v"T -r?i v. t " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 f-cf, t if.' i tf i ? n ' -'i , i COOS PAY TlMiib m. c. maloxky DAN K. MALOXKY Editor i. ml I'nh New Editor Euieied m ttio postornce at Ma run told, Urcguu, for transmission through the malls ns second class u.ail matter. Ucdlcatcd to tho service ff tho people, that no good cause shall lack ciiamplon, and that evil shall not t.'irlvo unopposed. Address all couimuntcattons to COOS HAY 1MJLY TIMES. AfnrslillcM :: :: :: t: Oregon 4444444 v 444444 t WITH THE t I TOAST AND TEA J s GOOD EVENING. No ono thing does liunuui life 4 mom need than a kind const- 4 deration of tho faults ot others. 4 Every one sins; every ono needs (orbenrnnco. Our own impor- 4 fectlons should tench us to bo 4 merciful. HENRY WARD I1EECHER. 4 444444444444444 The Associated Press SOME INTEREST I NO INFOR MATION CONCERNING TUP. GREAT NEWS v GATHERING ASSOCIATION THAT SERVES tHE READERS OF THE COOS RAY TIMES 44444444444444 T!.e Roy Who Has No Santa Clans Z Dy R.ODERTUS LOVE M00404444449444444 Prom "I'ooniH All tho Way From Tike. 'opyrlRlit, 1004. by I'nn-Amcrlcan Press. CfiQ boy who baa no Santa ClAUO, So wistful, ol), oo wan be tooho windowe, waiting. HUUSCJRIPTION RATES. DAILY. One year , . JO. 00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. One year fl.bO When paid strictly In advanco tho tubucrlptlon prlco of the Coos Bay Times Is 5.00 pr year or $3.50 for t montiiB. ' Olllclnl Pnpcr of Coos County Au Independent Republican nows papor published bvery evening except tfuudny, and Weekly by The Coos Ray Times Publishing Co. I never knew n night so long That dnvllcht did not brenk In beauty o'or a smiling world' To kiss my honrt awake. Antl-I hnve seen tho blackening cloud Across tho skies nfnr, And novor wnlted yet In vnln To find tho answering star. And so I trust thnt out of pain And sorrow shall nrlso Some morning beauty of delight, Somo star of glad surprise. ''Tho Associated Press ontnnlzn tlon Is probably tho most dcmocra-l Cbroufib vfondrouo tic ono In the world. It Is tiurclv n malting pauoe partnership nrrnngoment without any Co gloat upon the picture booho prollt In.vlqw, organized under tho "Oc Giant Killer," "jMctbcr Goooe." Now York law, but with tho boIo view Hlao, poor urchin, wbat'o the uoe to tho collection of tho news at n Joint oxpoiuo nnd tho distribution of oav htm otandlna yeotcrnlabt,, It by Individual nnd Joint expense. I Wo "oe agalnot the frooty pane, "Each Associated Pross minor Is ' enamored of the fairy olnbt. required not only to pay so much ' So fond, oo frlendleoo, ob, oo fain money each week, nut to furnish promptly nil tho goncral news In Its locality, tho money amount por week bnscd upon tho size of tho city, tho cost of tho operator, a fixed chnrgo for membership dues running from $G to $12.50 por week, depending upon whether tho paper receives tho roport by 'R 00 or 2000 words, or by what Is known ns tho lonsod wlro ser vice Tho leased wlro goes nil day ovenlng nowspnper nnd all Women of tho Portuguese province of Mozambique, In Africa, mnko n . ,'.. white cosmetic by grinding a certain Li",- .h" kind of wood In water nnd claim It "LSfJ". hlTi ? X nil nUi ?' removes wr.nk.es nnd prevents orup- .SonVurdS So wSes tlvo blemishes. . 4f, ailn T,.-t m ... i..i in iiiu uuuu tjuui iitii unau nuiu tiuoj Co araop and beat the painted drum! He dreamed of ocelng Santa come. Bo lono be otood and looked within I thought bio yearning gate muot charm Che otalwart ootdler made of tin Co rise and follow through the otorm Hnd, otandlng guard above htm, make bio dream come true ere be awake. OFFICIAL PAPER OK THE CITY OK MARSHFIELD. 4444444444444444 GOOD EVENING. "Men think there tiro clrcum 4 Btnnccs when wo may deal with humnn beings without love, and thero nro no such circumstances. Ono may deal with things wlth- out lovo. Wo may cut down 4 trees, mnko bricks, hammer Iron without lovo. Rut you can- not deal with men without It." TOLSTOI. 