The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 02, 1912, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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(Ham lag JJitwa
Will Kwi tlio I iiionic from Vour
Furnished Rooms from Ip-dngl
YOU can really help tlio family
tevontics by renting n fow furnished
rooms mid, If you know bow niitl
when to U8o tlio classified columns,
you mny keep that little oxtrn inconio
nn "ptontlv tis a clock."
FWI11 Put Your Itcal Estate "in
30 Miu-kcl" Ef f o c 1 1 v o I y !
jit will tint tlio facts about your
Sporty boforo tlio oycs of nil 'pos-
lo buyora" In town. Anil If
bros olio of them who ought to
fa It, you'll sell Itl
IvHtnbllslKHl III 187H
us Tlio Const Mnil
A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mull
mid Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 145
jusands of Chinese Imperial
Troops Desert to Join
CANTON, Ohio, Jim. 2. Tlio
10 prettiest glrlH In tho Stnrk
county courthoiiBo nro likely to
lose $1,000 each If the milt
Htnrtcd by Letltla Itudy to
break tbu will of the Into Sam-
uel Hudy Is successful.
Hudy was mi eccentric buche-
lor of 8(5 yours. lie frequented
thn courthouse nud 10 of tho
most beautiful girls employed
thoro wero often complimented
by him upon their stunning
looks. Ilo died two mouths ngo
and when his will was rend It
was found thnt ho had left $10,
OOn to thn 10 nroltloHt trlrls.
IAXGKS CHINESE i "becauso ho liked them."
CALENDAR FIRST THING : Thn 1 1t .rlrlu Imvn Iipoii m.1,1,,
S NANKING, China, Jan. 2. 4 dofondnnts In the suit to brenlc
ho ilrst olllclnl act of Dr. Sun 4. tMo wm. mIhs Itudy, n rclntlvo
nilt Sen, tho president of tlio 1 r ,H. lmnhnlnr. hiivh nh rnroil
ftw Chlncso republic, wns to 4 for nlm nml ,8 IOubo1ioIi1 for
hllllgO tllO ClllllCSO Clllondnr. in vonrn 11ml Is entitle,! In Mm
lo niiulo Now Year's dny tho ia money.
'Sun, Formally Installed as
President of Republic,
Names Cabinet.
Ilrst dny of his presidency thus
iHinrklng tho commencement of
,.-nov era and making the Clu-
i'oso year begin henceforth tlio
Bftino day ns It begins In most
rihor countries of tho world.
fAssoclntcd Press to thu Cons Bay
MEN TSIN, Jan. 2. Tho Imperial
Ins stationed at Lnn Chow, cnpl-
lof Kwang S11, North Chlnn, Imvo
prted tho Mnnchus and Joined tho
els. Tomorrow under tho coin
ed of Goncrnl Wang, onco tho
filler's trusted deputy, they will
rt to marcli on Pokln. Slmultnnc
ly tlio rebols In tho south will
In n northward march on I'ckln.
fall sooms lnovltahlo. Thousands
roops hnvo dosortod tho Mnnchus.
Dr. Kiiii'n PIiuin.
allowing tho reception, Dr. Sun
vorod an nddress in which ho
ilsod to dlsonthrono tho Man
, rc-CBtnbllsh peace, promote
lo, dovnto ins entire energy 10
Chlncso nation and to aid tho
acso pcoplo to realize their aspir
in. When tho Mnnchus had Jlnni-
ibdlcatcd and penco was restored
Rio nntlon ho would, ho said, ro-
hls provisional olllco. Tho chnlr
of tho dolcgntes from tlio pro-
ijs thon handed tho now prcsl
tho scnl of office following
ch tho president dollvcrod nn-
br nddress In tho form of a pro
nation announcing a Htrong con
government, that tho ontlro nd-
istrntlvo systom will bo romo-
d mid modernized, and that tho
(lament of tho republic will bo
ted by tho pcoplo.
Deaths of Seventy-Two In
mates of Berlin Alms Houses
Attributed to Adulterated
Narcotic Dealer Arrested.
