-V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Now for our clean up Special Sale I ERE are lots of suits and overcoats made to be worn in the fall and winter season; and they're not sold yet It is get ting along now toward the time when you'll be wanting spring goods; and we want to clear this stuff up and have it out of the way of the new things coming Here are some of the prices on Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes and other things that are featured in our store: been secured A little over I yesterday on tho Rcdondo for Sau l-rniiclsco on business. n Ji'o Chinook Mils. CLARENCE HARRIS nnd child most numerous, returned to Coqutllo today nfter a .-Tho l.lo' visit with relatives at Sumner MRS. OKO REYNOLDS of Clnckn iniiB Is n gucat at tho Dr. Humes ter homo on Sherman nvonuo. GEO. W. SHELLY left on the Re dondo for California whero ho will spend a week or bo on IiubIiiobs. Mil. mid Mrs. C. H. Worrell aro on tortalnlng for Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fnhy of Hullnrd, who aro visiting on tho Hay. E. S. HARGELT and wlfn nntnrtnlnn,! n few friends at a "Wntch Party" at their homo In South Mnrahllold MIbh Mnry Mlnot was wed-,'., H'Bl " 'f'";, . Herkeley. Cal., Saturday Isi , "' lCH n"(1 w'f. OI1'ortalned n wn on Coos Hay. Ho has .rJ-1rr1,on,,B nt "WbIcIi Party" at iron's $35 Suits, now $25.85 Men's $30 Suits and Overcoats, now $21.85 Men's $25 Suits and Overcoats $18.85 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $14.85 Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats $.11.83 Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats ; .' $5.35 Boys' $b'.50 Suits and Overcoats $4.85 Boys' $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.S5 Boys' $-1.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.00 . Boys' Straight Pant Suits .HALF PRICE Blankets, Wool Sox, Sweater Coats, Underwear and all other lines of AVcol goods at CLVAllANGJ'J SALE P11ICES WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Outfitters "Wo extend our thanks to our customers for tholr patronage during tho year Just ended and wish them nil AH appj N iW Y r Hoping to havo In tho future. tho prlvllego to oxtond to them ovory courtesy ANONA GROCERY Always- "TFe Busy Corner" "THE REXALL STORE" For Falling Hair We want you to try REXALL "93" Hair Tonic and REXALL "93" Shampoo Paste with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you 'are perfectly satisfied with it. Bemombor it is obtainable only at this store. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. IPH0NE MAIN 298 US For 1912 A Happy and Prosperous New Year To All THIS STORE WILL HE CLOS El) ALL DAY MONDAY .ockhart's Grocery 'O PRIVATE PHONES 85 AND 305 PROGRAM, .TAX. 2, 1IHU Ihe Royal 'THE XEW COWIIOV" A thrilling Western Btory by tho Dlson Film Company. "HANDS ACKOSS THE CHADDLE" A lovo talo by tho Nostor Film Co. PROGRAM, JAN. J, 11)12 "ANNA HAKIMS" Tho world champion ludy swimmer In tho grcnt Chicago race. "THE STEPDAUGHTER" Tolling the Btory of a child's loving nature. COO fmlmon oggB have Ijr tho next souson. two million of them t Ivorsldes being tho i .Meet Wednesday Aid Snrlety of the Swedish Luther an church will hold n meeting next Wcdnosdny nt 2:30 i. in., In tho church hull. Mrs. lllllstrom mid Mrs. Grant will serve refreshment!. Find I'lu L. E. SnlliiR. through 1he Times' lost ad, recovered it f Ick il. i which was presented him Christmas. Warner Ogon picked It 1 ti on the street, advertised It and Mr. Sallng saw the ad and claimed his propei ty, and feels morn than grnto ful. Well Known Here. ,1. C. Oreeno. to whom Miss ded nt well know nindo numerous trips here for a I wholesale candy house and Is fami liarly known by his friends hero as "Jimmy" Greene. I Church Holes. Hov. Fnthor .Munro of tho Murshflcld Catholic church announced Mint honcoforth i ho would olllclntc nt funerals only on week day mornings. Ho said Mint i not only would ho not conduct fu I neral services In the nftornoons or on Sunday but that he would not j preach funeral sermons. Meet Wednesday. Tho nnnunl 'session of tho Coos County comnils- sloncr8 will open Wednesday nt Co qullle. Tho session will ho n long one as tho nccounts of tho various county officers have to bo nudltcd,- tho work of tho district rond supor vlsorB checked up, supervisors for tho ensuing year appointed nnd tho Jury list for tho ensuing year drawn'. Ktenunlei' Weds Tho following It m from Saturday's RoBoburg News vlll be of Interest to the many Coos Hay friends of "Jake" Stemmlor of Myrtio