4 lklV'V .- V,f. ,. ,. -,- rf.- - - . - THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION. ' 4 frr" SOME. HOT SHOT FROM SENATOR BORAH HEPURUCAN SENATOR 1 ROM IDAHO PRESENTS SOME RINGING TRUTHS IX AX ADDRESS TO YOl'NG REPUR. LICAXS OK NEW YOHK CITV. n TE S 1 NEW YOHK, Dec. 27. Scnnlor until mon of great fortunes, whethnr William E. Borah of Idaho, nt tho Justly or unjustly earned, will stand T, i,n mii mm niirM !. Btrlppoil like tho slnvo nuister of tho Young Republican dub ono Hght c not aom of h,g slnvcB b;U contly, nindo nn nddress that breath- Btr,,)0ll of ),a wealth, earnrd cd fire In every word for "lawless through two centuries of unrequited big business" and little violators of toil. Let us not trlllo too long with 41in tl.1ncfti,nnf1 tinutllnnntn miliar nf He tlrow a significant coniparUon wronBf ovcn nmonB tho moro con- sorvntlvc, arising out of tho belief the law as well. between tho McNnmnrns, tho con fessed dynamiters, and the nld tmt ,nrK'0 fortuIlc8 imvo boon buUt Standard Oil and tobacco tiles. conipa- ., n in pymitiRn nf thn noor. un.l thnt men, women nnd children go "To savo their worthless lives," ho , .,. ,'i,.i ..hm ,.,.t i. .,.,t.. said, referring to tho dynamiters, nmilux,n.y, u 8 possible to go on "thoy entered pleas of guilty, Inrtlst- ntll tho 8oItlor cniloti int0 tho ing that they did it all for principle Btrcot t0 ,)rott,ct ,.0pcrty will fn. nnd expect an astonished world to ternlzo with the mob. nccopt their whining apologies. ..Yo wlll ,10nr oftcn ,n thogo ,myB "There Is another court record tmt cortnn men nro c,,Bnge(i In ox whlch wo will n passing, notlco al- 1)Crimentlng with now plans of ijov 80. Bound up In many volumes you ornmcnt and dangerous expedients, will find tho full record of two of ..Wo ,lo ot cotl n new faith; wo tho lato noted decisions. It Is a M'o ne0(1 t,10 Biml,icty, tlio directness twice told of selfishness and gre.i 1, nml B0if.8l,rrendor of tho old. Wo extortion and lawlessness. The p ca (,0 ot necd ft now g08,,0i; Wo need of Justification Is not unlike tho plea rnther tQ vrcncU tho crcod of Wasli of tho planters of dynamite. Tor al- lllBton nml j0ffcrson nnd Jncltson and though tho acts are clearly In viola- IjncolI wlth n tongue of flro through tlon of law and tho rights of the out tho lnmli Wo nc0(1 to ,mVo c. public, it Is .claimed novcrtholcrfs Btltutlonnl morality declared, as wns that it waB all ddno in the Interest t, , of ol( t0 tll() rch nnd thu of business growth nnd Industrial )00ri pr?!.c.flf ... . ,i, i.. "Choose yo this day whom you "This Is tho best plea and the only w B tho few tll0 80,n8h( tho plea thnt twont loth century business ,nw,es8 nml .8U0 our ,mrty continue can furnish nil that could ho sad brokcn (n fnction nnd desorted by by thoso bo rarely gifted and richly thousands of tho rank nnd fllo, or the endowed with this world s goods and ,ntcroBtB of tho countless thousand, Intollcctunl power, and of whom lh wnoso ,10c8 nnd happiness llo In tho government and humanity havo a ,rocUon of oquni opportunities, or right to expect bo much. ju8t ftnd nl ,ftWBi nnd 8C0 0lir Respect and enforcement of tho . tn)0 on tho BtronBlh of tho Jaw vaB ono of tho keynotes of Sen- , wn ,t dcflcd tll0 nrr0B(V,t ator Borah's address. Obedlenco to Qf of B,nVery nntl appealed to the law. ho said, was tho bedrock on ,B common B0ll80 0f Justlco now which powerful governments nro ng tn howovor, to deal not In built, and ho believed this n time co m& roveng0t , nntr0(1 0r des when a political party could afford tructIon but In equity nnd Justlco, in to inako It a cardinal tenet of Its rotoctlon nnd security alike for all, faith. In no other first rato nntlon, 'rjcll nnd poor ill nam, is luw nu uioiib "-u un in tho United Stntcs. "Thoro 1b no plnco whoro llfo is so Insccuro ngalnBt bomb or bullot, whoro criminal laws aro bo Ineffectu ally enforced, whoro corruption Ir so llttlo condomned in public opinion, nnd whoro doflnnco of law In tho highest, walks of business life so gen OXIjY RESIDENTS VOTE. New Ruling on Honil District Tax Election.. SALEM, Ore, Dec. 2C. Non-resl-dcntB of a road district cannot voto n Biicclal road tax olcctlon in that ornllv nrnvnlln. Tn lonvn lnw imnn- district l)V