(Hy Associated Press to Coos Day
BERLIN, acrmnuy, .Inn. 2.
Since the nrrest of tho wholesale
Shao YI'k ItoNlgiintioii Acct'ptwl
by Premier.
Associated Pross to Coos Day
IIANGHAI, Chlnn, Jan. 2. Snt-
tbat his tcnuro of olllco ends
tlio flnnl collapso of tho Man-
?, dynasty, Premier Yunn hns nc-
bd Tang Shno Yl's resignation,
iiiso ho wns displeased wun
e'b siirrondor to tho robols nnd
report thnt Yang is planning to
up tho light to kill tho rovoiu-
ns soon ns tho nrmlstlco onds.
said tho Manchu princes havo
funds from their private pur-
10 this ond. Yunn will nogotiato
lior with W11 lng Fang. It Is
Brstopd ho wants a powerful
In tho new government If ho
tho Manchu reglmo.'
Associated Pross to Coos Dnj
fANKING, China, Jan. 2. Dr.
; Yat Son took tho oath of officii
iy as provisional president of tho
ibllc of China, and was formal-
Invested with tho powers thereof.
' ceremonies woro Blmplo and dig-
ed attended by all promlnont mon
avery party. Dr. Sun, who is
l-known In America, soon after
arrival in Shanghai, some ton
ago, was olectcd president by
lassombly of roformors of tho ro-
llcon provinces of China, proper,
In session hore, byanalmostun-
fioiis voto. His proposed cabinet
jdes Dr. Wu Ting Fnng, Huang
nnd LI Yuen Hong nil of whom
fin tho front ranks of tho reform
ffter being Inaugurated as pres-
it of tho Chinese Republic, Dr.
today named Ills cabinet from
a-progresslves. Wu Ting Fang
fmnde minister of foreign affairs.
ostpono Mectlnir. Owing to tho
Ihs of relatives of Mrs. Wm.
fall, Jr., who was to ontortnln
Mnrshflold Drldgo club at her
tomorrow, tho meeting hns
postponed until a week from
brrow when Mrs. E. G. Flanagan
(bo hostess to tfto club.
Ibby COAL. The kind YOU have
iry & Transfer Co.
Star Witness Against McNa
maras Leaves For Indiana
polis to be Witness There
(Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay
Wllllnm J. Hums arrived hero today
to tCKtlfy boforo tho federal grand
Jury on tho government's cvldonco
In tho alloged dynamiting conspiracy.
Today Burns expressed tho belief thnt
United States District Attorney Char
lea W. Miller and Oscnr Lawlor, spec
ial government prosecutors in South
ern California, nnd District Attorney
Fredericks of Los Angeles of Los An
geles county nro coming horo tho lat
ter two being duo to nrrlvo from tho
Const today. Tho announcement of
tho dopnrturo of Ortlo McMnnlgnl's
depnrturo from Los Angolos, Calif.,
for this city completes tho gathering
of tho governments forces In build
ing up tho enso against tho nlloged,
consplrntors. Burns dcclnros thnt
by tho end of tho week, a mass of In-
dlctmcnts will bo returned.
Given Until January 12 to En
ter Pleas In Los Angeles
Dynamite Case.
(By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2 Olaf Tvl
otmoo, Anton Johnnnsen and J. E.
Muncoy, tho labor leadors Indicted
by tho federal grand Jury Saturday,
woro nrrnlgncd In tho Unltod States
DUtrlct Court today and obtilnod de
lay until Jan. 12 boforo entering
pleas to tho charco of complicity in
tho alleged dynamiting conspiracy.
Tho grand Jury Indictment against
tho labor lenders was made public
immediately nftor their arrnlgnment.
It contained four counts nil relating
to a general alleged conspiracy,
charging thnt thoy had conspired to
ship explosives from Indianapolis
and also from other points unknown
to tho Jury in violation of tho fed
oral statutes.
