THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. Always "The Busy Corner" "THE REXALL STORE" That, After Effect Can bo stopped by the use of those ItcruJl Order lies. There is not n more pleasant cathartic to take than these. They are obtainable only at The ItcxaU Store. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. I0ME MAIN 298 US PHONE Totlny ho wns reported getting nlotig fnlrly well. KiiIIh OIT Wiilk.--.Mra. L. A. Whereat wns Bllghtly Injured Inst evening by slipping and fnlllng on the abrupt decline lending from Conunerclnl tivonuo Into North Fourth Btreet. Sa)t, n sum'Hs The salo condu.'t- THE WEATHER, ed tit the Unities' Emporium on Cen- trnl nvonuo hns been n reinnrknnlo (Dy Associated Press.) success so far. It will Continue A nni.-nnv n.. i ii..n-n1. a llirntii'luutt tliln wiwk. i-lnstliii (in ly fair cxeoi)t rnln nenr const Snturdny night. usxm EOPLE wfcmu QUO. MEHL of Coqulllo wns n .Mnrshllold visitor yesterday. J. M. NYE, Jr., of Coiiulllo Is n Murshucltl business visitor. tonight nntl Wednesday eriy wimls. Enst- I.OCAIj TEMPERATURE HE- TOUT. FAREWELL PERFORM AN CES Raymond Teal SU. Masonic Theater TWgMGHTS Dec 3 , and j , 0. A. C. Short. Courses Hegln Jv.' :i, continuo FOUR WEEKS YOU ARE INVITE D Hi'Arv pItlTnn nt Orntrnn la ..iln1l, ii.ntu.1 attend tho short courses of tho Oregon Agricul tural Collogo, beginning Jnn. 3. Eleven distinc tive courses will bo offered In Agrlculturo, Mech anic Arts, Domestic Sclenco and Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every courso Is doelgncd to HELP tho student In his dnlly work. Mnko this a pleasant and profltnblo winter outing. No tuition. Hcasanablo accommodations. For beau tiful illustrated bulletin, address II. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvnllls, Oro. Farmer's Business Conrso Ry. Cqrrospmiileiico . VooseN Hall. Tho Hedondo sails from San Francisco for Coos liny to- 4 day nml the Alliance will sail from Portland for Coos Day thin evening. a iiotn buouiu reucn noru enriy murs- For twenty-four hours ending ": """ u, "' .. , i nt 4.00 p. in., Dec. 26, by Mrs. " thu 8,u lln for Eurokn' E. MlngtiB, speclnl government ! moteorologicnl obsorvor: Due Tlnu-xlny The M. S. Dollar, Maximum 4C the big lumber cnrrlor which Is to Minimum 'J3 tnko on a couple million feet of At 4:00 p. in 45 lumber nt tho Smith mill horo for Precipitation 23 ' Chlnn, Is scheduled to still from San Wind, Northwest; rainy. Francisco for Coos Hay totlny. Sho should arrlvo horo early Thursday. jCnpt. Olson of the Nnnn Smith rc .... , , . , Im'nlnod hero to pilot the M. S. Dol- INew Home. Andrew Storey ia,nr ., tj,0 uny. finishing n lino now resldonco on his, Coos Ulver ranch near tho Creamery. ciilltlwn Festival Tho Sunday ipenool or tno unptist cnurca neiu u Engagement Leo Dnckmnn and Christmas festival in tho church Inst Miss Ellon Sarin of West MnrshfloM, (evening. Tho church wns full to Its (iiiiiiiiiinml 4 It fit ntttffiiriiinriftt r t li.. . A Hulmtnliln t 11- Christmas ovo. Their marriago will tako placo In tho near future IlEV. Father MUNItO Is In North Bend today. oi ' cnnnclty. nnd a very cnjoynblo chll .mi'. . . .-. . dren s program was ronucreti. sanru Clans arrived avor Coos Bay and Ilolso and tho Electric ltnllroad in f....j..l rit . t--.-.f,. ni,ni.l..H 1 ! tlnllifrtH lirnantlfa tn fill nllll- 1114111. Wllll'l'ITti UUIlt V-llilJJl.'Jl f lUUU IU UUIlVUt iivouiivo v ....