The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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A Llttlo "Cnmpnlgn" Of
Ciwb lag Qftmtta
ivill P"t Vour Kent Estate "In
(I,o Market" lit t e c 1 1 v o 1 y J
It will I'Ht tno nctB about your
property boforo tho eyes of nil 'pos
iblo biiyora" In town. And If's olio of them who ought to
IS it, you'll eoll III
Will Kivp the Income from Your
Furnished Kooms from Jjapalugi
YOU enn really help tho family
revenues by rontlng n fowifurnlahod
rooms nnil, If you know how and
when to use the classified columns,
you may keep that llttlo oxtrn Income
no "steady ns a clock."
Established In 1878
ns The Coast Mnll
A Consolidation of Times. Const Malt
Mid Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 126
iff; 120 IB
Nineteen Bodies Recovered
from Cross Mountain Shaft
Near Briceville.
Rescue Parties Still Trying to
Force Shaft to Give Up
Its Dead.
nr Associated Press to the Cooa Bay
IlltlCKVILLE, Tcnn. Dec. 11.
With nlnoteen bodies recovered and
en Identified, tho rescue parties to
day renowed their offortH' to forco
tbeb'e CrosB Mountain Mlno to glvo
up Its dead. That thoro aro a hun
dred or moro dead still In tho initio
there Is no doubt and all liopo of
rescuing nllvo any of the scores who
vent to work Saturdny morning him
teen abandoned.
Grwrt l'lny Ground of Ctmey Inland
in 1'inmcfl
(By Associated Prcs to tln Coo? Hoy
ST.W YOIUC. Dec. 11 Kirn this
iftomnnn dpHtrovtnl n lnrco nortlon
c( Lunn Park, ono of tho great show
places or conoy lninnu. ai a late
lour the names wero not controlled
ml itriiolnrcH ncrnss tho street wero
threatened nnd tho entire Island Is
In alarm.
(Dy Associated Pros3 to Coos Day
VANCOUVER, II. a. Dec. 11.
Mrs. 0. II. Woolrldgo, aged 20, a res
ident of Colllngwood, a suburb of
Vancouver, today attempted to kill
her flvo weeks' old baby girl by cut-
ting her thront nnd then slashed her
own. Tho mother Is dead and tho
child probably will dlo.
Whllo nothing olncltil hns been giv
en out recontly rolntlvo to dovolop
ncnts in tho Coos Day and Dolso
project, parties very closo to tho nc
tlre Interests In It hnvo Intlmnted
that It would not ho long boforo n
contract for Its construction would
lie let out. Nothing official Is given
out. However tho Itosoburg Nows
contains tho following:
k That tho Rosoburg-Coos Day Rail
road will bo built at onco Is tho Btnto-
ment made to Tho Evening News
lto today by n gontloman who Just
arrived In tho city from Sonttlo and
Tacorna, Wash., whoro ho wub em
ployed by a construction company to
operate a steam shovel. Wo aro not
at liberty to dlvulgo tho namo of tho
tenuenien, but tho Nows assures Its
readers that tho information is cor
rect. Tho firm Is tho Pacific Coast
Construction Company, having head
quarters In Seattlo. Thoy hnvo nt
Present a largo nmount of construc
"oa equipment nt Ellonshurg, Wash.,
a division point on tho Northom Fa
1c, nnd nmong tho machines that
IH be shipped nt onco to Coqulllo
' n lmnionso 80-ton steam shovol,
Jilch will bo lnndod nt Myrtlo
j'nt nnd placed In operation on
Je Erado. Our informnnt states
"at repairs for tho ahovol hnvo boon
"adertaken, nnd ns soon na tho inn
"Ine Is in shnpo for nctlvo work,
hlch will bo only a few days, it will
started for tho now fleul. Opor
Jtors for tho shovol have secured
"Mr contracts from tho const ruc
l'D Arm, nnd besides this expense
ney has been plncod in hnnds
engineers for inspecting a Inndlng
pje for tho shovel nt Myrtlo Point,
" have Instructions to find nn
reliable pince for tnklng tho mons
'er machine from the bargo at or
Waking of tho grade, tho gentlo
a said it wns much bettor than nrst antlclpnted, being only
f n y over ono l,or centl Th0 Pa"
? Coast Construction Company
"e contracts for tho grade eastward
m Myrtlo Point 'and profiles of
, rk, showing earth to bo moved
'".."Us to bo made wero exhibited
o' englneop giving out this in-
laT n' who 8tntea tnat th0 work
" "and as demonstrated by tho pro-
j a"d estimates extends eastward
IUln '"" uiui io uainub wouu
j?.' ,a distance of 20 miles from
MvUfB' Tho contracts with
""Ch ha Io 1.1 tin. j -.,.- I. .tint
L t of tho grade from, tho Coos-
American Consul at Matanzas
I Hiilnn Tim m( ni...!uu II..
