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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. 8 9tf 4ft: . mHart SchaffnerfMarx8 ' &4' HJ ..' W ; "HRISTMAS comes but once a year," says the old song. It's too bad it doesn't come, 7 more f requeptly for our pleasure and the pleasure we give; for the joy and good will which the season brings and cultivates; but maybe once a year is enough for our pocketbooks. You'll find this store particularly a place where suitable Christmas gifts for men and boys may be had; we're giving you a small list of them here, just as a hint of what you'll find here; there are a lot more not in this list that are waiting for you here. Suita an.l Overcoats $15 to'$35 English Slipons , . . $15 to $25 Smoking- Jackets . $5 to $12.50 Bath Robes- if ?.'. .$5 'to $7:50 NTiivii-in Ar? Robes $5 to $10 Umbrellas . . . ....... .v. $1 Jo $5.. Fancy Suspenders 50e to $2.50 Cuff Links in Xmas boxes, $1 to $.3.5.0 Links and Scarf Pius to match $2 to $3.50 Scarf Pins .......... . ; . 50c to $2.50 181k Robes . . .' 7. : . $10M? Tip Clasps in plush boxes. ...... $1 When you're trying to think of something to give a man for Christmas think of this man's store; we'll help yoiialiwe 'can. JL BrAEH Woolen Mill Store Marshfisld Oregon IrU aaWaftVaUaaSjaH aTaJ I V I aaaaanaWaafacaaaaal I I I COMMENCING SATURDAY EVENING AND UNTIL CHRISTMAS , ix-l We AVill Run . Special Christmas Ads. Calling attention to the many new Delicacies and CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES That are entirely new and different from anything ever shown before on Coos I3ay. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- 5 and 305 s V ! ' THE WEATHER. (By Assoclntcd Press.) ' OREGON. Doc. In. Rain In ' west nnd rain or snow In cast tonight and Saturday. South to Southwest winds, high nlong coast. I.or.Ui TEMPERATURE KK- I"MtT. Tor twenty-four hours ending i at 4:00 n. in.. Dec. 14, by Mrs. ' E. Mlngus, special government ' meteorological observer: Maximum 52 Minimum ....'. 38 At 4:00 p. m 47 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest: cloudy. T Ailing. Major Morton Tower of Empire Is suffering from an un usually severe attack of rheumatism. K9S3KS E0PLB E3RA&I Licensed to Wed. County Clerk Watson njt Coqulllo today Issued a license to wed to Lawronco O'Con nor and Miss Rosa Mortson, who are to be married In Marshflcld Boon. Election Tuesday. Parties from tho Upper Coqulllo Valley report that much Intcrost Is boinc tnken In tho special port election to bo hold , next Tuesday for tho purpoao of or ! gnnlztng tho Port pf Myrtlo Point, I embracing tho nppor Coqulllo to I within a short dlstanco of tho city of Coqulllo. It Is generally bollovod, I It Is said, that tho port will carry. Trouble Over Hand. Les. Smith of Coos River was In Marshflold yes terday trying to settle some diffi culty ho was having with J. L. Burns over n private road crossing tho Smith ranch. Smith wanted' Burns to uso n different routo but tho lat ter Insisted on using the present ono until tho new ono Is put In condition and now Smith I" .threatening to have Burns arrested for trespass. Son Is noni. Friends hero havo received cards announcing tho birth I of a son to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Franklin at Tillamook. OrORon. Ho Is their first born and has been christened Karl Raymond Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin formorly ro sldcd hero and at Coqulllo. Mr. ' Franklin having been lumber In spector hero. CrHlrnlly 111. A telegram was rccolv'od hero this morning by rela tives with tho encouraging news that thorw'was soma hopo that Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, daughtoijf Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Abbott, who recently undorwont nn oporatlon In Lnno hospital at San Francisco, would re cover. A messago rocolvod yester day stated thoro was practically no hopo, but today hor condition was moro encouraging. i Egg Higher. Editor I.ubo in writing of the high price of hon fruit says: "Tho hens havo all Join ed tho union now nnd gone on st strike. At daybreak you can hear tho old rooster perched on tho high est ptnnclo proclaiming In a moln dramatic volco to nil lnvors of hon ft tilt, henceforth eggs will bo d conts a -dozen. Therefore It