Point: "J. O. Stemmlor, n IV oil-known Marshflold ninn, was mnr- led this aftomoon to Miss Knthorlno Gray, recently from tho East. Tho cJromony was performed In tho pres ence of n few witnesses by .Tudgo J. W. Hamilton. M. nnd Mrs. Stom jnlor lonvo for Coos County tomor oow whore they will make their fu turo homo." I Hoys Rotlior Couple Snturdny, a. .crowd of young hoys cauBcd mucn Frlof for tho occupants of tho Wll InniB building nnd tho adjacent sec 1'on by tho tactics used In chnrlvar--lng, .Ins. Cowan Jr. nnd bride. Mnr I'ml Carter woh called to copa with 1 io first party of young lnds nnd made 1'iem dlsporso nfter Hiking somo inonoy from them which they nindo ' Mr. Cowan glvo them to "buv tho t-ontB" with. Marshnl Cnrter ro 1 filed this to Mr. Cowan. Soon nf 1 irwards, another crowd of oldor Inns mpenroil on tho scono nnd boennio fo bolstoroiis Mint Nlglitwatchmnn H'miipo had to bo cnlled. Ho took nmo of tho lenders down town nnd 1'irentenod to Jnll thorn unless they promised to dlsperso nnd bo good. They (lnnlly did. Marshal Carter nyB tho next time tho offenders will jo nr-ostod Immediately nnd thrown mo jail. "GRANDFATHER" A tragedy of n feeble mind, by Reliance tho GOLDEN Opportunity for some ono. I will furnish building rent freo nnd part of capital to stnrt small storo nt West Hunkorr.lll. Ap ply to or nddress W. II. Durgba gon, Mnrshllold, Ore. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 1:43 p. in., Dec. 31, by Mib. E. MlngiiB, speclnl government meteorological obsorvor: Maximum II Minimum 35 At 1:00 p. m 30 Precipitation 07 Wind, Northwest: partly cloudy A HAPPY NEW YEAH PEOPLE WANTED To rent, dairy much by oxporlonced man. Addross, Rox S07, Marshfleld, Orogou. To Meet. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Tuesdny at 2:30 nt tho homo of Mrs. Josophlno Jones on Virginia and Union nvonuos. Meet Tuesday Judgo John F. Hnll will go to Coqutllo Tuosdny to bold 'tho regular monthly bcsbIoh of Juvo nllo and prpbnto court. Finnish Dance. A big danco 1b planned to tnko plnco In tho Finnish Hall tonight. It will bo old coun try stylo, with "Btow" Hiippor. WVok of Prayer Rev. Hnll, pns I tor of tho Baptist church Is planing to hold services ench night this weok at tho church, cornor Third and Mar- kot st roots DR. MINGUS waa n Reaver Hill vis itor todny. A. R. DALY wont to Coqulllo todnj' on Diisiness. GEO. ROLSTER Is 111 nt his homo In North Rend. A. K. ADELSPEROER loft for Co qulllo th'ls morning. MRS. STEMMERMAN of Allegany' Is n Mnrshllold shopper todny. MRS. A. HODMAN of Union nvonuo has boon 111 for tho past two weeks W. II. ROIIRER from Coqulllo hns spont Now Year holidays In Marsh flold. MRS. C. It. PECK will ontortnln at hor homo In South Mnrahflold to morrow. D. O. KENYON loft for his homo at Lnkesldo today nftor n short stay in town. A. L. GREENOUGH nnd wlfo of Riindon spont Sundny with Marsh fleld friends. MR. and MRS. RORT. McCANN nro ontortninlng at n Now Year's (iinnor today Pastor on Visit Rev. A. G. LI ml L;M.NYE, Jr.. of Coqulllo loft horo left this morning for Norway to payi i visit to tho Gorman Luthornn minis- - their homo In South Marshflold insi nigut. MISS HAZEL PETERSON of Loon Lake has been the guest for tho past week of Mr. and Mrs. J. Now- lln of Rnngor. MR. nnd MRS. ALVA RONEDRAKE of South Mnrshllold nro vlBltlng nt tho homo of Mrs. Snrah Uonobrkao on Ross Inlet. TOM DENNETT hns returned from n week's bualnoss trip to Portlnnd nnd othor northern points. Ho enmo In via Drnln. JUD MILLS who has been working at aeeiy nnu Anderson's Cnmp on tho lower Coqulllo Is spending a few days In Mnrshflcld. CLAUD NOSLER, n merchant of Rrldgo, Coos county, loft horo Mils morning for n trip to Los Angolos. Roseburg Rovlow. GEO. HAINES loft yesterday for Snn Francisco to resumo .his .chool work thoro. Ho will finish his courso next spring. REV. D. A. MACLEOD of tho Pres byterian church will lonvo on tho Alllnnco todny for a two wockB business trip to Portlnnd. MRS. L. HODSON of South Mnrah llold Is spending n fow dnys nt tho homo of her brother R. F. Rosa of Ross Inlot, who Is qulto 111. DEE WILSONj who hnB been auffor Ing from nn nttnek of ptomnlno poisoning tho othor night, Is re ported prnctlcnlly rccovorcd. JAS. WATSON, county clerk, enmo over from Coqulllo Snturday to Bpond Sunday and Now Ycnr'B with friends nnd relatives on tho Rny. MRS. M. E. STAUFF nnd MIbb May Stauff loft on tho Rcdondo yeator day for California where they will spend a year or bo with relatives nnd frlcndB. F. M. MARHOFFKR has taken a pba Itlon