4444444440444444 GOOD NIGHT. 44444444444444 GEO. REALE. . No other Joys nro known to him llko thnt of rnlslng fruit, It gives him rccrentlon nnd brings In tho caBh to boot. from 7:30 In tho morning until aft-1 or 5 o'clock nnd tho wiros In tho capital oftlco nro busy all night long up to 2:30 o'clock nnd somotlmcs. ns lato as G or C or 7 o'clock. ' "Tho Associated Press is ono of tho very, vory few associations which Is orgnnlzod absolutely without nnvl cxpcctntlon. dcslro or ability to enrn With npplo trco nnd spade in hand ho n profit. It buys howb and many always wears a smile, other things, Including tho service For country llfo appeals to him as of peoplo, news reporters nnd to'e- belng worth his while. jgrnnh onorntors, but novor soils nny- thing! Perhaps, that Is tho reason Investigations by tho Geological ""it It never doclnre n dividend nnr , Survey of tho erosion of numerous Imuob a shnro of Btock. If n lilt;' dralnngo basins of tho United Stntes wnr cotnos on tho oxponso of tho As show that thd surfaco ot tho conn- soclnted Pross increnscs-and tho cost) .... i. i.i.. . ......... . .. nf in Pitch mnmlinr In Innrpnnrfil In nrn. I 11 Id UUI11S lflll C1YHJ llif 11 ItllU Ufc . -- -- - - - ,'" . 11 y Uttlo lnsa with ulcopy faco Cotnos Btumbllugly to nay "Good Night." "O daddy, lcavo tho opon door, "I wnnt to see tho light!" On somo still night of twilight peace, When I grow sleepy suddenly, I hopo tho Iloavonly Eather'c lovo Will loavo a light for me. about nn Inch in 700 years. THE SLAVE TO RUSIXESS. He seeks no rccrentlon In regions prcturesquo. Ho puts In his vacation Stralghtonlng up his dosk. SPEAKING THE TRUTH. -V- "" T MnmMaiMHaaBaanaaaiii - ?J ' n-r' - , vpw mm , . VKJ'l 111. -r"1 ;" &k iifliK'm 'H34 lijiiiiM ---- , iin"1 m portion to tho slzo of tho city in ' which tho pnpor is published. In n general wny ono of tho fixed chnrges used In regulating tho assessment of n nowBnat)or rccoivlng Associated Prest reports Ib n ohnrgo of sny 40 --,.,.,.. , ,. . t. , n r.A - .. mnn i ' it Che Jumping lach, the candy cane, ' MW I.UIIin ,IU1 JUIIU UUUUIUl 1. ! I .. I dL. I I , L uc uugic ana inc nouuynoruc I'd thlnlt they would be ulch with pain Hnd oorrowful with deep rcmoroe Becauoe they dtd not oteal away Hnd fn hfo oqualld garret otay. tho United 8tnten constis gives tho population of n city at 50,000, a pa per of thnt city would pny on n lmslB of 40 cents por 1000. $20 por week: 'to this would bo added tho coat of If no ono over told n Ho. what tho operator and othor local oxpon would tho pnBtor find to say whon 8cs. To this Is ndded tho flxod dues you nnd I cut looso nnd die, and ho n 8tntod abovo for gonernl oxpenso orntos abovo our clay? Ab things Rnrt n certain proportion ofHha cost nro IlbW tho pastor Speaks In tOnilB nf tho Wlrnn on tlin nntlrn rlrnnlt nn THE federal bureau of education of praise,-without reserves; ho Bays. whlph tho roombor ln U08tion Is lo whllo tenrs bedow his chcoks. the catcd. x ... .au uu,.u "-'"- "' dead man had tho Ilnest curves!, ..Tnoro ,8 n 8trnn tM abot 0h M , -A " '"T i.i " '""' "' n.uw w.,,., .. ovorytning and iibb noth ng to bo It Vou ohouldn't mlau the rerfctt fa last doendo with rosulta nothing loved In cottneo and ln hnll, ho Dnu ..,u t. ..i.. .n.n.... ou unouiun i mioo ine penect joy Bl. Rotweon 1900 was n pench, so help mo John!" u to t8 n)olul,orB nml t0 no ono oIgo iml Incomo of tho With weeping oyo and gnashing teeth Tnnt. tho ,,fforenro bo'weon tho As- O.RAOE WOLF. Charming Prima Dontm Who Made u Hit Withtl Raymond Teal rusicul Comedy Company Which On eti at me iMusonie upera itouse Aioiuiuv isight. TiTe Royj THE TEMITItlSS (You'ro nn Advcnturcw). d. very ninny coniedjr. HER WAY. (medltatlnc) A very line picture play. THE RLUXT SWOltD (Sent to bo fixed). A beautiful Italia film. HOW SCHOOLS HAVE GROWN. Che boy who bao no Santa Claua, Oh, oaddcr far bio oorrow (o Chan all our grownup