1 SSf THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. JE HI "IIIIIImmMm- ' ChristmasToys For Girls and Boys Christmas Gifts For father and Mother And for Sister and Brother At the Going & Harvey Store Two Weeks to Christmas cm L SUITORS ARE URGED PROTECTION FOIt CITY avater from itESEiivaff Secretary of Agriculture AVI II Co operate In Keeping Sources Pur WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 9. Tlio Secrctnry of Agriculture, linn dev eloped a plnn of co-operation botweerf his department and communities la tho West deriving their water Bupply from drainage basins lying lnsldo tho National forcstB. Tho dopnrtment has formulated n plan of co-oporatlori by which any city or town desiring conservation and protection of Its Have You Done ALL Your Christmas Shopping? If Not, GET ON THE JOB ! AVOMEN WIN AT DICK. A now stock of the latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 2.-I7.J Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT lifAHLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho bur.' Doniuitle and Imported brands. PlMtor, Lime, BricK and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, BOUTII HROADAVAY. PHONE 801 FARM LANDS FOR SALE nest for tho Moony From G acres up. Flro insurance at low rato. Agent for American, Llfo and Accident Co. AUG. FRIZEEN, Itcnl Estate, Insimiiiro ami Hcutnls, Mnrnlilk'M. Oregon. Our Insurance Strength CONNECTICUT HARTFORD CONTINENTAL LIVERPOOL LONDON & GLORE HOME x Wo wrlto correct policies. I. S. KAUFMAN it CO. 177 Front Street. .PROF SSipjJALpCTORY ! "TAR. E. F. WINKLER,, Naturopath ami Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul- 'Qtlon free. Olllco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.j 2 to G and C to 8 p. in. Naturopath Institute- Itoom No. 1. No. 13C Broadway, Mnrshflold, Oro FAR. G. AV. LESLIE, j Osteopathic Physician I Graduate of tho Amorhan school of Otteonathv at Klrksvllle. Mo. Ofllce In Eldorado D1K. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to ? Phono 1G1-J; Marshtlold: Oregon. Steamer Homer Sails From San Francisco Tuesday, Dec. 12th, 1911 For San Francisco Saturday, Dec. 16th, 1911 F. S. DOW, Agent Decide Ties In Election by Games of Chance. PITTSBURG, Dec. 9 Thoro will bo somo school visitors cutlroly enp- ablo of teaching tho young Idea how to shoot craps. Tho now Pennsyl vania school codo innkos women ell glblo to tho ofllco of school visitors. At least 100 women woro nominated at tho primaries and most dofcatod their malo opponents. Hut tho county commissioners discovered that tho primary voto for twenty women and as mnny men was a tlo. Tho prothonotary summoned them all to tho Allegheny court Iioubo. "Tho prlmnrlcs cnunot bo hold again," said ho with dignity, "so theso tics will liavo to bo decided by ench pair of candidates Hipping n coin." Tho women retired and consulted. Then tho spokeswoman said: "Of courso, wo aro nil absolutely opposed to gambling. But in this omorgoncy only only, plenso under stand wo nro willing to throw dlco for tho nominations. AVo chooso dlco becnuso wo understand that It Is tho fairest way of or or deciding by chance." Dlco woro produced. Slipping from fnlr, ngllo flngora they won sev ontcon of tho twenty womon. SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 0. AVhon SMlum Pastor Says Aggressive Mutch-Making In AVomau'K Rights. n young Woman decides to qualify fori wntor supply may apply to tho do a home-mnker she should bo permit-, pnrtmont, which will not pormlt the iuu iu uxurciHu wio uaiiio irvcuum iug0 of the land involved without np ncgotlatlng a matrimonial contract j,r0VIll by tho town or city, except for ns n man. What Justlco to tho wp-tho protection nnd caro of tho for mnnhood of this country Is thoro in -, tho sentiment thnt compels her to sit around nnd wait for somo sultnblo follow to proposo marriage?" So spoko Itov. Earl Nnftzegcr, pas tor of tho AMncent Methodist Episco pal church, one of tho richest con gregations in Spoknno, beforo a crowded house Sunday. "Woman has tho right to voto In Washington," ho continued, "but Bho cannot play tho political game suc cessfully when stooping to a degrad ing icvoi. Professional women Tho dopnrtment will require all persons employed on or occupying any of tho land forming tho drainage basin for tho municipal water supply to comply with tho regulations gov erning Nntlonnl forests, nnd to ob servo nil sanitary regulations which tho city or town may proposo and tho Sccrotary of Agriculture approve. Tho agreomont provides for the ex