THE ClOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. Mk "'"v III yH"wjl;','i A NY one of you has worn or seen the adjustable collar ulsterette, as made for us by Hart Schaffner & Marx M wants one; and we've got one for you; V 4 . i .11 . .i 1...M. double-breasted or smgie-oreastea duc-ton-through. Best winter overcoat ever made. Others here for dressy wear; stylish, lively models. Suits also in many good styles. Overcoats $16.50 and up Suits $18 and up! 0 -!K400 ed. through hero todny on routo to San Francisco on business, i ltODERT G. UOOKB of Coos River wns In tho city today on business and to attend tho mooting of tho Grange J. 11. SNEDDON crtmo up today from South iniot wnoro no is tenoning school to spend Sunday with rela tives hero. MRS. .JENNIE LANDRITH, James T1IK WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Dec. 9. Fair In onst and rain In west tonight and Sunday. Southerly winds. re- Coprifbt Han thfnr it Mux Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Lounging Robes $5.00 to $12.50. Happy Hunting Ground Robcs,Elk Robes, Couch Robes, $5, $7.50, $10. Woolen Mill Store This Store is tho Coos Day florae of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes. LOCAL TEMPERATURE pout For twenty-four hours ending Pt 4:00 p. in., Dec. 8, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological ousorvcr: Mnvllilllin Gl Minimum 32 At 4:00 p. m B0 Preclpltntlon 11 Wind, Northwost; cloudy. MANY LEAVE ' ON REDQNDO Always- "TFe Busy Corner" 1 1 Days More That Iq shnnnhff Davs 'til Xmas, We are pre pared to show you a clean, well selected stock, and to assist you in whatever way we can, Our now Hand-Painted China has proved popular for GiftS' SEE OUR WINDOWS Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Mam 29B Us POSITION WANTED Hy flrst-clnss cook. Hotel, restaurant or camp. Address E. C. A., North Bend, Or. WANTED SccomMmml Rrnptio phono. Phono 30J or Times' olUco. NKU'IA Fuivlsheil rooms with hont. Ronsonnblo. can unuuy ui after llvo, evenings. McDonald, 343 So. Broadway. LOST HuHerlly ennni.el breast pin Thanksgivings uoiwcon ,vuv Marshllold and Mnsonie Opora Houbo. Rownrd for return to P. A. Unities. ' j in best coVTwv. on f. i.vm bai.i.' One of tho Uncut dairy farms In Coos county. 80 acres bottom, 29 milch cows and 8 oth ors, 3 horses and funning tools. "Dairy," euro Tmoa. ,-l1iltl'ir Tin. earth" fit tho Ualtlmoro JunchM Are You Making Plans To tnko ndvantngo of tho rUo in prices that Is Biiro to come to Coos Hay Real Estnto? You cannot havo any safer guldo to correct invoatmonts than our selected Hat of offerings. Two lots on Drondway, just south of Hall.. tf 1,000.00 100x100 feet on good prospective business cornor i.i,au.ii C 0x1 40 foot, good cor ner, 3 blocks from busi ness center $0,000.00 TiOxlOO feet In mnln buslnoss contor, with Bonio decided ndvnn- tages wo would like to tell you about PjrMnjHy. "JWOO-oo DOxlOO cornor In central paved district, " ,5,1,000.00 2 fit? residences ' ' ?$!