i'v vr -.1' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MfRSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION. orrfifM "t Ktntott tt mm V'OU can buy a Christmas present here for yourself; and we can promise you a complete surprise in the unusual excellence of Style, of quality and fit in our Hart Schaffner & Marx suite and overcoats. They're always the best clothes made; but this season they're better than over. Some of the finest fabrics over made; all-wool; perfectly tailored. Suits $18 and up Orerot $16.50 arid up Everything cls her that men -wear or neod iu wearables. Large and small things. Woolen Mill Stors This ntort la tho homo of Hart 8chaltnr Mark olothes'. 1 &t5 nlB m i 0XCU8O or another and then nn othor mombsr of tho lodgo would tako thotr plnco and loavo thorn to roraaln with tho "other members ot tho herd" during tho rest ot the ovcnlng. TIIK H'KATIIKR. (Ry Associated Profl3.) OHEQON, ticc. 14 Rain In west and rain or snow In east tonight and Friday. South to southwest winds. UK. LOCAL TKMl'KKATUKU IOHT. For twenty-four hours ondlng at 4:00 p. m., Dec 13, by Mrs. 13. Mlngus, special Rovorntnont meteorological obsorvor: Maximum 64 Minimum 28 at 4:00 p. ni 2a Precipitation none. Wind, Northeast; cloudy. Moro Witnesses. Sheriff Gago loft this mornlhp for Coqulllo after having sorved subpoonnes, it Is s.ild. on a number of additional witnesses to appear beforo tho Coos county grnnd Jury In tho Marshllold city, election probe. CAPTAIN JAS. MAGEB from Era plro was in tho city on busluestf today. ROUEllT MARSDEN, Sr., returned today from nn oxtonded visit t Portland and Eastern Oregon. CHAS. SNEDDON, Sr., roturnod to day from a few wooks' visit with, rolatlves at Roslyn, Wash. MRS. E. R. SMITH of Isthmus Inlot, roturncd today from a fow weeks' visit In Portland. L. E. ULIV15NS, proprietor of the Turkish Daths, roturnod today from a visit to Willamette Vallo Murder Trlnl On. A largo num- points and Portland. bor ot Coos Dny pooplo havo gono MRS. WILL EOANOPP, who rocontly to Coqulllo to testify In tho caso ot Frank Garrison who was placod on trial there today on tho chargo of mnrr!nr!nf Tlnv Prtrln n venr tkrrn last summer. It Is expoctod that NELS TUNNESON, undorwont an operation nt Morcr hospital, has recovered sufficiently to roturn to her homo In Marsh-field. It will tako two or thrca days to so euro a Jury. a nephew of Always- "TiTe Busy Corner CUT GLASS In many designs, the products of the best glass cutters in the world. We have a large selection at prices not to bo equalled in the city. RHD CROSS STAMPS FOR SALE. Lockhart-Parsons Drug oT Phone Mam 298 Us For a Xmas Gift Die Charms of Childhoodj JjjjHni Can bo groatly enhanced by tho wearing of neat articles of Jowoliy tho kind suited to youth. For In stance n pretty Necklnco or a Urnco lut looks well upon n llttlo girl, ana thoy nro really fine personal ndori- mont8. Wo havo a largo variety of; Jewelry suited to the young nnd would bo glad to havo you look through It at your loNuro. Scores of pretty things that might suggest theniBolves as llkoly picsonta for your llttlo daughter, nleco or frlond. The prices nro low enough to tempt a purchase. Tke "Universal" Bread Maker mixes arid kneads bread In three minutes. The hands do not touch the dough. Simple, easy, sanitary. Does away with hand knead ing. Makes perfect bread. . V HBT iffi Price, $2.00 L Pioneer Hardware Ch :il) l'HOXT BTIIKICT MAItSIII'IKLI), pitK. Tonne Proplo Mrct.- Th Young Peoplo ot tho Christian church moot at tho church parlors this evening to ntrlnp pop cora for th annual Christmas trw. Trout PIhUIujJ T. V. Johnson re ports that ho succeeded In catching n bl( mM of flno trout up South Coos River yesterday. Ho says It la the irt tlm ha has causht trout In December. Elkton Youth Atroate.l Earl Rsird, aged 18 years, of Ell ton, In in th county JalLIn .Roseburg await ing Investigation W tho grand lury on the chnrgo of forging an order for 11 on D. O. Wcatherly, of Elk ton. Ho waa brought here "by 8. P. Fcny. Rosoburg Rovlw. Will Wed Friends of Jas. Cow an, Jr., and Miss Cora Dowrou havo been apprised that they will wed on or about pecomber 27. Thoy aro among the bost known young pooplo In Mnrshflold and a host of friends will unite in extending congratula tions cvon In ndvanco of tho happy event. Trouble Over Ranch. Sheriff W. jWt, Gngo wont to Donvor Hill this . morning with James Merchant nnd . Mr, Mnddon to