The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 09, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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Bakmtf JP&wder
red. At lunch- yh&ltatm
mvcntlnnnl enko fowl . gy t '
l Mtil m,,t wlilln A,ll? S Ilk
." '".'.rr: ""7... ... vwv. tr t
wns ouecieu, wiin i'- W7A
Id ng a tiny cnndle, nnd 'fvyL,
tigs, Hanked by sprnys (nL-T7
Where the finest biscuit,
cake, hot-breads, crusts
or puddings are required
Royal is indispensable.
Royal is equally valuable
in the preparation of plain,
substantial, every-day
foods, for all occasions.
The only foaMnjj powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No Alum No lima Phosphates
water, with splendid oncct. "iionr ninny or nor mends nnd bciiooi mates r',-TxaL'rsrp';:V5S:Sr:
xo, iBrnci" irom .McnuoisBonus woro uiuucn, ior nmiiBomunis mi wgjiyw-vrTirgg-;
great ormario "uiijnn , wns artiBii- mo oiu gnmes nna sovcrni very ciey- ,-r ,
cnlly kIvoii by Mrs. A. 1J. Oldlcy. Mrs. or now ones woro played. At hlncb- vfctfmidit&&ktizxZS'''
Gldlcy poBBOHsos n dramatic soprano con, instead of tbo conv
voice of wldo rango nnd especially witn canaica, a pretty
pleasing quality. Mrs. Win. Hors- cenior-picco w;
fall. Jr.. orennlst nnd director, re- llos, eacb hold
iwlrln flint Mm nlinli la rnlinnmltuf DOD-COril Strings
BOine lino ChrlstninH music Including, nnrsioy, limiting a vo-y pretty ami
'There Wore Shepherds" by Vln- ryrl',!1K cctcr decoration. ThobR
cent, nnd Dudley Buck's "Festival Mrtlidny cn'o wns covered with white
To Deum." roses. Tho guests who present at
. tho pretty birthday party woro Misses
u Virginia Clarko Lilian Seaman, Dor-
i Mrs. A. L. Housoworth was hostess othy Dtingnn, Cnllstn Walters, Mnr-
nt one of tho most delightful func- gnret I'owors, .lennotto Upton, Anna
tlonH of tho week lust Thursday when Myers, Catherine Nicholson, Kntli-
slio entertnlned nt cloven tnbles of. ryn No ton, Elizabeth Jones and Ed-
ssri ' k
tlier Holms.
Tho Ladles Aid Society of
Bridge nt her homo In South Mnrsh
field. Tlio houso wub most nttrnc
tlvoly decorated, n pink and green
' nt1fit tinlimtin It it In r nn ttlrt1 tint Dlttlr
'cnrnntlons were effectively useil with Ma-shnohl Swedish Lutheran church
backgrounds of huckleberry nnd sml- t nt the church hnll Wednesday nf-
l lax. Tho Bchomo was earned out In tornoon. As It wns tho last meeting
'tho refreshments nlso. Assisting of tho yenr, olhccrs for the following
Mrs. Houspworth during the after-.term wore olectcd. Mrs. Fred Holm
mW I" l
Mitt' 1 . " ''I
noon we o Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs.
I Chas. Van Duyn and Mrs. Dorscy
I Kreltzer. At bridge, Mrs. Win.
I Horsfnll, Jr, won first prlzo nnd Mrs.
iii. o. ua-geit seconti prize. Among
thoso invited woro Mrs. Dorscy Krelt
zer, Mrs. E. S. Ilargelt, Mrs. C. It.
wns chosen nresldcnt. Mrs. John
Holm vlco-presldcnt, and Mrs. U. U.I
Ostllud, treasurer. Tho work of tho
pnst year wns voted a grenW success,
bath financially nnd soc'nlly. The
first meeting of tho new yenr will bo
held nt tho church hnll tho first Wed-
t iftm
tne ii w a h
I w
! JLJ?