& ' "' ."".OOO.OO and in splendid resldonco neighborhood FOlfS.VLE Pr trnd'e U,Um-gnlii vnrtv nores uart y linuroveu, -v miles from Coos Day. "owner," caro Times, Adrcsa SWEET APPLE CIDAR In any quantity. Frco Dollvory. rnouo 210L Capo Arago aoua wuma. FOR SALE Steam Knglno and boil er, four horso power, goou conui tlon, cheap. Inquiro of Chas. O. Evland, Coqulllo, Pro. , XMAS PRESENTS cheap, 017 Front streot. f FOR RUNT 8-room inrnwn ' n a . 4 I it n 1 In hoiiRO nnu -vj ncrus 01 muu Mllllngton. Addross Potor- Robert son, liny Park. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 FRONT STREET Don't Forget THAT "WE ARE Registered Agents FOR SE ALSHIPT OYSTERS DIRECT FROM THE GROWER TO THE CON- THE KIND WITH THE SEA TWANG PINT 9oc QUART " Lockharfs Grocery aw Private Phones- 85 and 805- LL KINDS of liaullas done prompt iy j. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 120 J FOR RENT 10-rooni bouse In South Marshllold. Phono iiu-l. The Royal TONIGHT LOOK HERE THREE NEW REELS SATURDAY ".MUTT AXD JEFF" AND THE GOLDSTEIN Hl'HGLARS " COMEDY "THE COIIIILER" X thrilling cowboy picture ."THE OUTLAW AXD THE F.EMALE DKTKUTIVN" SUNDAY NIGHT I10RX. MAJORS To Mr. nnd Mrff.David E. Majors nt their home near Day ' City Saturday, December 9, a son. Mother and child nre gottlng nlong nicely. Injures Hnml J, C. Kcnanll, whlls chopping kindling missed tho stick and struck his thumb, almost sever ing the end of It. Pay Dny Today Today Is pay day for tho employeefl of tho Smith mill and tho Smlth-Powors logging com pany. They aro pa'd monthly. Iluy Roller Manager Morrlssoy of tho Coos Day Paving and Con struction compnny haB purchased a KVUU live-ion roller 10 ua ubuu iu tinttliit? In imvlnir hero. iIiim.i l,ilnriwlA. II. I.nwls has been sufforlng from a slight attack of blood poisoning as a result ot a sugni Injury to his hand bocomlng Infected. Ho Is now rocovcr'ng. Court Ovit Tho adjourned term of circuit court camo to a close to day. Tho regular Docombor term will bo convened noxt Monday at Co nulllo. Judgo Coko and Attomoya Goo. WntklnB, C. A. Sohlbrodo. II. G. Hoy nnd Tom Dennett returned today from Coqulllo. Iloxlng Routs. .Tohn Horron Is ar ranging for several boxing bouts to ho pulled off at tho Skating Rink noxt Saturday night. Chuck O'Connoll Is to meet tho Coqulllo Chinaman, Mnmlnrnnn In tn nient Conrad nnd Ull- lv wiUnn in (n moot Clvrin Carlson. Mr. Horron Is trying to frnmo up an other noiit inr unrsimns iimo. Xoinlnnto.OniciM's At a mooting of tlm Mnrnlinnlit Pirn nnniirtninii meni- bors Thursdny night, Jno. Cowan wan nominated ror presmont, l.ouis m. Kcnt'ng for secretary and Claude Stutsman for treasurer. Others may bo nominated boforo thn election. Tho chief and. assistant chief will bo named In Jnnunry. Tho Depart ment 's Dimming for n-BQclnl'o bo hold In tho near future. vt r t Ih ArreHted. Comoll Lagorstrom was arcted on a warrai)r lssimd by Tiiullrn Pnnnnrk nlinrclnn violation Of tho stnte gnmn laws by shooting af ter dusk. tho iniormniion wn iworli out by Doputy Gamo 'Warden N'onh. Tho alloged offense Is said to have occurred Thursdny evening on (lieMlats nonr Eastsiao Mr. uagor-st-o'm 'ajipcared boforo Justco Pen- nock , and piendPd not gumy. iw hoar'ng dnto w'll bo tlxod later. Gh Aiioolntineiit 11. R. Ostllnd hns