" K" ' "'t " ''V THE COOS BAY- TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. !'.V "7W 'i- i' 0 1 ' HOW A COOS BAY GIRL SPENT THE SUMMER IN BOSTON LKTT13KS TO THIS ONKS AT IIOMK GIVK AX IXTKKKSTING DIAUV OK TlIM 1JAVS 1)()IX(5S IX THK XKW KXOLAXD METROPOLIS. .May 31 O tho nolso of this plnce; c.11 tho circuses nnd big shows nro Just across tho stroot', tho railroads rim down this street they say It will cost millions to put them under ground I wish they wore now Coming nway from my big, quiet, wild woods, this noise and rows of houses of brick and stono certainly got on my nerves. So lhave secured n quiet lovely place, by tho help of our secretary; tho sulto Is airy, In a quiet street a lovely lady to Uvo near alid no other girls but Just mo. Oh, I do fcol so rested to think I Bhall bo relieved of all this noise. Suite 3, 87 Gainsborough Street That's whoro you'll And mo when you call. It Is certainly tho place whoro I'll got qulot. Evory day I thank God I have known tho freedom of tho mountains, tho sea, and Its winds, tho trees and tho beauty of tho woods and also tho quiet of thorn, and when my work Is accomplished, I nm com ing back to them. I understand now why every ono who has been West always comes back and In a fow wcoks I've come to appreciate tho homo land as I nover could have dono othorwlso. Wo wont out to Lexing ton today. Wo had to go out paBt Harvard, North Cambrldgo and North Cambrldgo Commons. Evory houso nnd public building was draped with flags In honor of tho day. Wo saw no ond of G. A. It. men In tholr uni forms. Between Cambrldgo and Lexington Is a sort of farming coun try. All tho Iioubob nro painted white with grcon shuttors, and every farm has a namo . Dut my goodnessi How can thoy bo farms with street cars running right In front of tho door? Wo saw rocks all along tho way marked with dates of Rev olutionary timos;old, old trees with signs on them tolling when thoy woro plnntcd; wo saw tho old barn where Paul Rovcro stopped to chango horses tho night ho took his famous rldo. Out at Lexington Commons thoro is a splendid bronze statue of a Min ute Mnn and around its base nro piled stacks of old cannon balls. Out nt "Loxlngton Park" thorols an old buffalo with his hair all scratched off, n bedraggled looking pheasant, some bantam chickens, ono little skinny black bear and a camol and' this majestic collection of "wild animals" was labeled "To tho Zoo" Wow! I tried to got somo pictures of them and tho park, but couldn't. You Just go look out doois nnd you'll seo a prettier park than I saw today. Coming back, wo passed a Memor ial dny parado, headed by cops and followed by n lot of men drosscd in tho uniforms of Washington's sold iers nnd carrying ancient muBkcts next tho old G. A. R. men carrying flowors; it made us sad to watch them. Juno 1 LaBt night after wo had dinner nftor being out at Lexington, It was so lato wo couldn't boo tho Rlngllng show, so wo took in tho small attractions and this Is what wo saw, Georgo: First wo rodo on tho morry-go-round whoro tho horses go up and down Instead of backward and forward; tho Forrls whcol whoro we'd hang suspended up In tho air whllo thoy took on other passengers; a son sntlon cnlled tho "Sea Roll" some thing liko a merry-go-round only way tip In tho nlr and when In motion gives you tho ocean roll till right I hnd enough of that on tho Break water, so didn't lndulgo; Thoro wns