" ' vpfPV'' ri" " t'T THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. ' 4 u !- HENDERSON IS KNOCKED OUT mouth, while the Chlnnninn escaped "Whllo they wore nt It, It is n pity without n scrntch. ithnt tho friends of pit;llam did not O'Connoll Is now anxious for a fecuro tho testimony of ano prize-twenlj-round bout with tho Clil.ni- i;ter who boimo tlmo rIiico contrlhu nnii. Ho Bays that olRht rounds la " n ""l liiBtruc Ive account of t Imiir oiii iiKh for him to net tho tho Psychology of his profession to ;10 , f whether S Th0 Lom,0n T,l,lUB- T,lelr w"i,M- . ? ,,,r In trnhi llkn ho woro ono wxA n11 content to Insist that lloann, wl re fca lo tra In llkot no t, kllockot WIl nllloM. nono 0f """ '" " " " '; it or Hindu tho Intellectual Hide of It tlco In boxliiB, could Btmnl iho , t. , lf T, . , i....Yt . Iuniih Hr.ifit.la fa nltnuHntl .... ' . . " . In' h . .. l ," , , r ;"i .. i UBiitor mntlu it cloar that pmellKlit- Ml even In tho in tula of his MonA. ,IIg wn8 , ronIy nolhlng mor0 tlmll Tho prellnilnury was hilled t;nii net ve form of chess: start at 2 o clock hut It was nearer tinnmniii nnimnaitv iinniv .inn. nm Bud Anderson Wins Bout Seventh Round Sing Ho san Gets Decision. . ,, , ., , , .'manager, stepped Into tho ring Earl Henderson, tho plucky and ...lm,UCC(1 Chas. Howard as tin popular boxer, for n long tlmo tlio i r0ruo for both bouts, 13 o'clock when .John Herron, tho .ud tho o- favorlto among local Bporttng men, 'went down to defeat at tho hands of Bud Anderson of Portland In tho lo cal prlco ring yesterday afternoon. What was staged to be a 20-roinid bout between the two, ended in tho seventh round, when Andoraun knocked Henderson out with a tor rifle left swing to tho Jaw. Except for an occasional good punch which Henderson succeeded in landing to the faco and chest, Anderson hud the better of the bout all through. Anderson's nil-round cleverness, tho Tho house was about throo-fourtha full, a number of women iilso be ing present, occupying seats in tho gallery. Perfect order was main tained. The Knockout. ImoBlty Blinnly exist In it contest between two boxers who hnvo acquired tho basis of the r art the nhlllty to keep their tem per unrullled In adversity. Tholr feelings nre Impersounl, as thoso of two chess players; It Is the situation, not tho adversary, which Is tho real objective of attack. Indeed, box'iig Ib tho chess of athletics; llko that "gymnasium of the mind" which Is tho finest of sodcutary games, It ml. tli.tnli.uii.1 Irtirinlrmt, wnti ntwi of the cleverest and cleanest In i.ny I matches what a man Is agaltiBt what of tho Marshlleld box.ng boutB and ho not, as well as providing u drastic tho following editorial from tho Now comparison of tho physical, moiitul Yo.k Sun on tho subject will prove In- nnd moral qualities Of two lndivid torostlng: .unls. Is n prize fight Illegal, and, if so, I Moreover, tho checkmate has noth Ih the contemplated contest n prl.o- Jug of tho drenmy luxury of tho n..l..i ri'l. ,..,,. ...ci Mm llilliiirtmlt KUOCKOUt: vnrled stylo of his lighting, his ovl- Ibhuos to bo decided by an English I Tho writer wll novor forgot .tho dent very splendid condition and : stipendiary, when tho aspirants ror jiuhiuuii,. iu ruumi m uie ic l-rouim most of all the plBton-llko forco 'o I the fenthorwolght chainplonslup o.f ut w men no jobi on t no omor buio tlii world wore lately sumnioneu i '("! uuijukii uuuiuuk cua to show caiiBo why they should not bo ' 'cssly into an uppercut. It wns n bound over to keep tho pence and bo J sneclqs of dream; everything in and of good behavior. Ho concluded nbout tho ring scorned phnntnstnnl