"""I1 v" 1''WTf'Q THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 'ALE oF? 'is, -. if nirsFH POifJE s If sWrt " t . Cm -j0!!!! iv VW 5) 1 WS VSBup' it """ iT" i'VTJv k I Owing to the fact that we do not carry on display through out the year Toys and Dolls, we will tomorrow offer for sale the balance of our stock of Toys and Dolls at One-Third Off The Going Harvey Store Complete House Furnishers Remember Tomorrow, ONE THIRD OFF ON TOYS AND DOLLS SSSET X V AM tl Jt Wv HV BJ1V Bm M.VH HylM I n.V KtVATT),!. iIC3.H m I I oil uf li llrJT'Hr li M SfflTACLAUS! DY A STATESMAN. IP? CUAMP CLAKK. Speaker of the ITome o ItCDrcseiltntlVCS! I am n Htrnni? Iwlli.vi.r ir HbSw v Snwn Chius. I got miicli pleasure otn or Him when I was n youngster. My cUlldrvn have en Joyed him greatly, uuU I whin oilier pcople'i children to derlvo nil the pleasure they enn truir 1 1 Co. I urn opposed to abolishing Snutn Clans" 01 nny myth which affords pleasure to the unit folks, ttnil old folks too. I reineniher thin my Chrlstinuses on n fnrm In the .Mississippi vinie. wore the happiest days of my Ufa We boi. used to nave up lion bladders rnnn hog killing j tluio until ChrlMtmnH, when wo niew them null hud great fun bursting them Thoy sound ilkei ennnon. Wo nil hud bobsleds and iioineninde popguns nnd whistles mid en Joyed many simple pleasures on Christmas. If wo were to ubolish Sauta Claud It Is hard to tell whoie wo would stop. i BY A CATHOLIC PRIEST. FATHER J J O'CAM.AtSHA.N, I'astor ot St Mary's riiureh. Chicago I used to believe In Suiitti Claus when I was it hoy .Nov. Unit I urn grown up 1 Htlll believe In him. Vou know If life wero all lullexilile. literal triiui t would lose half Its poetry and beauty It our food was all antiseptic we should sturvu to death So It Is with our uieiitaj faculties, They crave a Ntliiiulu i CIIAUP CI-A.HK. 2 DY A SETTLEMENT WORKER. .JaISL JWTISS JAM: AIMlAMS of Hull nnuso: The I heller III Santa Clans slum need hi children idiould he encour ' I think the Idea a very pretty I one. and not ror the world would I try to tin . oouriice It The chief value of It lies m kImiik, children an Idea of the kindly spirit thai walks ( lilmmd nlmiit Christinas ttiuo All the children In the iielKlihorliood of Hull House helleve In Sunt ii ClniiH. We enter Into a conspiracy with J their mothers mid take the trees to their homes1 nfler they are asleep Then they come next day JAM! A1U1AMH. '"'' "-'" " Mil II1IOIII K III.VS- ' terlotis visit of Santa Clans No one ceuld look Into the hip. wondering eyes of the llltlo ones and wish to dispel the llliih'ou. They j;et utilitarian views soon enough. I think the pellet In Suniii Clans Is I 8 pood lulliiPiice In the lives of children. It Is a very pretty way of uvpri-ss ' Int to them tho Chriatiuas spirit, and the louuer they keep up t'hu belief t'lio vettcr, ir 8IIEL1IV il. CUl.t.Olt. DY A SENATOR. SUKI.IIV M CUl.l.O.M. nulled States Senator Troiii Illinois: Of course I behove In Santa flans, and I am old viioiikIi io be him uiyK.ir Santa Is much better u tho youiiu folks now than he was In my day. We wero hul to et a few pieces of candy for Christinas or some other simple Klft I believe in Santa Clans so strongly that I am golns; to entertain my granddaughter and her two chlldieii at Christinas. I am going to have a Chrlsiinas tree aud lot Santa trim It for the little girls, and i oxpcei they will be do lighted with the presents ho brings them, as they have been good girls. 2 wSEf . DY A LADOR LEADER, TlrnS. RAYMOND UOHINS. I'tesldent Na- tloual Women's Trade Union League: Do I believe In Santa Clans? Most cortnlnly I do. with all my heart. I was brought up In a Krlsa Krlngle atmosphere, hui tin me doesn't mat' ter In our home the windows were thrown wide open to let in the Christinas spirit. I do not suppose that I was more Imaginative or less Imaginative than other children, hut I do not re call that I over regarded the Christinas tree as anything other than an expression or the Christ, mas spirit. Hut I love the Idea and can enjoy It now as much as when I was a little girl. I have jffifr d " "? J k-M- l. IU. I.AlilO.MJ IIOBIJl no sympathy with those who want to do away with all illusions. Thedoll away with mystery to a child Is doing away with a fundamental fart In Wt J he longer we can i-cumln cbiiiiion iim intnr i.m. i mii of invstcry nnyJi nnd In that respect we grownups do not (Hirer much from children WekMdJ down mid ask ror things with that same faith the children stiow wnen nj write their little letters to Santa Clans We cannot understand an vm limn they can. hut we reel nnd hope and nre comrortrd Tlu Idea b W l. .. .... . Ahh4 ximmuui Mini snnuiii tie encouraged tilery llttlo iiiu&ioii turn uiai.es -n, plni'ss Is good ror children aud grownups miku. ; DY A MAYOR. CARTER II. IIAKIMSO.N. Mayor or Chicago: I believe we ought to believe In Santa Claim My Christinas, however, comes election ' day, and my faith in the old gentleman depends upon what he slips Into my stocking at the pri maries Kvnry man who has the right spark cr youth in him believes in Sunta Clans, and tho older ho, grows tho more ho cherishes these tra ditions that give color and Joy to childhood, I iM-umu 111 uie jouy out saint Just as I bellove in t- music, paintings. Mowers, stories, literature. b laughter, song, good cheer, rollowshln. I like to AS hellevo in everything that Is the expression or n beautiful sentiment. Tiu.rn'u m.tiiimr in.-.. i;i.,.ti. in? the ronntnlns or youth eternally bubbling In one's tu-art, aud tnati hellovo iu old Snnta. . -. w PAIITEH It. IIAIWHn ffWl Sure, They Ail Believe In Me! Santa Clatjs.,.. 1 to speak. Therefore we have our tairy tales, our tradition and om tolklore. J and among these tho story of Suuiu Claut, stands out pit-eminently lo niuei Santa Clans out ot tho Itve-s ot cliildieu would be to deprive I linn ot one or the greatest sources or Joy known to history. Km ue aiu uot going to do that, for who could go back on Santa ClausV DY AN ACTRESS. Tr AIWA HUT ILI.I.Ntrro.N: If wasn't so much the ruct that It was Christmas that delighted uie when I wus a child, nut it was tho regular Cluistmns party at the Sunday school. I was always the llttlo fairy who distributed tho Kirts, and it always pleased me more to watch tliaexpr.es.sions ou the children's races when I'd hand them a doll or something I'm as young uow as 1 wns then, ror I love to go to Christmas parties yet. My. what wouldn't I give -ror a good old fashioned Christmas? Of coursu I bo liuvu lu Santa Clans! 1 UAROAHKMUJ" t A A A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL 4 4 4 4