received his appointment as spe cial government metcorylog'cnl ob ur.... for tiin iTnitnii SlnloH Woathnr nirenu on CobH Day. Tho appoint. mnnl linonninR offectlvo Jnlmri' 1 inio Tin will succcoil Mrs. E. Mlngus who handed In hor roslgnn- t'on soino time ago. ints. m iibhp nnd Dr. Mlngus havo had chargo of tho local station of tho "Weather Dur on u for ton yonrs. May Sell Roller It Ib possible that tho c'ty of Marslifleld will sell tho old streot roller to tho Coos Coun ty commissioners. Tho city hns lit tle use for It nnd can soil It to tho county, which Ib gong to buy two or 'M-oro rollers, under an agreement whereby the city can use It from t'mo r iimn rMiv Atto-nov Goss callfd tl,r mnttnr tn thn attention Of tl'O oounc 1 laft night but no nctlon wus taken. Tho rollor wns one ni uie leading thomes In the election two yea-H ngo and Mayor Straw said last evening whon tho mnttor waB being discussed thnt ho would really hate to seo tho rollor d'sposod of. Change Muni'. sail i'tuiicwcii pu pors containing a logal notice for a callod meeting of tho stockholders of tho Coos Day and Eastern Rullwav compnny for tho purposo of transfer ring Its holdings to tho Coos Dny and Eastern Railway compnny to bo hold there this week, have been received horo. It Is presumed that tho moot ing was merely to chnngo tho pro joct from nn oloctrlc to a steam pro ject. Nono of tho roprcsontntlvcs of tt-o company aro now horo but when Gonoral Manager Cattoll of tho com pnny was horo n couple of weoks ago ho announcod it had boon decided to build from Coos Dny to Dolse. Landrlth nnd Mrs. Cowman and Steamship Sails ThJS Momlnjf daughter woro among the Coos - . pronnicnnRo. niver visitors in 1110 cuy louny. ... ..-.-- WM. GRIMES and Tom Whltsel ro- tlimS TnUrStlay. ' turned today from Ten Mllo whero . T),,,i 0n,i .i,ia mnmlnz' they havo been enjoying a few . T1' RP"Bnn wm, n ranacltr days' flshlng. They had tho best for Sn.n F,r.nnclf,c0 w' fC?t?i Sf luck at Eel Lake where they land- passenger list nnd n cargo of lumber ed a lino lot of golden trout. rm tho C',A-, S"" ml1 ; . nM aan P. W. GRIMM nnd wife who hnvo Sho Is scheduled to sail from , 8a been visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Franc sco for Coos Day noxt Thurfl- Thompson In South Marslifleld day afternoon at 3 o clock, loft todny for Portland. Thoy Among thoso Balling from hero to- will spend tho winter vlBltlg othor day on tho Rcdondo woro tho iol- coast points and may return horo lowing: lator. F. Gorcko, Goo. T. Moulton, C. Ii 13. I.. ntSSSKY nn.l wlfn nt C.nna nlvor flnnnv. P. R. Hamilton. P. A. QlU , i.n-i i . i i t i.Mt. ti Tr1w are in mnruuuuiu iuuay. uaiu, win. rruusouuuuu, i. - MRS. GEO. SMITH was n Marshllold mark, L. K. Forln, A. Dlum, F. A. vlnltni- fnilnv. Olnnili n. A. Trlnn. .T. T. 