now bo hooves us to appeal to President Tnft nnd havo htm dissolve tho hen trust tho snmo as ho did tho steel trust." I'lnvHon Again. The Raymond Teal Muslcnl Comedy company will conclude Its present engngomnnt nt the Masonic theatre tonight. It will then piny tho other towns In ! the county nndwlll piny n return ; engagement hero December 23, 24 I and 2fth. There was n good crowd out Inst night nnd tho bill wns wnrm i l.v applauded, L. J. Simpson of North Bond ndded to tho features of Inst night's bill with a llttlo "Josh that brought down the hotiso. , ouJQrow TOM T. BENNETT Is attondtng court In Coqulllo today. ED. RICE and wlfo of Coos River were Marshflold visitors today. J. L. BURNS nnd wlfo of Mllllcoma nro Marshflcld visitors today. MARSHAL JACK CARTER went to Coqulllo on tho morning train. MRS. ENOCH HOLLAND of Llbby was a Marshflold shopper today. ED. NOAH of Allegany Is In Marsh field looking after business today. L. J. CODY of Bandon la In MaraS flcld on routo to Portland on bus iness and pleasure ANDREW WICKMAN wns up from Empire City today on business nnrl nlnnullrn W n HRAT.n Will llmvn tnmnrpnw ' for Portland to spend Christmns with rolntlve3. MRS. BEN McMULLEN of Myrtlo Point Is tho guest of frlonds In Marshflold today. DORSEY KREITZER left this morn ing for Coqulllo to testify in tho Qnrrlson murder case. TOM BENNETT will lenvo tomorrow for Portland on business. Ho ex pects to return beforo Christmas. GEORGE SHERIDAN, mnnngor of tho North Bend Milk Condonsnry, is a Marshflcld business visitor today. HARRY FOLSOM of tho Bradley Company, left this morning on a business trip to Coqulllo Valley points. MRS. CONLOOUE of Bnndon Is ex pected here today en routo to Portland nnd other northern nnd eastern points where sho will visit relatives. JOE FOX, who has been spondlng Homctlmo In Alaska and othorl northern polntB, arrived hero on tho Breakwater yesterday to vis it friends and relatives. It. R. DAVIS and N. B. Hnlnca with their wives nnd families from Langlols nro In tho city on tholr way to Eureka, Cat., whoro they go to spend tho holidays. MIS8 MAY 8TAUFF nnd mother will lenvo week nftor noxt for an extended visit with relatives and , frlonds nt various points In Call-, fornln. I MISS GRACE KRUSE will entertain n numbor of young people nt the homo of her slater, Mrs. J. Albert Mntson in West Marshflold this evening. WM. GRIMES has returned from Coqulllo where ho hns boon doing Jury service. Ho will return to Coqulllo after tho Garrison case In completed. MISS BLANCHE FORTMAN. who has been spending a fow wooks with Mrs. I. S. Kaufman horn, will leave tomorrow for hor homo in Helena, Mont. I JUDGE JOHNT. HALL Is expected1 homo Monday from PortU whoro ho has bcon attending; , convention of tho county judge? and .county commissioners of Ore" gon. ALEX MATTSON and wlfo of Catch ing Inlot will lenvo tomorrow for n month's visit with rolatlves ia Astoria nnd Portland. It has been thlrty-sovon years slnco Mr. Matt-' son visited Portland. R. A. CHURCH, who recently sou! his Coos River ranch, has prac tically closed negotiations for the purchaso of n ranch on tho Co qulllo and expects to movo there soon. Ho Is now living on South Marshflold. E. T. JOHNSON of tho Johnson-Anderson Co. of Floronco, is in the city Investigating tho matter of coal shipments from hero and also securing figures on timber and construction of somo barges to be used by his company. P. M. HALL-LEWIS, Cooa count fruit Inspector, rcturnod today from nn Inspection trip to Fnlr vlow. Ho report tho ranchers thoro aro taking groat Intcrost ia tho fruit Industry and aro arrang ing to spray tholr trees and aro also planning to orgnnlzo a horti cultural society. C. A. SMITH, hoad of tho C. A. Smith companies, who hae bees spending n fow weeks on tho Bay looking nftor Interests hero, will leavo on tho Nann Smith tomor row for California where ho will spend tho holidays with his fam ily. Ho expects to return to the Bay In tho near futuro. MAYOR JORDAN of Eastsldo Is Marshflold business visitor today. Ho says nothing now has .develop cd In tho Jan. Evans disappearance en so although most of tho East sldo pooplo think that Evans Jutt skipped out. Mrs. Evnns and baby will Icavo tomorrow for tk homo of her parents near Oregoa City. A. J. NES3 will leavo next