10 PUI ROAD ltl(3 LUMRER MERGER. New York Running Houho to FJnnnro Northwest Real. 8EATTLE, Wnsh , Doc. 19. Heir II RELICS TO llH BtRD3ggCl NOT FOR SHOW tnl output of snwmllln nt tidewater, nnnnnnred thnt tio will flnnnco tho i nnnnunrod tnnt no win nnnnco tno I Plans Made to Take Matter Up ftSsrhSi2!,gh " larB0 Government Will not Permit With County Commission .ers in January. Parts of Ill-fated War ship to be Shown (Dy Associated Press to Coos liny Tlmoi.) WASHINGTON, D. C Tiiu government IB so Doc. 10. determined i Mr. Pierce, who nns jiint returned from Now York nml Washington, re retit'v Inlil before Attornoy-Ooncrnl A strong petition from North Demi Wlekorphnm t1-o drnft of nrMcle of mid Mnrshfleld citizens presented liy InrornornMon for the Pnclflc Const a dolegntlon of business men from Lumber Compnny, Ibo propoFcd mor tlio two cities Is expected to socuro kc corporation nnd asked for nn of- favorablo nctlon by the Coos county flclnl ruling on Its legal stntuB. On tltnt no pnrt of tho Mnlno Hlmll bo commissioners on tho project for ti'o ground tnnt u ins oiuco cstnu- UBCj uy showmen or for advcrtlH- planklng the old county rond between llshed the precedent of guaranteeing nv that tho Wnr Dopnrtmont hns North Bend nnd Mnrshfleld. Tho com- tho legality of now cornorntlons. th refused nil manufacturers of flxturcn nlRotnnp-s will meet nbout Jnnunry Attornev-Ocnornl would bo besieged nmj fittings a right to romovo ep'ecl- 1, nnd tho matter will bo tnkon up by thousands of slmllnr petitioners, ,., froIn tu, wreck for tho purposes then. ' AMnrnev-Gonnrnl Wlpkorsbani rofus- 0 tcats 0f tho Offocto of thlrteon County Judge Hall hns been con- vl to glvo nn opinion on tho Const ycnra under whtor. ferrcd with about tho matter and ror Company. A doflcloncy bill ponding In Con- A conference with tho more proml- grcBg W0Ud nl,thorlzo gifts of sott- noM Ornvs Tlnrhnr. Wlllnnn Ilnrbor ventrs from tho ship to pntrlotlc bo- nnd Pugot Sound lutnbormen intor- ciolC8 nn,i municipalities, ostod in tho merger wns held by Mr. Ptorc In Tncomn. nnd tho details of fprrpd it to Kond Supervisor Norton for a report on tho application nnd estlmnte of tho probablo e.xpcnso of the work. As thero docs not nppenr to bo any likelihood of tho early completion of hi Eastern nouotlntlons wore lnld ACTIVE NEAR FLORENCE. Bond' nnd Mnrshfleld. It .Is desired od Mio plnns of Mr. Plorco thnt tho old county rond bo opened, conference will bo he'd In Portlnnd Anyway, It Ib pointed out thnt tho this week with tho mlllmon of Oro- old countv rond would bo dccldodlv gon. advantageous even If tho waterfront Plercn'n bnrkor roodwny wore comn'eted. hnnklng house A number of Mnrshfleld physicians mnnn R-Cn who. with the Cltv Nn are thnt mny bo mndo moro A slmllnr l'"K-"o ! Tell of Railroad Rumors Tho Eugeno Keglstnr i-uys: "Pr. W. L. Cheshlro nnd W. C. Ynmn nro . n n.n tsjw vnri homo from ii horsobnck trip to west ? t r.ii w7 Ti?ni cr L county, cspcclnlly tho Inko ,nf v ,' ? region south of Florence 'along tho const. tnklng tho mntter up In order tlonnl Bnnk. recently flnnnced Santo ? 