thoy will hnvo no funds with which to mnko improvements this year un I'osh they decide to float a small bond Issue. CHICKENS at STAUFF'S Grocery. Marshfield Fire Department Holds Its Annual Election of Officers. Tho Marshflold Volunteer Flro De partment hold Its annual election of olllcors Inst night. Tho election re sulted ns follows: President Job. Cowan. Vlce-Prosldont Ray Olllvnnt. Socrottiry L. II. Renting. - Treasurer C. Stutsman. Standing commltteo L. V. Tro ver, Gordon Smith nnd Cnrl Albrcclit. Tho election (o chief nnd assistant chlof will take place on Jnnunry 18. The following were placed ln nomina tion nt Inst night's meeting: For chlor D. D. Renting. For nsslstnnt chlof Win. Sleep, V. O. Pratt, Win. Longstnff nnd T. Lnwhorn. Tho banquet planned for Inst night was postponed until nftor tho annual banquet for tho mombors, their wives and lady friends which will bo hold February 22. Chinese Revolutionists Arrange For Movement to Cap ture Capital. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Daj Tlmos.) NANKING, China, Jan. C Re publican soldiers nrc being equipped In preparation for the march on Pc rfiu. Reinforcements of four thou iinnd men arrived today from Canton with 30,00p now magazine rifles. Considerably more than thirty thou b.ind men, with many batteries of modern flold guns nnd plenty of nin miiullon nro assembled ln the repub lican camp. General Chnng, the Im perial coiumnnder in this vicinity, luiH n much Hinullor forco nlthough many of his nieti nro soldiers train d on tho European system. Many untrained mon nro in tho ranks, however. Name to Be Put on Primary Ballot In New Jersey With out His Consent. NEW JERSEY URGES ROOSEVELT TO RUN Former President Will Not Dis- cuss Possibility of His En tering Race LYMAN ABBOTT SAYS COLONEL NOT IN IT Declarse That Roosevelt Doesn't Know What He Would Do If Offered Place IIRYAN IN RACE. : (Dy Assoclnted Press) ! PASSAIC, N. J., Jan. 5. ( Former Postmnstor Wllllnm II. ! Mnckey hnB sent to Theodoro . Roosevelt n petition signed by ' stnto today. 1,004 republicans In New Jer- 4 soy asking his consent for tho 4 iibo of his name on tho primary 4 ballot. 4 (Dy ABsoclntcd Press.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jnn. G Wll llnm J. Dryau's nntiio hnB been advanced for a position on tho democratic prlhinry ballot ns a presidential candldato for the presidency by n petition plnced on lllo with tho secrotnry of E CONCERT HERE SUNDAY Coos Bay Concert Band to Render Special Program at 1 Masonic Opera House. Tho Coos Dny Concert Hand will givb a speclnl concert nt tho Masonic Oporn House Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Director Fcnton this afternoon nnnounced thnt tho following pro gram would bo rendered: Mnrch "Invincible Englo". Sousn Ovorturo "Dronze Horse." Aubor Entr ncto "A Garden Matlnoo" Frlml Largo . , Handui American Fantasia "Goms of Stephen Foster" Tohnnl Seronndo d' Amour Dion Selection "Tho Fortuno Teller" Victor Herbert Mnrch "Flng Rnlslng" Nowowlcskl "Slnr, fapnnglod Dnnncr" Dy Associated Press to the Coos Ray Times.) NEWARK, N. J., Jan. G. Progres sive republican lenders in New Jer sey probably will plnco Roosevelt's nnmo on tho presidential prlmnry ballots without nsklng his permis sion, according to n stntoment todny by Evorct Colby, member of tho Stnto Progrcs8ivo Lenguo nnd candidate for tho nomination of United Stntcu senator. Colby said tho league will soon meet to determine its cholco for President. Somo county committees favor Roosevelt and others La Follot to. Opinions from all tho county loaders will bo asked nud nctlon will, bo determined upon Inter. MRS. DAV DEAD. Wife of Supreme Court Justice Pusxch Awny. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) CANTON, Ohio, Jnn. G. lrs. Dny. wlfo of Justlco of tho Supreme Court William R. Day, died at tho family residence this nftornoon. NORFOLK STRIKE ENDS. Nitvy Objectionable Time Cnrdx nt Vimlx DlMH-iiMcd Willi. Dy Assoclntcd Press to tho Coos Day Times.) NORFOLK. Vn., Jan. G All mncli inlsts In tlio Norfolk Navy Ynrd, who walked out becnuso thoy rofusod to sign tho time cards, returned to work today, the cards boing withdrawn. (Dy Associated frcas to Coos Dny, Times.) NEW YORK Jan. G Roosovolt reiused today to discuss tho political situation. Ho would not comment on tho statement of Lawrence Ab bott, president of tho Outlook com pany, declaring thnt Roosevelt was not a cnudidnto for tho prcsldcutnl nomination nnd snld ho would not road the statement. Abbott was more communicative "I hnvo made a stntoment," he said, 'without nny consultation with Colo nel Roosevelt. He did not see tho nrtlclo boforo Its publication and bo far ns 1 know he has not rend It. I hnvo had no communication with him on tho subject. Tho utntomout. In my Judgment, roprosouts Colouol Roosevelt's nttltudo nt tho present time. I bellovo thnt he ls not a cat'dldnto fo- thu presidential nonila ntlon, will not bo ono nnd will do .what ho cnndo'tli prevent nny nctlon being taken In his behalf." "Do you think Colonol Roosovolt would accept tho nomination If It woro offered to him?" wns asked. "I do not know. I don't bollevo Colon;-: Rcopovolt knows himself." SCORES TREATV PLAN. DR BLUE IS CHOSEN. LOWER IUNDON RATES. ELECT NEW OFFICERS Annual From Foiesters of America Hold Election Here. "iiim rrna Hov 'hJn 1 K T?inafnra I f Anmrlnn. l.ol,1 Wfl n'nnl.'nl olnollnn tHlll gnSOlinO SCllOOIlOr, Anvil, Tlin nfliPrfl int vninir. ArmnL-mni-nim "S between Portlnnil nnd Oregon Anvil Sjluken Big Reduction Portland There. Tho Orogonlnn snys: "Not to bo cutdono by tho system in voguo on tho speedy turbines Ynlo nnd Hnr vard, operating botween Snn Fran cisco and Snn Pedro, on which monls nro Borved a la carte, ownprs of tho wero made for the Installation of tho newly chosen ofllcers on tho night of Jnnunry 17. Tho coromonles will be public and n flno tlmo Is being anticipated. Tho nowly olected of ficers are: Chief Rnnger John Swnnton. Sub Chlof Ranger L. Larson. Trens. Geo. N. Dolt. Fin. Sec. F. L. Sumner. Rec. Sec. John Swniibon. Sr. Woodward John Lapp Jr. "Woodward H. Flnoll. Sr. Dendlo W. R. Davis. Jr. Readlo John Harris. Trusteo Geo. Ayro. Lecturer M. D. Sumner, coast ports as far south as Dandon, hnvo decided to cut tho passonger rnto $2 and maintain a soparato chargo for meals. "The rate has been $10 and In tho future it will be $8, Including n berth, but tho saloon sorvlco will bo extra. It is estimated that tho cost of the trip will not plnco nn addition al burden on travelers, but will snvo tho compnny from frequent entries in the deficit column on winter voyngos, ns frequent conditions nt coast har bors causo tho Anvil to bo barbound nnd ns nil passongers must bo pro vided for, tho unexpected culinary ex penses sadly deplete tho profit, CARD OF THANKS. To the kind friends nnd neighbors wfto so willingly assisted us during the illness and denth of our beloved mother und sister nnd to nil who by kindly nets nnd sympathy lightened tuo burden of our grief we wish to oxpress our heartfelt thanks. S. C. ROGERS. FANNIE CARPENTER CHICKENS at STAUFF'S Grocery. AVORK ON TUNNEL. A mnn In from tho tunnel west of tho city says that the Eimlra Lumbor company's sawmill recently orectod near tho tunnol site, wns to hnvo Started yesterday. Tho mill will first saw lumbor for the planking of tho Notl rond, lending to tho tunnel, and then will get out the tunnel timbers. Eugeno Guard. Marine Day South Carolina Mini Heads Jlr.siilfnl Service. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. G. President Tnft will send to tho Sen ate todny tho nomliintlon of Dr. Ru port Dluo of South Cnrollnn as sur-geou-general of the public health nnd marine hospital sorvlce, succeed ing tho Into Dr. Walter Wymnn. Senator Hltclit-ock of Nebrnnkn At tnckn Administration. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Buy Times.; WASHINGTON, d. C, Jan. 4. Cnnrglng tho administration wltu bliindorlng alliance with Great Drltnln, Sountor Jlltchcock of Neb raska on tho floor of tho Sonato to dny denounced tho prdposod arbi tration troaty with thnt country. Ho doclnred that tho plan to permit (ho President to appoint commlsslouora to a high court of arbitration with out tho consent of tho Sonato wns revolutionary nnd dangerous. Tho proposed trenty, ho Bald, would wipe out this nation's time-honored treuty making plnn and would re sult virtually In tho adoption of the systom practiced by tho monnrchlal powors. WILL DIVIDE WILL LEAVE TOMORROW Miss Mary Juiiicmiii Retires ns City Librarian In Mnndiflcld Miss Mnry Jameson who has boon librarian of tho Mnrshflold Freo Pub lic Library since It wns started a yenr ago Inst Juno nnd wns rocontly resigned to return to her homo near Snlom, will lenvo tomorrow. Miss i Emily Dlnko who has been assisting nor will becomo acting librarian un til another librarian arrive. Tho Library commltteo Is now In corres pondence with an Enstorn librarian who will probably como horo. "Miss Jameson has beon a most of- rintnU:. n.Ir.n . ot.. n... uumi". uumriuu uiiu inu iiiuiituur ui Detective Burns to Give Browne tho library committee who hnvo worked with her greatly regrot her W Mc- Part of Rewards In Namara Case. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. G. Samuel L, Rrowno, chlof of tho de-t tectlvo forco, attached to tho county district attorney's oflico, nnnounced todny that he and Detectivo William J. Bums had reached nn agreement whoroby thoy would dlvldo tho re wnrds offered for tho nrrest nnd con viction of tho McNnmnrns. Browne recently stated he was planning to bring suit for half the rowards, which ho said, would approxlmnto eighty thousand dollnrs. ..Tho LADIES of tho .METHODIST CHURCH will hold a COOKED Food SALE nt tho COOS BAY CASHrStoro SATURDAY afternoon. linvlng to lenvo us," snld Mrs. Henry Sougstnckon of tho commltteo this morning. "Her henrt nnd soul has been in her work and It has been duo to n largo dogreo to hor efforts thnt tho library has beon such a success. No ono can speak too high ly of Miss Jameson's work." ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Esther Buhno Is taking on a cargo of lumbor nt North Bond. Tho Drenk wntor will sail at 10 o'clock Saturday morning for Portland, Tho Alliance ls duo in hero early tomorrow morning nnd Is scheduled to sail tho snmo dny for Eureka. CHICKENS at STAUFF'S Grocery Tho Nann Smith arrived In from Day Point this morning nnd will pro- tlf... ., a nt . iVjjHii tomorrow or sur.uny ror (Point. THIS IS THE TIME to tnko nd vantage of tho bargain salo of lints? Ladles' Conts nud Ladles' Sultsfa MRS. ELKOB'.S. Groat reduction or prices on nn ti'o lino lino of win- pA 'TURKISH HATH will ter goous. u.i(v a rav jwys, GOOD. Phono 2H-J mv do you r ' . jd vw