Peck, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. Mc-jnosdny In Jnnunry.
(Continued from page 2.) i Schuyler, Neb. Thoy formerly ro-
ww .. wvw, sided horo, Mrs. Kolm having for-
hlp. Tho next meeting will bo morly "ecu Miss Nolllo Uornltt.
hoM with Mm H I Hviln Thursday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
hold with Mrs. II. I. id do T "rsday, rnlU( Mft nn Mrfl Ko,n MQ ox.
Dccombor 14. It Is stnted it would ,,ectcd to Bond ftt icnBt part of next
greatly facilitate preparations if ull summer ou Coos Da.
club members will notify tho hostess
of their proposed nttendanco or non-
atteudnnco, ns in a club of such slzo
thero must necessarily bo a grout
doal of preparation wasted when
tbo full club is not present.
Announcement hns been mndo of
tho mnrrlngo of Miss Mnblo Noah of
Allegany and Ilnrvoy Russell of
North Uond, In tho lattor city, De
cember 20. Tho wedding will bo
hold nt tho rcsldonco of Mr. Goo.
Truotnnn. Tho groom is captain of
tho launch Tioga and bofh ho nnd
Miss Nonh are woll-known on tho
Say. Tho young couplo will llvo in
North Dcnd. .
Tho Amorlpnn Women's Longuq
mot TucBdny nftornpon at tho homo
of Mrs. A. A. Emory, but as tho ln
clomont weather prevented n fufl
attendnnco, a special meeting wnB
called" for Dccombor 12, nt which
Mrs. Chns. Murr will bo hostess. It
is plnunod to hold R bazar nt some
future duto In tho old oxchnngo
building on Shormnn nvotiuo. Tho
homo of Mrs. Emery wns tnBtofully
decorated with purpla nnd whlto
flowers, tho lenguo" colors, and re
freshments wero sorvod.
Tho Brldgo club Is declared nd-
Journnd till tho first Wednesday of
tho now yonr, Jnnunry 3, when it
will bo ontortnluod by Mrs. Horsfnll.
Mrs. Wnltor Llvongoad, who Is n
dnughtor of Mrs. A. A. Emery of
North Uond, nnd two children,
loft on tho next nrenkwater for
Lewlston, Idaho, whoro thoy will
spend tho winter with relatives.
Announcements woro recotved
horo this week of tho birth of n son
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kolm of
Eldownoy, Mrs. Wn d M. Ulnko. Mrs.
II. S. Tower, Mrs. V. K. Qettlns, Mrs.
Eugene Crosthwnlt', Mrs. A. T.
Haines, Mrs. Frank Horton, Mrs.
Chns, Vnn Duyn, Mrs. C. K. Perry,
sirs. D. Y. Stafford, .Mrs. A. Itnlnhe
10'Hrlen, Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll, Mrs
E. K. Jones, Mrs. Elllo Fnrrlngcr,
M.s. wm. Grlmos, Mrs. M. C. Horton,
Mrs Wig. Warwick. Mrs. E. G. Por
hnm, Mrs. It. T. Street, Mrs. C. A.
Sohlbredo, Mrs. W. A. Hold, Mrs.
Nicholson, Mrs. C. P. McKnlght, Mrs.
P. A. Hazard, MIbs Mario Wnllcr,
Miss Evelyn Andorson, Mrs. E. E.
Straw, Mrs. A. E. Noff, Mrs. J. T.
Har.'lgan, Mrs. W. E. Dun&nn, Mrs.
J. S. Coko, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs.
Win. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. P. A. Sand
berg, Mrs. P. M. Pnrsons, Mrs. W. A.
Toyc, M-s. Nols Itnsmuiiscn, Mrs. E.
P. Morrlssoy, Mrs. Dnvid Vaughn,
Mrs. P. E. Hnguo. Mrs. Harry Nas-
burg, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, and Mrs.
