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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1911)
- -w i pimv m i"(wii.miiii!iw THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD.iOREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 3 m K M- V - Y, I' J1 IrW -. 1 1 ' , ' If w I ' - i SB JFw. y QfiSL yBU COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKV DAN E. .MALOXl.Y Editor mill Pub. Xuwb Editor Entered at the postofnco At Marsh told, Oregon, for transmission through the malls ns Bocoud class oiall matter. A MEHHV CHRISTMAS. THE TIMES wishes nil Its rondors, patrons, friend1) and oven Its onomlcs, "A Morry Christina" on this Joyous Christmas day. This Is a Benson of "pence on earth and good will to men" thoroforo on thU day should hate ho forgotten and happiness enthroned In the hearts nnd minds of mon. This would In deed ho a sorry and sordid old wor'd If It woro not for the Christmas spir it that once n year brings tho bles sings of unselfish and generous giv ing. Tho principle of the brotlmr hood of man was tho moral forro that 'Greok and Roman democracy lacked and for Inch of which they failed. This principle enmo Into play when Chrlstlnulty entered on Its historic careor. Whllo there has been some efforts by frenk historians to connect Christmas with barbarian feast days earllor than tho Christian era thoso efforts hnvo boon futile for the Chrlstmus of Christians Is not moroly a feast day but a day of good will and good wishes. It Is a day of rejoicing of family reunions nnd of gift giving. Evon conunerco catches the spirit of Chrls:- mns at this season, nnd this beautiful thought was given expression In ouo of tho huHlncss announcements dur ing tho recent Ecnson. "The story of Chrlstmns Is tho story of human sacrifice. Tho churm of Christmas Is tho charm of gone roslty. Saclflce unit generosity go hand In hand In the world-wide will ingness to give nt Chrlstmns tlnio." May all tho honcflcont blessings of this hnppy and holy season bo en Joyed by everyono this glorious ClirlBtmas day. "A tlmo of Joy and poaco; good will and plcasuro Christmas gives a gllmpso of the golden treasure Tho enrth would hold without one tenr If ChrlntniPB Insled nil Hie voar." A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. THE CHRISTMAS HELLS MISSION' Sadness nnd Gladness were walking togothor, As oft they had dono before; SndnoRs wns Blgliing, nnd GlndncBs replying With Jowols of Inughtor galore. "How on enrth enn you find any mirth, When sorrow Is sown In your B'ght?" "How enn you sigh," was tho merry reply, "When nil of tho world is so bright?" JETTV IRK 15 BEING E Jauntily swinging, tho ChrlHtmiis bolls' slng'ug. Cnmo Joyously nwoot to tho car Sadness, unheeding Despondency's pleading, Snt uuward n sweet Rinllo of cheer Hut Gladness n tear dropped, warm and slnrore. For tlio im'n tlittt tho Christ-Martyr boro: And enrli Haw tho other: nnd Glnd nm and SndnosB Twined nrniH, nnd were frlonds ov ormoro. Will Carlton. A MKHRV CHRISTMAS TO VOl. Chrirtmns Is good tlmo to bo cood to tho poor. So nro nil other dnya. A MKRRV CHRISTMAS TO VOL'-, "iiiBtend of commiserating yourself (Continued from pngo i.) nn enlarged project fbr tho Inner har bor. I think Major Morrow Is un questionably correct In hib statenijnt that It would bo practically Impose Blblo to securo any addltlonnl npji"'- prlatlon nt this session. I shall en deavor to have n now uurvey of the bnr and Inner harbor authorized with n vlow to securing a twenty-foot channel from Marsh field to the bar nnd thus Iny tho foundation for nn appropriation lator. "I noto your statement that Mnjor Morrow suggested thnt tho Port of Coos Uay offer