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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1911)
SOME Of US NEVER GET IN RIGHT UNTIL WE HAVE IT OUT WITH OURSELVES A T.lltlo "Campaign" Of WANT ADVERTISING In T1k TIMES JVM I'nt Your Ilcnl Entitle 'l tlio Market" Et f o e 1 1 v o 1 y I H tv 111 put tho facts about your property boforo tho eyes of all "pos sible buyers" In town. And If them's ono of tboni who ought to own It, you'll soil ltl U T AllVKHTLSIV Will Jus-p tho lu liit-iilSMi'd Himhim l YOU ran rrall) l pvi'Hum by renuiiK i roomB ami. tf ou When ft tine lie r yon may kwp ibut " -, 'rteady as a r nc. n n.-TiM :h ii MKMIll lit OI-' AKSOCI TM i .. -H $$m (2littt?0 Established In as Tho Const BUCK JUROR Harry Waldron, Mentally Un abalanced by Ordeal, Re turns Wan and Weary. WANDERED AIMLESSLY TWO DAYS AND NIGHTS . ' . . , p.- ' Judge Porterfield Dismisses Jury anci urucrs iiew unc Will Not Punish Waldron. (Dy Associated Press to Coos' Day Tlmon.) iMvoAO PITY. nnn. 1 1. Pnlo. emaciated and wenk from hunger j nnd cxpoBiiro, Harry Waldron, tho t Juror whoso cscapo last Sunday night i blocked tho progress of tho second trial of Dr. D. Clnrko Ilydo on tho charfio or murdering uoi. inomnn Swopo, returned to his homo today. Ho was brought Into court by Mrs. Waldron and after a conforonco with him, Judge Portorflold nnnounccd ho would dismiss tlm ontlro Jury on tho ground of Waldron's mental Incom petency. Waldron described to tho Judgo bis four days" wandering hrnnrh llin country In sonrch ot "fresh air nnd freedom from tho con fining wnlls and staring eyes." no denied having discussed tho Ilydo trial with nny porson. Wnldron .said aftor ho loft tho room In tho hotol, ho know ho lind dono wrong, but foara of lino and punish ment got tho bottor of him nnd ho did not return. Ho wont to Empo ria, Knn., whoro ho shaved off his moustacbo nnd rend tho account of his cscapo In tho nowapapors. no ports that possibly ho had commit ted sulcldo worried him bocnuso of tho Impressions such Htorlos might have on his wlfo and children and ho decided to return. Ho got to Kansas City but again lost his nerve . Ho wont to Wllllnm Mooro's liouso In Kansas City, Kns., and slopt two hours Tuesday night, tho only real sleep ho had had Rlnco ho loft tho Jury In tho hotol. Thoughts of Chrlstmns nnd a do slro to spend It with his fnniily drove him homo. Ho slept In n barn last night and thla morning wont homo. Ho saw ono of his children In tho barn ynrd and gavo him a noto to tnko to tho wlfo, but tho child was afraid and ran, not knowing his father with his moustacho sliavon. Waldron then wont Into tho houso. "and when I saw my wlfo, I folt bettor thnn I over had slnco thoy put mo on tho Jury," ho declnred. Waldron hlmsolf seems to ques tion his own sanity. Ho stntod that when ho reached this city yostorday, ho bought a market baskot and wan dered about tho markot placo mixing with tho crowds, glad to feel tho as sociation of pcoplo In tho market placo within two blocks of tho court houso and ono block from tho hotel whoro tho Jurors slept. Judgo Portorflold Intimated that Waldron might not bo punished. Judgo Portorflold dismissed tho Ilydo Jury this afternoon nnd fixed tho dnto of tho now trial as January 2, 1012. Ho said Wnldron wns Insano nt tho tlmo ho csenpod nnd still wns Insano. Candidates In Marshfield Mun icipal Election File Expense Accounts. Very llttlo monoy was spent in tho last municipal enmpaign In Marsh field according to tho exponso ac counts of somo of tho candidates who hae filed statements in accordnnco lth tho law. Not all of tho candi dates hnvo filed