b ADVERTISING III Xliu TIMES ulll rt Vour Itcnl Knliito "in (U0fl0 Qftmra WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Keep tlio Incoino from Vour Ftitiitalifd Hoomi from Lapsing! YOU enn rcnlly help the fnmll) rovonucB by renting n few furnished rooms nml, If you know how and when to use tie classified columns you may keep Hint llitlo extra Income as "ptcady as a clock." AeMrkPl" Effectively I will Pt tho facts about your I'1 ... i.f,.rn tlin OV0S uf nil 'nil. Ef buyers" In town. An.l If V. one of them who ought to ft yo'ii ,ii m MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS - J OL. XXXV Established in 1H7H iw The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911 EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mnll nml Coos Hay AtHcrtlsrr. No. 133 mm I POWERS COOPERATE 11 RESTORIKG PEACE IN CHINA iv Settlement of Revolution in Orient Expected from intervention N3EST NATIONS TO LEND KINULY Ur-l-IU-S stials Enthused over Pros ed of Early Peace Ne gotiations Planned Associated I'roRS to Coos Day Times.) IANGIIAI, China, Dec. 19 Tho Iso of pence in uninn was mniio , dcflnlto today with tho nn cenicnt thnt bIx poworB, Japan, it Drltaln, tho United Stntcs, Is, Franco nna uormnny nro t In a cooporatlvo effort to it Dr. Wu Ting Fang and Tang Yl In tho nogotiutioiiB. it ih LEAVE TODAY ' 1 ON HONDO Capt. Magce Will Try and Get Back in Time for Christ mas Festivities Tlio Hcdondo snlled nt 0:30 this morning for San Francisco with a lnrgo list of passengers and a enrgi of lumber from tho C. A. Siutlli mill. Cnpt. Magco ttatcd today that ho lr understood that this action I, . ... . , . , 1 u"""' . . . ... ... 1 trill bnclc In cmlur In tim kn r.Hnln ho powers ib inuun in 1110 mosi - - - - V M. . I.lt.l, Ontiln nln... ...... .t.1 . ft..... d r mnnnor. more was mucn 1 " iimu v,iuh umu iji.-j -" icing when tho facts boenmo . JURY IS COMPLETED. mony In Chlcnpo Puckers Case to Begin Now. Associated 1'ross to Coos Day Tlm. 1 IICAGO, 111., Dec. 19. Tho Jury r tho ten Chicago pnekers In to for alleged violation of tho nin anti-trust lnw, wns com- U and sworn In nt 110011 today. BAD ITRE IX SEATTLE. With Tlicntro nml Cnfo iJurn 15100,000 LOHl. Auoclatod Prnss 10 Oob Tltnos.) IATTLE, Wash.. Doc. 19. Tho Day iJtiy on tinic. 1 no un iiiu-j m Hcheduled to lcuvo San Francitico Snturduy afternoon, Dccctnher XS, nt 3 o'clock and ho Is going to try to get In hero Sunday bo that tho nnf Mongers will bo In tlmo lor the Christmas festivities and also bo thnt presents sent by oxprens can bo delivered early Monday morning. Anfong thoso who snlled on tho Hcdondo this morning waro tho fol lowing: K. C. I'nddock, Jr., B. C. Paddock, Mrs. E. C. Paddock, A. MacDougntd, J. D. MacDougald, Mrs. J. D. Mnc Dougnld, MIhs Hazel Ilanson, Sarah Eon, Lucy Parsons, W. M. Grout, Chas. Mailson, D. D. Wynndt, Cnpt. N. J. Cornwall, It. G. EcklB. A. G. Dawson, Gcorgo Shorldnn, Miss Idn McConnoll, Mrs. II. Turner, Arlnn Tuttlo, II. M. Tuttlo, Mrs. II. M. Tut- tlo, Geo. C. Images, M. J. Foonoy, A. E. Ashlcmnn. II. Holnz, Geo. L URGE LOWER WOOL TAIF President Taft in Special Mes-,8C,10(,lll K of W001 nml wooiww mr- enrtr. u!ll net Roxicinn rinum- ,ft wns revised, It wns reported that UllVJU Will UUI IIUIIUIUII UUIIH ward on Schedules Tomor row. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON', D. C, Dec. 19. After n meeting of tho Cnblnot todiy nt which President Tnft's messngo on HOTEL GOESTS II REE- P. tho President had decided to recom mend revision downwnrds. It was said tho President would not recom mend nny specific rnto of d,uty, hut would Indlcnto thnt tho presont rates should bo materially loworcd. The messngo will probably go to Congress tomorrow. Open Board of Trade Building in Chicago Burns with $200,000 Loss Coob Buy (Dy Associated Press TlmoB. to In Inut nltrM'a flrn which hv in ....... ......... ...- l... .: ......... .. . i-. tho Lois thcatro anil cnio iivjoiinnd, J. w. aukhis, Aiircn wren- Is C8tlmntcd nt 0110 hundred son, W. A. CulbortBon, Dnvld Olsen, Ed. Pettlpnlil, M. uuny, unas. joiui son, W. Jenkins and W. Roberta. toyed kind dollars. DOISE DANK CLOSES. I AMoclntod Preos to Coos Day Times.) DISC, Ida., Dec. 19. Tho Dolso 1 Dank did not opon Us doors to- It Is n small bank with dopo- ol about $300,000. WITNESS IS CALLED. WILL PENSION EMPLOYES. Take American Sugar Company to Cam of Old Employe. (Dy Assoclat l PruBB to tho Cooa Day Times) NEW YOIIK, Dec. 19. Stockhold erB of tho Amorlcnn Sugar Hoflnlng Company will bo called upon tho next nnnual nicotine to nrrnngo plans to .BrtncM Agent of Structural , jjrnvM. pensions to U.o company's Workers Must Testify, I Associated Press to Coos Day Tiniest lATTLE. WnBh.. Doc. 19. W. II. Iman, business agent of tho Sent 7.K00 ofllccrs and employes. Dotnlls of tho plnn Include provisions for ro tiring omployoB over 05 years old, after 30 years of sorvlco. An nnnronrlntlon of $30,000 Is CHICAGO, 111., Doc.19. Tho opon Donrd of Trado Building wns com pletely destroyed by flro oarly todny. Tho loss Ib two hundred thousand dollars. Nearly ono thousand guests of adjoining nnd ndjacont hotels wcro thrown Into pnnlc by tho Bight of tho llnmcB. Scores npponrcd half clad In tho lohhlos. Thrco furnnco stokers aro missing. Tho books nnd records of many labor unions that had headquarters In tho building wero destroyed. Thcro Is being mndo nn Investigation or tho cnuso of tlio fire. loan, uiisincBH agent ui iiiu di- , .. n. .inllo nt tlin nnn tructurnl Iron Workers' Union, euggoBtod m tlio nucleus of tho pen .. ... . oinn riinii. rsin iiuiiHiuii uiiiiui i' 1'innnnnnnii tninv m nnnnnr nn - - - "nnnenneu muay 10 npponr uo- -- ,,,, ,ni i1A inRa ihnn J"0 es as Boon na possiDi. i i yenr Jn womon tho nB0 limit is ITT DELAY GDI RATE ADVANCE Interstate Commerce Commis sion Suspends Proposed Increase in Freight (From Assoclntod Press to tho Cooa Day Times) WASHINGTON,. D. C. Doc. 19 Advances In tho rates on grain, and grain products proposod by tho Chl cago Itoclc Inland nnd Pacific Hall way and its connections west of tho MlBBls8lnni. to liocomo offoctlvo De- comber 20, today woro suspended by tho Interstate Commerco Commission until April 20, 1912. S HE WRECKED M Northern Fast Mail Prashes Headon into Or iental Limited today j Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WANE, Wash., Dec. 19. il Limited Trnln No. 1, west on tho Gront Northern was BGELOW not nt CO nnd tho term of Borvlco nt 25 years. Should tno pian uo rnu flpd mnlo. omployca who hnvo