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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
r nTT1 Ki.qr ! n hi i' HI i : THE COOS BAY' TIMES MARSHFIELD; oREGONTFRmAY, DECEMBER 1.5; 191 EVENING EDITION TTMK Christmas Shopping Should Not Be Put Off any Longer If You Would Choose from the best NEVER BEFORE HAS CHRISTMAS BUYING COMMENCED AS EARLY AS IT HAS THIS SEASON. EVERY DAY FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS THE SALES WILL INCREASE. "THE CROWDS WILL BE LARGER. WE WILL BE BUSIER, THE ASSORTMENT .SMALLER AND IT -WILL BE MORE AND MORE DIFFICULT TO SHOP SATISFACTORILY. ONLY SEVEN MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS For Men Never before have we shown such a largo and com plete line of Men's Shaving Sets, Safety Razors, Toi let articles. Gillette Safety Razors $5.00 to $20.00 Gem do Luxe Safety Razors ........ $3.00 to $5.00 Durham Duplex Safety Razors .... $2.50 to $10.00 Auto Strop Safety Razors $2.50 to $10.00 Gem Junior Safety Razors $1.00 Everready Safety Razors $1.00 Men's Shaving Sets 75c to $15.00 Collar Boxes $1100 to $6.00. Military Brushes ..." $1.50 to $20.00 If 1 Nothing; Nicer Than a fine guaranteed pocket knife for a gen tleman or a scissors for a -lady. ALUMINUM DRINKING CUPS. In solid leather cases. Just the thing needed on an auto ride, from 50c to $ 00 CUT GLASS. 'Beautiful pieces in all the late patterns and cuts from the leading manufacturers in the world, from $1.00 to $25. CHAFING DISHES, j. From $9.75 to $15.00 Manning Bowman Coffee Percolators from $2.75 to $9.75. JAPANESE BASKETWARE. The beautiful dark colored baskets that are the acme of artistic excellence, from 50c to $5.00. CRUMB TRAYS. ' From $1.00 .to $3.50. " SERVING TRAYS Mahogany with genuine tap estry $3.00 FOUNTAIN PENS. The best made from $1.00 to $15.00. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. A beautiful Columbia' Phonograph with a set of records. We are exclusive agents on Coos Bay. From $15.00 to $250.00. It gives pleasure for a whole year. CHRISTMAS SEALS. We have a full line of Christmas Cards, Seals, Stickers, Tags, Etc. We are still paying express charges on all Xmas gifts purchased here. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE 298 WE SELL JIED GROSS STAMPS. US China and Crockery You must sec our assortment to appreciate its beau ty and variety. HAND PAINTED OIHNA Gonuiifo- French Hand -Painted China imported direct .from manufacturer, from $1.50 to $15,qo AUSTRALIAN WARE. A full Hue of this famous new novelty in art crock ery. HAVILAND CHINA. We have a complete assortment of this world fa: mous ware. Manicure Sets We have an .unusual and beautiful line of these goods. You can make no mistake in choosing tins. We have them in Sterling and German Silver, Ebony and Mahogany, from $1.00 to $25.00.- v COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAIONUV IMIior niitl I'ul DAN K. MA1.0NKV Ncwh Killtoi tintprwl'ui fhiTpostolTictrftCMawi Hold, Oregon, for trannmisaton through tho mntla ns socoud olaaa i' inuttor. "IIKIt KXCI-HiljHNOY" rtI3U excellency tho governor p - California," sounds good. (Or should wo say "tho gov erness"?) At tho rnto tho womon of tho eaunl-suffrnKo stntPH are inter esting themselves In politics thoro mny bo women governors within a few years. Why not? Zonohla and KUrahoth mado good Icings. Maria Thoiusa of Austria Inspired tho IIuu arian nohles to cry: "Wo will cllo for our king. Maria Thoresa!" Men have not mado so singular n success na rulorfi of tho world that they Hhould ohject to women talcing a turn at tho wheel. IIOUQUKT KOlt .McIjAI.V. J. X. Tenl of 1'oitland Snyn Coos Jlny Man Ih DoIiik MlVeitlvo Work That Hugh McLuIn la leaving no atones unturned at Washington to fcoeuro federal rorpMiStlci to Coos Way's clalnn for harbor ard bar 1m jirovoments U te mosMigo that comes to Coos Hay front tho na tional capital. That Hugh would inalco good on tho Job If nay ono Is tho linn conviction of his many frlonds on Coos Hay. Ile;v Is what .1. N. Teal tho 1'ortlahd 'epresenta tlvo nt Washington, who Is woll known on tho L'av through visits with J. W. Donuott nnd othor frlonds lioio, writes from Washington: "I mn tnklng n moment's tlnio to lot you know how glad I am that Marshtlold sent Hugh Mcl.ain to roprcsont thorn horo, Ho Is a good, 1-Hrd worlcer