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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1911)
THE.COOS BAY TIMES, MARSKFIELD, OREGbtf. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,, 1911 EVENING EDITION. TL AM y AND BUY YOUR TOYS POR THE GIRLS AND BOYS AT THE COOS BAY CASH STORE All Kinds of Christmas Presents for Young and Old at the Lowest Prices on CoosBay. COOS BAY CASH STORE Front Street Geo. N. Bolt, Mana,,, jwimsp DO IfOyi. CHEESTTMAS" 1H be m 11 s Committee to Consider Measures for Improving FncllltlcM for Farm Children. CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 13. Tho State Bankers' Association haa nam ed n committee for six mon who will hnvo charge of tho movument fori improving rural conditions, espo- SAY THAT GOOD L G SECURE ELK Miss Grace Wolf 0 C. Ij. Eslicliimn TcIIh of Vnluo of Il lumination to CiUes. (By Associated Press to Coos Day TImos.) WASHNIOTON. D. C. Dec. 14 "A woll-dresscd city, llko a well dressed man, commands attontlon dally in tho matter of educational mn . nInVAinnii. ohlo. todnv In nn facilities, bo as to stem the tide of b f , American CItIc country boys nnd girls going into, the ABBOCntion cltlos, and keep them on tho home. M Esholmnn was speaking of the farm, for their own future Tottt as f , t t ,lgntlnB. ln well as or ho best interest of ttio J ATnorI(.nil cltIoa. and ho declnrod ttant t.? nAn.d B. -1!' .n.,. f .i,.' a "Drlght Whlto Way" in any city in jiiibud,. .uj,.ot-..v..v.,ua . ,...- ., fnpolirlnor n hunnnn. nron- Dankora' Association of ten states met ln Minneapolis, and ono of tho chief topics of discussion was tho absolute ncccsalty of tho retention of the sonB nnd daughters of tho soil on tho farm. Each state association -waB instructed to appoint n commit tee to tnko up at onco tho work of Inaugurating nnd carrying out Hiich measures as should accomplish that ond. Tho Oregon committee tins as Chairman Emory Olmsted of Port land, and Includes also J. II. Doothe of Roscburgi J. H. Albort of Salem, C. J. Mahonqy of Hoppnor, and C. . Dobell, business administrator of thu Oregon Agricultural College. As Boon as a date and place mutunlly convenient for Stnto Superintendent of Schools Aldormnn. Pros. V. J. Korr of tho Agrlcultnral College, nnd Pros. P. Ii. Campbell of the stnto university can bo Qxod upon, n moot ing will be called, probably next week, by Mr. Olmsted. Such mat ters as hotter graded rural schools, lORlbly throin'i t'o coupolldntlon oi Hiimllcr ones In n township Into ono largo ono; tho Instruction of tcneh ors ln agricultural subjects so that they may give their pupils work of direct practical bearing on their dally llfo; transportation facllltliis for children at n dlstanco from tho Reboots, will bo discussed at this meeting. says newspaper con. tksts had koii public Tho Drain Nonpareil says: "The recent exhibition of Rtronnus offort to Increnso tho circulation of n nows paper, exhibits tho decadence of a power to do good along tho lines of Journalism, nnd shows It to 1)0 tho bollof that tho llrst and prlmnry object Is to mako monoy. Tho good of tho community, tho elevation of mo-als, tho eduratlon of tho young by procopt nnd oxumplo, nro second ary, nnd stnnd little chnnco of hon est consideration. A newspaper In n community, no matter how Insig nificant, should stand for tho host of everything. To say thnt n pnpor, oven, should seek nn higher lovol than tho depraved tastes of a ma jority of tho cltlens in which It ox lsts, Is n mlsnomor, and drags down to I in so uhos a heritage Intended to oxalt and olovntc mankind To this ond wo deelnro, that tho reoent con test by the RoHoburg