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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
?7JJiT?MSf f$:iu?i'tT5i'.l57r ' V2 THE COOS IAY TIMES, MABSHFIELO, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911-EVENINB EDITION ' e i CHRISTMAS IN NEW YORK. M' By JAMES A. EDQERTON. fCPTTKbt bj American frws AmocI. iwn, IWU.J OBT of tht B.000.000 people Ut. log within the twcuty.mlls radiu of th American me tropollt "Bit up nnd take no- llco" on the npproucli of Christmas. They do more. They sally forth In jjreut droves, buying things to give nwuy, to cat, and what not. They make life a burden to the expressmen, tlio post men nnd the department store clerks. Tho feminine Now Yorker ts especially in evidence. Sometimes she goes It alone, sailing into tho bargain counter scrimmages llko a regiment going Into battle. At other times Bho drags along licr bored looking husband or some other male member of the 'family, who execrates all shopping nnd who swears under bis breath or looks as If he wanted to. In companies, battailous and divisions goes forth tho shopping nrmy, marching through tho streets, deploying up nnd down tho nlslea, making nttneks and counterattack' upon tho candy department, the mil linery department, the toy department and everything elso la sight. Sales men grow haggard nutl wan under tho, and great wagon trains haul nwuy tho spoils of battle. Christmas in New York is pretty much as It is In all other cities, except that there Is moro of it. There Is so much of it, in fact, thnt tho figures which make up tho holiday statistics utaggcr and wnbblo undor tho load. Big figures never did have to bear up under such burdens as they do In American statistics, nnywny. They carry millions on their broad shoul lArn. millions of population, produc tion, wealth nnd. by no means least of nil, In Christmas outlny. Uut figurci nre not the only things thnt Rtngger nt Christmas. Tho post effleo department staggers, the express compnnlcs stagger, tho dray horses stagger, tho storo managers stagger, nnd even tho old man's pocketbook Btnggers. Tlio only reason tho shoppers do not stagger Is becuuso they nro wedged In ho tight they can't. Alto gether It Is n staggering holiday, nnd tho ancient, ruby nud nthlotlc 8. ClnU'i Btnggers most of all. Tho ouly ones who do not stagger nro tho small folks. jThcy bnvo nil the best of it, nnd tho dfler pcoplo forget their weariness In the Joy of tho little oncrf. Tho winter solstice Is hardly tho time thnt one would .look for blossoms, yet t about that senson tho streets of Now York bloom with holly and evergreen. Jbero nro festoons of Ivy and wrenths of mistletoe. The green is In tho win dows nnd over tho awnings. The streot renders nro along tlio curblngs with all tho latest novelties to gladden tho heart of tho small boy. Last year's dolls nro trotted out Into show places, jn tho toy stores do a land otllco busl ' Less. Even tho oust side, whero con ercgato all tho nationalities of tho earth, Is not without splotches of color. Tho Chlnoso quarter, It Is true, does not show much moro than tho usual nnltnntlnn. About the only time the Celestials break out Into holiday nttlre 1b ut tho time of tho Chlneso Now JTenr, but then they fo riot In co!r and sound that they inako up for the rest of tho year. .A trip through tho east side- n few days before Christians furnishes an interesting side light on tho universal ity of the holiday. Here peoples of nil lands will bo found preparing for thp colebrntlon of n common festival. Hus jjans at home, because of the difference lu the culendar. do not hold their Cnristmns until some tlmo nfter ours, but Itusslans In New York lire coming moro nnd more Into American customs nnd nro adopting ourtlme In plneo of their own. The sniue Is true of tliono fjom other Slavic countries. As for tho (iernmnle nnd Latin imtions of northern and southern Europe, Dee. "X is their day for celebrating the Na tivity, so that no chango Is necessary with immigrants from those lauds. The vast numbers of these peoples In our chlof city may bo realized when It Is reflected thnt last year over n million foreigners caiiio to our shores aud n vast portion of these stopped on tho east side In Now York. Ilccuiiso of poverty Christmas with tho tenement dwellers Is not what It Is with the middle classes nnd those better situ ated, yet tho dny passes In few evon of the poorest quarters without some token of remembrance. Tho omnipresent streot vender U present lu tho east sldo as elsewhere. For tho most part ho has laces, rugi nnd wondrous fabrics for sale, but on Christmas week toys nro also in evi dence. Mechnnlcal dancing bears, flghtlug coeks and prlzo uparrers aro inado to do their evolutions on tho pavements nnd urc offered for a nickel to whomsoever will buy. Dolls of the poorer quality nro placed lu tempting nrrny. Christmas tree ornaments are arranged In glittering profusion. These ilazalo the eyes of the bareheaded and dirty urchins thnt nro us thick as tiles on tho streots. Hero n son of southern Europo, muster of n soft and sibilant broken English, squeezes nnon n rubber ball from which n tlgure springs nut, ejaculatlug with each squeeze, Sentn Clnwss fer