'cstnto for sn a p aces Mercy hospital at North Bond Dnmlngo nnd who for years, have ' L lr i i tut? ', rSK boon n controlling fnctor In tno Sn Frnnclsro nnd Pittsburg street rail way systems. ncccsslblo to them. It Is bellovod thnt with tho Btrotch of tho rond from Ferndnlo to tho pro Bent planking at North Bond com pleted, thnt tho rond between Mnrsh fleld and Emnlro would ho open for travel tho year nround. It 1b oxnected thnt tho petition re latlvo to tho mnttor will ho plhced In circulation soon. ADDRESSES COMMERCIAL CLUB. THE HUB IS READY Yes, The Hub is ready with its Chistmas stocks Ready as never before. The enti-rj store, from front to back, Is filled with just the things tha1 practical men will be rjlad to receive on Christmas morning- It is the one store which you who have men folks to "remember" should visit first when doing your holiday shopping. The neckwear showing is a wonder. It is made up of the very newest and most beautiful of flat and knitted ties hundreds of them at 25c, 50c and $1.00. They aren't ties of the usual sort. There's more style, greater beauty and better value in every one of them than you'll find in the ties shown anywhere else. Don't take our word for it. Come, see for yourself. The nlove. silk sock, fane shirt, handkerchief and sweater stocks are just as remarkable as the neckwear showing. The newest and tie best are offered here in ev ery one of these lines. Do.i't take our word for it . Come, see for yourself. This is a man's store. Every line here was chosen by experts and we know that style, value and quality is right in each case, but we say once more, don't take our word for "MONEY TALKS" 3bW33 fVTMi M1V liir w 'rmTu: wmm it. Come, see for yourself. Hub Clothing MARSHFIELD RATiD-lIEADEI) EAOT.K KILLED. MnrliflcM Man Sjienks Refore Stu dents of Commerce nt Agrlcul- tornl College CORVALLIS. Ore., Dec. m. Dr. for summer homes In this nttractlvo locality. Ono man who had a farm of 2 10 acres from which ho could hnrdly mnko n living for tho Inst ton yonrs, recently sold It to Portlnnd pnrtlcs for $8,000. Thcso pcoplo will subdivide It Into trncts for sum- T. O. Bnrkor of Fnlrvlow brought or homes. You enn't honr nny- Into tho city on Mondny morning n thing olso but rnllrond tnlk In tho flno whlto-tnllod, bnld-hcnded englo western pnrt of tho county, but thoro ns a result of his marksmanship. Tho Broat speculation over whnt tho emblojn of tho United 8tntos brought two linos aro going to do down tho to earth by Mr. Barker measured six Sluslaw. Ono roport has It that tho tnnt inn tnMion tmm Hn n Mn nf Itn Southern PnclllC Will gO 111) n branch outstretched wings nnd weighed 11 ot i0 Wildcat and go down Knowlcs J. C. MANN, formerly clerk nt tho 3& Shoe Co. BANDON ! Local Overflow pounds. Tho englo had been oxtro- urcoK 10 lnpioion, wnicn Horace nicly dlllgont In reducing tho num- vlk Bnys ' i "oro practlcablo and ber of chickens In tho neighborhood shortor route than down tho Sluslaw n... i.n.. i.. ..i. ..(,!.... i. ...inn nrnnnr. Thev run linrillv witll un. Ji!PS"eS' "!l"0I,,;;,;":,L0"L"f of nm. .d hi. Ami . nW 1 .prlnB to mo what will bo done. Vaa .