VlrtllO Of tliolr bolng nrO- forced, to cultlvnto a dlsrognrd for porty owners of tho district, nccord Jto obllgatlonB la but to fallow tho ing to nn opinion hnndod down by ground bo that in after years thoro Attornoy Gonornl Crawford, may bo ono, law for tho poor and on- "Whoro tho law snya tho taxpayers other for tho rich." nnlcl Mr. Dor 'i. of tho district, it means tho tnxpay He added thnt tho McNamnra cases era who aro logal voters In said dls nnd tho trust cases wore strong and trlct," snya tho attornoy gonornl. uncontrovorted ovldenco of what lH,"Evldontly it does not menn minor fast becoming n nntlonnl disease Mo children, Insnno porsons, porsons who Bnid ho had no sympathy with tha'nro Inmates of tho penitentiary, or tiroBooutlon of business men who er- any of thoso. Thoroforo, to bo n o- red unknowingly. "I sympathize alncoroly with Mio rnnn who In his hunger or his dis appointment, In dlscourngomont or despnlr, thinks no can bottor condl gal voter nt n spoclnl road district mooting, ono must uo n rcsmoni oi a district at tho tlmo when such nicotine Ih hold. Tho othor section of tho Btatuto which bcarB upon this tiona by tnklng tho law Into his own subject provides Bpcclllcnlly that ono JiondB. In tho hour in which ordor must bo u bonnfldo resldout of tho district." shnll bo drlvon from its high places In tho templo of liberty and in which lawlessness and might shnll como In Its stead, in tho fearful strugglo to follow, tho first rnnn to go to tho bottom to romaln thoro will bo tho man who toils. "Out how shnll wo oxcubo or long synipnthlzo with tho rnnn of Influ ence and position, of wealth aw!i twins, as llko as two peas, and TWIN'S MAIMED SAME WAY CANNOT TKMj 'KM APART AVAUSAU, Wis., Dec. 27. August and Jacob Hansko of Lincoln. Wood county, aro Bonnie Gage Wins Coquillc Sentinel Contest Editor Savage's Statement. C0QU1LL.E, Ore., Dec. 27. Ow ing to considerable feeling having been stirred up over the outcomo it tho Coqitiuc Valley Sentinel subscrip tion contest, which ended last week with Miss Dannie G:igo winning tlw automobile over MIbb Mildred Oo-'ld, ttilltnr Ruvntrn of till) SelUlUCl litis Issued the following Btatciueut: "A clinrgo litis been mnuo mm mo nilltot' nf tlm Sentinel has "run h skin game" from tho start to the ilnlsh of tho contest Jurft oumoiI. this siau- i.wmt ii-fio tiir.ilii In n Hllllll-llllll'il! manner and in nnswor to it wo nmito tho following Btntoment: '"Plir. nniiililnntlnn lntWoeil MlSS Donnlo Gago and Charles Harlocker waB made ubsolutoly without tho ImimwIiwIi'.i hi p(innlvnnc( of U'lV mombor of tho Sentinel force. With out this knowledge, and according to tho rulea of tho contest publish ed in each Issue or tlio paper miring the contest nothing could h.ivo been done in this oinco to stop mo combination. "All business turned In to tins ot nn.. liv Piinrlnn Harlocker was cred- iinii in him nnd votes Issued for snmo at tho tlmo It wns turned In. No'io of these votes wcro transferred, iwr wns any business or votes trans ferred ut any tlmo uuring tno con test. . , "After Miss Gage had turned in hor business tho editor, Bcnrchlng for a reason for Mr. Hnrlockor not ,niln In nnv rixwlllta or 11101101' lit tho cIobo of tho contest, discovered tho fact that a comuinntion nan taken place. Tho votes had already been issued nnd oven had thoy not been Issued, according to tho rules, nothing could hnvo been ilono to prcvont Mr. Hnrlockor working foi MIbb Gage, oven though ho hnd boon and was a candidate hlniBoir. "MIbb Gngo has a majority of 08, 050 votes ovor her noareBt competi tor. This Is according to tho signed Btntoment of tho Judges whoso In tegrity nnd honesty none uuro uu-si-tlon. Tho full amount of tho help glvon Miss Gngo by Mr. Harlocker amounted to conBiuoraniy icbb im UiIb number of votes. TilHt or winners. Tho wlnnors In tho contest wor: Donnlo Gngo, Coqulllo, 301,450 votes Grand prlzo auto. Mildred Gould. Coqulllo, 293,400 Votes Second grand prlzo vlctroU. rnt(i. TinolHn. nonulllo. 