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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1911)
vTTt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A TOAST to iv e Hart, Schaffner & Marx . , clothes They're a sign of prosperity; you'll look successful in them They're not Guaranteed in rolong life; but, they help make it Suits $J8 and up. Woolen This Storo 1b tho Always- "TKe Busy "THE REXALL STORE" Hot Water Fountain Syringes Xev shipment just opened. Everyone guar anteed. Positively tho best values to bo found in tho city. At the low price $1.50. Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. .PHONE MAIN Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET tod You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. tochard's Livery have &t!Diiro tlm llverv bial- M Ij. H. Holsuor and nro pra- " w rondor oxccilont eervlco to fwple of Coo Buy. Cireful ". Eoon rlcra a ai evervthlng '11 mean satisfactory service to wic. Phone ua ror a driving rig or anything needed In wjr line. We also do truck- of all kinds. MtaXOUARD BROTnERS Phone 138-J Ml First and Aldor Streots 80AIFE Gt A. H. HODQINS rshfield Paint 'Decorating Co. tea MARSRFIEJLD, alsheii Phone 140L Oregon GOOD. Phone 214-J.1' you well-dressed ong and prosper; and wear Overcoats $16.50 and up. Mill Store Coos Day Homo ot Hart, Schaffner & Corner Bags 298 US 'Phone 58 Marshficld Cyclery (Formorly Deary's Gun Shop) Agency for DAYTOX UICVCLKS 1'RICn FROM $115.00 UP WITH F1VK VI3ARS OUARAXTKK, Full lino Dlcyclo Supplies. Guns nnd PIcyclos Ropalrod by Competent Mechanic t Bandel, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 1HO-R. Prof. A. Richards TI3ACHKR OF PIANO. And voice culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call nt Studio. Senga tacken Bldg., 13 Ilroadwny. A TURKISH RATI will do you Copyright liart Schaffner & Marx men: May you worth living i i Marx Clothes. WANTRR-ExHilenccl wulter. Ap ply nt Times' ofllco Immediately. rOK SALE CHEAP Elght-year-olil gontio norso. Single or doublo. Enqulro 343 North Front atroot. FOR BALI- A new wagon for tduglo horso. Will soil for $55, Enqulro Holsner'a barn. WANTED To rent, dairy ranch by oxporlonced man. Address, Dox 807, Marshflold, Oregon. A GOOD RELIARLE camp cook wants a position. Can furnish goo I reference W. D. Warner, Coos hotel. Phono No. 22SJ. WANTED To rent, a good hocoml hand orgnn. Mny buy. Address G4G South Droadway, Mnrahflold, FOR RKXT Modern houso for S families. Rent $12.50 por mouth on loaso. Call Times' ofllco. FOR SAL13 Nlne-yeiu-old horse, 1100 lbs.. Saddlo, driver or work Also now Blngle harness ahd cart. Apply J, B. Davis or Jack Fnrley nt forks ot Cooa River. SWEET APPLn CIDER in any quantity. Freo Dellvory. Phono 210L Capo Arago Soda Works. FOR SALE Reglsteml Holstein It is sometimes very convenient to have a few extra jars of fruit in the pantry. ' E. A. Wright's Jams, Jellies, Perserves and Marmalades are strictly home-made products and the finest that are put up in the West. Their formula for canning the fruit 10 lbs. of Sugar to 10 lbs. of Fruit 1 itself is a guarantee of quality. In Glasses, 2 for 25c; by the dozen, $1.35 In Jars, each 25c; by the dozen, $2.75 Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES 4 Till! WEATHER. (Hv Associated Press ) OREGON, Dec. 20. General ' fair tunlKht nntt Saturday. Colder In cwt. Easterly winds. ! ' ! MUUL TEMPERATURE KK I PORT. For twenty-four hours ending ! nt 1:00 1). in.. Dee. 28. bv Mrs. C. Mlngus, spcclnl government moteorologlcnl observer: Mnxlnuim 4 1 Minimum 31 At 4:00 i). in no Precipitation as a wimi Vi,.ii,i,.,..ii ...i. 1 . J,",,'i':t,t5 Irtly clonrty Homer In. Tho Homer arrived In today with a good cargo of freight from San Francisco. Sho Is scheduled to sail from here Monday afternoon at 2:30 for San Francisco. Watch Night Service Thoro will bo no ovcnlng sorvlco nt 7:30 In Emmnnuel Episcopal church on Sun day, but Instead there will bo a watch night sorvlco nt 11 p. m. with spo cial music. Injures Ankle. Oscar QulovBOn Bllppcd on tho frosty Bldownlk dur ing tho Flro Department drill last ovonlng and dislocated his nnklo. Al though it did not lay him up, tho Injury Is very painful. Rebuilding. Tho Nelson Mnchi nory Bhop Is bolng rebuilt bo as to permit an oxtenslou of the mnchlnc department Into tho front of tho shopbulldlng previously devoted to resldenco (lunrtora. A garago and auto ropalr shop will bo run