M.nt .m.iot. tim nmidltlmts It would bo """ shadowy; tho cries of tho spec- i.i.. ,,,n.n ,,! iiaa ttinn n. nrlzo-1 tutors, rojmc ng in n sequence of his blows wero too much for Hen derson. Henderson mndo n good showing, but Anderson's tactics and blows upset and worried him. Doth boys fought clenn, at times giving tho contest tho appearance of n bat tle royal. Tho fight by rounds: Round One This wnB Hender son's best round, They rushed and clinched three times, Henderson landing a good punch Just as tho gong Bounded. Round two Anderson drew blood nbovo Henderson's left oyo. It wus Anderson's round. Round three Round was fast nnd furious, Hondersou bleeding profusely from mouth nnd nose. An derson scored In overy way. Round four Henderson oponed with good right on Jaw. Anderson countered with two strong on Jaw, Anderson slipped to floor. Hender son landed squaro on chest. Round flvo Henderson's fnco was very soro, but ho opened strong. An derson had much tho hotter of tho round. Round six Anderson slipped to floor again at opening of round. An derson landed thrco vicious uppor cuts, and Henderson wns all but gone. Round ended in u clinch. Round seven Round opened fait: with Andorson landing almost at will. A terrific left swing to the Jaw boforo tho round wns half over, stretched Hendorson to tho floor. Anderson assisted Henderson's seconds to carry Henderson to his cornor whoro ho rovlved In about flvo minutes. Whoro Hondorson'8 clovcrnnss permitted him to lnnd a blow, it carried nono of tho foroo that told In every ono of Anderson's. light, and the principals wero accord ingly bound ovor. Tho knockout wns tno principal swift oxchnnges, scorned to conio from very fnr nwny a weird other-worldly ululntlon that really did not matter . . . ,- - i . . ..1.nn nntilnhflmt fl 11 .1 fill tlllMiUl (111 point there wns somo Instructive tcs-l h ,cal f e mo was a Joy of tltnony. Ono of tho oxpert witncsBCB . "of; to sit on n chn.r and bo fanned f, !, nollr,, wn an oxnort chain- "? sponged was the sum of all pos- lnn nf tho Cavalry Drlgttdo. Ho.L,.b, nntl "niposBlblo luxuries . ... l"Mn wnv.niif wns nriminrl allntitlv In- was Invited to uescr uo tno scniimeius -. - ". -- - .-....,, ... and lntoii tlons of tho tighter accord- vlBly. n tho next bout; after the ing to his own experience, which has kaocKout It was so awaking In a land ,l.Z.. .i""i.i"i;i' n.t m,i. ia wi,,,r f Ponco and plonsant fatigue. Tho IIUUII tUIIOlUUUIUIV. U..U ...u " ....... ho said . In ordinary fights tho intention of tho boxor wns to knock out hla op poi.ent. Deforo lights bogan ll.e gloves wero often "broken," that is to say tho padding wns romoved from tho knuckleB. TIiIb' gnvo protection to tho wrist, and "put tho flnlBhlng touches on tho knuckles." Ho had treated gloves In this manner In tho presenco of tho roforoo. You sny to yoursolf, "I nm going to beat him or ho will do It to mo." You loso nil your ordinary humnu spirit, nnd what Is predominant is tho nnlmal spirit, nnd you try to knock your opponont out. When nskod what would bo tho condition of tho contestants after tho twenty round, ho replied: Thoy would bo oxhnustod, both of thorn. Their eyes would bo stopped up; tho lips cut; blood flowing from tho noso and mouth, and bruises on tho ribs, nccU nnd body. Theso re sults would bo caused by vicious hit ting. , ,. Lord Lonsdale ub an export wltncsi, for tho dofonso was much moro lonl nt. ub mluht bo supposed. Ho had Tho latter made n splendid appear- of courso scon an "onormoiiB number nnco throughout and wnB not hurt of boxing contests but could g vo llt durlng tho bout. Itlo Information concorning