sorved tho company 30 yonra and women 25 yonrs In the sorvlco may bo re tired without regnrd to ago. Tho ac count of tho pension will bo "A sum nnnunlly equivalent to ono por cent of tho nvorago nnnunt wngo or salary during tho ton yonrs preceding reti rement, multiplied by tho years of service." , All ofllcors nnd employes of tho company, or of nny corporation own ed or controlled by tho company, tho stntomonta any, will bo ollglblo for tho ponslon. .. The employes discharged nftor 15 nrvi.n nnnnlons may bo granted Times.) . ??, -nmmiiieo deems fit. Tho only Tlio '..,. , i,n iinnnnnlarlcs ombrnc- o,i in tho nlan Is that they do not , on tno Gront Nortnorn wob ; :" ,n nny WOrk. which In tho ted at Odessa. Washlnnton. this ?nRn?01" , ,. mmmiitn Is In con- SaM IfSttouS" WTh!"t with tho company's Interests. 'ed was standing nt tho station I YonK. me fast mall swung In from w on tho samo track. Tho , ,, rs and flromon iumned. Trcsldcnt Tnft m.ii rnny ixuw rallrond ofllclals ropoit about fiotlmni 'loimy. own men woro Injured, nono (Dy Associated Press to coos uay ly, il men. i enelneor of tho fast mall. It I WASHINGTON, V. u., uuc. w. nini.i .. .1.- .mIi t. i.innt Tnff. Attornoy-uonorai been thrown in turn hla train .winkorshnm. Secretnry IIUlos nnii Inother track. Major Butt went to Now York today. Tn0 President will spend lonigiit 4 a. a. a ... . ... . .aa i . troonlnc oncncoiiicntB In "Si: TO ItEM-AlX Now York nnd Drooklyn and expects IN ritlSON HOSPITAL to be In Washington Thursday. t PATHONIZE popular ten cent . v t n n v. SATL'ltDAY night. II.Hl ' . - (By ARqnnlntorl TrpRa. I WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. u Is omclally stated that e government will talro no nc- r& fOr tlin nrnannf nn Hin nnnll- I'lon of Chnrles W. Morso for prdon. Morso will remain In a"ny hosnltal nt Fort Mc- MrBon. OIL IIEATEHS nt MILXEU'S. Ito ami trnl.i mnv.i TTVVRn hh --" nu ' -- r11 at MILXEU'S. fd nAXD-PAINTED CIIIX SILVER CASSEROLES and RAK ING DISHES. Red Cross Drug store. DOXIXG Gloves nnd P.UCIIINU bags at Tho GUXXERY. CUT GLASS at MILXER'S. AUTOMOBILE and CHAUI-TEURS XA LICENSES RENEWED at The w Y Venerable Diplomat and Author Succumbs in, New rorK at Age of 95 today (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK. Dec. 19. John DI- koIow. tho venorablo diplomat and author, died at his homo lioro todny. Mr. DIkoIow was 95 years of ago. Threo days ago ho waa stricken with tho return of an allmont incident 10 advanced ago. 1YRTLE POIWT PORT LECTION Judge Coke Refusss Injunction to Prevent Balloting in District today. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro., Doc. 1U. Jurtgo John S. Coko Into yestorday refuaod ho second application for nn Injunc tion to prevent tho holding of n xpo clnl election todny for tho organlm tlon of the Port of Myrtlo Point. Tho election Is bolng hold today nnd it is gonornlly bollovcd hero that It will carry by n big majority. Tlio rotusal of tho application for tho injunction enmo into. Tno par M ES STIRRING PLEA FOR RIGHTS OF JEWISH PEOPLE IRCiNT IS NES DIRECTOR Senate has Lively Session Ov er Abrogation of Treaty With Russia POLITICS PLAY LARGE PART IN CONSIDERATION Likelv to -be Nightfall Before Vote is Taken on Sup- Defeats W. U. Douglas