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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1911)
, irrfr!'"W ' 4 THE COOS BAY TIMESMARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. V I Boy VESSEL HI NORTH BEND M E WD G Krusc & Banks Secure Con tract For Large Steamer For Lumber Trade. Tho Kruno ft linnks compnny of North Dend have Just boon nwnrded the cuntrnct for building n lorRO steam lumber sciiooner for tho Da venport compnny for whom they built tho Palrhnvon threo yenrs npo. Tho new vessel completed will cost about $11,000. Tho now boat will bo 207 feet long, 41-foot beam nnd 14 feet depth of hold. Sho In practically the Bamo type vessel as tho A. M. Simpson but slightly larger. She will not bo equipped for carrying passengers. Work on tho now vessel will bo started nt onco and will bo rushed as soon as tho finishing touches nro put on the A. M. Simpson which will bo within a few weeks. Tho now vessel, It Is understood, will ply In tho coast lumber trade nut of Puget Sound and the Columbia river. North Bend News' North Bend Father Refuses to Let Daughter Wed Until Man Pays Him $100. A family row occurred nt the homo of Joseph Kerrnrl of Crawford Point, near North llond, which resulted In Mr. Ferrari driving his dnughter An gcllna aged about 10 from tho house together with her lover Joo Mllnul, who resided with tho family. It Is rclntcd tlint tho young man loaned Ferrari somo money amounting to about $000, and that Mtlnnl wanted to get tho money back so ho could tako a trip. A nutrrcl ensued which resulted n8 abovo. Wednesday, tho young couple mado the necessary nf W s North Bend Masons and East ern Star Hold Joint Cere monies There. North Demi Lodgo No. 110, A. F. & A. M., and Coos Chnpter No. 00, O. 12. S., held u Joint installation of ofllccrs nt their hall In North Dcud Wednesday night. There was a largo attendnuco of mcmborH nnd a few invited guests. Dcsldo tho Installation ceremonies, n short musical program nnd n few addresses were enjoyed. Theso werd followed by a sumptuous spread. M. 13. Everltt as Past Mifstor'and Svvver Dackov as marshal woro tho fldnvlts beforo A. II. Derbyshire to lustnlllng oulcers of North Dend lod- procuro n llconso to won, which was K0 whllo Mrs. Everltt as PaBt Worthy forwarded to tho county clork. Thurs- Matron nnd Mrs. A. W. Myors ns day tho father appeared boforo Mr. Derbyshire and stated that tho girl was not of ngo and Hint ho would refuse consent. Tho nppllcatlou for llconso was withdrawn by telephone. It Is stated that Ferrari offorcd to gtvo his consent upon tho pnymont of $100, but so far no conclusion has been reached. North Dcud Harbor. Mrs. Martha Qossett nnd daughter, Rachael, are hero from Vancouver, Wash., to visit nt tho C. E. Mnybio homo. Ill FOLLETTE Tho bankrupt stock of S. J. Im mol is being moved to Mnrshfleld whore It Is to bo disposed of by D. L. Buckingham. Tho North Dend shlnglo mill re sumed oporntlons yestorday, tho flrst tlmo eln'co It was deslroyod by Are. It Is now operated by electrio motors, thd lire hazard thereby bo Ing reduced. 1 I Condemns Decisions In Trust Cases Praise Direct Primary. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NORTH BALTIMORE, Ohio, Dec. t inhnonn ),n. fnrntnhn.! limul fori 20. A denunciation oi mo Hunromo nppcarnnco in p'ollco court hero on Court's decisions In I ho Stnndnrd Oil tho chafgo of threatening to assault nn,i American Tobacco trust cases, nriodctiiHint'bf it'shutik'on tho'wntor nmi of tho Republican Natl6nal C6m froht, knownns "Don", with an ax mlttco for Its falluro to order tho tho othoV day during on allcrcntldn ' presidential primary In thosb stales whoro' 'such a procoduro would not bo illegal, marked tho speech hero today of Sonator LnFollotto, who is i ,niiin two Rwndlsir Lutheran tourlnc Ohio In tnc runnurnnco oi church on Sunday 'evening, which Is n campaign for tho republican pro tfow Year's Evo, beginning nt' 9 .aldontlal nomination. Thd spoakor o'clock. ' A mu'Blcal ntid JltornrJ' pro- declared tho court's ruling as to worn la rirrrincaih lncluUlnb an hd- '"rensotiaulo restraint of trndo" was: dr'rHH bv J. 