tho nigger's head stuck thru tho can vas to bo hit with baseballs If you could 3 throws for Cc ond n slgnr If you hit him nono of us smoked so wo wont on to seo tho animals thoy callod "Pin Heads." Ono wns four feet high and tho young ono about two foot. Somo kind or Hindu freaks heads straight up In tho back with only a tuft of hnlr on top no forehead hardly but a lnrgo nose and mouth. I think thoy couldn't talk but they mndo a kind of guttcrnl nolso. Ono of thehi was attracted by my rod Bail or dress and pointing Its finger nt mo, It mndo a rush my way tho girls screamed and ran 1 wns Beared stiff, then tho thing stopped nnd laughed tho Joko wns on mo I guesB. Tho man sitting Insldo tho ring with them grabbed It by the back of tho neck nnd sat It in a chair Oh I tho way tho thing lookcdnthim.ltwouldhnvo killed him If It hnd tho chanco. Thoro was tho Hindu dwarf -1 feot tall with tho child's body and tho man's head. The threo logged man nulled off his stocking to show us tho renl flesh of the third leg that grow out of tho small of his back and to further provo It wns tho real thing ho kicked n football clear across tho tent. Then enmo tho cutest thing I over saw a Uttlo woman 21 Inches high dressed In nn ovonlng gown with dtnmonii rings, pink feather fan, tiny sllppors, braclotB and puffs In her" hnlr sho looked Just llko a doll. Sho Is a graduate of an Iowa high school. Sho sat In a tiny chair nt n tiny table very lndlfforont to tho crowd, rending a nowspnper sho spoke onco or twlco nnd scemc,d very bright. The Biinko charmor In a red dress wrnppod "sarplnts' around her neck; cute dogs doing flno tricks: n man writing with his feot: n bearded lady whom wo took to bo a man and a very dirty one nt that: an Indian with a girl's body growing on his stomach tho bnby nrms and logs woro thoro and ho showed tho crowd whoro It' grow to him Oh I It was simply awful-Juno 2 ThlB onds tho third week of school and last night wns our first recital I had two parts and I guess I'vo Improved some. I watt told that "If I workod nnd preserved a proper dogrco of humility, I would surely amount to something" A very nlco way of snylnt? "Don't got tho swoll head" wasn't It? Tho motto hero seems to bo "Keop forever lastingly nt It, nnd hnrd" I work Just as hard as I enn but my strength Isn't suffi cient for half I wish to do. 'Oil, I do lovo tho work I I certainly dol Evory dny I nm getting moro Into tho life nnd work of tho plnco. Wo woro going homo tho other ov onlng when thoro wns tho nwfulcst hallowing you over heard nnd bohlnd us ennio two or (hrca hundred men students right down tho mlddlo of tho street singing and shouting enough to Wttko tho dead. They stopped n man's nuto, turned out tho lights, tooted tho horn nnd made a groat dla-play-lt was great! I havo tho Juvenile pnrt In "A Dlt of Ivory," a piny wo nro going to glvo at tho noxt rccltnl. As It s vory hnrd It means n lot of work nnd some thing to lonrn nnd bo gained by tho practice. (To bo continued) HKAIt KILLS DOG. : WITH THE ' uASTANDTe, A POOR STICK, e. ' Ho' nover drank, ho never TWENTY GRHATKST WOMEN ARE XAMEI). i Mary linker Eddy, .Tnno Addnms, iMino. Curie, Mrs. Pniikimrst iimi tarn ltcriilinrtlt Among Selection.1). CHICAGO, Dec. 13. Illinois wo men members of tho Stnto Equal RlghtB Association recently nnnounc cd n list of "tho world's 20 grentest womon", which thoy offor to com paro with lists of mon