v)MP4Wf i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES . w f f h f ) he : IS BOUND OVER Belated Presents Did They Get 'Em? ' toastandtea: M. C. .MAI.ONRY KM 1 1 or mill Pub. I DAN K. MALO.VKY News Editor Entered nt tho poiomco nt Msrsti add, Oregon, (or transmission through tho mnlla ns second class mnll nmt tor. .U'IHCIAIj TKMPKRA.MRNT. GOOD EVENING . Has u friend hurt you? For- gle hi in. lie was lilniRolr In o trouble or ho would not hnvo Injured you. Lnvnter. AT T1IIC dedication of tho stntuo of Ahrnhnni Lincoln Hint stnnds In Kentucky's now cnpltol nt i'rniiKrort, President Tart ninilo a jiolnt thiiH hnpplly nnd inoiunrnbly: "I don't think It too much to say Hint Lincoln hnd the most Judicial temperament of nny man In history." In n time of tho fiercest passion Lin coln porsonnlly lived, thought, nnd worked In n region nbovo It, and readied his momentous conclusions unaffected by It. He said ninny In cIhIvo things, but He was fair to" others, helrt tnom In n spirit of uu fnlllng good tomper, nothing sarcas tic nor oven satirical. His Illustra tions cnrrlcd a laugh ns well as nr RUtucnts that could not bo answered. His life-long nltn wns to convince, keeping nil efforts to thnt cud with in tho bounds of common lntel'oc tual rights nnd tho restraints of kindly feeling. His principles were absolutely firm, but his methods of speaking for them Just as completely dispassionate. The exniuplo Is of tho highest val ue to tho country. It will bo needed In future nntlonnl emergencies, some of which, it Is practically certain, will come as suddenly nnd urgently ns thnt which raised Lincoln at a stroko to supremo leadership in n strnngo crisis. Passion nover Influ enced him, nor did tho passions of others. Ho snw thorn all, but never Bhnred thoni nor wns swayed by them. Ono of Lincoln's earliest ad dresses was n philosophic forecast of whnt changes Aiuoricnu chnrncter would undergo when the pride of fellowship In tho revolutionary po rlod should be ended by tlmo, and tho duties of tho now republic pass ed along by thoso who created It. Mis address, woighty if youthful, la m the main n warning against tho In dulgence of pnsslng or n light osti inute of tho porpotunl responsibili ties of freo government. Lincoln statues and momorlnls ought to bo found in ovory stnto. CHIANTI (An adapted poem.) Tlint's Florence ovor yonder, dream Ing In thu vesper light, The Bun In lingering glory gleaming On its walls of white llelow It in tho vnilcy vlneynrds Mingle, red nnd green, With olive groves nnd citron or chnrds Nestling In between. footsteps slowly LAUNCH IS HUNK. COQUILLE, Ore., Dec. 2C Whllo tho gnsollno steamer May, employed by tho Conulllo Valley Crenmory company, for cnrrylng milk to Its jilnnt, wbb running on tho lowor Co qulllo rlvor Inst wook, she ran brond sldo Into n small guHolluo launch, sinking her Immediately. Seven pooplo wore on tho small launch, who wore transferred to tho othor boat without nny accident. STARR'.S VIEW OF UAY. Tho Eugono Keglstor says: "J. II. Starr, district doputy and organiser fo- Mio Modern Woodman of Ain orica, returned from a trip to the Coob Uny country. Ho reports eve rything lively ovor thoro ns a rosult of tho railroad prospects, although money innttors are a Uttlo cramped. nioro nro a nitmuor of surveyors nlong tho lino and every one Is look ing for early construction." And there with falling, Snow white cattle pass To llml the hidden calling, cnlllng, Of the milking lass, Whllo sweet with memories of Btory On the spirit lies Tho frngranco of Italian roses 'Neath Italian skies. A moment whllo tho vlstn shim mers Deep Incnrnndlned And now behold how Floronco glim mers With the moon bohlnd! And like tho pipes of Elflund blow ing. Phnntnslcs of song, Como rnmlom strains of brokon music From tno city throng. Oultnr nnd mandolin combining Echoes of romnnco! And mnybo Tuscan maids nro twin ing In a fairy dance Here barkeep, bring somo more chlnntl, For its charm Is sweet To build such fancies In n goblet In n Marshflcld strcot. DIXIT. Italy finds Tripoli much hotter thnn tho weather forecast had Indicated. Thayer Grimes A marriage li cense. Hugo Qulst Another one. F. A. nurrlson Another new trial. Ivy Condron A safe combination Instead of a combination to a safe. Dr. E. E. Straw Another testi monial of perMMinl regnrd. J. W. Dennett A waterspout. Hob llooth A woodnlle with tho fourth dimension. 