wivuu ifj ui Diuwuiy up
of Battleship.
(From Associated Press to Coos Day
BEDFORD, la., Dec. ll.A. C.
Urlco. Who Wns Ulllli'd Stilton' mii-
sul nt Matanzas, Cuba In 1807 Is au-
tnonty ror tho statement thnt ho was
warned two days boforo tho Mnlno
was blown tin nnd thnt nlin win n im
destroyed and stated that ho so ad
vised tho consul general Fltzhugli
Lee, who with other olllcors thcro
failed to credit tho warning. . Urlco
was warned by a man not an Amer
ican, whoso name ho Is undor prom
Iso not to roveal.
(Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day
BOSTON, Dec. 0 A dispatch stat
ing President EniorltUB Charles IC 111
ott of Harva-d wiib oporated on for
appendicitis at Knndy, Ceylon, was
received today. Tho operation waB
successful. Elliott Is on a tour of
the world with his family.
m'ill not interfere
WASHINGON, D. C, Dec. 11.
Tho Supremo court today declined to
Interfere at this tlino with tho dc
creo of tho United Stntcs curcult
court for Southern New York ap
proving of the reorganization plan of
tho "Tobncco Trust."
Doiiglas county lino to tho Conulllc
river. Tho gentleman Interviewed
said thnt thero wns no possible
doubt of tho work bolng undortnken
nt once nnd prosecuted to comple
tion, and thnt tho Pnclllc Const Con
struction Compnny has a splendid
equipment for tho business in hand.
Whllo not In a position to say who
was backing tho deal, ho Is sntlsflcd
that tho llimnces nre nil well In hand,
becnuBO such companies as the one
engaged In the making of tho grade
do not undortnko such gigantic en
terprises unless everything Is on n
sound business basis, and thnt doubt
less tho press would bo apprised of
nil dotulls In connection with the pro
posed rond within a few days nt
Contractors In Kosolnirg
"Following closo upon nn nrtlclo
In which It wns Btntod that Informa
tion wns nt hand tending to Indicnto
that work on the Itosoburg-Coos Day
railroad would bo commenced soon,
!l Innrliml Mint J. M. MOOTO Of
Spoknno, Wash, and A. II. Moore, of
Portland, members of tho largest
miirnnii construction company In tho
I Northwest, woro In tho city. A brief
'Investigation rounu hub runim, iu uu
, true, tho inon having registered nt
l-thn McClellen hotel. Neither of tho
men will talk regarding muii i
penranco In Itosoburg, tind conse-
qtionliy, mo iii"'"" "' " i'""
Is nroused. One fact has been es
tablished, however, nnd thnt Is to
tho effect thnt tho men aro spending
considerable tlmo In tho local United
States lnnd ofllco, presumably with a
vlow to becoming acquainted with
tho ownership of cortaln lands lying
between Rosoburg and tho const.
