Fr- -, y-vr-iw jj , .'''TT,, J iv c vi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. A DIPLOMATIC CHRISTMAS GIFT, N um TOW. If I onlr know what to send Cousin Clnrn I'd be nil through with my shopping," declared Mrs. Grlmsbaw. "I know whnt I'd like to Bend her. What sho needs most of all is a good sized check." "Then why not make out ono nnd send it nlong? That's a good Idea." responded her husband. "Why. John, you know It wouldn't do nt nil. It would hurt her feelings 0 Bho'd never get over It. She's such a proud girl." "Ridiculous!" expostulated Mr. Grim uhnw. "llow could It hurt her fool lngs? We know bIio'b struggling along to (Mlucate herself, nnd she knows wo know IU That's no disgrace. She nlno knows thnt wo hnve more money than wo know what to do with. Just wrlto out n check for $500 and be douo with it." "I wish I dnrcd." returned Sirs. Grlmshaw. "Hut you don't know Clnrn nR well ns I do. It would bo just llko her to Bend tho check right Lack. I wouldn't offend her for the world. She's really a line girl, but she has Just thnt llttlo utrcnk of false pride." "How would It bo to Bend her some thing handsome, say n sealskin Hack or something llko that?" suggested Grlmshaw. "It wouldn't do nt nil. A girl In her position must dress harmoniously IVhcn she wenrs ono thing tlmt'H ex pensive she must get other things to match or she looks dowdy." "It's n foolish wny to look nt It, but maybe you'ro right." answered her liusbnnd. "It's n hard problem, but lento It to me. I'll try to flgurn out something." On his wny to the ofUco Grlmshaw taxed his wits with tho question of Cousin Clara's present, nnd when ho returned homo he hunted up bis wlfo TBIUMfinAW OrENED TITE EXVBMU'B HON ClULANTLT AND 11KAD. arid told hor ho had solved It. where upon ho ceremoniously Qshed from his pocket n largo jewel cano nnd opened It. revealing n benutlful diamond brooch. Mrs. Grlmshaw hold up her hands In unmixed delight. "Perfectly stun ning!" sho exclaimed. "Oh. you dear thlugl It's the most beautiful cluster I over saw. Rut Christmas isn't hero yet Why didn't you wnit?" "My dear child," returned her bus band fondly, "this brooch Is not for you. If you wnut ono llko It you may hnvo It, but this ono la for Cousin Clara." "John, how silly! It wouldn't do at all. Wo talked that all out Oils morning. It's absurd. Whnt, lu the naroo of goodness, would n girl In her position do with n thing of that, sort?" "It's just tuu thing," paid ha "Nonsense" "Never mind. I hnvo nn Idea. I've thought It nil out very carefully, und I'm suro It's tho only thing to do." Thrco days nftcr ChrlstmnB the Grtmshaws weru still sitting nt the breakfast table when tho morning mall arrived. Mrs. Grlmshaw shuffled tho envel opes hurriedly "Most all thank ynu Jotters," 8be explained. "Oh, hero's ono from Cousin Clara," sho declared, picking out ono of tho envelopes and tossing It to her husband, "You open It. I'm nfrald." Grlmshaw opened tho euvclopo non chalantly and read: 'Dear Cousin Mary and Uncle John The diamond brooch Is perfectly lovely. I am tickled almost to death. You couldn't have plonbod mo moro, and I am very, very grateful t am (jetting along line with my Aork. Philadelphia Is a good jilace tor study; li'a so o.ulut. I hope to e "REST OX EARTH" This is tho vordict of R. J. IIowoll, Tracy, O., who bought Foloy's Hon ey nnd Tnr Cdmpound for his wife." Her case was tho worst I havo ovor seon, und looked llko a suro caso of consumption. Hor lungsworosoronnd sho coughed nlmost incessnutly nnd ber volco was honrso nnd wenk. Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound brought rollof nt onco and less than threo bottles effected n comploto euro." ltKI) CROSS DRUG CO. run over nnd neo you nil very oon. Think rou again. Your loving cousin. "CLARA. "There! What did I toll your dc mnnded Orlmshnw. "Thnt doesn't menn anything," pro tested Mrs Grlmshaw. "It's Just nn ordinary thank you letter llko nil the rest." "Of course It means something. Every word of It Is sincere." "Then she's moro foolish than I thought." continued Mrs. Grlmshaw. "Hero's another letter with n Phila delphia postmark. I don't know any one else there. I wonder who it could bo." Sho opened nnd rend: "Mr John Grlnuhnw. New Tork: "Dear Mnilum Although you don't know mt I deem It my duty to call your atten tion to n most unhenrd of piece of In Gratitude. I happen to know that on Christmas you sent your cousin. Miss Clara Parker, n very handsome diamond brooch, t also happen to know that on thn day after Christmas sho took tho brooch and pawned It for the sum of $500. I havo known Clarn for a Ionic