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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1911)
M ,1 ..' 1 1 i-r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 IP ASSETS SALE SIM LINE IS M1STERY 4 Again this sweet old wish repeating, This gladsome wish that's time defeating, This good old fashioned Christmas Greeting." ' A Merry, Merry Christmas To Everyone GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers Always "IKe Busy "THE REXALL STORE" No Standing Still This is not th same drug store that it was last year. It is co istaiitly changing, always pro gressing, over i lproving. We get new sugges tions from our customers, new ideas from trav eling men ; new plans Jfroin visiting successful drug store men from other cities. Gradually these suggestions, ideas and plans get worked in to our store. The very lat st of these new things at '"The Busy Corner" is the licxull line of Remedies. tiik PEHSOXALLY VISITS El'ERY CITY WIlKltK A HEXALL STOIMi! IH FSTAIILISHED AXD CHOOSES Till-! I JEST STORE. JIE CHOSE "THE HUSY CORNER" IX MARSH FIELD. That is whv it keeps growing and improving It seems to be a g eat pleasure for our customers to trade -with u . and it certainly is a pleasure for us to condu t such a store. We invite your, patronage. Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "We wish you all R&J mas you ever had and jdHfiWI and dear to you. May all tin choicest blessings of this Happy and Holy Holiday season be yolirs. Lockhart's Grocery TWO PRIVATE PHONES com my. Past has proven thnt investments 'tie are the most profitable. The C. the most profltabl pruschke, Marahfleld, Ore. I'i'i'i'i i SAFE ANDJV W 4? SQUARE JzZ&T sw x PRESENTED NX BY Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do wen to call at the Pacific Monumental v,orx. south Broadway and make oelectlon from the largo stock now ou band. Mr. Wilson has In his amploy the only practical marble and gra nite cutter In -Coos county. And none but tho best worif Is turned Corner" or THE hexall COM1WXY MAIN 298 US the Merriest Ohrist- to all who are near -85 and 305 iweffimt . m-I " COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS JKs AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION MIW. FARM FW1T. MNEML, TIMBER LMDS. Organizing or mmTRW, COMPANIES A $PZClALTYsZ In small acre tracts near wowIdb D. R. 8. has huch to offer. Chns. J. imps mm Ht8M057Z, K4'JL FSgRl$pms&& MATINEE AT The Royal Theater SUNDAY AND GIIIilST- MAS DAY and Every Saturday and Sunday hereafter at 2:30 o'clock. FOR SALE Young npaii nf liorsos, weight 1400 lbs., now wagon nnd harness. J. T. Fitzgerald. FOH SALE Xlno-yonr-olcl horse, 1100 lbs. Saddle, drlvor or work Also now slnglo harness nnd cart. Apply J. I). Davis or Jack Fnrloy at fqrks of Coos River. FOIt It EXT Ivi-room house. Ton dollars per month, Including wa ter. I. S. Smith. WANTED Girl for Kcnerol house work. AddresB F. E. Haguo, Mild. WANTED Man nml wife deslro po sltlons ns cook nnd helper in log ging camp or olsowhoro. Address "Cook" enro Tlmea or phono 104 North Bond. FOR SALE llninratcail rellnqiilnh mont. Ono of tho best In this sec tion. Close In. Address "Homo stend," enro TIiiiob. FOH SALE Heglnteml IlolMeln bull calf over ono month old. Wrlto or phono H. W. Sanford Sumner, Oro. FOR REXT lO-room liouso In South Mnrshflold. Phono 110-L. FOR REXT Flno sunny npnrtinent, furnished Inquire Nnsburg Gro cery. FOR SALE Ono good organ. In qulro nt Stnuff'B Grocery. SWEET APPLE CIDER In any nnnntltv Prnn nnllvnrv. Phono '91ftT Pnnn Arnvn Sniln Wnrlm. STERILIZED sweet applo elder, mndo from Coos liny npplcs, In pint bottles Phono your ordor to No. 277. FOR SALE Ten horse-powr steam holler nnd onglno, equipped with circular saw and cross cut saw for sawing wood. Flno for clearing land nnd pulling stumps. Enquire of J. E. Fltzi;ornld, 973 Ilrondway, or phono 192 J. What Would Christmas Be To n fnnil'y who had lost their home without Insurnnco? Read the lotter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnuornncno puunsneu