'E. Hoilcniutr. Refresh- J an usurpation of powoK ilo said ho over" thb font. A Now .Year's entertainment Is to rooms' will bo sorveu. TJipro will 'bo n service ovory Snn-1 day afternoon hereafter In tho Epls-I copnl church nt North Bend, at 3:30 nnd Sunday school nt 2:45, Horo toforo tho services huyo boon overy two weeks. Roy. Drowning, tho roc tor of tho Emmanuel Episcopal church In Marshflold, Is in chnrgo ofthoBO sorvlces. is not n ''Hhje-bound republican nnd would Join any party tnat could no bettor towards restoring tho rulo of tho people "Tho vory back bono of truo rop rcsontntlvo govornmont Is in tho di rect primary," said ImFollctto In dis cussing that question. RUSSIA HOLDS TABRIZ. Occupation of IVrstan City by Czar Now Complete. (Dy Associated Press' to Coos Da) Times.) TABRIZ, Persia, Dec. 29. -Rus- Mrs. islan occupation of this city Is now Dan- comploto nnd practically nil tho mom A commlttco consisting of L. F. Falkenstoln, C, II. Droulllard, R. P, Kohoo, Dan McDonald and Dr. Wat son Christmas: Dny raisea a purse or $45.50 which thoy presented Kinwarl. 'n wlilow resldlnir In gor, who Jins been tho victim of much, hers of (tho constitutional pnrty havo hard luck since her daughter was disappeared. Tho banks and Euro toadly burned a fow months ngo nnd'poa'n merchants will rosumo business who has beon In straightened clr-i tomorrow nftor n nlno dnys slogo. cumstanccs. 'Tho stnrs nnd strlpos flying over . I tho United States consulnto woro cut HANii'liOYS dvo another blc down by tho Russian shells during Marshal word tho installing ofllcors for tho Eastern Star. Miss draco Williams, Mrs. .1. W. Gardiner nnd Miss Ellon Anderson rendored vocnl solos whllo Row D. A. Maclcod dollvored tho principal nddrOBS. Mrs. Nell McLcod was pre sented tho Past Miltron'a pin. Tho now offlcbrs of Coos Chnptor, No. 90, O. E. S., aro: Worthy Matron Mrs. Mary Man dlgo. Assoclato Matron Mrs. Emmn Stein. Worthy Patron 13. F. Russoll. Conductorcss Mrtf. C. II. Worrol. Assoclato Conductorcss Mrs. E. F. Russull. Sec. Mrs. J. W. Gardiner. Trcns. Mrs. C. M. Dylor. Orgtailst MrB. C. S. "Wlnsor. Wardor Mrs. N. C. McLcod. Sontlnol M. E. Evoritt. Marshal Mrs. E. J3vorltt. Star Points Adnh Atnlo Reynolds. Ruth Mrs. 3. T. Mngulro. Esthor Mrs. A. E. Morton. Martha Mrs. Ceo, Wlhdsor. Electa Mrs. J. D. JncobBi Masonic OlllcPrw.- W. M. 'J. Ti Magiilro. 8r. Wnrdon Wm. Dolnn., Jr. Warden E. F. Russoll., Troas. M? G. Coleman.'1 Sec. Leon Wldnor. Sr. Dencon Geo. Windsor. Jr. Deacon W. D Simpson. Sr. Stownrd Walter McLood. Jr. Stoward Geo. D. Maridlgo. TylorRobt. Llllqulst; DANCE at" TJnglos night, December 30 Hall Saturdny Savo mbnoy by Tlnios ndvot'tlROrfl. patronizing The tho fighting but no further dnmago wns done to tho consulate P.VY8 ? I, ()( FOR ROOSTER. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 29. E. L. Proscott of W?st Scattlo who recont- nM,ro muni n-rini '' lu"chnsed for $1,000 tho cockorol GIVES QUICK ACTION owned l.y Mrs. S. II. Johnston of Lonkhnrt & Parsons Drug Co. ro-jpuynllup, which won flrst prlzo In ports that A SINGLE DOSE' of simplo competition with 12 Whlto Orplng- buckthorn bark,, etc., as - - -, J compounded In Adler-1-ka, tho now 0(, wth ,,, in.cnnE0. Mr. Prcscott German nppondlcltls remedy, relievos was recontly mndo prosldont of tho constipation, sour stomachor gns on Pacific Coast Poultry association,, thb stomach almost INSTANTLY, which will1 lio.ld' Its flrst annual show Many Mnrshfleld people arc being JSS S holped. ribbon at Unit exhibition.. IF IT'S HEBE IT'S RIGHT PJl'CK a flaw, if pos iblo, in our Shirts and Over ! coats. Turn tliom insido out ovory little de tail shQws tho hand of th rastor Yorkinaii. No hur ried work, no skimping, nothing slighted that is why they fit so perfectly and hold their shape so much than any others. When you spend your mon ey for clothes you ccrtaiuly want TIIE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOB IT gome men imagine thoy can do as well at one store