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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
'"(.ft Wf 8 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAR8HFIBLD, OREMW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911 'EVENING EDITION, CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS OF SA those wholesome, useiul and practical things which one would bin for himself and which il joy and pleasure for many days to come. ONLY SEVEEN MOKE SIIOPPING BAYS TO CHRISTMAS. '- '" ' i!,-.. rt''1' .. - ' ,N v Ir.nt vV"Y "- GIFTS THAT WILL B13 APPRECIATED ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE. BECAUSE NOTHING JS SO APPRECIATED AS SOMETHING TO WEAR NT A GLAUS is growing more practical each year, and instead of the things that satisfy the eye alone so common in years gone by, wo now witness the givim? nf are not only gratefully received on Christmas Day, but are a source of nnmi, ii t L m EVERYTHING DISPLAYED Where you can readily inspect the goods and make your selections, however busy wo may be. BEAUTIFUL NECKWEAR The season's very newest creations, V. ....'. ... .25c to $1.00. A new line; oC Kcisur Baratheas, 50c to $1.00 CLUETT SHIRTS Make a most acceptable present. These are the new holiday num bers $1.50 to $2.00 GLOVES of all lands are here in vast assort ments. Wool Gloves, Kid Gloves, Silk lined Gloves 50c to $2.50 HANDKERCHIEFS ' All kinds, from the cheapest to the best plain or initial great values at 10c to $1.00 SWEATER GOATS ' . for men and boys. Coats of qual , ity very reasonably priced all col or combinations $1 to $8.50 LATEST BLOCKS IN STETSON HATS YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to inspect our magnificent showing of HOLIDAY GOOBS whether you come to buy or not. A NEW SUIT OR OVERCOAT MHm taxmmrznYm&mijtMm mJk h & 5 J.rJjnln CdM', For Father, Grandpa, 'Brother or Son would be "Just Fine." MEN'S SUITS $10 TO $35 OVERCOATS $8 TO $30 RAIN GOATS' $10 TO $25 GABARDINES $15 TO $35 "The story of Christmas is the story of human sacrifice. The charm of Christmas is the charm of generosity. Sacrifice and generosity go hand in hand in the world wide willingness of all mankind to give at Christmas time." SPECIAL GIFT BOXES for all our Neckwear, Suspenders Ho siery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc" make the gifts attractive. '' SILK NECK SCAliFS are sensible, serviceable and beau tiful $L00 to $2.00 CHILDREN'S, LADIES' AND My S1I0JSS every now winter style. .....,...'. $1.00to$G.u6 HOSIERY An immense lino of goods socks in all the shades one can imagine, priced 15c to $1.50 Men's silk hose at; 25c and 50c SLlPPEIiS Sec our gorgeous display of slip pers. Here you will find them in great variety for every occasion and purpose $1.00 to $2.50 UMBRELLAS make an attractive gift they are useful and certain to he appre ciated $1.00 to $5.00 Commence right away to do your Christinas trading come forenoons if you can the sooner you come the better the assortments will be, and then you don't havo to hurry. Make selections now; we'll reserve them for you. We are showing, by far, the finest collection of desirable gifts for men ever shown here. "Money Talks MARSIIFIELD Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR MEN AND BOYS. "Money Talks" BANDOti i t -1 Just the CXJJJ 1 J" Will Ap.