A. I. McCormlck, United States
district attorney, today aatted that
tho fodoral Inquiry into tho alleged
dynamite conspiracy might bo con
ducted in every federal district In
tho country, and that tho local grand
Jury certainly would go after any
poons Buspectod of having used the
malls In furtherance of tho alleged
liquor dealers In the hnblt of dispos
ing of wood alcohol and groceries to
tho Inmates of tho municipal night
sholter nnd tho confiscation of tho
ndultorntcd whfskcy found on these
premises, no further poisonings have
been reported to the city otnclals.
The olllclnl number of dead Is 72 out
of 1(12 ciises but theso do not Include
BDiuo who died outside the municipal
institutions. About 2G nro still seri
ously 111.
Wizard Attends Convention of
Managers of Public Utility
CHICAGO, Jan. 2 Tho nnnunl
convention of II. M. Byllcsby & Co.
nnd affiliated utility companies in
cluding tho Oregon Power Company,
which opened hero toilny marks the
tenth nnnlvorsnry of the organiza
tion. When Chairman T. J. Jack
son, of Mobile, Alabama, called tho
nnnvnnllnn ti nrdnp tlnl.itvnf ra
A'niSitr 1 I.. , 1. tiimil rt I. .n inn ..!
' " "" u j;'i p woro present, representing 10 groups
reflects great credit upon Cnpt. B.. of 0cctrc, gns ,U1(1 Btrcct rnllwny
W. Olson, master of tho vessel, ns . ,)roport,0tt ln 18 8tnte8 of tho we8t
Vessel Transported Nearly
80,000,000 Feet of Lumber
to Bay Point.
Tho steamer Nnnn Smith during
1011 nindo flfty-ono round trips be
tween Coos Bay and Bny Point enr
rylng 70,11-1,200 feet of lumber from
the C. A. Smith mill. This is be
lieved to bo fnr tho lnrgcst amount
of lumber ovor transported by any
well ns upon tho ownorB who hnvo
sort of revolutionized the constwlBo
shipping of lumber by the new stylo
vessol nnd tho use of electric cranes
in loading nnd unloading.
Tho Nnnn Smith averaged 1,551,
250 foot of lumber ench trip.
Tho dlstanco from Bny Point to
nnd south
Prominent men outsldo tho organ
ization nro present ns guests. Am
ong them nro Thomas A. Edison,
President; C. A. Collin of tho Goncr
nl Electric Compnny, President E. M.
Horr of tho Wcstlnghouso Electric
nnd Manufacturing compnny, Presl
Coos Bay Is 480 miles bo that dur- dcnt John p G1IchrIltt nn(I secretary
Ing tho twolvo months, ho Nnnn T c M t of th(J Nntlonn, Klcctrlo
Smith traveled 4 8.9 CO miles. ,, ABrBOclntlon( j. . ForKnn, a.
Some now vessels which the Smith M.BRoyMoldB nnd chnrlcB 0. 5aw'e8.
Lumber company Is now i,lnnnlnB, vrQ60UW ot Thomng Ai Ed,,on
will probably ccllpso this record In w,lrf 60',dom nttond8 puWo g(lthcr.
n.!l. V .",. 1011 i to na.i ,nK8 considered ono of tho grent-
...P."r,'",'.A,l0...y0nor.J.9,n'.i8 ?8"' ost compliments which could bo paid
, "i; , Znv in2i7nTnnnn to tho Byllcsby organization. It
?iR .,? Lyn , tuLl 'ihm tn enmo through tho fact that Honry
foot of logs nnd dollvorcd them in ,f T1n-., ,., r,,i...p.
4i. ti.. rri.i- i ...i.. .1.1.. nn,i.nn M. Byllcsby wns ono of Ldlson a no-
wnrM L tJJ Ll nnn nlllt rnl BlBtOlitB In tllO ploncor dnyB Of olOC-
r,n tt.JSJnf.SJi tr'c" development. Although tho
corn. With tho exception of about , .., .', ,, ,r
7.000,000 foot Bold to tho Simpson '"" X'lrn":;,' "a .Z:' ,," ZZ
BEItLIN, Germany, .Inn. 2.
In order to counteract tho fall
ing oft of marriage rato n
"school of lovo" hns been stnrt
od nt Strnsburg.