C. M. Uylcr.
Tho P. Q. Sewing club, l'ko most
of tho other societies, hns adjourned
until after tho holidays.
Mrs. A. J. Ness loft today for Port
land where sho w.ll spend tho holi
days nt tho homes of her parents nnd
Mr. Ness' parents. Mr. Ness will
join lior there for Clirlstmns week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dyrd C. Lnttin have
Mm. P. .T. Mnlinnnv of Portland.
who has been visiting relatives" nt'"8" Invitations for tho colouration
ui iiiuir
Coqulllo and who hns spent tho last ' Uvor annlvenary
fow days nB tho guest of Mrs. Ellz-i "mrrlngo December 12.
nboth AdnuiB and ,MIss Mnmlo Ma
hotioy, loft today for her homo.
Tho lnunchlng of
lumbor company's
Honry Lccocq returned this wook
from n visit in Mendotn, Wash. Mrs.
tho Simpson Lccocq nnu tlio children will return
now steam Inter.
Bchoonor, tho "A. M. Simpson" - - 0
wns mndo tho occasion of MIbs Eugenia Schilling rQturnod to
a social turnout uy tno pcopio oi ii0r homo In Gardiner this weok niter
North Dond and Mnrshfiold Inst U pleasant visit nt tho homo of her
Tuesday. Tho launching was moat undo nnd' mint Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
auspicious, tho hnndsomo now ves
sol gliding easily from tho-wnys in
to thq waters of Coos Dny. Tho ves
sel wns christened by llttlo Miss Isa
bollo Macgoun, dnughtor of. -T. ' J.
Mncgonn of tho Brcakwn'for. Orl-
uiiimi pooniB by Cnpt. Mncgonn woro
.Murphy, and with hor many friends
oil tno uny.
o f
Tho weekly practlco of tho Mnrsh
fiold Methodist choir took plnco nt
tho home of P. C. Birch Wednesdny, somotimo next wecic tno
rend on tho occasion. Tho Krtiso &icholr ,ncmber8 nnd tho Epworth
I n This
r p
, ft ffl v&zr
Thin Glove
it Guaranteed
All Right for
30 Day' Wear.
You are abtolutely pro
tcctcd by the mtnulac.
lurer i( the glove in'l right it will be made
right to votuiMiifacti'on. Tli&l really it the
mott coDcluure way oi proving to you that
thee clove are made from only bett ikini,
carefully cut, tewed and faihioned to a per
feet fit. None but a good glove could be to
unconuuonauy guaranieea. tx lor
Titer are nude a Ore. Mocht, Qumoii ux
Cucc UiM men, women and cruldrea).
We rrcommend ihna glavrt bectUM Uey aie
tooj nd you are ,ue to be Mlufinl,
tttui thoul thtmloyou.
llnnks shipyards, tho sceno of tho
lnunqhlng, was thronged with people
witnessing tho event.
Miss Mnrlo Wnllor, who hns boon
spending several wocks or tho guest
of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Parsons, loft
Tuesday to visit for a foWdays with
Miss Eugenia Schilling In Gardiner.
Aftor this visit Miss Wnllor will re
turn to hor homo in Bolso, Idaho,
stopping n dny or two in Portland
on routo.
Mrs. E. Andorson nnd children nr
rived hero this weok to visit nt tho
homes of hor mother, Mrs. Mary
Ogren, nnd othor relatives.
Mrs. L. M. Tozlor returned to hor
homo In Mnrshfiold this weok, hav
ing fully recovered from tho opera
tion sho recently underwent nt Mer
cy hospital. Tho comploto restora
tion of hor health will bo n sourco
of much grntlficatlou to tho many
friends sho nnd Mr. Tozlor hnvo
mndo bIiico their removal horo from
Mrs. It. O. Graves, who hns boon
quite 111 nt tholr homo or Cenjtrnl
nvonue, Is reported Improving, much
to tho gratification of tholr many
Miss Agnos Tuppor of Bnndon
wns the guost of friends In Mnrsh
fiold this weok. Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
Until lnrlllta U'nrn nMtan Tlanilnnlnns
J visiting friends on tho Bay during
I tho week.
