THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. "" "" 5 North Bend News H M. ROSS DIED AT HOI HERE Well Known Coos Bay Man Succumbs to Short Illness on Wednesday. A. Mi Ross, a well-known citizen of Cooa Bay, died nt his homo Captain Hnrvoy HubboII nnd li-llr will go to housekeeping In tho Wnii Murr homo puon. Mrs. Goo. D. Mnndlgo of North Bond Heights, was Bhopplng In Mnrshllold yesterday. Miss Hlvlrn Mooily of Conulllo City Ir tho guest of her mint, Mrs. Goo. 1 Inzer, on Union avenue. Tho Amerlcnn Women's League of on North Bend Is holding n linznr thlB iBthmiiB inlet, Mllllngton yesterday " US " ' " nvo o afternoon after a brief Illness r .on Sherman nonuo. tt dwi?.Sin nMa0tlnMM,,,n",!?na: The Women's Hxchnngoon Shor tlons. while his condition wns .. m .. ..", i .iir,-i lllltll UtUIIIIU "III I'V Wiuin-il in ii oii.. known to bo critical, tho news of IUb time, nnd Mra. .loBophlno .Tones will JL."", '"", "" " 1"LB"CK l .have tho management of It. Mr. Hobs had not been feeling well , .. , ..,,, for somo time but his condition did ' W. "" " r,lVi"yof .NU not become Borlous until last Intur- Coon Hlver will lenvo the first pari day, when ho became bed-rlddon. of tho now year for California, Mr. Uoss was about fifty-two years where they expect to make their old, was born in Oregon near Port- homo. land and wns of Scotch descent. Ho , , , . ,,. Is survived by two sons and a daugh-1 Mrs. Geo. Reynolds of Oregon CI tj ter and his wife, the latter being tho camo today on tho Ilrcnkwo or to stop-mother of his children. Tho attend tho marriage of her daughter ln nnnn. Plinrloq n.,,1 Oonrno. ronl.ln MIB Ktliol ItcynoldS, to Perry Dod- jicrc json, December 2G. Mr. Ross came to Coos Bay about seven years nco to tako a. nosltlon ns ' Tho Congregntlon of tho Episcopal millwright In tho E. B. Denn and church In North Horn! have arrnng- Company mill. He retained this un- ed to worship In union with tho con tll tho mill wns sold to tho C. A. gregatlon of Emmanuel church, Smith company. Since then ho hns In Mnrshfleld noxt Sunday morning. been engaged In the rcnl C9tato bu incss, being ono of tho proprietors of tho Homo Lnnd company Capt. Edgar Simpson nrrlvcd homo today from Portland where ho Una Mr. Itoss wns n member of tho linon In matters connected with his Masons, tho Moosa and tho Wood-Election to tho captaincy of tho Ore men of tho World. tBon Naval Mllltla. An autopsy uom today revealed that tho lmmcdlato cause of death was tho rupturo of the gall duct. There woro nlso othor complications. Tho Mlzpnh Illlilo Class nro cntor tnlnlng Friday with a mlBcollanooiiB shower for MIbb Grnco Murr wuo ion ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho funeral will probably bo hold ves Saturday with her mother and Sunday and will probably bo In brother for Spokane whore Mr. Murr charge at tho Loyni order of Moose. i now nnd whoro tho fnmlly win mnko their futuro homo. PREMIER OF CHINA AGAINST REPUBLIC (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PEKIN, China. Dec. 21. Premier Yuan SJil Kal In nn official stato mont today said without qualifica tion, ho refused to accept tho republic. NORTH BEND NEWS. Mrs. U. F. Wyntt and daughter, Mrs. 0. W. Topo and her llttlo daughter, Viola, aro tho guosts today of Mrs. Chas. Eckhoff. All HUNTERS and ANGLERS LI- CENSES EXPIRE January 1. HE- Satiirdoy iiW yours at Tho GUNNERY. Tho steamer Rcdondo, which hnB boon delayed here on account of tho ,Btorm oft tho coast, sailed this morn ing for San Frnnclsco. Tho Excol islor nlso crossed out. Tho San Gabriel arrived In from Gardiner today and will finish taking on a enrgo of lunibor nt tho Railroad docks. Tho Alllanco wns delayed at Eu reka by heavy freight shipments and did not each horo today. Slio will nrrlvo early tomorrow wo ruing nnd sail at about 10;30 for Portland. TJio Nann Smith will arrlvo early t unlay morning from San Fran cisco with freight nnd express. Docs HE hunt or fish? SEE Tho POCKET FLASHLIGHTS at Tho flUNNERV WINDOW Christmas, gift. for HIS GUNNERY. Tho Times' Want Ads bring result r 'Just the IIC" Will Ap- I I 1 predate SS,. i Iwmfm m 'mat uwklM. immmmm, if pHlK sJ Iaa&JsisHELj ?rr.- tv?:: ITouso Slippers. Tie nnd Hose Sols match. Traveling Bags. to W E 'RE sure that you can find in this storo something that will please "Him", and make "Him" an ideal Christmas gift. Just run your eye carefully over our "Re minder List" for a sug gestion. ftssc Reminder List: Ever Wear Hose (In silk, lislo and cotton). Collar Bags All kinds of handker chiefs. Cluett Shirts. ITats. Caps. Ties (a beautiful assort ment). Suspenders. Sweaters. Silk and Knit Mufflers. Gloves. Umbrellas. Smoking Jackets. Suits. Overcoats and Raid Coats. Shoes. ALL IN HOLIDAY BOXES. Our outfitting is from the output of tho best mak ers of overy lino and our prices never "hurt." Como and look as long and as often as you please and ask as many questions as you see ht. HOLIDAY GIFTS Of Special Merit for Men and Boys CRAVATS that arc different 25c to $1.00 MUFFLERS and Silk Neckscarfs 25c to .