Aspirants to mntrtmnny will
bo advised both personally and
by letter how to display their
best qualities without visible
training. Tho bcIiooI will nlso
give advice mi obscure ques
tions, such nB how to encourage
budding attentions, how to dls-
courage them, how to convcrso
'with serious men without nny
sorloiiB knowledge, nnd how to
bo gay and frivolous while suf-
forlng from hendacho, bank-
ruptcy mid other Ills.
A StrnBburg newspnpor ntrtes
thnt the schoolmnBter Is n name-
sake of tho fnmous encyclopedia
compiler nnd adds thnt to fulfill
his program ho will rcqulro
tho Bamo unlvcrsnl knowledge.
Gov. Osborne of Michigan
Makes Important Political
Suggestion Today.
Lumbor compnny, thoso logs woro
ngo they still continued their frlond-
cut Into lumber at tho two mills of
Us llnntlttM nn mtiliiAlin r9 t n r rv t
tho C. A. Smith company horo. Tho ,.."" "".. ,h;.V. l .7.i.:7. ,.l ". "1"
Tirnoonf vnnr. fhn Smlth-Powors rom- "' !'"-. "' "iiiuii nu buiiii.iu.-
pnny will probnbly cut about 200,
000,000 feet of logs.
Nothing Develops. Nothing now
has doveloped In tho Murray murder
cobo. Goldlo Bostscott is still In
chargo of Special Offlcer C. A. Mot
lln. Justice Ponnock has not been
apprised as to when Deputy Prose
cuting Attorney Llljeqvlst will bo
horo to hold tho preliminary hear
ing of tho woman.
W. E. HOAGLAND Is HI at his homo
in South Mnrshflold,
Ized tho romnrkablo growth of tho
organization, and roltorntcd his bo
tllof that successful utility operation
must rest upon elenn, llboral and
I progressive mnnngomont, tho dolo
1 gates proceeded to n program of pap
joru, discussions nnd addresses which
I will last four days.
I This your th program Ib devoted
largely to questions affecting points
of contract with tho public, quality
of servlco, regulation by stato com
missions nnd tho ofllcloncy and wel
faro of employes. Thoro nro only
t . two strictly technical papors. Among
wvjsitiovai, iifvi.'i opmfvt in0 mon outfildo tho company who
riMiinw nVivsT mmis w, Ulk nro GoorBO Dl Cnl'JwolI.
W1I III" CIIAIinKI WITH IOOT- Sn,ml01 InB"11 nml n B S,",ny f
ivr! imtv"uJviV Chlcngo, J. R. McKco nnd'T. C. Mnr-
nJ . nVnfl . ,.. mn. ti tin of Now York nnd John P. Gil-
(By Assoclatod Press to Coos B chrBt of chlcnB0.
Tlme8' I Tomorrow night, Mr. nnd Mrs. By-
PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 2. Tho llesby will recolvo tho dolcgntes and
olJlces of District Attorney Cameron, their wives nt tholr homo, 4358
ln tho Chamber of Commcrco build- Droxol Boulevard. Tho convention
Ing, wero ontorod over tho transom will close with a banquet Friday
nnd tho olllco of Attorney E. Clark, I night. Aside from thu, thero nro no
special prosecutor of Louis Wilde, tho social or entertainment features ar
Snn Diego banker, who will go on ranged.
trial January 8 for tho embozzlo- Tho convention program Is as fol
mont of $90,000 from tho defunct lows:
Oregon Trust Savings Bank, was! "Staff Cooperation toward Bottor
broken Into during tho night nnd Relations and Incrensod Efficiency
valuablo ovldonco against Wlldo was of Employes," by W. R. Mollnard of
stolen. Cameron charges that "WIN Oklahoma City, Okla. "Points of
do's ngents did it. Wildo says it is Contrast with tho Public," by W II.