Tho North Bend Brldgo club will
discontinue Its sonil-monthiy meet
ings until after tho Christmas holi
days. A now dancing club Is being or
ganized In North Bond under tho
manngomont of tho young peoplo
thoro. It Is to bo called tho U. M.
O. club nnd Is planning to glvo nt
least ono danco before tho holidays.
Tho Sunday evening choral service
of tho Episcopal church wns excel
lently rondorod and wns vory much
enjoyed by tho lnrgo and npprecln
tive congregation to whom such mu
sic Is always a treat. "Praise Yo
tho Lord, O Jerusalem" by Maunder,
was ono of tho best of tho anthems
given, and the Incidental solo was
well sung by Mrs. Chas. Stauff. Mr.
L. K, Balllngor sang the baritone
Lenguo nro planning to glvo n Eoclnl.
Whon or whoro Ib not yet deter
mined. Tho Tucsdny Night Whist club wns
entertnlned for tho first tlmo this sea
son nt tho homo of Mrs. E. P. Mor
rlssoy In West Mnrshfiold. At enrds,
prizes woro won by Mrs. A. T. Hnlnos
nnd W. P. Millbr Mrs. Frnnk Hog
ors wns n guest of tho evening
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Porklns
of West Mnrshfiold; entertnlned Inst
sundny nt dinner for Mr. nnd Mrs.
D. Palres, Mrs. Hullct of El Pnso,
Texns, nnd Mrs. Mny Paxton of Spo-
Knno, WnBli.
TIiIb afternoon tho St. Mary's Guild
of tho North Bond Episcopal church
Is holding n Xmns snlo nnd tea at
Taylor's hnll.
Mrs. T. J. McCormnc assisted by
Mrs. M. C. Moloney, entertained tho
Bridge club Wednesdny nt tho McCor
mnc homo. Pretty decorations nnd dain
ty score cards woro features of tho
nftornoon. Mrs. W. A. Toyo won
tho first prlzo, Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Mntson
tho second, while Mrs. W. S. Turpon
carried off tho consolation. Thoso
present woro Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs.
W. S. Turpon, Mrs. W. T. Merchant,
Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs. "Ward M.
Blako, Mrs. II. S. Tower, .Mrs. E. G.
Flanagan, Mrs. J. S. Coko,' Mrs. Wm.
Ilorafnll, Jr., Mrs. J. W. Bonnett nnd
Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy
Mrs. Efllo Fnrrlngor Is now direc
tor nnd organist of tho Mnrshfiold
Catholic choir to which n number of
new voices hnvo been added.
Mrs. Mary McKnlght, who has
beon spondlng sovoral weeks at tho
homo of hor daughter, Mrs. Goo. W.
Logglo In Belllngham, Wash., and
who was detained thero by tho floods
of recont dnto, returned Thursday on
tho Breakwater.
The Athletic Association of tho
Mnrslifleld High School Is planning to
glvo n big Invitational dance nt tho
Eaglos' hnl Wednesdny evening, Dec
ember 27. Severnl hundred Invita
tions will bo sent out nnd no pains
will bo spared to make tho affair ono
of the most successful over attempt
ed by tho students. .
In honor of hor ninth birthday,
Cards woro received hero this)
week announcing tho marrlngo of
Miss Harriott E. White to Harvey
Carlson Leavltt on November 20, In
Long Bench, Cnl. They will bo at
home In Long Beach after December
1G. Miss Whlto Is woll known o'l
tho Bay having resided hero with
her Bister nnd brother, Mr. ,und Mrs.
Harry Pratt for several years until
they moved to California three years
ago. Hot'' many friends hro will
wish tho couplo much hnpptncfu
Mrs. A. E. Llwcllyn of Bolllng
linni, Wash., arrived hero this wecrf
to spend the white nt tho homo of
her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. Ashman.