and goes right up In tho collar nnd pulls all ho knows how. Personally I think his work lias been vory effective, and whllo It may not show Immediately thoro Is no question In my mind but whnt ho Is getting results. He luis beon a very active mombor of tho conven tion and lifts mado many friends. ''Todny wo woro boforo tho Joint dologatlo'ns, Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho, and tomorrow wo will go bofore-tho urvors nnil Harbors Com mittee McLnln has, already seen tho chief of engineer and Intonds to boo him ngalti,asVoll as a num ber of sonntors nnd others. In othor words, 'ho la leaving no stono unturn ed, nnd I would not want a bottor workor." WILIj 8TAUT WOItK. ' T-l Al'TO SUI'l.I.Ti:S. Tho OUXXKKV Soo UAIX1CS 1'OU nil kinds of PKKJ) W-.'V, .VV STUCK UI Is no namo for tho fooling wo have about our prosent offorlng of high cinsa Christmas Cnu- flU-M. , Proud ' as wo havo been of provlous offer ings this ono caps thorn all. For in excel lence of quality nnd moderation In prices wo havo novor boforo been tho llko and hnrdly ex pect to again not for ninny years auy way. Don't fall to stop In and In vestigate. You'll flu (1 whnt wo suy la right. Contract For I'nrt of I.lno Altvaily Awarded. VALE. Ore., Doc. 1C. President E. O. Wattls of the Utah Construc tion company, arrived In Vnlo from Ogden, uceompniiled by a number of subcontractors, who will bid on sections of tho 17C miles of tho Oro gon & Eastorn railroad. The Job has been let to tho Utah Construc tion company. The pnrty loft town for tho Malheur canyon, whero thoy will look over tho right-of-way. It Is probnblo that the men will go nH fnr as tho Harnoy lnko coun trv, as the first contract tnkes In that much of tho Hue. Assistant Engineer O. 8. Osborn, recently en gineer for tho Moxlcnn government, nrrivod nnd went out to confer with tho threo burvoylng onglneors work ing in tho canyon. Engineer Osborn will hnve chargo of tho construction of tho now trnus-Orcgon lino. An other assistant engineer In town is O. H. Cumberland of Salt Lako City, who hns charge of Until details along construction lines. A sub-contractor hns given out tho information that -1,000 men will bo scattered along tho lino within a few weeks. Tho Oregon Eastern exten sion from Vnlo will connect with Deschutes lino at Odoll, say engi neers in chargo of tho construction work. DIES IX 'l'UIHCO A telegram wus received horo lato this afternoon niiiiouilcltig that Mrs. Myrtle Johusou, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, nt San Francisco, whoro she recently underwent an oper ation nt Mercy hospital. Hor parents wore thoro wtlh hor. M)VO THE WATKItrilONT Tho Nairn Smith arrived in port eaily this morning, bringing n largo consignment of oil nnd other nier chnudlBo which was unloaded nt tho Alliance dock. Sho will sail Satur-1 day. GOOD KVEXIX. With time nnd patience, tho mulberry leaf becomes satin, Cooperation. ' Hnve your calling cards printed ut Tho Tlmos offlco. t SHAVE 15 CENTS At the Coos Shop Just opened at 150 Front St. Mff&nch, TWO STOIIK5. Extra Feature AYMOND TEAL COMPANY Saltiest Salt on Earth! IM FACT The Salt of the Earth Leslie's Velvet Grain Salt Flows Freely. Ask Your Grocer About 16 TONIGHT CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Tonight Is the Night Our Guarantee ,s J Too Early to begin planning , Your Christmas , Dinner Lot us help you with the most select lines of pure food Groceries. Look At This List Including articles of the noted OOCNTIu CLUB PRICFERHlDDSTOCKnndHlllDKlB; BON BRANDS. From these three brands of .goods we have picked our fancy stock, which en ables us to give you the best that is put up. also have a picked stock of tho Second Clrado of canned goods, which secures you the best grade ol its kind on the market. For Saturday AVe have a complete, fresh supply of RESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES, including OAbW FLO.WER, BLEACHED CELERY, Y0UM TURNIPS, OAimOTS, BEETS, lJ RUTABAGAS, SWEET POTATO w, uiv" ONIONS, CABBAGE, LETTUCE, Qb,V PES, ORANGES, BANANAS, PEARS and Ai PLES from $1 to NORTHERN SPIES at $1.. Phono us your order. OLLIVANT (8J WEAVER The Pure Food Grocermcn. A Good Place to Trade. Phone 275-J Corner 3rd and Centra Try our II. J. IIUINZ PUBE MINCE MU GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0FFIC