tho knoclc- Hondorson did not show near tho out blow that "happened to como and class that ho did In his previous bat-1 knock a boxor out." This was not ties on tho liny. Somo attributed regaruou ns mincuuu, .,..,..........,. this to tho fact that ho was too but Lord LonBdalo oxcusod hlnuolf heavy to mako Anderson's wolht,from giving further Information on -ml .hnt If wnnlinnn.1 him. Ho dl.l tllO plett that tllO blOW WM "abflOl tO- .,.w , onn,i v.ir.inv Mint ' v unknown" to him oxcept inui nnd thnt It weakened him. Ho dl.l.tho plea mat ino uiow lm hnrt hnd it thrco or four times and glvon It several tlmeB." For tho rest ho thought "an awful lot of humbug" wno tnlkod about It. A medical authority pointed out thnt ono of the mnln objects of box- lio did in hlB first go with "Routdi- Jiouso Chnrley" Durns, nppnroutly being n llttlo timid ns if In recogni tion of his condition. Charloy Howard, who saw Jus. J. Cornell in ins prime, sajB imn iui- ;""-" to educate tho boxer to ro derson'B stylo of fighting very .trong- LXo nmont8 of 8hock; ly reminded him of tho ring tactlna of "Gentleman Jim." Tho ability to Jilt from any position, tho left punch to take his opponent oft guard nnd tho heavy wallop with tho right Im mediately nftorwards wore Corbett'B strongest assets and Andorson lies copied them to a marked degree Slug iriu Wins. Sing Hosnn nnd "Chuck" O'Con noll from Portland fought eight rounds ns a preliminary, and tho plucky Chlnamnn was Justly glvon tho decision at tho clooo of tho laHt round by Roforeo Chnrley Ilowird. Except for n studied Infighting In tho repeated clinches, O'Connoll mndo a very poor showing ngnliiBt Sing Hosnn, who was "novor thoro" when O'Connoll tried to lnnd on Jilm, oxcept in tho cllnchos, whon ho would try to land tho Chlnnmnn's stomach. O'Connoll bled through out overy round from noso uml nnd tho point to which tills was enr rln.l wnn IniDOSsllllO Of reallzntlOIl OX' copt by thoso who had boon through a nlmllnr training. Tho knockout was not nt all painful. In his opin ion ho wns supported by two medical knights nnd several sportsmen. winner enmo over nnd. shook hnndBaf fectlonntoly; tho loser felt that ho had novor known n man so well In his life, hnd never liked n mun so much. TJila Is a sufficient reason for ro utining the knockout. If It verc .nhi'llshcd, whnt would hecomo of the hrothorly lovo thnt rolgna nraong .iiufess.onnl brulse-a? ,m S TELLS THE CAUSE OF ArrENUIbl I lo church ns n result of tho cnmpnlgu; VACANT LOTS Portland Ministers' Say Gipsy Smith Was Failure In Get ting Members. PORTLAND, Ore, Doc. 20 Chi nese laundries, vacant lots nnd va cant houses nre numerous ninong tho 2,300-odd nddresscB given on Iho cards signed during tho Gipsy Smith campaign, declaro ministers nnd workors who hnvobeon following up tho mcotlngs with! personal calls. Ministers Bay that In somo ItiBtnncos tho persons who wont to tho Inquiry room nt tho big tabernnclo dellbora toly signed fictitious names, Inves tigation showing thnt uo such per sons hnd ovor lived at tho addresses given on tho enrds. In somo cases rooming-houses nro given no tho plnces of abode of per sons signing enrds, nnd It Is found that no such persons livod thero. In still othor cases tho workors huvo found thnt tho persona signing cnrd3 had no Intention of Joining churches, but moroly snld, by signing It, that thoy wanted to live hotter lives, and wantod Gipsy Smith to pray to thnt end. Six porsons hnvo Joined tho First Christian Church as n result of the meotinga: four children, nil of whom woro memhors of tho Sunday school, have Jolnod tho First Congregational Lockhnrt & Parsons