a "dnmnnblo plot to blnckon my Hodgo of Chicago; "Prcsont Day
name and glvo tho prosecution a Jurisdiction of State and Municipal
chnnco to got out. Thoy had no, Bodies over Public Servlco Corpora-
ca6o and use this moans to get from tlons," by Isaac Milkowltch of Chl-
under tho false charges." Icago; "Steam Heating Economics,"
-by A. E. StovonB of Mlnot, N. D.;
KILLED CENTRALTA BANKER. "Suburban Distribution of High
i I Pressure Gas," by H. II. Jones of San
(By Associated Press to the Coos Hay ,2,es; Calif.; "Ways and Means of
Times. Building up Business In a Small
rHFUTAMS Wash Jan 2 The Town" "V B. Morton of Albany,
m ..? i 1 S !J f Oro-; "Th0 Accountant In Public
identity of tho alleged murderer or j niueflold W Va
T Ho, lh. nfrnrl nronMonf nt thn Pur. BerVJtO, Oy JJ. W. UIUBUBIU, W. Vll.i
mors' and Merchants' Bank at Con- Appraisal Vork Dur ng 1911
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion Interprets Long and
Short Haul Law.
(By Associated Press to Coos Dnj
was hold today by the Intorstnto
Commerce Commission that where
two or moro carriers nro competing
for business nt equal rates botweon
two points, thoy should bo nllowed
to compoto dosplto tho long nnd short
haul provision of tho law. This rul
ing on commcrco will onnblo compe
tltlng cnrrlors to moot tho rates to
a particular city or to a freight group
mado up by any other company which
may lultlnto a reduced rato and, al
though n discrimination against In
termediate points, this rnto mny
thoroby bo Increased. The commis
sion mny chango tho rates on com
plaint of Intcrmcdlnto shippers If
thoy nro found to conflict with nny
othor pnrt of tho law.
has pract ca y been ostab sh- "' "" '" " V,,VTK " ,
na nnmn in noli Plark nn.l dr0BS h? General Geo. II. Hnrrles of
Us namo is Don ciarK, ana T,olllRV, ,, . ni11Bfrnfo,, ).,,, nn
englneerlng by O. E. Osthoff of Chi
cago; Illustrated lecturo on new
business methods by E. L. Callahan
of Chlcngo; "Tho Attitude of tho
Manager toward his New Business
, Department," by Alex F. Douglas of
I Portland, tre.; "Tho Byllesby Em
ploye's Investment Clubs," by R. J.
Graf of Chicago.
D. C. Gren, manager of the Ore
gon Power company on Coos Bay,
and R. M. Jennings, now of Eugene,
nro among tho mnnngers In attendance.
ed. His
within the past two months register
ed Bovernl tlmea at a hotel in Cen
tralla. Ho was Identified from his
photograph. Clnrk'B clothing and
other effects woro found in his room
at a hotel.
Plans Bout. John Horron b try
ing to arrange for a bout between
Lew Powell of San Francisco and
Bud Anderson of Vancouver to ho
pulled off hero tho middle of next
month. Ho has written to Powidl
but hns not received any replv. Jess
Day Is trying to nrrango a bout to
be pulled off horo or on tho Coqulllo
within n fow weeks.
Frank 0. Elkins Confesses to
f Theft of Suitcase From
Blanco Hotel Guest.
Frank Otto Elkins was arrested
today by Marshal Carter on tho
chnrgo of stealing a suit enso from
tho room of Nick Oswald at tho Blan
co hotel nnd disposing of It to Peter
Mlrrasoul for ?7. The sultcaso
and Its contents woro valued at $60.
Whon arraigned before Justlco
Ponnock, Elkins frankly confessed
his guilt. Ho said that ho hurt bis
shoulder, was unablo to work and ran
out of monoy. He was contemplat
ing Bonding to his folks at Falls City,
Oregon, for monoy whon ho noticed
tho suitcase In tho room across the
hall and tho idea struck him that ho
could take It, pawn it and tide him
self over with the receipts thereof
until ho was able to earn somo mon
ey. Then, ho said ,ho planned to
tnko it "out of soak" and restoro It to
Its ownor. He said he first got $5
from Peto Mlrrasoul on the suit case
and Its contents and later secured
another $2.
Elkins Is possibly about 25 years
old and rather a good looking chap.