In con Junction. New floors nro bolng laid nnd tho walls nro bolng aonlcd with good siding. In Paroled. Fred. Johnson of Myrtle Polnt.iwho wob serving a flvo year's Boutonco in state's prison for burning n bnrn and considerable livestock thoro a couplo of years ngo, has been released on a parolo. Johnson arrived homo Christinas Day and en routo la alleged to have uttorod throats against his rolativea mid District Attorney Goo, Drown. Mrs. Anna Holland wishes to inform the Indies of Marsh dold that sho has takon tho agonrv for tho FAMOUS 8P1RELLA COR SET. Any ordora rocolvcd will ho promptly and cnrofully nttonded to. Address Mm. Holland, "Fifth strcil, SoiilJi Mnrnhflold. Oregon. TiTe Royal TONIGHT "THE TRAIN DISPATCHER" (ThnnhouBor Film) "VHKX THE LAW OAMK" (Champion) 'THE TARLI'S TURNED" i (DIson Film) PROGRAM DECEMBER .10 "A KIND HEARTED BROTHER" (Gront Northern Film.) "NOBODV T.OVF.S A FAT WOMAN" (Thnnhousor Film) MATINEE SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT SiiK) P. M. FOR First Class Kenl Estate Samo very good bargains, RENTALS and IXSURAXCE you should call on AUG. FHI.EEX, 08 Central Ave., Mni-lillelil. bull calf over ono Write or phono II, Sumnor, Oro. month old. W. Sanlord. FOR RENT 10-rooiu house In South Marshflold. Phono 119-L. FOR RENT Flno sunny apartment, rurnlshed Inqulro Nasburg Gro cery. -85 AND 305 Mnny citizens of the Mjrtlo Point Boctlon nro reported to bo highly In dlgnnnt over the release of Johnson. Elect Next Thursday The Marsh field Flro Department will hold Its nniiunl election of ollkors not Thura dny evening, nil of the otllcors ox eept chief and assistant chief being elected then. The rnndldntos for the intter will be nominated. It Is llkoly thnt Dnn Kontlng, tho present assis tant chief, will be one of tho candi dates nml Vlnco Prntt wJll probnblv bo a candidate Tor assjstant chief. Himt SmiiiiiihmI Matt Erlckson, residing near Forntlnlo. started for homo In n row boat lute last evening. Tho bay waB tough and IiIb boat Bwnmped. Ho called loudly tor help and Nlglitwntch lluttz mistook his calls for tho last appeals of a drown ing man. Several boats started out to tho rescuo and ilnnll) ErlckBon was found. Funeral Today. Tho funeral of Mrs. Arnot of Cooston took place from Dungan'B chapel this afternoon. "" '"H"" o umiiiui hub niiernoon. I Th0 Borvlco wn , cl of M Shirrel. assisted by Rov. G. Leroy Hall or tho Uaptlst church. A Inrgo number of relatives and frluuda from Cooston nttonded, coming on a specially chartered boat. Thoro woro somo very lino llornl offerings. Tho following inomborB of tho Knights of I'ymias loiigo at North Head acted na pall-bearers. CJoo. M. Soils, C. J. Van7.Ho, J. Hodson, A. II. Woodln, P. L. Swenrlngon nnd F. K. Qlazler. E0PLE EJTOX B9HMCC3Za VICTOR LINDSTHOM of Cooston was in Marshflold today. 1 MISS GIN13RVA SMITH from North IJond visited in Mnrahflold today. JOHN Di ANDERSON of South Iniot was in tho city today on business. 13. L. Pi PER or Coog Klvor wns do ing business in Mnrahflold today. ANSON ItOGKltS, Sr., was In Marsh flold attending to business today. MRS. CHAS. S. IIILIIORN or MI11I coma was a Mnrahflold visitor to day. S. D. HARPER will leavo In n day or two for a wcok's buslncsa trip to San Francisco. 13. LUNEGAE and family from Eath- crvlllo, Iowa, hnvo como to Marsh flold with intention to locato hero. MISS VIOL13T STAUFF from Coos. ton was In tho city todny on busi ness, also nttondlng tho Arnot fu noral. OUY WARNER, manager or tho Lookhart Grocorj', wna able to ro Biinio his dutloB today nftor a Blight lllncaa. MAYOR JORDAN of Eaataldo was a Mnrahflold vlaltor today. Tho now ofllclals or Eastsldo will bo Install ed next Tuesday ovoulng. MISS NELLIE TOWER will leavo tonight on tho Droakwator to ro- Biuno hor courso at tho Unlvorslty l of Washington In Sonttlo. PEARLY LUND will leavo tomor . row tor San Frnnclsco to reaumo his collego courso after having spont tho holidays at the homo of his parenta hero. OTTO OREN and wlfo nro propnrlng to loavo on tho Nann Smith on her noxt trip ror n visit to rolntlves nt Day Point, Cnlirornln. It la dono with a vlow nlso to bonoflt Mrs Oron's falling health. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON, socro tary of tho Chamhor or Commorco, Buy Your Supplies for New Year's nt ,lhe Bazar Tomorrow Store will bo t'losod nil dny . Monday NEW YEAli'S DAY Phone 32 The House of Quality. Wu Light, White, Always Right Fill Your Bin Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour a arrived homo yesterday on tho Hedondo from a few weeks' visit in San Francisco. She .resumed hor duties this morning, Miss Mil dred Coke having been acting sec retary during hor absence. MISS UlliDA LINDSTHOM of Coos ton ns In Marohllold today. VM. CANDLIN of Coqulllo Is ft. Alarahtlold business visitor today. MAUTI.V RUSSELL nnd .daughter from CooRtou nttonded tho funer al of Mrs. Arnot In this city till nftoruoon, COL. R. II. IlOSA canio over from Hamlon today to receive special degrees in tho Knights Templar, tho degrees being conferred at a special communication nt tho Ma Bonlo hnll this afternoon. D. W. I1RADF1ELD arrived hero yesterday from Decatur, 111., to visit his brother, Harry Uradflold. Ho may decide to locato horo, hav ing formed a fine opinion of this Bectlon from tho glowing account or It written to him by Harry. DIt. II. P. HOWARD ot Evorltt, Wash,, who recently bought tho . Hope ranch on North Inlet, nrrlv ed horo yestorday to tako posses sion of tho property. Ho wbb ac compnnlcd by his brother, wife and thrco children who will make their homo on tho plnco. Tho lat ter como from Prlnco Edward Is land. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Nann Smith arrived in today from Day Point and will probably sail Sunday from the Smith mill. Tho Drcnkwntor will leavo horo at 8 o'clock tonight for tho lowor Day and will cross out for Portland early In tho morning. Tho Randolph1 .Is duo In today from Gold Ucnch nnd Port Orford, several dayB lato, owing to tho rough woath or thoro. Tho M. S. Dollar loft 8an Fran cisco nt 3 o'clock yestorday afternoon mid will possibly reach hero bo aa to cross In on tho early morning tldo. Tho weather off tho coast la a Httla rough and this mny delay her until Sundny. Capt. D. W. Olaon la pilot ing hor up tho coast. SHIPS TO RELY OX WIRELESS. It Is roportcd that tho French gov ernment Is about to undortako tho Installation of "blind lighthouse" This will rovolutlonlzo marlno sig naling In tho future. Tho procoss conBlntn of substituting slgnnls for tho light signals, though probably both kinds ot Blgnnllng will ho used In conjunction. Exports, howovor, expect thnt coast lights will bo alto gether dono away with, and that shlpa will soon got tholr hearings from tho tnlklng of "wirolosa" rocoi vprs. An official of tho Marconi Wlrolcss Tolograph company, Ltd., discussed with a roprcsontntlvo of tho Stand ard tho technical nspoct of tho clinn- go. Though the prospoct of tho 1m modlato Installation of such Hlgnal stations Is probably n llttlo prema ture, ho Bnld, tho lines or a practical Bchomo nro alrondy mappod out. Hitherto a man on board Bhlp might recolvo a mossago from a transmit ter that has no Idea or tho direction from which tho message has como, Tho Marconi company has boon working nt what Is called a radio compass. This will act In the fol lowing way. It will bo fixed on a compass nnd the oporator with the1 tolophono apparatua to his oars will turn Its ncodle over tho face or the ordlnnry compass until the high strength glvo nout by tho BtgnnI la reached. Tho "blind lighthouses" or shore stations, would bo fitted with tho usual wireless apparatus, acting automatically, and probably gen red to tho automntlo npparatus which lighthouses carry at present. Somo experiments woro made bo twoon ahoro stations and his majes ty's ship Furious, In which tho di rections woro glvon to tho shoro op erators and thon transmitted by mos sago to tlm ship. Convorsoly, tho coming method of signaling will mako tho ship's Installation tho w color ot directions. NOTICE. TO THE PUHT.IO. For tho hnlanco or tho winter, there will bo a boat ot tho O'Kelly landing thnt can be chartered day or night. J. A. O'KELLY, Prop. Have your Job Tho Times' ofllco. printing douo at "REST ON EARTH" This Is tho vordict of R. J. Howoli, Tracy, O., who bought Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound for his wife," Hor caso wna tho worst I navo over seen, and looked UKo a suro caso 01 consumption. Hor lungaworosoroand Bho coughed almost Incessantly and hor volco was hoarse and weak. Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound brought roller at onco and less than three bottles offected. a comploto cure." RED CROSS DRUG CO. i K i i M h tfi i ! .11 i-U p J .Ja&afcp- i mm. JJk - lu- l-U r -v- V: TWnv W(..-iV$ tfX f .l)-,l.(lt uv qt' w?"