Mrs. Llowollyn resided hero until
about Boven years ngo nnd wit
warmly weluumcd hack by hor old
Miss Mny Stnuff and hor mother
are planning to leave soon for Cali
fornia whoro thoy will mnko an ex
tended visit with friends nnd rola
t'ves. Mrs. HUUs Short of Lakcsldo Is
tho guest of hor slBtcr-iu-lnw, Mrs.
E. G. Flanagan, in Marshlleld.
Tho Marshflold lodgo of tho Fra
ternal Union of America will shortly
issuo invitations for a social ami
danco to bo given nt tho tOdd Fol
lows hnll Friday evening, 'Dccombor
Mrs. Myrtle Johnson of Marshlleld
Is reported getting along nicely nt
Lane hospital In San Francisco
whoro sho underwent nn oporntlon
this week. Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Abbott of Mnrshfiold nro in
San Frnnclsco with hor.
TJio Lndles' Art club mot Friday
for a pleasant nftornoon of sewing
nnd conversation nt tho homo of
Mrs. N. Ilnsniussen. As part of the
business of tho day, nomination of
officers for tho ensuing yenr wns
hold. Mrs. E. D. McArthur wns
chosen president; Mrs. J. G. Kinney,
vlco-presldont; Mrs. J. W. Hlldon
brnnd, secretary; nnd Mrs.
Wm. Hongland, treasurer. Mrs. L. II.
Helsnor wns elected to momborshlp.
Tho club Is In rccolpt of sovoral
pnekages of red-cross stamps which
will at onco bo placed on public
snlo, tho proceeds to bo contributed
to tho building fund of n tuborculosls
sanatorium In Portlnnd. At tho
closo of the nftornoon, Mrs. Has
inusson, nBBisted by Mrs. W. II. Kon-
iiedy, her sister nnd tho guest of
tho club, served dainty refresh
ments. Mrs. Itoso Sumner will bo
hostess nt tho next mooting, Jnnunry
Mrs. A. Hnlpho O'Brien enter
tained at a Brldgo luncheon at tho
Chaudlor hotel Tuesdny afternoon.
At cards, which followed tho charm
ing luncheon, Mrs. E. S. Bnrgolt
won tho first prlzo, and Mrs. Arthur
McKcown tho second. Among thoso
Invited by Mrs. O'Brien wore Mes
dnmes J. A. Mntson, T. C. Itussoll,
C. It. Peck, P. K. Gottlns, Chns. Vnn
Duyn, J. W. Bonnett, E. O'Connoll,
wm. tiorstnu, jr., Arthur
Kcown, A. L. Housoworth, E
Tp HIS phrase has been ad
opted by the best stores
on the coast
It signifies the highest types
of clothing made
Sold in our Way It costs
less and is higher grade
than other clothes.
The Holidays are drawing
You Probably Need a Benjamin Suit or
Overcoat Perhaps Both
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
And what shull it be this Christmas?
That pcrplcxinjr, pleasing puzzle what Jo rivc your
family for Christmas is likely occupyinc a large share of
your thoughts at this time.
Allow us to suggest something
entirely unique as a Christmas
present and yet thoroughly prac
tical A 'Strmcfnt'd" "Modern
Bathroom" which fills all the
requirements of a present;
dainty, beautiful and moreover
will be a constant pleasure and
daily reminder for years.
Ask for llath Booklet.
.si f9uM zHT
'SUnifutT ''Cetkr" Utunr
v J
Pioneer Hardware Company
Craig, Graclo Chanln, .Tody Craig;
Messrs. Fred Bontz, Henry Lomloux,
Itoy Green, Clnronco Greon, Guy
Rhurahlll. 15rmn fihnreh. Chas.
