THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Always "The Busy TAGS I I I I SCIENTIFIC FACTS. In ninny vnrictics. All the fnnious Donuison line nro to be found here. Your packages, nre not complete' without theso tags.1 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us The Modern Thos. Howard JEWELER Hills Bro.'s t Special Blend Coffee 35c Per Pound An extra good blend of tho higher grades of Coffee put up especially for discriminating people. If you are particular about tho Coffee you drink try a pound of this blend. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING All Wool Blankets DirectFrom'the'0regonMills White, Gray, Vicuna, Blue and Tan Plaid, $2.50 to $ J 0.00. Navajo Art Robes $5 to $7.50. Woolen Mill Store MILL TO MAN CLOTHIERS Comer" FOR. XMAS Young Lady needs consldorablo Jowolry ns part ot hor wnrdrobo. Styles nro constantly changing In Jowolry ns In otlior thlngH, nnd of conrso tho young lady must bo In-tho stylo. Novoltlos nro nil tho tlino coming up and sho wants to bo "up with tho times" bo far na lior Jowol-cnso Is conaldorod. And horo sho will And tho noweat, neatest nnd least expensive Jowolry. North Front Street S5 and 305 DONE AT THE TIMES1 OFFICE y A Russian locoruotlvo works lins closely copied tho American "Pralrlo" typo In building llvo high speed en gines for uso on tho lino from St. Petersburg to tho Austrian frontier. Savo money by patronizing Tho Times udvcrtlsora. WANTED Position lii utorp op of flco by young lady. Phono 28-J. LOST Gold hutch dollar Plrf, on Elrod Streot, Howard for return to Times ofllco. I own 37 lots In "Bonanza" Addi tion to North Bond, which I will ex chnngo for an improvod or unimprov ed farm In Coos Cpunty, or for prop erty around Portland. Will pay cash dlfforouco. Give oxnet location, do scrlptlbh and price. 'Address owner, Lona Rlvenrs, Imperial Hotol, Port land, Oregon. Dig profits for you. Manufacturo Whoat-Koka-Crlsp. Now Confection, Gc package costs you &c muchlno Including formula ?4.G0 propald. Samples freo. Sittonflcld Mfg. Co. 437 Ochsnur Oldg. Sncrnmonto, Cal. FOR RENT Fine Bunny apartment, furnished Inqulro Nnsburg Gro cory. SWEET APPLE CIDER In any quantity. Freo Dollvory. Phono 210L Capo Arago Soda Works. IIEST AND CHEAPEST Shoo repair shop In city. Comor 3rd and Commercial Avo. S. Kulju, Prop. FOU SALE Steel range, good i new. Enqulro Stnuff's grocery. FOU SAW-: Flno utility ready to lay, n, I. rod pullets. Mrs. J. II. Price, Allegany, Orog. NEWLY Fiuv'shed rooms with heat. Reasonable, Call Sunday or after llvo, ovenlngs. McDonald, 3.43 So, Broadway. LOST Butterfly enamel breast pin Thanksgiving. Between West Marshflold and Masonic Opora Houso. Roward for return to F. A. Haines. ' Wanted Board and lodging in pil vato family. Not over 10 minutes walk and on upland preferred.. F. II. Storey, caro Marshflold Hdw. Co. FOR SALE Ono of tho finest dairy farms In Coos county, 80 acres bottom. 29 milch cows nnd 8 oth ers, 3 horses nnd farmlug tools. "Dairy," caro Tlmos. FOR SALE Ladles' gold watch.Wnl thnm movomont, good ns now, por fect time-keeper, cljeap. Apply at Times' ofllce, XMAS PRESENTS Front street. client), 017 FOR RENT 8.1-oom furnished houso and 2 acros of land In MUUngton. Address Peter Robert son, Bay Park, FOR RENT 10-room house In Soutli Marshfteld. Phono 119-L. f i: ' ! THE WEATHER. (Uy ABSodntod Press.) Oregon Fair In Eat.t niul rnln lit West tonight. Tntlrsdny rain In wust nnil rnln or miow In cast East to Southcnst wIiuIb, brisk const. I.OCA L TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hourB ending nt 4:00 p. m. Dec. 12, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 55 Minimum . - 30 At 4:00 p. m 44 Precipitation, none Wind, NorthwoBt; partly cloudy . , HORN. o v BORN To Mr. and. Mrs. W. N. Ek blad at their homo In South Mnrsh flold, Wednesday, December 13, a Bon. Mother nnd child are doing. nicely nnd Will Is about tho hap piest father that Coos Bay has over known. Ho snys tho stork bents Santa Claus n mllo wlioa It comes to handing out tho real pres ents. Slay Move Livery. Walter Cou dron loft this morning for Myrtle Point to determine whothor or not ho will move his llvory business thoro from- Marshflold. ' Meet Tonight Tho Norwegian Lutheran Young, People's Society, will hold their Tegular social at tho church hall this evening. Tho meet ing will