elsowhoio In this Issue. I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front Street ' I Wo Willf Correct Pollries. T. J. SCAIFE i A. II. HODOINS Marshfield Paint (8b Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, LT Furnished Phono 140L Oregon ej LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- 4 TOUT. Tor twenty-four hours ondlng nt -1:00 i. in., Djc. 24, by Mrs. 10. Mlngus, special government tretcorologlcnl observer: Maximum IG .Minimum 32 At 4:00 ji. m 41 Precipitation 49 Wind. Northwest: cloudy. Injures Hum) Charles Magary of West Mnrshfleld while chopping klnd- uing mm evening sovereiy cm irs ion I hand. The Injury while not serious Is very painful. Wed Today. Tho. marrlago of Miss Ethel Ileynolds and I'erry Dod son, two well-known, Coos Day young pcoplo will tako plnco today. Only Intimate friends and relntlvos wilt bo present. llnnr,. Im HnrriMm Tho rlnnrn Him, by the Toello Orchestra In Eckhoff's Ilnll In North Uend Saturday evening was a success. The music was tho best heard In North Uend "for somo time. Mr. Toello Intends giving a dance In Mnrshfleld In tho near fut- ure. False Alarm. Tho lire alarm was soundod nt noon today. It developed that Bome'ono noticing an unusual volumo of smoke from tho clilmnoy of Dr. Leslie's aparttnoiits on Third street, turned In tho nlnrm and tho mlBtnko was noticed before tho flro department reached tho sccno. Pay Hand Hoys Arrnngomonta ,r ,nn,l tnrtnv fnr tmv.nif thn t.nml wore mndo today for paying tho band boys who mndo tho trip to Portland to accompany tho Doston hero on Its til Inot fnll HMirt linml linl'a n rrt-im.1 to go if someone would reimburse thul"10 dobt w.od tho contractor. Georgo members who were employed for thoM'orry. who will uso tho money to time thoy lost. Tho Chnmber of Com- morco did so and whllo tho bill am-, ounted to moro thnn was expected. it wnn flm oniv iiiinnlii ir.ii n? tho vnnf nnd Director Fenton wnB notified to- day thnt tho band boys entitled to tho nurvoy Tor tho lino botweon Mnpio tinv could cot It now. It will como ton nnd tho const," wns tho dcclarn- ns n sort or n ChrlBtmns nrcsont to.tlon of Josso C. AyerB, who hns them. .Funeral Largely Attended. The funornl of A. M. Hoss wns held from tho Mnrshfleld Methodist church yes terday afternoon and was largely nt- tended. Tho fuuorul was under 'ho direction of tho Loyal Order of Moose. A lnrgo tiumbor of members of tho W. O. V., with which tho de ceased wns also nfllllated, were pre sent In n body nnd nuito a few Ma sons wore present nlthotigh Mr. Hoss had taken only ono dogrco In tho iattor order. Tho funeral sermon was preached by Itov. J. T. M. Knox. Tho funornl exorcises of tho Loyal Order of Mooao were conducted n tho grnvo undor tho direction of Chns. I. Itelgard and other officers. Tho pnll-bonrors woro O. O. Lund Tom Lnwhnrno, J. Plttmnn, Guy Lattln, Chas. McCullough and O. M Johnson. -A .MEHHV CIIIUST.MAS TO YOU- Where tho Locality Docs Not Count. Wliorover thoro nro peoplo suffer ing from kldnoy and blnddor ail ments, from bnckncho, rhoumntlsm and urinary Irreguiaritios. roioy . .... ( Kldnoy Pills will holn thorn. Bolvl doro, III., E. A. Kolly, an ox-onglneor, snys: "Threo years ago my kldnoys became bo bnd thnt I was compolled to glvo up my onglno nnd quit. Thoro wns n sovoro aching pnln ovor tho IiIjib, followed by nn Inflnmmntion of tho blnddor, nnd always a thick sod Imont. Foloy Kldnoy Pills mndo mo a sound nnd well man. I can not Bay too much In tholr pralso." RED GROSS DRUG CO. I Wish You All A Continued Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year v. WE'RE HOLD 1X OL'R OWX nnd moro In the selling of high ' grndo cnndl03. Wo nro glnd tj say thnt our bus-' inoss novor wns bottor Every Uny . sees nn Increas ing demand for our SWEETS Thoro nro roa- sons of coursn. Como SCO what IB I '""' "u" particularly nnx-, Inna In mill vnnr name to our Hnt of customers and wo know n look at our goods whl do It. TWO STORES. ,i .. w n,.'all day. Tho boys Judged tho anl Stockholders of Eugene Rail way Project Approve