THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. wwwww ! r- "" " " ' " '" M ' ' "" i ii i !.. : ?m jmn rhkf H WW B, JU i& W H W"'U III1U UUHL wkm FBI n r V wmt j)w fl & 0 W Hf SP BM auh m jj i i m a m m m i i mk filinl'r p ' i''S1 j?--" hiyr.'c)viiiijn B' tMfOOH ''jppnnjrr.irB fnnrfirwniii iiiiiiliirii nHiJj9J I Mil sHSiw Late Shipment Of pecial Holiday Li This Line includes extending book racks for library tables, telephone stands with stools, shirt waist boxes, folding tables, sewing stands, and many other eastern novelties not one of which can be seen at any other store. ComeandSeeUs It Will Pay You 1 2,367(38-1 long lonu, shows n norninl lnercnso over tho October, 1910, fig ures. Substantial Increases In the quantities of soft coal hnudlcd dur Inu tlio 10 months nf thn nroimnt venr arc reported by all the ports except isewpori .News, inj increabo being es pecially honvy In the cobo of Norfork. The combined 10 months' figures for jlho five ports wero 22,31 0,'JSG long tons, as ngainst 21,508,798 long tons, In 11)09. Domestic lake shipments of hnrtl THE CHANCE. Alexander's gone his way, J Cnesnr's dead and turned to clay; Cleopatra sighs no more, J 11 ut tho waves caress tho slioro and tho wind Is blowing still Through tho orchard on tho hill, Milton's pen Is laid asldo, Tltlan'B brush has long uecn dried; Not nn earthly thing concerns Byron, Sholley, Keats or Hums; Hut tho sun retains his glow roni lur the 10 mouths of tho mo seiit year nro given as 3,722,711 1 And tho seasons como and go. short tons, compared with 3,570,553 I short tons In 1910. Like shlnniuMs1 llabylon Is dark at night, WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 21 Heay shipments of anthracite and a Mitisfnctory volume of bituminous eonl shipped by mil, sea, nnd rlvor during the 10 months of tho present venr. nre shown liv thn fliruria of Internal commorco. Just tnnilo nubile ot oft coal totnled 14,9815,053 short! Troy Is burled out of sight: by tho Buronu of Statistics of tho tons for the 10 months of tho present Carthago has no hungry mobs, Department ot Commerce- and La- -(!nr' na compared with 10,251,819 Memphis with no vigor throbs, bor. short tons reported for tho same pe- Hut, though they Ho under silt, Anthracite coal shipments during rlml ln mo' or ll,ls totnl 1 J .232,- There are cities to bo built. October from eastern producing tor- 01 short tons v''or ahlppod from ' rltory ngKroKnted C.2C9.179 long ',n,e ,,3rl Ports nnd -192,351 short Newton, Stephenson nnd Morso n tons, n total exceeded only onco dur ing tho present yenr and onco boforo in March, 1909. Tho total for tho 10 months, 57,045,558 long tons, Is tho lurgest totnl on record for any 10 month period. Tho October shlp nion ts of hard coal from the ports tf Now York. Philadelphia and Balti more, aggregated 1,523,204 long tons, compared with 1,4.17,111 long tnnn III October. 101(1. Tim nnniiH tlos ot nnthrnclto coal shipped at shipped to Canadian Inko ports, chief Uicbo threo ports durlnc tho 10 '' ()n Lnko Suporlor. tons from Lake Michigan ports. Of Hnvo pursued tho common course tho coal rccolvod by lake during tin They nre dead, but why complain? present year 8,305,384 nhurt tons If they might como back again we-o landed nt Lake Superior pom; All tho great how could there bo 5,704,570 short tons nt Lake Mlchl- Any chance for you or mo? gnn ports, and 4 42,522 short tons nt i Lake Huron ports. This total Is ex- HANI) DANCE Christmas night elusive of 1,814,051 short tons of EAGLES HALL. bunker conl supplied to vossols In tho domestic nnd foreign trades, nnd of i Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo tho considerable quantities of conl always i:shii. iim.