in port of Taft SchOOl Election Restore Dy Associated Press to Coos Day. High School Courses Times.) WASIIINflTON. n. a. Dee. in i ..onn u. .nercnniu w ; Tho Scnnto is In session today paving 2oor,B ttng;!! ttrt -V townrd n rntlflcat.on of Pren enncy caused by tho resignation of Ident Tnft'a nctlon nbrogatlng tho C. J. MIIHs. Thoro woro only two RuBBlnn treaty of 1832. Mnny son cnndldntcs nnd tho voto wns John C. ,ntors wero prepared with speeches, rr ',. i u . "wllttamo ovldont nftor two 00. Tho election wns hold at thoi. , ,,,, vnln miut. IIUIISO Jl DlVhlllft VtlV lh TWw tQu Centrnl school building mid tho crowd thnt gathered for It filled tho bulld Ine to the doors. Besides tho olcctlon of n director, not bo reached hoforo night fall. Senator Hayner Inaugurated tho doba.to with a Bpeoch sharply criti cising RusBln, Ho wnH interrupted tno mass mocung uecmcci mm nn ra- mn - .,,,, B,ni. T, ,, fiiow. -1. .,..1.1 l. m.I.Ia.I In tliA rt ....w. w.... - t, Biiuum uu miucu iu niu ia . , ,,. trn mill levy for tho ensuing year to provldo for tho restoration of tho Domestic Science Department and tho Com rnlal Department In tho Marshflold High school course This proposl tics Booking tho injunction had nlno inn rnrrlml nlmost unnnlmously. rlgB in waiting to tnko out doputlea .tbcro bolng but fourteen votes ngniiiBt to servo tho notlco of Injunction on 'if tho Judges nnd clerks of olcctlon and Judgo Coko'B rotiiBiil to grant tlio writ enmo ns n big surprlso to thorn. S UP STRUGGLE Structural Iron Workers With- draw Objection to Using Records as Evidence (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Tlmoa.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. 19. Tho long contost for tho possession of tho correspondence, nnd books of tho Structural Iron Workors Associa tion ended today when counsel for John J. McNamarn and tho associa tion withdrew their npponl to tho In diana Supromo Court from tho ordor of a county court turning tho records over to tho federal grand Jury. ed In Biumort of tho resolution of rntltlcntlon which ho reported yes tordny from tho Foreign Relations. Committee Politics nro playing n lnrgo parti', in tho Senate's deliberations. Lend ers of both pnrtles nro striving to. rcnp from tho situation ns much political auvaningo ns inoy can anu IIia uIiihIhi, Ih If iv An Y"rw Anttfl if tit n rtr. .,.. .!... vnn- lnV,n mllla Hir. onmn luu ""'" n-vv'" "" v."."." v..o,....h ,-..., """- ""; .,,, in thnt tho republicans nro malntnin aa last year. It was Btatod that In . ,,,, . ,0,,,nnf ,, M,n addition to tho two nnd This mnkes tho tax levy for tho . .. Inif n rnmilillo ntiil nrnnldnnt nml tho ,,.., ...r " w.. ..- ...w .v..v .. .. mniio.. iu uo l, iwn.,1 nvn ropubllcnns claim the Sonnto pullod !"' LB..W ic, i' ',0"? .TS LI S a democratic Houiio out of an Inter- to levy for Interest nnd sinking fund for tho outstanding bonded Indebted ness Hint sovon nnd ono-hnlf mills would tnko enro of tho current ox nntlonnl nuiddlo that might hnvo caused serious complications. Rop resontntlvo Sulzcr, author of tho IIoubo resolution, expressed n wll- K!"S! i ":0,n"',n,L"Li 1ss toUnccepV tho-Sen-aU, resol. l I'"' vv"" "'v.. .......