-::-.,"" i- n; -'- ; chronlclcdCoqulUo Horald rddrepscd the Commorco club last Thursdav night on commorclnl club work. Ho spent pom days nt the Oregon Agricultural Coll ego as guest of his son, Fred, who Is a freshman student hero. KILLS RIO REAR. RANCHER 18 STRICKEN. Succumbs nt Myrdo Point Wlillo Con ..tn . .ii ,, jnuiiuiK 1-iij-HicillII. Blanco hotel, has roturncd to tho Bny after nn extended stay In California. C. O. Crosby of Falrvlow, assisted bv his flno blooded dogs, succeeded Tho Mvrtlo Point EntornrlBo savs: In killing a largo black bear nenr "J. p. Glnddlng, n homestondor from thnt plnco Inst week. Mr. Crosby Is tho uppor Rock Creek section, dlod very proud of his vnlunblo dogs and vory suddenly In this city Inst Sun-I Justly so, for tho aid thlB noblo nnl- dny aftornoon. Mr. Gladding had not1 mm renders mnn in tunning uio conn- boon well Blnco Inst Juno. Ho had trV Rllltablo for habitation Cnnnot bo rnrontlv linnn tn nnuilmrif tn rnninU CO boxes of APPLES nt 90 CENTS ovcrcstlmntod. Coqulllo Hornld. n physician nnd wns told hla condl- u '1,2?VKU 1,0X Tho 11AZAn tlon was such that ho could not Ilvo Phono 32. SAFETY RAZORS and SILVER vory long, and hint Sunday ciiiuu to SIIAVINO MUflS for men RED Myrtlo Point from Cnmns Valley with All HUNTERS and AXC3LERS LI CENSES EXPIRE January 1. RE NEW yours at Tho GUNNERY. ALFRED ERIKSON, filer with tho C. A. Smith company, loft this morn ing on tho Uedondo for Moxlco to moot his wlfo who wont thoro some tlmo ago Buffering from tu berculosis. vi jfi'I MRS. O. O. LUND nnd children havo roturncd from Oakland to spend tho holidays with Mr. Lund. Po arly Lund hnB been limiting rnpld progress In tho courso which ho Is tnklng In nn Onkland business col-logo. FOLLOW RLA'INO RARE INTO POND, ROTH PERISH LAWRENCE, Kan., Doc. 19. With hqr clothes a-flro, Mrs. L. C. Homphlll, wlfo of n fanner near Rono, 10 miles from hero, rnn screaming with hor 7-months-old baby from her kit chen to n nenrby pond. A flvo-foot utono wnll aopnrat ed her from tho wntor. Sho throw tho child over tho wall Into tho wntor nnd climbing over liorsolf, followed It Into tho pond. Tho 'wntor extinguished tho flames, hut mother nnd child woro so badly burned thnt thoy died Hhortly aftor. Mrs. Homphlll, carrying hor child In hor nrms, wns lighting a lire with cnnl oil when her dress becnino Ignited. FOOTBALLS nt Tho GUXXERV. CROSS DRUG STORE D. D. BRAINARD of Kontuok Inlet Flno Cut GlnsB LIRRV & HAW- .A..A..A..A..A.... . . OAKLAND MAYOR I SOUNDS WARNING OAKLAND, Cnl., Dec. 10 1 "In our high schools girls nro powdering tholr faces, rouging tholr cheeks, wearing falso hair, 4 and tho hoyB aro furnished with f dress suits and na abundnnco of pocket monoy," declared Mayor -Frank K. Mott, of Oakland, at n mooting of tho Child's Welfare Longuo of Alnmcda. "Thcso children should bo wearing tholr hnlr In braids and thinking childish thoughts. Present customs tend to mako thorn forwnrd and to rob thorn of tholr youth." . Mayor Mott declnred that tho crying ovll was tho falluro ot parents to realize their rejpoa- slhlllty to tholr children. - Just the lir Will Ap- JKJLJLi predate tho vlow of having tho dlngnosls con firmed by Dr. Johnson of this city. Mr. Glnddlng, wlfo nnd daughter woro brought horo In a prlvato rig by Mr. Jennings nnd arrived about four o'clock. Mr. Gladding registered for the fninlly, nnd thoy remained nt tho hotel about threo-quartors of an hour boforo going to tho doctor's of flco, during which tlmo ho mndo tho romnrk thnt ho folt bettor thnn ho hnd for somo tlmo. Thoy woro nt tho doctor's offlco but n fow minutes was In Mnrshflold todny on routo KKS nt RED CROSS Drug Store. homo from Mercy hospital whoro i ho has boon confined threo weeks following an