$2.00 SHOES FOR Ladies, Men and Children $1.00 to $G.OO SLIPPERS For all the family $1.00 to $2.00 ' FINE HOSIERY Cotton, Lisle or Silk 15c to 50c ' MEN'S GLOVES Fashion's Latest Shades $1.00 to $2.00 HANDKERCHIEFS A magnificent Line 10c to $1.00 SWEATER COATS All Color Combinations $1.00 to $8.00 DRESS SHIRTS Handsome New Designs $1.00o $3.00 STYLISH HATS Make Acceptable Gifts $1.00 to $5.00 The things that men appreciate above everything else arc the practical gifts of things'for everyday use tilings that the recipient would buy for him. self. , , And then, too, you raise his opinion of you just another bit higher when you present him with something practical and sensible something Jm would buy for himself. N Every time he wears the Scarf, the Shirt, or the Shoes or the Cravat or the Slippers, or the Hose or the Suspenders, or tho Gloves which you gave him, he thinks of you. Every time some friend speaks a word of admiration for the gift you made him, it brings a happy recollection of you. Every time he sees the ornamental, porhaps,but unuseful gift of somcono else, he unconsciously remembers you for your practical, 'useful and sensible gift of something to WEAR. So when you select a present for "him," remember, .men arc practical. They cherish the memory ofa practical, useful gift, but soon forget the oppo site kind. !sfe$$Vs' " i And mako your present to "him" something he will really like better than all the other gifts lie receives let it bo something he can wear. And don't lose sight of the fact that most men instinctively know that anything which bears this store's label is absolutely right in style and depend able in quality. The satisfaction of doing Christmas Shopping from the large assortments is only equalled in the gratification of the money saved by the SMALL PROFIT PRICES- "Money Talks" The Hub Clothing Shoe Co. Marshfield Wear a Benjamin Bandon The Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE ELK FOR COOS COUNTY". Dinger Hernuum Wants Government Herd Sent licit'. Tho Rosoburg Nows says: "At tho rogular meeting of tho Elks lodge, Hon. Blngor Hermann brought up tho question of applying to tho gov ernment of tho United States In hope of securing 500 elk, to bo distributed botweon Douglas, Coos nnd Curry counties. Tho proposition mot with favor and a commltteo, consisting of Dinger Hermann, Frank G. Mlcolll and Charles rarrott was appointed to prepare a suitable resolution nre- paratory to sending tho samo to Oro- gon's representatives In tuo unitou States. In tho event tho resolution fnlls In Us mission, n bill will bo drafted and sent to congress In hopo of securing Its immediate passago. Blngor Hormann nrgued that Doug I03 Coos and Curry countlos was tho native homo of tho oik, and for that reason ho bolloves tho counties aro entitled to somo recognition at tho hands of tho government. At pres ent, tho government has nbout 5,000 oik In Wyoming, many of which aro perishing for tho want of suitable range. In this section tho elk would have little dlfllculty In obtaining nm- plo feed, considering that tho win ters nro open and free from blizzards such as aro experienced lu Wyoming nnd sister states." MINIMI IS SOUGHT. Myrtle Point Man Sought nt burg For Offense. Tho Roseburg Rovlow snys: "Rightly bollovlng thnt tho authori ties hero would bo on tho lookout for him, Harry A. Minor, a fugltlvo forgor from Myrtlo Point, did hot como to Rosoburg, but dlvorgcd from tho main road and wont to Dlllard, whero ho boarded tho second sec tion of southbound passonger train No. 13 this morning. Ho rodo only ns far as Myrtlo Creok, getting off tho train thero and secreting himself. Officers thoro aro now searching for him." Tho Times' Want Ads bring results AUTOMOBILE and CHAUFFEURS LTC13NSKS GUNNERY. RENEWED at Tho Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE nENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Ilarfiliileld, Ore. PROVE 80S- Mall Orders Solicited. Whether You Serve Poultry, Or tho good old roast beef for Christmas you'll bo wlso to obtain It at this market. Our poultry is all cholco, young and fresh killed and our roast boot Is tender enough to molt in your mouth. Thoro will bo no poor appetites where our poultry or meat Is sorved. MARSHFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets NORTH BEND MAKSHFIELD Hello! Hello! Housowlves of Marshfield o Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocer does not kWP It call up PHONE 73-J. Freo delivery 8 a.m. to 2 P- nlso STERILIZED CREAM & W1 ICE, BUTTERMILK COTTAGE CHEESE MEHSSSSS. '