woeo, becauoe Ule have no w(olco ouch an bin. Che uoelcoo yearn of childhood, oh, tQe cannot feel, we cannot hnowl 4 ! NOTICE TO SURSCRIRERS. TlmcB Bubscrl'jord who do not 4 4 rccolvo tholr papers ragularly 4 O nro requostod to notify Tho 4 4 Times ollloco of any.lrrogularlty 4 4 lu delivery. This Is tho only 4 4 means Tho Times has of know- 4 4 ing when subscribers miss tholr 4 4 pnpors, and consoquontly tho 4 4 only means ot romcdylng tho 4 4 trouble 4 ,4444444444444444 i , 4444444444444444 4 "Getting business is Just llko 4 4 courting a girl you must offer 4 tho right kind of goods, aud 4 4 keep on calling." 4 4444444444444444 A TROOPER'S HKAIiT A picture of love qnd war inM n t! rilling rescuo In tho mltel of n mad cavalry charge. 4000 foot of new plcturetotJ at the Royal Theatro alf'for 10t rr short of Bonsatlonnl nnd 1910 tho nnn public Echools of tho country, for In- ho bunds tho corpso a largo bouquet; B0PnP(j pres, ond.thepo others "You hear Romotlmos of tho Unlt- Of Chrlotmao, for the vearo are olow. If I'd the making of the lawt) I'd give each boy a Santa Clauo. Btnnco, has nearly doubled, bolng ln If all peoplo told tho truth, what this year probably near tho half bll- "Tho dead ono was a friend ln Hon dollar mark. Tho value of pub- neod, he cheered the, widow nnd her He school pronorty has moro than child, in ovory thought und overv uuuuiuii, iiiiu m nuw won over u nocu, no biiowcu n nenri, cieuu, uu round billion. RACKWARD CHILDREN THE roceiu conference In Now York of tho National Association for the Study and Education 'if Exceptional children fudlcatos the enro thnt Is bo'tig recogulzod as neces Hary to develop tho Individuality of chlldron nnd especially thoso who aro npt to full In tho gonernl courses ot tho Rchools. dellled. A figure grand nnd strong ho stood, a' beacon to tho humnn race, nttilililmia rt lif ilrvf tur rr rri tn mnlrn tho world a better placo." Thus mn Rpcnks tho pastor, and, ln sooth, ho It nil peoplo told tho truth, what would tho worrlod pustnr Bay? WALT MASON. od Press, tho Serl"os-McRno Borvlco, the Lafln or tho Sun Rnrv'ro. otc. "Evorv opp nf tvoo cervices Is mnnngod nnd controlled by n stock cnmpnnv for profit! Each of thoso companies sells tho nows whero It Doubled Exponio. "He iIoph uu nwrul lot or kicking nl'out the oxpouM of C'lirlHtniiiH pre wits, lie yeU twlve iih much us uny other tuiiti tu the ottlce." "i'crhupi tliut U becuuHu he Is lead lug u double life." NOTICE TO COXTR1RUTORS. Wo inns' again ndvlso all who solid Sovernl of Mieo oruanlzn Ions nro first chR8 nnd i;lvo tho Associated Prors good stiff cnmnotltlon, but Onca Is Enough. Chrlstuuiti come but ome n vcur. it mum in uium uuy a niiio nnwB Hero is true, but It taues three dn.vH to re- and thoro nnd hoU n great denl moro thnn they buy: but thoy nro not or ganized on tho muMinl bnsls. "Tho Assoclnted Press pays onorm- our sums for Its news nnd yet, ro us anonymous communications thnt i, ,!,,. P,na nMli n..,i ' i. . . . . . 1irt uninn lll tint nnnnnw It Minan " . " i: is uccoming moro anti moro to " " i.i. ... v..nU recont portiiguoso revolution tho Ah vover from Its on'ows nml the rest of the your to gut ready for thu next one. A Christmas Truth. At ChrlxtuiMH the man II boy will lovo thi giver without nny regit rd to bis bo npp-ec'ntod that tho child who columns. It Is difficult onough to ' 30clnto(l Press pnld ns hluh ph SI n '"''"K cluerful or grouchy. fnlls behind In his work Is not nlwnys succeed In buplnoas with one's oyes)n wor(1 for nova f j ,8,.v It the ono who hicks Intelligence or opon and n definite knowledge of tho paI(, thnt t t ,, . ' ." WIIITK TL'RVHhs i iutvpiii skill. Particular ton.pen.ment. fall peoplo nd circumstances ono is P Jnaon,J,)t0,rn8tnnrt S when Rs mo mho tVJ ! KIND ' LIKE. ?SSiSJ!i GROCERY'. room, often becauso of excoutlonnl blqiittles, whims nnd pot theories of ability which needs to bo recognized, those wo do not know, and who nro, Dollcntoly Imnglnntlvo ch'lren f-o npparently, so conservative thoy dnro quontlv suffer Injustice nt tho hands not father tholr own eontlments nnd of tcachors who nro not able to glvo back up tho public expression thoro tltom propor attent'on on account of of. tho crowded conditions or the lack of adequate- tra'nln? and facilities. It Ifl tho part Of n comnoteilt edl.cn- r-nr- nrnmr.n rn-iiiKi tlonnl Rystom to toko these exception- jflL iCUr LL O rUHUlVI in '-n run vi'iitiiiunn i iia ll lin I'!'