Trans fer to S. P. EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 25. At n meeting of the stockholders of tliu Lane County Asset company it was voted to ratify the recent action of tho directors in tho salo of tho Chris tenor property nt tho gap flvo miles west of Eugene to tho Southern Pa cific company. Thero was a good attendance of the stockholders, 123,000 of the $28, 000 stock Issued by tho company be ing present. When It enmo to a fin al voto upon the ratification of tho action of tho directors, It was found that it carried by n threo to ono voto. Tho Southern Pacific company gave tho Asset company tho sum of $4,100 for tho proporty, which Is necessary for tho Coos Day lino, now ' UllUer COIlStrUClIOIl. At Ono U1I10, 11)0 company offered $17,000 for tho land, together with tho franchises on tho i city's BtreotB, but ns It was voted not to nllow tho S. P. company n common-user prlvllcgo on Fifth street with tho Oregon Electric, thnt offer wns withdrawn, but later the sum of $12,000 was offered. The Asset compnny had another offer, however, and hosltntcd In accepting tho S. P. company's for tho reason that negotiations with tho Pacific Groat Western wore under way. No satisfactory nrrnngomonts could be mndo with tho other compnny and " ,'" '"','' i L Zv Z to tl, S'.P- Company nt n greatly rO- n m a 1 n 4 MAnfm fr 41i ( A tin 1 1 duccd price. Tho money received from tho Southern Pacific will bo applied to IW ,OH ino mm w,lo,n " nu " 18 "'""' ... . ,, ""c on minoy. "Flno wcathor greatly aided us In tho work of making tho pormnnont charge of tho survey for tho Pacific Groat Western railway. Ho arrived in Eugeno from tho scono of opera tions nnd will spend Christmas nt his homo In this city. "Wo nro Biirvoylng down tho south side of tho Sluslnw rlvor," continued Mr. Ayers, "nnd nro making rapid progress. Wo nro nt present on cnnipod nt Acmo, nnd nro working both ways from that point." Asked If his company had mndo n survev on tho north Bldo of tho rlvor Into Florence, ho replied that only n preliminary survey had been mndo over that route, but estimates ns to tho cost of right-of-way had beon mndo nnd it is posslhln thnt n brnnch lino may bo built down tho river on thnt side. -A MEItllY CHKI8TMA8 TO YOl- E0PLE B3S3KX E323tOE3Sa )) jr. UTLEY from Portland Is In tho city. MISS LULU IIODSON of Allognny Is spending Xmns on Coos Day. MATT ANDEHSON nnd family from Denver Hill Is spending Christmas In tho city. FRANK GRANT Is down from Smith-Powers Cnmp No. 5 to spend Christmas. MISS HATTIE DOWRON of Isthmus Inlet Is spending Christmas with friends In Mnrshfleld. CHAS. J. lmUSIIKE Is spending Christmas wth Horbort Armstrong nnd family In North llond. GEO. HAINES loft lust night via Rosoburg for Cnllfor;iln to look nftor business nnd visit relatives. F. C. TItl'E nnd wlfo nnd baby eamo ovor from Coqulllo to spend Chrlst- mnB nt tho homo of O. O. Lund horo. C. C. HUIDaES and wlfq of North Coos Rlvor hnvo rotnrned from n trip to Portland nnd Wlllnmotto Vnlloy points. Vssrls Sail. Tho San Onbrlol which loaded with lumbor nt tho de pot, nnd tho Nann Smith which loaded at tho Smith mill, sailed y tordny for Saii Frnnclsco. KILL DIG REAR A boar thnt hns boon doing somo dnmngo In tho Hrldgo neighborhood on tho jnddjo Fo.k was brought to firtli on the Pnrrslt plnco on tlioi North Fork last week. G. L. Par-' i'bIi and Honry Mlllo'- woro In the Holds building a fonco whon fcomo dogs belonging to Fred Noslor of Hrldgo approached driving borore thorn n b g boa . Tho dogs treod tho vannlt uonr whom tho boys wore and they Immodlatoly Iprocured '-a gun from tho house and got M. 11 uln nut of tho troe. Thoy dogs imd probably been chasing this bear ,mnl wolghed at least 250 pounds. Mr. parrlsh got 2,fe gallons of fnt from " HUH. .ujruu .uirn. "iiiuMi; '" Light, White, Always Right Fill Your Bin Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour General Superintendent Camp bell of S. P. Talks of New Coos Bay Project. EUGENE, Ore, Dec. 25. D. W. Campbell, general Btipqrlntondant