to pay part of tho ex penses of tho Improvements, ns In tho cnscB of Sluslaw nnd Tillamook, but that you do not think this would bo Just to Coos Day ns Coos Bny Is in tho snmo class with tho Columbia river. I infer from this that you are under tho impression that all tho work on tho Columbia river Is prose cuted by tho government. If so, you nro In error, for tho Port of Portland hns for mnny years dono conslder nblo work on tho Columbia nnd Wll- lnmotto rivers. Tho work on tho bars, of courso, hns boon exclusively government work. "I ngreo with you to n Inrgo ex tent that Coos Uay hns much tho same claims us tho Columbia rlvor and yot you must recognize thnt the Columbia river drnins nn immonso Interior nrcn, with which tho Coos Day region cannot bo compared. Thu railroad connections, of which you spoak, will of courso, ninko Coos Day of much grentor Importance from n nntlonnl standpoint than heretofore. In Baying what I hnvo, I nni not In any wny minimizing tho Importance of tho Coos Dny region or Its liarbor Improvements. I am merely men tioning what you know to bo n fnct rcgnrdlng tho dlfforoncc In nrcn In tho region nnturnlly tributary to tho Columbia rlvor nnd thnt nnturnlly tributary to Coos Dny. You mny rest nssurod thnt I shall do everything I enn to securo tho largest possible ap propriations for Cooa Dny, bcllovlng thnt any appropriation wo may bo able to securo will be fully Justified by tho benefits thnt will result to tho commercial Interests of tho country." -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU- AYIIY TIIK TIE? cdlorlal writer asks: "Whoro tho Christmas neckties como Whoro, oh, whoro, do thoy (An do nil f-oni? go?") Whon enrth's Inst dny Hns seen Its closo; Whon shall decny Tho recont rose; When politics Aro good nnd clean; When women flt'ck To homo sorono; When airships fly 'Thout danger fnnght Tho Chrlstmns tlo Will yot bo bought. i When JokesmltliB censo From digging out Old Jokes; when penco Puts wnr to rout; When autos run Qu'to sonslbly; Whon ovohyono Conontcd be E'en thon, by hock, On- frlonds will buy Tl Christmas trek. Wo wonder whv. -A MERRY CIIIM.ST.MAH TO YOU- on how badly off you nro ns compa ed I. . mi.'imv rmnvrM t vm- with some peoplo, think how woll nff ' :j"'jtlt tllKIMMAh I0 10i you nro ns comparod with sonio oth ers, bays nn exclinngo. That's It. And holp your less fortunate neigh bors this Chr Htinns tlmo, and nt till times. That s what you a o here tor. -A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOI- lU'SY DAYS Mothor's look'ng dry goods o'er, Picking prosonts out. Sister's nt tho Jewelry storo. Peering all about. (rnudmu's looking nt tho toys TluoiiKh her polished specs. And father do not make a no so Father writing ohuoks. Packages pllod In tho hall! Duudles h!d nwnv In tho new iilano tall! Xo one dares to play. What a milling llfo wo'vo lod, Risking 1 nibs aim ii of K-k All. snvo fnthor lightly troad! Fnlhor's wrltlnu cheeks! .A MK'IRY CMItlSTM S TO YOl .. kiki.hkr .foxks heads north- WEST "REST OX EARTH" This Is tho verdict of R. J. Howell. Tracy. 0 who bought Foloy's Hon ey and Tar Compound for his wife." Ilor enso wns tho worst I hnvo over soon, nnd looked Uko n suro enso of consumption. Ilor lungsworosoronnd sho coughed nlmost Incessantly and ( nor volco wns hoarso nnd wenk. Foley's Honoy and Tnr Compound brought relief nt onco nnd less than three bottles effected n comploto cure." RED CROSS DRUG CO. SEATTLE. Doe. 23 Fielder .Tones was olectod president of the North Western Imbolmll lenunn nt n moot. lng of tho directors ho.o. There j wns no opposition. 