Ho sings 8omo and spent much of his
time hanging around the various sa
loons. A roommate of Elkins' was exoner
ated by tho latter from nny complic
ity In tho theft.
Says He Personally Favors
Taft as Against Senator
La Follctte Is Silent.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay,
LANSING, Mich., Jan. 2 Govern
or Chns. S. Osborn nt n meeting horo
todny proposed that ln tlio lutorost
I of republican harmony tho sena
tor nnd Tnft both withdraw as presi
dential candidates In fnvor of Albort
J. Bovcrldgo or Roosovolt. TIiIh sug
gestion was mado nftor Osborn had
criticized LuFolletto ns hnvlng "tak
en up those things which might bo
termed popular that contnlned tho
ln-gcr advantages for hlmsolf," nnd
frankly said ho did not bollovo"LnKol-
Ictto can bo nomnatcd for president
or elected If nominated. Osborn
further snld that "LaFollotto's stylo
of campaigning toads to nroimo tnu
passions thnt make for a condition
of public Intolerance, which is al
ways worso thnn porsonnl or Indi
vidual Intolerance, becauso It has so
much more force. Iii LnFollotto's
speeches and writings I don't think
bo distinguishes botweon honest mon
ln big business and dlshonost man."
"Wo have got to hnvo big buslnom
In this country If wo aro going to com
pcto ln tho manufacturing transact
ions of tho world. But big business
should not bo pcrmlttod to oppress
tho people."
Gov. Osborn added, "As botweon
Taft and La Follotto. I mn for Tnft."
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Ba,
HOLLY, Mich., Jnn. 2 "Sonator
LuFolletto will mnko no comment on
Gov. Osborn'B stntomont glvon out nt
Lansing nnd why should ho?" said
Secretary Hannan of Senator LaFol
lotto's staff this nftornoon whon ask
ed If ho would glvo out n stntomont.
Mr. LnFollctto wbb to havo beon nt
tho Lansing conferonco but mlssod
Ills train.
Black Champion Names Terms
on Which He Will Meet
Pueblo Fireman.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay;
CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 2. Jack
Johnson, heavy-weight champion ot
tho world, stntod last night he would
sign nn agrcemont to fight Jim Flynn,
tho Pueblo 11 re in an, either In Juno
or July, somewhoro within ono hun
dred miles west of Salt Lako City.
Johnson, nccordlng to the ugreomont
Is to get $20,000 ns his share and a
one-third interest In tho moving pic
ture proceeds.
It appeared today that thoro might
bo dolay In signing tho formal ar
ticles of agreement. Jack Curloy,
who represents Flynn, declnrod tho
staging of tho bout was somowhat
contingent on other contests which'
Flynn Is nrrnnging for tho noxp two
months. Whothor ho will Btep Into
tho ring with Johnson depends somo
what on the outcomo of his prospec
tive battles.
RENEW your hunters nnd anglers
PHKIN. China, Jan. 2. Tho
om press dowagor who Is desirous of
carrying out a campaign ngulnst tho
revolutionaries, today ndvanced
about two million dollars to Promler
Yuan Shi Kal for that purpose. Tho
Indications are that tho northern
troops aro anxious to resume hostilities.
JAS BEHRING will leavo In a fow
dnys to visit his sister, Mrs. II, H.
IcPherson, and othor relatives In
San Francisco.
(By Associated Press.)
TABRIZ, Porsla, Jan. 2.
Eight PorslanB woro linngod
yesterday by order of tho Rub-
slan court martial and eight
moro wero oxecutod todny in
connection with tho recent at-
tuck on tho Russian troops.
Fearful reprisals by tho Rus-
slnn troops continued today.
Eight moro Persians woro hang-
ed hero becauso thoy tried to
opposo tho Russians who Invad-
ed Porsla without u doclnra-
Hon of war. Tholr bodies woro
dragged through tho streets on
bayonotfl. It Is feared 100 will
bo killed to show that Russia
won't tolorato opposition,
-AjU ,-f -,-A,
H.JMI iifc ill i Si -""-