with F. S. Dow nnd will soon go to Coqulllo or Myrtlo Point toN nssumo chnrgo of ono of Mr. Dow'u houses thoro. ALHERT HAINES, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ilnlncs, is apondlng part of his vacation by limiting n trip on tho Nann Smith, having sailed on hor yesterday as a mem ber of tho crow. II. J. RUSSELL nnd brldo woro Mnrshflold visitors todny and woro kopt busy recolvlng tho congrntu lntlons of their ninny friends. Mr. nnd Mrs, Russell nro now Bottled In tholr bonuttful now homo In North Rond. EMMETT PIERCE loft Snturdny for Coos Rlvor. Ho nnd tho othor log gora thoro nro nnxloua for n frosnot that will help them got tholr logs out. Ho hns shut down his camp Micro and doos not expect to ro Biimo operations boforo spring when ho will movo his camp to tho Coqulllo, probably. F. S. JENNINGS of Jonnlnga' gon oral merchandise storo, and Miss Iono IIutchliiB of Nowborg, woro married lnat night nt tho Mothod tst Episcopal church by tho Rev. Albert Hlsey. Miss HutchlnB' nlcco, Miss Dorn Dubstor, wns rlng-benr-or. Miss IIutchliiB la n sister of Mrs. A. L. Dubstor of North Rond. Lauds Rnndon. Millwright M. F. Holbrook, who Is In tho omploy of tho Smith Mill Co. nt Mnrshflold, wns ovor nnd spont tho holidays with his fnmlly In this city. Mr. Holbrook nindo tho nssortlon. which can easily be provon by Investigation, that moro building hns been dono In Randon In tho Inst twolvo montliR Minn In tho combined towns of Coos county -llnndon Recordor. HAPPY NEW YEAH Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Times' ofllco. A HAPPY NEW YEAH FOR RENT Rooms with hent. Ad dross 343 So. Drondwny. FOR SALE A new wagon for single horso. Will soil for 5B. Enqulro Hclsnor's barn. FOUND Solid gold stick pin with tor, Row Fr. Zoho. This evening, Initial. Owner may hnvo samo by now Llnd will prench nt Coqulllo. calling nt Norton & Hnnson's and ' I"l Cmcert. Tho plnns of paying for this notice i Director Fonton for n Now Year's concert Mils nftornoon by tho Coos Rny Concert Rand had to bo chnng ed. Ho hopes to nrrnngo a coneort for tho nenr futuro. Meet Tiii'sdny. Tho rogular monthly mooting of C. W. R. M. of tho Christian church will bo hold nt tho homo of Mrs. R. A. Copplo Tuesday nftornoon, January 2. All tnembnrs and friends nro cordlnlly Invited. Reirlster VotersEvorvono whft . wishes to vote In tho April primaries i will havo to roglstor again. Tho; Horse, rog8tratlon Is supposed to bogln to morrow. Tho blanker nro ready and i will bo Bout out by County Clork A GOOD RELIAHLE enmp cook wants n position. Can furnish gon I roforenco. W. D. Wnrner, Coos hotel. Phono No. 228 J. FOR SALE Nlne-year-old 1100 lbs. Snddlo, driver or work Also new single hnrness nnd cart. Apply J. n. Davis or Jack Fnrloy -vvntson nt once at forks of Coos River. Sends Greetings. Coos Ray frlonds nro in recolpt of Chrlstmns SWEET APPLE CIDER In any cai.ds from James Grant Forguson. quantity. Freo Dollvory. Phono form0rly prlnclpnl of tho Mnrshflold aiuir-capo ivraBo ouuu worus. ttbj, School, who Is now taking n niedlcnl couro nt John Hopkins Unl- FOR RENT lOroom hoiiso in South vorslty nt Rnltlmoro, Marshflold. Phono 119-L. i Smallpov Epidemic, According to Information by letter to Victor Stauff The New Year Is Here And Here Also Is Our Appreciation Wo don't menu by this that ii pictlatlon only comes to us now and then, for It Is with us nil tho time. Every day dining tho year wo try (o show our appreciation of your patronage by giving you tho most courteous service, highest quality goods, and reasonable prices. Wo are determined to servo you hi u way that will suit you oxnet ly, nnd during tho new year wo trust that any tlino you may havo u need for drug storo goods that you will call on us place your full faith and dcH.udcuco ou our service and goods. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS Don't forget I PHONE SJM-.T. tho Turkish Daths EINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE As a sales-maker and a bust- ness-bullder, do you know of 4 anything better or auror than advertising. nt Cooston from his two sons who nro nttondlng college nt Corvallls, thoro is an epidemic of smnllpox rav aging that city. Ovor 300 cases nro reported. All tho students hnvo been compelled to undorgo vncclnntlon. nnd thoro Is grave fear of tho spread of tho dlseaso. Husy nt Hntchery Supt. Frank Smith of tho South Cooa Rlvor fish hatchery reports that nbout 5,000,- Light, White, Always Right Fill Your Bin Sperry's Best, Drifted Snow Flour '4 ., ;l .v... .4J..-. . lu . -