13. S. llnrgelt Dough. Carl Evortsen Moro of it. D. Y. Stafford A candy kid. Mnrshtleld Another now rnllway. The editor PL-ace. DorBoy Kreltzor A correct check on everyone. A. H. Powora A log book. Cleo. Qoodruin A shampoo. Dr. Dlx A polltlcnl passbook to prosperity. W. N. Ekblnd A book entitled "What to do for Ruby When ho Crlo3 nt N'lght." Geo. Mutch Ono Iobsou In Jlu .lltsii. Hnrry Uradflold A safety razor. Frank Parsons A Wolls-Fnro express frank. .1. Albert Matson Ono hundred new upplicnnts for membership In tho Mllllcomn club. TO 6 If (Continued from pngo t.) Tho hope of tho enemies of Coob Dny is dissension nmong Its residents. ' COOS HAY WAGON ItOAl). With luittor reduced to -10 ccntB n saunro hot cakes havo again been placed on tho bill of fare. Count that dny lost whose low des cending sun views In thy homo no bolntod Christmas present won. 13. L. Prcscott of Seattle has Just "nltl $1,000 for n cockorol. Geo! Wonder whnt n laying hen would bring. CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWS. Thoso who visited tho school Fri day, December 22, wero: Mrs. L. K. Rnlllngor, Sylvia Lor ralno Ralllugcr, Mrs, J. C. Swnusou, Mrs. L. 13. Cook, Mrs. A. II. SniUli, Mrs. H. Fourier, Mrs. T. G. Scnlfo, Mrs. McCrnry, Mrs. Jutstrom, Mrs. C. S. Dodgo, Mrs. A. Snndberg, Mrs. Dora S. Hyorly, F. A. Tledgon. Mrs. J. R. Coats, Mrs. F. G. Hortun, F. G. Horton, C. W. Montgomery, Mrs. Led ward, Miss Dolln Clmpmnn, Mrs. Hugh McLuin, Clayton Butts, Mrs. Cathnrlno llutts, Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. 13. 11. LeMloux, Mrs. Kilw. 13. Dyer, Mrs. Relln Chamhors, Miss Until Dyer, Miss M. I' ox, Mrs. J, W. Dennett, Joey Me Koown, Mrs. John W. Hutlor and sou, Mrs. C. J. Hlllbtrom, Mrs. G. W. Trlbbey. Mrs. C. Dennett. Mrs. J. P. Farloy, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Wlldn Harris, Mrs. Deubnor, .Mrs. Eugeno Crosthwnlt, Mrs. S. C. Drown, Mrs. 73. II. Squire, Mrs. Chns. Kronholui, Mrs. C. M. Fnruuni, Mrs. William Merohant, Mrs. John Coke, Mrs. 13. K. Jonos, Mrs. Max Tlni mermun, Mrs. 13. A. Hownlt, Mrs. Wm. Richards, Mrs. W. R. Spado, According to a Mnrshflold man tho revised nnd up-to-dato version goes, "I lovo my wlfo, but no moro kids." . A man hns" Just been convicted of denning from n California hospital. No doubt ho objected to tho denth penalty being inflicted. Many Coos Ray pooplo aro so su perstitious that thoy would not think or Imaging up a Christmas stocking with u holo In tho too. Editor Coob nny Times: In Monday's dally of November 21, you publish an announcement of Mr. C F. Barnard in regard to changing the mull from tho Coos lliy rond to tho Myrtle Point rond If tho Coos Day road Is not kept up. According to bis own stntomont, nil Mr. Morse expects or asks Is that tho road bo kept In pnssablo condi tion, and tho road at present is in good passable condition and I do not think there will bo any trouble In keeping it so except there should bo unuBiinl storms. I hnvo two mon working In tho canyon and will keep them ns long ns needed, nnd their work Is sails- factory to mo regardless of what the stago drivers say. There havo beon no dclnyB to tho mnll caused by slides or trees In rond that I have seen or been no tified of. The slide thnt Mr. J. D. Laird speaks of on Drowsier grade is on now grade, but tho old rond Is still Intact and in good passable condition. The stago Is tanking tho drive from Sumner to my pmco in 0 M: hours, 'i miles, which time Includes tlmo usad in changing teams nt station, which