Zsmmm. . f 1 r c 4vmm- 1L SPl.:-r' l van en FOUR MO AN Ejx ,ecy 07-useTui prebcnio ;;Vdi d beeCutiul $!ts. -- DAY R m it H M - - w .. -: 1 1 ,,.iiiiii.v - ni .1 : it 'ai C "W V,1vV' ill IHM. l'i,'5SN - VJ 5M NMKBS lit ' v-w m ar v v Vi: ,rs " rv isacc ",.. .avy'A.) j ' mim 'Wf.v O Kv.n' - s Holiday shoppers will find this store alive to serve you to the gueatest advantage The Christmas stock has been especially selected for the occasion, and never in the history of the business has the assortment been so complete If you are in doubt as to T-rrt-.-!- 4-r rUr tf o-r-l4 n Ar fnH CniTI Cf hf tiff Cfflf"2Kl TS7 oi fV, ii- l ' wnai lu give wau cwiu a,on. ivi owni-xxx uw"' vvlWi u 15 IOflj rather mother brother sister or iriencL Bum n nil t!kst rw um -ii ii ii if-mv ih-j wara yr?v nsr7 11 11 &U,liUM& WW Mil lUVp il iiGUy V FOR FATHER OR BROTHER t jusm Jil jlIL A ctUn H , aura iuw flruies oeo FOR MOTHER OR SISTER Our Gents' FurnishingDepartment offers an array of.standard articles that the gift giver need not feei ashamed of Stein Block Clothing and Overcoats Stetson, Nonpariel and Empire Hats - , Fownes and Dents Glovas l Faultless Shirts, Night Shirts and Pajamas . , .. walk-0ver and Hanan Shoes Sweaters, Umbrellas, Underwear and. Caps Slippers and Hosiery ' Combination Sets in Holiday Boxes The best assorotment of neckwear in the city from 25c to $1.50. ' Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes . Above all we issue a "Merchandise Order" which leaves it to the receiver to select any when in doubt. M i i Will ! J I ' Tailor-Made Suits (Special Reduced in Price.) Furs, Heavy Coats and Rain Coats Gloves, Neckwear, Sca'fs, Handkerchiefs Linon Art Goods, Corse s and Underwear , Hosiery from 25c to $3,00 a pair. ' , Silk Ribbons and Dress Goods Waists of all descriptions. Sweaters in all of the season's approved styles. Bath Robes, Lounging Robes and Kimonas Side Combs, Barettes and Fancy Goods of Every Description. Hundreds of useful articles at most any price that you would care to pay. article of their own choice for the amount stated a very ccrvient solution of the problem . Buy early to avoid the rush of the last few days M AGNE & M ATSON . . . . . . mmmmmmt 1 DONT HAVE fff ifffelfellr &ttt( W? I f m, 7iTMjiVLW 1 I EON This lioy Ims one. Thoro Is jv ronMu In liln ti8i but tnro U iimu' In yours, j or. rntlior. Mm will ln noiu If yuu j KO nut mill DO THAT CHRISTMAS ' SHOPPING NOV. i lint I? you iioKloft It you will linvo J rfrots. IlKo tins Uoy. llnv It ovor iiml lio luippy, ''"lik" lonpor you iwvo it tUi iHort yon will ilioail It, Mini tin more you will Imvo I't'iixon to ilroiul It. for tin nIiuppIiik crowd I prowins ' nry day. TblnU wlmt h kIow of oon. tuni will In yours when It Is nil over. "Well, you tan linve it nil over nnil leel that plow tonight If you will STAET RIGHT MOW. F kI8 baby hoart io rlohly blosaod with gon tlonoss and joy. A happy llttlo follow Is my Marry Cliriatmas boy. Ells fnoo in llko a moroing