tension nnd lmprovomont of tho for ests on tho part of tho govornmont by seeding nnd planting: nnd tho should chooso between their proton- c'ty on , ,(l0i ', cxpoct0d to nsslst slon nnd tholr homo. Thoy cannot ... V. ,, .... ' ., ' ,,, i,ia r .,.l -I-.. l- "' l"u ""'" "J l'J'" "' ........, -- successfully bo mothers and also fol low a business llfo. - "Ono of tho curses of tho prosont nge is tho modern fashlonplntcs for women's dresses nnd headgear. Tho harem skirt is not meeting with ap proval, but it would be foolish for women to reject It becnuso It Is n camfortnblo garment, more modest than tho hobblo skirt. Tho namo nlono Is not savory. Tho modern tur ban, plain nnd fit decoration Is tho most practical hat yet Introduced." tho additional guardB necessary carry out tho agreomont. to OHIEF MAKES MAN MUTE. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH AVIRELESK Sails From San Francisco 'for Coos Bay at 3 P. M. Thursday, December 14th INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 O. F. McQEOROE, Agent. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our Etngea leavo Marshflold for Rosoburg at C o'clock ovory evening aud afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Hallway. Faro fC.OO. , COOS HAY HOSEHUHG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCIIETTER, Agent, 120 MAIIKET AA'., Mnrshtleld. C. P. HAHNAHD, Agent, HOSEIIUHG, Ore. PHONE 11 HUNS DOWN POLECAT: FOLKS HUN FHOM HIM AVILLOWS, Cnl., Dec. 9. Spurned and shunned hy his follow beings, unnblo to find food or shelter In tho hnunts of men, S. Alhco, n rondmnstor of tho Southorn Pacific com pany, spont nil night nlono in n jioxcnr near horo, following an encounter with n polocnt. Albeo was riding n gasollno voloclpcdo when ho ran down tho cat, with disastrous results. Ills appcaranco nt tho AVIllows dopot caused a panic, nnd un nblo to got within shouting dts tnnco of a human soul, Albeo sought rofugo In n boxcar. Tho car is bolug nlred on a lonely sldotrnck, Father of GlrlH Hurled In Sand House May Never Speak Again. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 9. Grief over tho loss of his two llttlo daughters, Ethol and Flossie, who woro killed Sunday when tholr sand pit playhouso caved In, caused An drow Hutchison of Kansas City, Kan., to loso his power of speech. Hut chinson, n well-digger, sufforcd from SOMNAMBULIST AVALKS TO SALOON IN SLEEP EVANSVILLE, Ind., Dec. U. AVhllo sleeping on tho second floor nbovo Ills restaurant horo Hnrry llonnor nroso, and walk- ing through tho window, foil to tho sldownlk bolow. Ho thon walked to a saloon nnd shook hands with a number of his friends thoro before ho woko up. After ho had awakened and was told what ho had dono, he turned to his frlondu nnd said: "Well, boys, It Is on mo. Tnko what you want." Thoy all took something. ! . li'iui! wiin cvnni.'n A an Injury sovornl years ago and for AIIVO,,rr whom lMtOFFSSOH tho last year has worked only n"OKCLI IHOM l hoi ihou smnll part of tho time. When tho hpno nne 0 Ttocnuso his cavo-ln occurred, ho ran to tho sand-. .,"B.0' ?c; :;rC""?0 ?" I , wiiu niiiJit:it iu iiihiiv mm ww- ( causo both woro born undor pit and looked nt tho bod Ion of his .,...,.... tt .ii.i H. .... i..M UIIUKHlUlOi IIU UIU IJUt lUllllll I1UIUU . ., , ,, ,, l. Itinrn. UIIU KlliUU III. IIIU IIUlip Ul B1II1U. IIUI. ..l.... I. , nli. An.nn has been muto over since nnd physl- L8B0"nUBJBT.0"f SrhA,Bhnd elans fear ho will never speak again. ! ?,r..B.8' nr,c i"L f, f ?"Zl .llltPU., llllll HU,CDQUI lit WNU wm For cleaning cylinders of Intornnl combustion ongtnes of carbon depo sits without removing thorn, nn Eng lishman has Invented ."n apparatus by which n flamo of pure oxygon cnu bo directed through vnlvo oponlngs to burn nway tho carbon. If you havo anything to soil, trndo. ront, or wnnt help, try n want ad. Send For Uiis Seed Annual-Free ikv : wmmW T 'imffiWm LQ)7tMd ai ItltrJ fotpunlr niul I WWytMyMy f"Innlo. NoKeJ.ipclnl I WKWNwiV lMl'llirMlwoqaliiiriiKow D X fflw7irifA nevrtylcl'rAund.nJ. Ouilull 1 I KmmMiWi' 1iu'rpu"Utotoiy und.i lh 1 V"lmyiyv0,j oi'flicn el c.jl oJ tipil Q a' WtvmmVMft " lltf irmr D ri wock. I T I WmAWM When bujrfiis LiDiKb.roiilur SitSt Inaeucdciot. Snl toi uulas. B SJ$ Theaji.H.LniyCo..S.iil I . mini ton Arts school has rofusod to 4 longor livo with hor. Theso nro nmong tho charges contntned In tho dlvorco suit thnt brought n legal separation for Mrs. Barah Cross from hor husband. Tho womnn furthor alleged that Cross dcclarod she was not his equal and forced her 4 tn occupy n noparato