Hovlew, n news paper published In this county for PubserlptloiiR, tends to debase tho public mind, and create n spirit of Kambllng, us Insidious as any so enlled Wall Rtroot manipulation. That tho Introduction of porsous, prominent In tho community, one being a Judge In. our courts, and ono n nilnlstor of tho gospel, as almoners of' tho distribution, thus giving tho approval of Inw and the church ns tho channels to succoss. "Wo, therefore put tho stamp of disapproval as nn editor upon tho growth of theso schemes as debasing, immoral and prejudicial to tho pub lic good." porlty. Civic prido nnd civic compe tition, ho snld, woro largely respon sible for tho increnso in ornamental lighting systems in tho cities. Woll-llghtcd Btreots. said Mr. Es hclmnn, not only hnd nn advertising vnluo to a city, Indicating prosperity nnd progressive spirit, hut n benefit n finUors nnd ccntB could bo trncod to thorn dlrnctlv. Mr. Esholmnn cited instances t whoro a city block, apparontly dend, was revived to a llvo business thor oughfare of henvy traffic when pri vate ontorprlso provided Uio lllumln ntlon. Modern llghtlnsr on city streets, Mr. Eshnlmnn, snld was suro to on rhnnco tho value of nronorty, be ""tise tho valuo of business proportv fixed only by the amount nnd k'nd of trnfllc which paRsc It. Ho "xnlalood tho common condition of nn pid of a Rtr"et belnc deserted nnd nnothor sldo Iihr". ns being ilni n tho tii)orlor Illuminations on tho l)(IPV eMo, "Ppnptlnol'v nnv ptreot dlfMtlv 'rlbt'tnrv to p inulnpi tbernuchfnro in,. io fullv doubled In vnl"n bv in '"Vnt'on of R'lontnpnlnr 'IgbMnT" -M 'o. "Tile''tln th onlrn lnwl tipso opptloti of a cltv Increases vnl uo iv InTons'inr tmPIo, no' onlv tmrn 0t rltv In1f bn f'ojn the "ntr omidlnir counts nnl to"'"", fond Huht Incrcnses tho vnluo of rosldon- In plon'H. Gp"d Btroof 'lighting ipro Cnn nnv other Mi'i" '"o to '' nn pir of progrosslvoness nnd )'ponor'v." , Mr F"''olmnn condemned tho PVR "' of not Ughtlnc rUv ptroots nftor "lMnlirht or on n'urhts when there ! n iionii tt n fnllncv. ITo describ ed mnny pystoms of ornnmontnl "ii'itlnir which nre now In use in In 'linnnnnllR. Pueblo nnd other rltles with success. NOTICE. All those having In their possos Blon Bulmcrlptlon lists of Coos Hay Oil fi. Cias Co., will please turn thorn Ju to tho soeretnry nt nn enrly dnto in order that proper record may bo mndo of subscribers. It. T. KAUFMAN', Soc TiIIUtAItV NOTES. Tho library has Just recolved n limited uumhor of copies of n list of books for a child's library. This '1st Is Rent out by tho Stnto Library Commission, and Is Intended to furn ish suggest Ions for tho buying of children's books for Christmas, nnd to bo kept for future roforouce. Pnr outs nnd frlomls of children nro ur ged to place only tho bust books In their bands. Theso lists will bo giv en on requost whllo thoy Inst. Christ man tontnn begun for tho li brary yostordny whon Mrs. M. C. Ilorton presented ns n Christmas gift a subscription to tho Survey, n weekly mngnzlno which has long boon needed nnd will bo much np nreelnted. It gives tho most nuthorl tntlvo Information on all present-day movonients townrd hotter conditions for humnn llfo. Mr. Holt of tho Coos liny Cash Store presents McCnlls Magazine. It Is n welcomo addition to tho rending tnble. Tho library Is glad to recolvo cop los of enstom nowspnpors aftor sub scribers hnvo read them. They will bo placed on tho tablos for tho heno- llt of strangers who wish "tho news from homo." Fifteen lino Ones Secured ns Nucjeus of Herd. PORTLAND, Oro., Dec 14. Through tho offorts of Stnto Game Wnrden William L. Elnloy, on his recent visit