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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
THE COOS tXV TIMES, MARSHnaD, OMliiofc FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS.ISH-EVENIRU EDITION. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT AT THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, MARSHFIELD, ORE. v Boat and Railroad Fares Will Be Refunded The most extraordlnawHcimdhnal sale ever held in Marshfield. This $5,000.00 stock of high grade, up-to-date, classy mcrcliandisc, consisting of ladies' suits, coats, Skirls, dresses, kimonas, shirtwaists, corsets, laces, embroideries, muslin and knit underwear, hosiery, etc., thrown on the market at sacrifice prices. We must bring tins . , . ,. .1 ,, .. .i, ... ., i , ., .i.. v , -Cm. mii. unvitifr imofls. To acconmlish lliis stupendous tnslc wo must sell cheap and you may cfnfk down to us proiior juvui yiiluii cue nuxi iuw uays m oruui iu hkhm. xwu " x o o ,,, n i. i i .,,i S ..and that prices and values will 1,6 cut right and left to make this a whirlwiml sale from start tS nnish, the like o which Marshllcld has never attempted and perhaps never will again. Come and see With Your Eyes what Your Ears Refuse to Believe Cm to the store erery dny-talilcs, shelves and counters are loaded with the greatest list ol bargains you over saw. Get your share of the bargains that await ovory ivonian una .child wlio attends this, the greatest Price "Wricking event in years. THE OFFERINGS HERE NAMED GIVE BUT A POOR IDEA OF YOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY ' SILlv aaEKIOKAS. These nro'losig trimmed with sutin oatibon; knutiful designs. Regular $1L00 quality for .:$9.98 Regular $10.00 quality for v$G.19 Sir.OKT EMON-A'S' Regular $3.50' and' $4.00 quality for $1.98 Regular $1.75 -quality for $ .98 B&TH KOT3ES. 'Some 'trimmed with satin colliirs anflcwrd. Regular $5.00 naul $5.50 .quality for $179 LADIES' SUITS Suit prices clamoring for attention. This "is an announcement extraordinary be cause it offers fashionable garments, made of fine serges, cheviots, diagonals and hard finished worsteds, lined with skin ner satin strictly plain tailored. $25.50 quality J1 7.89 $22.50 quality 0.09 $28.00 quality19.49 $22.25 quality$14.89 $22,o0 quality$14.?8 $18.00 quality$12.00 $30.00 qualityJ24.59 $18.50 quality 7.00 $25.C10 .qunlityM.89 $22.50 quality$12.00 LADIES' COATS These coats offered in this sale at these unusual prices are all this season's styles, good quality, and well made with the life and style that any -woman likes in clothes come in carcul and inaxtures. $21.00 quality, Sale Price $13.00 $21.50 quality, Salo Price $15.00 $18.00 quality, Sale Price $13.89 $12.50 quality, Sale Price $ 9.89 I SILK PETTICOATS Begular $8.00 quality for $5.89 Begular $iat)0quamy for $ G.79 HALF PRICE SALE , On Ladies' shirt Waists and muslin Drawers. Waists arc made of nets, all-overs, hand embroidered. Lingerie, etc. Ranging in price from $3.75 to $6 on sale at 3 Price. ONE-PIECE DRESSES. All wool, blue serges. C1 1 OQ ,P I I wU Regular $14.50 quality for . 'All wool, black cashme Regular $20.00 quality 'All wool, black cashmere. (4 C OQ ity for ,, v,Uk If You Have Money to Spend Prepare to Spend It Now Who. the doors svfag op Saturday nmruinglUey disclose the groaterf, grandest, bestof valncscr sW It will pay you to stoctup for a year to come Oar goods .... ,. . ... ., .... .. JL it..... -w. .1.1 j,w .n,i ii,l MBiilo. not n dollar's worth reserved. Every article will bo mercilessly slaughtered and cut to clean out at I lircaiuiewaBCl lilt louuiuiiuumv:. ."'"."- '"- e, - , (,r,. rn-nrtrrmjrrmv . . Ti.1 wee. All near good ndudl. TAKE imiEDTATE ADVANTAGE OF TUTS MONEY SAYING OPPORIUM1Y. ! " EVERY ARTICLE CUT BELOW A WHISPER WHAT AND WHERE TO CHOOSE IS The perplexing question. To the woman .of good inste and judgment ; this ; is an easy task. She knows from experience or through her iriends that the best stock and best values can always be found ntihe Lathes' Emporium. She blows the reliability of this house. Its straight prices, goods marked in plain figures and everything guaranteed to be just as advertised. You are expected hero this week to enjoy and profit by this great sale which will be a complete exposition of the established styles of the season in coats, suits and women's attire generally. 3 b) CD o 7 SHOPPING DAYS THEN XMAS Our display is most comprehensive, our range of styles and sizes are at its best This event surely establishes new price precedents. Think what it means therefore to make your selections now. An event that no woman can for her own sake afford, to miss this sale and display of woman's wearing apparel as it will be an education worth coming many miles to see. You'll have to go a long ways to duplicato such values as these. Sale Begins Saturday, December 1 6th Store Closed Friday to Arrange Stock The Ladies' Emporium Open Evenings MARSHFIELD, OREGON Five Salespeople Wanted a