Myrtlo Point Rumor
Tho News also prints tho following
special from Myrtle Point:
"That a railroad Is soon to bo con
structed botween Rosoburg and Loos
Day points Is tho belief of citizens re
s d ins In this vicinity. A stranger
apparently In the employ of somo rail
road company, has been phasing
largo quantities of hay n til s vicin
ity with tho understanding that It is
to bo delivered by Juno 1. He a so
bought threo scows which will bo ut
ilized In transporting machinery from
nanlon to Myrtlo Point. Other than
this ho has also investigated condl
tons aVnB the survey, which leads
Kurd from this city toward Roso
burg The agent Is paying cash for
everything ho purchases, but has lit
tie to say."
HAL CHASE tho Promler flrst
baseman and manager of the New
II IL WINS A IIKIDE for Tom when
ho hUs a HOME HUN In n p Ictwre to
bo shown nt the OHPIILUM THI.
ATRE TUESDAY night and Mr. Kel
er adies us that THIS VICTVW.
fiitAPHEI) of any outdoor sporting
event ever portrayed In a motion pic
ture theater.
Movement to Secure Republi
cans to Nominate Former
President No Longer Dis
guised. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Buy
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. All nt-
tempts to dlsgulso the fact concern
Fear Jas. Evans of Eastside
Has Committed Suicide
Mentally Deranged?
In leaving this growsomo world
for tho Iloyond, 1 wish you
would Htlll net us tho good
friend you liavo always boon, by
holplng Agnes up to hor father's
homo. Thero she will got my
money after a llttlo whllo and
I ask tlint alio pay bucIi debts
as Whltty a Mrs. Brown's and
tho like.
Plenso tnko tho money you
find hero and pny tho bad cheek
that 1 drew Saturday. ($20 to
A. P. Owens' elgnr store) (tho
I gun bnc Tho dunnory) nnd
I Uio mitt enso nnd clothes and
lm'nnco $55 to Magncti & Mat-
4 son). Koep straight, Jack, and
you will nover know sorrow
v una slinmo.
Good by
, Jim
Tho nbovo noto is nil thero Is
to ox pin I n the mystorlous dlsnppour
nnco of Jas. Evans, n mombcr of tho
firm of Evnnsi and Cavnnaglr, boat
builders nt Eastsldo, last nlgt.
out of tho ordinary. Ho wroto a
check In pnymont for U Tho gun
was loft with tho. noto nnd so far
EUGENE, Ore, Dec. 11. Tho
Guard says: "Actual grading opor
ntloiiB In tho vicinity of Eugono on
tho Southorn Pnclllc company's Eugene-Coos
Hay railroad began yes
.orday, whon Fuller & Co., sub- con
tractors, put to work n dozon tennis
and n good-slzod forco of men on tho
Chrlstnor proporty recontly trans
ferred to tho Southern Pacific com
pany by tlio Lano County Asset com
pany. Thero Is a heavy cut to mnko
at that point, nnd na tho ground Is
high nnd dry tho work can bo enr
rled on throughout a grcntor portion
of tho winter.
Fuller & Co. already had a numbor
of scrapors and "fresnos" hero, nnd
this morning another full carload
ennio in, and thoy will bo used on
this sub-contract. Thoy havo estab
lished a camp a short dlstanco west
of tho city and will operate both ways
from thoro. They wanted tholr camp
on tho McClnron tract, adjoining tho
city, but Twohy Brothers advised
them to go further out, nnd tho fonts
nnd temporary buildings nro being
erected near tho Junction of the El
mlrn and Irving roads, on tho "Moses
Work at tho tunnol slto In tho
mountniiiB Is progressing. Tho right-of-way
Is bolng cleared by n largo
force of inon and ground has nlready
been broken to tho extent of shovel
ing dirt at tho approach of tho tun
nel. Twohy Bros, hnvo forwarded
caps nnd fuse to tho scene. Tholr
powdor nnd dynamite havo not yet
arrived, but they aro purchasing what
they can from local dealers today In
order that tho work may not bo de
layed a mlnuto. Mon aro still going
to tho front and It will only be n
matter of a short tlmo until thero
will bo a big hole mado whoro tho
tunnol begins.
Ten teams wero sent out today
from Eugene with that many big
loads of material.
Sieiiil Lnrgo Sum.