at Washington, I). C, the government hns been pursunded to donntc fifteen oik to tho Stnto of Oregon. Theso animals will bo taken from the forest rcsorres of Wyoming, crated nnd trnnBported to Oregon ns soon ns tho people of this Rtato provldo an adequate pasturo for thorn. Thoy will becomo tho solo property of Oregon and sorvo to "orpetunto n rnco of nohlo nnlmalB thnt Is rapidly becoming oxtlnct. I In the northwestern part of tho stnto Micro is a 2,500 pnsturc thnt has been set nBldo by tho nn tlnnnl government for testing the uti lity of n coyoto proof foncc. It is snld to have proven offcctlvo for that purposo and tho forestry ser vice, according to Wnrden Flnloy, Ir willing to give this big park to tho stnto as an elk reserve. Tho matter of location, howovor, Iiuh not boon sottled, ns this Is a question thnt will bo loft largoly to the state nt lnrgc, as it is distinctly n mntter of public Interest. Tho Wyoming oik nro magnificent specimens nnd It Is believed thnt thoy will thrive In this stnto. Fortunate ly, tho Dlologlcnl Survey of the Dopnrtmont of AgrlculCuro will moot part of tho expenses of crating nnd transporting tho nntlorcd herd from Wyoming to this stnto. The food for Mio winter will have to ho provided by tho pcoplo of Oregon. It Is ex pectod thoy will bo moved by Feb ruary nnd Rome doflnlto action ns to location must bo tnkon before thnt time. Severnl other stntos hnvo tried to pocuro there elk In tho past, nnd Orogon ought to feel proud nt hnvlng been successful In Interesting tho government In Its decision to honor Orogon In this way. Our own elk will Hoon bo oxtlnct. With n stnrter of 15 nnlmnls, tlioro ought soon to bo qiilto n respoctnhlo herd. It Is ab solutely nocosFnrv that public senti ment bo aroused In this behalf, rh H Is n mntter that can only ho I brought about by this method msmmmvmmim mmmmmmmm WiSW-li SitfJEL-V i,.K i iCsNKSLra L v itM:Jiaili'm'iiWJ. k ' . .rw&vwwv EiimmfrpxtWwTnm .r-.m.M 1 i&avt6'.wrp.i widWii v , .m i & mffimmm?mffi -. m wlsv jA ut MW HI . " (BE A 111 01 "DM" Ml Court Hold Thnt Liquor rw, Served In i)rv t.i.' SALEM. Ore., Dec. k n I it Wiii the two ordinances passdd h ..., ,. inniuuurn an ordlsuH llffflltlu lin uftl.. m u. '. M,l "n "' "" i inioxicatlsr U ' nil ortll mnro r.nviiJ t.fltlll.llntr iMn ....I. a u10 n....i....r, iiiu YI1IIU. IMO .....J fWllirt tlini1lft...1 !.- J . l,I1 Judgu Calloway In tho case J city or woodbum against the 7m burn nncholors' club and It Z that tho club, bo fnr as theui nquor is concerned, must go w existence. Tho city hnd members of tncr nrrested Inst spring for vIo!atli ordlnunces. Judge Gnllowa; ed thorn Invalid and Issued ta Junction restraining tho city fcj further nrosociitlon of the mi. under them. Tho supreme es, now reverses this rulln? an! h nflcr the city will he frM to -, umu uio nun. rnc ruling irlna end p hitter fight between tbi nnd dry oloment In the cltyolwJ i) urn. It further mnkes It lmD0Mlt! nny club. In nnv dry territory, to liquor should the pconlo In the a irici wnero 11 is located DrottM against it, nnd desire to Invob lnw. ItltlEI'S OF IIANDOX. Is hellovod thnt tho peoplo will i Rtnnd bohlnd wnrden Fluloy In this offort, as ho has glvon his word that Orogon will find n placo to houso theso nnlmals If tho government would glvo them. (AN ADAPTED l'OEM) Yon nro my lending Indy, You aro my lugonuo, Yes, nnd you'vo played In tho part of tho maid And tho comedy ludy, too; You nro tho lady vllllan, You nro tho boyish page, Ynn nlnv piipIi nnrl It I With n wonderful art Where my heart Is your cozy stago. ' You are tho stage director, I You aro tho call boy, yes Tho critic cold