Chrlssmuss tree." Two organizations In evidence at nil times, but moro so than over nt tbo Christmas season, nro the Sal vation Army nnd tho Volunteers of America. These nro rivals, lu good works and otherwise, bo whorover one has out tin alms pot tho other is gen erally found but a fQW feet away. Tho representatives of tho Salvation Army have ou the regulation caps and fend Dtfttfe UitU. taTttlfttfr fM tar uuull oontrlbudoaiL aAr wait to the tnrnrUbU Ifft4. TCn t r Boiling. The Voiaartar rprni tlvon each hav it calmaey with a mall holt 'In the top for rocaivliiff tht coins of the passtrabr. Christmas woek these Volunteers are drensed to rcprMent Santa Claut. The omnipres ent' small boy, dirty and bareheaded, as usual, nausea bealdo on of these. "I know a better Santy Claws na you." he says. "My pop's icot you klmied fee a Hnntv filaw." fWimWtMMMO" 'c A4rA.RKt. V0LCSTEnit9 tlCrnERKNT SANTA CIiAUS. The Salvation Army nnd tho Volun teers feed thoiiiands each year at. substantial Christmas dinners. Other charitable organizations Innumerable alo spread elaborate feeds for the poor and homeless, thus making tlui day ono of good cheer "oven to tho least of these." Tho newsboys huve a verltablo feast on Christmas duy. I The Christmas f Tree By EDWIN I SADIN c 156 apple and chtrry and ptacb and plum Dave all to the ooal of their la bora come t Che cheotnut bao yielded Ito toothsome otorci Che haw bao crtmooned the hillside o'er. Jit vord "dell done" they have nought their reot Co oleep till the HprIPe ooft bebeot, But after the clooe of the seasons three Coday (o the day of the Christmas tree. Cbrough oprlng and oummcr and feotal fall 6lotb baa It oeemed 'mongot the worn- era nil, Somberly wearing ItB cbangelcon green, proffering Kttle by braneb or mien, Haughty and otralgbt 'neatb oun and cloud, Hn Indian dreamer, rapt and proud, Cut oavlng Its trcaourco for you and me, Biding Ita time, vfao the Cbrlotmaa tree. QAJyVKMtS tub ouMrnnaiiNT bthkbt vender. Tbo holiday gives most everybody In Now York th chance for nt least oue square meal, even If ho does not havo i nothcr during tho cntiro year. Emerging from tho swarming tene ment district by the crosstown route, tlio festooning Increases ns ono np proachos the shopping area until at Sixth nvonuo It grown n perfect riot of green nnd red. Iloro nro tho great department stores, lining both sides of tho thoroughfare from Fourteenth street to above Twenty-third- If one would neo Chrlstmns activity at Its best or Its worst ho can seo It hero. Fnslilonablo dames la their turnouts from uptown, womon carrying unuiM from (no lower downtown scctlous. wives of commuters from up tho Hud son, from Connecticut, from Long Island, from Staten Island nnd from Jersoy, here chnrgo and countercharge, nwnrm through tho aisles, crowd tho elevators, scrnmblo to get to tho counters, overflow Into the streot and sweep In eddies nnd curreuts. here, thero nnd everywhere, a uover endluu huinnu stream. $3250.00 WILIi BUY A FINE CORNER 100 X 100 CLOSE IN GOOD PROS PECTIVE BUSINESS CORNER, I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front Street. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tlicso gnrmonts clcnuoi and bettor than tho work can bo done elsewhere, nnd they aro not worn bo much. Wo do not shrink thorn, ovon woolen ferments' nro returned the eamo slzo as when sent us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nlcoly, make ordinary repairs freo of charge nnd you have fresh clean, awoot under wear ready for ench weok's chnngo. Dundlo yours up with noxt weolc's Inundry bundlo. Marshfield-Jland & Steam Lauiur I 'II ON !2t T. J. 8CA1FE A. II. HODQINS tariy Shoppers Get Their Pick When white the wold and the ahy oft darh, When orebard and upland are bare and stark, Often gone the flowers and the autumn's . fllow. Cbe laggard nowblaaono'mldot ice and onow. Gayly It lightens a poverlobed land, Scatters (to fruitn with a generous band. Welcomed by paean of cheer and glee, Into Its own comes the Cbrlotmaa tree. Sweeter by far than from woodland throats Rises the medley of childhood notes, Carol and love word and prattling tongue, RoHlcMna laughter of old and young, Clll every needle and every eone Wide Its message of Joy has otrown. Sturdy prince with a heart so free, Kip, hurrah for the Cbrfotmas treel Who 8anta Claus Is. Jimmy D'you know who Santa Clans Is? Tommy Suro I dot Ilo'a PrcH'dent Tnft. "How d'you mnko thnt outY" 'Cnuso Sunta travels everywhere, an' bo does tho pros'dent. Envy. Llttlo WIMo Percy Ploot nto so much Christmas candy thut bo liked to died. Llttlo Bob Geo. sonio kids Is lucky! Try The Times' Want Ada. FES Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. Estimates , MAIlSll FIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Oregon City Auto Service Good CnrB, Cnrotui urivors ami rensonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo." Stands Dlanco Hotol nnd Dlanco Clear 8toro. Day Phones 78 nnd 40. Night Phono 4C. BARKER .V: GOODAIili. I'roiirietors. Prof. A. Richards TEACH EU OF PIANO. And volco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call nt Studio, Songs tnckon Uldg.. VM Broadway. a. Modern Bride Building, Electric Lights, Stoara Hoat. Elogantly Furnished Roomc with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOT E L .C O OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. ttatos: DO contB a Day nnd Upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Marshflold. Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Tn. icrPTWINKIiEKi -J v.innnnlli mill Plilrnnrnctor. All chronic dlsenscB trentod. Consul tation freo. Offlco .hours: 9 to 12 n. m.; 2 to G nnd 0 to 8 p. m. Naturopath Institutes Room No. 1. No. 130 Broadway, Marshflold, Ore DU. G. V. LESMK, riatoiiimMili? I'livnlrliin Qrnduato of tho American Bchool ot Ostoopnthy nt Klrksvlllo, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 101-J; Mnrshtlold: Oregon J W. BENNETT, Lwyor. Offlflo ovor Flanagan & Bonnett Bank InrBhfiold Oregon DU. J. T. McCOKMAO, PhyelclMi and Surgeon Marshflold, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart, Building, opposite Post Onto Phono 105-J mHPF.vv mlmmmf First Class Auto Service When you want to go nnywhoro In a hurrv Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Best rates in tho city. BEST CABS. Best drivers. Phono Uli-J until 11 p. in., nftor 11 p.m. phono C-J, Residence- phono 2 8-J. 7;. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. A now Btoclc of tho latest in tho MAZDA LAMPS Bond In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J D It. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Pnrlors. Wo nro cqulppod to do high clast work on short notlco at tho very lowest prices. Examination froo Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chnndlor hotol, phono 112-J. EVERY WOMAN WANTS ONE "El Perco" is a handsome, scientific and sanitary coffee percolator. It is heated by electricity from tho lamp socket at insignificant expense. You can buy them for Christmas for $0.00. A really good and handsome electric collfeo percolator has never been sold so low before. See them ut our office or any electrical sup ply dealer's store. You can mistake on this Christ . mas Gift. , Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Corner Central and Second STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (8b Bennett Bank of .MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho 'closo of business, December 0, 1011. Resources. Lonns nml Discounts '4;Hi?'55 Bunking Houbo ,c?'?o ?i Cash und Exchanges 184,488.42 Total .....' $030,700.10 LlnblllUcs. Cnpltnl Stock paid In v r2'?"22 Surplus nnd Undivided Fronts f'SsHI DopoBlts .. C48'267,B3 Total 9030,700.10 We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN H7-J Condensed Statement k of tho condition of Kl'lEHMIIIIl The First, National Bank , OF COOS BAY , .. I , at tho Closo of Business, Dec. B, lOi'l. Resources. ' Loans and Discounts .....; 2?S'iCl60 Bonds, Warrants nnd Securities JKnnnoo U. B. Bonds to Bccuro circulation -? ""; 'y. Ronl Estate Furnlturo and Fixtures ,?, JiT'oS Cash nnd Sight Exchango : 141.W.W Total 9350,0000 Liabilities. nn Capltnl Btoclc paid In ; in 70739 Surplus nnd undivided profits . or'ooo 0 Circulation, outBtnndljjg 414298!90 Deposits '" ' - Total $530,090.20 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. .....,-. ..,...., OREGON .il.iu.iiirir.ui I This doll is waiting (or some one to buy her, but she will not wait long. Some early shopper will get her, and the late ones will get left. By shopping early YOU GET YOUR PICK not only of dolls, but of all other Christmas goods. BlancharcTs Livery Wo hno securou the livery busl ieb8 of L. II. Helsnor and are pro pured to reudor oxceilont sorvlca to tho pooplo of Coot Buy. Cireful di Ivors, gooa rlsa kad everything hat will mean bntlafnctory service to tho public. Phone us for a driving horso, a rig or anything needed in tbo livery line. Wo nlso do truck, g business ot all kinds. BLANCHARI) BROTHERS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave., on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class article, You can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. PHONE 200J ItAnnAlNS IN BICYCLES. Fully Guaranteed Wheels nt from $20 upvtnrus.. Complete lino of Bicycle supplies, second-hand bicycles for sale. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. UEARY'S GUN SHOP. E. HANDEL. Trop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R MJI V M of Ideal, who havo kome Inventive ability Ml Nplauo write Ultt:Kl.KY A: MilMIUl', Ink 11 ii. .-...., u'..fc. . Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domestio and Imported brands. Pinter, Llrao Brick and all kinds of bulldors material HUGH MdLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR r.wi7irrw an i ft if nnnATUVAY. wunw va'A-sw jww-.- .w-- .. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance, Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offloe Phone 191' Marshfield Office U-3. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gensral Agents "EASTSIDE" Don't forgot the Turklab PHONE 214-J. BathB DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND R11MODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phone 19-J, Cor, 4th and Part Ave. Unique Pantatorium; nnESSlNO DYEING, CLEANS", p. AND REPAIRING ALL KCf nAT WORK. ItOSS & PlNEfiOB. Pbon 50 256 Central avenue -. -.B-.J