108.8 1 u votos Third grand prizo $00 mqr- chnndlso. rrA oima Hnrlockor. Coaulllo, 41,Gli" votes First men's prlzo suit of Marlon' II. Reynolds, North Dond, 11,000 votes Second mon's prlae $25 merchandise. ,a1-.mi V. M. ParsonB, Marshllold, 10.C00 votes Nothing. Cnthorino stump, Miirimuiu, 4,500 votes First Ladles' prize suit Mrs. Mary It. Smith, Mnrshfleld, 3,500 votes Second Indies' pnzo WlCecilo Mlllor, Myrtlo Point, 7,5'.f votes, nothing. GAVK GOOD PROGRAM. In practice who still by word and deed tenches disrespect for or doflnnco nf the lnw? Docs ho not know thnt It lj js useless to long expect irw ana r- dor In tho common wnlks of life whon JUWIt'HHUl.'HH rUlgllH HUIMUIUU 111 IIIU upper nlr? Wliert" Pniigor Lief). "Tho clangor lies In procrastina tion, Wo learnod onco nt tromen (Ioub cost of llfo and blood thnt you may hnvo your fugltlvo alavo law, your Missouri compromise, your Drod Scott decision, your flat of gov ernment, your compromlso with wrong, your bnrtor with Justlco, hut tho hour of reckoning and rendjunt mont comes tardy, but Inexorable. It Is possible my frlomla, to go on Bcom by fnto to bo destined to romaln bo. For u short tlmo they could bo told apart, as Jacob had lost threo fingers of his loft hnnd In n feed cut- tor, but now this mark of dlffor- entlntlnn has been obliterated by August's losing three fingers of his left hnnd in tho samo kind of machine. PRF.STAMTK fiUXXKRY. Recharges at Tho A TURKISH RATH wlll do yon GOOD. Phono J14-J. Tho Times' Want AdB bring results IF IT'S IIUBE IT'S RIGHT PICK a flaw, if pos ible, in our Shirts unci Ovor eonts. Turn tliein inside out every little de tail shows tho hand of th rastov Workman. No hur ried work, no skimping, nothing slighted that is wiry they fit so perfectly and hold -their shape so much better than any others. AVhen you spend your mon ey for clothes you certai lly want THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOB IT Some men imagino th y can do as well at one store as another. A great m stake ! Look through other stores, if you will, and you'll find you can do better here, because our Clothe i look better, fit better and are bettor. "We take an honest pri lo in our Clothing, and you may be sure wo won't let you havo anything that isn't just right. If it's here, it's right. CENTRAL AND BROAD WAY The Toggery Aovoss from First Nut. Ran Christmas Tm K.vcrclnen Held Knxttddo Saturday Mg"t. Tho pupils of tho Eastsldo public schools nnd tho Sunday school con ducted by tho Dnptlst church gave their Christmas program in tno draughting room Inst Saturday night. Tho oxorclses woro In clinrgo of Mrs. Thomas and Miss Frances Franco, , innnhnri. Tho Drocrniii wns n very good ono, a featuro of tlio eve ning being n military drill by twelve boys. Pastor Man recoivou u u stautlal Xmas prcsont. All present woro remembered by Snntn Clnus In n. ... .,.nnnp nml tho festivities UIU OU1I1U ,,,i.,...v. , ns a wliolo woro thoroughly enjoy able. , it Chorus, "Gather Arounu um Christmas Tree". Christmas nnd Snnta Claus song Dy primary children. Recltntlon, "Tho Shophord" Do rothy Thomas. Dlaloguo, "Rival Speakers ' James Whltty, Leo Totton. Sun bonnet drill Dy primary children. , , Holiday acrostic Dy four boys and Ave girls. Recitation, "Xmas" Estolln Vine yard. Christmas chorus Dy primary children. Van Amburgs Show Dy pupils of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh grndes. Holiday convention Dy Anna Lund, Ethel Andorson, Nolllo Olsen, Ircno Humbert. Chorus "Ring Out tho Dolls." Military drill Dy twelvo boys. Dialogue, "Christmas Night" Dy Cleo Steckol, Dornard Hackluad. Adam Drown. Star drill Dy nine girls. CARD OF THANKS. There nro hours that como Into tho lives of soino. whon every Im pulse of tho heart Is burled under its weight of sorrow. Wo stand thoro today; yet wo would fain give op pression to tho gratitude that wells up from tho depths of our hearts na wo remember tho kindness of thoso who hnvo done so much to comfort us In our bereavement and to bright en for us a starless isky, MRS. A. M. ROSS, GEO. IROSS nnd wife. Sale, Ladles' Emporium till Saturday NEW STETSON HATS Nl'JW CLVPJTT SHIRTS NEW REISER TIES The place to buy the best Because you pay Cash YOU SAVE "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON City Auto ServisS Good Cars. nnr..r..i .,.. 