as another. A great mistako! Look through other stores, if you will, and you'll find you can do better hero, because our Clothes look better, fit better and are better. AVo take an honest pri lo in our Clothing, and you may bo sure we won't lot you have anything that isn't just right. If it's here, it's right. A WOR1) TO TIIE WISE. .Editor Times: "' Tho following estimates In round numbors nro not far wrong: IndbbfddhosB of 'thb banks to Mio doposltora ?20,00'd,000,000, of sd elbty to tho 'moneyed class, ?20,003, rinn non.' Um wlinln nmrilmt of nnr circulating "medium, 2-,000,000,000'.1 On occasion of tnortdy panics tnoro can bo no possibility that tlio depos itors will rccolvb back from' tho bhhka their nioriby with loss thun' 12,000,000,000 In sight. Tho proposed remedy: A central coopornttvo'contorn for tho benefit of tho banks', aB" depository for" tho ?2'0,000,000,000 Interest tearing evidences of' tho indebtedness of the pboplo to tho moneyed guild, theso '8ecurll68"'(BO-calVod) to be coined into lognl tohdof mono as now Into qunsl legal tender aro tho govern ment bon'ds coined, that haVo beon placed by tho natlbnal'banks on de posit In tho national treasury. Tho govornmont thus becomes m roty for tho 120,000,000,000 banK deposits of tlio "peojllb'a m'onoy' and 1n fnptn rpiinnlllH tllOIll. tllO banks In no wny reimbursing tho goyoru-' ment. Lot us brush aside tho fallacy of bank scrip bolng '"notes." It Is n monoy gratuity to tho national banl:. And so, too, Is" tho coiitomplnted $20,000,000,000 (If doumndod) n gratuity to tho national banks. Tho IntoroBt-boarlng dobt of tho Am erican people sucking tho Ufo blood of tho nation, Is secured to tho mbi oyod class, ns aro tho bonds of the govornmont coined Into bank scrlp Intorost paid quartorly or annunlly on tho "securities" of nil kinds. Tho cost of tho Pnnnma cannl Is n drop in tho bucket compnrod to what tho Government by this "Aldrlrh nlnn" would bestow upon tho bank ing class. Lesllo M. Shaw, ox-secretary of tho United States treasury has informed us that "tho Aldrlch plan wohld bo so prbfltabto to a fow men who would ga'ldly ruri It that thoy could well nfford to jmy tho ontlro national dobt for a porpotuiU charter." Does It roqulr'o argument to show that tho procoduro will pUV;o tho monoy kings in position to over throw our free govornmont, aotnron Ing tho many nnd plnclng them un der tho heols of an oligarchy? A. READER. THE LESS ADVERTISING A 1IUSINESS MAN DOES TIIE MORE BUSINESS HE DOESN'T. CENTRAL AND 1JROADWAY The Toggery Across from First Nut. llut J Whoro tho Locality Does Not Count. Whorovor there aro people Buffer ing from kidney nnd bladder ail ments, from backache, rheumatism land urinary irregularities. Foloy Kidney Pills will holp thom. Dolvl doro, 111., E. A. Kolly, an ox-onglneor, says: "Threo ago my kidneys became bo bnd that I was compelled to glvo up my onglne and quit, There was a Bovoro aching pain over tho jhlps, followed, by nn Inflammation of tho bladder, and always a thick Bed llment. Foloy Kidney Pills made me a sound and woll man. I can not say Itop much In their praiso." REDl 'CROSS DRUG CO ' NEW STETSON HATS NEW CLVETT SIIIBTS NEW KE1SEB TIES The place to buy the best Because you pay Cash- -YOU SAVE- "MONBY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MABSHFIELD BANDON Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Go. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullla Offljo Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal' and Platting Lands a specialty. Qenaral Agents "EABTBIDB" PAST AND COSIMODIOUS Steamer Redondo J l'ii4 J H' U'K.1 v EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Boy for San Franqsco, Saturday, DecMobar 30ii,At. 0' tH. ' INTEIM)CKAfi TAA,NSlORTATIOIf COMPANY. Phone 44 a F. McQEORQE. Agent. Steamer Homer . 