recontly sol ected. Tho Women nro: I Cnrrlo Chapmnn Cntt, Mary Uakor Eddy, Frances E. Wlllard, Harriot i Decchor Stowo, Jano AddaniB, Ella Flagg Young, Emmcllno Pannnurst, Floronco Nlghtlngnlo, Clnrn Barton, Ellznboth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretla Mott, Georgo El lot, Ellznboth Browning, Charlotto Bronte, Marguerite Fuller, Sarah Bernhnrdt, Mrs. Raymond Robins, Rov. Anna Howard Shaw and Mmo. Curie. It wns explained thnt the list wns drawn with nn cyo to thoso who had dono tho most for womon. Cnrrlo Nation ami Lndy Tonnessco Clnflln Cook nlso wero suggested ns entitled to a place. A TURKISH IIATU will do you , Curry County lliiiitrr Huh Thrilling Kyimm-Iciico With H!g Game. Ono of tho most, vnlunblo varmit dogs In Curry County owned by j W. R. Coy, of Ettchro Crook, was killed by n bear a fow days ngo, nnd two othora sorlously hurt " Ho nover failed tn .,i 80r tho same boar. The- boar was start- ,r ,. . . ) ,. Bnut the do oil In tho Euchro crook mountains , u auBhhe. I... All- nnv'a lionr Inn 111. rnnalntlmr l0 BpOCIllnto: lin .. i c of throo dogs. Boforo tho chnso had JJIb hon'1 to seo a nrctly M continued long, for other dogs "o "over Idly, la a ch' "". belonging to a neighbor, wpro trim- niu n Uttlo now nnd ii... od loose, making seven in all Tho "Port n bit llko other Z battle raged fast and furious for .' " short tlmo. Before Mr. Coy could f no,vor stolo, h0 nover ... rench tho bcoiio, ho realized thnt it Ho " or usurped nor oecunS ,nn n linttln in ttnflt.ll. mill lln till A PlaCO In HllO Hint tnl-l.ii? forth ovory effort possible to rescuo TT someono cIbo nmld iU,vl I tho perilous position of his fnitjiful Ho ",v,or sot upon tho car and trusted dogs. When only a fow Hnl" H, rest with crush am, I hundred yards from whoro tho fight n4 rorKod ahnnd and got ., lI was In progress, tho old bitch, tho rimt " "nil lo3t from beta, most valuablo nnd savngo ono of 'v tho pack, camo to him torn aim I " novor woiclied, ho never i li1in,tlni wlfli hnf Hllilnr tnw lirnlt- A OllOtny hocailBa nfrnU o, ... ..,, .... . .. Hn tnlntit I,.. . u on ana noipiessiy uiugung unuer ..... u iung, and that t lim. Mi win t nml tint wltiiltilnn tnrn 1)101710 " ' looso from her neck. When tho Would rest on him with m nt1ii.it twin .In ml nt Pnv'o fnttnil Hintr BllnmO; 1 loader nnd paront was out of tho JJ noy,or nin(,o woo mltav, M ... .. . . il.i Nnr nflrrofl Mi.. ..... ..."' mnstor, bruised and blooding from rako; A many abrasions of tho skin. Mr. " novor walked, ho'd rather J '. .. . . . ....... Tin IIJlVilH niinll.. II.. . . 5 WW Coy fondly took ins raitiuui nog "" "" 'vi uvea at all, jl in his nrms, nnd undertook to, carry her homo, but death soon I Dr. Pearson hns found s.i. L?:?:.r..ju" '"::'r i:l .;',i i' .. .""'". ,u cny i fM)ll. Mhune 214-J. Where tho Locality Docs Xot Count. Whorovcr thoro nro pcoplo suffer ing from kidney nnd blnddor nll monts, from bncknchc, rhounlntlsm and urlnnry Irrcgulnrltles. Foloy, Kidney Pills will help them. Bolvl doro, 111., E. A. Kelly, nn ox-onglneor, snys: "Threo years ngo my kldnoys beenmo so bad that I was compelled to glvo up' my onglno nnd quit. Thoro wns a sovero aching pain ovor tho hips, followed by an inflammation of tho bladder, and always n thick sed iment. Foloy Kldnoy PIIIb mndo mo n sound and well man. I can not say too much In their praise." RED CROSS DRUG CO. M..ff..Ml.i tPlin Inan nt Mila tnr la Mili..i.. .... ' '"I DUiiuiiuH " ' " -"'o u" " Diiiuiuo ior louncco. SomediTi 'C-methlnte not only n Iobs to Mr. Coy, but Is ono will discover that nrunJ to ovory stockmnn of Curry county, good substitute fnr unmotvi.? . . - - xvMiciuinrKi uoid ucnen uiouo. T . ., "I . T5- , . I, Lols of typographical errori Tti tnotlni Hmrtulnn lntiina fnr rlnrn- liv n i.in i. v" ... vu....n ....."" ......,.