ft. J. t..fcVJ' 11 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1912 EVENING EDITION .ff 1 ;( r. V y ' I - COOS BAY TIMES PS. C. MALONKV Editor i.ml Pull. HAN K. MALONKV New Editor ? WITH THE : TOAST AND TEA : $ i i; liter ! i J nt tlio postotTico ftt Marsh Aeld, Oregon, (or transmission through tlio ninlla as socond clasrf tanll inn tier. . GOOD EVENING. A "PLANT" FOR TIIIJ MANUl'AC- Ttiti: of tin: worlds peace . Our ImibIiumm In life In not to Kt iilii'iul of other iieciplc. but to got nlietul of ourselves. Unbcock. ROSEItl RG IS I.OSKU of AX AFTER DIRGE TI 110 golden line lies nhend of Itu mnnlty. TIiubc who huid i..u; It lies behind men In Rome mythical pnst nnd tbnt tberoforo yes terdav Is better thnn today nre re ferred to the Cnrneglo trustees' plan for forwarding Internntlounl pence. These gentlemen propose to begin on .Inly 1, 1912, the cxpondlturu of $187,270 to stnrt 11 "plant" for tlio manufacture of pence. The causes of war nre to bo studied. Organized nnd scientific effort Is to be put fortli to discover or Invent the most work nlilo macblnory for tlio prevention of wnr. Riii'li pxnniiilltiit-nn nnd Hiirh work nro extrnorillnary. They would havo been Impractlcablo n generation ngo, undreamed of a century ngo. Even Marcus Aurcllus, the philosopher on tlio throno of Homo about 170. mlglit liavo Binlled with n Btolc's condes cending calm nt what would havo Fccmcd to him tlio rnvlngs of minds diseased, though ho abhorred wnr. Such an event bh thu world put ting Its best'bralns to srlentlllp stu-1 dy of wnr, not to wage war, but to abolish .wnr, registers an amazing ad vnnco In the slow ascent of man. Studying tlio problem will do much toward destroying the problem. Su rely tlio thoughts of men have widen ed mightily and tlio far-off, divine event Is appreciably nearer when Tlio nverngo Coos Hay mnn's Idea great fortunes nnd the finest minds of the Garden of Eden would prolm- llroko, broke, broke. Of my hnrd-earned "bones," oh, gee! Hut It brings some relief to utter The thoughts that occur to me. Oh, well for tlio beautiful gifts, As they' rest In n fair arrny! Oh, well for the haunting thought Thnt Intrudes, Dots thq whole thing pny? And tlio giving still goes on, As It has In tlio years gone by, Hut the last of tlio merry holidays, Hrlngs again the same old cry: Hroke, broke, broke, Not a single cent, oh, gee! And the dough thnt I spent for the Christians guts Will never come back to me. Judge. Mow much can the pullet? He.o's wishing you the best year yet! Ever notice how easy It Is for n man to get married who Isn't able to support a wife? enn bo devoted to studying wnr for tlio snko of pence. Thoro Is oven ground for tlio fonr that Mr. Itoosovelt Is not referring to Mr. Tnft as "Will" any more. Thnt Los Angeles wotnnn who wants a lino of $250 slapped on peo ple who eat moat for hrcnkfimt evi dently doesn't know thnt eggs cost more than meat nowadays. bly Include more thnn one Eve. Among tlio New Yenr's greetings thnt reached Murshllcld people yes terdny wns tlio following from Citpt. Mncgenn of the Hrenkwnter: I could not Mud u Now Yenr's card My wishes for to toll, And la superlative friendship, 1 surely wish you well. T. .1. MACGHXN. Old Mllenm- HuxN of Valuation Unlluny Will be Itetnlmtl SALEM. Or. Jnn. I While no do On te romluslon wns reached nt what was practically nn nil-day meeting of the State Tax Commission, It Is al most assured Hint one problem wt,j solved which will mean that appor tionment of public utilities will so" nn Increased or dec eased valuation ns the spirit moves, while, on the oth er