- . OrmTSTMAg" TOYS Por Girls and' 'Boys. .'. CHRISTMAS GIFTS . Por Pather and Mother ciTiusrnrAs presents Por Sister and Brother. OIEgTSTMAS'CHlSER Por Every Other at printed tho big nows in tholr noon edltloiiH tho othor nssoclntlons grab bod It for nothing nnd sont It out to their membors." TiTe GOING Sb HARVEY STOW Thf Times' Wnnt Ads hrlng results thoFo thnt n o morn oHlnnry and nor mnl nnd rosnnnd roodMv to tho nvor ngo school methods. Tho Intelligent cons'dorntltm of those Instances should work n muph neodod roform nnd bring good results. SEVEN COME ELEVEN! (From Eugono Guard). Six railroads building to Eugono! Since luck lies in odd numbers, some enterprising roportor should got to work on tho sovonth. OVEHLOOKIXG THE GOOD. The Times will be pleased to pub isli letters from Its readers on all luustlons of publlo Interest. Each utter must be signed by the writer, iiul so far us iinsalblo be limited to :uu words, In 'publishing these let ers It must be understood, that The runes doos not ludorso tho vlcw3 ox prossvd therein; It Is simply nffordlng i means for tho voicing of dtftorunt .pinions on nil questions affecting he public wolfnro. THE WATER COMPANY DENIES STATEMENT We keoj so busy watching for mis takes tho foolish inuko Thnt wo seldom notice him who ' Hd'toi' "Times": does 1.13 host; I J w'811 ,() tnI0 lsa" w'th tho stnte- When n brother yields to wenknoss ,"011t wlllch nupenrod In tho "Tlmos" Vwo nro nlwnys wid awnko, of 1,l8t ovonlng to tho effect that tho Everybody hurls a lanco ngalnst Wa,0.i Com"n' ''ad lon out 'n his broust struotlous thnt tho flro hydrants could . uot bo Hushed ou account of tho wu- 4444444444444444 4 REWARD FOR CAPTURE 4 4 OK PAPER THIEVES 4 4 Tho Coos nny Tlmos will pny 4 4 $5.00 rownrd to nny party fur- 4 4 nlshlng ovldenco that will con- 4 4 vict mon or boys who stenl co- 4 4 ptos of Tho Times from B..b- 4 4 Bcrlbors nftor Tho Times' dollv- 4 4 ory boys havo dollvorod It. 4 4444444444444444 Wo keep so busy looking for tho ' ovlls thnt provall That tl.o good recolvo no notice nnd o pralso; Wo pay so much attention to tho foolish thnt we fall To notice thou, that walk In wis dom's ways. Wo keep so busy thinking of tho fol lies of tho weak That avo ovorlook thotuorlts of tho strong; Having loarned to take for granted what Is good, wo merely seek A chance to polut our fingers at I tho wrong. tor thnt would bo wasted theroby, Never has uuoh a statomout been Is sued from tho officers of tho Wntor Company or from Its employees. Thd nearest npp oach to any such information was to caution thoso who liamllo the hydrants in rognrd to the manner In wh cJi they closo thorn, ns surlous damage has often been done to wntor mains by the wqter hnmmor caused by rapid closing of hydrants and gate valves. La-go cast Iron mains havo frequently been broken by this ngoncy, through tho Injudi cious handling of hydrants and gato valves. COOS RAY WATER COMPANY, , By Jas. II. Flanagan, Manager, SEE OUR W1XDOW. For Christmas ii pest ons Don't wnlt until tho Inst mlnuto. SHOP NOW for Men and Roys. Coat Sweater Neckiu'iu'. Fancy Suspenders. Men's Slippers Cluett and Monarch Shirts Initial and Plain Handkerchiefs. Ladles' mid Men's Umbrellas, Fine Lino of Men's (iinfniitccri Pock et Knives. Raymoii TEAL Musical Comedy 30 People TSe Basar Phono 32 The Ilouse of Quality. MASONIC OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT "THE BELL BOY ,ij.j ( ifaiihrtf ) i-.1.-