and the claque ho hold I And tho author too, I guess. , You nro tho "props" nnd music, ; You nro tho footlights' glow, In fact, It is clear Thnt I lovo you, my dear, And you nre tho wholo blamo show! THE PEOPLE'S P0RUM Tho Times will ho pleased to pub 'Ish letters from Its readors on all luestlons of public interest. Each etter must bo" sinned by tho writer nd so far as posslblo bo limited to 0U words. In publishing those lot rs it must bo understood thnt The rimes docs not Indorse tho views ox nressed thoroln; It Is simply affording i inenns for tho voicing of different lplnlons on nil questions nffoctlng 'ho public welfare. "THE ItOAD-IIOlSE OF CONTENT" FOR GOOD ROADS. TATE TEACHERS' EXAMINATION tvv The Tlnitm' Want Ads. "REST ON EARTH" This Is tho vordlct of R. I. Howoll, Tracy. O., who bought Foley's Hon oy and Tnr Compound for his wife." llor case was tho wort I hnvo evor eeen, nnd looked like a Riiro caso of ono. consumption. Hor lungsworosoronnd Dated this 7th pho coughed nlmost Incessnntly and A D., 1911. her volco was hoarso and weak. Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound brought relief at onco and less than three bottles effooted n complete cure." RED CROSS DRUfi CO. Notice Is heroby given thnt for the uirpoeo of oxamlnlng all nppllcnnts for stnto pnpers of tho. various kinds nubile oxamlnntlon will bo hold In tho Court House In Coqulllo, be ginning nt 9 A. M., on Decombor 20th, 1911, nnd continuing thrco days. The subject for theses for llvo year prlmnry pnpors nro: Nnturo study, busy work, and roadlng ln tho primary grades. Select day of Decombor, W. II. BUNCH, County Superintendent. Hnvo your Job Tho Times' offlco. printing done at f.'EO. RARTON'S CASE. North Bond, Or., Doc. 15, 1911. Editor Coos Bay Tlmos: Thoro appeared ln your lssuo of Decombor 9, nn nrtlclo on "Prlsonor Doing Sought." Thero nro Romo things In that nrtlclo I wish to cor rect. Oeorgo Barton was not Indlct od In Lowlston, Ida., for bnrglury, but wns sent to Jull for 90 days for Doing In possession of n coat that some hoboes stolo and sold to him; nnd ho got In n mlxup with thorn, nnd ho IGeorgo Bnrton) got tho worst of It. Aftor ho wns sentenced to Jail ho wns glvon his liberty nnd ho wont whoro ho pleased during tho day, nnd ho Just wnlked off. Ho never has tried to run nwny or hide. He was nrrested tho first day ho landed In North Bend nnd Mr. An derson, tho city marshal, never lock ed him up, but ho saw him most ovory day. Ho wont and cunio whoro ho pleased and thero was no tlmo thnt ho could not hnvo loft. Tho fnct thnt ho broke Jail Is falso. He wns turned out nnd told to go by tho Jailer. F. T. BARTON. Wo'ro longing for thnt plnco that's Fully threo-fourtliH of tho road called "Tho Roud-houso of Content," U8trlct8 of Douglns County nro vot- whero hnpplness nnd duties nro in , ... , . ' . .. strangest fashion blent; Wo'ro ,n" 8l"-'cl"I taxes of from 2 to 10 eoarchlng for thnt plnco that lies ,ul"? t'"uh for r"1na "'I'jovemont tho somowhoro ln Land or Dreams, whoro ,,n,,,B ynr- r l0 ow has boon clouds no'er como nnd ovorenst tho "" nctlvo a.lvocato of tho good roads Sun's eternal bonms; movomont for n number of yenrs pnst Thnt Road-houso stands amid tho nml ' "specially pleased nt tho wide trees, that lino tho purplo hills, bo- Pw"l Intorest thnt has boon dovol yond the Hhadows of tho Past, whoro ,,M5!1 t,'iort;'- Our frequently ro sllv'ry brooks nnd rills How out into 'ontod doclariitlon thnt "tho way to tho Great Unknown that holds Fan- 'olI1?ao1,, r",'.",,H ,8 t0 to work n,lt, tnstlc Things, und calls us over on- 1",ll(1 1t,!om . ,ina ovldontly boon np wnrd, whllo its