hand, the old nillenpe basis of val uation of counties will be retained. This means that the petition of Minor Mrclll. of ItoFcburi;. nnd other citizens of that municipality Is denied J llntly. If the Stnte Tax Commission de cides to 'emnlii by Its present ldn It means thnt the entire system of tnxn tlon under the Slate Tax Commission will he prnctlcnlly the same as In the pnst. The Tnx Commission wns created to place assessed values on public utilities. Under the law It nrrlved nt these values through n theoy In which unit vnluntlon wns reached as to the "CBpectlvo utilities and this valuation was arrived at through a division of the mileage pro rata among the counties. Whether the commission will nc code to the request that a ratio as to the vnluo of stocks nnd bonds b used 0" whether the Commission will re main by Its old stnndnrd, hns not been fully decided. This question will bo answered, however, before the stnte levy is finally made up. .IERSKV TOWX TO SPEND I?1!0,(M TO FIGHT SKEETER MONTCLAIR, X. J., Jan. 1. ' The locnl Honrd of Health has included In Its budget for the year the sum of $20,000 to bo spent in fighting the Jersey nios- qillto. 4 Do You Want In Carpets, Rugs, Couch Covers, Portieres, Anything Lace Curtains or Window Draperies Of Any Kind?- rkotiierk aim: united lending pape-s will publish them? TIIIJ COOS MAY GIRL A. 11. Ciu-ey or Port Orfmd McHm Kelnllvo for Kh'M Time hi I." Years A paper at Hake-sllebl. Calif., re cently printed the following: ftT.'nM ,1... ftMa lltlln nl.ll... 1 C ! I . . I ' ""I .i-ui lliu moi iiMiu DI.H.U .i.m. mi, rpnB I,.-, ...!, 1.r..tl.n,.u ..... Kiwtnnliil' ..,,.1 It !... ''-eiH HlHl WUUK, ponded hi HnkerBlleld. They nre A. i. Carey of Port Orford, Oregon, Curry county, nnd Calvin Cn ov of Camel, Ilamlltou Co., Iml, Calvin had come across from Plaulleld, Ind. In n wagon nenrly 111 years ago, but soon rotirued his native state by way of Panama. Upon Ills arrival hero ho traveled n good ninny miles to boo his brother, but wns Just In lime to catch a gllmpso of tlio tall end of a wagon In which he was do pining for tlio west. "A. H. Cirey settled In Oregon, de voloped nil Immense mouprnln rum-li overlooking the Pacific and never re turned to the East. Nor did Cal vin Carey ever como Wost ngaln un til : ' werlss ng'i. when ho and his wife arrived, not In a wagon, -but In a modern limited train, to visit their son, K-ncst It, Carey, business rnnngor of tlio Sun Jonquln Vnlley Motor. "The Oregon brothor heard of this oxcurslon and cauio to Hnkcrsfleld at once, lie gnve the Indlanlnii on of the greatest surprises he ever got In his ve-y active life. It happens that Calvin Carey was planning to go to Oregon to spring just such a sur- prlso on his brother, but tlio Oregon CHILDREN JNJURED OmIIiuii'V Cut I in riles ami Pills mill Ilnivdi PbyslcM ('ntij Distressing Complaints You cannot be overcnrefiil In tlio selection of medicine for children. Only the very gentlest bowel medl clno should ever bo given, except In emergency enses, Ordlnnry pills, cathartics and purgatives nro apt to do more hnrm thnn good. They flint nnnui, ivflttltiiv nniiunn mi.l tlwi mi. ,.ii,t...i .... i... ii.... ' iiij tiuinu mi i iiiiki iiuum-u mill uiuui ,;;;, issue ofnc PorMan7ln. SXhJ ffdSrovhili'"1 " Will be of locnl Interest ns the irnn-i 'l"ul,tl health-destroying. Uema menlhme; ' s' ho fa bo" of WJ J1 ZTT" I? Mrs. Wilson Kaufman of this city: W"iUeo Rexall Order les ns the "Cy llniipy. Judge, was on our '""k ." uuiuihiiu lumunj. balling from 1111 ""lu" "" llu iur cunsiipiuiou unu Spokane way. Ho may Cy a little, n'cmto