bo In chnrgo of Miss Elslo LarBon and Chris Leo. New Launch. Dr. II. II. Wnltor hns just completed tho hull of what promises- to bo ono of tho best launches on tho Bay. Tho craft Is 22 feet long and will bo cqulppoa with n flvc-horso power gasoline en gine. Rulid Mnnholo. Streot Commls loner Lawhorno Is having a now brick manholo put at Front and. Mar ket streets today. Tho old ono was too small and tho sower was stoppod up. A brick manholo Is being con structed. finest nt Luncheon. Mrs. Frank Rogers Is entertaining a numbor ot Marshflold ladles at a luncheon at her homo on South Coos Rlvor to day. Tho party loft horo this morn ing In Mrs. W. F. Mlllor's launch', "Tho Boavor." Fiuo Potatoes. Mrs. .Elizabeth Adams today placed on oxhlblt nt tho Marshflold Chambor of Com merco sumo of tho flnost specimens of this year's potatoes that havo been seen. They nro unusually .largo and nro products ot )ior Coos Rlvor ranch. ' Nnim-d Referee. R. 0. Graves and C. R. Peck, tho attorneys In tho $20,000 dnmngo suit of Jordan Schnppors vs. tho Simpson Lumbor compnny, hnyo agreed-upon Ira B, Riddle, otllclnl court roportor, na rot orco whoso ovldonco In tho enso will bo tnkon. Ferry Trnlllc Tho forry transit plying betweon Enstsldo and Marsh flold during tho month ot Novombor hnndlod a big business. Cnpt. Alox Hall reports that tho trafllc cnrrlod consisted of 3,004 passongors, 110 double teams, 223 slngla teams, 37 head of stock and eight autos. Funerid Sunday. W. B. Curtis recolved a telegram today stating that tho body ot J. M, Davis, tho well known Coos Bay plonoor who dlod nt Snntn Anna, Calif., a fow days ago, had been shipped on tho Homor leaving for Coos Bay today. Tho funornl services will bo hold from Wilson's Chnpol In Mnrshfleld nt 1 o'clock Sunday attornoon. Finn' Ne.t Contest. It Is announc ed that tho next stop in tho light against tho creation of tho Port ot Port Orford will bo an application for nn injunction restraining tho Port Commission thoro from levying a tax tor tho innjntonnnco of a port. Tho commissioners aro to bo named by Gov, West soon and it Is said thoro wilt bo a Hyoly contest ovor It. Whon tho latter Injunction Is secured, tho caso will probably bo threshed out on Its morlts, that Is whothor Port Orford Is n harbor within tho moan ing of tho stnto law or is merely nn opon roadstead of tho high sea. Many Autos. According to a re port Just Issued by Secretary of Stato Olcott of Oregon, Coos County towns hnvo their share of tho automobllos. Tho roport says Bnndon has flvo cars, Emplro ono, North Bond sovon, Myr tlo Point thlrteon, Ccqulllo thlrty olght nnd Marshflold thirty-two. Es timating tho average cost at $l,2u0 per car, Sec. Olcott npprnlses tho val ue of tho cars at HOC, 400. Curry cunty Is tho only county in Oregon which is not credited with having nt least ono machine Tho state num bor plates for 1.912 will havo a green background with black figures. Talk of Candidate. Consldor able Interest is being arousod by tho special fchool election to bo hold uoxt Monday night at which a direct or will bo elected to fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of C. J. Minis. E. D, McArthur was being Btrongly talked ot today but It Is not known whether ho will consent to being n candidate. A. T. Hntncs Is also being mentioned by frlonds for tho plnco. Tho mooting will also hx tho school levy for tho ensuing year nnd It will probnbly ho ntno nnd ono half or ten mills, n reduction ot ono or one and ono half mills from lnet year. No Money Found. It was report ed last evening that Billy Hill, a lad had found boiiio molten coin whllo playing around tho A. C. Qabornncno homo which wns destroyed by flro Sunday night. Marshal Carter In vestigated tho matter nnd says tho substauco found was moroly molten glnss mid copper. Weds Clir.'ntmns Day. J. II. Brid ges will leave In n day or two vln Bnndon for Los Anjoloa whoro on Christmas day ho will attend tho mnrrlago ot his daughter, Miss E. Fnyo Bridges, to Frank Hnlllday, manager of tho branch of tho Nat ional Cash Register company nt Bak orsflold, Calif. Tho coromony will tako plnco nt tho Bridges' homo in Los Angolcs. Tho itowly-wcds will make nn extended eastern honey moon trip and will mako their homo nt flnkcrsflold. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges will como to Marshflold soon nftor tho holidays to mako their homo. Miss Bridges Is well known on Coos Bay, having mndo her hdmo horo for ovor a year, and tho host of friends that tho charming nnd accomplished young woman mndo horo will unito in congratulating Mr. Hnlllday and in wishing that tho couplo may soon como to Coos Bay to mako their homo E0PLE TSStlStJStSStSl EJB353 uuKnoW MIGHT NOW. I do not know how far I'll get Along tho happy way, So I'm not missing anything That comes to mo today; Tomorrow Is n long way off And I may novor tab It; So every Joy I boo today I'm going to up nnd grab It; Whllo tho world Is full of sun. 1 wnnt to got my ehnro ot tun. JOHN D. GOSS loft this morning for Coqulllo to attend court. AL. NICHOLS of Emplro Is a Mari.h flold business visitor today. JUSTICE C. L. PENNOCIC Is nttond lng court In Coqulllo this weok. FERD PAINTER loft this morning for Coqulllo Valley points on busi ness. f: G. HORTON loft this morning on 'a business trip to Coqulllo Valloy points. MRS. JAMES RICHMOND of Co qulllo la visiting frlonds In Marsh flold. JOHN D. ANDERSON from South Inlet was In tho city on buslnosB Tuosday. , DR. WALTER CULIN of Coqulllo Is spending tho dny with frlonds In Marshflold. ANSON ROGERS, Sr., and wlfo' of South Coos Rlvor aro spondlng tho day In Marshflold. KARL HAINES and wlfo havo moved from tho Morlnrlty houso In South Marshflold to apartments In tho Mntson homo on Elrod oyo nuo. MRS. T. C. RUSSELL of Boavor Hill and hor guest, Mrs. J, T. Sullivan of Bandon, woro Marshflold visit ors yostorday. Airs. Sullivan ro- CHRISTMAS TOYS For Girls and Boys. , . CHRISTMAS GTFTS . For Father and Mother OHRTSTMAS PRESENTS For Sistor and Brother. ' CHRISTMAS CHEER For Every Other at TiTo GOING $b HARVEY STORE Saltiest Salt on Earth! IN FACT The Salt, of the Earth Lester's Violet Grain Salt Flows Freely. Ask Your Grocer About It, 1 turns to hor home In Bandoa tH day. ' I ,A. S. HAMMOND camo over fre Coqulllo today on business. ' LEO. J. CARY nnd wlfo of CoqullI I nro Marshflold visitors today. i J. C. SAVAGE, editor of tho Coqulll Valley Sentinel, wns hi Marshfleld today on business. OLIVER KENYON ot Ten Mllo paw cd through horo today on rout to Coqulllo to attend court. J. D, McDOUGAL nnd wlfo will leavo the Inst of tho week for San Francisco and other California points. E. C. PADDOCK nnd wlfo expect to leavo shortly for San Francisco whoro they will spond tho holiday with relatives. MISS LILLIE GOULD of Coqullla passed through hero today on route to Daniels Crcok whoro sho will visit at tho Georgo Terry homo. CAPT. N. J. CORNWALL of Gardi ner Is expected tomorrow. He plnns to go to Borkoloy, Calif., to spend tho holidays with his tarn ny. R. J. MONTGOMERY has roturned from Decatur, 111., to Dorkoley, Calif., whoro ho and Mrs. Mont' gomery will visit at tho home of her brother until aftor tho holi days. WILL WIRTH was In town thl week, bringing In about sovon hun dred pounds of flounder for Bat ch's fish market. Some of the flounders weighed ovor flftoon pounds each. FRED McCORMAC, who Is attending: Oregon Agricultural collogo, hae written his parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, that ho will loavo for Marshflold December 20 to spend tho holidays. ALONG THE WATER FRONT Tho WUholmlna sailed from horo today for tho Sluslaw with a, cargo of gonornl morchandlso. Tho Randolph sailed today for Port Orford nnd Gold Boach with a cargo ot gonornl morchnndlso. Tho Broakwnlor sailed last orea lng from Portland for Coos Bay. Tho Alllnnco sails from Portland today for Coos Bay. Tho Homor Balled from Han Fran cisco tor Coos Bay todny and should arrlvo horo early Friday morning;, Tho Rcdondo will sail from S9 Frnncloco tor Coos Bay tomorrow. NORTH REND NEWS. Mrs. Alfred MntBon of , Marshflold visited nt tho Victor Anderson homo on Shorman Avouuo yesterday. Mrs. E, M, Everett who has boon 111 at her homo on Sherman avonue for tho past weok Is ablo tp bo around again. Tho Mothodlst Episcopal Ladles' Aid will moot Thursday attornoon at tho homo ot Mrs. W, R Grout on North Bond Holghths. Ror. Albort Hlsoy was called Mon day to Salem by a tolcgram which stated that his father Is sorlously HI thoro. How long Mr. Hlsoy will be gono will bo dutormtnod by tho Illness of his fnthor. ..Do you know HAINES lias GOOD FLOURV Flno lino of CHRISTMAS Trea ORNAMENTS nt tho COOS " HAY CASH STORE. .1