Drug Co. sta tes that much nppondlcltla In Mnrsh fiold la cniiBed by conatlpntlon, gaa on tho stomach or sour Btomnch. Thoso troubles nro nlmoat INSTANTLY ro llevod and appondlcltls guarded against by taking a SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycorine, etc., ns compounded In Adlor-1-ka, the now German appendicitis romody. IF IT'S IIU'RE IT'S RIGHT PICK a flaw, if pos iblo, in our Shirts and Over coats. Turn them inside out overy little de tail shows tho hand of th Master Workman. No hur ried work, no skimping, nothing slighted that is why they fit so perfectly and hold their shape so much hotter than any others. "When you spend your mon ey for clothes you certai dy want THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOB IT Somo men imagino th y can do as well at one store as another. A great m stake ! Look through other stores, if you will, and yju '11 find you can do bettor liore, because our Olotho look bettor, fit bettor and are better, We'take an honest pri to in our Clothing, and yon may be sure wo won't let you have anything that isn't just right. If it's hero, it's right. " The Toggery CENTRAL AN IIUOADWAY Aorosfl from rirht Nat. Rani nono hna bo far Joined tho Grace Methodist church; a few hnvo Joined Taylor-Streot Mothodlst church nn.l a fow found tholr wny to the White Tomple. Others nro still bolng vli Itod by tho ministers and personal workors, nnd othor nddltlons nro ex pocted. "I received 125 cnrdB," said Rov. W. F. Roagor, of tho First Christian church, "speaking of tho results of the cnmpnlgn. "Of theso 47 foil lo tho lot of my church, nnd tho others wont to othor Christian churches of tho city. "Flvo of these huvo mado confu sion nnd hnvo boon recolved into tho church; two old memhors woro re claimed nnd camo to church for n Sunday or two; two persons found their church letters, and Joined tho church, and ono man wroto mo n lettor Bnylng ho wnnted to hecomo n Christina. Uo had not slgnod n enrd. I havo recolved him Into th church. That makes six porsons thus far received Into tho church us a result of the Gipsy Smith meeting. Adilirsscs Vacant Lots. "I hnvo mndo 150 calls, and hnvo found only 18 persons of tho -17 who signed tho cards nsslgned to mo. I hnvo mado as many ns four calls on ono person. Among my cards wsie addresses of vacant lots, Chinese laundries, and of places whoro 'ho occupants said thoso I sought hni novor lived thoro. Tho ministers hnvo worked hard for results, nnd criticism Is unfair. "I went out evory dny during tho meotlngs, mid hnvo been following up continually slnco they closed. I found somo of tho persons whoso nnmes woro given on tho cards had gono to San, Francisco, somo had gone to Seattle Somo had no de slro to Join n church, nnd didn't 3lgn tho cards with that Intention. I don't say tho Gipsy Smith, meetings wero a rniluro. Tiioy weron't. Tney stirred up tho city. I have been hold ing bnck my report because J wanted to mako a better showing." . j ? ! City AutiTSZr "..a. Pnrfl'. Cnroful tJjyk ..win ,0 l'"nr08- Our N "Will Efl nnv,ul. . uur Bulk. Stands Ulnnco Hotel , Cigar Store. Day VlmlJ D'S Night Phono 40. n--7Wti IIAUKKU (looiMMt n 5fi9H5i2rDiRlcTui iiiiiimmaili mui ai. v ah curonic uiRensea treated r, 3 I n r (mm r- v ' WW -Mhiuu iii'i iim. t !9 to 12 ,,,, ;(r,0.nou: - iu u nag s ,n . Naturntmlli l,,.iu.... .. lu,M Nn. mn HMB.i rl00m No. I """"y, warihflni , 4Vj?ir STETSON IINTS NEW Chri'JTT SlIfATS NEW REISER TIES Tho place to buy tho best Because you pay Cash -YOU SAVE- ' "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAIfSJIFIELV I3ANV0N rVt. O. W. 1,1.8 LI r. If -, Osleonnililn