Wednes day for Portland to Join his wife, who is spending the holidays with relatives thoro. It is baroly pos sible that Mr. Noss will bo assign ed to a different territory by hie house, tho Marshall-Wells Hard ware company, but his man7 friends on tho Bay nro hoping thee ha will return hero. AMONG TUB SICK. Miss Nolllo Trlbbcy has been suf fering from a badly bruised thumsf as n result of Rotting it caught la the linotypo machine tho other day. Sho will resumo hor duties at The Times tomorrow. Mrs. Peter Brfor of Cooa River who recently undorwont an opera tlon at Morcy hospital, has sufficient ly recovered to return to hor home. Her husband died a fow months ago. Miss Stella Peterson of Eastalde, who has been qulto 111 of typhoid fovpr at .Mercy, hospital, Is reported improving. WANTED Waitress. Call nt Snyder Hotoli or phono 89J. FOR JtENT -Nicely furnished four- i room flat. Modern conveniences. Apply 703 3rd and Highland ave. WANTED Middlo-aged womnn as housekeeper. Must be experienced., Apply J. C Benttlo or Phone 225J I.O.ST Pnlr of diamond earrings. Reward for their return to Times' office. WANTED Position In More or of fice by young lady. Phono 28-J. FOR KENT Fine Minn? apartment, furnished Inquire Naaburg Gro cery. , . 1 SWEET APPLE CIDEIt In any quantity. Free Delivery. Phono 210L Capo Arago Soda Works, !GET A $30 GOLD WATCH "Getting business Is Just like j FREE ' 'XZTtX Z ?! By making a small Xmas pur- Keep on calling." Cliase AT FHIbtN'S blunt 68 Central Ave., Marshfield Call and find out the conditions NEWLY Fiiiv'fdicd rooms with heat. Reasonable. Call Sunday or after Ave. evenings. McDonald, 343 So. Droadway. FOR SALE Ono good organ. In milro nt Stauff's Grocery. "- seep on calling." Save money by patronizing The Times advertisers. WE WAXT u gasoline lKnt from 5 h.p. up. housed for rough weather. Give complete descrip tion of hull and engine, also low est price. Johnson-Anderson Co., Florence, Ore. irrc For Fight. Bud Anderson, a Portland lightweight pugilist, ar rived hero yestorday with his train er, Fred. Dupuls, to closo arrange ments for n mntch hero with Earl Henderson. Tho bout Is to bo man aged by John Hcrron nnd will bo pulled oft Christmns. It Is to bo twenty rounds at 13fi pounds. An derson clntms victories over Danny O'Brien and Hobble Evnns. two Portland pugs who havo fought on the Bay. Buy Property. Rov, J. T. M. Knox nnd Leo Webster havo Just concluded negotiations for tho Frieda Hagolsteln property In North Mnrshfleld. Tho property has fifty feet frontngo on First street (for merly Pine street) nnd fifty feet frontngo on North Brondwny and Is 1C8 feet deep. There aro soveral buildings on It. They bought It simply as an Investment. Mrs. Ha golsteln Is now a resident of Snn Francisco. It Is understood that tho purchase prlco was $10,000. Will Not Bo Cnndldate Whllo deoply appreciative of tho kindness and compliment Implied by tho many friends who havo urged his candidacy as a member of tho School Boar.d, Mr. E. D. McArthur has requested The Times to an nounce that personal and business reasons will positively prevent his acceptance of a nomination at this time. While keenly Interested in tho welfare nnd develormont of tho public schools, Mr. McArthur feels that other Interests would not per mit him to devote tho time and at tention to school work that its m- j portance warrants, but Is grateful to . his friends for tho intended honor. ' That Xmas Diamond HCatM Will cost less tins Christmas than next year. Buy it now and get next year's advance ! No 'time like tho present. No present like a; diamond. Diamond Rings &10.00. 20.00. 25.00. 50.00 andnpwnrds. No present can compare with a diamond. AVe man ufacture diamond jewelry. 'Next to a Dian ond What better gift than a reliable watch. Wo carry representative lines of all tho leading makes of American and Swiss watches, every watch guaranteed to be a reliable time piece. Gold Watches 10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $50.00, $100.00 and up, wards in both ladies' and gentlemen's sizes. Good Diamonds and Good Watches are plentiful with us and our prices will com pare favorably with the same quality of goods elsewhere. A comparison of goods and prices l will help you decide in our favor. Jewelry Department RED CROSS DRUG STORE kj