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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1911)
. rr - sf-VSWI f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 If' How to Eat a Christmas Dinner KAT, DIUN1C AND UK MERRV, RUT ALSO UK MODERATE. CIIKW 1'OK UKAlt LIKE. BEWARE OK PLUM PUDDING. AND CAP YOUll YULETIDE 1'EAST WITH A LONG. WALK. (Hy a PltyMcInn) Christmas dinner Is a dangerous thing. It Ib the convontlonnl ChrlRt mnH dinner of turkey nnd stuffing and plum pudding It Is n very dan gerous thing. And ns such It should be met with caution nnd discretion. For If you don't get the better of your Christmas dinner It is certain that it will get tho bettor of you. In the first place remember to eat slowly and to chow your food thor oughly. That's half the battle. Tho other half consists In holding down on the consumption of Indlgcstlb'es., Begin slowly. A meal well be gun Is bnlf won. If you hnve soup, cnt It, don't gulp It. Chew well tho bread or chachers you tnko with It, nnd tho vegetables and meat In tho soup, If It be a vegetable or turtle soup.. Drowse around a little on celery or some other rol'sh. Tho moro you stall tho bettor shape you will bo In nt tho wind-up. Whim vnn pnmn in flip nloro iln rn- elstance tho Jturlcoy. .roast, or what- ever It may bo tacklo It glngorly. If you hnve paid duo attention to prel.mlnnrles, you won't bo raven ously hungry by this time nnd you won't bo Inclined to eat more ment than Is good for you. Chiw dili gently, ent plenty of bread nnd whatever you do DON'T cat any of tho "stuffing." Ent n light dessert If available, If not, and tho usual heavyweight's forthcoming, cat as llttlo of it as you can, without giving offenso to tho hostess. Plum pudd'.ng Is one of the most Indigestible things that mnn ever concocted ns a test for his stomach. Drink n domltasso of coffee If anything nnd your Christmas d'n ner will bo well over. If you have followed directions you won't Buffer much. Then get out and tako a long walk. Don't sit nronnd nil tho afternoon In a poorly ventilated room. That will Induce Indigestion even when great caro Iuib been taken with the actual process of eating. A MERRV CHRISTMAS TO YOU. TO PLAY HERE TUESDAY EIE Marshfield High School Bas ketball Team and Ex-Stars Ararnge ameG. Earnest Harrington, mnnngcr of the larshrtcld High school basket ball team hns completed arrange ments for n big gamo to tho pulbul oft Tuesday evening at tho tnbornn clo. Tho contest will bo waged be tween tho ex-stars and Jho high school boys. Tho ox-stars will en deavor to provo that they are not In a class with Joffrles, but that they nro Just as good as over, ovon tho they hnvo annexed n few gray hair In rccont football conquests. Among thoso who will probably bo in the llnoup aro: Ed Wledor. Walter As plund, Harold Drlggs, Stanley Brlggs, Fred. McCormac and Gordon Rnsmusson, nil of whom played four years ago on tho Mnrshflold team. An admission of ton cents is to In charged, tho mnolpta to go to I'm High school. Tho mnnngcr Is mak ing nil tho .room ho can nt tho tabor saclo nnd says ho will hnvo accommo dation for about ouo thousand peo ple. Everyone Is requested to turn out. -A MKHHY CHRISTMAS TO YOU WHOTE RAD CHECKS SAYS DANGER IN FLIRTING Hurry Miner Pnn-i'H Worthless Paper nt. Myrtle Point Tho Myrtlo Point Entorpr'so snya: "A translont lnboror who has boon working In tho vicinity of Myrtlo Point for several months and wont hy tho nnmo of Ilnrry Minor, last Sundny attempted to secure money on checku drawn on tho Hank of Myrtlo Point whoro" ho had not thon nor d'd ovor have any monoy. Tho fnct that ho had numbored