tn. . . , " "JiiCHn ' Urndunto of tho Anierhan lc.w OBtoonnthr nf ki.i....... . "cull In Eldorado Illk. Hours 10 ton.,, ! Plmnn U1.I. ... . . U,4.l .. x-.,, .uttrBiuieldj Ore, iJ. W. RKNNKTT, Lawyer. DHleo over Flanagan & DcnntttnJ u n... m Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY' 8KNG8TACKEN, Mrt. Coqulllo' Offlo Phono 101 Marsh Odd Offlco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Plnttlng Lands n upoclaltj. Gonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS ' ' Sails for Coos Bay from San Francisco, Tuesday, December 26 at 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN THANSPOHTATION COMPANV. Phono 44 0. F. McQEORQE, Agent. THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESB Sails from Coos Bay for Eureka, Wednesday MoriT ing Dec. 27 at 10:30 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 o. P. McGKORGE, Agent Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay De cember 24 or 25 F. S. DOW, Agent EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Sleamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM TORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON DECEMBER 8, IS, 10 AND 20. SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON DE CEMBER 0, 10, S3 AND SO. L. H. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN UUL FAST. SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stages leave Marshflold for Rosoburg nt 6 o'clock overy evening nnd afford quickest connections with Southern Paclflo Railway. Fare $6.00. COOS RAY ROSERURG STAGE LTNE. OTl'O SOnETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshflcld. O. P. RARNARD, Agent, ROSERURG, Ore. PHONE 11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domettlo and Imported brands. PlMter, Lime, Brlok and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONK 1 tnR. J. T. iMcrmiM.tr, i- l'lij-BlcInn and Su'rgtoo MnpaliflnfJ M ., """., uregon. ,jnico: Loclchart Dultdlng oppoite Pott OStd i iionp 106-J R. A. .1. llEXDItrs , v""" nori. . Wo aro equipped to do high ctj work on Bhort notlco ii,. L2 lowost prices. Examlnatioa hS alto Chandler hotel, phone in.) BARGAINS IN niC"ftT,M Fully Guaranteed W!icdiatfB upivardf.. Comnloto linn of nkvM. ... Rocond-hnnd blcvclcs fnr ! n. bicycles, etc., repaired. REARY'S GUN SHOP. E. IIANDKU Pron. No. 007 No. Front St. Phoa, Have That Roof Fin NOW See CORTHELL'i Phone am Have Us Launder Your Ub Wo wash tbeso garments do and bettor than tho work can bad olsowhoro, and thoy are not veni much. We do not shrink thta,i woolen gnrmonts are retarsed enmo bIzo as whon tCBt ni. Wo Iron tho gnrraenU nice!;, r ordlnnry repairs free of chart you huvo fresh clean, tweet wear ready for, each week's efc Bundle yours up with seit w lnundry bundle. Marshfie!dHnnd & Stem : PHON 73M Prof. A. Ri TEACHER OP PIANO. And volco culture. Appoat hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call at Studio, tnckon Rid.. 100 Hroadtrsy. We Clean and Pf Ladies' and Gent's Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Lad PHONE SIAIN 8H Firsh flrlss Mo ...i .. n.nn in rO M .rVsrlV! B08t rnioa in uiu "'" . , BlJl . ..i . nhnne 66-J "1 Xiesi urituio. i.gJ M p. m., alter n p.'u- j,"-- UUUCU IIUUIIU -- - , , 7? T, FOOTJS.rTopiJ" niTY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Aye., on FRESH f-ISN, uuHin- Fair Prices, Honest Wajj and a first-class anici can all afford to eat fish at prices, Try them. smith &mjs? .......J .y III f nuirSMAKIf GOWNS, SUITS AND MDC P. BANW' Phone 19-J. Cor. M . and F"j UniquePant DYEING, uii"V vn itEPAIRlNO AW HAT WORK. .TflinK. r-rt tv ii nav m uo - pham 256 nnntrnl bv"'" BfiBSS