tholr accounts yot, nor havo tho special campaign com mitter nf tho vnrlnun factions. Tho commltteo stntomonts aro oxpocted xo show considerably Iargor expen ditures than do tho statements of tno candidates filed so far. Mnvim C3t-. tl,n flraf in file. Etat' ed that hd did not spend a cent, for campaign purposes. V,. Ttnn fnnrrr OIHI hlo ntllV CX Pendlturo was a contribution of $2 to iha RxMnllnt nnmnnlmi fund. Tom Coko says that ho did not spend a cent. John W. Butler eays In his state ment that ho did not spend a cent. PomI 11 TC A n.. Ylla AVnATI. dltures were limited to f 2 contrlbut-i Prl IT... - llli ! f.m.1. - i.q oul'IUUB( UlilJIttlfeli i... A T r.. .. Avnnndl. tures amounted to U which was con tributed to the socialist caraalgn fund. 1 and 2 WATCHES at MILKER'S VOL XXXV THOU GHTSQF GHRISTfflAS- BR! NB 1 UTILE SPEKT IK MUSI 1878 Mali MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 nESERTED ABSINTHE WILL 1JK ' BARRED AFTKll JAN'. 1 (ny Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. i4 Declaring abslntho danger- nun to linnlMi. Din nnrn fnnil A , Bonrd of tho Donnrtmont of Ag- rlculturo decided tho Importn- tion into tiio united statca bo prohibited nfter Jnnunry 1. next. Tho decision of tho bonrd i r hns not yet been ofllclally pro- mitigated. English Nobility Recuperating f-rom in fcrrects ot snip i Wreck. (Dy Assbclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) OlDUALTAIt, Dec. 4. All mom- IUHAI.1IAU, UCC. Hi ill! mum- , , io TOM ., c.i;1.;B Princess Royal, tho Duko of Flfo 1 tl.,tl .IniiDkifiHo tirlm etiffnrwl 1 bors tho nnd their daughters who suffered niifh Inrrlliln nxnnrluncca dlirlni: limit, limillnir frnm (tin wreck nf tlm Btnnmnr Dolhl off Cano Snnrtol yes terday, aro reported well today, al though thoy aro mucn oxnnusica. Ten of tho mnlo pnssengors and crow aro still on board. It Is ex pected thoy will bo romoved today by rocket nppnrauis. uwing 10 1110 IiIl-U Runs It Is lmnosslblo for llfo saving bonts to appronch tho wreck. Tho captain of tho Dollil in a wiro lesrf messngo expressed tho fonr that ho would havo to abandon tho ship and uskod for a strong gunru 10 do mm UHKCii iur nirunt, h"' iu uu sent. Tho ship cnrrlcs bullion worth ?1,G00,000. REYES IS MISSING. Mexican Lenders' Wlieirabouts Aro ICept Secret. (Dy Associated I'rosa to Coos Ray Timos. WASHINGTON. D. Gt. Doc. 14. Tho Dopnrtmont of Justlco known but will not mnko public tho whoro nbouts of Conornl Dorunrdo Roycs, tho supposod loader or tho iiow revo lutionary movomont In Mexico. Agents of tho Dopnrtmont havo Roycs undor surveillance. STILL HOLDS JOU. Amcilcaii Retains Job us Treasurer- Ceiteral of Persia. (Ily Associated Tresa to Coos Day Timos.) TEHERAN, Persia, Dec. 14. W. Morgan Shusted still rotnlns his posi tion ns troasuror-gonornl of Porsln. Tho Cabinet cannot dismiss him with out tho consent of tho Natlonnl Coun cil, which hns not boon glvon. WORKS AS REFORMER. Callfonilti SiMiatcn- Urges Reform in Sennto Addrcs. (Ily Associated 1'iess to Coos Day Timos.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. An ln Ynciifgiinn nf tho charges of oppres sion, nogllgonco and indlfforonco to . nn wn rnrn nun luiuiuil w. imw of tho untlonal soldiers homo in Los Angeles county was urgea in wiu Sonnto today by Senator Works of ... 1- HahIh. TVnrka nlsn tOOK (jauioruiu. oi;"" ,.-.-- n fling nt tho mllllonnlres who mnko bonofnctlons conaitionea on "U,H" lng tholr names. Though "not nam ing any names" Works referred to a tow citizens who had amassed col lossal fortunes whoso giving of a small portion of their fabulous wealth ws Just ns soinsh as tholr accumu lation of It. .' LITTLE TOE RAPIDLY GOIXU uui wv o -... uuu JKu.. - .