tho chock for ?2f, up In , tho hundrods mndo the papor look suspicious to Joe Lnlrd and Tlun. Guorln whom ho tried to get It cnslied with. Ho loft on fTio stngo Sunday nvonlng, nnd It Is roportetl secured 910 on tho chock from Hill & Mur phy nt Drldgo with tho understanding thnt ho was to got tho bnliuico whon ho returned from n trip to tho out side By cnlllng at tho bnnk next dny tho Drldgo partloa learned thnt tho Instrument was worthless. Word comes from Coqulllo that Minor ensil ed a worthless check for $15 In that city Sunday forenoon. Douglas County authorities hnvo boon Inform ed but to dnto havo not beon nppro lionded." -A MKItllV CHRISTMAS TO YOU. A MEHHY CIIIHRT.MAK TO YOU. -A MERRY CIIHISTMA8 TO YOU4---A MERRY CHHISTMAS TO YOU. New York Legislator Would Curb Divorce by Imprison ing Flirts. NEW YORK, Doc. 2C Prison for flirts ntor Scptc'i tier, 1012, Is tho remedy for dlvorco suggested by As semblyman Hlchnrd F. Henrn of Buf falo, who Is a guest nt tho Hotel Urcsllu. Mr. Henrn said ho would Introduce n bill to this effect nt tho opening of the legislature In January. "I've beon mnklng a llttlo Investi gation of this flirting business," Bald Mr. Hcarn. " I've found thnt most of tho .divorces In this country can bo attributed to It. Flirting has brought moro unhnpplnoss thnn nny custom that hns over been Inflicted upon the united states. "Tnko my word for It, you'll find that nearly 90 per cont of tho people who hnvo' beon Bopnrated by tho courtB began tholr rnlntlons by an ln- teiKioaiy innocont wink. "I stood on Broadway last night ( ntifl snw moro flirting thnn I hnvo seen biiico i wns on tho Piko at tho St. Louis expedition. "I lntond my legislation to apply equally to both soxes. noth soxes aro equally guilty." -A MEItllY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. Ireland's a pi; i est no yeaus SERVICES AT HOME Cnwllnnl Fnrley iVlebrntei Ponlillcnl Mmks There Totlny (By Associated I'rcss to Coos Bn TlmcB.) nOME, Dec. 25 Pontifical maBs was clobrnted todny by Cardinal Fnrley In h b titular church of Sane ta Maria Sop.n Mlnervn. Tho church wns packed. Great biicccss attended tho Chrustmns dinner held at tho American College of Cardinals, Ear ley and O'Conucll being enthusiasti cally received by 100 po sons present. A MKltitY CHRISTMAS TO YOL'v- A MKItltY CHHISTMAS TO YOf- UNIVERSITY HEKEHENDUM KEPT OKK BALLOT SALEM, Oro., Dec. 23,--On tho ground that the referendum petitions ngnlnst tho appropdn Hon mndo by tho Legislature for tho University of Oregon lacked n mifllclent number of valid Blgnnturcs nnd thnt some of tho pnrtics peeking to main- tnln tho legality of tho petitions arc not In court with clenn hnnds, J ml go Galloway, depart- ment No. 2 of tho Circuit Court, rendered n decrco making tho Injunction granted on hohnlf of J. C. Friendly against tho See- rotary of Stnto to prevent th i placing of tho potitlons on tho ballot nt tho next general eloc tlon, permnnont. A Unrbed TVIro Cut, Collar or Haddlo anil not properly licnloil lcavos a Ulellnurtnc ecar. Ballard's SNOW LINIMENT la the Ilffcl't Ilcmeilr 'or All Abrnnlona of the Fleali. If tho wound l. cloamiod nnd tho liniment applied promptly, tho liealliur process hcRlnH at onco nnu mo nounu ncais irum tho Insldo outwardly, thus per forming n. perfect euro thnt leaves no ucur. If tho wound hrnl on tho nutsliln ton nulck- ly, pu forms undor tho sur fnco anil breaks out Into a run nine bo re that Is hard to euro nnu Inovltubly lcavcu a bad scar. Owners of blooded stock pro fcr this liniment to nil others for that reason, and they uao It not only on nno animals, but on human flesh. riB It docs