- Order of Eastern Stnr. anil Illnuco ! dren nnd most of the old people as .. . . n . . ...Ill 1.I.1 .. ' 11 lAMIgO, i, 1'. Ci i. .!., Will IIUIII UIWUII Joint Installation of olllcors nt their luill this ovoulng. Vow PiwMimuti.rM. Wnnhlni'toil dlspntchcs nnnouuee thnt tho Senate litis continued tho appointments of .lnv 11. Htnwnnl nn unstinnstor nt Mvr- tlo Point, and Chns. E. Hazard us poBtnitiHter at Drain. Weil Yi8tiTilny. Perry W. Dot son nnd Mis Ethel J. Reynolds woro married yesterday nt tho homft of Mr. and MrB. A. V. Myors on EIr.'d nvonuo, tho Ilov. D. A. Mnclcod of tho North Uoud Prosbytorlan church ofllclatlng. Only lnnnedlnto relati ves and a few cIobo friends woro Parties Desiring Moriii merits to be Erected Would do well to call at tho Pacific, Monumental "Vorx&, South Broadway nnd rauko solcctlon from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his amploy tho only practical marble nud gra nlto cutter in Cooh county. And nono but tho boat wont is turned Hello! Hello! Housowlves of Mnrshllold uso Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not keop I It call up l'HOXE 73-J. I Free dollvory 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also- ISTEUIUZEI) CREAM: & MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAOE CHEESE .. .. i ml. i, ...!... .ImitH ' nHi rrl.n.. nniit tn lifiitrnvnnilllll? IH I1IJIIIVII. 4YIIIIU Clllllllln uiiiYll 1IIUBUIII. I Hl) n .- ........w1....r .1.- I1..H. llnH..l.lt1.1 I. Ill lA.(A.llnU l n.tnn 111 n llktnrfCm MlOV llflll fllT- II1U IVUBU .1111 ailllUIll (111 jVQkl-UU;il Ul UlllU III 41 .u..MU ...rf .." Mrs. Hnnn Iteod, n well-known Coosnlshod on Second street ncn; Elrnd, v H n....n.i nii.i fil1 nml i.n utMl tulina nt n tinnf nt frliMl'ls IJIIJ' nuillllll, niiii:it urn i niii iiiu nun ii o..x-B . ..-. -. -. -- soveroly bruised horsolf. No bones following thorn thoro. woro broken. Sho Is reported got- P ting nlong nicely today. 111 Clirlsttnus Trade. Most of 'tho business men oi .inrsniioiii m Kml Xinas Visit Thoro has beon olafod over thq result of tho trado a regular exodus of people from during tho Hominy senson so inr. Mnrshneld totlny. Tlireo concnoB u. i. oumu .. ... .. . wuro nttached to tho afternoon train senson has been tho best He over .. . iii..i , . ..!.,... Imil Tlin Wnnlnn Mill StorO. lirO'vtl ior .lyriio ronu nun wuy iun "v --- -- . ,,;. ,, and they were crowded with pas- Drug company, t Ho Hub C oH Ing n id noneors .Shoo company, tho Flxup Clothiers, h Nasburg grocery, tho I.ockhnrt-Par- Hundnr Scllo7n"te,tnln,ot.- nous Drug comptiny, OoIijh ; and llnr- The Sundny schoo, ,t . Emmnnnol SN 'toteon wS uny; K Episcopal enure i win nom i """- j, tf Ln(UcB. Kiu,)0rlum and mas treo entortnlnmont tills ovs- ",' 'J "B ronort very good busl ning nt 7:30 at tho Swedish Luther- o hers ropo rt vor, gooa J nn Hall. All tho mombors of thu "YP8 "'" tl expectations, church nnd tholr friends nro cordial- fnlr or "P t0 ox''cu"uo" ,y ,nvltcd' I wwi Christina. Miss Eva Wll- .. i aiimiinr mwi Krml. Uamni'd of Ik Injured "Dad" Mlllor, n won- ' " , ':. ' " ,,arri0d nt Iho soveroly on tlio bnck or nis nciiii, """-- r "...; " . ,, i.i,ntn cutting an artery, llo nlmoit Mod " "3 robtlve wo In aUon- to death boforo a pnyBician couiu wo , "'""- nll,BVI,,, wcddltiK suppoi FOR RENT Modern