eject Chns, UaiiBcli 1 from a ranch thoro. Morchant & i Mnddon havo for soma tlmo been contesting 'Duutch's claim to this ranch and tho courts havo sustained tholr claim. Sprinkle Street. For some time, many merchants havo been protest ing against the sweeping of tho streets early In tho evening on dry days without sprinkling tho streets. The present contract does not pro- vldo for Bprlnkllng during the sup posed rainy season without extra compensation. Street Commissioner i Lawhorne has tried to get Contractor, Nelme to wait until later In tho ovcn lng to clean the streets but Nelmn refuses to do no. His contract will expiro In a few weeks. Under the new contract which will bo let by tho city council nt Its next meeting, tbn contractor will, undor tho resolution ' by Councilman Copplo providing for It. bo required to sprinkle tho streets whenever Street Commissioner Law homo notifies him to do so and to clean them nt the hours Mr. Law homo directs. J 'Not Sold. It was reported around town that tho Nasburg estate had sold Its Forndnlo holdings but tho roport wns denied by representatives of tho estate. Tho, roport probably grew out of tho report of J. W. Uon nett securing prices on proporty there. Just what Mr. Donnott's plans nro Is not known but It Is stated that lie la not representing Mr. Tnggart of San Franclsc6, tho Inttor bolng hero on an ontlroly different mission. Thos. Howard Headquarters for Christmas Jewelry. EWELER North Front Street Iloro is n messngo ot hopo and good choor from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Uoono Mill, Vn., who In tho mothor of eighteen chlldron. Mrs. Martin was cured ot stomach troublo and consti pation by Chnmborlaln's Tablets aft or flvo years ot suffering, and now recommonds those tablets to tho pub lic. Sold by all dcalors. T?5k f ar W bTJbt w" Klkn' Session. Tho Mnrshflold Lodgo of Elks held tholr regular weokly session Inst ovonlng. Early adjournment was takon In order to tnko In tho Raymond Teal company's show nnd lator tho lodgo ontortalned sopio of tho mombers ot tho compnny wlo nro Elks at a social session. During tho Teal company's porfor tunnco, tho Elks ndded nn unexpected fcaturo to tho ontortnlnmont. A number of the mombers of tho lodgo woro nttondlng tho show with tholr wlvos or lady frlondfl. Thoso woro ! cnllod away from tholr scat by somo First Class Auto Service! I When you want to go anywhere ! In a hurry Try FOOTR'S AUTOS. I Rest rates In the el'y. REST CARS I Rest drivors. Phono CC-J until 11 p. m., niter n p.m. puono o-j. ucsi donco phono 28-J. D. L. FOOTF. Prnnrfcfnr PEOPLE TOM DENNETT Is nttondlng to bus iness in Coqulllo today. HENRY KERN of North Dond is in Mnrshflold on business. MRS. E. W. SHROCIC of Empire was a Mnrshflold shopper today. JAS. LANDR1TII and wifo of Coos River aro Marshllold visitors. W. F. HODSON nnd wlfo of Coos Rlvor nro Marshllold visitors. JOHN COLLVER nnd wlfo of Catch ing Inlot nro in Mnrshflold today. CAPTAIN ALEX HALL wont to Co qulllo this morning on business. A. E. ADELSPEROER loft on this morning's train for Myrtlo Point. ARCHIE PHILLIPS nnd wlfoof North Dond nro Mnrshflold visitors today. MRS. J. T. COLLVER of Catching Inlot Is n Mnrshflold shopper to day. JACIC FLANAGAN is visiting Co-' qulllo Vulloy Points on business today, MRS. E. MILLER of North Dond is spending tho dny with friends In Mnrshflold. C. L. DAVIS oxpocts to loavo Satur day for Minneapolis to spend tho holidays with rolatlves. C. A. LANOWORTHY and wlfo and bnby have gone to California to Hpond n fow wcoks with friends. MRS. J. Q. HORNE nnd (laughter, Edith, nnd Miss Qertrudo Mnndlgo of North Rend nro Marshllold shop pors. V. F. HARMON oxpects to loavo Sat urday for Tho Dalles to spond the holidays with his wlfo and baby who nro visiting rolntlvos thoro, MRS. ROUT. McCANN of North Dond Is visiting nt tho homo ot jhor daughter, Mrs. E. R. Hodson, In South Marshflcld. capt. Edward Erlckson arrived" alroct from Mandol, Norway, this morning, to mako hlo future horn on Coos Day. MRS. J. HUNTLEY." wlfo of Attor-r uoy Huntley, at Gold Beach, mad a stop-over in Marshflcld today on her way to North Dcnd, whoro flhw Is going to spend tho holidays At tho homos of hor two sons. GORDON RASMUSSEN, who is n tending Oregon Agricultural Col logo at Corvallls is axpectod hom in a fow days to spond tho Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. RflsmuBscn. XR. R. VS. GOLDEN arrived hero