-u ? rMi months ot tho present year totaled 13,735,018 long tons, compared with 12,849,394 long tons ln 1910. Tho combined soft conl tonnngo of ten eastern railroads for October Is given as 13,34 4, 007 short tons, com- Livery & Transfer Co. Tho river movemont of coal on tho wholo npponrs to have been henvlor than last year, though tho 10 months' llgurcB for tho Monongnhola River, 7,480,145 short tons show a decrease I from the corresponding 1910 figures i A TURKISH HATH will do yo GOOD. Phono 214-J Blanchard's Livery pared with 12,803.934 short tons In of 8,020,333 short tons. As ngainst October, 1910. Tho same cnrrlcrs this decreaso tho figures for Davis report the soft coal tonnngo for tho.lslnnd dam show n largo gnln from 10 months of tho present year as, 1,580,295 short tons to 2,387,270 thb pooplo of Co 113,381,803 Bhort tons, ns ngnlust short tons: the figures for tho cnnMidi Ivors, gooa rlrrs 112,294,031 short tons for tho 10 nnd Ohio Kalis nt Louisville- an oqiinl montliB of tho pnst year. A similar ,ly largo gain from 875, 2g2 short tons increnso Is shown by tho October nnd .to 1,2G0,GG7 short tons, nnd tho flg-10-month llgures of bituminous conluros for tho Kanawha Itlvor n gain shipped nt tho flvo principal Atlantic .from 1,020,040 short tons to 1,007, coal ports. Tho totnl for tho month. 1340 short tons. Conditions, how- PERRY & NICHOLSON FORMERLY PERRY, MONTGOMERY & CO. Steamer Nairn Smith FAST AND COMMODIOUS Sails From San Francisco for Coos Bay at 10 A. M. Thursday, Dec. 21, carrying Christmas freight & express equipped with wireless inteh-ocean thanspohtatio.v company. Phono II 0. P. McOEORQE, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails'for Coos Bay from San Francisco, Monday, December 25 at 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. P. McOEORQE, Agent. The Charms of- Childhood ovor, nro by no means uniform all ovor tho country: Thus, for liiBtnnco, tho quantities of conl shipped by rail from Ohio mlnoa for tho 10 months of tho prcsont yenr aB reported by tho Ohio Coal Tralllc Association, woro 14,959,548 short tons, compared with 17,330,004 short tens In 1910. Coal rccolpts nt St. Louis declined 68 Central Ave., Marshfield 10 months of 1910 to 0.020.034 short ! Call and find out the conditions tonB ri.tno 10 month of tho prcsont yenr. i no com tonnngo in mo sout'i west, Including tho states of Missou ri, Kansas, Arkansas, nnd Oklaho ma, shows n considerable gnln ovor tho coal tonnngo In 1910, when ow ing to lnbor troubles tho operation of practically all tho mines In that sec tion censed, tho figures for tho sovon months of 1911 being 5,929,030 tons, as ngainst 4,551,534 tonuv.n 1910. Tho cok) traffic for tho 10 months of tho prosont year bIiows n coiml dorublo decline owing to tho Bmnllor demand of the Iron furnnces. Tho ConnollsvlUo output for 43 wcoks ot tho present yenr Is given ns 13,2 453 short tonB, compared with 17,- 1 481,811 short tons for tho corres ponding period In 1910, tho ship ments showing a corresponding do cllno from 512,820 cars to 399,422 (cars. Tho quunt.Ulos movod by (on cnBtorn cnrrlors to tho end of October show n Hlmllnr decline from 19,998, 472 short tons to 10,304,087 Bhort' tons. The unsatisfactory stato of tho coko trado reflects to n largo oxtont Hlmllnr conditions In tho Iron trado. Tho production of iilg iron for tho GET A $30 GOLD WATCH FREE ' By making a small Xmas pur chase ' AT FRIZEEN'S STORE WATCH POIt THE Return Engagement Raymond TeaJ MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Three Nights DECEMBER 23, St AND S3. Qrand Christmas Attraction. Mnko Plans to Enjoy this Holiday Show. wo havo secured tho livery busl lobs of L, 11. Holsnor and are pro pared to ronder oxc,lont sorvlco to Day. Cnrufi.I Jd everything hat will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phont us for a driving horso, a rig or on) thing needed la tbo livery lino. Wo also do truck- g business of d kinds. 1LANCHAHD imOTHEUS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 Flrt Ablpr BrtB i mt K Modorn Urlck Uulldlng, Blectrle Lights, Steam Hoau Elognntly Furnished Uoomt. with Hot and Cold Wntor. II O T E L .CO OS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Untoo: 50 conts a Day and Upwnrds. Cor. Broadway and Markot Miirshfleld. Oregon. ' ' "'- Can bo groatly onhnncod by tho wearing of neat artlclos of Jowoliy tho kind suited to youth. For In stance a pretty Nccklnco or a Draco lot looks woll upon n lltllo girl, ana thoy nro renlly flno po'.Bonnl ndora-,io months of tho present your, 19,- monts. Wo hnvd a largo variety of 270,008 Jong tons, was 10 per cent Jowelry suited would bo glad to tho young to havo you and look bolow tho corresponding 1910 fig ures, though tho October output. 