'Marshall. ED NOAH of Allongany Is In Marsh- rj. H. Hockott, J. O. Gullard, II. A, noia touny on iniBinoss. Dwycr, Mrs. E. E. Nngley, Miss vio MRS. E. L. RODERTS of Catching lot Hondorson, Mrs. J. Lnndrlth, Ir iiuui ih ii .tiitiHiiiiuiu suuiipur. ij, woltzel, r . unnBiey, (jiiub. iricK- MRS. JOHN MESSERLE of Catching BOn, A. Wnlto, Mrs. A. Walto, Nlclc intnl ta n Xlnruliflnlrl almnnnr t t ai timh1a.. t t. ll i.1 in , i lin i ii limnulCBi J. V. JVUIKB'", "' " v,i- ii-iiiM .wvo. nwvuiiri ui 111111111. cl0i Tom Lomors, Jim Papas, ai. j. was a visitor In Marslifleld today. whoolor. W. L. Porter, W. Ward RRF1KWITFR SAILS T ODAY J. W. RUSSELL and wife of Coos 08 Snnvct8( M. j. jicCnrthy. E. D. TjUiam n n llnnnlillAliI lnl tnM - .r . . .. " ",u """ ii.d - pnrsonB, C. L. Ross, John oiuous, t i nitwrvnmnn ,i if Max Atnons, F. Meshons, K. Isollol, J. J. CLINKEM3EARD and wlfo of T Moni0nltcs, Chow Son, W. Honder Srs to8dayr. Mnrshflcld vls- Chn8, Ch'udy, W. j. Plnkham. MR EHRENFELDT of tho C. A. Smith company's ofilco forco nrrl vd today from Snn Francisco. 1 urns. rnANtf MAntinppRH hn re cently underwent an operation ati Aiercy nospuai tor appenoicuis wns able to return to hor homo In Mnrsnucld todny, Sho In rapld- lv rniMinnrnflncr. n. M. IJR7IN nnrl wlfn nml ilnnahlnr. .tirs. Andrew iioucn, ion loaay tor - Portland whoro thoy will spend tho , ,. , .i-. - n winter. Thoy recently sold tholr Steamship Leaves For POrt- North Inlet ranch to Vlnco Pratt. anrJ Wjn LarnR list Of PaS- Mrs. Hoben haB boon vUItlng hero ldMU wv'1" L-dUuiai Ul aa for a fow weoks. i senners Today. W. C. CHRISTENSON of Jofforson ,,.,, ..,, .,.,. mnrn. Oregon, left todny for his homo af- , Tho "r0"flItlltl"01dn Pli lAtanISl tor look'ng after business Interests 'K for Portland with a largo pnBcon- on tho Dny. He enmo hero vln jwr list and n good cargo of mlscel- Snn F-nnclsco nnd Is greatly on- I""00"8 folght. thiiBCd ovor tho prospects of rapid , Among thono sailing from Jioro on development of this section. her woro tho following: DR. J. T. McCORMAC left todny for' G. U. Dnkor, Mrs. O. Jonqs, Mrs. Portland whhero ho will appear Mary Jones, A. Clout, Mrs. A. Clout, w'th tho commlttco from tho F. W. Grimm, Mrs. Grimm,, D. M. Mnrshflcld Chamber of Commorco Rozln, Mrs. D. M. Rezln, Mrs. A. J. befor Mnjor Morrow Monday to Hoben, W. O. Chrlstonson, A. Mat urgo n fedornl appropriation for son, Ray Long, Mrs. Ray Long, Mrs. tho restorntlon of tho North Jetty Long, Mrs. F. Hullot. T. R. Carey, nnd tho oxtonslon of tho project d. L. Ames, Goo. G. Wcldon, Arthur Iinn.niiln. , tin Innnti tinlini . - Ft. T r .! 1' Tt TTm.iIImA III IIIIIIU1 MIH lliu lllliui ll.ltuui. iMIlOHOIl, 1, J. UUWIOi .. IV. Iinilllliu, REV. R. E. DROWNING returned Honry Dlock, Mrs. A. J. Ness, T. R. ttinvnlnr. frnm Tlnrlrnlnv. Pnllf.. m t txr ,.J. rM T Ytf "" "."n """ . iowur, J. ty. iiiunui mm. u. i. whoro ho has been visiting IiIb untidy, Mrs. J. W. Mnndy, W. A. mother nnd slstor. Tho latter wood, D. Minor, Mrs. D. Miner, Ave will grnduato soon from tho Unl- ry Mlncr.( Esthor Minor. W. E. Kolso, vorslty of California and sho i nud E(, slmp(I0n Wm. Gauntlott and her mother ; will leave Dccombor -0 f M Qoo Ri Mf MIar fr tnh0,rn0o hwiViV will toki Mr8' " M- MllIor' Anna VBn a' D" ?-Mi P Za hourt at tho uc' w' WvlngROod. Mrs. Living- SJhtSnSS kooA, Miss Llvlnggood, Ollvo Minor, P-Kv' wSl iSlB in? of tho well-U. M. Meyer. O. E. Royor, A. J. Lau- StowWaffi ToSL&i iniot ! f,i Ormsliy . alloms has rented his rnncii, nna wun ma . .