-- , ; cTsWo-pres'ldent of tho Royal J J Col ego of Surgeons. Lucas J SSI .at small toes are be ng used less and less, while tho ROYAL HHm IS RECOVERING 4 LONDON, England, DcH. Thnt tho human race will bo one toed In tho course of 500,- T . D ia m contention - lb used less ana -. """" ' iated was found today undor great too has dpvolopod in an J,bnrn floorf Tho pollco today astonishing manner. I Bearchlng for nn Italian farm 444440 1 EXPRESS Wagons, Air Guns and Boys' Tool Boxes at MILNERS. Doo't forget the Turkish Baths PHONE 214-J. HHin-IWO 'MR American Scouting Party In ..... -- J . Philippines Kills Many nb- tlVe BrigandS In Batil3 in MindnO. (Ily Associated Proa, to Coos nay Tlmes.1 LANAO. Mindanao. P. I.. Dec. 14. 4T V WW r V V r- w RQAO 10 E 10 W Col. R. H. Rosa of Bandon Hears That Hawley System j Is Headed This Way. That tho Hawley system, ownorb of tho Minneapolis and St. LouIb llnllwny, tho Iowa Central and sev eral other roadi, lb looking to Coos Uny us tho Pnutllo Coast Tormlnun nf n new transcontinental lino Is tho news Hint Col. It. H. Hosa brought. horo today from Portland. Col. ltosn wns In Portland on business nnd whllo thoro beenmo ncqualnted with n former official of tho Hawloy lines and from him rccolvod this Informa tion. Not much detail was given. Edwin Hawloy, slnco U10 denth of 13. H. Hnrrlmnn, hns been rated as ' ",--- ta -Ojn mroct bioui ,,u hn9 rcrontiy ueen pushing tho t !... .t .1 Oi T nla tJnllwnV Mlnncitnolis nnd S. Louis Railway which, In connection with tho Iowa Central, extends northerly from St. Loult nnd Porcln across Iowa to tho Twin Cities nnd thonco westerly In to South Dakota. Part of tho South Dakota extension Is completed. Col. Rosa said that everybody In Portlnnd Is booming tho Coos nny country. Ho bonrd much rnllroad talk. Ho mot R. A. nooth of En gono nnd In talking ovor tho South ern Pacific's extension fronvEugono In Prion Tlnv trained tho imnrcsston thnt Mr. Ilooth did not hollovo that tho Southern Pacific would rush tho mo oouuiorn I'licino wuuiu ruin iiiu completion of tho lino ns far as Coos Tiny unless somo othor road forced them to. Col. Rosa with Assessor T. J. Thrift appeared boforo tho Oregon Stato Equalization Hoard to protCHt ngnlnst nny furthor Incronso In Cooa county vnluutlons by that body. Ho snld that tho land board had figures showing tho prices nt which various pieces of land had boon sold recontly nnd In contrast with thorn tho ns Hossed figures. Ha snld that Stato Treasurer Kay assured him thoro would bo no furthor Incronso In Coos county vnluos by tho state. KNOCKS OUT EVIDENCE. I ' ' Testimony of Chicago Lawyer About IJrllxry Stricken Out. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 14. Tho Lorlmor Senatorial investigation committee ordorod stricken from tho record today tho testimony of Mnx woll Edgnr, tho Chicago lawyor, that imuv.u WW...,. .... uvv, .. .....,.. .w.. In nn attempt to brlbo him with ten thousand dollnrs to conso his fight onnlnnt tlin Tnlfrnn t lonnl TTnrVCStor Claronco Dnrrow nas oeon concornou ..n.....u. v.w - 1 company. POCKET KNIVES that will hold an edgo at MIL-NEK'S. FOUR PEOPLE F Italian Farm Hand Suspected of Murdering Entire Family In New York. ' (Dy ABSOclnt d Press to the Coos Day Times.) ALDANY, N. Y Dec. 14. Tho entire family of Mrs. Mary A. Mor nor, a widow, her daughters, Edith, aged twonty, and Blanche, aged sev enteen, a son, Arthur, aged 28, wero murdered Tuesday on tho Mornor farm near DoFreestvlllo, about twen ty miles from horo. Tho bodies of tho women were found last night near tho