'in oioetion of Jones carries with t the ioiuonl of leaguo headquart ers to I'ortlnud Application of Wlllln Walla fo n frnnnlilsu inn v ifusod. as this would nocosslfato nn olght-toani league nnd tho olghth c ty Is not mailable. A .MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOFO- Christmas Decorations For Sale and Rent Call and see something new in Christmas tree lamps, Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J All Minis of photograph work, bromide enlarging mid kod.ik finishing. JTT ;e :$P231 -il.r S.'HdHI- w 8BB w iMirr -J Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality A Merry Christmas 4: n TO EYICRYOXE WITH REST WISHES THAT LIFE'S CHRISTMAS TREE MAY RE LOADED WITH KVKllY-'jf rTHIX(I THAT IS OOOD IX THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD FOR YOU AND YOURS. .MAY THE CHOICEST HLESHIXGH AXD JOYS OF THE SEASOX RE THINK IS OUR SINCERE WISH. The Red Cross Drug Store ;')! . . I ' I- , Make Nineteen Twelve A Record Year for This City You will find our company doing its full share in the work oi' municipal develop ment. If we all push TOOTCTIIER success is bound to be our reward. .Our company wants no revenue that it does not EARN. "Wo believe that any pablic utility corpora tion can be conducted to the satisfaction of the public and the stockholders and be fair to both. . , wJim&ts&v&lilHd No individual nor any corporation can bo absolutely perfect. The best we can. do is to make an earnest 'effort always in the ' right di reclion. JjS$8&yifc- w ' "Wo arc anxious to investigate errors and to apply correction. Do us the favor, of making our office tho FIRST PLA0J3 you lodge, a complaint. Telephone .178. Oregon Power Co. By J). 0. GREEN, Manager. Corner Central and Second STATK.MK.NT OK CONDITION' Flanagan ($b Bennett Bank of MARSIIFiELD, OREGON' At tho closo of business, December 5, 1011. . Resources. Loans nnd Discounts ?422,312.G8 Hanking Houbo .1 50,000.00 Cash nnd Exchanges 184,480.42 Totnl $(J30,70l.10 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $ 50.000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 58,531.57 Deuos,t8 548,207.53 Totnl $0.1(1,700.10 Condensed SLatjement of tho condition of The First National Binft OF COOS RAY nt tho Closo of nuslness, Dec. 5, 191x. Resources. Loans and Discounts ....... , $2"9 39 S7 llonds, Warrants and Securities Y.7.Y. 7310L50 U, S. Ronds to securo circulation ,7.7.' .' 2500000 Real Estato, Furniture and Fixtures '" 8147 94 Cnsh and Sight Exchnnge ' i4i'i3i1'98 Total S.150,000.20 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In $100 000 00 Surplus and undivided profits.. lo'79739 Circulation, outstanding 77" 25'ooo'uu Do03,t3 777! 414!298i90 Total $550,000.20 INTEREST PAID OX TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MARSIIFIELD rtr.r.w Blanchard's Livery Wo hao becurod tho livery bri lObs of L. II. Holsnor and ore pre pared to render oxedont service W tho paoplo of Coi Uuy. CyM di Ivors, goon rlss J1 overylbW hat will mean batUfactory service w tho public. Plion us for a dr TIM horso, a rig or 011) thing needed n tho livery lino. Wo also do truw g business of d kinds. ilLAXCHARD HUOTIIMW Phono 138-J Livery. Feed 11 ml Hales Service. 141 First and Aiaor o-" WATCH FOR Till: Return Engagement Raymond Teal MUSICAL COMEDV CO. Three Nights DECE.MRER 23. 21 AND 95' Grand Christmas Attraction, Mnko Plans to Enjoy this Ho"W Show. WANTED!!! JARPOTS UPHOLSTEHfl " PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the P1 tlo Clennlng Company. Orders work taken at GOIXO HAKVM IMIOXE un (, Modern Brick Bu Wlnft , g Lights, Stoam Heat. Elegg Furnished Roonu w"h iw and Cold Wn?r, n O T E L .C O OS a A. METLIN. wg. Rates: 60 cents a Day Cor. nroadway and Maw Marshfleld, Oregon. t'.. t r , ,k.V&,