lioiisc for II families. Rent J12.B0 per nioniii on lenBO. Call Times' oillco WANTED Girl for general hoiiw-work-rEnquIro Mrs. W. H. Elck worth, Coos Ray Creamery. FOR SALE Xliu-yenr-olil liorMJ, una iim. Smlillo. drivor or vs'ork Also now single harness and cart Apply J. R. Davis or JacK tanoj at forks of Coos River. WANTED Girl for general house work. Address F. E.. Hague, Mild. Union Oils fSOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEHOSENK 8ASISON GAS ENGINES j. and CENTRIFUGAL I'UMl'S os Bay Oil & Supply Co. frltfleld, Oro, PnONE 30i5-J Mnll Orders Solicited. Christmas Decorations For Sale and Rent- Call and see something. new n flhrktmns tree, lamps, loos Bay Wiring Co. MIONE 237JT e Is a mossneo of hone and II chonr tr-n, -tj n T. Mnrtln. Ife Mill, Va., who is tho mother I'snteen children. Mrs, Martin was Id of stomach trouble and constl- Pn by Chamberlain's Tablets aft- PTe vonra nt onffArlnir. nnil nOW Immends these tablets to the pub- FOR SALE Reglctoml Holsteln bull calf over one month old. Wrlta or phono H. W. Snnford. Suninor, Oro. FOR RENT 10-room Iioiiro In South Marshftold. Phono axu-u. obtnlnod to stop tho (low of blood. It's All Over FOR RENT Flno sunny apartment, furnished Inquire Nasburg Gro-cory. SWEET APPLE CIDER in any quantity. Free Dollvory. Phono 210L Capo Arogo Soda Works. FOR RAL1C Ten liorM'-powT steam boiler nnd engine, equipped with circular saw nnd cross cut saw for snwlng wood. Flno for clearing land and pulling stumps. Enquire of J. E. Fitzgerald, 973 Broadway, or lmnn 192J. mm .w ! m mm w FOR First Class TCcnl Estnto Same very good bargains, HENTAI.S nnd INSURANCE you should call on AUG. FRIEEN, 08 Cpiitrnl Ave.. Mal,,m'1'1, For a spralu you will flpd Cham berlain's Liniment excollont, It nj Iays tho pain, removes tho soroness, and soon restores tho parts to a tioniHiv eondltion. 25 nnd GO cont bottles for salo by all dealers. mi T. J. SCAIFE $& A. II. HODQINS Marshfield Paint (8, Decorating Co. But we still have the good line of cloth ing from $8.50 to $25.00 FIXUP ,1. UAKGER of Gardiner nrrlved In tho city totlny. ANSON ROGERS, Si, and wlfo wcro visiting In Mnrshllold today. CAPT. EDGAR SIMPSON of North Bend Is n Mnrshllold business visitor. MltS. P. H. BRIER nnd dnughtcr. from Coos River were In tho city totlny. OSCAR ROSEN from Isilimus Inlet Mi.niit tit. r t.ln.trt i.(t1i f tl(tttf1d Itl nIUllL llIU ilUllllil. a ti Ull it iuhuo ( tho city. FRED. KRUSE and wlfo of Isthmus Inlet spent Chrlstmns with rela tives in Marshfield. MISSES ANNA ami MABEL WICK MAN of Emplro Bpent Christinas with frlcndB In Maruhflold. They stnlo thnt tho recent roit diniculty there wns not as rop re united by Mr. Smith when hVa'p penred before Jilstlco Pciiuock. They claim thnt tho proposed new highway ends on a high bluff so that It would not bo of nny una without n great deal of work bo lng done. Tho old highway I Btlll open and they stnta that A scoro of ranchers nnd homestead era besides themselves uso It. ? NEWS OF CATCHING INLET. 