I consider is good time nnd shows thnt the roads are not so awful it Mr. Haines UiIuIcb ti.oy nre. I do not think the people of Marsh flcld need havo any fear of tho mnll being changed to the Myrtle Point road ns thoro is too much monov In lit for Mr. Dnrnnrd as it Is with the present condition of tho road. 1 shall do lu tho futuro as I hnvo In tho past by doing ml 1 can to keep roads In best possible condition for the mall nnd the trnvollng pub lic. 13. N. HARRY, Supervision Rond District No. 12, Sltkum, Oregon. Wo can all subscrlbo to this from tho Atchison Globo: "Pnrrots llvo a long time, nnd it is believed nnturo mndo ono or two othor mlstnkos." Doc Cook says ho Is going to rnlso wheat In tho stato of Washington. Whent Is a much bettor product than somo othor things tho Doc hns rais ed. Smoke costs tho country n billion and ono hundred dollars a year ac cording to n Cincinnati Inspector. !s this n knock mi Hormnu Illllyors business. Doputy Prosecuting Attorney LU- Jenvlst and Mr. McKiilgnt, the Rcsts cott 'woman will remain In tho cus tody of Constable Cox nnd bo '- lowed to remain In n room nt 'ho Coos Hotel tustend of being thrown Into Jail. Mr. McKulght declured thnt the county Jail wns not n lit pln"e In which to confine n woman. Tho henrlng this morning wns brief, only seven witnesses being briefly oxnmlnod. Tho witnesses wero Nola Rnsmussen, Win. H, EvniiB, Dr. Horsfnll, C. F. Thomas, John Mlllott. Acting Marshal Wnlter Rlchnrdson nnd Marshal J. W. Car ter. Messrs. RaHiiiuBsen nnd Evnns did not witness the shoot ing but hnppoiiPd on the sceno booh nfterwnrds and their ovl- dence wns not Importnnt. Dr. Hors fnll testified briefly iib to tho II rat examination of Murray's wound. C. F. Thomas, who Is doputy gnino warden, was ono of tho principal witnesses. Ho Baw the Uestscott wo man go up to Murray nnd ns Murray turned to lenvo her, pull n gun out of her muff and shoot. Mlllctt will probably be tho ninlti witness In tho trlnl of tho caso in circuit court but this morning ho was rnthor reticent when placed on tho stand. He wns wnlklng down North Front Htreot with Murray when they mot tho Uestscott womnn. Murriy. ho said, did not want to stop nnd talk to her thero. Murray wont In to tho Owl snloon but bIio culled him out ngnln nnd tho Bccond tlmo when ho turned to lenvo her, she pulled tho gun out of the mult nnd shot him In the back. Mlllctt said that ho grabbed for tho gun the In stant ho saw It but ho wns too Into for It waB discharged heforo lie reached her arm. Ho also Btnted thnt tho Rostscott womnn hnd pre vious to tho shooting told him thnt she wns going to scare Murray nnd uftcrwnrdH declnred that ho (Mur ray) was not going to dlo nnd thnt sho hud not mennt to hurt him. Wnltor Richardson, tho nc'liig lunrshnl who nrrested her, nlso tes tified that tho Rostscott womnn h.nl told him nfter (he shooting thnt Jealousy prompted tho deed but thnt sho only mennt to senro Murrny. Mnrahal Carter testified concori Ing tho gun which wan an automatic pistol. Goldlo Uestscott wns In court throughout tho hearing nnd wns an nttontlvo listener. Not once did sho fnltor until the attorneys bcg'in their nrgumonts nftor the taking of testimony concluded. Doputy Prose cuting Attomoy Ltljeqvlst stated that kho ovldcnco plainly allowed thnt tho crime wns preinedltnted nnd tho fact that hIio did not show nny trnco of anger, of Insanity or of In tnxlcntlou Indicated that tho ci'mo wnn n cold blooded ono. Thon n cold, cynlcnl smllo brjart oncd almost Into n silent lnugb us tho Uestscott womnn wheeled around In hor chulr nnd looked nt the pro secuting attomoy. A moment Inler, Mr. Llljcqvlsf remnrked thnt she hnd deliliprntolv shot Murrny In tho nnok. Thon a look of horror awopt ovor her fnen, dying nwny In n frown ns she looked Intently nt Mr. LllJoqvW'. A moment Inter, sho turned with n look of appeal to hor attorney. Mr. Llljeqvlst Btnted that should Murrny dlo within n yonr. tho chaige against hor would be vory much moro sorlous. Thon, sho gave a lit tin atnrt MUNICE, Ind Dec. 25 A baby , Mif:i,i nrn.n,i thnt tim carriage may bo n vehicle ; elsewhere1 ,,', 'Kn,n8t i10r should not be but not In this town. The wife of ;;,. 