- Ml j predate SECEDE FROM 0 0 T 0 BE ID W E 'RE sure that you can find in this store something that will please "Him", and ,mako "Him" an ideal Christmas gift. Just run your eye carefully over our "Be niinder List" for a sug gestion. Reminder List: Ever Wear Hose (In silk, lisle and cotton). Collar Bags All kinds of handker chiefs. Cluctt Shirts. Hats. Caps. Ties (a beautiful assort ment). Suspenders. Sweaters. Silk and Knit Mufflers. Gloves. TTiiilvpnllnc . , r j iiiuxuiiiiot s'-i Smoking Jackets. House Slippers, Suits. Tie and Hose Sets to Overcoats and Rain match. Coats. Traveling Bags. Shoes. ALL IN HOLIDAY BOXES. Our outfitting is from the output of the best mak ers of every line and our prices never "hurt." Come and look as long and as often as you pleaso and ask as many questions as you see fit. The Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum. r H 'Mi- ; Irai 3Bt B. F. Wyatt Contends In Suit Score In Boys' Game Fifteen That Kinney Additions Weren't Legally Absorbed Tho long talked of offort of Plat D nnd tho nssoclnto Klnnoy addi tions to Bccodo from North Bond has finally been launched in n caso Just stnrtcd in circuit court. Tho caso is begun by B. F. Wyntt to enjoin Shorlff Gngo as tho Coos county tax collector from collecting tho North Bond municipal taxes on his proper ties in tho Kinney additions on tho ground that thoy woro not legally taken into tho North Dond munici pality. The proporty Involved In cludes Plat B, n tract about threo quarters of a milo wide in tho south erly pnrt of North Bond, Plat C, Just west of Plat B, Plat E whoro tho Klnnoy eawml.U nnd Rnpld Trnn slt buildings nro located, Plat D and Bangor additions. Tho suit is bnsed on nlloged tcoh nical defects in tho special election May 27,1907, under which North Bond absorbed tho district in ques tion, tho voters of the city of North Bond ns well as tho votors of tho district nnnoxod deciding by a sub stantial majority In favor of tho con solidation. A dozen or so alleged defects in tho cnll for tho election, tho qualifying of election ofllclals, etc., nro given, besides tho clnlm that tho city of North Bend has not improved tho stroots nnd mndo : other town improvements in tho nn ' noxed section thnt are alleged to I havo been mndo one of tho condl I tlons of tho consolidation. I When tho secession wns first talk 1 ed of, it waB understood that Major Klnnoy himself would personally bo j behind tho suit. Whethor Mr. Wyatt is Instituting tho test suit In tho Klnnoy intorests is not known. to Seven Bandon Girls Win 8 to 4. By n score of fifteen to seven, tho North Bond high school boys bnskot ball team last evening dofoatcd tho Bandon high school team 'In North Bend. The gnmo was a fast ono from start to finish. In tho girls gnmo, tho Bandon high school team was victorious, winning by n scoro of eight to four. Tonight tho Bandon High school boys tenm will play tho arshflold High School boys tonm nt tho Marshflold tabornnclo building which has been convortcd Into n gymnasium. For. North Bond, Hansen plnycdl tho star gamo. In tho first half ho scored' onco from tho field nnd four I times from tho foul lino nnd In tlidl second hnlf also scored five times, llodson scored onco from tho field each half. Oalllor wns tho star of tho Ban-' don tenm. Ho Bcorod onco from tho field In tho last half and three times from tho foul lino In the first hnlf. Laird scored onco from tho flold in tho first hafi. Thero was a big crowd out to seo tho game, in fact ono of tho largest that has witnessed a basketball gamo in North Bend. Tho ofllclals woro Wntklns roforoo, Kibbler umplro nnd Rnab tlmokeop or, Tho lineup In tho boys enmo wns: rvorui uonu. pos Hanson r f If c lg r g