lako boforo tho storma ariBo To ranr tho mirrored lionvon bluo oi olonr and bonmlng akiosj tlifl oyos aro springs of Bwaotost lovo from soma otornal souroo That stroams to him untouohod by taint along its oarthward oourso. In eoul, iny Ghristiuoa boy, thou art . Of tho groat, living Ood a part. SSI Of ' miMM W mi ItANM) oniiiliftp ?fi DAXCN. MONDAY, Do- o J'jagica iiiui. jju iuuiu. rta HERB Uvod a lad in Qallloo a flv many yoare ngo, nis llttlo faco with Just such graoo and gladsomo lovo nglow, And otlontimes I liko to think that when his oyos would shino Thoy woro no puror than tho eyos of this doar boy of mino And that tho God who dwolt within Ills heart of holy clay Abidoth in tho bosom of my Christmas boy today, Fillod with tho solfsarao breath divtno, Christ and this Christmas boy of rulno. wjw f . V P. ' 9 ' C - I rJM'a l MX 1 & issaauwfc wf vz VkvODk tr r JUt cMs Xif'rf t&" csi . yi . ' ,! vi HEAD tho Baviour's story o or and In ita message soo Tlmt ov'n as ho wan Ood's own Son so ovory man may bo. Tlion for my Christmas boy l pray that good may always roign Within hlsbroast, victorious through tho toinptlngs and tho pain; That his puro soul, so whito today, ivs otainloss may nsoond Onto tho Soul of Evory Oood, still porioot, at tho ond, Nor could an ond like Calvary Imblttor that groat Joy for mo. E Is a thoughtful boy at ttmos, my llttlo Christmas boy. Porhaps tho angola whisper him of wonderful employ, Of mighty tasks, long waiting for a fearless heart and stbut, Of businosa of tho Heavonly King that ho must bo about. Perhnpa to load a pooplo ts his por- tlon in tho Plan. Porhaps to boar misfortuno'o yoko and Uvo and dio a man, To lose and triumph in his loss With his Big Brother of tho Cross. FOR EMERGENCY GIF Arlu! n AunM Lalt Minvtl I fiui 'Another Nrai For tin I ft noaent tf ni.....M iiIiimiu lini'o at bS31 1 boxes of in inly nml pcrbsp rt. ji , Hna ttr ismm wry urn1 i.h-i. " - nil Hie mrii.if'Oiis In le U" ,, ...,wi,nii l iho nml mlniW" hlim-oms It- tin' nvi-rnpc Jm Hlllier of I'll'"!' e. '" P'1' r. ,i..i .. in ii nt.v lioi nnu w Willi II !rtl I'f flTIMTl! It will look i.iiruu'1-!.- ... 1 1.- ii.-iriiil mmsJ' Wll'SItt llM'l.l-t U'M'" ..... i.. h, r iTirKP inline "r n" " - j,, .. .... i .!., i nil it wnnt roiiiu '- - jj p Iiikh TI..-M. H!.e mx ir ! on litiiul III i--nw "-Jl n iinne por's lute '" r "'" ,'j, . . . i . . 1 1,, uri In?" IIIM'IIS 10 HO ! I' ' ", v fairs In .. ireliy t ready to f.id " 'u"r ""'. .. i. ....vlllilIT Cl(l I ii tew Mr ii ! d l,n". Mivi lwoH (l-!ipl(lllltlll('llt, HANI) lUXCBCbrW"1 lUdliKS llAWi. ".. ..nwiraTurW Alter mo " pphono.314..I r;o hCh. KXi Ibou Isepj I cen l-Sl! IRIS llbot llllQ, Irlea UP Icbll Ike. IWal ?E. the lean )CH Hlnt . ?" --,.. ih.it t I Ttmo is a rcmeuj -.m your cold. WO-venH money experm - w, w get n preparation (1 , world-wldo repuUt on JM m.i ,iic.nRO and can "'."1 nnndeil upon? It . ..j Where ns ChnmDeriau.y.j ror bwo g" - MEN ;ffiafSvi lUkUI dH'" Mux L It. D I'lEi