80Vro Uum n8SnuU vjth a dnngoroiis wenpon. Ho said that no wanted to bo cnndld with tho cnift Tonight's Window Display Helps Tomorrow's Business No ono can pass an attractive show window display in the evening without a Fooling of pionsiiranio (iiinosiiy. m Plic window appeals like a burnt il'ul nm. lure; it compels oloso inspection; it o.Ioik1 a cordial invitation for patronage. ads People have time in the evening to stop and inspect the well-lighted display. All merchants have not the time or inclina tion to pay proper nttontiontft their window lighting methods.- To assist these mer chants we offer a special service, on)' experts planning effective illuminating installations r; th out charge. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Corner Central and Second J (; i t . HOLIDAY BARGAINS During Holiday week we will sell Potatoes for $1.25 per hundred. and wo will give $1.00 worth of sugar free with every $10,00 order of groceries and 0 cents worth of sugar free with'a $5,00 order of groceries, THESE PRICES ARE ALL FOR CASH. ANONA CASH GROCERY ItUOAOWAV AND CKXTItAh WIKH AMK.NDH HIS 1JAIIV CAItHIAGi: LAW 'What a gront actor Xat Goodwin uh"(1 lo bo!" exclnlins Kdnn Onod rlch, latest o.-wlfo of tho actor. That reads lllto a tombstnuo Inscription, but Kdnn Intended it moroly for n pieco of sarcasm. At Canton, 111,, n womnn 29 yonrs old Is n grnnduiothor. In enso sho 1,'lvos to a good old ngo tho possibili ties of iirenklng the rocord nro ovl- f'nnt. A reunion, nt which six or Mrs. R. n. Hall, Dr. J. T. McCornnc, eovon generations might sit down to Mrs. V. J. Itohson. Mrs. U, C. Call, dlnnor by tho tlmo bIio Is SO. looms Mrs. Fennels II. Clurko, Adolnldo CInrIc, ICmmn Nnsburg, Mrs. Noff, Mrs. Ilreon, Mrs. J. A. Mntson, Mrs. J. W. Klnnngnn. Kllznboth II. Lnw lor, Mrs. Anna Snow, Mrs, Hill, Mrs. J. M. Upton, Carl J nth, Myrtle Io not, Mrs. T. I.onot, D. U. Hood. Mrs. P. n. Hnllnnd. Mrs. J. H. Mllnor, Mrs, C. C. Going, Mrs. J. W. Chap uun, Mrs. J. W. HUderbraud, Mrs. 10. Anderson, Mrs. M. Ogren, D. II. Fnlres, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Itoos, Hev. Robert up In the distance. 8tatk ok Ohio, ('itv okTolkim), I , l.l'f ahcocntv, I" Frank J Clu'iioy nmkoiontli that lu'itcnlor piirlnur of thv linn of K. J Clioncy A Co. ilnliit; IiiiIih III I ho ('Itv of ToU'ilo, ('oiinty hihI Hliitfiifcromilil. mill lli't kiiIi! tlrni will imy tin' Bum 01 iiNR llt'NIiKKD POI.I.AHS forom-li nnd (vory cnoof ('ntiirrli tlmt rniinot lo cured by tluMiHMif Hull's C'Hlnrrli fiiro. KKANK J. rilKNKY. Sworn to licforo im nnd mlP Ibwl In inv pr"inn, tlilmuli day of Porcnibor. A 11. ivnl, (SElJ.) A. W.OI.KASOV. N'OTAISV I'lIIII.IP Ilnll'K Crrli r'urrU tnVcu Inlt'rimlly, mul nrownlng Mrs. K. W. Sullivan. Mls.i'ytM UUOIU lJ O-LJ-'V ri T ... i: iH'rr !SrJ?fo ncBKnuca. s.rss: w ?M .IWIBB mw ivurr Ssiow Drift Flour Highest Quality n one of the cty counclltueii has put nor root down hard on the proposal to class baby buggies as vehicles nnd regulnto thorn with nil othor vohlcle trufllc on Btreets. Tho councllmnn Jind drnwn up an ordinance to regu- laio street tralllc. Ho was roadlns It to his wife.' When ho got to tho Itom "Uaby Cnrrlagos," sho looked up from tho sock sho was knitting for unuy ami said: "Cut out nil thnt part about tho baby cabs or I'll tippoar boforo the council myself and protost. Tho very Iden thnt.n lot of hncholors nnd married mon without chlldron should ovor dnio to tell mo thnt whon I go down town I must hold up my hand nnd wavo at a pollcomnn and wait for him to wnvo buck nt mo boforo I can cross the street with Hiy bnby." Thnt ended It. V" lit IIAIIKS HORN O IN TURKIC YKARK OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 2C. Ills