tv day via tho old Coos Day wagon road. H is now located at Jack- BonTHio. urogon. nnd waa sum tnonod hero as a witness In th Garrison murder trial. ODD FELLOWS HLECT. Bnnsot fcoaVco No. Ol, I, o. O. F, Chooseu Officers for Ensuing Year Bunsot Lodgo No. 51, I. o. O. F of Marshflcld haB elected tho fol low ing officers for tho onsulng year; Noblo Grand Dan Katlng. Vice-grand J. W. Hunt 8ecrotary I. Lando. Treasuror John F. Hall Tho other officers are appointive and will bo nnmed at tho tlmo of tho annual installation of officers ELECT NEW OFFICERS. Western Btnr Reboknh Lodgo Hold Annual Mooting. At tho regular mooting of tha Western Star Robokah Lodgo, Na. G3, last night, tho following oloctlvo ofllccs woro flllod: Noblo Grand, Elli aboth Cox; vice-Grand, Ethel Pow ors; secretary, Kato Lando; treas urer, Robo Curtis, When tho lodge meets tho second Wodnosdny in Jan uary for installation, thoso officer will All by nppolntmont nil remain ing vacancies. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Tho Homor snlled nt 10 o'clock last night from San Francisco for Coos Day and will not reach herd until Into ,1'Vlday or early Satur day morning. I Tho Alllnnco Is duo In Saturday morning from Portlnnd nnd will sail tho samo day far Eurokn. Tho Rodondo will sail from San Francisco for Coos Dny tomorrow. Instead of Thursday as was erron eously announced. Tho Nnnn Smith Is duo In tomor row from Dny Point. I A fow moro of thoso ATTRAC TIVE CALENDARS loft nt RIGGS' STUDIO. Tho U1)1KS of 1IA1TIST church will hold n SALE of FANCY WORK SAT. DEC. 1(1 at LEWIS' Ico Cream Tarlors. Come in and See! Nasburg's Grocery Has Installed a flno now fresh nlr SANITARY COOLER in which Is kept nil tho butter eggs and milk sold from tho storo rilKSH riiicsii riiKsii EOOS 05o AND 00c iter doen IIUTTER 10c AND 7flc lib nnd Sib bqiiurcs MILK Be AND 10c, lplnt nnd 1 quart I'HKSH CREAM ..15c AND 2.1c, JS-pInt nnd 1 pint Nasburg Grocery PHONE 213-J WANTED MIdrtlo-ngcrt womnn an hoiiBokeopor. Must bo oxporloncod. Apply J. C. Deattlo or Phono 225J LOST Pair of diamond carvings. Roward for tholr return to Times' ofllco. Vi WANTED Position In Moro or of flco by young lady. Phono 28-J. FOR RENT Flno sunny apartment, furnished Inquire Nasburg Oro-' cory. ... . I SWEET APPLE CIDER In any quantity. Freo Delivery. Phono 210L Capo Arngo Soda Works. I 1 i REST AND CHEAPEST Shoo repair , shop In city. Cornor 3rd and 1 Commercial Ave. S. Kulju, Prop. WANTED!!! 'RPETS lTiMrtT.eii?nivrs aktj L'0S TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma- vieanlng Company. Orders for 01)1 taken at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 V The Old Reliable If you need any fruit-trees for planting or wish to mako good mon ey selling tree4, wrlto us for parti culars. No previous experience needed If you want to moke money. We show you. ALBANY NURSE RIES, Inc., Albany, Oregon. FOR SALE Steel range, good n now. Enqulro Stauff's grocery, j FOR SALE FJno ullllty ready to , lay, R. I. red pullets. Mrs. J. H. i Prlco, Allegany, Oreg. . NEWLY Fiuvlslietl rooms with heat. Reasonable. Call Sunday orj after flvo, evenings. McDonald, 343 So. Broadway, I FOR SALE One of tho finest dairy farms In Coos county. SO acres bottom, 29 milch cows and 8 oth ers, 3 horses and farming tools. "Dairy," care Times. FOR RENT S.rooin furnished houso and Hi acres of land In MUlington. Address Petor Robert son, Day Park. FOR RENT 10-rooiu houso in South Marahfleld. Phono 119-L. Get That Suit Now Ready-to-Wear From $8.50 To $25.00 All the Latest Styles and Fabric? FIXUP For a sprain ypu will And Cham berlain's, Liniment excolleut. It al lays tho pain, romoves tho soreness, and soon restores' tho parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles tor sale by. all dealers. SAVE YOUR MONEY we nrr direct from the MANUFACTURER. Consequently we enn sell you Xmas lines nt a lower figure than our competitors. Tt is nn old saying that goods well bought aro halt' sold, our motto when buying. . ' CENTURY FOUNTAIN PENS TTave you evor seen this line of fountain pens? Century make, double feed, never leak or sweat nnd guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back. Prices range from $2.00 to $10.00. NO EXPRESS CHARGES TACKED ON OUR PRICES. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS Saltiest Salt on Earth! IN FACT The Salt, of the Earth Lester's Violet, Grain Salt Flows Freely. Ask Your Grocer About 16 i