oporatlon. Tho oper ation wns a success and ns Boon ns ho fully recuporntcs from It, ho oxpcctB to bo stronger nnd enjoy hotter hoalth thnn ho hns years POCKET GUNNERV. FLASH LIGHTS at Tho DO boxos of APPLES nt 00 CUNTS to $1,215 PER BOX. Tho BAZAR Phono 32. DUMB hells nnd INDIAN clubs it THE GUNNERV. CO boxos of APPLES at OO CENTS In to $1.25 PER BOX. Tho BAZAR' Phono 32. Hears Contest. Boforo United States Land Commissioner Peck yes torday, tho contest of Rlchnrd A. tssssa wtT tv , L " rte-.s-. ? is C; .i to W E 'RE sure that you can find in this store something thnt will please "Him", and mako "Him" an ideal Christmas gift. , Just run your eye carefully over our "Re minder List" for a sug gestion. Remind r Lit: Ever Wear IIoso (In silk, lisle and cotton). Collar Bags All kinds of handker chiefs. Cluett Shirts. Hats. Caps. Tics (a beautiful assort ment). Suspenders. Sweaters. Silk and Knit Mufflers. Gloves. Umbrellas. Smoking Jackets. Suits. Overcoats and 'Raid Coats. Shoes. when Mr. Glnddlng got a coughing Natm for a 100-acro homestend nonr spoil nnd began to bleed from Coos on which L. W. Annls filed on mouth and noso. Ho died nbout flvo Bomotlmo ngo, wns henrd. o'clock. An nutopsy porformod tho I next mornlne showed thnt denth wnsi Sells Saloon. Rov Mooro hns dls. duo to nnourysm of tho norta." HILL GI7TS NORTHWESTERN. posed of tho Claymoro snloon to ChnB. Thorn of the North Bond Brow ery. Mr. Thorn hns nppolntcd Cnl. I wngnt as ninnnger rnr nun and tno Closo Alllanco lU'tween Rig Syntenis chnngo will ho offcctlvo nt onco. Mr. Now Humored. t Mooro's futuro plniiR nro not known. SEATTLE, Wnsh., Dec. 19. Thnt the Chicago &, Northwestern nnd ' FiiIIh Into Ray. Clem Pnlntor. Northwestern nnd Northorn Pnclflo formorly of tho Flyor. foil In tho Bnv Flno BOXES STATIONER? at REI CROSS DRUG STORE. HAND-INHAND House Slippers. Tio and Hose Sets match. Traveling Bags. ALL IN HOLIDAY BOXES. Our outfitting is from the output of tho best mak ers of every line and our prices never "hurt." Come and look as long and as often as you please and ask as many questions as you see fit. TEe Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum. hnvo formed moro than a traffic ngrcoment to run through trains from Portland nnd Senttlo to Chicago, and thnt tho Northern Pnclflc lino Is now, or shortly will bo, tho Northwcstorn's own outlet to Portlnnd and tho Pu got Sound country, wns tho declara tion of traffic officials of all linos who hnvo boon watching tho movements . of tho two compnnlcs for tho pat year. ' Color wns given to tho hollof by tho nnnouncomont by Proaldont How ard Elliott, from Now York, of tho trnffic ngrcoment In rognrd to pas songor sorvlco inaugurated on Thurs day. Jnmes J. Hill, chnlrmnn of tho i board of directors of tho Great North orn, Inst weok Bold n heavy lssuo of Burlington bonds In London. off tho lnunch North Bond yostordny ps tho boat wns leaving tho O'Kolly dock Tor North Bond. Honrv Kern of North Bond aided him getting out Ho bumped ngnlnst tho cabin door of tho lnunch whllo walking nlong tho flldo, which cnupod him to loso his halnnco nnd fall ovorbonrd, ' J i ALL PRILLS CUT OUT BV RAILROAD CHIEF SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Doc. 19. High sounding titles nnd tho customary "my donr sirs," nnd "my dear Mr. So-nnd-so," havo beon