'lZi reasonable clinrirp!i. n.Ieri "Will go anywhere nt ,. .,0tlo: Htnnds Dlanco Hn.f " . Cigar Storo. Dny Phonos--.? . iln( Night Phono 40. "ono9-78nd4j. DARKER A GODDAM,;. vmti(. SSSBm I Nntuiopatli llmi ri.i Alt chronic diseases treated. Con T J atlon frco. omr . '" I !9 to 12 n. m.; 2 to G and 6 to ' . 1 Naturopath instlttito Uoom v 7 ? Mx til! ll....l .. . "- 1.-1 ... x.. .-..uliy, wnraiiflelj. ore. rR. . W. liUHLIK, Ostcopntlilc I'hynlclan Gradunto of the Amerl-nn .,u.i .. Osteopathy at Klrksvllle. Mn n. i in Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to i il(1 l V, Phono 1G1-J; MorshUelds Orn, . Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance v Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SKNGBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo OffUo Phono 101 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonarnl Agents "EABT8IDE" PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, Saturday, December 30th INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C F. McQEORGE, Agent. 3C "THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY' 3. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Eureka, Thursday, ' December 28th, in the Afternoon CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH VaJIVIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay De cember 24 or 25. F. S. DOW, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAY8 ON TIME SAILS FROM TORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON DECEAUlEIt 5, 13, 10 AND 20. SAILS FROM COOS DAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON DE GE.MDER O, 10, S3 AND 80. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONH MAIN 4S-L FAST,, SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages leave Marshflold for Rosoburg at C o'clock every ovenlng and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro 16.00. COOS RAY ROSERURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SOHETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV Mnrsliflold. C. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURQ, Oro. PnONE 11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 1ND JOSSON CESD3NT. The best Domeitle end Imported brands. Pluter, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROABltfAY, PHONB 1 J. W. I1ENNUTT, Lnwyor. Ortleo ovor Flnnngan & Bennett Bit ! Inrshtlold n." i "icjBB a i p.H. J. T. McCORMAO, U Physician nnd Surgeon MarsliQcld, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart Building, j opposite Post OHw, Phono 100-j j DR. A. .1. HENDRY'S .-W..V.11 1'i'imii i-nrion. Wo nro equipped to do btch diu work on short notlco nt the rtry f lowost prices. Exnmlnntlon fr' . Lady attondant, Coko building, oppe. clto Chnndler hotel, phono 11J.J. BARGAINS IN lumriMH. ! Fully Guurnntccd Whcds ntfrom$M .' upwards.. uuiiiuiuiu nun vi uictcm innniiM i second-hnnd bicycles for sale. Gum, ' uicycicH, oic, ropniroa. DICARVH GUN SHOP. E. HANDEL, Pron. No. 007 No. Front St. Hume 180.R il Have That Roof Pixel; NOW Sec CORTHEL Phone mat Have Us Launder Your IWhwht'I Wo wnsh tbeso gnrmenti cIhbmJ nnd bottor thnn tho work can ba dot olsowhoro, and thoy nro not vorn ' much. Wo do not shrink thtm, ei;, woolon gnrmonts aro roturstd tki samo slzo as when sent us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nlcelf, mtto I ordinary ropnlrs frco of charge ai ,1 you havo fresh clean, sweet un4tf wear ready for ench week's cnaar Dundlo yours up with next weel'l ' lnundry bundlo. MarshfieltUHnnd & Steam Uirf I'HOVKM Prof. A. Richards TEACHER OF PIANO. And voice culture Appoints;, hour 1 to 2 o'clock. ; Applicants call nt Studio, &' tacken BIdR., Lin Ilrosflwai- We Clean and Press; Ladies' and Gunt's m Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam LauivdM PHONE MAIN 07 FiVcf Cias AfltO When you want to go . wj tn n hnrrv Try F00TE8 A"15 Best rates in the city. bu Best drivers. Pnne 'Jj b p. m.. after 11 P.m. Pbo08"' n.L.FOOTE.Pmsi CITY FISH MARKET . , -!. Ana All L hoot oi marKei m inj FRESH FISH, CLAMS m CRABS. , r... n.io MnnflS Wei! and a first-class article, w can all afford to eat w prices, Try them. SMITH & BAWHJWW i'i -. -'- i DRESSMAKJIC Mira SUITS AH" : UUIW"'! REMODELLING MDC R. BANPW' Phone 19-J. Cor. 4th andPJ Unique PanbW DYEING, OLKA-' AND REPAIRING AWi MWwa Kn antral nvPrt'" asp jmuypgFvi HBM1I I'Mcal A'-" I u