barn hacked with a hatchot, battered with a club and thrown ln in n nit. The bodv of tho son Hvlth tho throat cut and othorwlso mutl- intoii wnn found today under tno aro Bearchlng for nn Italian farm hand who Is missing. CORN at HAINES. Dance at the MASQUE BALL at I. O. O. F. hall, Saturday night. Dost music on Coos Bay. NEW COM niiNn su 14, 1 ip EVENING EDITION. HMI m , m -" r nsm Ruin pi fHili fPT -fi t UU InWD DLftlBll - rony - two mo outlaws were win- n.1 tinrn fn.lnv In nil nnffltrflllnilt with ot ABlBin BC0UtB. No fnlnutleB occurred on American1 side. The battle was In connection .lth a campaign for suppressing or- vganlzcd brlgandugo among tbo Moras. Southern Pacific Arranges For Material For Construction to Coos Bay. EUGENE, Ore., Dec-14. Tho Etigono Gunrd snys: "Tho Elmlra Lumber company wns awarded tho contrnct to furnish all tho timbers for tho big tunnel which tfto South ern Pnqlllc compnny hns stnrted to construct on tho Coos Day lino 23 miles wost of Eugono, nnd for tbo purpose of getting out these timbers a portnblo Bawmlll will bo erected nt the slto of tho tunnel, whoro tho company owns n largo tract of tim ber sultnblo to make Jumuor ior una purpose Tho mill will bo orectod ns soon ns possible, but It will bo vory difficult, to tnko tho big boiler, onglno nnd machinery to tho slto ovor tho ronda In tholr present con dition. It Is snld thnt tho Notl road lending to tho tunnel Is In a torrlblo shape, nnd that thd contractors' wa gons, In hauling mnterlnl to the tun nel slto, sink up to tho hubs In tho mud nenrly nil tho way. This contrnct will koop tho port nblo mill busy nil winter nnd woll In to tho spring, ns thoro will bo a groat deal of lumber used In tho big tun nel. Tho company also has tho contract to got out tho lumbar for plnnklng tho road from Notl to tho tunpol nnd tho mill nt Elmlrn, which hns been Idlo during tho fnll and winter, will soon bo started again on this work. Tho road for a dlstanco of sovon miles will bo planked nnd nfter this work Is completed thoro will bo no dllllculty in getting materials to tho tunnol site. It will roqulro In tho neighborhood of 300,000 or 400.000 feet of lumbor for this Improvement to tho rond. F. C. Walters of tho Elmlra Lum bor company 1j In tho city making all arrnngomonti to begin work on theso contract1). Rush v'iradliiR Work. Two moro camps will bo establish ed by Fuller & Co., frolghtors and sub-contrnctors for Twohy Dros. Ono enmp will bo CBtnbllBhod nonr town nnd tho othor about ton miles out. Work Is now rapidly progressing on tho tunnel, about 100 mon being en gngod thoro. Speaking of tho grading between Eugeno and tho tunnol, II. P. Hooy, chlof of tho 8. P. engineering crow at this plnco, said that, outsldo of tho six miles Immediately this sldo of tho tunnol, tho work on tho rest of tho grading would depend on tno weather. Tho company doos not wentnor. -j-no company noes nui feel )0 puBi,inB tho contractors In jtno ovont ot rnjny we(ithor, as tho , 1.. nii..i i.r- l. .,.. lino win ue iiuiBiii-u uuiuiu inu in,. nnl 1b comnleted. As soon as tho weather permits, work will bo rush ed and the lino built out to tho tun nel. SBILL F House Committee Decides to Report One Carrying Many Millions of Dollars. (By Associated Press to Coos Ba Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 14. Another largo appropriation which may carry millions, was added to tho houso program today when tho Houso committee on Public Buildings de cided to report nn omnlbiiB publlo building bill. Tho decision in which tho committee vote was fourteen to three, wds made in tho face of op position by Democratic