4 "Grnndmn Bonebrnko" Is slowly recovering front n fall which occui- red several weeka ago. Sho acci dentally fell and strlick tho bnck of. her hend on tho porch, rondorlng her unconscious for somo time. Mr. Albco of Hay Park, wns tho guest of Win. Hlgglnson Sundny afternoon. B. F. Ross, who has boon suffering from stointich troublo for over two weeks, Is still confined to tho house. MRS. E. BUSBY hns gono to East ern Oregon and Idaho for a fsw weokB' visit with rolatlvcs. ERUST LARSON and his brolhor from IsthiniiB Inlet spoilt Chrlst mns with , friends In Mnrshllold. MISS ELLA FELTER of Bnndon will arrive tomorrow to visit for n few dnys with Miss Ruth AUon. FRED. McCORMAC, Oordon Rns musscn and otlicra loft today for Hnynes Inlet- to enjoy n fow dnj-B hunting. .1. T. VASEY spent Chlrstmns with his family In tho city. Ho rotuin cif totlny to Camp No. 0, of which he Is foreman. DR. W. F. HOPKINS from Ron'vr Hill spout Christmas In MarshfltJid. Ho returned to Henvor Hill Mils nftornoon. GRANT EGERS of Coqulllo spout ChrlstmnB with friends In Mnrsh llold. Ho Is plnnnlng to rotum horo nnd locate. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Crnwford woro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Hlgglnson nt dinner ChrlstmnB Eve. Mrs. W. D. Wnllnco, who hns been taking enro of Mrs. Mnjor, returned homo Frltlny. Mrs. L. ,T. Hodson of South Coos River Is visiting nmong relatives on tho Inlet. Vcrl Bonebrnko nnd W. R. Hlggln son went duck hunting Snturdny, but both returned ducklcss. Thoyhothgot n good ducking nt tho mud lints when they foil overbonrd, fortunntoly thrt water was not very deep or they might not hnvo gotten oft as luckily. CULLINGS OF COQUILLE Cooh County Rent News ns Told hf tho Herald An ordlnanco wns onnctod by tho Coqulllo council levying n tnx of fivo mills on nil tnxnblo proporty In tho City of Coqulllo to dofrny tho ex penses nnd cost of oporattug said city. Tho city recorder wns notified to In struct certain parties In this city that ' they woro permitting riotous nnd dis orderly conduct In tholr plnccs of bus iness, nnd unless conditions woro re medied nt once tho council would consider tho advisability of cancell ing tho licenses, or would rofuso to grant new l'conses upon tho expira tion of tho llconso period. Mnrrlod In San Francisco, Calif ornia. November 11, 1911, Francis J. Smith of Conllnga, California, and Joyco C, Fish of Coqulllo, Orcgoiu Aftor tho ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. i Smith went Immediately to tholr homo In Coallngn, California. REV. BENGTSON of tho Swod'nh Luthornn church will nttond Sun day school festival at tho church .In North Bond this ovonlng. danco nnd enjoyed n wedding suppor following tho nuptlnlB. Tho brldo Is -lain., nt Prnii. Wilson of Mursh- :lni.i nmi iimv will rnsldo nt the ror- ., nt Mnrlnl nml Third StrCOtS. 00- , IIUI W .i......w .. - nunvinir tho annrtmonts rerony iv.v"n -.. ..,--- i ji...i vncated by Mr. nntl Mrs. uruuuuMi. The groom Is n woll known Marsh- flold hnrbor. Iiotn nnvo scorfa u. florn W'llH Will IlllltO 111 WlS'l- lng them nil tho happiness thnt tho fnttiro enn bring. Tho fnllowlnE Item from tho Port land pnpors will bo of Interest to those who novo nonrq nun iwiu. Mrs. Schwab In lior visit to Marsh- "Mrs. May Doarborn Schwab and i, imalinnil Dlohnrd f Dick I II. Schwab, have loft for New York City to mnko tholr Homo tnero ior soniw tlmo to conic. Mr. Schwab Is consla- orlng a business proposition to icemo i.. vnn Vnrir n.'tv nml Mrs. Schwab ia in imsv horsolf with ndvnnccd vo- pnl study nntl recltnl nnd chinch choir work there. alio camo to una city, with hor 'parents, from Now Vni-ir stnin nvnr (mi vonrs nuo nnd today Is