-vw... w .. ,....., ...... lauchtor lenves tomorrow ovor- Jonson. Miss Jonson, Edward Hnn land for CorvalllB, where ho Joins loy, MrH. C. J. Mnhonoy, Crist Chris Mrs WlU'nms nnd his othor dnugh- tonson, Fred. Loo, Edwnrd Leo, II. tor ami son who preceded him E. Hutchison, Geo. Thomns, Mrs. there. Ho oxpocts to mnko his QUI, M. A. Colt, L. Drnghlm, E. linuiQ thoro for" tho noxt fow'enra Wllqn, Wnrtln Dupul, nnd A. McCIol- to glvo tho children tho superior lan.' school ndvnntnges of thnt plnco. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Mr. nnd Mrs. Williams hnvo many Tno Nftnn Smm, nrrve,i this friends who will hopo for tholr ro- mornR fron, ijny point nnd will prcv turn to Coos Dny. bably sail Sunday. ( " Tho steam schoonor Drooklyn, Cnp SHOP EARLY nnd buy your TOYS tnln Donaldson, arrived In from Snn t tho Coos Dny Cash Store Francisco todny nnd will load with ' ' '"' ' !" '-?- ' !! jumbor horo. . i no Houtn uonsi, which is lunuuiK XflO lllri RPliable with lnmbor nt tho dopot wharf will If you nood nny friilt-troos for 810 )a fi flno tcnmor nnd hns paBson plnntlng or wish to mako good mon- Kor ncconiodntions. It Ib understood ay soiling troea wrlto us for parti- tnnt Bno Wll tnko a fow passenger culars. No provloua exporlonco f:0m horo. needed if you want to mpko money. Tho Alllnnco Is duo In enrly tomor Wo show you. ALRANY NURSE row from Eurokn and will said about DIES, Inc.. Albany. Oregon. moon for Portland. r "THE STRAIGHT ROAD" This Is ono of those flno dramas pro duced by tho Reliance Co. "MUT AND JEFF" GET PASSES TO THE DIG GAME Very flno comedy. irrnl.' MrvlillHHVC MAHK" Alii. 1.W A . -- Dramatic Production of Great Morlt. "JESSY TRAINED 1JY HIS , MOTHER" This is n splitting comedy. Thorn is nothlnc more PLEASING !or appropriate for ydur FRIENDS on CIIRI.ST.UAS tnnn n nnoiy nnisuvu PORTRAIT of yourself. Let us .MAKE it for you nnd we aro cer tain that tho result will PLEASE both the giver and tho one who re. celves it. QUATERMASS STUDIO, Front Street. rasm PEOPLE K)S3E7i2J2l KNOW; The Best in Ladies' Hand Bags 0 In the purchasing of a hand bag or a purso here, you can rest assured that any one of tho many that we are ' showing represent the latest and most'approved styles, Dainty shading.and elegant finish mark thoso for qual ity. If you like good leather you are sure to find it In these hand' bags. Any one represents a most appropriate, useful and appreciated present. Prices from $1 .25 to $10.00. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS O. H HOCICETT left today for San Prnim'ten nn IHIBlnOSH. MRS. LYONS of North Inlot was n Marshflold shopper today. I. R, TOWER left today for Portland nnd other northorn points on busi ness and pleasure WM. FRANZENI1ACII left today for San Frnnclsco and otnor uaiiiorma points on business. A. II. LEWIS Is suffering from nn Incipient case of blood poisoning In his right hand. GEO. T. MOULTON-of Coqulllo pass- Saltiest' Salt on Earth! IN FACT The Salt of the Earth Lester's Violet Grain Salt Flows Erealy. Ask Your Grocer About Ib Tr-r-.-!-y?.'rrrr-?.fasfCT".c-.r' .ST"' Crry.': KZKZS j'41. ,