Leader Un derwood, NOVELIST IS DEAD. Mrs, Arthur Staunnrd Succumbs In iomlon Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) T.n'nnM. Eneland. Dec. 14. Mrs. Arthur Stannnrd, tho Novelist known as "John Strange winter," died today. me mm IRE GOilCI Hill NOW AVORED A t'niiHnlMiilloii and Cimm. i P t " nv'ifcHtTi I f 1 1 n iiii vi fiR6i i I H II- bill !H lU.'MIJ! I S1'j1 t ui u uu u m FURIISKED FEDEBftL HHMI Mil KIHKS STAY ItKSOUKIIH KNTOMIIKI) MINIMIS DEAD (Ily Associated Press.) imiCEVlLLE, Tenn., Doc. 14. Tho work ot roscuors In tho roscuors In tho Cross Moun- tuln Mlno was retarded today by tires in tho entrance. Hope that moro arc alive is abandon- ed. HHO'H Steamship Arrives In Early Today From Portland Sails Early Saturday. Tim nrnnkwnter arrived iu early this morning after a good trip down tho const. Sho una u mrgo passon gor list and a good cargo of freight, bringing In n largo amount of Christ mas goods. Tho Breakwater will sail at 7 o'clock Saturday morning for Port land. Among thoso nrrlvlng on nor touny woro tho following: T n Hnnimnrlln. V. II. Pago. Mrs. D. KoonU, Ethel Koontz. Wilbur Koontz. Win. Pago, C- M. rago, An nlo Gago, W. M. Grant, Anna M. Cox, Mrs. L. Laldhorno, Robt. MarH den, Mrs. E. A. Smith. W. 8. Marsh all. II. Holom, W. F. Hunnlcutt, Mrs. Coko, Mrs. C. Holland, Goo. Mor gan. It. P. Rlchnrdson, Mrs. Richard son, J. II. McCloBkoy, R. L. Mulr, F. R.- Kirk, Paul Cowan, J. Gorbor, II. II. Rosa, C. P. Keating, L. G. Keat ing, Mrs. A. L. Smlthormnn, Goo. Mnggor. A. II. Rowley, C. 8. Barnes, L. E. Bllven, C. II. Ilormnn, J. E. Fox. A. L. NorB. Lordy Hutko, F. M. Joffory, F. S. Wilson, J. E. Achorn, O. L. Skofstndt, E. M. Shovors, II. II. McLnughlln, Bud Anderson, Dick Donnnld. Miss U. Hnrron, E. A. Bar nes, N. Tonneson, J. Mltcholl, W. J. Culbortson, G. Frangnnloy, A. Pea cock, Oscar Olson, A. Spires, A. M. Boldon, Mrs. Boldon, II. W. Crnw ford, D. McKlnnon, II. P. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips, II. E. Ashllmuso, C. Snoddon, J. W. Ampklns. TO CANCEL TREATY. Expect Sennto to Take Enrly Action 011 KuMdnn Resolution. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14. As a result of an understanding reached hero todny, It Is bolloved tho Sonnto will pass boforo tho Christ mas holidays tho Houso resolution terminating tho 1832 trenty with Russia becaiiBo of dlscrlmlnntlon against American Jewish cltlzons. RECALL NO. GOOD. Such Is Tho Opinion of Attorney General Crawford. SALEM, Ore., Dec. 14. That tho recall amondmont to tho Oregon constitution Is inoporatlvo and inof fectual becaiiBo It Is not solf-oxecut-lng Is tho opinion of Attornoy-Gon-oral Crawford, handed down for R. II. Howell, county clerk of Lincoln county, who roquostod information on tho point becauso of a movo on foot in that county to clrculnto ro call potltlons against tho county Judgo and county commissioners. Tho opinion is sweeping in its nature and doclnres that tho recall provlston Is not self-executing and that furthor loglslatlvo ennctment Is required boforo the recall amond mont will become effective. UTAH WRECK FATAL. (ny Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) OGDEN, Utah, Dec. 14 Two trainmen woro killed and two woro Injured In a wreck of two freight trains at Castle Rock on tho Union Pacific early today. Tho dead aro Drakoman Ingram and Fireman Tlrnnnnn. o 125 SONG HOOKS STOLEN WHILE GIPSY SMITH IS MAKING SCORES REPENT TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 14. Whllo Gipsy Smith was bring- lng scores to ropontanco, somo thlof mado off with 125 of tho evangelist's song books. "Libra- Pj rians tell mo that moro roll- glous books aro taken than any other kind," said Dr. E. T. Ford of tho Smith committee, HE 01 BREAKWATERS nf Times. Const M Ilnr Aitvi-rtlier. :). 