MH Knox, C. Willis, Chas. SkorrotU,
llj. T n nlnl T.aA nJ tlnnnns
Straw, I). 1. S. afford, H. S. Tower, rrn!tr nn.l Orniulma Fnrtv
E. K. Jones, E. S. Bnrgolt, W. A. Cra 8' n,,a Uranaraa 1,orty'
Reld, C. A. Solilhredo, nnd It. T. .-
Streot. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Mlllor woro
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Brndftold on-1 host nnd hostess nt a dollghtful
tertalncd nt cards Thursday ovonlng.
Tholr guests woro Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Illldonhrnnd. Mr. and Mrs. nndii.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campholl, Mr and"
airs. j. u. Kinney, Mrs. Tumor and
Mr. Geo. DIndlnger.
Tho ladles of tho Norwegian
church are holding n tea and auction
this nftornoon at tho church hall.
A silver tea was glvon nt tho homo
of Mrs, J. T. M. Knox Wednesday
nnernoon uy tno Ladles' Aid society
of tho Presbytorinn church.
A plonsnnt surprlso party wns
glvon Wednesday ovonlng at tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rny Chapln
In honor of Miss Vivian Crnlg's
birthday. Music, games nnd dnnc
Ing wero tho diversions of tho ovo
nlng, nnd n lunch was served at
cloven o'clock. Thoso present wero
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kendoll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fre1
Grlnolds, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gnlo,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Craig, Mrs.
a delightful children's party wns glv- Bontz, Joo Clnuson, MIbs Ada Clnu
en Miss Maxino Jones last Saturday I son, Misses Hattlo Wheeler, Anna
afternoon at tho homo of her parents, Wheeler, Minna Clark, Vina Clark,
solo, "The Publican," by van doMr. and Mrs. D. A, Jonos, to which ( Clara LovelaBS, Dorfs Green, Mabol
launch-party down tho bay Sunday.
Visits woro mndo to Charleston Bay
and adjacent points and across to
tho ocean beach. Tho day was
thoroughly enjoyed by tho party
which consisted of Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mor-
rlsey, Mr. and Mrs. MS. Kaufman,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Murch, Mlss
Mnrlo Wallor, Miss Charlotto Murch,
Miss Blanche Fortman, Miss Euge
nia Schilling, Messrs. Thayer Gri
mes, Hugo Qulst, Cornoll and Aus
gar Lngorstrom. Mr. and Mrs. F.
M. Parsons nnd Mr. Ray Kaufman
wero unahlo to Join tho party.
ICE CREAM for parties. Lewis' Is
tho best nnd purest made on Coos
Bny. Phono 24CJ for prompt delivery.
$1.00 WILL BUY more TOYS at tho
where on Coos Bay. Lot us prove It
to you.
CUT prices on all HOLIDAY
goods PRENTISS & Co.
tionery at 50c box RED CROSS.
Director Fonton of tho Coos Dajt
Concort Band today announced that
. rniinnrlrtc nrniTrnni will be ?D
dorod at tho Masonic Opera Houe,
Sunday aftornoon at 2:30:
1. March, "Knlsor FrledrlcftN
2. Overture, "Martha...."010
3. Song poom, "Roses and Mem
orlos" :,Ti'ntr"'
4. Description fantasy, "Wng
(Syn-onVls "All' 'aboard tor tj
slelgh-rldo" "Scramble for Sea"
"The slelgh-rldo party --
Snow storm" "Arrival at tw
road house" "Country ; dce
"Tho abator's waltz"-' Homew
bound" "Tbo race --
smashup" "Tho sleigh
smashed to pieces and we
have to walk home. er
5. "An Album Leaf". . . O'SJrf
6. Selection. "Mikado.". 'Ser
7. March, "Sunshine". ..y..
"Star Spangled Banner ..
t. ii u, iipnn made i"1" :,..
Opera Houso shall ho coiuw
heatod for tbo ovant
C008 Bay aftpjSS
and pure. Try LEWIS conies