Tho Guard has it from authorita
tive and official sources that tho
Southorn Pacific Co. paid out In cash
$75,000 for tho right-of-way for tho
twenty-threo mllo section of tho Coos
bay railroad from Eugono to tho tun
nel slto. Tho contract for tho same
piece of road, let to Twohy brothers,
aggregates $800,000. It certainly
costs money to build a rallrond nnd
tho S. F. certainly means business.
The Pacific Groat Western has
bought terminal grounds at Glenada
lug n movement on foot looking to
the nomination of Col. Theodora
Itoosovelt as tho Republican candi
date for president In 1912 wero ap
parently dropped today whon It be
came known that members of tho
national committee were being sound
ed ns to their views on tho feasibility
of the question of forcing tho nomi
nation of the former president.
as could be determined had never
been discharged.
, Last night, Grant says Mr. Evans
retired ns usual. Just what tlnio ho
got up during the night nnd loft is
not known.
I "Agnes" 1b his wife. They have a
nlno months old boy. Thoy canm
hero nbout eighteen months ago from
Oregon City where Grant had known
him. Her folks, Mrs. nnd Mrs. Joo
Itlcf live nt Now Era, n short dis
tance from Oregon City.
I It Is known that Evans has boon
worried considerably over flnu.iclnl
mnttors for several month.), tho bont
building business which ho engaged
with Wilkes Cnvnnngh In not having
proved tho success ho anticipated.
Last week, ho hougnt n now i.nlt
case nnd somo clothing from Mug
ncs & Mntson.
Resides tho gun nnd noto, $75 In
currency was found by Grunt i.n tho
Today n careful search Is uoliifr
mado for Evans.
Whether ho lins committed sulcldo
or Is mentally deranged nnd wnn
derlng around remains to bo deter
mined. Tho noto wns loft on tho dining
tnblo under tho pinto of J. H. Grnnt,
n friend, who hns been boarding nt
tho Evans homo In Eastsldo. Satur
dny night, Evnns was at tho Gun
nery nnd bought tho reyolvor re
ferred to In tho noto. Ho had prev
iously looked nt the gun nnd Jay
Tower thought Its purchaso nothing
EUGENE, Ore.. Dec. 11 Tho Eu
gono Register Bays: "Presldont Carl
R. Gray, of tho Oregon Electric, In
compnny with Lloyd U. Wlckorshnm,
chief ongtnoor of tho company, woro
In Eugono last night having como up
from Albany on tho lino of road In
an nutomobllo Iu fact, they came
nil tho wny from Salem nlong tho
line of rond, but hud to uso n sur
rey from Snlem to Albany ns tho road
Is too badly cut up with tho grading
nnd hauling for nn nuto. Mr. Gray
wns onthuslnstlc over tho progress be
ing mndo with tho rond nnd says thnt
It Is being built much faster than ho
oxpected. Ho expects to sco tho lino
finished nB far as Albany by tho end
of tho month unless unusually bad
weather delays tho work,
"When told that many of tho Eu
gono people wero still of tho opinion
that tho Hill Interests aro hack of tho
Pacific Great Wostorn In tho building
of tho lino to tho coast and Coos Day,
Mr. Gray said:
"Wo have absolutely nothing what
ever to do with It. I wish wo had;
nothing would glvo mo groator
ploasuro, but, as I said boforo, we nro
considering nothing boyond Eugono
Just now. I do know of tho con
tractors, McArthur Pork Co., limited,
and I know them to bo among tho
most prominent nnd substantial con-:
tractors In tho United States, fully
nblo to do all thoy undertake. Yes,"
said Mr. Gray "they will mako great
feeders for our lino, and wo'll let
them 'sleep In our bed,' but wo havo
no financial Intorests with them 'at'
Mr. Gray nnd his engineering party1
were In tho hoBt of spirits and said)
many encouraging things about Eu
gene and Its spirit or hospitality, as
well aa its enterprise, and bespoko
great prosperity and growth for tho
c ty In tho next few years,
across tho Slualnw bay from Flor
ence, owning 3000 feet of water from
there. Tho company also owns 1,000
feet of wntor front at Mapleton, be
sides most of tho right-of-way bo
tween the tunnol and Glenada.