recent complaint thnt the rnllway station wnltlng-room nt Roynton, Okln., was without flro on n blttorly cold dny led to tho discovery thnt J. M. Jack- son nnd wlfo nro parents of 14 children, 13 of whom wero born In three yenrs. Tho 14th child. n son, Is now 14 yonrs old. Tho Jncrenso In tho Jackson family becatno marked flvo years ago. Twins aro now five years old. Trlnlots succeeded tho twins In 12 months, nnd in nnothor year trlplots again mndo tholr appearance ono yonr aftor tho last triplets canio llvo children on tho samo day, Tho last flvo are alive but tho honltl) of tho whole family, Jackson says, was Impaired by tho nbsonce of warmth in tho Hoynton wnltlng-room. 4 NOTICN TO THU 1UIILIC. For tho balanco of tho winter, thoro will bo a hont at tho O'Kclly landing tnnt can no chartered day or night. J. A. O'KBLLY, Prop. Whether You Serve Poultry, Or tho good old roast bout for Christiana you'll bo wlso to obtain It at this market. Our poultry li all choice, young nnd fresh killed nnd our roast hoof Is tendor enoujfl to molt In your mouth. There will bo no poor appetites where our poultry or meat la served MAHSHl'IKLl) CASH MAItKET. , FOURIER BROS. Two Markets NORTH IIKNI) MAIISIIFIELD nnd admit that tho ovldonco wai '-f flclent to bind hor ovor to thu grand Jury but thnt tho severity of l'o chnrgo would lnrgoly dotormine tho amount of ball In tho enso. Finally Mr. IAUeqvlst suswntf.l that ho did not think thnt th Irii: should bo less thnn ?n,000. Mr. Mn- Knight snltl that would bo porfnetly ncceptnblo If they would be glvon n little tlmo In which, to furnish It. Justice Poniiock then ru'ed ihit fio ball would bo flxod nt $r,,000 nvd thnt a reasonnblo nmount f tune phould bo glvon in which to furnish It. Aftor tho show try n Turkish Rath Phono 214-J. STATKMKNT OF CONDITION Flanagan (& Bennett Bank .. ; I mi'. df , MAHSHF1KLD, OREGON At tho close of business, December 0, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts 422.312.6! Ranking Houso 60,000.00 CnBh and Exchanges 184,486.4! i Total 9030,700.10 LlablllUcs. Capital Stock paid In . . . . J 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 68.631.5T Doposlts C48.207.5J Total 9030,700.10 What Would Christmas Be To a family who had lost their homo without insurance? Rend tho letter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnbernncho published elsewhero in this Issue. I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front Street We Write Correct Policies. Condensed Statement of tho condition of The First National Bank OF COOS RAY v f at tho Closo of Duslnoss, Dec. 5, 1!M1. Resources. Lonns and Discounts 229'?!rft Ronds, Warrants nnd Securities H'lllVn U. S. nonds to secure circulation 5?'S?ii Real Estato, Furniture and Fixtures 8.:'V,vll Cash nnd Sight Exchange I41,l.y Total $530,000-29 Liabilities. Capltnl stock paid In biirpius nnd undivided profits, circulation, outstanding BlancharcPs Livery Wo have secureC the livery busl less of L. H. Holsner and nre ptfl pared to ronder oxedent service to the pooplo of Corv Buy. C-irefnl dt Ivors, gooa rljs kji! everything hat will mean satisfactory sorvlce to the public, Phon us for a driving horse, a rig or nnj thing needed In tho livery lino, Wo also do truck S business of all kinds. ILANCHARD RROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service 141 First and Alder Streets $100,0000 I0,797f jR.OOO.OlT iiuuiiiiiou, oiusianuing ,:.oot9fl Doposlts 414,Z9f Total 330,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, MARSHFIELD OREGON , A Modern Brick Bulldlnu, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roome with Hot and Cold Wntor. II O T E L ,C O OS Ov A. METLIN. Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards Cor. Rroadway and Market Marshfleld, Oregon. WANTED!!! WRPETS LTHOLSTKniNOj PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the PJ tic Cleaning Company. Oram i work taken at GOING & WABVW . PHONE 100 ,, l. ! 1 " U