11, V "S1k "!'' '" r i-'WVvstfV!' 8 "V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, 8REG0N, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS ' joy and pleasure for many days to come. ONLY SIX MORE SHOPPING DAYS $0 CHRISTMAS. ." tj "rt"'' w -'. Ii OF GIFTS THAT "WILL 1315 APPKEOrATED ABOVE EVERYTJIJNCI ELSE. BECAUSE NOTHING IS SO APPRECIATED AS SOMETHING TO WEAR SANTA GLAUS is growing more practical each year, and instead of the things that satisfy ihe eye alone so common in years gone by, wo now witness the giving 0f those wholesome, useful and nractical things which one would liuv for himself and which live not onlv u-ratefullv received on Christmas Day, but arc a soiiivn rr ,...., EVERYTHING DISPLAYED "Where you can readily inspect the goods and make your selections, however busy we may be. BEAUTIFUL NECKWEAR The season's verv newest creations, 25c to $1.00 A new line of Kcirfur Baratheas, , 50c to $1.00 CLUETT SHIRTS Make a most acceptable present. These are the new holiday num bers $1.50 to $2.00 GLOVES of all kinds are here in vast assort- v ments. "Wool Gloves, Kid. Glbves, Silk lined Gloves 50c to $2.50 HA NDKEROUIEFS All kinds, from the cheapest to the best plain or initial great values at 10c to $1.00 SWEATER COATS for men and boys. Coats of qual ity very reasonably priced all col " or combinations $1 to $8.50 LATEST BLOCKS IN STETSON HATS YOU AR.E CORDIALLY INVITED to inspect our magnificent showing of J f OLID AY GOODS whether you come to buy or not. A NEW SUIT OR OVERCOAT eBBBB wotimmum nn aimm r m v ' )rjinln Clolh", For Father, Grandpa, Brother or Son would bo "'Just Fine." MEN'S SUI2jS $10 TO $35 OVERCOATS $8 TO $30 RAIN COATS $10 TO $25 GABARDINES $15 TO $35 4tw!sSK5)l?S "The story of Christmas is the story of human sacrifice. The charm of Christmas is the charm of generosity. Sacrifice and generosity go hand in hand in the world wide willingness of all mankind to give at Christmas time." SPECIAL GIFT BOXES for all our Neckwear, Suspenders 1I0. sicry, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc" make the gifts attractive. '' SILK NECK SCARFS arc sensible, 'serviceable and beau tiful '. $1.00 to $2.00 CHILDREN'S, LADIES' AND MEN SHOES every new winter stylo '. $1.00 to $(5.50 , HOSIERY An immense lino of goods socks in all the shades one can imagine, priced 15c to $1 .50 Men's silk hose at 25c and 50c SLIPPERS Sec our gorgeous display of slip pers. Here you will find them in great variety for every occasion and purpose $1.00 to $2.50 UMBRELLAS niako an attractive gift they arc useful and certain to be appre ciated $1.00 to $5.00 Commence right away to do your Christmas trading come forenoons if you can the sooner you come the better the assortments will bo, and then you don't lmvo to hurry. Make selections now; we'll reserve them for you. "We aro showing, by far, the finest collection of desirable gifts for men over shown hero. "Money Talks" Hiib Clothing Shoe Co. 'y w MARSHFIELD THE BEST PLAGE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR MEN AND BOYS. BANDON Just the UC Will Ap ft I I Ij predate W E'EE suro that you can find in this storo something that will plcaso "Ilim", and make "Him" an ideal Christmas gift. Just run your oyo carefully over our "Re minder List" for a sug gestion. Reminder List: Ever Wear IIoso (In silk, lisle and cotton). Collar Bags All kinds of handker chiefs. Cluett Shirts. Hats. Cans. Ties (a beautiful assort ment). Suspenders. Sweaters. Silk and Knit Mufflers. Gloves. tL 0 TTinlivnllns. Vj?:-. Smoking .Tackots. House Slippers. Suits. Tio and Hose Sets to Overcoats and Rain match. Coats. Traveling Bags. Shoes. ALL IN HOLIDAY BOXES. Our outfitting is from tho output of tho best mak ers of every lino and our prices never "hurt." Come and look as long and as often as you pleaso and ask as many questions as you see fit. The Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum. Society