City Meai Market. Thono 200-J.
TOYS pnd Holiday Goods at CUT
prices at (PRENTISS & Co.
Market, riiono 2O0-J.
Terrier 'Peepo' Probably Saved
Lives of A. C. Gabernache
and Wife Last Night.
Awakened from Blumber by tho
frantic barking of n small terrier
dog "Peepo", A. C. Gabornncho Inst
flight nroso to 11 nd his homo in
flnmes nnd means of exit shut off
by the Haines. Tying n rope, used to
tie a trunk, to tho bed post, ho and
his wlfo lowered themselves from tho
sccondstory window to tho ground.
Their escnpo was iiono too soon for
tho houso wns nil In llnmcs nnd thoy
woro nblo to snvo hardly n thing, not
even their clothing.
Tho flro occurred about mid-night,
tho nlnrm bolng turned in Just nt
twelve o'clock. Tho houso bolongs
to tho Win. Noblo estate nnd Is on
South Third street, Just off Central
nvonuo. Only tho charred frnmo
work of tho structttro remains.
1 How tho flro started Is a mystery.
Owing to an explosion Just prior to
tho dlscovory of tho flro, somo think
thnt it might have originated from
n leaking gaB-cock in tholr gas rango
or heater.
Hoomcrs at Mrs. Wheolor's board
ing lioiiDO, Immediately south of the
Gabornncho homo, discovered tho
flro, bolng nwnkoncd by tho oxploslon.
Thoy had difficulty in turning in tho
nlnrm, flvo or ton minutes elapsing
from tho ttmo thoy started u 'urn
(Continued on paco 2.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 11. Tho
rlght of wny wnr botweon tho Pacific - ulntlon on Coos Bny as to who la
Groat Wostorn nnd tho Willamette bohlnd tho Pacific Co.nt Lino and
Pnclllc for a favorablo portion in tho tho Pnclllc drc'nt Wostorn, generally
Sluslaw canyon on tho Coos Day referred to ns tho Sumner linos,
routo waa transferred to tho circuit Locally,, a story in this morning's
court of Lane county by decision of Orogonlan discrediting tho Sumnor
Judge Gatons. Ho continued tho project, recoived' llttlo credence ow
tompornry Injunction secured by ' tlioj,nR to tho fnct thnt It merely rolt
Pacl lo Croat Wostorn for flvo days. t cIftm8 horotoforo oxpressed
provided roprosontatlvos of tho lat- , 0ninnntIiiE from Southern Pa-
i!SLWlt lB L"n0 CUUty" K3S2 ' Oregonian atory
within that tlmo. I , fniimvH-
Tho Injunction suit wns fllod In! "" ow?; .. , ,,,,,
Multomnh curcult court a wook ago.' 3"on "" ?nr1a,.,ln5nlV""d,"l?
Tho case camo boforo the court on a Otweo tho Wlllamo to Valloy and
demurrer ns to Jurlsdlcatlon. Gat-1 Cos Day la completed tho Southorn
ens ovorrulod the doraurror, but stat- """ n will bo tho only road In tho
od as tho land In question Is In Lnno noM according to tho opinion of tho
county ho bellovod comity ot courtB heat posted railroad mon in Port
compelled him to sond tho case to hind, nil roports of tho Intentions o
thnt county to bo trKl on Its merits. I other confnms to tho contrary-not-
I withstanding. rr"ti
MORE RAILROAD NEWS. "It Is pri.nnblo thnt tho Harrlman
. I intorests will bo moro or loss om-
(From Eugono Roglstor) barrnBsed In tho noxt fow yoars by
Announcement thnt tho Pacific, conflicting rights of way and tho of
Grent Westorn has lot tho contract forts of othor enterprises to construct
for construction of tholr road from roada over cortaln portions of tholr
Eugono to tho const ndds now intorost routo, but when tho final work la
to tho local railroad sltuntlon. Thoro' dono, It Is bollovod, all traces of oth
is moro In this proposition thnn ninny or concerns will hnvo dlsappcnrod.