fnlry music rings; lyed by nbout 50 of tho rond dls- Wo'ro plonnlng, whon wo ronch tr'r1tfJ of D(,"K'n County which nro tho Plnco. to censo our toll nnd quost. , "',B "VccU)x tnxoa fo" thnt ptirpoBo nn. ,...o i.i - ... for tho coming year. Furthornioro. that bids lib Pauso and Rest; Wo'li JU,,1,MK Kod roacfrf will doubtless NeVN of Clty-by-tlusScn an Told The Recorder. Allison, son of Mr, nnd Mm q Rnckloff, died last Monday en after a short Illness of scarlet Id at the family home north ot city. Other members of the hi I'y nro ill of tho same dleraw. thoy nro undor strict quarantine i Mio mrontPst precautions are W tnkon to kcop tho disease I- H'ifppding. Iloulnli Itnrlcleff, ano' child, died Friday. Mr. Racklel tho ropresontntlvo of Coot com and tho family Uvea In Bandoa sovoral years. The Pccnrder wns mWnlor last Friday, and mndo an crroaw Htatoinont nbout several high! boys being called before the vu Jury on matters not flatteries u certain liquor houso. The facta thnt It wns not high school borill were enlled hoforo the grand Ji nnd tho boys thnt were called fl woro sworn to secrecy and m knows what they woro called f Tho following officers were ed by tho Bnndon Camp, bou VntnrntiK nt tholr Inst meetlnrK Feltor, Cominnndor; H. E. Boat. vlco C; N. S. DressleY, Jr. V.fl C. B. Zcok. J. L. Poster, r. C-WH ruff. Camp Council; M. F 6H maker, Dolegnto nnd Dlv. Serjt.fl nost Dlvllblss, Attendant S.; CN Lninns. flinnlln: Oeo. P WN Soc; Walter J Snbln, treast ROBERT O. GRAVES. Decombor 1 1, 1911. After tho sbow try a Turkish Bath ,mislc on Coos nn'- Phono 214-J Dnnco nt tho .MASQUE BALL ntL I. O. O. F. hnll, Saturday night. Dost.T Tho Times' Want Ads brhig results HAND-IN-HAND ' .MAN l FEE!" imiiw ,n a. 'ivi.i. WAilfS ASII0I1E A INSTEAD OP DltOWMJ OREGON CITY, Ore., Dee-1 Jpmos Brennn" an f""' tho Ilnwley Pulp wj, n,.l...,niii irlwi 19 KIT ICtfc Inolina nll. wllllO UnlOadlf1 freight nt tho mill Satnrdiy ' Into the river. Pret ? other workmen saw ws I .. .. . .1.- ...tfnrA TBw IIOailllK u ",v '"-,- iwl ......... i. ...oo wnlklne on to t ,i.n rWnr nnd anW IJDUIIUl Ul in" " -TJ Ni i .iinir,i.. nvnlved the " .1... l.n lllnCfl tnnt IIIO river m i "-' six foot six Inches deep; . WJ nan kent on walking and so wniKen asuoiu. h S'H')",. i ROSEBURG IS GROWING. Tho coiiBiis of the Roseburg school district totals 1554 persons betwoou tho ages of 4 nnd 20 yenrs. This Is mulncreaso of 194 over Inst year's ,r,vtni , ,'lew. IJC-WLLriK -"v435TV i rjiAMin i r my With high quality goes rensonnblo prlco in our estnbllshmont. Every nrtlclo is of tho finest, hut no ox tortlonnto charges nro mndo. Hero you will find n bowlldorlngly benutl ful collection of plnln and fnncy Rings for lady or gontlomau, Watches, Chains, Charms, Broochoj, Bracelets, Hat-Pins. Lockets, Breast swimmer, -mi a iu' -". w,iW nm a bw "",.. hare w said, "but I saiu, "uiu j " f - tbl nnd if I hadn't heeaJMt"; right height la drowned sine. ! er..ii.ioratlon. Roseburg Rovl ADMINISTKR'S XSV Xo? NOTICE OF HEW 1V ACCOUNT. .......I Notice is hereby given w nl account of DeForestF.I3aro Plus, Gold nnd Silver Thimbles. Cut- f Jm" nariinrd. deceased, JJi g v...,, ...unii wiuuivt), uin-Til-UIUbBfO, JJleU 111 UIO i-uuni; " .ndtM'1 l.?"Staooru. t join miy "i r a . i hour of 10 o'clock, A. M-. fffli duly appointed buc Jjn", hearing of objections to iuc . count nnd tho settwmw.' r which time any i --- - file sucn esiaio i7 ' Vitinff M lections thereto In wrlUM tC8t th0D8oaFOUEST P. BAgffl nnd everything thnt should bo found In nu up-to-dnte Jewolry storp. Thos. Howard Ileadquarttjrs for Christmas Jewelry. North Front Street Administrator of V '