apartmont In their homo. ' ,- AAAA4kAAA AVo havo noticed that womon who Fircf- llncc Alirn orvtro nlwnys complain thoy havo nothing1 ,,CM' -jj mtw "' sultnblo to wonr havo a wardroho of j AVhon you want to go nuywhoro siifflclont slo to fill all tho nvnllablo In a hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS, room in tho dressers, closets nnd Bost rntos In tho city. I1EST OARS. gnr.rots. Dut a man with thrco nowi Host drlvors. Phono CG-J until 11 COQUILLE CITY AVATKIt AVOHKS IS A SUCCESS Hero Is what tho Coqulllo Sontlnol toys about tho munlcl- pnl waterworks systoni In that city: "The Income from tlio water system mm amounts to about 4 live hundred dollarr per month or sl.v (liousaud -wr year. Eight years ago the city wiih bonded for twenty thousand dollars to J Install tho present water Hystem mid the system has kept Itself 4 up, made several large Improve- incuts and paid off six thousand live hundred dollars of the 4 bonds. Tho eystem Is moro than self-supporting. .Heforo the bonds nro nil due It Is ex- peeled that they will bo nil paid 4 olT." suits can got along with n smnll trunk or throw his belongings undor tho bod. p. in., niter n p.m. pnono d-j. kcsi donee phono 28-J. ' J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Snvo money by Times ndver'lsnrn. patronizing Tho PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. .If you mirr from Wivillne, Itrlilns, blind or trutruilitit; 1'llc, n-nj luc your mMrvM, ouj I will Idl uu Imw to cure yuurn-lf at liom by llit new abMjrjitlon iri-aluii-nli ana will tto eml mm of llil bomu trratuirnc fni, fur trial, with refwiu-eH fnim your ohu lucalllr If rtiiiiMlnl, IrumolUte r-- llrf ami iM-nnanrnt euro nurnl. tirii'l no inoury, tut tell otuera of tul. otter. Write Inlay to Mm, M, Uutuoieni, 11' ii l, Noire uame, iuj, Tho Times' Wnnt Ads hrlntr rnsnlts J n. miisNWTT, Lawyer. Dffle over Flanagan &Bennott Dank 'Isrshfleld Oregon )U. J. T. McCOHMAO, Physician' and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon.4 30ico; Lockhirt Dulldlng. opposite Post Ofllte. Phone 106-J J)U' A. J. HENDKY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo are equipped to do high class rk on short notice nt the very jowest prlcos. Examination free y attendant. Coke building, oppo- !iiChandIor hotel, phono 112-J f Idea I. xrhn hsvn wim a Inventive ability p!M33 write -UUKKLKV A- Mvl.NTIKKt iui Aiiorujr. "THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH AVIHELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, Sunday, Dec. 10, about noon. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY, PHONE 14 ?. F. McGEORGE, Agent MEN WuhUIuuIoh U. U Havo your calling cards printed at "e Times' office. EQUIPPED AV1TH WIRELESS 5jeamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON DECEMHER 5, 12, 10 S MLS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX DE- CEMHER 0, 10, 23 AND 30. L II. KEATING. AGENT THONG MAIN 85-t BlancharcTs Livery ; AVo hnvo becurou Hie llvory 'j'lel lobs of L. II. Hnlsnei and aro prt pared to rondor oscdoat uorvlco it. tho puople of Coi Uuy. Ciruful di Ivors, goon rljs jd ovoryth'.ng lint will mean batljfnctory service to the public. Phon us for n driving horse, n rig or anthlng needed In tho llvory lino. 'Vo nlso do truck g business of ail kinds. ilLANCHAHO RROTHERS Phono 138-J Llvorv. Feed nnd Hales pervlce, 141 First and Alder Streets t jrzTy?TZ7ttATtW it I mtL i 1 ittf.rLfuMH imk i iv r .iriCKA-'j' i i' i mvueci l i ----'"' - wm trti T. J. SOAIFE iBi A. II. HODGINS -t-p Marshfield Paints I (Sh Decorating Co. j Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Oregon! WANTED!!! JARPIvTS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOINO HARVE1 PHONE 100 In the New Home You want the best when starting in the new home. Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable. You are sure of warmth and comfort with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made. It is a sort of portable fireplace. It is ready night and day. Just strike a match and light the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute. The Perfection Oil Heater does not smell nor moke a patent automatic device prevent that. It can be carried easily. from room to room and is equally suitable for any room in the house. Handsomely finished, with nickel trimmings; drums of either turquoise-bue enamel or plain steel. A'kourde.ier to mow you a I .rlcclKMi Smoleln, Oil Holer, or writ, for dent cplit. circuUr tbrcct to ay .geucy of Standard Oil Company ltllWIUi1KUf PEfSFJBCTIOld .fl V -1T