Its wonc quicKiy ana xnorougniy. Prim 23e. BOn nnd 1.00. JameiF.Dnllard,Prop. St.Louli.Mo. : Stephens Cye Salve It a healing ointment ior eoro eyes. Archbishop nt 751, Will Nt Permit Public Observance of Anniversary. ST. PAUL. Mo., Dec. 23 Arch bishop John Irolnnd completed 50 yonrB of priesthood Thursday, but tho venerable prolato did not permit any general olnorvnnco of tho mini vorsary. TIiIb complotlon of n half coutury of ecclesiastic sorvlec took placo In tho 73rd year of tho arch bishop's Ufo. LICEXSEI) TO WEI) Cupid's nsslstnnt, County Clork Jnmes Watson, wns n busy ofllclal tho l post weok In ono department thnt In t which tho mnrrlngo licenses nro inaii lufncturcd says tho Coqulllo Sontlnol. During tho past weok flvo llcensos woro Issued to tho following happy couplo . Clin-lps W. Cronkhlto nnd Annlo Eekhoff. Hnrvoy J. Iltissoll nnd Mabel M. Nonh. Hnrry L. Russoll nnd Winifred F. Rood. Enevold J. Hanson nnd Mary A, Johnson, Perry W. Dodson nnd Ethel Reynolds, .A MERKY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. t3ot.oANDRrconHeNor.nnv RED CROSS DRUG STORE $2.00-EMPTY PIANO BOXES ' iMnke good wood and coal bins, chicken coops, outside store rooms, etc. Ask ns by phono or call Palmer's Piano Place Phone 270-x GET A $30 GOLD WATCH FREE ' By making a small Xmas pur- AT FRIZEEN'S STORE 68 Central Ave.. Marshfield Call and find out the conditions E. J. A Merry Christmas To Everyone and Greetings of the Season From The Toggery CENTEAL AND BROADWAY Across from First National Dank. First Class Auto Service When you want to go nnywhoro In n hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Rest rntos in tho city. DEST CARS. BcBt drlvors. Phono 6G-J until 11 p. m., nftor 11 p.m. phono G-J. Res donco phono 28-J. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class article, You can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them. SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 200J DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J, Cor. 4th and Park Ave. Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, , PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF HAT WORK. ItOSS rjNEGOR. 256 Central avenue Phone 250X 1 1 MMCkl ? Idea", who have .ome Inventive ability 'fplu write UIIKBlJiY A MelNTIIlK, I M oxen MOJtm wismxG rou err j Christaias AND A Happ j Mew Year "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BAXDOX MABSllFIEtiV Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mrt. CoqulUo Offljo Phono 101 Mnrshflold Offlco H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lnnds a specialty. Qonoral Agents "EASTSIDE" FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Coos Bay from San Francisco, Tuesday, December 26 at 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C F. McOEORQE, Agent. "THE FRIEND OE COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WWII WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Eureka, Wednesday Morn ing Dec. 27 at 10:30 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE II o. F. McGEORGE, Agent Steamer Homer Sails from San francisco for Coos Bay De cember 24 or 25 F. S. DOW, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME BAILS FHOM TORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON DEOEMBEU B, 13, 10 AND 20. SAILS FROM COOS IIAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON DE CEMIIER 0, 10, S3 AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 88-L FAST. SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our Btagos lonvo Mnrshflold for Rosehurg nt C o'clock every evening ana afford quickest connections with Southern Paclflo Railway. Faro $6.00, COOS RAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SOIIETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshflcld. O. P. BARNARD, Agent, ItOSERURG, Oro. PHONE 11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 1ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. PUitor, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTn BROADWAY. PHONE 301 Citv AutoSu (loud Cnrn, Careful DrSr. $ roanonnblo clmrcos. o,I M "Will go nnywhoro al "P, 5 BtnmlH iilniico Hotel . $ Clgnr Store. Dny Phone. ?. BIH Night Phono 46, nM-l4; BARKER . GODDAM? . j -r'tii. ... rnimil. nnd a,WWe(f All chronic dlscagoa treated n. , utlon free. Omco houri? 9 to 12 n. m.: 2 to s nmi .. .' Naturopath Instltuto-noo v!' No. 130 Itrnni1nV . . -.I0, " ""T'lneM nff VH. G. W. LKSMH, Osteopathic PliriM.. Uraduato of tho Amurl-an ..v... . Osteopathy at Klrkllle, Mo. OB-f In lilt, ,,.... .. UB.. 4jPhono 1C1-J; Marahfleldj Ore,! W V. llRNNUTT ' 1 J. 2!T Offleo ovor Flanagan & Dennett Bv larshllold ' MN v"ni t-R. J. T. McCOUMAn. U Phyalclnn and Surgcoa Marshflcld, Oregon. ! Jfflco: Lockhurt Uulldlng, opponlte Poit OJliV Phono 106-J , ill Alt. A. J. IlKN'llttVio . 1 1 Motlcni Dcntnl Paftn tl . Wo nro equipped to do high tm work on short notlco nt the tot1 Iowobi prices. Examination frtt! Lady nttondnnt, Coko building, epjcj slto Chnndlor hotel, phono 112-J. BARGAINS IN IHCYCtHS. "l Fully Gunrniitcrd Whcclj ntfromW ITnunril . t Comploto lino of IJIcyclo mpplla,! bicycles, etc., ropalrcd. I BEARY'8 GUN SHOP. J ... .Kitiifuw, i-ron. i fin. n(T Vri. 1.V. C, in . ..a. I Have That Roof Fid' NOW j See CORTHELL ! Phono mat , Have Us Launder Your (Wtrwtir'j Wo WflBli tbrHn cnrmnnli itMtd.l nnd hotter thnn tho work can'bdor olsowhoro, and they aro not wornw. much. Wo do not shrink them, erv woolon garments aro returned Uti enmo slzo ns whon sent ui. i Wo Iron tho garments nicely, fuh ordinary repairs frco of charge til'' you havo fresh clean, sweet asdM wear ready for earn weck'i cbanjt Bundlo yours up with neit weei'i laundry bundlo. Marshfield, Hnnd & Steam badrjr' PIION 220-J Prof. A. TEACHER OP PIANO. And volco culture Appolntar I hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants can at a.uu.o, it tackon Rldg.. 1 Broadway. Wc Clean and PrcsSf Ladies' and Gent's Sfc; Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundiyi PHONE MAIN 07J Union Oils JASOLINE DI8TILLATK BENZINE KER08Ki SAMSON GAS ENGINB8 , and 1 CENTRIFUGAL 1'UMTS ' Coos Bay Oil & Supply W Itanhneld. Ore. rHOVBWW,, Mall Orders Sollciwo. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . . .. .(,. MtiJ Tn.l. hn,AhV flVRIl U4H '- iUHCU l IIUI"U D"- I.....I l. thflCOa"" bids will oo receive u, .--- , Council of tho City of MajJ Coos County, urego.,. . ;,,lk' seven o'clock P. M., Krldar, tJ , day of Decomnor, ! ; H$ nnd sprinkling the i streets oj j city rrom unnuurj t" nerform , 1st. 1912, said work : t tU PjJor to tho satisfaction of the mlssloner, tho streets to toifiLfr when directed by W mr& sionor ana. i" " '" : t cemw ti nf .tnv or nlKht as the street . w- u elonof may order, the swept nro as follow-, to-' ! AH that portion otfwm and Central avuuuu "tW par 8lx times per week all JJ", fltfj slreots In the sald clt) e"T , Street South nnd " ' portloa times per week, and w ' , Fifth Street South ?", ff. that nro paved ano iu- r t Broadway from Central Times Want Ads Bring Results Broadway irom fc MoLftln'B office orfce Per any ana tU If lav of Pecero,'- TrtTTN V, M4i.ltfl uw I " , cLftln's office orfco per w 1 Tho Common Council jew q1 right to rejec any auu - ,,, j 21HL UUJ " ;. . TlIITLSW jed this 21st day (