nowoi diBordors. Wo Have but he's always Happy which Is n H,lch "I'soluto faith hi the virtues of nifty little pun. Ornb It from us.",1"1" remedy thnt wo soli It on our Is It nny wonder thnt rrlino Is on Kiiarantco of money hack In overy tlio Increaso In Portland when moil Instance whero It falls to give on who perpetrnte puns llko that are tiro satisfaction, nnd wo urgo all In neriultted their liberty mid so-cnlled need of such modlclno to try It nt our risk. Iloxnll Orderlies nro enton Just llko candy, nro particularly promirt and agrceablo In notion, may bo tak en at nny time, dny or night; do not "Olvo mo n I;Irh. niv ilnrlliit?. iln " He wild as ho gazed In her eyes .10 cn,,81 dlarrhoen, nnuson. griping, ex- bluo. "I won't," hIio snld, "you lazy elf, Screw up your lips and help yourself." cogm, u: (.iitfi She chewfl gum In tlio morning As long as she Is nblo; And when she goes to luncheon She sticks It 'nonth tlio tnblo. She chows some more till dinner time And sticks it 'nonth her chair: At night It's stuck 011 the bond of tlio bed, Xorth-east by eaBt of her hair. ng the number of people who fall ut If, as alleged, the main IiubIhoss - - i-iia . 11 11 iiii'Ui Ml . . - Inn. though acting on a hint sent sub !)f "V" l8 ""JKlK monoy, It Is ninaz rosa by bis nopliow, Krnost 11., got to It llrst. "The long separated brothers aro nlinut town together today, enjoying each other's Boclety Immoiisely. They nro going soon to I.os Angclei to spend 11 month and then vi ... turn to spend nnother month bora before they part again." phizi: POMK TODAY Hill certainly wns n ripper He neve- would bo still, Ills ma she was a whlpper Ami o sbe wliliuiorwlll. mmmmMasss cesslve looseness, or otlior undeslrn bio offocts. They hnvo n very mild but positive action upon tho organs with which they come In contnet, ap parently acting ns a regulatlvo tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of tho bowel, thus overcoming weak ness, nnd aiding to restore tho bow els to nioro vigorous and healthy ac tivity. Hoxall Orderlies commonly com pletely rollevo constipation, except, of course, when of 11 surglcnl chnrnc tor. They also tend to overcome the necessity of constantly hiking Inxntlves to keep tlio bowols hi nor mal condition. Tho sizes of packages. 10 contB, 25 cents, nnd GO cents. Itemeinber you cun obtnln Kexnll Itomedles hi this community only nt our store I.ookhnrt-Pnrsons Drug Co., "Tho Husy Corner." Llbby COAIj. The kind YOU b.ivi 1AVAYS USKI). PHOXK 7 Parlllr l.lvnrv & Transfer Co. In Some Particular Coloring; Shading, or Size? If So Now Is the Time to Order Them Mr. Geo. P: Story, representative of the D. M. & E. Walters Co., is now in our city with a complete line of samples of Carpets, Rugs, Couch Covers Portieres, Lace Curtains and Window Draperies of all kinds. These Lines Will Be On Display Tomorrow Only Those who wish some particular pattern, colors, shading or sizes in any of the above lines, can call at our store and we will take you to the sample room to loook these lines over. ' Yours Truly, Going (2fc Harvey Company Complete Housefurnishers ; Cousin that Itccp you nwnko nt nlfiiit also disturb tho let-p of tlio rost of tlio f.irally, fitioy can bu atoppcit In u ter mlnuloa wltfc ItX allard's Hwehound Syrup It is a RcmodV of Great Rnliovlnri Pnvonr In All Lung and Throat Troubles. BallanVa Horobouna Syrup conveys n, wnrmlntr nnd relaxing In Jlucnco to tho concealed luncs. Heals sorcnoas, qulota tickling nensatlon In tlio throat, utreiiBthcns tho voice, looiens phlcrrm and relieves all Irritated comlltlona In tlio thn-.u