News (Contlnuod from pago 3.) Mrs. Wnrd. Mrs. Slbort, Mrs. E. A. Elckworth, Mrs. NorlB Jonson, Mrs. M. R. Smltli, Mrs. Wlrth and Mrs. Will Elckworth. Tho Sunday school of tho Method- tho wlnnors In tho contest, ontcr- Issued for tho dnnco thnt Is to bo glv- Considering tho fact that there ire 1 tnlned tho black nnd gold with a on at Eckhoft's hull Thursday Doc- only thirteen inombors In tho society, short and Interesting program, con- omhor 28. Geo. Windsor Is in tho church nnnnln nrn mnm lhn it. slating of duets, songs, choruses and chnrgo of tho music, nnd Professor iHllod with tho showing produced. recitations. After tho program, re- Honska of tho decorations. Tho Tho ladles of tho socloty nro Mri. freshmentB woro served and adjourn- Eplscopnl LndloB will norvo lunch In Knud Erlckson, Mrs. Edmund' nieiit was declared at 9:40. tno nnicony ot tho hnll. On tho re- Erlckson, Mrs. Lnrson, Mrs. Pitmen, mi in f?.,,owln8 lmionto nnd children ccpton eommlttoo nro Commodoro Mrs. Joiib Hanson. Mrs. II. Mathleon, Mra 7 rtnu-no Mrnn.i M,. n Lyl Snvngo, Miss Nottlo Snvago, Mrs. Edward Erlckson, Mrs. Lund, A Jones Mrs Johnson Mm Smile Vlco-Commodoro and Mrs. M. O. Mrs. Nolson, Mrs. Tollofson, Mr. Pe- Mrs J McLaughlin Mr, Mns?M b! nm f-" vMr- - W- torson. Mr, Magnus, and Mre. Hen G. h. Hall, Mrs. Peter Clausen, Mr. n,"B' Mn NoU DankH nml M,8S MVon of Co0Bton' Butlor. Tho Lndlos of tho North O Mrs. E. K. Jones will leave on tb Bond Irst boat for Portland to visit her nnd Mrs. W. J. narbor Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Waltor Richardson, Rev. O. L. 1st Eplscopnl church will hold Us Hnll, Miss Besslo Ayro. John Fltzgor- S 1H - !& sfSMMraraa ;srB&?SS?S , gornld, Emma Kltzgorald. Hannah uroui. tho saio was very success- r jiuihw r. iRhu ......,...- 0 Fltzgorald, Anna Downs, Edith Ayro, fl. tho entlro lino of goods being has boon In tho enro of Mr., t. Tho American Women's Longuo Helon Bnrbor, Zoo Dolnn Floronco , sold onslly. Somo very dainty O'ConnolI during tho recent llinew mot at tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Murr, Richardson, Alice Rlchnrdson, Ralph nprons woro shown nnd mnny poo- of. Mrs. RIchnrdson, with nor tot on-- Ik I In North Bond Tuesday. Saturday Richardson. Whltford Hall, Stolla evening was tho date sot for n special . .Magnus, iioruo unmpion, Aiaxino mooting to dlscuBB plnns for a baznar Jonw, Lllzahoth Jones, Joyco l-ostor, nnd n tea to bo hold December tho EiMovn Wheeler, Morlo Cox Gone "Oth An oxchnneo la also bolng v,ovo Oosnoy, Horschel Clauaon. Ruth :,.," ., ," t" I 1 , l Howron, Cecil LnChappolle, Wnyno nonr tho first of tho month. Bom bazaar and oxchango will bo hold In tho old exchange building on Sher man Avonue. Qosney, Ruth McLaughlin. A linen shower was glvon by sov- oral nf her friends at tho homo of plo took ndvnntago of tho Balo to land. lay In a stock of pleasing and prot-i 0 ty AXn'"nn8 Pm 8nt8, , ,. ,, ., ' Tho North Bend public school cbll- Among those who attended tlm (lron nro practicing today on the- saio woro: Mrs. Wm. Nollson, Mra. Christmas program which they vM A. 0. Raab, Mrs. Ivlch, Mrs. Vv". V. gjvo tho Friday boforo tho holldJ- aiuiiiiuiiH, hith. ,ii hit, iiro. iouih . Balslngor, Mrs. McNny of Nowhorg, Mrs. C. A. Nollnor, Mrs. Grout, Mrs. Pntto, Mrs. Hndson, Mrs. Edna Mc- I'-" ' whn la snnn tn lin ninrrlml In TInrrV Georgo Sheridan of North Bond nussoll of North Bond. Tho guests will lenvo next weok for San Fran- 8pont ft vory onjoynblo ovonlng. So clsco whore ho will spend Christmas j08 ' woro sung by Miss wun uib motner ana sisiorB. , Mn!roii Hood nnl Miss Mrs. K. Rood, to Miss Winifred Rood Daniel, Mrs. Wm. Chapoll,.and Mrs. Wnttors. O E. C. Paddock nnd wlfo will 1T noxt weok for San Francisco where they will spond tho holidays with re latives and frlonds. 