tlmo, nnd wo have been srnod friends, but I never thought sho would do such a dreadful tiling ns that. "I do not enro to bo known In tho mat ter, nnd therefore I will not slan my name. Yours truly, PAIR PLAY." Mrs. Grlmshaw frowned. "What did I tell you?" sho demanded. "Of course she didn't wnnt thnt brooch, but still 1 don't think she should hnvo pnwned It nnd especially for bucIi n small sum. It must bo worth twlco that." "Congratnlato your dlplomntlc bus hnnd, my dear." returned Grlmshaw blandly. "My plan worked out to a nicety. I know there wns n wny to get money to n poor but proud girl without hurting ber feelings." "It's mighty cxpcnslvo diplomacy." "Not at nil. All I hnvo to do now Is to And some wny of getting hold of thnt pnwn ticket, redeem the brooch, and tho transaction Is closed." Ellis O. Jones in Judge. Y SAVE A LITTLE CHRISTMAS I 2 CHEER. . Christmas tlmo'a n-comln', an' you better get In line. Look n bit moro cheery ns you give tho countersign. Mnko your hand clasp warmer nn' your smllo n bit more brlRht. When you celebrato on Christmas don't you want to do It rlKhtT Jes' go la to make things lively un til everybody's glad. Jes' go on an' scatter nunililna. Don't be gloomy-like nnd sad. Mnko everybody happy Jes' ns hap py ns can bo H-it don't hnng nil your presents on tho Christmas tree Bavo n little cheerfulness to scatter through tho yenr. Gave ii few kind words to my, such as dry tho tear Bavo kind deeds to do when chance come by nn' by. You can use n llttto Christmas If you havo. It next July. Jes' show your friends you lovo 'em by tho thoughtful gifts you give. Let the warmth of your sincerity touch all with whom you live Till tho grown folks chntter child- llko In tholr pleasure nnd their j glee, 3 Out don't hnng all your presents on . tho Chrlstnns tree. i Lewis E, Thayer. 4 F fyiv&$i r,G'9MI,'S,,WMM,,M" ACCORDING TO TEDDY. I'M taint a llttlo Toddy Boar And oannot mako a nolso, And oo I novor try to ociro Tho tiny girls and boys. And that is why thoy lovo mo so I'm thiat so tamo and kind, you know. I SHBBBSSBsliBBVBBBBBKBBBV Bn rv YikJ. ' 'Ml ILYIh& isRtrli ill mmm $ mmmmi Remember The Tired Shopgirl Thoughtful ness of others Is tho key note of Christmas. "As ye do It unto tho least of these," said the Founder of tho day. Hnvo YOU thought of the TIRED SHOPGIRLS? As you treat them you arc treating Him. Let thnt sink home. Tho greatest kindness you enn do these girls Is to SHOP EARLY. If the majority of people would do thnt the girls could enjoy their Christ mns. too. for they would not be TIRCD TO DEATH by working nt n KILL ING PACE till midnight on Christmas eve. B8;m8SIH:H3H8H GET A $30 GOLD WATCH FREE ' By making a small Xmas pur- dlflSB AT FRIZEEN'S STORE 68 Central Ave., Marshfield Call and find out the conditions rynT-fii--x-ayt;r.- SHAVE 15 CENTS At the Coos Shop Just opened at 150 Front St, Return Engagement Raymond Teal MUSICAL COMEDY CO. f Three Nights DECEMUER 23, 21 AM) 2.1. Grand Christmas Attraction. Mnko Plans to Enjoy this Holiday Show. T. J. SOAIPE rt IIODQINS "' " Marshfield Paint (8b Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phono 140L Orogon t OW, If 1 were a roal boar, J i With groat big growlo lnaldo, To hug mo ohildron wouldn't daro I guess they'd run and liida Though mo they squoozo with ail tholr might, I cant hug thorn too very tight TEDDV BEA.5. Shutting Htm Off. Tho Dad My son, I wnnt to tell you thnt tho secret of my success, ns It must bo of nny man's, Is hard work. I Tho Son Sh, dnd! I don't caro to hear other people's secrets, and I tun too much of a gentleman to tuko nil vantngo of Information gained in that way. Say no more Toledo Wade, First Class Auto) Service When you wnnt to go unywhoro In n hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Rest rates In tho city. REST CARS. Rest drivers. Phono CC-J until 11 p. in., after 11 p.m. phono 5-J. Rcsl donco phono 2 8-J. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Something To Smile About ... v r vi: m These sailors nre not only wren t lied In holly nnd evergreen, but nre wreath ed In xmllcs. You. too. will be wreathed lu smiles If you do your Christmas shopping early. So will the shopgirls: so will the children: so will wvorybody. Shopping early is the best Christmas gift you can give to the clerks, also to yourself. Prof. A. Richards TEACHKIl OF PIANO. And volco culture, Appotntmont hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants cnll nt Studio, Songs tnckon Rldg., 1.10 Rrondwny. A, Modern Rrlok Uulldlng, Electric Lights, Steam Heat Elogantly Furnished Roomt with Hot and Cold Wntor. HOT B T .C O OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: CO cents a Day nnd Upwards Cor. Rrondwny and Market Marshflold, Orogon. City Auto Service Good Cnrs, Careful Drlvors and rensonnhlo chnrges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol nnd Rlnnco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 4G. Night Phono 40. I1AHKKR H GOODATiK. Proprietors. PROFESSIONAL DIRhClUH- Tll. K. i". VlJlil7l2n, N'nttiropntli and Chiropractor. All chronic diseases trontod. Consul tation froo. Ofllco hours: 9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 nud C'to 8 p. m, Naturopath Institute Room No. 1, No. 13G Rroadwny, Marshflold, Oro rU. G. W. LKSLIK, ' Osteopathic Physician Qraduato of the American school oi Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Office In Eldorado Rlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1G1-J; Marshilold; Orogon. J. W. HKNNHTT, Lawyer. Oflleo ovor Flanagan & Oonnott Dank larshtlold Orogon Du. J. T. McCOHMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshflold, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Oflko Phone 105-J nil. A. J. IIK.VDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do high class work on Bhort notlco at tho very lowest prices. Examination froo. Lndy attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotol, phono 112-J. OCU of Utnii,whahavewmeInvcntlvo ability rll Il!ao wrlto (IKKELKV A AlcI.NTIIIK. " I'wmt Alluruij., 1V,LIubou, 1). U I Tasty Polion. Customer Tho poison may be excel lent, but tho rats won't tnko It. You'll hnvo to mnko It moro tasty. Drug gist 1'vo tried that already, but tho nppreutlco boys eat-lt. Flicgendo Bint-tor. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tha livery busl lets of L. II. Helsnor and aro pro pared to ronder oxecdont service to tho pooplo of Coo Ray. Careful dtlvors, gooa rlss ud everything hat will mean batlufactory sorvlco to tho public. Phone us for n driving horso, n rig or auythlng neoded In tbo livery lino. Wo also do truck g business of all kinds. iJLANCJIARD UROTnERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streots A now stock of tho lat03t In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 837-J Have That Roof Fixed xow See CORTHELL Phono Rial A TURKISH HATH will do you GOOD. Phono 2 14-J. CITY FJSH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class article, You can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PIIOXE 200J RAHGAINS IN niOTCMJS. Fully Guaranteed Wheels nt from S20 Upwards.. Complete lino of Bicycle supplies, second-hand bicycles for salo. Guns, bicycles, otc, ropalred. HEAHY'S GUN SHOP. E. HANDEL. Pron. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-H Electric Toasters For Christmas Gifts At every household (able there's a woman and every woman in the world cither appre ciates or desires an ELEOTJRIO TOAST ER. Bright, shining, clean you can obtain tln best kinds Tor Christmas for .$3.00 each. This price is exceptionally low. Thoy come in neat boxes wrapped in' holly paper. You can't go wrong on this Christmas pres ent, whether she is married or single. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Corner Central and Second i STATKMUNT OF CONDITION Flanagan & Bennett Bank of MARSH FI KM), ORKGON At tho closo of buslticfcs, December 5, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts $422,312.68 UnnkliiK Houso 50,000,00 Cash and Exclmngcs .-. 184,486.42 Total 030,700.10 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 68,531.57 Deposits C48.2C7.53 Total 050,700.10 Condensed Statement i of tho condition of WIXBaO'lin The First, National Bank 1 . OF COOS HAY 'i jij ' nt tho Closo of DuBlness, Dec. 5, 1911. Resources. I """"" "r1 Loans nnd Discounts $229,320.87 Honda, Wnrronts and Socurltlos 73,161.50 U. S. Ilonds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Ileal Estate, Furnlturo nnd Fixtures 81,472.94 Cash nnd Sight Excliaugo 141,131.98 Total $330,000.20 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding 25.000.0U DoposltB ,.. 414,298.90 Total $330,00050 INTEREST PAH) ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MAItSHFIELI) OIIEGOX Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO ND JOSSON CKJIENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Pinter, Llm, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE. SOUTH imOADWAY. PHO.B aui Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDE" DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phone 19-J, Cor. 4th and Park Avo. Unique Pantatonum DYKING, CLEANING, P" AND REPAIRING ALL K1KD3 ILVT WORK. ROSS & PINEGOR' phono 15' 256 Central avenue rflUU