- ,, Taluatlon of tho school district. When this wan Btatod, A property In tho II. Pow Rnynor's Appeal. Rnynor In his nddrcss mado rt si 4-s'.'e sWusrsAiBSsis ui ono iiiiii uu iiiuuu iu ""i'" i. i.i An.i..n m. Commercial and DoinoBtlcSclonco Do-. "" "" , '''." linn. w of: pnrtments. I, S. Smith, J. W. nott nnd Bovoral othors spoko vor of such brnnches In tho public In fa-I faith, saying: "What Is tho cmiBO loranco? Havo thoso STRIKE RIOTS IN ST. L I of this Into pooplo com- Fchools nnd tho opportunity they aNlVu" on"""fwl,u "i" iTB Z forded tho pupils for. ndvnnclngl?! ' '"Bt,t" ".P"" ,,0' nnL.T' t thomsolvea nnd also of tho prnctlcnli''"' :"',,, t,,nln rnrnlntuAr committed nnd which tholr postorlty will conttntio to commit to tho ro motcflt gonorntlon. They hnvo wor shipped gold according to tho trndl tlons of tholr fnlth nnd dictates of tholr conscience" Rnynor demanded tho Bamo troat mont for Amorlcnn citizens in Run- sla ns accorded Russlnn citizens in the United States. "Thero Is no romody," ho snia, 'oxcont to tormlnnto tho tronty. Wo must submit or glvo notlco to tor mlnnto. It would bo n cownrdly not to Biirrondor." Fifteen Injured in Collision and One Probably Fatally In jured by Flying Missle (Dy Assoclntoa Press to Coos Day Times) ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 19. Sovoral mnrn nr less serious clashes occurred today botweon tho striking t&xicab ones' snke. Mr. Dennett said that ho drlvors and non-union mon who took was not awaro how Mr. Morchant stood on tho Issues but that ns ho (Morchant) had gono through tho advantages derived from them. M. C. Norton oxplnlnod thnt tho school board hnd boon compelled to dlsponso with thorn becnuso tho Incomo from tho tnx lovy was not sumclent to pny tpo oxponso of tholr mnlntonnnco. Superintendent Tledgon, nlsd tnlkod briefly on tho ro-nrranglng of tho course of study In tho high school. Finally A. II. PoworB' motion thnt tho proposition should bo Biibmltted to tho votora to dotermlno whothor or not nn nddltlonnl ono mill lovy should bo mndo for tho mnlntonnnco of tho two dopnrtmontB wns put. Chnlrmnn Horton cnlled for tho ayes and thorn was n gonornl response-. In tho nfllrmn tlve. Uo forgot nbout calling tho nnys and doclnrod tho motion enr rled. Thon someone called his at tention to tho oversight and ho call ed for tho nays against tho motion. Thoro wns not n single response John C. Morchant wns placed In nomination for director by J. M. Up ton nnd wns cocondod by J. W. Don- nett. Mr. Upton said that thoro was an lssuo In tho school election but ho urged that tho bitterness that sometimes markB political strlfo bo forgotten and that ovoryono voto for tho man thoy thought would accom plish tho most good for tho llttlo GARRISON CHAFING DISHES and PERCO LATORS at RED CROSS DRUG STORE. D 1 TD TAKE IDE Mrs. Bain Admits that She Had Her Husband Take Mon ey in McNamara Case (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) t ncs Avowries. Pnl.. rifn. 19. In tho preliminary hearing of Dert' convicted of complicity in tho Franklin accused of having bribed their places. As a result of a clash last night, n taxlcab crashed Into two cars nnd fifteen woro injured. Mich ael O'Drion, a taxlcab strlko-broakor, was perhaps fatally injured last night by bolng struck on tho head with a rock. i-uU FINE