one of tho most esteemed lyric soprano soloists In Orogon. Sho hns a clear, swcot, high-set soprano voice of romnrknblo purity and Is at, Hor best nt ballad singing, In render ing Thomas' and Dollbes' composl- tlos nnd in colornturn wont requir ing Irlllu nml (Inn Inturlirotntlotl. SIlO was lately soprano solo'st nt tho First Unitarian cnoir ana luriiiuur occupied tho samo position at tho Tnylor-streot MoUiodlst, First Pres byterian nnd First Congregational Clurch oholra. Sho Has also won nii'vens hero In concort work. L. E. BLIVEN Is visiting Coqulllo nntl Bnndon totlny nnd tomorrow, presumably In tho Intorost of n pnsslblo boxing exhibition. MESSRS. SHEA nntl MOFFAT from Boavor Hill spent Chrlstmns Day duck hunting In South Slouch. Thoy succeeded catching forty lino ducks. MISS STELLA PETERSON, who has boon confined In tho hospital with a caso of typhoid, roturned In qulto good health to Eastsldo today. WM. STODDARD and wlfo will leave tomorrow for tholr homo near t:n Smlth-Powors camp on South In let after upending tho holldnys with friends In Mnrshllold. , MRS. CHAS. NORDSTROM and sons, Potor nnd Sltlnoy, Hnve roturnou from Coqulllo whoro thoy spent Chrlstmns at tho homo of Mrs. Nordstrom's pnronts, Mr. nntl Mrs. Potor Johnson. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Phone 140L Oregon Nasburg's Grocery ( ' Has Just Received a Shipment of - Fine Fresh Assorted Crackers and Cakes Crackers in 5o, 10c and 25c Cartons Crackers in Toe and $1.25 Boxes Crackers in 15c a lb. Bulk ' Crackers, Educators, Assorted. Crackers, Salted, Assorted. At Nasburg's Grocery Jnmos Brockmnn hnB Just lenrued thnt his brother, CHnrlcs Edwin Brockmnn, Mnrshnl of Fort Collins, Colorado, wns shot Inst Saturday whllo In the porformanco of his duty. Chnrlos Brockmnn has sorvod ns mar shal of Fort Coll'ns for five or six yonrs. Ho owned his own homo in that city and IcavcH a wlfo and two children to mourn his untlmoly doath, besides HIb brother, who resides in this city, and Mrs. Mary Alice Amo tion of Myrtlo Point, his slater. CURRY COUNTY NEWS KvontH Thoro nn Told by tlio Gold' Reach Globo Word has been recolved hero that thoro will bo no Christmas troo or celebration of nny kind nt Port Or ford on nccount of tho sorlous illnoss of Mrs. O. J. Mather who Is surforlng from brain fovor. A tolophono messago was recolved nt Lniinlols forli'ddlnc tho boxlllff J match botweon Porry Randies and diet Cnrmlchnol which was to tauo placo In this placo January 1st. Earnest Holmborg and Miss Fay Tompkins woro mnrrlod nt Port Or Iford last Tuesday night. M T. Wright, Justico of tho Penco, oniclat-cd. J. L. nURNS and family of Mllllco ma woro Marshflold visitors today. A TURKISH RATH will do yon GOOD. Phono 214-J. . Insured Hot Water Bottles " Absolutely guaranteed for two years. "NVll give vou a new one without question in caso one of our Kantlcok bottles proves defective within two years. That's fair isn't it? Iienicinber tho name, tho ICANTLEEK red rubber hot water bottles, also fountain syringes, both plain and combination. The KANTLEEIv line of rubber goods is for salo in rarshfield by us only. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE OirEAHSTS PHONE 213-J Light, White, Always Right Fill Your Bin Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour r i I i Furnished i oota by all dealers. r Jt JIWWWIWWW"W .