- -v. -...- j u inuui ruiiuur on a netn unity ii rruuun roiiiuuu iibub u uiuuh- ( inoy ro UOUtlll to nnd tnoit el Ino which subjects samplo lamps to aro roally excusable. Dut tli all sorts of Jolts nnd Jnrs, tho broak- ono that wo ovor heard of and ing of a fllamont shutting off tho roally scorned InoxcitBable u motor which operntcs It. j a certain proof render In reidi j article lot a "c" go for an "o" I'lir.Mii tiiii.nu. ni K.HY i-'isii "" nrucio: ".Mrs. Grwn Market. Phono 200-J. wont an oiiorntlon for antwi. fitur flfiva nrrfi a it n i. ..in City Auto Service !'I"I,;1 "."l ''tpb w& Good Cars. Careful Drivers nnd (inn,i. ,.,i,'. u.' i io otr b .-...i.i i . .. l.. ' "'?"':." "'" puiuBeonercri lunnuiiuuiu v.imii,v;ii. win MIUI'U, SOOn. "Will go nnywhoro nt nny tlmo." I Rtnnds Blnuco Hotol nnd Blnnco Olgnr Store Day Phones 78 nnd 40. NMght Phono 40. RARKKIt OOODALE. Propriofor ' l.llihy COAL. The kind YOC Si ALWAYS IHEI). I'llOXEWf Llvory & Trnnsfor Co. Two Stores Opposite Chandler Hotel Opposite Bianco Hotel ' TOYS FROM GERMANY TO COOS BAY Two Stores Opposite Chandler Hotel Opposite Blanco Hotel We wish to announce to the public that all of our toys this year are direct from Germany, the toy manufacturers of the world, and you can see almost every kind of a toy at our two stores, this holi day season that you would see in a large department store. It will be a treat to all the Coos County people to visit our two stores as we aJso carry a large line or books, tancy articles, stationery,, leather goods and a good many others too numerous to mention OUR PRICES of Toys and Holiday Goods this year are from 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than any other year of our 27 years' experience 4 In ill Dolls we have over 2009 Dolls in our two stores to select from ranging in price from 4c to $15.00 Post Card Albums 3c to $5.00 WE ARE the exclusive agents for the 1 Ladies Home Journal and Saturday Evening: Post Bring, all your subscriptions to us and save time, wcrry and ex pense. $J.50 a year eacli i Books 1 Nover before could we show you such an extensive assort ment of books embracing vol umes of interest for every member of the family. There is nothing more appropriate, that 'carries with it so much the sentiment and suggestion of the holiday season. Over 5,000 Volumes to choose from. ANY F1VL- CENT ARTICLE 6 FOR 25c bcsVsv ; Jt fiCvnl fji fvmf We have everything you need for your Christmas packages, which makes your packages look both neat and attractive, Our line of DENNIS0NS goods leads, others follow Stationery We carry a large assort ment of Christinas Stationery including Whitings, Cranes, Linen Lawn and the Eaton Hurlburt, ranging in price from 10c to $5,00 a box. i ANY TEN CENT ARTICLE 3 FOR 25c Special Prices to Churches and Clubs Norton & Hansen Stationery. Co. THE TOY DEALERS OF COOS COUNTY Marshfield THE u I Chr r. fslo "W. rke M. Ithem. IChrls The for fc ndL room, tags wai Tht the room U(J , dlstrl bell s In. ht tarn, Tr? O'y Oregon Do; fao 9WB ' v 1