barred from tho of fices of tho Southern Pacific company. An ordor wont out yesterday, Blgnod 'William C. Sproulo, president of tho com pnny, directing thnt henceforth In nil communications botweon employes of tho lino, rnnk or stntlon notwithstanding, tho customary salutations would not ! no toicrnted. Cnfon Go Over. Tho last grand Jury did not tnko flnnl action In a number of alleged gnmo law viola tions which woro lnld boforo that body. It Is understood thnt the cases of O. M. Johnson, J. C. Kondnll nnd Cornoll Lngorstrom who woro nrrost ed for shooting after dusk, woro nmong tho numbor. Doputy Gnmo Warden Noah expects tho grand Jurv nt tho next term of court to dlsposo of thorn. With high quality goes reasonibt prlco In our establishment. Ererf article is of tho finest, but no ex tortionato charges nro made Here yon will find n bowlldorlngly beauti ful collection of plain nnd fancy Rings for lady or Bontlomaa,. Wntches, Chnlns, Chnrms, Uroochei, Brncolots, Hat-Pins, Lockets, Drcut Pins, Gold and Sllvor Thimbles, Cut lery, Motnl Clocks, Opera-Olatw,. and ovorythlng that should bo found in nn up-to-dnto Jewelry store. Headquarters for Christmas Jewelry. Thos. Howard i i ii a i t. s tl tr fr "i b) f h ts !' ot V (E f Cb CTc eai P ATX)XG THE WATERFRONT. From now on the missives will bo headod plain "John," with no "yours to command," "yours respectfully," otc, nllow-i cd. Lottorheads also aro under tho hnn. Plain stationery will bo in voguo In tho Southern Pacific ofllco from this dnto. Tho Homer snlled from North Bond nt noon todny but probnbly will not rn out for Snn Frnnclsco until to morrow. Among tho pnssongers snlllng on hor wero John Fnbroy and Robert Hpnrlckson. Tho Daisy Freomnn arrived nt North Bond this morning nnd Is tult Inp nn n cargo at tho box factory. Owing to tho sovoro storm Inst night, tho hnr was vory rough today. The Rednndo wont to tho lowor Biy this morning but Cnpt. Mageo decid ed not to attompt to cross out until tomorrow. '""ti The Rronkwntor will nll tonight from Portlnnd for Coos Bay. X I R boxen ot lWVT,Y.R nt 90 CENTS o J1.2R PER BOX. Tho RAZAR , Phono 32. JEWELER North Front Stree Ad Store Open Evenings (r V jhiJQQ M Flno IMPORTER 1ERFIT3IES at RED CROSS DRUG STORE. If you hnvo anything to sell, trade, rert. or want help, try a want ad. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0FFICEhrT7mKfflcOe! pr,nUns dono at 2-callbroJtIFLES at GUNNERY. If you nro troubled with chronic constlpntton. tho mltd and gontle ef fect of Chnmhorlaln's Tablets maken them especially suited to your case. For sale by nil dealers. Wo hnvo ono of tho nicest linns ofir.tvmranr'iTiHr'S from Cc practical and usoful prosonts on Coos, .to $1,23 Jr Dn' MONARCH SHIRTS J' NECKWEAR nt 23c to S1.00nr,U15'lT SHIRTS . . .$1.50 to ?-" SUSPENDERS nf. on, tn t nn...,..nmT.a t ...nn nnd women.. COAT SWEATERS, men's $l.BO to $5 l""""'xa li00 (0 $7.00 COAT SWEATERS, boys' $1 to 81.5 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ywn VEWN0 B- .MEN'S DRESS GLOVES $1.50 mid $2SU1T OASES and TRAU MEN'S SLIPPERS $1.25 nnd $1.80 ". 1?250 t0 ? PHONE 32 We BAZAR THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Th( pad on Of ! beli Con cltl, Car ga: rail i otbi com evld com Beat lag com Pon adv. jablj aer i Coy, (By P The la e cmt Wat, the atkt ed f 8 SIM cno I oo : (