of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, nnd F. L. Durckhnlter, district en glnecr, halted their special car In tho local railroad yards and madp a to'ir of Inspection of Eugeno and vicinity. Including Springfield. "Wo havo to go to tho newspapers of lato to got tho news In railroad matters," said Mr. Campboll. "ft would nppoar that wo hnvo n strong opponont In the Hold with roferoun to tho const lino road. What nro they going to do with us? What Is your feeling In tho matter?" "it would bo my opinion," conti nued Mr. Campboll, "thnt tho pro jected branch lino would sound moro fenslblo nnd logical it proposed by tho Chicago Mllwaukeo & St. Paul railway. Tho Northwestern and Its tormlnals are so romoto from this sec tion, its nearest point being In Wyo ming, thnt tho lato news story to tho effect that the Northwestern Is back of tho const branch enterprise is en titled to n rcnsonablo doubt. Then, ngnln, tho Northwestern has bo long! lain dormant. In consideration of these facts, why should It not bo as sumed thnt tho Chicago & Milwau kee, right horo In tho field, Is moro llablo to bo tho real factor in tho now project? Hut no ono seems to know who Is back of tho proposed const lino." -A MERRY CHIUSTMAS TO YOU- BOXING BOUTS TO BE FUST Expect Big Crowds at Spar ring Matches Here This Afternoon. ' With u big ndvanco Balo of tickets nnd moro Intorost manifested than ! hnfl been shown In nny bout horo in ,' n long tlmo, tho boxing mntchou at tho Marshflold Skating Rink at 2 o'clock this afternoon promlso to draw tho largest crowd that hns wit nessed nn ovent of tho kind on tho Day In a long tlmo. Although Henderson has been a r strong favorlto with local followers of tho squared clrclo In tho past, Dud Andorson hns won many frlonds here. Many havo been wntchlng him work out horo oach nftornoon and tho speed and clovcrnoss shown by tho Vancouver boy hns led many to pronounco him tho best that! has ovor vlsttod tho nay. Thoy are not only talking this but nro backing tholr Judgment by wagers. "Chuck" O'Conuoll nnd his frlonds this morning woro oxprcaslng confi dence thnt ho would mnko n much bettor showing against Sing Hosan, tho nenver Hill Chlnnman, thnn pre viously and woro declaring that ho would win enallr. Thoy woro talk ing of tho Chink hnvlng a "Yollow Btroak" which tho Chinaman's sup porters doclaro Is not truo. Manager Horron says that ho ox pocts to boo n considerable number of women present for tho go. Ho hns prepared tn accommodate qulto a largo numbor nnd sfiys thnt ho has takon precautions through tho oxtra guard of four speclnl pollromon nnd bo nrrnnuemont of tho bnlcony so thnt nothing will trnnsplro thnt will iimr tho pleasuro of tho women who nttend. A MERRV CHRISTMAS TO YOU- COQUILLi: STORK ASSIGNS. C. H. Cleaves, proprlotor of tho Golden Rule In this city, mndo it voluntary nsslgnment Thursday for tho bonoflt of nil his creditors, W. II. Mnrtln being named ns nsslgi'ieo. , Ono or two of Mr. Cloavos larger creditors havo boou pressing thoir nlolms of luto nnd with tho idea of . . r, . a a, I nil litu n.Ailttnil. lis. (l..m I M1 lL'(Hiii(. itii mn viuuiiuii. iiu uuoiii' ed it tno wisost courpo to hiuko nn n slgnmont boforo thoso creditors selv od his goods, for tho reason thnt by this moans his locnl creditors would -A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. bo protected. CoqulHo Sontlnol. Moio Depot. Tho Southern Paci fic -Depot building nt Coqulllo Is now, randy to bo moved to conform with tho now track which has boon under rnnstructlon tho last few months, Tho work of moving tho bulldlng'and platform will begin tomorrow mprn Ing, tho work being directed by Clydo Collier, tho compnny bridge fore man. Tho building will bo plnceil ' close to tho present wnrohouao , building, along tho now track and closer to tho center of tho city. -A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- ll a ti a i i :!. ft lulu i if i mn i II w i mi M i ij inm ittmnt iffi f n fi frmrtr f,- n-f .o4vPB&fi tmKjiigja Afv :.vaiit'.ui.-. . :.- - -.M