aim lunga. Keep a bottle la tlio house. It is lmndy to havo when needed and save a world of misery to tho rerson affected. Put Up In Three Sizes, 25c, 50o and 31.00 per Bottle. Buy tbo 11.00 else. It contains flvo times ns much ns tho 25c site, and you ct with each bottlo a Ilcrrlck's Hod Popper l'orous Piaster for tho chost. JAME3 F. BALLARD PJWPBICTOFI ST. LOUIS, 58. For Wruk aitfbt or Sore Uvea, u.f Sln.l.ru. l'v Salvr. It ..r-. Sn-- Kl CICWSS 1UL'(1 sto'ke"""-- Rt I ;Fuun J f now Drift Flour Highest Quality City Auto Service food Cars. Careful Drlvors and roasonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nuywhoro nt any time." Stands Illauco Hotel nnd lllnnco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 4C. N'lght Phono IC. H.UtKKU .V OOOI).r,K. Pioprli'tors. W3 ve: Till: TALK IS TOO T.OXfi to toll hero of tho tilg opportunities to liny at a biff saving lioro nnd now. So wo nslj you just to como nnd oxnuiliio our CAXniKS If you nro n stick lor for quality ours cannot fall to sntlsfy. If vonl economy U yp'ir watchword wo can surely suit you Jn that direction to.i If You Really Want Private Water Pumping And Want a Dependable, Constant and Satisfactory Supply you should investigate the merits of electri cally driven pumps. These are now made in small sizes suitable for household use, and on small farms, etc, The power is always ready; the supply of water does not fail. Where other forms of power balk, cause delays and break down, the Electric Motor works smoothly, continuously and efficiently also, economically, Ask our New Business Department to give you accurate and up-to-date information about Electric Pumping. Telephone 178, Oregon Power Co. Hello! Hello! Ilousowlven of Mnrahflold use Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not ltcop It call up PHONE 73-J. Freo dolivery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. nlso STEUILIZICI) CIU3AM & SULK ICE, IJUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE Unionils .JASOM.VE DISTILLATE HKXZINE KEROSENBI SA.MSOX GAS ENGINES and CENTKIKUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay 0il& Supply Co. Murshllcld, Ore. PHOSE 302J Mall Orders Solicited. mddk Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and. Abstract Co. IIKMtr SENGSTACKEN, SIKr, Coqullle Office Phone 191 Marshfleld Ofllco 14-j Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Oonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" Prof. A. Richards TEACIIEK OV PIANO. Aim voice culture. Appointment! hour 1 to 2 o'clock. I Applicants call at Studio, Songl fncken Bldg.. l.to Iliondway. Unique Pantatoriuni nVEING, CLEANING, PRESSIXO ANI) REPAIRING ALL KINDS 0? HAT WORK. ROSS & PINEGOR. 2Tifi Pantrnl nvpnn Phono 2BW TWO STORES. K Modern Urlck Bulldlns. Electric Lights, Steam Ileal. Elegnntly Furnished Roonu with Hot and Cold "Wator. H O T E L .C O OS C. A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Marshflold, Oregon. WANTED ! ! ! UHPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders fo; work taken at GOING & nARVEY PHONE 100 Blanchard's Livery wo navo sucureu the livery bu" ibu or u. n, ueisner nnd aro pr pared to rendor oscdent service V tho people of Coo- Buy. CireM dilvers, gooo rlas jd evorythlnS nut win mean satisfactory sorvlco t tho public. Phon us for a drivinJ horso, a rig or anything needed l the livery lino. We also do truck-f Ng business of all kinds. iJLANCHARD BROTHERS Phone 13 8-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. in first and Alder Streets il SwT -eym k y N- M , u - ImL. Z . -).- :mu . : rrL -wv - "'t..V mj -ii