0 Tn. !.! Tna Pninn Tr. find M'l' i t'liuuiin ui uo w".., " -- r . Tho auction and tea glvon undor Cora Bowron, two woll Known i" tho nuspIccB of tho ladlos of tho tloul young peopio, wru rw''" -O I Mildred Rood nna Miss iu uubimcch oi uio minus oi mo nuwi yuunj, iuii ' ,Ynor n.n.1. Wllllnmc nn,l nunclnir n moa . NOrWCClnil Illthfimn clllircll. Rntlir- tlllfl WeOk Of UlOlr mnmaBB uu mur firIo I arson and Mr Chris wro played by tho ontlre company. ay nftornoon, wns tho most sue- about Dccombor il. IcflZr?lnctao hoWno RefreshmontB were served later In ' cossful that tho socloty has over n and Si meoUng hold at tho 5S tho ovon'"B "" lloBtoB8- Al"K 10,,U Sovonty-flvo or sovonty-slx dol- Tho nrldgo Club has adjourned g t uV:tolM &t tho, invited, weroMrs. Raa. ars was netted which sum Is twice tho holidays. Mrs.Wm. org - - . . . ii-a iinn iinvnt iTiu f a iriiiir. tii ii fin in i ii n Rn n nr inar Ann . i iii i imar.RQ nr iiiu iw i A flno display of goods was shown, Jng which will bo hold Weoneidtfr every articio of which wont quickly. Jnn. 8. Wednesday ovonlng. A Christmas " u'- "". mrs. u. a. tree nnd program for tho children of Smith. Mrs. Woodbury, Mrs. F. tho Sunday school wero planned for Chaplin, Misses Joanna Bolz, Graco tho evening of Tuesday. December Munr, Esther Imhoff. Graco and 20. Another meeting Is sot for Wed- Blanche Williams, Edith Raab, Bes- nesday tho twentieth, when pop-corn B,, ,ImTm ; Gr"c FuUAm1yTn3; will ho strung for tho tree and do- nolds. Lillian JCann, Mildred Rood, corntlons propnrcd. Of this meotlng JoBophono Orlffln nnd Mablo Noah Miss Blanche Tolloaon nnd Mr. Jn- nntl Mr8- E,n,0r KubboII. meB Martonaon will bo In chargo. I O 0 I Mrs. Wm. Murr nnd fnmlly will Mr .and Mrs. Dorsoy Kreltzor and lenv on "t Breakwater for Mr .and Mrs. A. L. Housoworth en- Portland where they will spend Xmas tortalned at bridge Tuosday evening w,t, her people. Mr. Murr who Is I nl ilm TTniiRnwnrlh hnmn. Mra. "uw oiiukuiio win join uiom in The Modern Young Lady Haines won tho Indies' and Mr. I Campbell tho gontlomen's prize, inoso present wuro; ir, una mr. E. D. McArthur, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hildonbrnnd, Mr. nnd Mr3. A. B. Portland whero they nro planning to romnln for some time. 0 A short business meotlng wns held Wednesday by tho ladles of St. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Pnmnlioll. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Bar- Monlcn'R f!nlinlln cluiroli nt thn gait, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mr. homo of Mrs. Montogmory In West' nad Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgnn, Mr. and Marshflold. No further meeting IsJ Mrs. Chns. Vnn Duyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. planned until Thursday, Dccombor, Eugeno Crosthwnlt nnd Thnyor Grl- 28, when nrrangoments will bo per nios, fected for tho fnl rto bo glvon In tho o latter pnrt of February. Tho Junior contest social was held n at tho Bnptist church Friday ovonlng ,. ,m,i ii , r, and an onjoynblo tlmo was pnrtlclpa Jh J?"1 8r1clnl , . CoQS ted In by the parents of tho children Brn ,Moto1T non C1 lb. w0 &" ns woll tis bv the children thomsel- Monday. December 18 at tho club ves. Tho Tho first part of tho evening rooms. Tho committee In chargo Is was spent In games In which all Join- composed of Mrs. II. E. Burmestor, nil nflor wlilMi Mm nntl nnmnnnv Mr. Geo. Windsor. Mr8. John WnllnCQ ndJourned to tho main nart of tho Mrs. Chas. Williams, nnd Miss Lena JEWELER .church where tho red and white side, Kruse. About 200 Invitations are needs considerable Jowelry as part of hor wardrobo. Styles are constant changing in Jowolry as in other things, nnd of course the young " must bo in tho stylo. Novelties nil tho tlmo coming up and ebewanti. to bo "up with tho times" so far ' hor Jowol-caso Is considered, hero sho will And tho newest, n and least oxpenslvo Jowelry. Andt eateet Thos. Howard ITeadmiartevs fov Christmas Jewelry. North Front SW I