pooplo think for. Tho Pacific. Grent' "Thoso conclusions woro drawn
Wostorn nnd tho Pnclflc Coast rail- forth hy tho roport that tho Pacific
way, tho latter backed by French Oieat Wostorn Rnllway Company has
and English capital, aro allied and hit contracts for tho construction of
working harmoniously together In n proposed rond from Eugono to tho
this project so thnt thoro is every C0IlBt to r,n styling ltsolf ns Mc
renson to hollovo thnt thoy monn Arthur, Pprk & Co., of Now York,
business. Tho Reglstor has mention- ""d Chicago, a contracting firm un
od, on sovoral occasions, that tho lino known In Portland,
backed by theso foreign capitalists , "Rnllroad men hero doubt abso
Is tho road that caused tho Southorn lutoly tho Intention of tho Pac Ho
Pacific to get busy In tho matter of Great Wostorn to build to Cooa Day
building a road to tho coast. . at "' T beIlof ,B nJ.m08t eenwn
Thoro seems to bo llttlo doubt that tho proposal of this concom la
about thero bolng a lively rnco be- o Intonded merely to embarrass tho
tweon two rival lines In covorlng tho Southern Pacific and probably to
field between horo and tho Pacific start a controversy through tho
oconn. Later developments will bo courts. ..... ,-
watched with Interest. When W. J. ' Ab a mnttor of fact, tho Paclflo
Wlsoly, of Portland, comes to tho Orent Westorn has obtained somq Im
front with Information, tho people of portnnt rights of way botwoon Eu
Oregon will got nt tho lnsldo of this ono nnd tho const, but it Is not
rlvnl of tho Southern Pacific now con-1 known whotbor anv of theso conflict
tostlnc fop tho flold for railroad ae- with tho routo surveyed by tho
tlvlty to the west of here.
Wo deslro to extend our grateful
thanks to the Marshfleld Fire Depart
ment for their efllclont service In s riv
ing tho resldonco of Mrs. W, II. No
ble during rust night's flro.
(Signed) NODLE UROS.
Sensational Evidence Given of
Bribery in McNamara
Case. '
Federal Grand Jury Continues
Probe of Alleged Dyna
mite Conspiracy.
(Uy Associated Press.)
SAN QUENTIN, Calif., Doc. 11.
John J. nnd James U. Mo Nil-
mnra with their Identity lost un-
dor tho numornlB 25,314 nnd f
25,315 wont to work In tho Juto
O mill today. James will bo ox-
ctised from work In tho Juto
mill If It Is round that ho Is
effected with tuborctilosls.
I by Associated Press to tho Coos Day
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11. Bort II.
Franklin, nn investigator In tho Mc
Nnmara murder enso, who was arrest
ed for bribery undorwent his prelim
inary hearing today boforo Justlco
William P. Young. Franklin wna ar
rested on a churgo of bribing Goo. N.
Lockwood, n vonlromnn. C. E. Whlto
who with Lockwood was present
when Franklin was arrested, tostlllod
Franklin cnino to him nnd naked him
to bo stakeholder of S3, 500 to bo
paid Lockwood at tho end of tho trial.
When they met Lockwood, $500 wna
pnssod, tho $3,500 was hold back and
nt thnt moment nil threo wero arrest
ed. Lockwood himself wna tho sec
ond witness. Ho corrobrnted Whlto'a
testimony. Lockwood toBtlfled that
Frnnklln told him ho "would soo
Clnjrenco S)nrrbwnnd Pjngo how.-
(Continued on pngo 2.)
Thoro contlnuos to ba much fpec-
Southern Pnclflc. If they do it la
probable that the Pacific Great Wost
orn would bo In a position to win
Judgment ngalnst tho Harrlman road.
"It was first suggested that this
plan Is a Hill enterprise, but omphal
ic denials have come from all Hill
(Continued on page 4.)