129 it u mm u Indianapolis Prole of Alleged McNamara Const ii acy Bsfjins Today. GREAT VOLUME OF ' EVIDENOE . : FOUND Claim That Crim . . ' petrated In Sev' . In- Past '. : 1 v Per- Ol.UUO (Kroni Aisnclnted-Pi Time- t i Coos Day, INDIANAPOLIS, In I 14. The federal grniid Jn v I lt-!i Ib to probe the uHokpiI cm y vlmro- by oxphMlves voro earn 1 Into many; stntos to blow up bridge mid othor Btruotiiios erected by ,lrin employ ing non-union men, fatnlally b','nn deliberations todny. Ycnrs ot corrcBpotulence and othor papers taken from tho ottU- forinor-. ly occupied by John J. McNamarnfc tho convicted Hocrotnry and treasurer of tho Intnrnntlonhl Association of Drldgo and Structural Iron Workors Is In possession of District Attornoy Miller nnd former clorks nnd stenog raphers of McNamara will bo called boforo tho jury. A number of de tectives nnd union ofllclals will be summoned to toll what thoy may know of tho nllegcd dynnmlto plots. (Hy Associated Prcsn to Coos nay, Timos.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Doc. 14. A detailed list of ono hundred explo sions In structures orectod by firms employing non-union workmdn, as furnished to tho govornmont by tho Natlonnl Erectors Association, was prepared for tho grand Jury. Tho list, beginning with tho wrecking 'ot structural works In Connecticut nnd; Massachusetts In tho summor oC 1009, cites tho dnmngo dono up to. October 1C, 1911, nnd points out, as indicating participation by others than John J. nnd Jnmos D. McNa mara, Ortlo McManlgal, that tho crimes of this nnturo woro porpo tratcd In Bovontoon states. COrf GETS Little God of Love Vying With Santa Claus Even During;, Christmas Season, Judslnff from announcomonts and rumors, Dan Cupid Is trying to vio with Santa Claus for popularity; ovon during tho Christmas season. Anuouncomonts havo boon mado oS sovoral woddlngs of woll-known Cooa Day people for tho Christmas sea son. FrlondB of Jns, Cowan, Jr. and! Miss Corn Bowron hnvo beon apprised that thoy will bo married on or about Docomber 27. Thoy aro among tho best known young pooplo In Mursh fleld nnd scores of frlonds will unlto In rxtendlng congratulations ovon In advnnco of tho ovont. North Bond peoplo particularly and Cook nv reoplo gonornlly will bo much Interested1 In tho nnnounce mont thnt Harry Russoll and Mfsa Winifred Rood will wed Decomber 26, Announcement wns mndo n week or so ngo of tho coming mnrrlago of Mr. Russell's brothor, Capt. Har voy Russell, and Miss Mabol Nonh. which will bo solomnlzed Docombor 20. Tho nnnouncomont of tho Rus-Boll-Rood nuptlnls to take placo eoon after tho Rusaoll-Noah nuptials camo as a surprise Mrs. G. Truman of North nond Heights yesterday tonderod a shower complimentary to Miss Mabol Noah Invitations have beon lssuod for a Jlnon shower nt tho homo of Mrs. K. Rood Friday ovenlng complimentary to Miss Wlnnlfred Rood. Weds In Florida. Mrs. Elmer Russell of North Rond Is In receipt of announcomonts of tho marrlago of hor sister, Miss Ethel Kern, to Allan D. Plxton which took placo at Alva, Florida, a few days ngo. Miss Korn was formerly depu ty postmistress nt North Bond and won many frlonds on tho Bay who will unite In extending congratula tions. Sho loft horo for Florida about eighteen months ago. Mr. and Mrs, Plxton will reside on tho groom's ranch near Ionn, Florida. Tho HIGHEST GRADE Rnwlnc Ma chlno mndo for $30.00 at MILNEIt'S. A TnnnRH min win do vu GOOD. Phono 2K-J t Red AIR GUNS nt MILNER'1. unn 4