eiG BOXING CARNIVAL IN IAOFIELD SATURDAY I !' mm mm B8HB 'A JxfVBImilllllH BHbsI11HJ sKw a1I111111111111H& UUUUIIIIIIH XOIITII 1JK.VI) N1WS. LAST STI1AW IX III01I COST OV L1VIXO Miss Josophlno Grlflln is shopping In Mnrshllold this ovonlng. Mrs. Byron Hodson of Ross Inlet Is In Mnrshfleld shopping. mrs. u. Maker of North Bond Hfinnon iioignt8 was a Aiarsnnoid shoppor to- Chntburn day. Gnlllor Miss Ellen Audorson of Sherman T. Laird avonuo visited relatives in Marsh Bowman flold yostort'ny Watklns Miss Ellon Smith, who has been Scott a x'entury ago, sang "Tho v1l8ltlnS Marshflold, roturncd to- Lny of tho Last Minstrel." What dnL h,hom10 ln Dnn,gJ0. o ., Coos Bay needs In this famine of ". hrtC lurch Ims sold his South fresh eggs is tho minstrol who can m rf, ! l t0 Jhn, DoatUo ?f fitly sing of tho Inst Iny of tho Coos No,rt l C.00a R,vo" .nnd lm "0"Bht Day hon. n ,m,r' fnrm near Arago on tho Co- iwu nvor in a point oeiween wyr- Mnnngcr John Herron announced' this aftornoou that practically ere ry thing was in rcadinois for the lit boxing carnival to bo pulled oS it tho Marshflold Skating Rink tomor row night. Ho suys that three of tho clnsslost bouts that havo erer beon given in Marahfleld will b- staged, Interest contcrs In tho ilxti round go botwoon "Chuck" O'Con noll, a'clovor Portland boy who re- , contly arrived on tho Boy, and Bint Hosnn, tho Beaver Hill cblnamu. This Is tho first tlmo that Sing Ho- Bnn has ovor been trained for a w and his supporters expect him t mnko tho fastest showing that a lo cul pugilist has ever put up. OCoa noil's frlonds nro nlso confident 01 , tho outcomo, Bomo of his Portiani ; friends Bonding ?20 today to bet oa tho go. , . . ' If Conrnd, tho Coqutlle H weight does not show up, Jew VV, will box Bail Honderson elr roi BUI Wlison, tho clev.T MarnMJ boy, Is nlso to moot somo local in , In n air rnnnrl limit. Tickets for tho go are now ea Bale nt the Boll Cqrd Hw Royal -FRIDAY xioirr- Grout llodson Chpppell Conro ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE ST. LOUIS. Mo., Dec. IB. Tho prlco of beer was raised $1 a barrel by largo browing companies. Another concern had advanced tho prlco CO conts n barrel Decombor 1. , A fow more of those ATTRAC TIVE CALENDARS left at RIGGS' STUDIO. Uaxo you done your shopping for t,0 0,n$ ,ml cJlq Uo ''i1 irlstasr nomomhnr tlin wnrina M,BS Lillian McCnnn is Chrjstaff?' Remember tho weariness of tho store peoplo and that tho early relatives hero today. visiting T ..A ...--. .-. Al.. .. . shopner secures tho best goods and i,ift i,Xn. p. y " T" rv.c. There .are only 10 more i?0rtR0 AnsXoSt, aid business days before Christmas. j. A. Kranlch, Janitor of tho build ing, would bo settled without any Pocket FLASHLIGIITS. The criminal charges being filed. GUNNERY. 'ALL ABOARD FOR Mj-WV Tho funniest comedy ever wwe w n moving juium. """r,-.---! "WHEN EAST COMES WESJ A Western Comedy of laugh prow ing complications in n marrW mlxup. 'JUST FOR HEft" A very fine Imp- SATURDAY NIGHT 'THE SEA VULTURES Decoying a ship by fa ' Sgr "A FINE HEARTED MLW A fine westom Plctuw- "ALL ABOARD FOR B0 (By special revest) Savo money by patronizing The Times advertisers. PUNCHING bags nnd ROXING Tho LADIES of BAPTIST church gloves. Tho GUNNERY. will hold a SALE of FANCY WORK SAT. DEC. 10 at LEWIS' Ice Cream FOR RENT 10-room house in South Parlors. Marshflold. Phono 119-L. -SUNDAY NIGI Vn't 'A SORROWFUL JUi - jlf 'GREY CLOUDS DBI,W "" J'V";.'" i, Afln.a?mES" "X111S Ol'4t Prostollto GUNNERY. RECHARGES KsTTi