IS UGRT . E JURY SECURED G Taking of Testimony in Murder, Trial Begins at Coquille This Morning. (Special to Tho TJmeB) COQUILLE, Ore, Doc. 19. Tho Jury to try Frnnk Garrison, WKE3? u . - ' S WOllill II1UKO nil uiuuiuiii. iiiuii. ,-: - --- - "i.., i, o. thormoro. ho said that tho paBt should summer. B". ""P'Mi'nLTomS bo forgotten nnd It wns not nn Isbuo J and tho taking ' S8"llmn?7llJ3.,S rownrd of tho election to for pnst sorvlcos. Dr. E. MlnuiiB nominated W, Douglas for director and pointed out nro: pooplo today. It is expected tnat tno irmi JIUU1HU, .... V- . . I .In... .lu.ntnn Tin Will 00 UI BIJVUIUI UUJTD uu.ui."... tr lurnrs who will decide Garrison's fnto I 41 .i.llU.l Two Assailants of Kansas School Teacher Get off Easy in Court (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.! LINCOLN CENTER, Kas., Dec. 19. Sperrlll .Clarke and John Schmidt tnr- how ho was nartlculnrly fitted for tho place Warren Daclitol seconded tho nomination. C. R. Dlndlnger nnd Albort Seollg woro named as tho tollers of tho elec tion nnd Tom Coko nnd C. F. Mc Kulght ns tho Judges. Mr. McKnlght was compolled to docllno on account of having another engagement nnd I. 8. Smith wns named to take his place Resides thoso voting, a largo num bor woro present, tho building bolng filled to tho doors. Mnny did not ro mnln to vote, owing to tho crowd. ti wan also Btntori today that n number of South Marshfleld residents of tho schools. confused tho P aco of holding tno Tlio torm oi ai II. A. Johnson. Jna. T, Jenkins. Alva Huntley. T. E. Wlllnrd. O. C. Prlco. Elmer Howe W. R. Footo. Aaron Wilson. Orvlllo Dodgo. J. C. Lett. J. D. Myers. II. M. Tyrol. -.,- J 1 1 Fancy Electric Portablo $7.00 at MILXKiTH. LAMPS a sworn Juror In tho trial of James D. McNamara, Mrs. Robort F, Daln wns tho principal witness today. Undor the cross-examination by Attorney Gago for the defense, Mrs. Daln col lapsed twice. She admitted she had C. Horton ns dN im nn,i wnnt in thn Tilch Rehnol rector will cxniro noxt Juno nnd thon' ring of Miss Mary Chamberlain wero building nnd consequently missed out. It Is expected that tho contest will each sontencod to pay a flno of J200 . whllo Inet night's election was n roach tho declslvo point ns tho dl and costs. contost botweon tho Golden nnd nnti- rector elected In Juno will hold tho Everett O. Clark, Jay Fitzwater, ' Golden factions, it Is not altogether bnlanco of power. VVntsnn Sornnton and Edward Rlcord .Wlnlvn. Afr. Sforchant Is In favor It Is likely that tho BChOOl boara are each undor sontenco of ono yonrjof reinstating Superintendent Qoldon will endeavor to havo tho noxt oloo- ln Jail for participating in tho crimes induced her, husband to accept tho Rlcord and Scranton nro serving their ilrthn Bentonces, whllo Everett Clark and bribe, CARVIXG SETS nt MILXER'S. Jay Fitzwater will appeal and free under bonus. but thero nro two other mombors of tlon conducted moro llko tho gonorat tho 'board who aro understood to bo elections, that Is havo tho polls opon in fnvnr nf retaining Superintendent for specified hours instead of trying nro TIedgen nnd supporting the work ho to handle it ns a mass raeotlng propo 'has been doing for tho advancement sltlon. :i t-'HOSS DRUG STORE. GUXXERY. lh&xk - .RTTTi