'V .IS ' f ti Sails (or San Francisco from Coo's Bay,' Monday, Jan. J , at 2:30 Kilt F. S. Dow Agent THE FRIEND OP COOS WAV" S. S. ALLIANCE equipped With wireless Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, fylonday, January 1st, at 2 o'Clcck CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH IJANfi ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIQ STEAMSHIP COMPAJJY., PHONE 44 O. P. McGEORGE. Agent oer itv VIP. Our motth. any iim.. City Auto Good Cars, Cnrotul ronBonahlo chnrj;ea. "Will bo anywhoro nt Stands lllnncn n,t(i Cluar Store. Day l'hono87 .?iM Nlnhl Phono 40. 78 ana 1.ARKER . GOQDAu;, .PROFESSIONAL OllcTORy?: II J. Jf. IS WIKHIjKU, ( Nnluroimth na adropracts. All chronic diseases treated. rjoiJl ' tatlon froo. Omco houra- 0 to 12 a. m.i 2 to G and C to 8p -J Naturopath instltuto Itoom Nn ' No. 130 Drondwnv. Mnnhn.u - "" uro.! ryt. a. w. LESLiit, osteopathic Plixalclan i Uraduato of tho Ainorknn schoni J Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. oh. iu Uiiuorauo uik. nours 10 to 1J L 4; Phono 1CW; Mnrahllold; Oregon. J. W. BENNHTT, Lawyer. Oflleo over Flanagan & Donnott Daii larshfiold Oregon pvR. J. T. McCORMAC, JLV Physician and Surgeon Marshficld, Oregon. ' .Jfflco: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposite Post Offlii" Phono 10C-J TTlt. A. J. HENDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high cW. work on short notlco at tho vr lowoat pricos. Examination fre.' Lady nttondant, Colto building, oppo. e'lto'Chnndlor hotel, phono 112-J. HARGAINS IN IHOYCLB3. Fully Gunraiitccd Wheels nt from $ upwarai.. Complqto lino of Ulcyclo suppll 8ocond-hand bicycles for Balo. Quni .bicycles, etc., ropalrod. IIEARY'S GUN SHOP. E.. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Plione 180-R. What Would Christmat B To a 'family who had lost their homo without Insurance? 'Rend tho letter of Mr. nnJ , Mrs. Gabornncho published olsowhero In this Issue. I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front Hlwct Wo Write Correct Pollde. Have Ui Laoader Your UBMrwMT Wo wnVh tbe'flo garmonts cImmt and botter thnn .tho work can .be deat. elsowhoro, and thoy are not worn' ' much. Wo do not shrink them, ma woolon garments aro returne"d ' tU bhiiio biiu no wuuu buhi us. Wo Iron tho garments nleelr. mtW ordinary repairs frco of charge you havo 'fresh clean, iweet undr war ready for each week's' chang. ' B'uh'dle yours up with nozt wk' laundry bundle. MaribfieldHaBd & Steam LauKhr wt -W. '. J EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamr Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND Afc 8 P. M. ON DECEMBER 8, 12, 10 AND 20. SAILS PROM COOS TlfrY AT SERVICE OP TnE TIDE ON DE CEMnER O, 10, 23 AND 80. ' L. H. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN W-L FASTSERVICfe TO ROSEBUkd ' Our Btagea leave Marshfleld for'Rosoburg nt tf o'clock every evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro $6.00. COOS nAY ROSEDURG STAGE LINE. OTTO 8CHETTER, Agent, 120 MARiqST AVM Marshflelcl. O. P. nARNARD, Agent, HOSEBURG, Ore. PnONE 11 ' . Wjb Clean and Press Laie$y and Gent's Suik Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Lauiidiy PHONE MAIN 87J first Class Auto Servicer Wl,ti vin wnn fo en anyWB In a hurry Try FOOTE'S AOTOfc rififlh 1-ntoB In'ihs "city. DEST 0AI13. Dost drivers. Phono 66-J u0',1 p. m., after 11 p.m. phone 5-J. donee phono 28-J. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor? I Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 1ND JOSSON CESD3NT. The best Domestic end Imported brands. Flaator, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders materia HUGH McLAIN GENERAL' CONTRACTOR ' OFFICE, BQUmSI BROADWAY P.HO 01 CITY FlSfl .MARKET Foot of Market Aye.,, on Vm FRESH FISH, jCJ.AM$ AN.Q Fair PrlceSi' Honest Welaht an J a first-class article, Yo.a ;can all afford'to fish at ou? prices, I ry tnem, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. i"TlilunJ"""- DRESSMAHINC? GOW'NS.VeUITl AD I REMODELLING. I Phono 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Park AVfcj Unique Pantatoriurnf AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS O HAT WORK. ROSS & PJNEGOK. 2Kfi PnntrAl rivnnllfi Phono , of iif wh hava noma Inyentlwi &? n please write ukwlii tiSiii: "4 ' " m " t 4 .. -'4-!Fi A