2, 102,147 long tons, was slightly In ox- through it at your loWuro. Scores cog8 0f th0 output In 1910. ot protty things that might suggest thomsolvcj as llkoly ptuents for your llttlo dnughter, nlcco or friend. Tho prices nro low enough to'tompt a purchuso. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso garmonts clonnor nnd bettor thnn tho work can bo done olsowhoro. and thoy nro not worn so much. Wodo not shrink thorn, oven woolon garments nro roturnod the same slro as when sont us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nlcoly, make ordinary ropnlrs froo ot charge and you hnvo frcBh clean, awoot under woar ready for each week's change. Dundlo yours up with nozt week' laundry bundle MarshfieldiHand & Steam Laundry IMIOV 2211-1 Christmas Decorations For Salo and Rent Call and see something new In Christmas tree lamps, Coos Bay Wiring Co. IMIO.VE 23T-J Headquarters for Christmas Jowelry. Thos. Howard THE FHIEND OF COOS UAV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, Thursday, Dec. 21 at 10:30 A.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HASH ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 4 C. F. McOEOItaE, Agent Steamer Homer Sails from San francisco for Coos Bay De cember 24 or 25 F. S. DOW, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sieamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. OX DECEMBER 5, 12, 10 AND 20. SAILS FROM COOS DAV AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON DE CEMUER O, 10, 23 AND 30. L. U. KEATING. AGENT OXK MAIN W-L JEWELER North Front Stree Domestic exports of conl for tlio 1 0 months of tlio prosont yonr woro ' composed of 11, (H.I, 931 long tons of bltnmlnoua mul 3,010,127 long tona ... . g . of nntliraclto conl, ns ngnlnst 0,10r,-. IA I lOQn dtlH Mr'ACC 7S7 long toiiR of bltumliioiiH nnd 483,413 long tons of nnthrnclto conl , ,. , r . . o exported In 1910 Tho quantity of LadieS aWI WIlVS SUltS luinlor conl supplied to vessels In tho foreign trndo nt nil American ports during tho samo porlod vvns fi,ri70, n IS long tons, compared with 5,117, 517 long tons In the pnst yean,. ir Goods Called for and Delivered xin.rt .... ...... a H Hnni.iA A.ii. ' dno for a cough or coid tako cimm- Loos Bay Steam Laundry berlalu's Cough nomody. It can nl- ' ' wnya bo doponded upon nnd Is plons- PHONE .MAIN r7-J nnt nnd safe to tnko. For snlo by , (nil donloi-8, ovory I'Ul'itlC FASTSERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our Etages Ioavo Marshfield for Roseburg at 0 o'clock evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Railway. Faro ?0.00. COOS RAY IIOSEIIUHG STAGE LINE. OTTO 8CHETTEIC, Agent, 120 MARKET AV Marslilleld O. P. IIARNARD, Agent, ROSEHURG, Oie. PHONE 11 Have That Roof Fixed Prof. A. Richards Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Coqutlltf Offl'o Phone 191 Marshfield Office H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Landd a specialty. Qenaral Ageuts "EASTSIDE" Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON OEMENT. The best Domettlc and Imported brands. PUster, Llino Brick and all kinds of builders inaterlai HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE. SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 90 1 VOW See CORTHHLL t'lmi.o aiui TEACHER OF PIANO. And volco culturo. Appointment hour 1 to 3 o'clock. Applicants call at Studio, Songs tnckon Illdg., 13(1 Broadway, O. A. C. Short Courses llcgln JAN. 3, Continue FOUR WEEKS YOU ARE INVITE D Every citizen of Oregon 1h cordially Invited to nt'end tlio short courses of tho Oregon Agricul tural College beginning Jan. 3, E'uveu distinc tive courses will bo offered In Agriculture. Mech anic Arts, Doinostic Snlenco nnd Art, Commorco, Forestry nnd Music. Every course Is designed to HELP tho Btudont In his dally work. Mako this n plonsnnt and prolltnblo winter outing. No tuition. Reasonnhlo accommodations. For boau tlful Illustrated bulletin, nddiess II. M. TENNANT, Itoijlstrnr. Corvnllls, Oro. Former's Biislness Courso By Corivspoiulenco Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do well to call at the Pacific Monumental ViorKB, South Broadway and make selection from the large stock now ou band. Mr. Wilson lias In his employ the ouly practical marble and gra nite cutter In Coos county. And none but tbo boat work Is turned ",i fi t'at!"'- Jjw. ' FJ'HBBy" 'WWIMI Zi?3